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Different meanings for a same house

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This is a chart (male): 6 july 1965 15h10 CET (14h10 UT) Châteauroux (46N49 1E42). Ascendant 13°39 Libra.


If we use explore the 4th house (as house B), the results are very bad.

* Sun is the lord of house A. In the navamsa chart, it is afflicted by Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of the 3rd house (12th from house B) and 6th house.

* Jupiter is placed in the 8th house (house C). It aspects the 4th house (house B).

So, all the houses A, B and C (or their lords) are afflicted.


Mars gives 0 point to the 4th house in its ashtakavarga.


These are my questions:

* How may we know the exact matters which shall be destroyed? His house? His studies? Some others matters ruled by the 4th house? In fact, intelligence is OK. However, the studies were a failure. How should have been possible to predict "bad studies" rather than "his house will be destroyed"?

* The studies run all along the Rahu dasa. What is the exact effect of the lord of the dasa in this chart? Does it give any info about the studies?


Thanks a lot


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hello laboure,

interesting matter. i may not be able to explain in

your system manner but still would like to put certain


1> shani-is the lord of 4th (your focuse house-B) and

the 5th house. it is in square with the conjuction of

guru-rahu in the 8th house. jupiter hving

responcibility of both education and children.

2> in navmansha--sun is in aries and mars also in

aries. saturn again is in 5th house. moon again is

in libra.jupiter again in 8th house.

(vergottam-planet-placewise--signwise--uchha. in


there might be delay in studies/graduation on a/c of

saturn in 5th house and in square with jupiter and

rahu together.

3> i feel there will be disturbance in the house -4th

HAPPINESS on a/c child/children worry /parteners


4> MARS is located in the 12th house in enemy sign

virgo. this hiuse is located 6th from the seventh and

eighth from the 5th. like you have made 4th house

focussed as B, AND MADE THIS interesting

point/observations. in the same fashion along with 4th

you should also focuse HOUSES 5TH AND 7TH as B, then i

feel you WILL KNOW where the damage will be.

5>here jupiter has been spoiled by rahu and saturn. +

jupiter and rahu are located in the 8th house.

normally the rahu dasha is not very smooth

one.jupiter dasha also may not be that smooth one.

6>for libra ascendent jupiter is no one enemy and it

is located in the 8th house, that too in taurus-that

is owened by venus.

hope these facts will help you.





--- Labouré_Denis <Laboure wrote:

> Hello,


> This is a chart (male): 6 july 1965 15h10 CET (14h10

> UT) Châteauroux (46N49 1E42). Ascendant 13°39 Libra.


> If we use explore the 4th house (as house B), the

> results are very bad.

> * Sun is the lord of house A. In the navamsa chart,

> it is afflicted by Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of the

> 3rd house (12th from house B) and 6th house.

> * Jupiter is placed in the 8th house (house C). It

> aspects the 4th house (house B).

> So, all the houses A, B and C (or their lords) are

> afflicted.


> Mars gives 0 point to the 4th house in its

> ashtakavarga.


> These are my questions:

> * How may we know the exact matters which shall be

> destroyed? His house? His studies? Some others

> matters ruled by the 4th house? In fact,

> intelligence is OK. However, the studies were a

> failure. How should have been possible to predict

> " bad studies " rather than " his house will be

> destroyed " ?

> * The studies run all along the Rahu dasa. What is

> the exact effect of the lord of the dasa in this

> chart? Does it give any info about the studies?


> Thanks a lot

> Denis







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Hello Denis,

You are right by pointing out that one house can mean different things.

I think we must focus on the things that can happen in a certain period

of life. In this chart we see that rahu dasa was running between 1968

and 1985, this is a time for studies, so house matters during this dasa

should not be considered.

Now looking at mahadasa lord we will see that Rahu will give results

related to 6th lord (Jupiter) and situated in the 8th house

If we study a house in this system, we should look at the karaks first;

these are Saturn and Sun. Saturn is in the 2nd from the 4th, so result

of intelligence; he has only 2 points here. We could say that the

native cannot bear "fruits" of his knowlegde or lacks means of

expression in some way. Saturn is not strenghtened by aspect and also

in nashatra of 6th lord.

Now something you perhaps overlooked is the points of Saturn; they show

high in the WS because we know that Saturn gets the points from Jupiter

and in fact Jupiter will give 5p to Saturn . Jupiter being the 6th lord

AND ALSO THE 12TH OF THE 4th we should deduce twice these 5 points and

that makes that Saturn has 14-10=4points which is the real strenght of

Saturn for that house.

Sun is also in Nakshatra of 6th lord , neutral(4p) and not strenghtened

by aspect. Both FK and NK are in houses with less than 28 points.

I also wanted to point out that LOE and LOD are not spoiled by 6th

lord, so matters related to the 4th house are not completely spoiled.

We should also look at the Moon. Moon is in nakshatra of Mars and

aspected by Mars in navamsa, so the native is perhaps much restless,

less consistent and more focused on appearances, on "make believes"

because he also lacks self-confidence.

Personally, I often see trouble during studies in mahadasa of Rahu, but

you as an astrologer could check this in many charts and see if it's

true. I would appreciate if you let me know your findings


What "house" is concerned, we should perhaps make a difference between

"home" and "house"; the latter being four walls with some furniture in

it , the former a place where one is happy to live in company of

others. You can easily find out if the native is likely to have a happy

'home" which supposes happy relationship with others; these matters

have been discusses extensively in previous lessons and mails.

Best regards


Labouré Denis wrote:




This is a chart (male): 6 july 1965

15h10 CET (14h10 UT) Châteauroux (46N49 1E42). Ascendant 13°39 Libra.


If we use explore the 4th house (as

house B), the results are very bad.

* Sun is the lord of house A. In the

navamsa chart, it is afflicted by Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of the 3rd

house (12th from house B) and 6th house.

* Jupiter is placed in the 8th house

(house C). It aspects the 4th house (house B).

So, all the houses A, B and C (or

their lords) are afflicted.


Mars gives 0 point to the 4th house

in its ashtakavarga.


These are my questions:

* How may we know the exact matters

which shall be destroyed? His house? His studies? Some others matters

ruled by the 4th house? In fact, intelligence is OK. However, the

studies were a failure. How should have been possible to predict "bad

studies" rather than "his house will be destroyed"?

* The studies run all along the Rahu

dasa. What is the exact effect of the lord of the dasa in this chart?

Does it give any info about the studies?


Thanks a lot






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Dear Denis,

Margaritas done a very good analysis of the chart you have given.

Here are some points but before that I would like to verify the birth



Did this person Marry in Rahu/Shani and his marriage might and there

might have been seperation in Rahu/Merc. The reason being Shani is

LOD so by itself its eager to give result.. however its also getting

points from 6th lord and 12th from B=7th so it can cause problems and

not pure happiness.. and here also 4th house is hurt as Mars is

giving 0 points who is Karak for 12th house and also for 7th house so

it an also show break of relationship. Guru is also aspecting 2nd

house and its lord in Rasi.. so on in all marriage life of this

native might not be smooth... Can you please confirm.


Childbirth is in ones hands but after marriage the period of 1990/12

thru 1993/03 i.e. Guru/Merc period can give conception. I would

narrow it down to last 1/3rd sector as Shani is aspecting LOA, LOC

and is LOB. Its having relation with Guru so Guru can check Shanis

result to 2nd sector however there is 1 zero so that will push it to

last 1/3rd sector. So I would say conception can happen from 1992/06

thru 1993/03. .... Again can you confirm please....


Degree is 5th house and knowledge is 4th. Degree is the tangible

gain of knowledge in form of a piece of paper called degree. Yes you

are right this native is very intellgent with lagna, sun and moon

being in 3 spots in shanis sign in navamsa, drekkhana and trimsamsa.


12th lord from B is in House B here. So it reduces the effect of 5th

house. Its karak is mercury and guru and here mercury is in house E

for 5th and NK is 4th from 5th house with low points so guru is

opposing 5th house...


Mars is giving 0 points for 4th house but its karak for 12th and 7th

house and its in House D for 7th house this can show difficult

periods in marriage when malefics like shani and mars transit over

capricorn. Mars is also the 2nd lord so its transit over 4th house

will aggrivate problems in marriage... so one has to be careful..

Shani is in gemini now so lots of time before it goes to Capricorn...

however you can keep a close eye out for mars's transit over

capricorn... and can you verify if problems were there ... when mars

transited capricorn....


In 5 spots in divisional chart Venus is in 10th house. 10th lords

from lagna, sun and moon are in sign of venus, sun and venus...

lagna, sun and moon in 3 spots in sign of shani in navamsa, drekkhana

and trimsamsa... so I would say that the inclination of the native is

strongly venusian... so he would do well in occupation linked to

venus and sun.


DBCE points from lagna, sun and moon are all in zig zag manner.. so

its better he does job.


Hope that helps,

Can you please confirm what facts are...

Thanking you,

Cheers !!!



, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Hello,


> This is a chart (male): 6 july 1965 15h10 CET (14h10 UT)

Châteauroux (46N49 1E42). Ascendant 13°39 Libra.


> If we use explore the 4th house (as house B), the results are very


> * Sun is the lord of house A. In the navamsa chart, it is afflicted

by Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of the 3rd house (12th from house B) and

6th house.

> * Jupiter is placed in the 8th house (house C). It aspects the 4th

house (house B).

> So, all the houses A, B and C (or their lords) are afflicted.


> Mars gives 0 point to the 4th house in its ashtakavarga.


> These are my questions:

> * How may we know the exact matters which shall be destroyed? His

house? His studies? Some others matters ruled by the 4th house? In

fact, intelligence is OK. However, the studies were a failure. How

should have been possible to predict " bad studies " rather than " his

house will be destroyed " ?

> * The studies run all along the Rahu dasa. What is the exact effect

of the lord of the dasa in this chart? Does it give any info about

the studies?


> Thanks a lot

> Denis

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Dear Ash,


Thank you for your analysis. These are some events.




* a girl born 12 august 1995 23h21 EET (21h21 UT) Saint-Etienne (France 4E24 45N26). Conception 22 november 1994.

* twins (boys) 10 june 1998 15h37 EET (13h37 UT) and 15h44 EET (13h44 UT) Saint-Etienne (France 4E24 45N26). Conception 2 october 1997.

I am sure about the conception date, as these conceptions were medically assisted.



Life in the same flat: 1987 (no precise date)

Marriage (civil and religious): 29 august 1992.

Till now, there is no serious trouble in the marriage. No separation.

His wife was born on 17 september 1966 8h10 CET (7h10 UT) Sète (France 3E42 43N25). Lagna 20°44' Virgo.



He is self-employed from 1st january 1994. He is the head of an insurance agency (4 employees).

From 1st february 1990 to 1st january 1994, he was employed in the insurance business. He is excellent in the commercial and business activities.



Best regards











Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:37 AM

Re: Different meanings for a same house

Dear Denis,Margaritas done a very good analysis of the chart you have given.Here are some points but before that I would like to verify the birth time.Did this person Marry in Rahu/Shani and his marriage might and there might have been seperation in Rahu/Merc. The reason being Shani is LOD so by itself its eager to give result.. however its also getting points from 6th lord and 12th from B=7th so it can cause problems and not pure happiness.. and here also 4th house is hurt as Mars is giving 0 points who is Karak for 12th house and also for 7th house so it an also show break of relationship. Guru is also aspecting 2nd house and its lord in Rasi.. so on in all marriage life of this native might not be smooth... Can you please confirm.Childbirth is in ones hands but after marriage the period of 1990/12 thru 1993/03 i.e. Guru/Merc period can give conception. I would narrow it down to last 1/3rd sector as Shani is aspecting LOA, LOC and is LOB. Its having relation with Guru so Guru can check Shanis result to 2nd sector however there is 1 zero so that will push it to last 1/3rd sector. So I would say conception can happen from 1992/06 thru 1993/03. .... Again can you confirm please....Degree is 5th house and knowledge is 4th. Degree is the tangible gain of knowledge in form of a piece of paper called degree. Yes you are right this native is very intellgent with lagna, sun and moon being in 3 spots in shanis sign in navamsa, drekkhana and trimsamsa.12th lord from B is in House B here. So it reduces the effect of 5th house. Its karak is mercury and guru and here mercury is in house E for 5th and NK is 4th from 5th house with low points so guru is opposing 5th house...Mars is giving 0 points for 4th house but its karak for 12th and 7th house and its in House D for 7th house this can show difficult periods in marriage when malefics like shani and mars transit over capricorn. Mars is also the 2nd lord so its transit over 4th house will aggrivate problems in marriage... so one has to be careful.. Shani is in gemini now so lots of time before it goes to Capricorn... however you can keep a close eye out for mars's transit over capricorn... and can you verify if problems were there ... when mars transited capricorn....In 5 spots in divisional chart Venus is in 10th house. 10th lords from lagna, sun and moon are in sign of venus, sun and venus... lagna, sun and moon in 3 spots in sign of shani in navamsa, drekkhana and trimsamsa... so I would say that the inclination of the native is strongly venusian... so he would do well in occupation linked to venus and sun.DBCE points from lagna, sun and moon are all in zig zag manner.. so its better he does job. Hope that helps,Can you please confirm what facts are...Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash

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Dear Margarita,


Thank you very much for your analysis. I send infos about some others events in anoçther message.


Best regards





margarita lettens

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:28 PM

Re: Different meanings for a same house

Hello Denis,You are right by pointing out that one house can mean different things. I think we must focus on the things that can happen in a certain period of life. In this chart we see that rahu dasa was running between 1968 and 1985, this is a time for studies, so house matters during this dasa should not be considered.Now looking at mahadasa lord we will see that Rahu will give results related to 6th lord (Jupiter) and situated in the 8th houseIf we study a house in this system, we should look at the karaks first; these are Saturn and Sun. Saturn is in the 2nd from the 4th, so result of intelligence; he has only 2 points here. We could say that the native cannot bear "fruits" of his knowlegde or lacks means of expression in some way. Saturn is not strenghtened by aspect and also in nashatra of 6th lord.Now something you perhaps overlooked is the points of Saturn; they show high in the WS because we know that Saturn gets the points from Jupiter and in fact Jupiter will give 5p to Saturn . Jupiter being the 6th lord AND ALSO THE 12TH OF THE 4th we should deduce twice these 5 points and that makes that Saturn has 14-10=4points which is the real strenght of Saturn for that house.Sun is also in Nakshatra of 6th lord , neutral(4p) and not strenghtened by aspect. Both FK and NK are in houses with less than 28 points. I also wanted to point out that LOE and LOD are not spoiled by 6th lord, so matters related to the 4th house are not completely spoiled.We should also look at the Moon. Moon is in nakshatra of Mars and aspected by Mars in navamsa, so the native is perhaps much restless, less consistent and more focused on appearances, on "make believes" because he also lacks self-confidence.Personally, I often see trouble during studies in mahadasa of Rahu, but you as an astrologer could check this in many charts and see if it's true. I would appreciate if you let me know your findingsWhat "house" is concerned, we should perhaps make a difference between "home" and "house"; the latter being four walls with some furniture in it , the former a place where one is happy to live in company of others. You can easily find out if the native is likely to have a happy 'home" which supposes happy relationship with others; these matters have been discusses extensively in previous lessons and mails.Best regardsMargaritaLabouré Denis wrote:




This is a chart (male): 6 july 1965 15h10 CET (14h10 UT) Châteauroux (46N49 1E42). Ascendant 13°39 Libra.


If we use explore the 4th house (as house B), the results are very bad.

* Sun is the lord of house A. In the navamsa chart, it is afflicted by Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of the 3rd house (12th from house B) and 6th house.

* Jupiter is placed in the 8th house (house C). It aspects the 4th house (house B).

So, all the houses A, B and C (or their lords) are afflicted.


Mars gives 0 point to the 4th house in its ashtakavarga.


These are my questions:

* How may we know the exact matters which shall be destroyed? His house? His studies? Some others matters ruled by the 4th house? In fact, intelligence is OK. However, the studies were a failure. How should have been possible to predict "bad studies" rather than "his house will be destroyed"?

* The studies run all along the Rahu dasa. What is the exact effect of the lord of the dasa in this chart? Does it give any info about the studies?


Thanks a lot


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Dear Denis,


As per the data given by you the native married in 2nd sector of LOD

or Guru/Mercury. Thats just after Guru/Shani that I predicted. The

couple started staying together in Guru/Guru antra thats just before



I do not know which date to consider as marriage then ???


Mercury antra fits well as Mercury is LOD and not afflicted by 6th

lord. So in this case the marriage should be happy...


Regarding Children Margarita has given answer.



Cheers !!!





, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,


> Thank you for your analysis. These are some events.




> * a girl born 12 august 1995 23h21 EET (21h21 UT) Saint-

Etienne (France 4E24 45N26). Conception 22 november 1994.

> * twins (boys) 10 june 1998 15h37 EET (13h37 UT) and 15h44

EET (13h44 UT) Saint-Etienne (France 4E24 45N26). Conception 2

october 1997.

> I am sure about the conception date, as these conceptions were

medically assisted.



> Life in the same flat: 1987 (no precise date)

> Marriage (civil and religious): 29 august 1992.

> Till now, there is no serious trouble in the marriage. No


> His wife was born on 17 september 1966 8h10 CET (7h10 UT) Sète

(France 3E42 43N25). Lagna 20°44' Virgo.



> He is self-employed from 1st january 1994. He is the head of an

insurance agency (4 employees).

> From 1st february 1990 to 1st january 1994, he was employed in the

insurance business. He is excellent in the commercial and business




> Best regards


> Denis






> -

> ashsam73


> Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:37 AM

> Re: Different meanings for a

same house



> Dear Denis,

> Margaritas done a very good analysis of the chart you have given.

> Here are some points but before that I would like to verify the


> time.


> Did this person Marry in Rahu/Shani and his marriage might and


> might have been seperation in Rahu/Merc. The reason being Shani


> LOD so by itself its eager to give result.. however its also


> points from 6th lord and 12th from B=7th so it can cause problems


> not pure happiness.. and here also 4th house is hurt as Mars is

> giving 0 points who is Karak for 12th house and also for 7th

house so

> it an also show break of relationship. Guru is also aspecting


> house and its lord in Rasi.. so on in all marriage life of this

> native might not be smooth... Can you please confirm.


> Childbirth is in ones hands but after marriage the period of


> thru 1993/03 i.e. Guru/Merc period can give conception. I would

> narrow it down to last 1/3rd sector as Shani is aspecting LOA,


> and is LOB. Its having relation with Guru so Guru can check


> result to 2nd sector however there is 1 zero so that will push it


> last 1/3rd sector. So I would say conception can happen from


> thru 1993/03. .... Again can you confirm please....


> Degree is 5th house and knowledge is 4th. Degree is the tangible

> gain of knowledge in form of a piece of paper called degree. Yes


> are right this native is very intellgent with lagna, sun and moon

> being in 3 spots in shanis sign in navamsa, drekkhana and



> 12th lord from B is in House B here. So it reduces the effect of


> house. Its karak is mercury and guru and here mercury is in

house E

> for 5th and NK is 4th from 5th house with low points so guru is

> opposing 5th house...


> Mars is giving 0 points for 4th house but its karak for 12th and


> house and its in House D for 7th house this can show difficult

> periods in marriage when malefics like shani and mars transit


> capricorn. Mars is also the 2nd lord so its transit over 4th


> will aggrivate problems in marriage... so one has to be careful..

> Shani is in gemini now so lots of time before it goes to


> however you can keep a close eye out for mars's transit over

> capricorn... and can you verify if problems were there ... when


> transited capricorn....


> In 5 spots in divisional chart Venus is in 10th house. 10th


> from lagna, sun and moon are in sign of venus, sun and venus...

> lagna, sun and moon in 3 spots in sign of shani in navamsa,


> and trimsamsa... so I would say that the inclination of the

native is

> strongly venusian... so he would do well in occupation linked to

> venus and sun.


> DBCE points from lagna, sun and moon are all in zig zag manner..


> its better he does job.


> Hope that helps,

> Can you please confirm what facts are...

> Thanking you,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash

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Dear Ash,


It is an unsolved problem. Does the 7th house indicate the official religious and civil marriage? Or the date the partners begin to live in the same flat? I feel the second hypothesis is the best as "living together" is a concrete event. Perhaps I am wrong.


Thanks a lot







Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:45 AM

Re: Different meanings for a same house


I do not know which date to consider as marriage then ???

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A very good question. Legal things are showed by 6th house. 11th

house is a friend but it comes through legal channels. So a friend

through law.. if I can put it that way.. i.e. a Wife.


Ask the couple infact the Husband " When " he started to consider his

partner as his wife in his mind. Note down that date.


You are a professional astrologer and you must have several charts of

couples born in France. Compare that and see with the results. That

will give us more lead into this " GRAY " area.


Again, Desh, kaal patra. Vimshottari Dasa from Moon gives us " Mind "

related things.... The real answer can get from Only the couple.


I would not say that the problem is unsolved. 6th house

denotes " Legal " things. 7th house is when 2 people become united or

come close together for life. Partners getting together for

intention of " sex " then study from 12th house and IF they fall in

love then 5th house. These things depend largely on " Desha " meaning



Things in African Tribal Villages may be totally different than what

exists in France or in India when it comes to Marriage. Its also to

do with local customs. About France.. you are the best person to

answer that question.


It will also be nice to share your expriences w.r.t these matters as

and when you see charts.


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!



, Labouré Denis

<Laboure@W...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,


> It is an unsolved problem. Does the 7th house indicate the

official religious and civil marriage? Or the date the partners begin

to live in the same flat? I feel the second hypothesis is the best

as " living together " is a concrete event. Perhaps I am wrong.


> Thanks a lot

> Denis




> -

> ashsam73


> Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:45 AM

> Re: Different meanings for a

same house




> I do not know which date to consider as marriage then ???

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Dear Denis, Ash, and other members,

7th house indicates Partner. It may be business partner, or

a life partner. Meaning in both case is different. Marriage is also a

partner ship. The moment the relation of two persons becames a legal

relation, both the person have right on the property of other partner

to certain extent. This may be a marriage or a business partnership.

Is it not?

Only when the legal right of each partner is on the common

property, only then and then 7 house activates.

Two person living together in a same flat, or enjoying sex

in no way is the matter of 7th house.

Yes, if the flat is purchased in the name of both the

partners, then it is a matter of 7th house.

When two persons likes each other, enjoys company of each

other is a matter of 5th house. It may be called as Love.

When two persons fulfill the need of sex of each other it

may be called as 12th house matter. Prositution is also a matter of

12th house, also connected with 11th. It may be paid in money or

kind. It may not create any mental relation between two person.

Even Homo is also a matter of 12th house.






Dear Ash,


> It is an unsolved problem. Does the 7th house indicate the

official religious and civil marriage? Or the date the partners begin

to live in the same flat? I feel the second hypothesis is the best

as " living together " is a concrete event. Perhaps I am wrong.


> Thanks a lot

> Denis




> -

> ashsam73


> Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:45 AM

> Re: Different meanings for a

same house




> I do not know which date to consider as marriage then ???

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Dear Krushnaji,

Thank you for your answer. Its clear.

Cheers !!!



, " krushanain "

<krushanain> wrote:

> Dear Denis, Ash, and other members,

> 7th house indicates Partner. It may be business partner,


> a life partner. Meaning in both case is different. Marriage is also


> partner ship. The moment the relation of two persons becames a


> relation, both the person have right on the property of other


> to certain extent. This may be a marriage or a business


> Is it not?

> Only when the legal right of each partner is on the common

> property, only then and then 7 house activates.

> Two person living together in a same flat, or enjoying sex

> in no way is the matter of 7th house.

> Yes, if the flat is purchased in the name of both the

> partners, then it is a matter of 7th house.

> When two persons likes each other, enjoys company of each

> other is a matter of 5th house. It may be called as Love.

> When two persons fulfill the need of sex of each other it

> may be called as 12th house matter. Prositution is also a matter of

> 12th house, also connected with 11th. It may be paid in money or

> kind. It may not create any mental relation between two person.

> Even Homo is also a matter of 12th house.

> krushna





> Dear Ash,

> >

> > It is an unsolved problem. Does the 7th house indicate the

> official religious and civil marriage? Or the date the partners


> to live in the same flat? I feel the second hypothesis is the best

> as " living together " is a concrete event. Perhaps I am wrong.

> >

> > Thanks a lot

> > Denis

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> > ashsam73

> >

> > Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:45 AM

> > Re: Different meanings for


> same house

> >

> >

> >

> > I do not know which date to consider as marriage then ???

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These are some slokas from classics. They have to be used with ashtakavarga. What do you think about them? They seem to work in my charts and they may be consistant with the Krushna system.


"From the house occupied by the Sun (in a person's horoscope) the appearance and stature of the father should be considered. The father's prosperity and fame should be judged from the second house house reckoned from the house occupied by the Sun. His brothers, character, etc., from the third house (from the Sun) and details about the father's mother, father's happiness should be divined from the 4th house. The father's intelligence and peace of mind should be judged from the 5th house (froom the Sun); his afflictions, injury, enemies and sickness from the 6th house; his love and passion from the 7th; his sorrows, death and longevity should be considered from the 8th house (from the Sun). The father's religious merit, auspiciousness and his father (i.e., native grand-father) should be looked into from the 9th house; his avocation from the 10th house; his gains and income from the 11th and his expenditure or extravagance from the 12th house (from the Sun). All about the mother, brother, etc., should be considered by taking the signs occupied by the respective karakas, viz., the Moon, Mars, etc., as the lagna and the remaining signs in order as the relevant bhavas."


Best regards


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