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Jyotish and Peace

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Sunday, March 09, 2003 09:54:59

; Subject:Jyotish and Peace


Om Gam Ganapathayeye Namah,


Namaste to all,


I appologize for cross posting...but you know timing...now is now - a sincere effort to create unity within our jyotish community or at best within ourselves. My apologies if I left any groups out of the posting list or if I have offended anyone by doing it in this rushed manner. My deepest desire is to add some little wave of light and peace.


RE Your post on Jyotish Vidya of March 9th called US Chart: ...."The current dasa of Moon placed in 5th with 5th lord Sani in 12th makes sense, and the Rahu bhukti is interesting with Rahu presently transiting 8th house of battle." In this post Wendy and crew have pulled it open. I know that many have also noted wonderful posts of peace on their groups as well.



Some notes on that post:


Yes, as children of the universe (5th house us) having an opportunity to create permenant peace or even moksha in 12th...for sure...and where is mind..not just with all of us but in 5th bhava as a collection of past lives, our past lessons. with blessings from Sani...what did we learn as humanity...that the human spirit is unbounded, invincible and complete.


No one controls or owns peace...but what will it take to learn how to remove the obstacle Rahu...embrace Rahu..and how...create unity where Rahu has not...this does not mean to join Rahu..but to join the Shakti and Shiva ...to join the nags...to join our minds and hearts for all time...and in so doing access the unexpected gains the 8th house has also to offer. There is almost a humour in the chart...the lesson smiles sweetly at us dear jyotisha.


We are truly the children of the universe...now old Sani is trying to urge us to grow and blossom into light beings...to understand that just our simpliest thought can create peace, prosperity, perfect health on all levels. Symbolically Rahu in 8th aspecting 4th bhava threatens our home, our mother of being, our lands, our planet......so what do we need to do?


War is cancelled..but something remains of the true global lesson..to create unity within ourselves...to join in Oneness. If you sat for 10 min very hour on the hour and thought of peace, or loving thoughts towards someone to whom you did not like, or send healing to someone who is sick...or to yourself...if you sat for 10 minutes every hour in silence ...would tears come ..possibly...and you would release the fear that binds you..and you would join in unity with all of us...and then the nectar that Rahu craved so much would flow. Perhaps Rahu can symbolize our darkest fears...and Rahu believes an external source would give immortality...Rahu had only to look within. But our fears continue to teach us ..and depending on how well we "get" a lesson with Rahu depends on the variance of response...thus...the balance has always been with US.


We don't have to wait for the next peace march, the next chart analysis...we have everything we need now, we have all the tools within us...we always did. We never needed more cognizing, more technologies, more externals...we are have exactly what we need at any moment to create freedom from suffering...to ever growing fulfillment and abundance.


So every hour on the hour for 10 min...think love, peace, kindness, compassion, ...challenge yourself..clean your inner closet...and create liberation from Rahu and drink the nectar of peace yourself.


We no longer need someone to own peace, or to own resources, to own anything...none of it works anymore...polarlzation will stop us every time...Bush and Saddam think they are right...the churches, meditation groups, peace marches think they are right...the Truth sits directly inside of us...do we have the courage to reach for what is so close at hand - if mankind through history has taught us anything is that the human spirit is divine and all powerful and holds the cup of nectar - but it takes the collective desire, the collective thought of love to create a world that we all thought was 'tomorrow'.


The most powerful global nation is US..not United States..but US. If everyone sat for 10 min on the hour every hour desiring peace, desiring freedom, desiring that heaven on earth descend now...we can create this. The "timing" is now...for no matter what the next human does...fight your own inner battle...release your own inner child...be brave dear ones...and release every hour your fear and replace it with Love and Light.........and create a fertile ground for nectar to flow.


Charts represent the lessons, the challenges...much was left out of written Jyotish...why....so that we would stumble and learn...in humility...and courage. Every day people post relentlessly trying to find out what the map says...guess what...now is the time when we get to transcend and manifest a higher map of life. Whenver we pull towards analyzing and mentioning any value of darkness..nature doesn't support ...whenever we only see the good stuff..nature doesn't support it. Maturity of soul dictates that we analyze the strengths and weaknesses, another words, know ourselves...and then with fullness of soul - create an action of unity of mind/body/heart that requires no action and in so doing creates fulfillment for mankind - a simple thought on the level of silence will blow open the Maya of the ages.


Jyotish - great science of light....let us be Light contribute to igniting the Light of Permanent Peace.


Jai Guru Dev,

Jyotish Brahmani Raam


Below are some notes that compelled me to write this morning...hastily written...but with sincerity and humanity...please share and pass on with others in your own words the solution of peace.



The Simpliest Solution


Leave only Light - Oneness.


What does this mean?

1. Create Oneness - Your individual thought will create permanent peace on this earth - be ONE. Simply create light around yourself..how..in your thoughts. Every thing we need to conquer - everything is in our thoughts. Like oil droplets on the surface of water, let the light within you every minute of every day run rapidly together and join the whole. Darkness and fear don't want you to do this...to be invincible in Oneness.... There is not one person out there who doesn't have concerns about the planet these days and rather than sit in fear and giving away the power for others to organize, or others to do, or for others to feed you full of propaganda....create by the simpliest of actions of freedom and peace, of light and Oneness. Every moment chose to be kind, to be loving, to face your inner fears ...how many times do we see where people want healing, or where people overcome adversity...it is to together - but it started with each being's individual thought to overcome...and how is the one way no one can stop us - in our thoughts. Through the ages, war, disease, everything...came from us all along. Clean your inner closet (find your fears and flood them with love and kindness), clean your outer closet...do the good thing to those whom you believe have offended you - even if it is from your thoughts. Every lesson we every learned started with our thoughts. Every desire and hope and change ...occurred with our thoughts. Did we miss the obvious..yes...is it too late..no. Conquering the greatest adversity came from our thoughts and joining them - whether it be in simple thought...or whether it is followed by action. If you look throughout the ages...what created change - we did it with thought. We CAN create PEACE with our thoughts...we CAN create HEALING with our thoughts, we CAN create PROSPERITY with our thoughts. If one tree is green, then another, then another,...then the whole forest becomes green.


Heaven is within you, the universe is within you, God is within you...wo why not offer the highest value to that which is within you...how sweetly Truth rises from within us...we all have deepest knowingness...and only when Truth rings do we answer in spirit. Oneness doesn't just come from joining groups, praying together..it also comes from understanding the limitless power of your very own thought. Own peace...take it back your rights as a human on this planet. It is not something someone else creates, or someone gives you..it is your birthright as a Human being on Earth...am amazing and divine birthright....we only need remember that which they don't want us to remember...to think for ourselves. What made the United States great before this time ..it was the "right" to think. Well that has been distorted...now we need to claim that again for all mankind...the right to think and create an ocean of thought on this planet that is full of love and light and laughter.


Where is the fear within you...remove it...where is there inaction, create action. How do we remove the darkness..how do we remove the pathways of fear... create love within ourselves. Be kind throughout the day, have thoughts only about what we as humanity can and will create....a society full of love, truths, perfect health, prosperity...kindness ..compassion. There is new World waiting for all of us. Online Divinity..we have an opportunity to spread the most powerful tool we have - Us, our Thoughts, our Love, our Oneness. If we create a foundation where nothing of lower thoughts can exist...where we spread so much light and love and laughter that nothing of harm dare come near...we will have understood our birthrights to create divinity, heaven on Earth. It is hard to yell at a person being kind, it is hard to attack someone offering love, it is hard to bring sadness to someone full of laughter.


2. Remove polarization for all time. Polarizing defeats...when people say "only" their path, or only "their" way - they rob you of your own birthright to join the collection Human wholeness. Every moment do not give "POWER" to others, to movements, to beliefs, to paths...but know that within you as an individual lies the most profound truth of beingness. Bush truly believes he is right, the Pope will believe he is right, meditation groups believe they are right. Why does this feel empty...why does Nature not support one more than the other...because that is not the point of our global lesson. Bush crying for war and about terrorism has the feel of the boy crying wolf one too many times...why because there is no terrorism- although they will try to manufacture some for you. Sending the Pope and religious leaders will not stop the killing - because they are only beginning to face the darkest activities which have been propagated within. A meditation group or intellectual group cannot post enough or create enough activity on their own to stop anything - why because it is not part of the global lesson - it divides and eliminates the whole by being a "group" - it is about each and every one of us. We all can feel how empty or isolated this feels. Why do we fight so hard against an illness...because the cure does exist, where ...within the Oneness of Being. And we know it - somehow, bless us, we DO know it. Why do lies about oil and weapons - not ring true...because the fullest Truth exists within US.


We are ready now to poised for the most important test of our humanity - to merge our love from where ever you are sitting right now...you need not go anywhere..you need not believe anything...just be a human on this planet...use the power of your thoughts, the power of your kindness, the power of your love, clean your closet, offer help, having loving thoughts about those with whom you have differences - make a choice every minute and add to the wave of heaven. Remember who you are...remember now..before they shut down the internet, before they let you only see media that will keep you lodged in fear. If any path is right, why does it have to work so hard and cost so much to try to keep you in that path - effortlessly Nature supports...so if we feel some drag towards a direction is that because our inner voice begs us to listen further? There is a little voice within each of us that knows the Truth. There is a part of us that says "nope this is the not the answer to the global lesson...and part of the Truth we have not taken hold ...that is the Truth of our individual power...and how simple and how easy is the solution to this global lesson. First become aware that the issues are not oil, power, countries...but where does the cosmic teacher keep directing us...to ourselves, to US...and where do we make progress...whenver we join in Oneness. It is a simple lesson and simple task.


Join together in Oneness. Don't waste time and energy judging or joining or believing and sitting in fear, debating, judging. Every moment you have a choice, the highest choice...to truly be a human, to have the honour to sit upon this Earth and participate in every moment via your thoughts towards Peace and Enlightenment. No country, no UN resolution, nothing can stop you.


Permanent Peace is not about what has been organized...it is about understanding your individual power and that that power is of lesser use if we don't join together. No one can stop your thoughts...no weapon, no group...exercise that right ....NOW.


A very wise man (MMY) once said that the angels in heaven said that no drop of love is ever wasted...perhaps they were waiting for all of us to share our drops of love...and create an ocean that will wash over this world and change it for ever.


It has been said that he United States was the most powerful nation on this Earth...I awoke this morning saying outloud..US...but not "us"..but US - humanity...that is key! Simply US folks...our thoughts, our words our deeds....join the spiritual army and create good actions, sweet words and make choices to direct your thoughts to peace for our oneness, for US.


We have lifted some of the veils of illusion...war no longer is an option ...we know it...lies are no longer an option...polarization where any action excludes anyone else no longer is an option....where Unity, Oneness, Love, Healing, Prosperity do have a reality for each and every one of us. It if is our birthright, there is nothing to join, nothing to follow, except our inner truth and wisdom.


Remember the most abused woman, or the a person from a prison camp, or a person trapped in a body with illness...they always say...no one can take really take me..I still have my thoughts. Literature, history, wise men...what have we learned of the Human Journey - the individual spirit is profound, unlimited, unbounded and already complete - we only need awaken to it. Use your thoughts now, no one can stop you...but just watch what happens when we all use our thoughts to bring in the Light, to manifest Heaven on Earth.


Love, light and laughter - create invincibility, permanent peace and Oneness...let the ocean of love wash over this earth for all time.

I love you all,

Another human being










Sunday, March 09, 2003 03:58:48


[JyotishVidya] US Chart

Dear All,Another option that shows America's huge talent re: movies, music etc., isLibra with lagnesh Venus conjunct 3rd lord Jupiter etc in 9th.. This would









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