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Krushna's FAQ Corner!

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Dear Group -


My partner in crime Sandy Crowthers is back with me on the list again and verey kindly volunteered her wonderful services to help me put together a Frequently Answered Questions section on Krushna's website. She has been an invaluable help to me these last few days uploading information that she's collected from the archives and writing up rectified charts, etc. . .it will be a constant work in progress, and will be updated as the information is collected, edited and formatted, but so far this is what she's come up with. So I want to give a special thanks to her for this section of the website.


Sandy will also upload these files to the FILE section under a previous file for FAQ that already exists there for those of you who care to view these documents in WORD format. When you view them in pdf format on the web BTW, the best way to get out of the lesson quickly and back to the main menu is to just hit the BACK button on your web browser. That's the fastest way.


You can visit the new link under Krushna's FAQ Corner at:




Thanks -

Donna and Sandy

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Hi Everyone,


I have just

uploaded the 15 FAQ Files that I have worked on to date, to the FILES section

of this list. These are the same Files that are uploaded on Donna’s

website, so you can access them from there also at: http://krushna.sageasita.com/


As time

permits, I will add subjects to the FAQ, and also add information to these

files that are already uploaded, which I will then submit to Donna for her to

upload on her site in the Krushna FAQ Corner - So please keep in mind that

these files are NOT complete by any stretch of the imagination, and that this

is a ‘work in progress’ for me - in between other work and commitments.

I will try to keep the FILES section updated, but if I’m short on time,

they will first go to Donna for her website.


Donna and I had

started this project several years back - actually at the inception of this

list – but then we both got busy and abandoned the project before it even

had wings…so we are trying collectively to ‘regroup’ and get

our act together. (No small feat for the two of us…but we mean well. J) Hopefully we will ALL benefit by some KAS systematic law and

order, and the fact that there is now a wonderful new KAS site to visit. Donna

is doing such a wonderful job with her new site, and I congratulate her for

taking on yet another project to assist others in their astrological learning. J What a trooper!


I would also

request that Krushna, Ash, Margarita, Sanjay, Peter, Sach (you still here Sach?)

and other Senior list members please advise either Donna or myself if something

seems out of line, amiss, (or not quite right) with the information in the FAQ

Corner – as we both may be a bit rusty with remembering the KAS teachings

in their entirety and detail, and therefore are currently in the midst of

refreshing our own memories. The bottom line is that we want the “correct”

information out there – with no errors. I have corrected some of Krushna’s

grammatical errors, with the intent of keeping Krushna’s original content

in tact – and if I have erred on account of the same – the content must

be changed to reflect KAS accuracy.


Oh - The Rectification file may be very slow to

download from the Files section here on the list, and I would recommend getting

that one from Donna’s site - simply because it is graphic heavy - with

several charts included for illustration. Also – please ignore the

hyperlinks that are in the FAQ’s in the FILES section on the different

subjects – as they will not

work for you, but make things a bit easier/quicker for me when I’m adding

info to the files. Thanks.




All the Best,

Sandy Crowther









Donna Quinn



March 10, 2004 12:52 PM



WARNING-IFRAME- Re: Krushna's FAQ Corner!




Group -







partner in crime Sandy Crowthers is back with me on the list again and verey

kindly volunteered her wonderful services to help me put together a Frequently

Answered Questions section on Krushna's website. She has been an invaluable

help to me these last few days uploading information that she's collected from

the archives and writing up rectified charts, etc. . .it will be a constant

work in progress, and will be updated as the information is collected, edited

and formatted, but so far this is what she's come up with. So I want to

give a special thanks to her for this section of the website.







will also upload these files to the FILE section under a previous file for

FAQ that already exists there for those of you who care to view these

documents in WORD format. When you view them in pdf format on the web BTW, the

best way to get out of the lesson quickly and back to the main

menu is to just hit the BACK button on your web browser. That's the fastest








can visit the new link under Krushna's FAQ Corner at:

















and Sandy

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Many thanks to both of you, Donna and Sandy. I'm sure everybody

appreciates your work and the " old " one on the list are very happy to

see you back

Tahnks again and best regards



Donna Quinn wrote:


>Dear Group -


>My partner in crime Sandy Crowthers is back with me on the list again and verey

kindly volunteered her wonderful services to help me put together a Frequently

Answered Questions section on Krushna's website. She has been an invaluable help

to me these last few days uploading information that she's collected from the

archives and writing up rectified charts, etc. . .it will be a constant work in

progress, and will be updated as the information is collected, edited and

formatted, but so far this is what she's come up with. So I want to give a

special thanks to her for this section of the website.


>Sandy will also upload these files to the FILE section under a previous file

for FAQ that already exists there for those of you who care to view these

documents in WORD format. When you view them in pdf format on the web BTW, the

best way to get out of the lesson quickly and back to the main menu is to just

hit the BACK button on your web browser. That's the fastest way.


>You can visit the new link under Krushna's FAQ Corner at:




>Thanks -

>Donna and Sandy




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