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Krishnamurthi (KP) & System's Approach (SA): Towards a Greater Understanding of Modern Schools of Vedic Astrology

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Krishnamurthi (KP) & System's Approach (SA): Towards a

Greater Understanding of Modern Schools of Vedic



Hi All,


I have been thinking about this for a very long time.


I am hoping that someone out there, can shed light on

this issue.


Everyone who studies Jyotish learns early on in their

study, that there are five principle styles, or

schools, of Jyotish; they are as follows:


Parasari Jyotish

Tajika Jyotish

Tantric Jyotish

Jaimini Jyotish

Nadi Jyotish


Each style, or school, is named for the sage that

supposedly revealed its core tenants at some point in

the past, in some cases as far back as several

thousand years ago. With the exception of Tantric

Jyotish, each of the other schools have also spawned

inspired commentaries. For example, there exists many

such commentaries on the Parasari method by

Mantreshwara (Phaladeepika), Varamahira (Brihat

Jataka) and Kalidasa (Uttara Kalmrita), and more

modern-day commentaries on other schools of Jyotish,

like the recent writings of surgeon and jyotishi Dr.

K.S. Charak (his musings on the Varshaphal, the Solar

Return chart used by the Tajika Jyotish school) and

P.S. Shatri's and Sanjay Rath's commentaries on the

Jaimini school of Jyotish (based on the Jaimini



Within the past 20 years or so, building in a quiet

manner, there has been the formation of more

modern-day approaches to Jyotish. Now that Jyotish has

come to the West, no doubt there will continue to be

more innovations to this ancient art. While this may

raise the hackles of those more inclined to the more

tried and true methods, the Rahu in me makes me want

to investigate these more modern methods. In the end,

I may decide that the more classical methods, more or

less, hold sway. But for the moment, I am willing to

see if any of the " new school " holds any water.


Of these more modern methods, two schools in

particular seem to merit special attention: the

Krishnamurthi school of Jyotish, and the System's

Approach method of Jyotish. Both have gained a

steadily growing following, both back in the " old

country " as well as here in the West. It is these two

schools of Jyotish that I wish to investigate here.


My first question and concern would be, what are the

fundamental tenants of these schools of thought - and

how are their principles applied to the horoscope?


Further, another concern and question: how do these

principles apply to the following -


Natal Astrology

Medical Analysis

Relationship Compatibility

Predictive Analysis

Horary Astrology

Electional Astrology

Counselling and Remedial Measures


Another question and concern: can either of these

schools/styles be intergrated within the larger

frameworks of any of the classical schools of Jyotish?

For example, and only the keen student of Jyotish will

notice this, but most jyotishis blend various schools

of Jyotish thought when considering a horoscope

whether they know it or not. For example, take the

famous (or infamous) Kala Sarpa Yoga, a combination

that hails from the Tantric school of Jyotish. If one

were practicing strictly, let's say, Parasari Jyotish,

they would not recognize this combination, whether it

existed in the horoscope or not.


What are the benefits of these more modern schools of

Jyotish - KP and SA - over the more classical,

existing models of Jyotish?


Let's take a number of horoscopes, and see what can be



In true Moon-in-Aries fashion, " me first " ...


Mu'Min Bey: Dec 2, 1968 9.43AM EST Philadelphia, PA

Q: Can death of my parents, which occurred before I

turned 35, be seen using either method?

Q: Ca my deep interest in Astrology, and in

particular, Vedic Astrology, a major consideration,

given my background as an African American, inner-city

urban male, be seen in my horoscope, again, using

either mehtod? And if so, how?

Q: Using either system - KP or SA - What career path

would be best for me?


Humanistic Analysis, Romantic and Sexual Concerns, &

Potential Health Matters...


Female, Private Case: May 18, 1983 12.28AM EDT,

Philadelphia, PA

Q: What does KP or SA have to say about this woman's

psychological makeup, early homelife and relationship

with her parents? Which relationship in particular is

more problematic - the mother, or the father?

Q: What does either school have to say about this

woman's romantic and sexual life?

Q: What is the KP or SA view of this woman's health

profile, in detail, including key timing structures?


On Fame and Death...


Marilyn Monroe: June 1, 1926 9.30AM PST, Los Angeles,


Q: Using the KP or SA method, can fame be seen in

Monroe's chart?

Q: Could either system get a bead on Monroe's

lifespan, she having died " before " the age of 40?

Q: What does KP or SA have to say about the nature of

Monroe's death - was it a murder, or a suicide?


A Prasna Kundali...


Horary Chart - " Should I Report This Accident? " :

Friday, Jan 16, 2004 5.06PM EST, Philadelphia, PA

NOTE: This chart is set for the moment I received it

from a colleague, wanting my judgement in the matter.

In that she wanted to see this chart interpreted in

light of the Vedic Astrological method, I thought to

include it here.

Q: How does KP or SA approach the issue of

Horary/Prasna charts?

Q: What light could it shed on the matter under



A Relationship Challenge for the Krishnamurthi and

System's Approach schools of Jyotish...


Prince Charles: Nov 14, 1948 9.14PM WET, London,


Princess Diana: July 1, 1961 7.45PM WEDT Sandringham,


Q: What is the KP or SA methods for determining

relationship compatibility? What does it have to say

about the compatibility (or the decided lack thereof)

of these " Royals " ?

Q: Could either system seen Charles' ongoing

relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles throughout the


Q: Could either school of Jyotish, KP or SA, have seen

the breakup of this couple in 1996?

Q: Could either system have seen the death of Di in

Aug 1997? Could it have suggested before the fact that

Charles would be a widower?


An Astro-Medical Case...


Rock Hudson: Nov 17, 1925 2.15AM CST Winnetka, IL

Q: What does KP or SA have to say on the question of

homosexuality in the horoscope?

Q: Could either system, had seen AIDSin Hudson's chart

in 1983? Could it have seen Hudson's death in Oct of



And finally...


Anais Nin: Feb 21, 1903 8.35PM LMT Neuilly-Sur-Seine,


Q: Could KP or SA have foretold Nin's literary gifts?

Q: Could either system see Nin's sexual molestation at

the hands of her father, and if so, how?

Q: Can KP or SA see Nin's very difficult marital life,

as well as her many lesbian affairs?


That should be more than enough examples for those of

you out there who are practitioners of the KP or SA

school of Joytish to demonstrate its core principles.


I await any and all responses on these matters.


The gauntlet has been thrown down. Let's see who picks

it up...










Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer

Priority Email: jedimu11

AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu


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