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My Personal Meet With Krushnaji - An Experience to Share

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Dear List Members,


I feel that I am very lucky and honoured to have met Krushnaji in



Krushnaji I would like to thank you for taking so much time despite

your busy schedule and teaching me.


I had spent three days with Krushnaji having discussions and learning

Ashtakavarga. Krushnaji has such a deep understanding of the system

and with crystal clear thoughts. I would like to share my experience

with the group.


On the first day when I visited Krushnaji, a couple had visited

Krushnaji with the chart of their son. I had realised later on it

was some big ministers relatives. The couple had created the

worksheet and had brought it with them. I sat there and saw

Krushnaji focus with deep concentration on the chart and not say a

word. After looking at the chart and the points he asked me to take

a look and answer the questions. So under the supervision of

Krushnaji I answered the question. I also learnt how specificially

Krushnaji answered the question and to the point. The couple then

asked a some more questions and Krushnaji answered them. The couple

then offered Krushnaji money but Krushnaji said to them to donate it

to charity.


Later on I learnt that a student of Krushnaji was approached by a

minister as their son was lost and Krushnajis student had faxed the

chart of the lost son. Krushnaji had made a prashna analysis using

Krushnas Ashtakavarga system and predicted that the child would be

found after 3 months on such and such date only. This he had told

his student who was in a different city. The same message was

relayed to the querist. Then after 3 months on THAT DAY ITSELF the

message was recived that the lost son was found !!! Every one had

praised Krushnajis student for predicting correctly but his sincere

student announced that it was his Guru, Krushnaji who had actually



In another discussion I had with Krushnaji, he explained in short

that there was a huge theory behind House A,B,C and D and E. He had

received one of the highest jyotish awards in the India and also was

offerend a PhD for his system by Sri Lankan University and he was

offered to fly there and receive the honour but due to the situation

beyond his reach he was not able to go and receive the Doctorate.


For all these things I really had to ask so many questions only then

he said about all the awards and titles he had recived. Such a

humble man is Krushnaji.


Krushnaji taught me and clarified thigns that were not clear in my

mind for so long became instantly clear when he took the pen and

paper and started to explain. In next few mails I shall discuss the

same with the list members so that I can share what I have learned so

that everyone can benefit from the same.


After the second day Krushnaji had gauged my knowledge and areas

where I needed practice and some of my questions Krushnaji had told

to hold off as I was not ready as yet to proceed to that level as it

would just confuse me. He was right. He did try to demonstrate by

telling me something which I did not understand and in order to

understand things to that much depth one had to have the fundamentals



Krushnaji then explained to me that hes taught 80% of the system

already. If students focus on whats been taught so far and practice

on the same using various charts then even with whats taught one can

predict to a very accurate level.


Now whats left is going into finer details. For that Krushnaji even

uses charts upto Nadiamsa or D-150 but those are for very fine



I also got to see Krushnajis library of books. Let me tell you that

it would one a long long time to just go through that collection !!!


Then on the 2nd day I realised that Krushnaji had also authored a

book on timing of marriage. These books were written in Marathi. He

also was in the process of writing another book on Nadis in details

but due to lack of time he was not able to finish it.


On the second day Krushnaji took the chart of Lord Ram and he had

explained with the use of Vimshottari dasa on how events of Lord Rams

chart fitted i.e. his Marriage to Sita, his vanvas (of 14 years) and

simulateously his fathers death, seperation from his wife (kidnapped

by Ravan), birth of children in his absence reasons for being

Mahapurusha etc on how things fit exactly if one understood Houses

A,B,C,D and E and Vimshottari Dasa starting from Moon only. We had

focussed on the timing and Krushnaji had worked on Sri Ramas chart in

his book also. Since Its in Marathi and my knowledge of Marathi was

a little rustic (still is) its taking me a little longer to

understand and it also made me realise that it must have been such a

huge task for Krushnaji to teach despite language barriers to

students with different mother tounge like French, English etc and

that too a system which is Math based and does not have stories

linked to it.


I was like in awe to see all the compuations that Krushnaji did in

his mind. Like based on degrees he told me that this planet is in

such and such division in the various divisional chart and such and

such is the status and such and such is the points and such and such

is the exact vimshottari antra on such and such a date... I was like

scambling to keep with you all the sofisticated computer programs....

It made me realise that when Krushnaji said something on the list hes

done such a detailed study of the planets their status etc etc etc...


On day three I had written the list of basics that was still not very

clear in my mind and Krushnaji answered each and every question of

mine in details.


I had a train to catch and time on the train to close my eyes and

think on the amount of knowledge I had received in those 3 days.


Its overwhelming and great experience.


Thank you Krushnaji.


Cheers !!!


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Dear Ash,


Thank you for sharing your experience. Could you give us such an example of Prasna analysis using Krushna ashtakavarga system? I should be interested to understand:

* the procedure

* the technique used to time the event.


What is the system used by Krushna to precisely give the exact date? Vimshottari? Transits? Something else?


Thanks a lot






Monday, August 04, 2003 1:27 PM

My Personal Meet With Krushnaji - An Experience to Share




Later on I learnt that a student of Krushnaji was approached by a minister as their son was lost and Krushnajis student had faxed the chart of the lost son. Krushnaji had made a prashna analysis using Krushnas Ashtakavarga system and predicted that the child would be found after 3 months on such and such date only. This he had told his student who was in a different city. The same message was relayed to the querist. Then after 3 months on THAT DAY ITSELF the message was recived that the lost son was found !!! Every one had praised Krushnajis student for predicting correctly but his sincere student announced that it was his Guru, Krushnaji who had actually predicted.

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Dear Ash,


It will be helpful. I have a question about this theory.


According to Krushna, the father is in the 9th house. For the 9th house, the 4th is the house A. So, Moon is the natural karaka for the father. There is an inconsistency somewhere. Should the father be in the 10th house, the Sun should be the natural karaka.


What is your understanding of this point?


Thanks a lot






Monday, August 04, 2003 1:27 PM

My Personal Meet With Krushnaji - An Experience to Share

In another discussion I had with Krushnaji, he explained in short that there was a huge theory behind House A,B,C and D and E. He had received one of the highest jyotish awards in the India and also was offerend a PhD for his system by Sri Lankan University and he was offered to fly there and receive the honour but due to the situation beyond his reach he was not able to go and receive the Doctorate.

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Dear Denis,


The answer to your question is very simple.


From a discussion I had with Krushnaji, Krushnaji mentioned that this

system can be used for prashna and upon me asking him he narrated the

incident about his student asking him to see the chart and say when

the boy who was lost could be found and about his student asking

him. I did not do an actual prashna chart as I did not have enough

time. The important thing is that I learnt that this system " can be

used for prasna and horary analysis too " which I do not think anyone

on the list knew.. atleast not that I know of.


I think we should wait for a lesson from Krushnaji before we dwelve

into it as I did not work on an actual Prashna chart.


Krushnaji also used palmistry and saw my hand for certail lines along

with my horoscope. Krushnaji also used Numerology technique and had

a book on Nadis semi written down.


He saw one chart and told me some medical conditions that the person

might face......


This system is very deep.


If you even go back and see some post Krushnaji has used Nadis for

chart rectification.... I mean yes these are things.. but those are

used for finer things and predictions.


I tried to focus more on clarifying the very basics so that we can

build a strong foundations for going deeper into the system.


I focussed more on things like 4:10 relationships, narrowing down to

the correct 1/3rd sector and some rules behind it... I think

Philippe, Peter, Margarita and Myself and others too had some

clarifications so I tried to get those. We can take those up in time

and practice that.


To answer the part i.e. what system is used by Krushnaji to get to

EXACT date :


1) I think upto now if one really studies the lesson one can predict

down to correct antra of a planet in vimshottari dasa.

2) Would be to narrow down to the correct 1/3rd sector.

3) would be to see Suns transit on strong significators to furnish

the event

4) Muhurata for the event like marriage.



For delicate questions like for twins we need to do finer analysis.

That too is a part of the system. Before that if we can get to

points 1 thru 4 I think you can narrow down any event to great detail.


If you remember the lesson on Transits we had got w.r.t. points

anything above 198 was deemed good and less than that was deemed

difficult. I got more clarifications based on certail experiences.

I would like to share those too. That is also very important to find

out how a person feels from day to day. In one chart I had seen

points of that planet was 210 but the person was feeling crappy.. so

I asked Krushnaji how come ??? And Krushnaji explained to me the

reason why. I shall try to write about that too and share that



Denis, there were some things that Krushnaji told me to wait. Those

were for finer things. He explained to me by giving me an

interesting analogy.


Krushnaji told me that consider the fact that you are constructing a

house. The biggest things is that foundation must be strong and the

house must go up the rooms must be defined, the walls and

architecture decided and designed. One that is done you have already

acheived a lot. He compared that to what he had already taught. Now

if you want to put in finer things then u need a specific skill set

(and need to sharpen those) i.e. now you want to go in deeper to time

the events then you need to go into finer details for that it will

take more time. So instead of jumping to all that and confusing

myself it would be better to understand and get a strong grip of the

fundamental. And focus first on building the house rather than

thinking where a particular light will fit.


It did make sense to me. So I spent the time trying to clarify the

basics and go a little indeapth of basics of the system.


Sorry I cant answer your question on prashna... maybe in time we all

will learn...


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!



, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,


> Thank you for sharing your experience. Could you give us such an

example of Prasna analysis using Krushna ashtakavarga system? I

should be interested to understand:

> * the procedure

> * the technique used to time the event.


> What is the system used by Krushna to precisely give the exact

date? Vimshottari? Transits? Something else?


> Thanks a lot

> Denis


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Dear Ash,


I understand that. However, it makes sense only if we have clarifications on fundamentals! As we need some extra infos about:

* Sun transits. There are too many planets involved (lords of D and E, planets present in D and E with more 4 points, sancharmis, etc.) to use these transits to predict. Let us do the Dymok test. This problem will appear clearly.

* worksheet calculations: there are several unexplained points. If the Sanjay worksheet is right, some rules given in the list are wrong (calcula tions for the lord of 6th, etc.). And vice-versa.


Thanks a lot for any clarification.






Monday, August 04, 2003 11:46 PM

Re: My Personal Meet With Krushnaji - An Experience to Share

Denis, there were some things that Krushnaji told me to wait. Those were for finer things. He explained to me by giving me an interesting analogy. Krushnaji told me that consider the fact that you are constructing a house. The biggest things is that foundation must be strong and the house must go up the rooms must be defined, the walls and architecture decided and designed. One that is done you have already acheived a lot. He compared that to what he had already taught. Now if you want to put in finer things then u need a specific skill set (and need to sharpen those) i.e. now you want to go in deeper to time the events then you need to go into finer details for that it will take more time. So instead of jumping to all that and confusing myself it would be better to understand and get a strong grip of the fundamental. And focus first on building the house rather than thinking where a particular light will fit.It did make sense to me. So I spent the time trying to clarify the basics and go a little indeapth of basics of the system.

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Dear Ash,


We will understand the missing pieces of the puzzle when we shall look for the sources of the system. Krushna himself mentioned many texts from his gurou were destroyed. These are two examples:



The Bhasin ayanamsa is very close (0°06') to the Krushna ayanamsa. Bhasin was a good sanscritist. He translated some classics. In SARVARTH CHINTAMANI, you will find some rules used in the Krushna system. So, if we understand the origin of the Bhasin ayanamsa, we shall establish some lines of research.



These are some lines from Bhasin EVENTS AND NATIVITIES: "Rule 1: A planet situated 10th from any house, sign or planet, influences for good or for bad (depending on the benefic or malefic nature of the aspecting planet), the house concerned.This influence may be called KENDRA INFLUENCE. For example, Saturn is located in any horoscope in the second house and Jupiter in fifth. Here Saturn is not fully aspecting Jupiter, but still considerable malefic influence will be deemed to have been exercised by it on Jupiter and the 5th house from which it is 10th. In a similar manner, Jupiter situated in the 10th house in a horoscope will throw its benefic KENDRA INFLUENCE on the 1st house even though it doesn't aspect the 1st house by its full 5t, 7th, 9th aspect. The rationale behind this kendra influence is that all planets have 3/4th of their full influence on the 4th and 8th places from them. Maharshi Parasara observed in this connection:... (Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra 26, 3)."


Best regards




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Monday, August 04, 2003 11:46 PM

Re: My Personal Meet With Krushnaji - An Experience to Share

I focussed more on things like 4:10 relationships, narrowing down to the correct 1/3rd sector and some rules behind it... I think Philippe, Peter, Margarita and Myself and others too had some clarifications so I tried to get those. We can take those up in time and practice that.

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Dear Denis,


House A i.e. FK for 9th house is 4th house. 9th house includes

Father. It also indicates higher education, Guru, Fortune amongts

other thing. Now NK is Moon (4th house in kalpurush) chart. So NK

governs the overall health of 9 house which includes father. Also

remember we need to check functional karak too i.e. 4th house in Rasi



There are different school of thought. We follow 3rd for mother and

9th for father. I think this discussion was held in the past between

Krushnaji and Das Guptaji. You can look up on the archives for the

actual reasoning. If I get time I shall try to find it and post you

the link.


Now for Death of Father we consider 4th house as B. For natural

death of father we check for highest points in 4th house just like we

do for natural death for self from 8th house points, for death of

spouse from 2nd house (8th from 7th house).


Sun is Natural 5th lord. If you will notice keenly its Karak for

10th house for power, authority. 5th house is also the House of

Crown. 5th house is kinda overall in charge of health of 10th

house. Another way of looking at the same phenemon.. 5th house is

also of degree or " Gain of Knowledge " i.e. 2nd house from 4th. 4th

hosue is of knowledge and 5th is gain or wealth of it. Now if you

get a good degree or a higher degree i.e. stronger is the 5th house..

you have more chances of getting a more " Authorative " job.... i.e.

10th house automatically becomes strong... when such thing happens

even LOD and LOE get a boost. House " A " denotes the Quantum.


That is why we start this theory with " A " and then go to " B " and so

on. If " A " or Natural Karak and along with that if Functional Karak

is spoilt that is " A " from your chart then sometimes even lords of

House D and E who are eager to give results their power diminishes....


So try to see things from the view point of " A " , " B " , " C " , and

samrudhni sthans " D " and " E " .


Hope that helps.


Cheers !!!



, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,


> It will be helpful. I have a question about this theory.


> According to Krushna, the father is in the 9th house. For the 9th

house, the 4th is the house A. So, Moon is the natural karaka for the

father. There is an inconsistency somewhere. Should the father be in

the 10th house, the Sun should be the natural karaka.


> What is your understanding of this point?


> Thanks a lot

> Denis


> -

> ashsam73


> Monday, August 04, 2003 1:27 PM

> My Personal Meet With

Krushnaji - An Experience to Share



> In another discussion I had with Krushnaji, he explained in short

> that there was a huge theory behind House A,B,C and D and E. He


> received one of the highest jyotish awards in the India and also


> offerend a PhD for his system by Sri Lankan University and he was

> offered to fly there and receive the honour but due to the


> beyond his reach he was not able to go and receive the Doctorate.

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Dear Ash,


No problem with that. Whatever the logic you use, Moon is still the natural karaka for the father...


Best regards








Tuesday, August 05, 2003 1:08 PM

Re: My Personal Meet With Krushnaji - An Experience to Share

Dear Denis,House A i.e. FK for 9th house is 4th house. 9th house includes Father. It also indicates higher education, Guru, Fortune amongts other thing. Now NK is Moon (4th house in kalpurush) chart. So NK governs the overall health of 9 house which includes father. Also remember we need to check functional karak too i.e. 4th house in Rasi chart.There are different school of thought. We follow 3rd for mother and 9th for father. I think this discussion was held in the past between Krushnaji and Das Guptaji. You can look up on the archives for the actual reasoning. If I get time I shall try to find it and post you the link.Now for Death of Father we consider 4th house as B. For natural death of father we check for highest points in 4th house just like we do for natural death for self from 8th house points, for death of spouse from 2nd house (8th from 7th house). Sun is Natural 5th lord. If you will notice keenly its Karak for 10th house for power, authority. 5th house is also the House of Crown. 5th house is kinda overall in charge of health of 10th house. Another way of looking at the same phenemon.. 5th house is also of degree or "Gain of Knowledge" i.e. 2nd house from 4th. 4th hosue is of knowledge and 5th is gain or wealth of it. Now if you get a good degree or a higher degree i.e. stronger is the 5th house.. you have more chances of getting a more "Authorative" job.... i.e. 10th house automatically becomes strong... when such thing happens even LOD and LOE get a boost. House "A" denotes the Quantum. That is why we start this theory with "A" and then go to "B" and so on. If "A" or Natural Karak and along with that if Functional Karak is spoilt that is "A" from your chart then sometimes even lords of House D and E who are eager to give results their power diminishes....So try to see things from the view point of "A", "B","C", and samrudhni sthans "D" and "E".Hope that helps.Cheers !!!Ash , Labouré Denis <Laboure@W...> wrote:> Dear Ash,> > It will be helpful. I have a question about this theory.> > According to Krushna, the father is in the 9th house. For the 9th house, the 4th is the house A. So, Moon is the natural karaka for the father. There is an inconsistency somewhere. Should the father be in the 10th house, the Sun should be the natural karaka.> > What is your understanding of this point?> > Thanks a lot> Denis>

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Dear Denis,


Dymocks tests do not give past events. I do not know what is the

basis for the time and its rectification. So I am not too keen on

that. I am sure others members may be. I prefer to predict more of

life events rather than find out when lightning struck or if someone

won a lottery or when someones dog died !!! but that is MY

PREFERENCE. For now I am more interested to learn the Ashtakvarg

system more thoroughly. Maybe in future I may take part in such

tests but for now I want to focus on understanding the system in more



I do not understand your question about being confused on timing of

the event.


Follow this procedure.


1) Select the correct antra based on the worksheet for timing of

event. I am sure you can do that with whats taught.


2) Next step is break the antra into 3 equal parts.


3) Try to find the correct 1/3rd sector that the event will fall



4) Even if you consider Venus/Venus Mahadasha/Antra then max antra

period you will get for the 1/3rd part is 13 months and 10 days and

for Sun/Sun it would be 3 months. So basic range will be from 3

months roughly to 13 months roughly.


5) Now from that you can pick up the strongest significators and suns

transit over it as you have said (or weakest significator for bad

events). If you consider antra the leave that and take the other 2

periods and make a list of dates.


6) Things in India are done during good Mahurat. So after that see a

good mahurat for the event to happen. For example when Sun is in Leo

like now then people generally avoid marriages.. atleast till end

October or early November that too you would have to find a proper

Mahurat. I specificially do not know the reason or the philosophical

reasoning for this but this is how it is and a lot of people in India

follow that. Even if 20% of people follow that in India I think

thats more population that entire Europe... !!!


7) I think if you follow procedures upto here you can narrow down the

event to a few dates or even events upto 13 days either way.


8) If you further want to go in deeper then I think we will have to

wait for Krushnaji to give us more lessons on that. I think till

then we can practice what we have learnt so far


Follow these steps and see how much success you get. All these

things have been given in the lessons.


Now coming to the worksheet about Sanjay. In my convesation with

Krushnaji he was using yours and Sanjays worksheet. Sanjays

worksheet is CORRECT and I have not worked with yours but since

Krushnaji also uses it I assume its CORRECT.


In fact I had put in the check for 6th lord in 6th house and

Krushnaji told me to correct it and he confirmed that What Sanjay had

done is CORRECT. So I went and changed my logic. So be rest assured

that the the work you and Sanjay have done is proper.


For timing what you and Sanjay have done is Proper. Now second part

it to see the effect. If you read Krushnajis email to Margarita for

Childbirth and Samdharmi recently you will see how hes considered

points for Jupiter to be 14 instead of low. THAT IS WHAT YOU SEE

SEPERATELY. So there is no anomalies.


Hope that clarifies.


Cheers !!!




, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,


> I understand that. However, it makes sense only if we have

clarifications on fundamentals! As we need some extra infos about:

> * Sun transits. There are too many planets involved (lords of D and

E, planets present in D and E with more 4 points, sancharmis, etc.)

to use these transits to predict. Let us do the Dymok test. This

problem will appear clearly.

> * worksheet calculations: there are several unexplained points. If

the Sanjay worksheet is right, some rules given in the list are wrong

(calcula tions for the lord of 6th, etc.). And vice-versa.


> Thanks a lot for any clarification.


> Denis

> -

> ashsam73


> Monday, August 04, 2003 11:46 PM

> Re: My Personal Meet With

Krushnaji - An Experience to Share




> Denis, there were some things that Krushnaji told me to wait.


> were for finer things. He explained to me by giving me an

> interesting analogy.


> Krushnaji told me that consider the fact that you are

constructing a

> house. The biggest things is that foundation must be strong and


> house must go up the rooms must be defined, the walls and

> architecture decided and designed. One that is done you have


> acheived a lot. He compared that to what he had already taught.


> if you want to put in finer things then u need a specific skill


> (and need to sharpen those) i.e. now you want to go in deeper to


> the events then you need to go into finer details for that it


> take more time. So instead of jumping to all that and confusing

> myself it would be better to understand and get a strong grip of


> fundamental. And focus first on building the house rather than

> thinking where a particular light will fit.


> It did make sense to me. So I spent the time trying to clarify


> basics and go a little indeapth of basics of the system.

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Dear Denis,

The source of this system from what I know is Krushnaji and he learnt

this system from his Guru Shri Brij Gopal Shastriji.


This is the 5th time you have asked about the source of the

Ayanamsa ? What is the reason behind this....


Have you found out the reasoning behind Bashins ayanamsa or Ramans

ayanamsa ? This ayanamsa was given by Krushnajis guru ? Try it

out.. if you dont like it you can use whatever ayanamsa you like...



W.r.t. point 2. If Shani is situated in 2nd house and Guru is in 5th

house then they have a 4:10 relationship. Now if Guru drops his

points and gives them to Shani and works for Shani then for that

Shani MUST have less Bindus i.e. < 4 and Guru must have > 4 bindus.

Now GENERALLY knowing the fact that Shani has only 39 bindus in its

SAV it GENERALLY has less points i..e < 4 BUT NOT ALWAYS. Guru is

the greatest BENFIC and it has largest Bindus in its SAV so GENERALLY

GURU HAS > 4 BINDUS. Its quite rare to see a Guru give 0 point to

any house or having less than 4 bindus... if that happens then that

can only happen when there are certain other planetary combinations...


When we are doing all that we are considering a lot of factors.. not

just 4:10.....


So yes in General that rule is proper but if Shani has more bindus

i.e. < 4 and if such a Guru would have less than 4 bindus.. then YES

if you consider natural nature of planets then Guru would check the

delay causing tendency of Shani due to being 4:10 BUT it would oppose

the karaktwa of Shani during its Antra......


I hope that is clear... and you understand the difference... of how

Ashtakavarga can give a more clear picture...


Hope that Clarifies..

Cheers !!!



, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,


> We will understand the missing pieces of the puzzle when we shall

look for the sources of the system. Krushna himself mentioned many

texts from his gurou were destroyed. These are two examples:



> The Bhasin ayanamsa is very close (0°06') to the Krushna ayanamsa.

Bhasin was a good sanscritist. He translated some classics. In

SARVARTH CHINTAMANI, you will find some rules used in the Krushna

system. So, if we understand the origin of the Bhasin ayanamsa, we

shall establish some lines of research.



> These are some lines from Bhasin EVENTS AND NATIVITIES: " Rule 1: A

planet situated 10th from any house, sign or planet, influences for

good or for bad (depending on the benefic or malefic nature of the

aspecting planet), the house concerned.This influence may be called

KENDRA INFLUENCE. For example, Saturn is located in any horoscope in

the second house and Jupiter in fifth. Here Saturn is not fully

aspecting Jupiter, but still considerable malefic influence will be

deemed to have been exercised by it on Jupiter and the 5th house from

which it is 10th. In a similar manner, Jupiter situated in the 10th

house in a horoscope will throw its benefic KENDRA INFLUENCE on the

1st house even though it doesn't aspect the 1st house by its full 5t,

7th, 9th aspect. The rationale behind this kendra influence is that

all planets have 3/4th of their full influence on the 4th and 8th

places from them. Maharshi Parasara observed in this connection:...

(Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra 26, 3). "


> Best regards

> Denis



> Pour des renseignements sur les séminaires, les consultations et

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leçons d'astrologie gratuits, visitez mon site: www.astrocours.fr.st

> -

> ashsam73


> Monday, August 04, 2003 11:46 PM

> Re: My Personal Meet With

Krushnaji - An Experience to Share



> I focussed more on things like 4:10 relationships, narrowing down


> the correct 1/3rd sector and some rules behind it... I think

> Philippe, Peter, Margarita and Myself and others too had some

> clarifications so I tried to get those. We can take those up in


> and practice that.

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Dear Denis,

I have said clearly. Moon is the NK for 9th house and father is just

one of the things that house represnts. FK is the lord of 4th house

in rasi.


I have also said we check the Death of Father from 4th house keeping

that as B.


We also say in this system that 8th house from any house under

consideration is the Karak. So 8th from 8th house is 3rd house and

We out here use NK as MERCURY and not SATURN for 8th house matters...


Similarly we use Natural Karak for Marriage as Venus i.e. 2nd lord in

kalpurush chart...


Similarly we use NK for 3rd house as Shani (Mother is also one of the

things represents by 3rd house and so are younger brother and so is

parakram etc).


Similarly Karak for 4th house its also Shani for KNOWLEDGE.


Similarly NK for 5th house is Guru


Similarly NK for lagna is Mars... i.e natural 8th house which is



etc for other houses...


The KARAK is responsible for overall health of the house B and

denotes quantum.


Hope that clarifies.... I think there is a nomenclature problem.. you

are considering individual things represneted by the house as

compared to OVERALL HOUSE's health. I think what you mean is

Karakatwa and not Karak...



Cheers !!!



, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,


> No problem with that. Whatever the logic you use, Moon is still the

natural karaka for the father...


> Best regards

> Denis




> -

> ashsam73


> Tuesday, August 05, 2003 1:08 PM

> Re: My Personal Meet With

Krushnaji - An Experience to Share



> Dear Denis,


> House A i.e. FK for 9th house is 4th house. 9th house includes

> Father. It also indicates higher education, Guru, Fortune


> other thing. Now NK is Moon (4th house in kalpurush) chart. So


> governs the overall health of 9 house which includes father.


> remember we need to check functional karak too i.e. 4th house in


> chart.


> There are different school of thought. We follow 3rd for mother


> 9th for father. I think this discussion was held in the past


> Krushnaji and Das Guptaji. You can look up on the archives for


> actual reasoning. If I get time I shall try to find it and post


> the link.


> Now for Death of Father we consider 4th house as B. For natural

> death of father we check for highest points in 4th house just

like we

> do for natural death for self from 8th house points, for death of

> spouse from 2nd house (8th from 7th house).


> Sun is Natural 5th lord. If you will notice keenly its Karak for

> 10th house for power, authority. 5th house is also the House of

> Crown. 5th house is kinda overall in charge of health of 10th

> house. Another way of looking at the same phenemon.. 5th house


> also of degree or " Gain of Knowledge " i.e. 2nd house from 4th.


> hosue is of knowledge and 5th is gain or wealth of it. Now if


> get a good degree or a higher degree i.e. stronger is the 5th


> you have more chances of getting a more " Authorative " job....


> 10th house automatically becomes strong... when such thing


> even LOD and LOE get a boost. House " A " denotes the Quantum.


> That is why we start this theory with " A " and then go to " B " and


> on. If " A " or Natural Karak and along with that if Functional


> is spoilt that is " A " from your chart then sometimes even lords


> House D and E who are eager to give results their power



> So try to see things from the view point of " A " , " B " , " C " , and

> samrudhni sthans " D " and " E " .


> Hope that helps.


> Cheers !!!

> Ash


> , Labouré Denis

> <Laboure@W...> wrote:

> > Dear Ash,

> >

> > It will be helpful. I have a question about this theory.

> >

> > According to Krushna, the father is in the 9th house. For the


> house, the 4th is the house A. So, Moon is the natural karaka for


> father. There is an inconsistency somewhere. Should the father be


> the 10th house, the Sun should be the natural karaka.

> >

> > What is your understanding of this point?

> >

> > Thanks a lot

> > Denis

> >

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Dear Ash,



My preference is not there. In past messages, Krushna told us his guru's wife destroyed many documents.So, some pieces of the puzzle are missing. If we locate some others lines of this oral transmission, we could find these missing pieces.


It is useless to wait for infos which do not exist anymore!


Best regards





Tuesday, August 05, 2003 5:44 PM

Re: My Personal Meet With Krushnaji - An Experience to Share

Dear Denis,The source of this system from what I know is Krushnaji and he learnt this system from his Guru Shri Brij Gopal Shastriji. This is the 5th time you have asked about the source of the Ayanamsa ? What is the reason behind this....Have you found out the reasoning behind Bashins ayanamsa or Ramans ayanamsa ? This ayanamsa was given by Krushnajis guru ? Try it out.. if you dont like it you can use whatever ayanamsa you like...

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Dear Denis,


You can only find the missing pieces of the puzzle once you lay out

the puzzle and THEN find out what is missing.


We still have just touched the tip of the iceberg atleast I can speak

for myself and after meeting Krushnaji I really understood that there

is so much more to this system and so much more deapth we need to

understand that first before we can dwelve into finding out the

missing pieces.


I do not understand how can you find out the missing pieces without

first understanding ALL the other pieces you have.. meaning First

mastering and understanding what is already known that is being

taught and will be taught.


There is so much more to learn here... its my humble opinion that we

should for now put the investigation piece aside and focus on

learning and practicing whats taught....


Krushnaji has said.. hes taught 80%... now if we can focus on

mastering the fundamentals I think we can help a lot of people.


I think we will learn more if you can put forward charts that do not

work with this system in that way we all can learn and Krushnaji can

help us understand some special things...otherwise its all

hypothetical... and discussion will go no where.


There are lots of silent members on this list who some day might want

to learn this system and the archives will have very good

information .. so its my suggestion that lets focus on charts .. and

trying to learn first what ALL is there in this system in a slow and

methodical process.


You had put forward charts of your brother and his wife and we had

solved it.. I think we all got to learn from that... and you yourself

have seen this system work....


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!



, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,



> My preference is not there. In past messages, Krushna told us his

guru's wife destroyed many documents.So, some pieces of the puzzle

are missing. If we locate some others lines of this oral

transmission, we could find these missing pieces.


> It is useless to wait for infos which do not exist anymore!


> Best regards

> Denis

> -

> ashsam73


> Tuesday, August 05, 2003 5:44 PM

> Re: My Personal Meet With

Krushnaji - An Experience to Share



> Dear Denis,

> The source of this system from what I know is Krushnaji and he


> this system from his Guru Shri Brij Gopal Shastriji.


> This is the 5th time you have asked about the source of the

> Ayanamsa ? What is the reason behind this....


> Have you found out the reasoning behind Bashins ayanamsa or


> ayanamsa ? This ayanamsa was given by Krushnajis guru ? Try it

> out.. if you dont like it you can use whatever ayanamsa you


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