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Grahams Analysis - Krushnaji and Margarita

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Dear Krushnaji, Margarita and Graham,


Very good feedback. Thank you very much. Like I said very

interesting chart and a very good chart for study.


Somethings are not matching in this chart. So I would like to

undestand why. First step is to make sure of authenticity of Birth



1) Regarding Homosexuality. Venus is spoilt. Actually after you

said about that then I chekced D2 or HORA chart. All the planets are

in Cancer which is a female sign. However we should also see some

indications in Rashi and Navamsa. This part is not clear. Venus to

Sun distance is 45 degrees and Venus is in neecha staan and SD to 6th

lord and Ve is NK and FK. However this Venus is not aspected either

my Mars or Shani HOWEVER Rahu aspects it.....

I hope Margarita and Krushnaji can comment.


2) Lagna lord going into 12th house reduces karaktwa for lagna. So

it might give u some health or recovery problems. How has your

health been overall in life ? Lagna is Karak for 6th house and 6th

house rules health and recovery.


3) The reason I said you have blessing of Guru/Father is because

Lagna and 9th lords are in 5:9. It means father either will help you

or you may get property or help from father. In context of india and

in case of marriage or arranged marriage it can be due to help of

father and son may get full support and help from father or property.

I do not know what facts are with you.


4) For having relationship in Sa/Me and Sa/Ke and broken up in Sa/Ve


hmm.. Mercury is in house E keeping House B = 5th so romance so

Mercury can give Romance. Merc and Ke (=Merc) so Me gave u a

relatioship which can be more of 5th and 12th house matters but here

again Merc has less points for 5th (But in house E with 6 bindus)

Merc has low points for 12th house. So I am not very clear.


5) I selected Sun antra for Marriage is its the first powerful

signficator after delay due to shani is over and that too for 7th

house matters.


6) Analysis on Nature and authority etc are matching.


7) If you have above average intellegence and photographic memory

then Shani should be in more sectors of Rasi, Navamsa and Drekkshna.

Right now its 1 i.e moon in Aquarius in Drekkhana.


8) Yes Mars antra is proper for a major job change. The MD changed.

But Mars would give change in the area of job. Thanks for spotting

that out.


9) Reason for me saying u will get along with your father or blessing

of father or guru due to lagna and 9th lords being in 5:9 relation.


10) Can you give timing of your Phd.


I hope I have listed the differences in analysis. It would be nice

to receive some guidance from Krushnaji and Margarita.


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!






, " Graham Fox "

<fox.graham@w...> wrote:

> Dear Ash,

> Thanks very much for your detailed analysis of my chart. Here are


> comments (in brackets)

> >You are lucky. You have the blessings of your guru. Also Lagna and

> 7th lords are in 5:9.

> (but lord of 1st in 12th…)

> >However Karak for marriage is Venus and its distance to Sun is 45

> degrees and Shani is getting power and turning very malefic by


> points and becoming SD to 6th lord. Venus again is in navamsa of

> Virgo so SD to 6th lord and in neecha sthan. Sa is SD to Me as well

> as in Navamsa of mercury.

> (Saturn is indeed in Mercury's sign in D9, but the D9 doesn't

> seem very coherent to me. If we move the ayanamsha just 5', Saturn

> is in Taurus in D9, same dispositor as in rashi. I'll have to


> maybe even adjust birth time again, though I'm pretty sure about


> My military hospital birth certificate says 13h35, I've rectified


> to 13h38'30 " based on three traditional Western techniques of

> rectification (i.e. not dependent on ayanamsha value), and the


> has generally worked well. Also in D9, Mercury and Ketu are in 6th,

> yet Sa/Me and Sa/Ke were only periods of close partners and

> cohabitation, finishing with Venus AD, debilitated as you point


> would this make more sense if Me + Ke were in 7th in D9? Apart from

> navamsa placing, Saturn is 10th from Mercury with fewer AV points,

> so from that point of view it would be Mercury SD to Saturn. So

> apart from navamsha placing, surely Sa is not otherwise SD to

> Mercury?)


> >Moon has gone into 3rd house and is lord of 4th house. SAV points


> 4th house is also less i.e. 27. Its again with Ketu i.e. inflenced

> by Rahu so spoiled further. This will keep you away from Home.

> (Yes, this has come up in previous messages; I admit I don't

> understand the predominance of the opposition of Rahu over the

> conjuction of Ketu. Remember Rahu very closely aspects my ascendant

> degree, which could account for the Rahu-like features)


> >Sa/Ke - Might have got first job.

> (No – first student holiday job in Sa/Me, first proper job in

> Sa/Ve)

> >Sa/Su - Might have come close to someone or relationship /


> (No, as I said Sa/Me and Sa/Ke – also tail end of Sa/Sa, just

> before)


> >Lagna/3rd lords are in 3:11 so relationship with sibblings are


> This you have given in your mail. Relationship with father also must

> be good rather you must get along great with him and must be close


> him.

> (We get on not too badly now, he's nearly 80 and my mother died

> in February 2000, but he still gets on my nerves, I'm afraid. Got


> rather badly with him in childhood and most of adult life. Why did

> you think we got on well? I was definitely closer to mother.


> a rule my teacher Denis Labouré taught me, that if natural


> of a relative is in ascendant of D12, there will be friction with

> that person, it seems true for me and my father.)


> >You would also get along with your partners.

> (I haven't had many, and once I didn't get on with them, we


> up. But I get on well with people I've shared houses and flats


> who aren't partners. Also get on well, nearly always, with work

> partners.)


> >I am not too sure with your marriage. Guru is aspecting Venus and

> Venus to Sun distance is 45 degrees however this venus is not

> aspected by Shani in rasi or navamsa. Guru checks this venus. So

> thi may give marriage. Shani is getting very malefic due to 6th lord

> in your chart so periods of Shani might be more tense for your

> marriage.

> (Is this 6th lord reference because of Saturn being in Mercury's

> sign Gemini in navamsha? I can't see another connection. I'm not

> married, had a couple of girlfriends when I was 17/18, then


> I was more homosexual and my girlfriends were really just friends,

> lived with a man my own age for 18 months in Sa/Me and Sa/Ke, then

> broke with him in Sa/Ve. No more cohabitation with partners, sexual

> partners only very intermittently since then.)


> >I feel you Sa/Sun might be a period where you might have come close

> to someone or marry. I would be very curious to know what the facts

> are. The period of Sa/Sun is 1979/07 thru 1980/06.

> (No, no lasting partners in that period. Important professional

> partnerships with two women friends, though, both of whom I was


> attracted to in a Platonic sort of way, and who are still good

> friends today. Why did you think this period might give marriage or

> similar?).


> >Also now 6th lord is in 10th and lagna points are high with Moon


> Ketu at about 10 degrees so you would be alergic to authority and


> would not like being told what to do or bossed around. Also your

> lagna points are high i.e. 32 so again you must be adament and very

> hard working. Moon in navamsa of Mars. Average intellegence and

> more service oriented. Will have to work hard for your income. More

> work less money. Savings will be little.

> (I don't like being bossed around, of course, but I think I put

> up with it better than many people when it happens. I've nearly

> always managed to find work where I'm not bossed around, some maybe

> I am allergic to it. Denis Labouré, at my first consultation with

> him, told me something similar, but for a different reason: Sun in

> ascendant of D12 means you need independence in your work.

> I can be hard-working, but am slow to get going and waste a lot of

> time and effort. I wouldn't say I'm particularly adamant, except

> when I really set my heart on something or some achievement, then I

> nearly always get it – so maybe that is adamant! I would modestly

> suggest that I'm of somewhat above average intelligence, though I

> still get into a muddle with things like mental arithmetic, Vedic

> astrology, etc! Language skills good.)


> >Might have changed jobs in Sa/Ma antra i.e. between 1982/01 thru

> 1983/02.

> (No, I was in the middle of Ph.D. studies with a grant at the

> time, only doing occasional odd bits of translation and so on to


> up grant. I did have a very major job change in Merc/Mars, autumn

> 1997).

> Thanks very much for your comments, Ash, which have helped me learn

> as well! The main thing I don't understand is the navamsa. I'll let

> you know if I have more thoughts.

> Very best wishes

> Graham


> , " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73> wrote:

> > Dear Graham,

> > I just casted your chart. Interesting chart I must say.

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Dear Ash,

I now see that Saturn is SD to lord of 6 in navamsha -- I suppose

that's what you mean. I forget to think in this way, I'm not used to

thinking of dispositors in divisional charts, only of placements

(dignities, and good or bad houses). IF the birth time were brought

about a minute earlier, Venus would then be in 3 in D9, lord of 4

and 11, and natural SD to Saturn Ld 7 and 8. Mercury and mean Ketu

would also be in 7. Would this help explain things, in your opinion?

You say:

>If you have above average intellegence and photographic memory

> then Shani should be in more sectors of Rasi, Navamsa and


> Right now its 1 i.e moon in Aquarius in Drekkhana.

Well, I'm not claiming to be a genius or even to have photographic

memory (but I do have good visual memory, for faces, places, music

scores,etc, and I've never ever had spelling problems -- just typing

errors!). But I don't understand your remarks. How can Saturn be in

more than one sector at a time? If you mean planets in Saturn-ruled

sectors, I have Moon in Aquarius in drekkana, and Mercury in

Capricorn in rashi, drekkana and navamsha. I suppose " above average

intelligence " depends on how you define average (and intelligence).

If it's not in my chart, maybe I'm not! Of course I know

intelligence isn't same as degrees etc, but for the record I did

manage to get a first for my BA (Birmingham) in June 78, then was

awarded my Ph.D by London University in March 1986. I worked on it

from summer 1980 to summer 1984, then finished it off summer and

autumn 85. This seems to tally with my D24 chart for well-placed AD

lords (Venus, Rahu, Jupiter). What I'm not so good at is

capitalising on academic success for career purposes -- I lose

interest and go on to something else.

Hope this helps!




, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73> wrote:

> Dear Krushnaji, Margarita and Graham,


> Very good feedback. Thank you very much. Like I said very

> interesting chart and a very good chart for study.


> Somethings are not matching in this chart. So I would like to

> undestand why. First step is to make sure of authenticity of


> time.


> 1) Regarding Homosexuality. Venus is spoilt. Actually after you

> said about that then I chekced D2 or HORA chart. All the planets


> in Cancer which is a female sign. However we should also see some

> indications in Rashi and Navamsa. This part is not clear. Venus


> Sun distance is 45 degrees and Venus is in neecha staan and SD to


> lord and Ve is NK and FK. However this Venus is not aspected


> my Mars or Shani HOWEVER Rahu aspects it.....

> I hope Margarita and Krushnaji can comment.


> 2) Lagna lord going into 12th house reduces karaktwa for lagna.


> it might give u some health or recovery problems. How has your

> health been overall in life ? Lagna is Karak for 6th house and


> house rules health and recovery.


> 3) The reason I said you have blessing of Guru/Father is because

> Lagna and 9th lords are in 5:9. It means father either will help


> or you may get property or help from father. In context of india


> in case of marriage or arranged marriage it can be due to help of

> father and son may get full support and help from father or


> I do not know what facts are with you.


> 4) For having relationship in Sa/Me and Sa/Ke and broken up in



> hmm.. Mercury is in house E keeping House B = 5th so romance so

> Mercury can give Romance. Merc and Ke (=Merc) so Me gave u a

> relatioship which can be more of 5th and 12th house matters but


> again Merc has less points for 5th (But in house E with 6 bindus)

> Merc has low points for 12th house. So I am not very clear.


> 5) I selected Sun antra for Marriage is its the first powerful

> signficator after delay due to shani is over and that too for 7th

> house matters.


> 6) Analysis on Nature and authority etc are matching.


> 7) If you have above average intellegence and photographic memory

> then Shani should be in more sectors of Rasi, Navamsa and


> Right now its 1 i.e moon in Aquarius in Drekkhana.


> 8) Yes Mars antra is proper for a major job change. The MD


> But Mars would give change in the area of job. Thanks for


> that out.


> 9) Reason for me saying u will get along with your father or


> of father or guru due to lagna and 9th lords being in 5:9 relation.


> 10) Can you give timing of your Phd.


> I hope I have listed the differences in analysis. It would be


> to receive some guidance from Krushnaji and Margarita.


> Thanking you,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash





> , " Graham Fox "

> <fox.graham@w...> wrote:

> > Dear Ash,

> > Thanks very much for your detailed analysis of my chart. Here


> my

> > comments (in brackets)

> > >You are lucky. You have the blessings of your guru. Also Lagna


> > 7th lords are in 5:9.

> > (but lord of 1st in 12th…)

> > >However Karak for marriage is Venus and its distance to Sun is


> > degrees and Shani is getting power and turning very malefic by

> taking

> > points and becoming SD to 6th lord. Venus again is in navamsa of

> > Virgo so SD to 6th lord and in neecha sthan. Sa is SD to Me as


> > as in Navamsa of mercury.

> > (Saturn is indeed in Mercury's sign in D9, but the D9 doesn't

> > seem very coherent to me. If we move the ayanamsha just 5',


> > is in Taurus in D9, same dispositor as in rashi. I'll have to

> think,

> > maybe even adjust birth time again, though I'm pretty sure about

> it.

> > My military hospital birth certificate says 13h35, I've


> it

> > to 13h38'30 " based on three traditional Western techniques of

> > rectification (i.e. not dependent on ayanamsha value), and the

> chart

> > has generally worked well. Also in D9, Mercury and Ketu are in


> > yet Sa/Me and Sa/Ke were only periods of close partners and

> > cohabitation, finishing with Venus AD, debilitated as you point

> out:

> > would this make more sense if Me + Ke were in 7th in D9? Apart


> > navamsa placing, Saturn is 10th from Mercury with fewer AV


> > so from that point of view it would be Mercury SD to Saturn. So

> > apart from navamsha placing, surely Sa is not otherwise SD to

> > Mercury?)

> >

> > >Moon has gone into 3rd house and is lord of 4th house. SAV


> of

> > 4th house is also less i.e. 27. Its again with Ketu i.e.


> > by Rahu so spoiled further. This will keep you away from Home.

> > (Yes, this has come up in previous messages; I admit I don't

> > understand the predominance of the opposition of Rahu over the

> > conjuction of Ketu. Remember Rahu very closely aspects my


> > degree, which could account for the Rahu-like features)

> >

> > >Sa/Ke - Might have got first job.

> > (No – first student holiday job in Sa/Me, first proper job in

> > Sa/Ve)

> > >Sa/Su - Might have come close to someone or relationship /

> marriage.

> > (No, as I said Sa/Me and Sa/Ke – also tail end of Sa/Sa, just

> > before)

> >

> > >Lagna/3rd lords are in 3:11 so relationship with sibblings are

> good.

> > This you have given in your mail. Relationship with father also


> > be good rather you must get along great with him and must be


> to

> > him.

> > (We get on not too badly now, he's nearly 80 and my mother


> > in February 2000, but he still gets on my nerves, I'm afraid.


> on

> > rather badly with him in childhood and most of adult life. Why


> > you think we got on well? I was definitely closer to mother.

> There's

> > a rule my teacher Denis Labouré taught me, that if natural

> signifier

> > of a relative is in ascendant of D12, there will be friction


> > that person, it seems true for me and my father.)

> >

> > >You would also get along with your partners.

> > (I haven't had many, and once I didn't get on with them, we

> broke

> > up. But I get on well with people I've shared houses and flats

> with,

> > who aren't partners. Also get on well, nearly always, with work

> > partners.)

> >

> > >I am not too sure with your marriage. Guru is aspecting Venus


> > Venus to Sun distance is 45 degrees however this venus is not

> > aspected by Shani in rasi or navamsa. Guru checks this venus. So

> > thi may give marriage. Shani is getting very malefic due to 6th


> > in your chart so periods of Shani might be more tense for your

> > marriage.

> > (Is this 6th lord reference because of Saturn being in


> > sign Gemini in navamsha? I can't see another connection. I'm not

> > married, had a couple of girlfriends when I was 17/18, then

> realised

> > I was more homosexual and my girlfriends were really just


> > lived with a man my own age for 18 months in Sa/Me and Sa/Ke,


> > broke with him in Sa/Ve. No more cohabitation with partners,


> > partners only very intermittently since then.)

> >

> > >I feel you Sa/Sun might be a period where you might have come


> > to someone or marry. I would be very curious to know what the


> > are. The period of Sa/Sun is 1979/07 thru 1980/06.

> > (No, no lasting partners in that period. Important


> > partnerships with two women friends, though, both of whom I was

> very

> > attracted to in a Platonic sort of way, and who are still good

> > friends today. Why did you think this period might give marriage


> > similar?).

> >

> > >Also now 6th lord is in 10th and lagna points are high with


> and

> > Ketu at about 10 degrees so you would be alergic to authority


> you

> > would not like being told what to do or bossed around. Also your

> > lagna points are high i.e. 32 so again you must be adament and


> > hard working. Moon in navamsa of Mars. Average intellegence and

> > more service oriented. Will have to work hard for your income.


> > work less money. Savings will be little.

> > (I don't like being bossed around, of course, but I think I


> > up with it better than many people when it happens. I've nearly

> > always managed to find work where I'm not bossed around, some


> > I am allergic to it. Denis Labouré, at my first consultation


> > him, told me something similar, but for a different reason: Sun


> > ascendant of D12 means you need independence in your work.

> > I can be hard-working, but am slow to get going and waste a lot


> > time and effort. I wouldn't say I'm particularly adamant, except

> > when I really set my heart on something or some achievement,

then I

> > nearly always get it – so maybe that is adamant! I would


> > suggest that I'm of somewhat above average intelligence, though


> > still get into a muddle with things like mental arithmetic,


> > astrology, etc! Language skills good.)

> >

> > >Might have changed jobs in Sa/Ma antra i.e. between 1982/01 thru

> > 1983/02.

> > (No, I was in the middle of Ph.D. studies with a grant at the

> > time, only doing occasional odd bits of translation and so on to

> top

> > up grant. I did have a very major job change in Merc/Mars,


> > 1997).

> > Thanks very much for your comments, Ash, which have helped me


> > as well! The main thing I don't understand is the navamsa. I'll


> > you know if I have more thoughts.

> > Very best wishes

> > Graham

> >

> > , " ashsam73 "

> > <ashsam73> wrote:

> > > Dear Graham,

> > > I just casted your chart. Interesting chart I must say.

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Dear Graham,

What I meant was LAgna/Sun/Moon in navamsa, drekkhana

or trimsamsa of Shani. I think that is given in

Lesson on finding occupation. In your chart moon is

in aqu in D3.

Sorry for the typo.

Cheers !!!







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