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This is the Dymock report.Best regards







Dymock Brose


Thursday, September 18, 2003 8:21 AM

Test 81 - Report




There were 32 replies to Test 81, eight of them being correct. A quick and reliable method for Western Astrologers is to set up the Weekly Chart (precessed), or the Age Harmonic, for each of the three dates. It then becomes obvious which date to allot to each event. The attached Weekly Chart for 22 Nov 1990 (starting a business) is an illustration. The Moon conjunct Saturn at the MC is the significant factor. Putting the Birth Figure around it gives confirmation — Mercury conjunct Saturn in the 6th House (shop goods) trine to the Moon/Saturn conjunction.

[Test81-Female - 4th Harm. Lunar Return Precessed]

[22 Nov 1990, 3:34:12 pm (±0 secs), ACST -9:30]

[Adelaide AUSTL, 34°S55', 138°E35' Geocentric Tropical Zodiac]



All the correct solutions submitted by respondents are below:


She started a business on 26 Nov 1990.The SR Ascendant is conjunct the natal MC. Natal 10th Ruler is Jupiter and in SR Jupiter is conjunct MC and in aspect to Mars which is conjunct MC in natal. It is a profected 5th House year with career ruled by Mrs which again significant since it is conjunct MC in natal chart. In the SR Mars is strongly positioned aspecting Sun, Moon, and Jupiter (which is conjunct MC).She travelled to India and had joyous love affair on July 25 2000.SR Sun is in the 9th. Natal 7th Ruler is Mercury and in SR it is Angular in aspect to Jupiter and Neptune. SR Uranus is in 1st hose and in aspect to Moon. It is profected 2nd House year with Sun and Neptune in profected 7th House. The profected 7th Ruler is Venus in the SR 7th.

Her grandmother died on August 4th 1995.Pluto is conjunct the SR Ascendant. SR Sun and Moon are conjunct 12th Cusp and unaspected. Natal 8th Ruler is Venus and it sis in SR 12th conjunct Jupiter and malefic South Node. It is profected 9th House year and the Ruler of profected 8th House is Mercury and in the SR it is in 12th aspecting malefics Saturn and Mars.

— Kerry Galea (Australia).


4 Aug 1995: her grandmother died:

She was in a Ke-Ra-Saturn dasa. Ke and Ra are significators of grandmother and Saturn is Lord of the 1st and the 12th of loss and in the 8th House of death. In transit Saturn is opposite himself, so also aspects the 8th House and Ra and Ketu.


25 July 2000: she travelled to India and had a joyous love affair:

She was in the Venus-Venus-Ra dasa. Venus is obvious, Ra is significator = of foreign countries.


26 Nov 1990: she started a business:

She was is in her Mercury-Saturn-Venus dasa. Mercury is in the 10th House in transit, Saturn aspects the 10th House as Lord of the 1st and is nakshatra Lord of Mars, Lord of the 10th in the 10th, Venus transits the 10th House.

— Fenneke Monchen (Holland)



The method I used is transit of the lagna Lord and the planet nearest to the lagna degree in transit.

— Anand Nath (India)



Ad 1. She was running a Mercury Saturn dasa. Mercury is trade and in transit in her 10th. Saturn is aspecting the 10th.

Ad 2. She was running a Venus Rahu dasa. Venus is Lord of the 9th (travelling) and Rahu also has to do with long distance trips. Venus is love and conjunct the Lord of the 5th of affairs and in transit in Cancer, aspecting the 12th (sexual pleasures).

Ad 3. She was running a Ketu Rahu dasa and they both have to do with grandmothers. Rahu is grandmother from mothers side and Ketu from fathers side. Transit Ketu is going through the 8th House from its rasi position, the same of course for Rahu, so death of grandmother.

— Christine Kaspers (Holland)



I relied mainly on the vimshottary dasa system and a bit on KP. KP is shortly for Krishnamurti Paddhathi, a special method in vedic astrology, working with Sidereal Placidus Houses and further subdivisions of

these Houses and also of the planetary constellations. This method is used to time events more exactly.

— Ilona Hellmann (Germany.



4 August 1995

Period Kethu/Jupiter: Jupiter is in the 1st House with 7 points. Houses 4 and 8 are activated according to the upachaya system. In the D12, Jupiter is associated to malefic Sun and Mars. Her grandmother died.

25 July 2000

Period Venus/Venus. Venus is in the 8th House. According to the upachaya system, Houses 11 and 3 are activated. In the D9, Venus is in exaltation. She travelled to India and had a joyous love affair.

26 November 1990

Period Mercury/Saturn. Saturn is in the 8th House with 2 points. So, it aspects Houses 2, 5 and 10 with 6 points. In the D10, Saturn is not very significant. However, I suppose she started a business.

— Denis Labouré (France)


1. 26 November 1990 She started a business.

At that moment her Mercury-Saturn period is running. Both Mercury and Saturn are planets that by nature easily relate to structuring a business. Both are placed in House 8, which is a House of "new beginning". Saturn is Lord of the Ascendant which indicates personal effort in this period. In the D-10 both Mercury and Saturn are in House 11, the House of achievement, and they are aspected by a strong Mars as Lord House 10 and the Sun (as a career planet). So many indications that an important new event in her work is achieved in that period.

2. 25 July 2000 She travelled to India and had a joyous love affair.

At that moment her Venus-Venus period is running. Venus by nature relates to romance and things a person likes to do. In her Rasi chart Venus is linked with a fairly strong Mercury as Lord House 5 (romance), Saturn as Lord 12 (foreign country), Ketu (foreign) and the Sun as Lord House 7 (partner), while Venus itself also is Lord House 9. So a fair chance for a combination of foreign travel with a romantic event.

3. 4 August 1995 Her grandmother died.

At that moment her Ketu-Rahu period is running. Rahu and Ketu are indicators for grandparents. Rahu is in the Naksatra Uttarabhadrapada, which is related to death. In the D-12 (grandparents) Rahu is in House 10 with exalted Moon as Lord House 12 (loss), and Ketu is aspected by a very strong Mars and by Saturn.

— Jan Willem van Doorn (Holland)


I made the following charts for all dates :

Secondary .Progressed, Solar Arc Directed, Age Harmonics, Solar and Lunar Returns, Transits and Day Chart.

— Paul Langeveld (Holland)

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