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4:10 theory - Detail

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Dear Manu,


Planets in 4:10 are called Mutual Coworkers which is given in texts

that are available. It means planest that help each other. Can

exchange / replace the other planet if the planet is not able to give

results due to any reason like if its having its dristi on primary

upchayas or maybe its period has just gotten over as there was delay

etc so in that case its samdharmi can step forward to " Help " .


When we cast SAV from BAV it does not cover this special

relationship. So we consider this seperately in the worksheet. This

is the highest level samdharmi. But we need to study this relation



So in worksheet if you study closely you first Consider BASIC

strength i.e. A+B+C points. With that you get what the planet

strength is for that house on its own without considering any 4:10,

aspects etc.


Consider 10th place as the Boss and 4th from it as the Subordinate.

So say 4th house is Boss and 7th house is Subbordinate or 10th house

is boss and lagna is subordinate or 5th is boss and 8th is

subordinate etc etc.


After establishing the relationship of Boss-Subordinate we then focus

on planet. Say if a planet is resident in the Boss house and there

is a planet in the Subordinate house.


Let us establish the nature of planet as strict or lienent. If a

planet is with more points i.e. > 4 then he is a noble planet and if

a planet is with less bindus < 4 he is strict.


Now let us combine the above and get an understanding.


If Boss is strict (planet in 10th is < 4 bindus) then Planet in the

subordinate will have to listen to the boss. Here he gives the

points to the Boss planet (in the WS).


Now the question becons is ?

1) What is the Subordinate is also a culprit (< 4 bindus)

2) What is the Boss is a noble man (> 4 bindus) and the subordinate

is culprit (< 4 bindus)

3) What if Boss is strict (< 4 bindus) and Subordinate is noble man

(> 4 bindus)

4) What if Boss is strict (< 4 bindus) and Subordinate is also

culprit but with more points than boss. i.e Say if Boss = 2 bindus

and Subordinate is with 3 bindus.

5) What is Boss is strict (< 4 bindus) and subordinate is also

culprit (< 4) however with lesser point than Boss. i.e. Say if Boss

= 3 bindus and Subordinate = 2 bindus.


Here is where you start to get in deeper.


Basic law is if Planet is in 10th with less points then it will

control the planet in the 4th. 4th will give its points.


Now solving above scenarios


1) Subordinate will have to give it points to Boss but he is still

culprit so he will do so but with opposition. He will help the boss

but in malefic deeds.


2)If Boss is noble man and subordinate is culprit here, Boss CANNOT

control the subordinate. Here if Subordinate gets a chance he will

OPPOSE the boss and cause mischief. Here no matter what the Boss is

still Boss so culprit will act as though he is supporting the boss

but at last minute might back out his support. So here he will not

support and cause opposition.


3) Best situation is when Boss is strict and a he has a noble and

trust worthy subordinate. Here Subordinate will go out his way to

help the boss out. This is when Subordinate planet has > 4 bindus

and Boss is strict < 4 bindus. Here Subordinate will help the boss

to give good results without any opposition.


4) Here Both Boss = 2 bindus and Subordinate = 3 bindus. Here both

are malefic. Boss is the bigger " Don " here. So here you have a

situation wherein 2 culprits or malefics are working helping each

other scratching each others back. But both will help each other in

malefic deeds. [in vedic astrology combination of Mars and Saturn in

4:10 is not considered good as generally both have less than 4 bindus

and what happens is that here you get 2 natural malefics working

helping each other cause more havoc in a chart]. In our system we

say a planet is malefic if the planet has < 4 binds and a benefic if

the planet has > 4 bindus.


5) Here Boss = 3 and Subordinate = 2. Here again both are malefic.

So Subordinate will give its points the Boss but will also OPPOSE the

boss if it gets chance as the subordinate is even more malefic than

that Boss.


My suggestion is study the flow of worksheet. You will get an

understanding on the SEQUENCE of the flow and try to understand what

is happening.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!





, " Manu Batura "

<manubatura> wrote:

> Hello Ash and List Members,


> That was very instructive. thank you. I will try to practice a few

> horoscopes.


> I had one more doubt. Is there any logical basis for 4:10 theory? I

> understood the reasoning behind Upachayas. For instance,

> if 'children' is the event, house B is 5th. A is 12 which is for

> mating and is a precondition. C is house 9 and the reason which is


> continue our Vansh by means of grandchildren. It expands our family

> (house 2/house D). And it brings about a change of state for our

> responsiblity (house 10/house E).


> This is a beautiful relationship between houses. So, naturally we

> should expect some such relation for 4:10 theory of samdharmis too.

> Is there any such relation?


> The only thing I can think of is a bit crude:


> Since, 4th house represents mother, any planet placed in 4th from

> another planet gives strength to the planet in 10th from it. Kindly

> excuse me if I totally missed the point.


> Thanks & Regards,

> Manu

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Dadhi is so very right Ash. That was simply marvelous. I like to

learn by analogies and you made the learning so easy!


Thanks a lot. I will have a few more more doubts coming up. Shall

seek your help and support again.


Thanks & Regards,





, " Dadhi " <denis@d...>


> Dear Ash,

> Very nice explanation. Thank you....


> All the best,

> Dadhi

> -

> ashsam73


> Sunday, January 18, 2004 5:46 PM

> 4:10 theory - Detail

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