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Practicing Basics - Common Questions ? by Dadhi

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Dear Dadhi,


Let me first Congratulate you on your attempt and answer.


You have a natural knack for financial astrology.

You pointed out exactly with WS and Transit of Shani.

I will write in more detail on this chart explaning each event in



Let me also congratulate you on observing the zero point in the 9th

house and being quizzed on what it meant.


You clearly found out that there was not delay due to Shani in this

chart. This is correct. Margarita has pointed out that we check

Shanis aspect on house ABC in Rasi


only and Lords of LoA, LoB and LoC in Navamsa and Rashi. In any case

now you know this.


There is additional delay due to that 1 zero point. This delay is

over and above delay due to shani which in this case shani is not

causing delay. So just small delay due to


1 zero point.


We check distance of Venus to Sun and not Saturn. Shani enhances the

bad qualities of Venus.


You have raised an interesting question on why there was child birth

despite a zero in 9th.


Here let me point out a few things. A zero in 9th house or 8th house

shows some deficiency in those areas. Here this person has the

blessings of his Guru or Father.


This is a special case. Here Self is Lagna and Guru/Father is 9th

house. Look at the lords of Lagna/9th lords. They are in Nav-

Pancham or 5:9 relation. This can also be


checked in Navamsa as Rasi and Navamsa have equal status.


Here its due to this fact that the delay causing and deficiency to

dissipate. So person has child birth and will find himself lucky.



Now for Financial part you were right on target.


Here is something more I would like to add.


Shani and Guru own last 4 houses of Kal purush chart. Here their

transits are very important when you are studying finanicial



Here Transit points of both Shani + Guru in the place where they are

transitting must be atleast 8 and more.


So generally when Shani transits a house with 0 points then unless

Guru transits a house with 8 bindus their total will be LESS THAN 8.


This is very important when studying finance.


We should practice this as there are other parts to this when will

come out when we solve more and more charts.


But I am glad that you picked up the problem area and very correctly

pointed out why the native felt a financial crunch.


As soon as Shani moved out of Aries and Guru and Shani points totaled

when to more than 8 the native started to find more ease in the

financial area and things have begun




There is more to write but these were some points I found in your



Very good attempt. With more practice you can pin point the event.


You nearly zeroed in on the marriage antra and were right on spotting

the financial problem area and this chart was tricky for that 1 zero

point which you spotted so u were


on the right track.


Congratz !!!


Cheers !!!



, " Dadhi " <denis@d...>



> Dear Ash and members,

> Here is my attempt... Below is the chart, both D-1 and D-9.



> +--------------+


> |Ve Sa |Ra | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|


> |Su MeR | |JuR |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> |-----------| D-1 |-----------|


> | | |Lg |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|


> | |Mo |Ma Ke | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> +--------------+



> +--------------+


> | Ke |MeR |Su | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|


> | | |JuR |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> |-----------| D-9 |-----------|


> | Ve Ma | | |


> | | | |


> | | | Mo Lg |


> | | | |


> | | | |


> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|


> | | | |Sa Ra |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> | | | | |


> +--------------+



> > Chart data: male born 8th of march 1967 at 17h50 in Bombay

> > Zone 5.30 73E4 - 26N17 -ayanamsa


> >

> > Question :

> >

> > 1. When did the native marry ?




> House A is Virgo, aspected by Ve (badly, because Ve has more

points) and Sa (positively, because Sa has low points). However, Sa

aspects house A, but there is no delay because the aspect of Ju (this

rule is mentioned in one text).


> Karaka of A is Me, situated in Saturn's house, house B.


> Venus is not far away from Su, not in bad nakshatra, but it is with

6th lord (Sa). That is not so good. Fortunately, Ve is strong and not

too close to Saturn.


> Saturn aspects in D-9 are not related to ABC houses, so no delay.


> Using KAS, it seems that native got married in Rahu dasha when he

was 19-21 years old. Rahu acts like Mars (LoD and also FK for 2nd and

9th houses) and Ve (karaka for marriage). Bhukti should be Ve or Su

or Mo. Su and Mo more likely, because Mo is LoE and Su is placed in

B. Both are weak in WS, but Mo slightly...



> > 2. When did conception of his children occur (native has one

male and

> > one female child) ?



> 5th house rules children in male chart. 9th house is house C and

12th lord is karaka, as the lord of house A. Jupiter ( NK ) is

situated in house A with more points. Both Jupiter and FK Moon are

weak in WS (btw, most of planets).


> LoD and LoE are strong in WS. 5th house is aspected by Rahu and

Saturn. Rahu afflicts it, and Saturn aspect is good.


> According to the rules, no zero points should be in 9th, and here

we have zero point. I do not know what to do with it...:)..... this

person has children.


> According to the rules, DBCE points are in increasing order and

female child should be first. But, to tell you sincerely, I do not

know how to find conception time using KAS. I do not know the rules.




> > 3. Has this person his own business or has he a job related


> > " service "



> Points DBCE from 6th (as B) are very good, ascending (not zig-zag)

for own business. His confidence is good. He can save some money.




> > 4. Why did the native face troubles (cash-flow) since 1999

> > and is the situation improving now ?



> Saturn gives zero points for Aries, and from/during 1999 Saturn

was there. So, bad luck and hardships.


> Regarding situation now, he is in Ma Bhukti, and Ma is strong in WS

only for four houses, 4,7,11 and 12th.


> If we look at 11th as gains, situation should be better these days.

Ju in transit is in good place where he has 6 points, Saturn so so...

but situation seems to be better.



> All the best,

> Dadhi

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Dear Ash,

Thank you (and to others too) for support and encouragement.


> You have raised an interesting question on why there was child birth> despite a zero in 9th.> > Here let me point out a few things. A zero in 9th house or 8th house> shows some deficiency in those areas. Here this person has the> blessings of his Guru or Father.> > This is a special case. Here Self is Lagna and Guru/Father is 9th> house. Look at the lords of Lagna/9th lords. They are in Nav-> Pancham or 5:9 relation. This can also be checked in Navamsa as Rasi and Navamsa have equal status.> > Here its due to this fact that the delay causing and deficiency to> dissipate. So person has child birth and will find himself lucky.Oh, I see. So I have two questions here. What would you say if there is zero in the 9th of female ? Is it same as in the male chart? For example, lady-writer has zero in the 9th, and 1/9 lords are in good relationship in Rashi, but not in Navamsha?


Second question is related to ladies. As 6th is house A for children, and 4th and 8th are E and D houses, does your sentence "A zero in 9th house or 8th house" here means 8th for ladies?


All the best,


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Dear Dadhi,


9th house is for next generation i.e. 5th from 5th. We can also say

continuation of lineage. Here if there is a 0 then if for all places

where 9th is ABC for those houses in the WS the points automatically

reduce as the first step in the WS is to find basic strength i.e.



8th house also means ovaries / testicles. A 0 out here could mean

some deficiencies in that area.


For denial of children other factors should also be there.


Lagna and 9th house in female charts means marriage may be through

the parents influence. In the west it could mean very good relation

with father of the child. If there is a 0 in the 4th house due to

mars then such person might live away from family but relation with

father might be good. Etc Etc.


This can also be for Male. Here the native might get support from

father. Relation with father/guru will be good. This is called

blessing of Guru/Father.


I beleive Krushnaji had given a sanskrit shloke w.r.t this.


This is very important.


If you observe closely in lesson for marriage we check relation with

spouse by comparing lagna and 7th lord. Lagna is for self and 7th is

for spouse. If they are in nav-pancham or 5:9 then couple gets along



Similarly we can check relation with father. Here you check Lagna

and 9th. For relation with mother, you can check lagna and 3rd house.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!



, " Dadhi " <denis@d...>


> Dear Ash,

> Thank you (and to others too) for support and encouragement.



> > You have raised an interesting question on why there was child


> > despite a zero in 9th.

> >

> > Here let me point out a few things. A zero in 9th house or 8th


> > shows some deficiency in those areas. Here this person has the

> > blessings of his Guru or Father.

> >

> > This is a special case. Here Self is Lagna and Guru/Father is 9th

> > house. Look at the lords of Lagna/9th lords. They are in Nav-

> > Pancham or 5:9 relation. This can also be checked in Navamsa as

Rasi and Navamsa have equal status.

> >

> > Here its due to this fact that the delay causing and deficiency to

> > dissipate. So person has child birth and will find himself lucky.


> Oh, I see. So I have two questions here. What would you say if

there is zero in the 9th of female ? Is it same as in the male chart?

For example, lady-writer has zero in the 9th, and 1/9 lords are in

good relationship in Rashi, but not in Navamsha?


> Second question is related to ladies. As 6th is house A for

children, and 4th and 8th are E and D houses, does your sentence " A

zero in 9th house or 8th house " here means 8th for ladies?


> All the best,

> Dadhi

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