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Hi Ash,


I thank you for your favour and generosity. I also owe a gratitude for putting me on right track, of considering 6th house instead of 10th house for the matter related to *JOB*.


I could not down load Master Worksheet Ver D 4.09.xls, up laoded my Mr. Sanjay, in files section. It says that is not available, when I gave, down load command. Would you kindly send the same to my ID rajaloli


For the chart I did use Krishna’s ayanamsha. I got Ascendant point as 02-57-38 in Scorpio. That almost matches with what you have mentioned. You have proved that native have to wait until December 2004, for a stabilized job or career. What I wonder is, since Venus has got as low as 06 points for the 6th house, would it make native to suffer again during Venus-Venus?


The native has got AV points 33-33-36-35 for upachaya houses, 3-6-10-11. These are not exactly in increasing order. But not much zig-zag too. Would you advise, native can try his hand in own business for better prospects instead of searching jobs?


Can you please explain little subtleties in interpreting Dasa results? Venus has got 14 points for 10th house where as only 06 points for 6th house. During its sub period Venus can create tension in service matter, while can it help to maintain social status high?


Well, the 6th house rules other matter too. Logically should we expect that when a planet which contribute less points for the 6th house, as per worked out sheet, during current of its sub period all matter ruled by the house suffers?


Would it be not proper to consider also natural and functional significators contribution before arriving at final picture?


For instance, let me take same case. Native has got Venus contributing only 6 points for 6th house. Sun has got 9 points and Mars has got 11 points for the same 6th house. 6th house also rules health. Now when Venus sub period runs, the native would suffer from health problems. Suppose, natural significator for health Sun and Ascendant lord Mars could contribute more than 12 points for 6th house, can we say that during Venus sub period the native’s health will not be much affected?


Would you also consider apart from the points worked out, the BAV points of planets for houses, before predicting sub period results?


I am really sorry, if these points have been already discussed in the forum. Since I am new, just that crawled into mind.


Thanks and regards,




Dear Rajashri,Why don't you use the Excel worksheet created by Sanjay from the file section. That will make life much more easier for you to get the points. Although this exercise is good for you when you use the word document.Here are the points for 6th house. I am getting Scorpio rising at 2 deg 55 with Navamsa rising of Cancer. I hope that you have used Krushna's Ayansma. Here are the points for 6th house.Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa9 12 11 27 9 6 33The native was running Ketu dasa since 23/01/2000.First antra is that of Ketu/Ketu. Here Ketu is in the sign of Mars and in the nakshatra of Sun. So here Ketu represents Mars and Sun.Mars has 11 points and Sun has 9 so you can see why the native might not have gotten a steady job. Next antra that ran was Ketu/Venus. Here Venus has lowest points of only 6. Again is not favourable for giving Job.Next antra that ran was Ketu/Sun. Again here Sun has only 9 points so its unable to give favourable results regarding 6th house.Next antra ran was that of Ketu/Moon. Moon here has 12 points so its neutral. In this period the native may have got job but its also samdharmi to 6th lord in navamsa so it may have reverted the same. This period was 2001/12 thru 2002/07. Here I would say that the native might have got some opportunity in the last 1/3rd part of Moon sub i.e. after May 20th 2002 but it would not give long term favourable result.Next antra ran was that of Ketu/Mars. Here Mars has 11 points and again is not favourable. This was till 2002/12.Now antra running is Ketu/Rahu. Rahu is in sign of Venus and nakshatra of Guru so it represents Venus and Guru. Here Venus has 6 points and Guru has 9 so again both are not strong enough to give favourable results of 6th house.Next antra running is that of Ketu/Guru so again Guru has 9 points only so it will not give favourable results for job. This is till 2004/12.Then the following 2 antras are that of LOD and LOE i.e. Shani and Mercury. Shani has 33 points and Mercury has 27 points. I would say that that would be a favourable period for the native. This period would start from 2004/12 onwards till 2006/01 encompassing Ketu/Shani and Ketu/Mercury.Shani has become very powerful in the natives chart as it has 2 bindus and Venus is in 4th from it with 7 bindus so it gets points of Venus and becomes samdharmi to it. It is natural Samdhamri to venus but here it also becomes functional samdharmi.Total points that are computed is based on SAV or derived from SAV. The native has 32 points in 6th house which means that the native will have good status in job. You look at 10 house for authority. IF you study keenly you will see that 10th house is House C for 6th house. House B and C are in trines. House C is the result of House B. So you can check authority from 10th house and Getting a job from 6th house. House D and E are 3rd and 11th for 6th. You can understand those as Interview (3rd) creates opportinity for job (6th) and the result of which is better income (11th house). The result of job is House C i.e. 10th house which denotes authority. House A is the karak which governs the overall health of 6th house i.e. 1st house. For scorpio ascendent Mars plays a significant role as it governs House B and also House A.I hope that helps.It was a good attempt. Practice with some more charts and things will start to fall in place.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash

, Rajashri Naik <rajaloli> wrote:

> 12.12.1975, 05.05Hrs, IST(5.5Hrs east of GMT) 74E24, 14N25.


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Dear Rajashri,


1) I am getting DBCE points as 33,32,36,34. You may have used

Parasara's scheme of BAV. Please use Varharamiras then that

confusion may get cleared.

Try and understand what DBCE and in that order only means.


We also need to check that from Moon and Sun also along with lagna.

DBCE points gives how graceful the Karak lord A will function. This

alone will not sufficient. One also has to check 11th v/s 12th

points, panfer sthan points i.e 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th house i.e. SAV

points. These are wealth house from kendras or (2nd from kendras).


If you study what D,B,C and E stands for and in that sequence I think

that would answer your question regarding business or service.


Here also we need to check 6th lords afflictions. In the natives

case 6th lord is in 8th house and its aspecting 1st, 2nd and 11th.

It is aspecting Mercury in lagna and in Navamsa its samdharmi to Moon

and Venus and its aspecting Jupiter. So these lords are afflicted.


One other thing, houses should not be studied in isolation. If you

are studying any event then start with karaks. All events are linked

to other houses for example you asked about the natives health.


Here Native has 13 points in 1st house. so health should be overall

ok. Points should be considered Last. First you start with karaks

then u see the quality of each planet in Rasi, Navamsa divisional

charts. By quality I mean study if its gonna give pure good results

or it may revert results etc. If Venus is 12th lord from lagna and

wit high points can create some problems. Now recovery is seen from

6th house and Mars. Accidents are to be studied form 7th house as B

and death as 8th house as B etc. If overall Mars is strong i.e. for

all 12 houses it has atleast 144 points (12 points minimum * 12

houes) then its netural. Anything above 144 points its good for

native. Similarly 6th house is LOE for lagna so its lord or planets

in 6th house with high bindus i.e. greater than 4 will not be harmful

to lagna or health even if they have low points in lagna as planest

with high points and situated in D or E tend to act like the lords of

D and E house with the same token it may be bad for some other house.


You have then asked about Subtilities of Venus in different Mahadasha.

For that Venus will act differently in Ketu Maha dasha and Venus Maha

dasha. Venus rules 12th house and 7th house. Hence its FK is for

5th and 12th house and NK for 7th and 12th. So all results for all

antra in Venus Mahadasha will be linked to Karaktwa of Venus. There

has been discussion regarding this part in the archives try to find

those and go through them it should clear up your confusion. But

overall its very important to understand some basic principles that

is if Mahadasha is favourable and antra is not then the result will

be unfavourable. If Mahadasha is unfavourable and antra is

favourable then again effects will be favourable thereby showing that

antra gets its way. For eg. When studying Death, death generally

happens (natural death) in Mahadasha of 3rd lord. Now if 3rd lord is

aspecting House A, B or C then its samdharmi will give result in its

Mahadasha etc so in that way Mahadasha can also be studied. I hope

that answers your qustion regarding Mahadashas.


Next you have asked about functional and natural significators. Here

we are considering it. Points are significators and high points

becoem strong significators and LOD and LOE are also eager to give

results along with planets in house D or house E with > 4 bindus.


If you have mean Karak i.e. Natural and Functional then yes we are

using them first. If you study Keenly that is House A in the chart

that is FK and NK is House A in kalpurush chart. If you also study

houses B,C, D and E are all upchaya to house A. D and E are double

upchaya i.e. for House A and also for House B. FK and NK govern the

overall health of house B. House A has to authorise event first

before Event (House B) can happen. If house A is afflicted then its

hard for Event B to take place. The result of House B is C. So

everything starts and ends with A.

For quality of life we check 8th house as House A for lagna. For

death We take the House B as 8th i.e. endings of Life. Think about

this. Karaks are most important that is why in the worksheet Sanjay

has given both FK and NK in 2 columns.


For your example regarding Venus antra effects, Venus is 12th lord

from Lagna and having more points for 12th lord may give problems for

health and not other wise. If you study the worksheet or old

archives we consider 12th lord with caution. We delete its points if

any planet gets strong due to 6th lord or 12th from B then it will

not be favourable for House B. More points could do more harm to

House B so its better to have Lord of 12th from B in House B with

less points.


You have then asked about BAV points. Yes I do check for any planets

giving 0 points in their SAV. Thats going more into detail. We can

then use that during transits. Transits of Malefics over house

getting Zero points can be hard on the native etc.... that is going

further detail into the system. My suggestion is to focus on the

basic laws of the system and then go into details.


No problems in asking questions. I think I have covered mostly all

your questions.


If I have made any errors I request Krushnaji or other members to

step in an feel free to correct them.


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!





, Rajashri Naik

<rajaloli> wrote:


> Hi Ash,




> I thank you for your favour and generosity. I also owe a gratitude

for putting me on right track, of considering 6th house instead of

10th house for the matter related to *JOB*.




> I could not down load Master Worksheet Ver D 4.09.xls, up laoded my

Mr. Sanjay, in files section. It says that is not available, when I

gave, down load command. Would you kindly send the same to my ID





> For the chart I did use Krishna's ayanamsha. I got Ascendant point

as 02-57-38 in Scorpio. That almost matches with what you have

mentioned. You have proved that native have to wait until December

2004, for a stabilized job or career. What I wonder is, since Venus

has got as low as 06 points for the 6th house, would it make native

to suffer again during Venus-Venus?




> The native has got AV points 33-33-36-35 for upachaya houses, 3-6-

10-11. These are not exactly in increasing order. But not much zig-

zag too. Would you advise, native can try his hand in own business

for better prospects instead of searching jobs?




> Can you please explain little subtleties in interpreting Dasa

results? Venus has got 14 points for 10th house where as only 06

points for 6th house. During its sub period Venus can create tension

in service matter, while can it help to maintain social status high?




> Well, the 6th house rules other matter too. Logically should we

expect that when a planet which contribute less points for the 6th

house, as per worked out sheet, during current of its sub period all

matter ruled by the house suffers?




> Would it be not proper to consider also natural and functional

significators contribution before arriving at final picture?




> For instance, let me take same case. Native has got Venus

contributing only 6 points for 6th house. Sun has got 9 points and

Mars has got 11 points for the same 6th house. 6th house also rules

health. Now when Venus sub period runs, the native would suffer from

health problems. Suppose, natural significator for health Sun and

Ascendant lord Mars could contribute more than 12 points for 6th

house, can we say that during Venus sub period the native's health

will not be much affected?




> Would you also consider apart from the points worked out, the BAV

points of planets for houses, before predicting sub period results?




> I am really sorry, if these points have been already discussed in

the forum. Since I am new, just that crawled into mind.




> Thanks and regards,




> Rajashri.




> Dear Rajashri,


> Why don't you use the Excel worksheet created by Sanjay from the


> section. That will make life much more easier for you to get the

> points. Although this exercise is good for you when you use the


> document.


> Here are the points for 6th house. I am getting Scorpio rising at


> deg 55 with Navamsa rising of Cancer. I hope that you have used

> Krushna's Ayansma.


> Here are the points for 6th house.


> Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

> 9 12 11 27 9 6 33


> The native was running Ketu dasa since 23/01/2000.


> First antra is that of Ketu/Ketu. Here Ketu is in the sign of Mars

> and in the nakshatra of Sun. So here Ketu represents Mars and Sun.


> Mars has 11 points and Sun has 9 so you can see why the native


> not have gotten a steady job.


> Next antra that ran was Ketu/Venus. Here Venus has lowest points


> only 6. Again is not favourable for giving Job.


> Next antra that ran was Ketu/Sun. Again here Sun has only 9 points

> so its unable to give favourable results regarding 6th house.


> Next antra ran was that of Ketu/Moon. Moon here has 12 points so


> neutral. In this period the native may have got job but its also

> samdharmi to 6th lord in navamsa so it may have reverted the same.

> This period was 2001/12 thru 2002/07. Here I would say that the

> native might have got some opportunity in the last 1/3rd part of


> sub i.e. after May 20th 2002 but it would not give long term

> favourable result.


> Next antra ran was that of Ketu/Mars. Here Mars has 11 points and

> again is not favourable. This was till 2002/12.


> Now antra running is Ketu/Rahu. Rahu is in sign of Venus and

> nakshatra of Guru so it represents Venus and Guru. Here Venus has


> points and Guru has 9 so again both are not strong enough to give

> favourable results of 6th house.


> Next antra running is that of Ketu/Guru so again Guru has 9 points

> only so it will not give favourable results for job. This is till

> 2004/12.


> Then the following 2 antras are that of LOD and LOE i.e. Shani and

> Mercury. Shani has 33 points and Mercury has 27 points. I would


> that that would be a favourable period for the native. This period

> would start from 2004/12 onwards till 2006/01 encompassing


> and Ketu/Mercury.


> Shani has become very powerful in the natives chart as it has 2

> bindus and Venus is in 4th from it with 7 bindus so it gets points


> Venus and becomes samdharmi to it. It is natural Samdhamri to


> but here it also becomes functional samdharmi.


> Total points that are computed is based on SAV or derived from SAV.

> The native has 32 points in 6th house which means that the native

> will have good status in job.


> You look at 10 house for authority. IF you study keenly you will


> that 10th house is House C for 6th house. House B and C are in

> trines. House C is the result of House B. So you can check

> authority from 10th house and Getting a job from 6th house. House


> and E are 3rd and 11th for 6th. You can understand those as

> Interview (3rd) creates opportinity for job (6th) and the result of

> which is better income (11th house). The result of job is House C

> i.e. 10th house which denotes authority. House A is the karak


> governs the overall health of 6th house i.e. 1st house. For


> ascendent Mars plays a significant role as it governs House B and

> also House A.


> I hope that helps.

> It was a good attempt. Practice with some more charts and things

> will start to fall in place.

> Thanking you,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash


> , Rajashri Naik

> <rajaloli> wrote:





> > 12.12.1975, 05.05Hrs, IST(5.5Hrs east of GMT) 74E24, 14N25.




> Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your


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