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KAS Transits / Kakshya Transits.

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Dear Manu and list members,


Thanks for pasting this article. I went through it and tried to

understand its usage. Kakshya means nothing but compartment.


I will write my understanding from the article on timing using

Kakshya transit as per the author and then I will give you are

pinpointing events using KAS.


Kakshya - Transits


As per this link what the author is doing is breaking up a house into

8 parts and the hindi/sanskrit term for that his kakshya. The order

of which is from Saturn to Moon and last ascendent i.e. based on

speed. Then one sees the BAV ponits given and then if the planet has

given a bindu then the transit of planet through that kakshya of that

planet will be favourable. That is the gist of it.


Then for application you consider natural significance of planet then

you consider where the planet is transitting i.e. house from

ascendent and then from the natal positon to the transitting postion

and based on that if the planet is favourable (casted a bindu) then

based where the compartment lord is placed in natal chart the House

is what the beneficance will come from.


Ahh I c now what is meant by Kakshaya and transits using




KAS - Timing of Events


Now we do all this in our system and u and others have been doing all

this unknowingly.


Ok, let me elucidate.


1) You first check the chart and get where the planets are.

2) You then cast the BAV and from that the SAV

3) Then you cast the WS.

4) From the WS you get idea on the antra and what is to be expected

5) You break the antra into 3 parts or sectors.

6) Find out any event in which sector it will fall or happen.

7) Then you use SUNS TRANSIT over powerful significator for the event

from the Worksheet

8) From that you can narrow the event when Sun transits the

sign/nakshatra of powerful significator for the event using WS.

9) If you consider the antra of planet then consider the next 2 most

powerful significators [As per lesson to narrow down events]

10) That will get you very close to the event within 13 days.


The above are the steps we follow for pin pointing the event date.


Now coming to answer Daily Transits.


Here you can use SAV. It is said that when planets transit over

house with greater than 28 bindus then better results are felt. This

you must have heard. For this there is a lesson in the file section

giving more details.


That is used to find out daily transit points. So what you do is

find out the transit planets on the date. For their natal positons

find out their SAV points and add them. If its above 197 then its

better and you feel happy that day. Again other factors have to

considered but this is general. More points means better results.


Now to get the impact or the force with which that will be felt is to

apply Lesson 26 i.e. Multiplication factor. By doing that you get

the sign backing. If points are say 200 for the day and most planets

are trasnsittig their mool trikon or exalted houses then

Multiplication factor will be much higher so 200 points will feel

like say 300 (lets assume this number). So good results will come in

full impact.


Now you can go in deeper. Say Mars is transitting in 12th house from

its own house and antra running also has less points for 6th house in

WS and Mars is Karak for health (NK for 6th house as B) and say that

day person is having 176 points so person might not feel well.. may

have headache or some health related problems. So that way you can

use Karaks.


Now lets consider this situation and an example that we did on

prafullas chart. Question asked was why was person facing financial



You checked Points in Worksheet and then you checked Shani and Gurus

transit. Here you added Shani + Gurus points to the place where they

were transitting and if they were more than 8 and WS had good points

for 11th then person might get good income.


If assume Shani was transitting a house with 0 points

then " GENERALLY " guru + shani points WILL be less than 8 so person

faces more financial crunch. Unless Guru is transitting a house with

8 points but that also it will give releif for a year as Guru changes

sign approx every year. Here you are checking points in BAV of natal

chart to where Transit planets are transitting on the day. Then u

corelate that with your natal chart to get the points from SAV. Then

you total them for Guru (9th and 12th lords in kalpurush chart) and

Shani (10th and 11th lords in kalpurush chart) and are finding

combined effect of them.


You also say if Natural malefics transit a house with 0 points more

problems. Here Natural malefics are Shani and Mars. Mars is NK for

6th house and lagna. 6th house again deals with court cases,

litigations etc. Lagna with personality or health etc. So in short

we say more financial crunch.


In KAS such things are covered in a different way so please do not

worry. Let us not forget the 'S' in KAS. This is a whole system.


Not to worry these things are all considered indirecly in KAS.


Cheers !!!









, " Manu Batura "

<manubatura> wrote:

> Dear Phllis,


> I read the article here:


> www.galacticcenter.org/ashtakavarga.htm


> Although it makes interesting reading, I am not sure if Krushnaji's

> support the Kakshya transit theory.


> Thanks & Regards,

> Manu


> , " Phyllis Chubb "

> <aboutyou@t...> wrote:

> > Hello,

> >

> > Would you please share information about the site giving

> information about the Kakshyas?

> >

> > Thank you in advance,

> >

> > Phyllis

> > -

> > Samina Malik

> >

> > Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:36 AM

> > RE: Kakshyas

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello;

> >

> > I too read a chapter in a book by Mahinder Partab Singh,But KAS

> is

> > Marvellous,that chapter helped me understand what KAS is.

> >

> > Rgds

> >

> > > " Manu Batura " <manubatura>

> > >

> > >

> > > Kakshyas

> > >Sat, 07 Feb 2004 12:40:23 -0000

> > >

> > >Dear Ash, Margarita and others,

> > >

> > >I was reading an article on a web site about ashtakavarga


> a

> > >few days back and the author indicated that a technique of

> transit

> > >through kakshya is also used to determine the timing of the

> event.

> > >Does Krushnaji support this technique? It was something about

> divided

> > >every house in parts for each planet and determining the


> of

> > >planets through these kakshyas and checking their BAV for the

> > >corresponding houses.

> > >

> > >Thanks & Regards,

> > >Manu

> > >


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Dear Manu and List members,


When someone talk of Sade Sati then you check 12th, 1st and 2nd

houses from moon and see how many bindus is shani giving in his SAV

to those houses. If they are over 3 then shani has opposition from 3

planets or lagna and out of 7 planets 5 of them have dual rulership

so Shani gets oppsition to show his malefic nature.


Here what are you doing indirectly. You are going to the SAV chart,

finding out how many points is shani getting for 12th, 1st and 2nd

from moon i.e. basically finding out from 8 different angles how much

support shani is getting for those 3 houses and based on that you can

decide. So here you have used Transit of Shani.


I have talked about Shani transitting a house with 0 points also

apply similar logic to shani giving 1 bindu to a house .. or 2 etc..

and see Jupiters transit at that time.. Shani has only 37 bindus to

distribute in his BAV and Guru has 56.


But let me highlight. The overall results WILL BE AS PER ANTRA LORD.

Overall say will be as per Antra lord. Transit of Sun is very

important to narrow the event down.


When someone talks on Kalsarpa yog without any break then what

happens ..... it means that all planets are hemmed between rahu and

ketu. So basically there is a cluster of planets in 5 houses.


If that happens and based on which planets are where check out the

SAV points distribution. You will invariably find that there may be a

cluster of houses with more than 28 points and then there might be a

chain of houses with less than 28 points.


Now what happens when you do daily points using KAS. You invariably

will find that there may be longer periods of time when points are

less than 197.


Again first you check Md and Ad... but here I am talking of

contiguous period of more difficult times.


All these things are covered in KAS indirectly.


Cheers !!!








, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73> wrote:

> Dear Manu and list members,


> Thanks for pasting this article. I went through it and tried to

> understand its usage. Kakshya means nothing but compartment.


> I will write my understanding from the article on timing using

> Kakshya transit as per the author and then I will give you are

> pinpointing events using KAS.


> Kakshya - Transits

> -------------------

> As per this link what the author is doing is breaking up a house


> 8 parts and the hindi/sanskrit term for that his kakshya. The


> of which is from Saturn to Moon and last ascendent i.e. based on

> speed. Then one sees the BAV ponits given and then if the planet


> given a bindu then the transit of planet through that kakshya of


> planet will be favourable. That is the gist of it.


> Then for application you consider natural significance of planet


> you consider where the planet is transitting i.e. house from

> ascendent and then from the natal positon to the transitting


> and based on that if the planet is favourable (casted a bindu) then

> based where the compartment lord is placed in natal chart the House

> is what the beneficance will come from.


> Ahh I c now what is meant by Kakshaya and transits using

> Ashtakavarga...


> -----------------------

> KAS - Timing of Events

> -----------------------

> Now we do all this in our system and u and others have been doing


> this unknowingly.


> Ok, let me elucidate.


> 1) You first check the chart and get where the planets are.

> 2) You then cast the BAV and from that the SAV

> 3) Then you cast the WS.

> 4) From the WS you get idea on the antra and what is to be expected

> 5) You break the antra into 3 parts or sectors.

> 6) Find out any event in which sector it will fall or happen.

> 7) Then you use SUNS TRANSIT over powerful significator for the


> from the Worksheet

> 8) From that you can narrow the event when Sun transits the

> sign/nakshatra of powerful significator for the event using WS.

> 9) If you consider the antra of planet then consider the next 2


> powerful significators [As per lesson to narrow down events]

> 10) That will get you very close to the event within 13 days.


> The above are the steps we follow for pin pointing the event date.


> Now coming to answer Daily Transits.


> Here you can use SAV. It is said that when planets transit over

> house with greater than 28 bindus then better results are felt.


> you must have heard. For this there is a lesson in the file


> giving more details.


> That is used to find out daily transit points. So what you do is

> find out the transit planets on the date. For their natal positons

> find out their SAV points and add them. If its above 197 then its

> better and you feel happy that day. Again other factors have to

> considered but this is general. More points means better results.


> Now to get the impact or the force with which that will be felt is


> apply Lesson 26 i.e. Multiplication factor. By doing that you get

> the sign backing. If points are say 200 for the day and most


> are trasnsittig their mool trikon or exalted houses then

> Multiplication factor will be much higher so 200 points will feel

> like say 300 (lets assume this number). So good results will come


> full impact.


> Now you can go in deeper. Say Mars is transitting in 12th house


> its own house and antra running also has less points for 6th house


> WS and Mars is Karak for health (NK for 6th house as B) and say


> day person is having 176 points so person might not feel well.. may

> have headache or some health related problems. So that way you can

> use Karaks.


> Now lets consider this situation and an example that we did on

> prafullas chart. Question asked was why was person facing


> crises.


> You checked Points in Worksheet and then you checked Shani and


> transit. Here you added Shani + Gurus points to the place where


> were transitting and if they were more than 8 and WS had good


> for 11th then person might get good income.


> If assume Shani was transitting a house with 0 points

> then " GENERALLY " guru + shani points WILL be less than 8 so person

> faces more financial crunch. Unless Guru is transitting a house


> 8 points but that also it will give releif for a year as Guru


> sign approx every year. Here you are checking points in BAV of


> chart to where Transit planets are transitting on the day. Then u

> corelate that with your natal chart to get the points from SAV.


> you total them for Guru (9th and 12th lords in kalpurush chart) and

> Shani (10th and 11th lords in kalpurush chart) and are finding

> combined effect of them.


> You also say if Natural malefics transit a house with 0 points more

> problems. Here Natural malefics are Shani and Mars. Mars is NK


> 6th house and lagna. 6th house again deals with court cases,

> litigations etc. Lagna with personality or health etc. So in


> we say more financial crunch.


> In KAS such things are covered in a different way so please do not

> worry. Let us not forget the 'S' in KAS. This is a whole system.


> Not to worry these things are all considered indirecly in KAS.


> Cheers !!!

> Ash


, " Manu Batura "

> <manubatura> wrote:

> > Dear Phllis,

> >

> > I read the article here:

> >

> > www.galacticcenter.org/ashtakavarga.htm

> >

> > Although it makes interesting reading, I am not sure if


> > support the Kakshya transit theory.

> >

> > Thanks & Regards,

> > Manu

> >

> > , " Phyllis Chubb "

> > <aboutyou@t...> wrote:

> > > Hello,

> > >

> > > Would you please share information about the site giving

> > information about the Kakshyas?

> > >

> > > Thank you in advance,

> > >

> > > Phyllis

> > > -

> > > Samina Malik

> > >

> > > Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:36 AM

> > > RE: Kakshyas

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello;

> > >

> > > I too read a chapter in a book by Mahinder Partab Singh,But


> > is

> > > Marvellous,that chapter helped me understand what KAS is.

> > >

> > > Rgds

> > >

> > > > " Manu Batura " <manubatura>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Kakshyas

> > > >Sat, 07 Feb 2004 12:40:23 -0000

> > > >

> > > >Dear Ash, Margarita and others,

> > > >

> > > >I was reading an article on a web site about ashtakavarga

> system

> > a

> > > >few days back and the author indicated that a technique of

> > transit

> > > >through kakshya is also used to determine the timing of the

> > event.

> > > >Does Krushnaji support this technique? It was something


> > divided

> > > >every house in parts for each planet and determining the

> transit

> > of

> > > >planets through these kakshyas and checking their BAV for the

> > > >corresponding houses.

> > > >

> > > >Thanks & Regards,

> > > >Manu

> > > >

> >

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Dear Ash,


This is interesting. But Ash, why the houses around moon as so very

important for sade sati? Why not all other houses? What is the reason

behind it.


I am also waiting for Krushnaji to explain us dadhi's chart about

possibility of child birth chart.


Thanks & Regards,



, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73> wrote:

> Dear Manu and List members,


> When someone talk of Sade Sati then you check 12th, 1st and 2nd

> houses from moon and see how many bindus is shani giving in his SAV

> to those houses. If they are over 3 then shani has opposition from


> planets or lagna and out of 7 planets 5 of them have dual rulership

> so Shani gets oppsition to show his malefic nature.


> Here what are you doing indirectly. You are going to the SAV


> finding out how many points is shani getting for 12th, 1st and 2nd

> from moon i.e. basically finding out from 8 different angles how


> support shani is getting for those 3 houses and based on that you


> decide. So here you have used Transit of Shani.


> I have talked about Shani transitting a house with 0 points also

> apply similar logic to shani giving 1 bindu to a house .. or 2


> and see Jupiters transit at that time.. Shani has only 37 bindus to

> distribute in his BAV and Guru has 56.


> But let me highlight. The overall results WILL BE AS PER ANTRA


> Overall say will be as per Antra lord. Transit of Sun is very

> important to narrow the event down.


> When someone talks on Kalsarpa yog without any break then what

> happens ..... it means that all planets are hemmed between rahu and

> ketu. So basically there is a cluster of planets in 5 houses.


> If that happens and based on which planets are where check out the

> SAV points distribution. You will invariably find that there may be


> cluster of houses with more than 28 points and then there might be


> chain of houses with less than 28 points.


> Now what happens when you do daily points using KAS. You


> will find that there may be longer periods of time when points are

> less than 197.


> Again first you check Md and Ad... but here I am talking of

> contiguous period of more difficult times.


> All these things are covered in KAS indirectly.


> Cheers !!!

> Ash

, " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73> wrote:

> > Dear Manu and list members,

> >

> > Thanks for pasting this article. I went through it and tried to

> > understand its usage. Kakshya means nothing but compartment.

> >

> > I will write my understanding from the article on timing using

> > Kakshya transit as per the author and then I will give you are

> > pinpointing events using KAS.

> >

> > Kakshya - Transits

> > -------------------

> > As per this link what the author is doing is breaking up a house

> into

> > 8 parts and the hindi/sanskrit term for that his kakshya. The

> order

> > of which is from Saturn to Moon and last ascendent i.e. based on

> > speed. Then one sees the BAV ponits given and then if the planet

> has

> > given a bindu then the transit of planet through that kakshya of

> that

> > planet will be favourable. That is the gist of it.

> >

> > Then for application you consider natural significance of planet

> then

> > you consider where the planet is transitting i.e. house from

> > ascendent and then from the natal positon to the transitting

> postion

> > and based on that if the planet is favourable (casted a bindu)


> > based where the compartment lord is placed in natal chart the


> > is what the beneficance will come from.

> >

> > Ahh I c now what is meant by Kakshaya and transits using

> > Ashtakavarga...

> >

> > -----------------------

> > KAS - Timing of Events

> > -----------------------

> > Now we do all this in our system and u and others have been doing

> all

> > this unknowingly.

> >

> > Ok, let me elucidate.

> >

> > 1) You first check the chart and get where the planets are.

> > 2) You then cast the BAV and from that the SAV

> > 3) Then you cast the WS.

> > 4) From the WS you get idea on the antra and what is to be


> > 5) You break the antra into 3 parts or sectors.

> > 6) Find out any event in which sector it will fall or happen.

> > 7) Then you use SUNS TRANSIT over powerful significator for the

> event

> > from the Worksheet

> > 8) From that you can narrow the event when Sun transits the

> > sign/nakshatra of powerful significator for the event using WS.

> > 9) If you consider the antra of planet then consider the next 2

> most

> > powerful significators [As per lesson to narrow down events]

> > 10) That will get you very close to the event within 13 days.

> >

> > The above are the steps we follow for pin pointing the event date.

> >

> > Now coming to answer Daily Transits.

> >

> > Here you can use SAV. It is said that when planets transit over

> > house with greater than 28 bindus then better results are felt.

> This

> > you must have heard. For this there is a lesson in the file

> section

> > giving more details.

> >

> > That is used to find out daily transit points. So what you do is

> > find out the transit planets on the date. For their natal


> > find out their SAV points and add them. If its above 197 then


> > better and you feel happy that day. Again other factors have to

> > considered but this is general. More points means better results.

> >

> > Now to get the impact or the force with which that will be felt


> to

> > apply Lesson 26 i.e. Multiplication factor. By doing that you


> > the sign backing. If points are say 200 for the day and most

> planets

> > are trasnsittig their mool trikon or exalted houses then

> > Multiplication factor will be much higher so 200 points will feel

> > like say 300 (lets assume this number). So good results will


> in

> > full impact.

> >

> > Now you can go in deeper. Say Mars is transitting in 12th house

> from

> > its own house and antra running also has less points for 6th


> in

> > WS and Mars is Karak for health (NK for 6th house as B) and say

> that

> > day person is having 176 points so person might not feel well..


> > have headache or some health related problems. So that way you


> > use Karaks.

> >

> > Now lets consider this situation and an example that we did on

> > prafullas chart. Question asked was why was person facing

> financial

> > crises.

> >

> > You checked Points in Worksheet and then you checked Shani and

> Gurus

> > transit. Here you added Shani + Gurus points to the place where

> they

> > were transitting and if they were more than 8 and WS had good

> points

> > for 11th then person might get good income.

> >

> > If assume Shani was transitting a house with 0 points

> > then " GENERALLY " guru + shani points WILL be less than 8 so


> > faces more financial crunch. Unless Guru is transitting a house

> with

> > 8 points but that also it will give releif for a year as Guru

> changes

> > sign approx every year. Here you are checking points in BAV of

> natal

> > chart to where Transit planets are transitting on the day. Then


> > corelate that with your natal chart to get the points from SAV.

> Then

> > you total them for Guru (9th and 12th lords in kalpurush chart)


> > Shani (10th and 11th lords in kalpurush chart) and are finding

> > combined effect of them.

> >

> > You also say if Natural malefics transit a house with 0 points


> > problems. Here Natural malefics are Shani and Mars. Mars is NK

> for

> > 6th house and lagna. 6th house again deals with court cases,

> > litigations etc. Lagna with personality or health etc. So in

> short

> > we say more financial crunch.

> >

> > In KAS such things are covered in a different way so please do


> > worry. Let us not forget the 'S' in KAS. This is a whole system.

> >

> > Not to worry these things are all considered indirecly in KAS.

> >

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Manu Batura "

> > <manubatura> wrote:

> > > Dear Phllis,

> > >

> > > I read the article here:

> > >

> > > www.galacticcenter.org/ashtakavarga.htm

> > >

> > > Although it makes interesting reading, I am not sure if

> Krushnaji's

> > > support the Kakshya transit theory.

> > >

> > > Thanks & Regards,

> > > Manu

> > >

> > > , " Phyllis

Chubb "

> > > <aboutyou@t...> wrote:

> > > > Hello,

> > > >

> > > > Would you please share information about the site giving

> > > information about the Kakshyas?

> > > >

> > > > Thank you in advance,

> > > >

> > > > Phyllis

> > > > -

> > > > Samina Malik

> > > >

> > > > Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:36 AM

> > > > RE: Kakshyas

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello;

> > > >

> > > > I too read a chapter in a book by Mahinder Partab Singh,But


> > > is

> > > > Marvellous,that chapter helped me understand what KAS is.

> > > >

> > > > Rgds

> > > >

> > > > > " Manu Batura " <manubatura>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Kakshyas

> > > > >Sat, 07 Feb 2004 12:40:23 -0000

> > > > >

> > > > >Dear Ash, Margarita and others,

> > > > >

> > > > >I was reading an article on a web site about ashtakavarga

> > system

> > > a

> > > > >few days back and the author indicated that a technique of

> > > transit

> > > > >through kakshya is also used to determine the timing of


> > > event.

> > > > >Does Krushnaji support this technique? It was something

> about

> > > divided

> > > > >every house in parts for each planet and determining the

> > transit

> > > of

> > > > >planets through these kakshyas and checking their BAV for


> > > > >corresponding houses.

> > > > >

> > > > >Thanks & Regards,

> > > > >Manu

> > > > >

> > >

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Hi Ash,

I think the best book describing Kakshya is Richard Houks book called I

believe " Dots of Destiny " It was an excellent book and gave many details of

exacrtly hoow to use the Kakshyas. He even persuaded Goravani J and

Parasara's Light to include them in their programs.

Perhaps Donna may be able to help in this matter as she was a very good

friend of Richard.


Peter S

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