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11th-12th house

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Dear members of conference,

This is my first letter to conference and I hope that it is OK to ask some questions. I have received all text long ago and went through (almost) all of them (in this conference) as well as through lessons and examples. I really like this system and results are very good.


Now, my question is:


1. In some previous mails, Krushna,and other members were disscusing 11th house versus 12th house regarding spending / saving of money. For example: if 11th has higher points than 12th from Lg, Mo and Su, that would be good.


It seems that 11th should be stronger, from Lg, Mo, Su.


Now, when we get total strenght (average 144) for some house, and in this example 11th and 12th, is it possible that 12th is stronger ? Does it matter at all ? Also, what if 12th is strong in total - is there any influence ?


Sorry if questions are not properly raised.....



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Dear Dadhi,

I have not followed your question. But

here again I give the basic law. Refer the SAV chart.

the total of the house, ( the points gained by each

planet for a perticular house)gives the idea about the

effect of that house. The average value is 28. When

the total points for a house are less then 28, it

indicates reduced effect of that house.

Now the 11th house indicates income. and

12th indicates expences. Now if we compare these two

houses, if points in 12th are more points in 11th

house, it means the person is spending more money then

what he earns. This we should check from Lagna, Sun

and Moon. If the average for these three is still

shows more points in 12th then 11th house, it means

the person spends more and may be always in debt.


--- Denis Dumancic <denis wrote:

> Dear members of conference,

> This is my first letter to conference and I hope

> that it is OK to ask some questions. I have received

> all text long ago and went through (almost) all of

> them (in this conference) as well as through lessons

> and examples. I really like this system and results

> are very good.


> Now, my question is:


> 1. In some previous mails, Krushna,and other members

> were disscusing 11th house versus 12th house

> regarding spending / saving of money. For example:

> if 11th has higher points than 12th from Lg, Mo and

> Su, that would be good.


> It seems that 11th should be stronger, from Lg, Mo,

> Su.


> Now, when we get total strenght (average 144) for

> some house, and in this example 11th and 12th, is it

> possible that 12th is stronger ? Does it matter at

> all ? Also, what if 12th is strong in total - is

> there any influence ?


> Sorry if questions are not properly raised.....


> Dadhi





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Dear Krushna,

Thank you for quick answer. My question was not properly asked. I was mixing different info's.


Let me ask you like this:


You said that average strenght of house is 84. (When one add all points from Row 17). Now, what to do with this ? How to apply this info ?


For example, in my SAV ( Data 24.10.1967. / 19:03 / 17E00, 43N45 / +1 ) some houses have more points some less. But, OTOH, all houses have more than 84 points.


Is there some connection between these two. Or I am mixing two different things. Please help.







krushna jugalkalani

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:04 PM

Re: 11th-12th house

Dear Dadhi, I have not followed your question. Buthere again I give the basic law. Refer the SAV chart.the total of the house, ( the points gained by eachplanet for a perticular house)gives the idea about theeffect of that house. The average value is 28. Whenthe total points for a house are less then 28, itindicates reduced effect of that house. Now the 11th house indicates income. and12th indicates expences. Now if we compare these twohouses, if points in 12th are more points in 11thhouse, it means the person is spending more money thenwhat he earns. This we should check from Lagna, Sunand Moon. If the average for these three is stillshows more points in 12th then 11th house, it meansthe person spends more and may be always in debt.krushna

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Dear Dadhi,

I am currently pressed for time so will try to answer some of your

points in short.


1) If a house gets 84 points then on an average each of the 7 planets

are giving 12 points hence 84.

If all planets give high points for a house then one can except good

results during the antra of planets.

These points in Worksheet are based on SAV.


2) If a planet gets 144 points then on an average he is giving 12

points to all 12 houses. So when the antra of that planet runs then

one can expect better results for all houses (provided all houses

have more than 12 points and other factors auger well from Rasi and

degree of planets).


3) Worksheet points are based or derived from SAV. If you study

keenly SAV is derived based on relative positioning of planets. To

come to final or row 17 points in WS one had to consider 4:10

relationships, aspects on primary upchaya sthans, give special

consideration to Lords of House and planets in House D and E with > 4

bindus, adjustment for 6th lords and 12th from B, aspects on planets

and planets aspecting primary significator houses and after doing all

that we come to the Final strength of significators.


4) Say for example 4th hosue has > 28 points in SAV and at the same

time most of the planets are giving less than 12 points for 4th house

then in that case person might get a House but not a Home.


5) We can also compare points in WS for 11th v/s 12th for the antra

of the planet running to compare income v/s expenditure during that

antra. Also you can check 10th hosue points and compare the effort

put in.


6) If you go through the lesson on Transits, you can also see how SAV

is used to study transits. Trantis of plantes in a house with high

SAV points i.e more than 28 gives better results.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!




, " Denis Dumancic "

<denis@d...> wrote:

> Dear Krushna,

> Thank you for quick answer. My question was not properly asked. I

was mixing different info's.


> Let me ask you like this:


> You said that average strenght of house is 84. (When one add all

points from Row 17). Now, what to do with this ? How to apply this

info ?


> For example, in my SAV ( Data 24.10.1967. / 19:03 / 17E00, 43N45 /

+1 ) some houses have more points some less. But, OTOH, all houses

have more than 84 points.


> Is there some connection between these two. Or I am mixing two

different things. Please help.


> Dadhi



> -

> krushna jugalkalani


> Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:04 PM

> Re: 11th-12th house



> Dear Dadhi,

> I have not followed your question. But

> here again I give the basic law. Refer the SAV chart.

> the total of the house, ( the points gained by each

> planet for a perticular house)gives the idea about the

> effect of that house. The average value is 28. When

> the total points for a house are less then 28, it

> indicates reduced effect of that house.

> Now the 11th house indicates income. and

> 12th indicates expences. Now if we compare these two

> houses, if points in 12th are more points in 11th

> house, it means the person is spending more money then

> what he earns. This we should check from Lagna, Sun

> and Moon. If the average for these three is still

> shows more points in 12th then 11th house, it means

> the person spends more and may be always in debt.

> krushna

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> 6) If you go through the lesson on Transits, you can also see how SAV> is used to study transits. Trantis of plantes in a house with high> SAV points i.e more than 28 gives better results.>

Dear Ash,

Thank you for valuable informations. Regarding transits it seems that lesson is quite clear, but I have aditional questions. From text 4754 (26. April 2003.) by Krsna...


> Again in some other mail you have asked about transit.> In transit the planet gives the result of 4th and 8th house> from it self


Let say now Saturn is in Gemini, let say 2 house. So Saturn will give results of 5th and 9th house. Correct ?



>( if it have more points for the place)


Which points? SAV points or points of Saturn for Gemini? (to me it seems points of Saturn in my example...)


> If there is Zero> in any place then Mars and Saturn will give bad result, worries etc.



That means if Saturn is in Gemini now (as it is), and if there is Zero point from Mars or Saturn, Saturn will give bad results. Does it also means that when Mars comes to Gemini similar (bad) result comes? Any other malefic too?



> If the planet is 2nd lord, having its transi from 4th house,> it will creat shortage of funds, or more debt.( no incoming , 11th> house)

> No planet directly gives the result for the house it is having> it's transit. Apply the similar theory.



Does it mean that if (in my example) there is zero points in Gemini, Saturn will give bad results for 5th and 9th house ?


> Now if the planet is having it's transit from it's own sign,> uccha sign, Multrikon sign, Apply multiplying factor. Then consider> it's point. Result will be accordingly.



What is "multiplying factor" ? An example would be appriciated....



> I have given my answer in short. Other members may not get> clear idea. Ash, I think you can get clear understanding from this.> If required please clarify this for other members. If you find any> difficulty. I will help you.> Thanks> krushna

I hope that Ash (or maybe Krsna) has some time to explain this. No explanation was found in texts after 4754.


Best wishes,




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Dear Dadhi,

When a planet has more than 4 points in the place it is situated the

it generally gives results of 4th and 8th house from itself. The

logic behind that is that planets in House D or House E with more

points are eager to give results.

So say in your chart Jupiter is in 4th house so 4th and 8th from 4th

hosue is 11th and 7th house. Now carefully notice 4th house is HOUSE


This is only for planets with more points i.e. 5, 6, 7 or 8 bindus.


This thing is also considered in the worksheet in points 7a, 7b, 8a

and 8b in details worksheet. So in overall row 17 these things also

get considered automatically. You can see that such planets get high

points in row 17 provided there are not a lot of planets aspecting

that planet having more bindus i.e. 5,6,7,8 or else it will take the

power off.


Another way to relate this is consider that planets with more bindus

and when I say more bindus means 5,6,7 or 8 then they are like noble

planet and when the are tennants in a house then they will take the

responsibility like good tennants will step in if the owner cant give

the result.


So saturn in 11th house will not give results for 2nd and 6th house.

If you also notice the Worksheet Saturn has low points for 2nd and

11th house in your chart in the worksheet i.e. row 17.


Now if you study the SAV then check if any planet is giving any 0

point in their SAV for any house.

What does that mean ? It means that from lagna and all 8 points

after distibuting points that house got no support.


So when malefics which being natural malefics i.e. Shani and Mars

when they transit such house i.e. with 0 points they get no

resistance so can cause more worries etc.


There is more to it but lets leave it here for now and think on

this. You can go in deeper to know what kind of troubles one can

face. In your chart there is not planet giving any zero to any house

in their BAVS.


Lets take your chart and assume say Gemini i.e your 2nd house got a

zero point due to Moon. Now if Shani or Mars transit over your 2nd

house then one may face more problems. I think we have studied such

charts with people facing sudden finaicial problems and asking on the

list on the reason as to why during such and such time they were

facing difficulties.


Again there is much more to transits but you are on right track in

your thought process. There is a lot of detail one can find out or

go into to know the reasonings.... but lets take it one step at a

time or it will lead to confusion....


So if you can find a chart or go through the archive with people

having 0 points and then study the transit of malefics natural u will

begin to see these things....


Now multiplication factor you can study from Lesson 26. That is for

quality of results or quantum and has got nothing to do with timing.


Transit of Sun is also very important if you want to time events.

Events are triggered when Sun transits powerful significators as per

the WS.


Please feel free to ask your questions, you have asked some very

interesting questions.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!





, " Dadhi " <denis@d...>



> > 6) If you go through the lesson on Transits, you can also see how


> > is used to study transits. Trantis of plantes in a house with


> > SAV points i.e more than 28 gives better results.

> >


> Dear Ash,

> Thank you for valuable informations. Regarding transits it seems

that lesson is quite clear, but I have aditional questions. From text

4754 (26. April 2003.) by Krsna...


> > Again in some other mail you have asked about transit.

> > In transit the planet gives the result of 4th and 8th house

> > from it self


> Let say now Saturn is in Gemini, let say 2 house. So Saturn will

give results of 5th and 9th house. Correct ?



> >( if it have more points for the place)


> Which points? SAV points or points of Saturn for Gemini? (to me it

seems points of Saturn in my example...)


> > If there is Zero

> > in any place then Mars and Saturn will give bad result, worries




> That means if Saturn is in Gemini now (as it is), and if there is

Zero point from Mars or Saturn, Saturn will give bad results. Does it

also means that when Mars comes to Gemini similar (bad) result comes?

Any other malefic too?




> > If the planet is 2nd lord, having its transi from 4th house,

> > it will creat shortage of funds, or more debt.( no incoming , 11th

> > house)

> > No planet directly gives the result for the house it is having

> > it's transit. Apply the similar theory.



> Does it mean that if (in my example) there is zero points in

Gemini, Saturn will give bad results for 5th and 9th house ?



> > Now if the planet is having it's transit from it's own sign,

> > uccha sign, Multrikon sign, Apply multiplying factor. Then


> > it's point. Result will be accordingly.



> What is " multiplying factor " ? An example would be appriciated....



> > I have given my answer in short. Other members may not get

> > clear idea. Ash, I think you can get clear understanding from


> > If required please clarify this for other members. If you find any

> > difficulty. I will help you.

> > Thanks

> > krushna


> I hope that Ash (or maybe Krsna) has some time to explain this. No

explanation was found in texts after 4754.


> Best wishes,

> Dadhi

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Hello Ash, Dadhi,


Welcome to the list Dadhi.

Sorry to jump in on your discussion but perhaps we should first get

the basics on which we are discussing right.

Let's first be assured that the worksheet has no errors before going

into further discussion of different and multiple details.


In Dadhi's chart, Saturn gets points from the Moon and I think his

calculations are right. Saturn gets high points for all houses and

they are not low for 2nd and 11th houses (unless I overlooked



The points obtained for Saturn in the 12 houses are as follows

42 20 24 19 29 31 18 30 35 16 24 30.

Could you both check this, it would make things more clear.


Best regards




-- In , " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73> wrote:

> Dear Dadhi,

> When a planet has more than 4 points in the place it is situated


> it generally gives results of 4th and 8th house from itself. The

> logic behind that is that planets in House D or House E with more

> points are eager to give results.

> So say in your chart Jupiter is in 4th house so 4th and 8th from


> hosue is 11th and 7th house. Now carefully notice 4th house is



> This is only for planets with more points i.e. 5, 6, 7 or 8 bindus.


> This thing is also considered in the worksheet in points 7a, 7b, 8a

> and 8b in details worksheet. So in overall row 17 these things


> get considered automatically. You can see that such planets get


> points in row 17 provided there are not a lot of planets aspecting

> that planet having more bindus i.e. 5,6,7,8 or else it will take


> power off.


> Another way to relate this is consider that planets with more


> and when I say more bindus means 5,6,7 or 8 then they are like


> planet and when the are tennants in a house then they will take the

> responsibility like good tennants will step in if the owner cant


> the result.


> So saturn in 11th house will not give results for 2nd and 6th


> If you also notice the Worksheet Saturn has low points for 2nd and

> 11th house in your chart in the worksheet i.e. row 17.


> Now if you study the SAV then check if any planet is giving any 0

> point in their SAV for any house.

> What does that mean ? It means that from lagna and all 8 points

> after distibuting points that house got no support.


> So when malefics which being natural malefics i.e. Shani and Mars

> when they transit such house i.e. with 0 points they get no

> resistance so can cause more worries etc.


> There is more to it but lets leave it here for now and think on

> this. You can go in deeper to know what kind of troubles one can

> face. In your chart there is not planet giving any zero to any


> in their BAVS.


> Lets take your chart and assume say Gemini i.e your 2nd house got a

> zero point due to Moon. Now if Shani or Mars transit over your 2nd

> house then one may face more problems. I think we have studied


> charts with people facing sudden finaicial problems and asking on


> list on the reason as to why during such and such time they were

> facing difficulties.


> Again there is much more to transits but you are on right track in

> your thought process. There is a lot of detail one can find out or

> go into to know the reasonings.... but lets take it one step at a

> time or it will lead to confusion....


> So if you can find a chart or go through the archive with people

> having 0 points and then study the transit of malefics natural u


> begin to see these things....


> Now multiplication factor you can study from Lesson 26. That is


> quality of results or quantum and has got nothing to do with timing.


> Transit of Sun is also very important if you want to time events.

> Events are triggered when Sun transits powerful significators as


> the WS.


> Please feel free to ask your questions, you have asked some very

> interesting questions.


> Hope that helps,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash




> , " Dadhi "


> wrote:

> >

> > > 6) If you go through the lesson on Transits, you can also see



> > > is used to study transits. Trantis of plantes in a house with

> high

> > > SAV points i.e more than 28 gives better results.

> > >

> >

> > Dear Ash,

> > Thank you for valuable informations. Regarding transits it seems

> that lesson is quite clear, but I have aditional questions. From


> 4754 (26. April 2003.) by Krsna...

> >

> > > Again in some other mail you have asked about transit.

> > > In transit the planet gives the result of 4th and 8th house

> > > from it self

> >

> > Let say now Saturn is in Gemini, let say 2 house. So Saturn will

> give results of 5th and 9th house. Correct ?

> >

> >

> > >( if it have more points for the place)

> >

> > Which points? SAV points or points of Saturn for Gemini? (to me


> seems points of Saturn in my example...)

> >

> > > If there is Zero

> > > in any place then Mars and Saturn will give bad result, worries

> etc.

> >

> >

> > That means if Saturn is in Gemini now (as it is), and if there is

> Zero point from Mars or Saturn, Saturn will give bad results. Does


> also means that when Mars comes to Gemini similar (bad) result


> Any other malefic too?

> >

> >

> >

> > > If the planet is 2nd lord, having its transi from 4th house,

> > > it will creat shortage of funds, or more debt.( no incoming ,


> > > house)

> > > No planet directly gives the result for the house it is having

> > > it's transit. Apply the similar theory.

> >

> >

> > Does it mean that if (in my example) there is zero points in

> Gemini, Saturn will give bad results for 5th and 9th house ?

> >

> >

> > > Now if the planet is having it's transit from it's own sign,

> > > uccha sign, Multrikon sign, Apply multiplying factor. Then

> consider

> > > it's point. Result will be accordingly.

> >

> >

> > What is " multiplying factor " ? An example would be appriciated....

> >

> >

> > > I have given my answer in short. Other members may not get

> > > clear idea. Ash, I think you can get clear understanding from

> this.

> > > If required please clarify this for other members. If you find


> > > difficulty. I will help you.

> > > Thanks

> > > krushna

> >

> > I hope that Ash (or maybe Krsna) has some time to explain this.


> explanation was found in texts after 4754.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> > Dadhi

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Dear Margarita and Dadhi,

Yes, Margarita, Dadhi both of you are right. My program did not

consider Shani getting points from Moon as Moon is with 3 bindus.

So here in this case Shani WILL get points from Moon as Shani has 2

bindus and Moon has 3.

Here Moon will co-operate or become SD to Shani howerver he will not

cooperate willingly as moon is with less points.

I remember we had this discussion in with Krushnaji had explained 3



For example sake lets consider above situation only.


Shani is in 11th house and Moon in 2nd.


Now lets ASSUME the 3 situstions.


1) Shani with 2 bindus and Moon with 5 bindus

2) Shani with 5 bindus and Moon with 2 bindus

3) Shani with 2 bindus and Moon with 3.


Here in Case 1, Moon will readily give his points to Shani and become

SD. Whenever it gets a chance it will help Shani.


In Case 2, Moon will Oppose Shani whenever it gets a chance. Even if

Say Shani and Moon were in Same Navamsa then by that virtu both are

SD's but if moon gets chance he will oppose Shani and might not act

SD subject to certain factors.


In case 3, Moon will surrerder his points to Shani as Shani is more

strict than Moon, however Moon has less than 4 bindus so is also

malefic, here Shani is more malefic so it will Control Moon but moon

will also try to cause opposition.


My appologies for being hasty (I am pressed for time) and yes I am

glad Dadhi is following the lessons nicely.


Thanks Margarita for pointing and clarifying the same. I am glad u

jumped on the wagon...


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!



, " margarita_lettens "

<margarita_lettens> wrote:

> Hello Ash, Dadhi,


> Welcome to the list Dadhi.

> Sorry to jump in on your discussion but perhaps we should first get

> the basics on which we are discussing right.

> Let's first be assured that the worksheet has no errors before


> into further discussion of different and multiple details.


> In Dadhi's chart, Saturn gets points from the Moon and I think his

> calculations are right. Saturn gets high points for all houses and

> they are not low for 2nd and 11th houses (unless I overlooked

> something)


> The points obtained for Saturn in the 12 houses are as follows

> 42 20 24 19 29 31 18 30 35 16 24 30.

> Could you both check this, it would make things more clear.


> Best regards

> Margarita



> -- In , " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73> wrote:

> > Dear Dadhi,

> > When a planet has more than 4 points in the place it is situated

> the

> > it generally gives results of 4th and 8th house from itself. The

> > logic behind that is that planets in House D or House E with more

> > points are eager to give results.

> > So say in your chart Jupiter is in 4th house so 4th and 8th from

> 4th

> > hosue is 11th and 7th house. Now carefully notice 4th house is



> > This is only for planets with more points i.e. 5, 6, 7 or 8


> >

> > This thing is also considered in the worksheet in points 7a, 7b,


> > and 8b in details worksheet. So in overall row 17 these things

> also

> > get considered automatically. You can see that such planets get

> high

> > points in row 17 provided there are not a lot of planets


> > that planet having more bindus i.e. 5,6,7,8 or else it will take

> the

> > power off.

> >

> > Another way to relate this is consider that planets with more

> bindus

> > and when I say more bindus means 5,6,7 or 8 then they are like

> noble

> > planet and when the are tennants in a house then they will take


> > responsibility like good tennants will step in if the owner cant

> give

> > the result.

> >

> > So saturn in 11th house will not give results for 2nd and 6th

> house.

> > If you also notice the Worksheet Saturn has low points for 2nd


> > 11th house in your chart in the worksheet i.e. row 17.

> >

> > Now if you study the SAV then check if any planet is giving any 0

> > point in their SAV for any house.

> > What does that mean ? It means that from lagna and all 8 points

> > after distibuting points that house got no support.

> >

> > So when malefics which being natural malefics i.e. Shani and Mars

> > when they transit such house i.e. with 0 points they get no

> > resistance so can cause more worries etc.

> >

> > There is more to it but lets leave it here for now and think on

> > this. You can go in deeper to know what kind of troubles one can

> > face. In your chart there is not planet giving any zero to any

> house

> > in their BAVS.

> >

> > Lets take your chart and assume say Gemini i.e your 2nd house got


> > zero point due to Moon. Now if Shani or Mars transit over your


> > house then one may face more problems. I think we have studied

> such

> > charts with people facing sudden finaicial problems and asking on

> the

> > list on the reason as to why during such and such time they were

> > facing difficulties.

> >

> > Again there is much more to transits but you are on right track


> > your thought process. There is a lot of detail one can find out


> > go into to know the reasonings.... but lets take it one step at a

> > time or it will lead to confusion....

> >

> > So if you can find a chart or go through the archive with people

> > having 0 points and then study the transit of malefics natural u

> will

> > begin to see these things....

> >

> > Now multiplication factor you can study from Lesson 26. That is

> for

> > quality of results or quantum and has got nothing to do with


> >

> > Transit of Sun is also very important if you want to time


> > Events are triggered when Sun transits powerful significators as

> per

> > the WS.

> >

> > Please feel free to ask your questions, you have asked some very

> > interesting questions.

> >

> > Hope that helps,

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Dadhi "

> <denis@d...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > > 6) If you go through the lesson on Transits, you can also see

> how

> > SAV

> > > > is used to study transits. Trantis of plantes in a house


> > high

> > > > SAV points i.e more than 28 gives better results.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Dear Ash,

> > > Thank you for valuable informations. Regarding transits it


> > that lesson is quite clear, but I have aditional questions. From

> text

> > 4754 (26. April 2003.) by Krsna...

> > >

> > > > Again in some other mail you have asked about transit.

> > > > In transit the planet gives the result of 4th and 8th house

> > > > from it self

> > >

> > > Let say now Saturn is in Gemini, let say 2 house. So Saturn


> > give results of 5th and 9th house. Correct ?

> > >

> > >

> > > >( if it have more points for the place)

> > >

> > > Which points? SAV points or points of Saturn for Gemini? (to me

> it

> > seems points of Saturn in my example...)

> > >

> > > > If there is Zero

> > > > in any place then Mars and Saturn will give bad result,


> > etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > That means if Saturn is in Gemini now (as it is), and if there


> > Zero point from Mars or Saturn, Saturn will give bad results.


> it

> > also means that when Mars comes to Gemini similar (bad) result

> comes?

> > Any other malefic too?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > If the planet is 2nd lord, having its transi from 4th house,

> > > > it will creat shortage of funds, or more debt.( no incoming ,

> 11th

> > > > house)

> > > > No planet directly gives the result for the house it is having

> > > > it's transit. Apply the similar theory.

> > >

> > >

> > > Does it mean that if (in my example) there is zero points in

> > Gemini, Saturn will give bad results for 5th and 9th house ?

> > >

> > >

> > > > Now if the planet is having it's transit from it's own sign,

> > > > uccha sign, Multrikon sign, Apply multiplying factor. Then

> > consider

> > > > it's point. Result will be accordingly.

> > >

> > >

> > > What is " multiplying factor " ? An example would be


> > >

> > >

> > > > I have given my answer in short. Other members may not get

> > > > clear idea. Ash, I think you can get clear understanding from

> > this.

> > > > If required please clarify this for other members. If you


> any

> > > > difficulty. I will help you.

> > > > Thanks

> > > > krushna

> > >

> > > I hope that Ash (or maybe Krsna) has some time to explain this.

> No

> > explanation was found in texts after 4754.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > > Dadhi

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Dear members,



> Welcome to the list Dadhi.


Thanks. It is nice to be here.



> The points obtained for Saturn in the 12 houses are as follows> 42 20 24 19 29 31 18 30 35 16 24 30.> Could you both check this, it would make things more clear.



I got the same points.


All the best,


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