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2-, from Mark Kincaid....4/2..... AM I MAKING A MISTAKE?

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Dear All:


I thought this question: " Am I making a mistake? " was related to a Jyotish question, so please don't mind if I start this new question & topic.


This represents actually, a very good question for Jyotish.


Jyotish is very famous, for helping us understand what is 'right' and 'wrong'.


A mistake according to Jyotish, is due to one of the 'malefics' in our charts.


Though we understand, from Lord Parshara, that all planets are essentially, benefic, however, there is this simultaneous concept of 'functioning' maleficness!


This is even more complicated, because where we have our malefics, is where we're making our mistakes, without even knowing it or why.


When I'm practicing Jyotish, and someone says, I don't understand why, I'm having... such and such an experience, whether it's an accident, or loss, or misjudgment, fighting, etc.


We don't start off our day by saying: " Today, I'm going to make this and that mistake, or have this accident...etc. "


Mistakes, happen inspite of our good intentions!




Because of these 'malefics' in our charts!


These malefics represent where we're misguided, where our misjudgements, and even mistakes come from.


It's important to reflect on them, though, because, mistakes, or malefics, represent a very important aspect of human existence.


In Vedic Science, 'mistakes' are defined as 'pragya parads'...which translate as 'mistakes of intellect'. But, these 'mistakes' or 'pragya parads' go deeper then just obvious, Mercurial, or Intellectual mistakes, or poor judgments.


Ved says that anytime, there's a lack of coordination, or lack of balance between Consciousness, spirit or the mind, and body, then...mistakes will result.


Ved, therefore defines, the state of 'Ignorance', itself...as the source of all mistakes, challenges, problems, in fact; all sufferings in life!


This is significant because once we start to look into how the different Vedic Sciences, go to heal and restore those pragya parads, then, we'll be able to change or improve any and all aspects of life.


In Ayurved, the understanding is there, that all the treatments of Ayurved, including panchakarma, shiradara, churnas, herbs, all....methodologies, have an essential purpose to eliminate those pragya parads!


However, Jyotish, too has an ability to eliminate the very 'source' of our 'pragya parads' or 'mistakes'.


And it does this, through the concept of benefics & malefic Planetary situations.


The benefics in us are defined as the source of our goodnesses, our joys, our successes, whereas, the malefics are those Jyotish configurations, that are literally, causing us all our challenges!


Knowing this is very significant, because it's at the very basis of Jyotish transformation, renewal and all improvements, in life.


One of the difficulties, however, is because the nature of our 'pragya parads', is where we're spontaneously doing that which is not right for us.


This means, unless we get the clue that we need to change, something, within ourselves, then we'll continue thinking, feeling or acting in those 'malefic' areas, and suffering as a result.


Though, even if someone was never to learn Jyotish, still, Nature as the ultimate Guru, is there, to innocently give us the consequences of our actions. And because of this, we'll experience directly, the 'rightness' and 'wrongness' of our actions...

though for most people, it's very confusing....this whole field of improving ourselves.


In modern Psychology, for example, it's well known, that certain patterns and ways of thinking and doing, are deeply impeded in the nature of the past, previous, and life experiences that have shaped us in strange and sometimes, undesirable ways...


However, when it goes to figuring out how to change those deeply established, though, undesirable patterns we're a bit at a loss!


Look how much difficulty is there in life, regarding, ending the patterns, cycles of hatred, fighting of all kinds, health problems, over eating, obesity, and habits of smoking... on and on.


However, Vedic Knowledge is all about exactly how to unravel, heal and transform those patterns!


In Jyotish, we call these 'weaknesses', our 'malefics'....and as such...from the very beginning, when we have our charts, 'done' or 'read', we're told that these planets are malefic in our lives and these benefic.


This may be the first time, that we've gotten a hint that certain aspects of ourSelves!, are indeed, the reason for our sufferings!


But, there's still much lack of wisdom, today, about this very notion of 'malefics' and how we can indeed, neutralize, transform...and especially, improve any and all of these Malefics!


But, we're in the grip of a new, very exciting, Jupiter renewal today!


It's now, understood that it's actually 'easy' to meditate, and it's in the very nature of life, to grow, to improve.


Now, we can begin to reflect, that the malefics, in our charts, are not only symbolic of our challenges and problems...they're also symbolic of our Jyotish Solutions!


Next time, when you reflect on one of your Malefics...

think rather then, 'oh, this is my dreaded malefic ....so and so, planet!'....but rather, think,. ..'ok, what is Nature trying to tell me regarding....regarding this malefic way in which I've gotten out of sync with life, thinking and behaving!'


When you look at your Malefics in this different light, you'll begin the powerful Jyotish technology of Jyotish Transformation!


I'll give you one example. We're rushing out of the house, running to a meeting that we're very late for...we hit our elbow against the door as we're leaving the house.... we get to the bottom of our stairs, and slip, and almost fall down, ...but we keep persisting...we're sooo late...

and we open the car door, and in trying to sit down,...we smash our head against the side of the car!


Baam...we're on the ground.... baam.... we sit up, startled...that this is happening to us... we're flabbergasted...this can't be happening today!...I've got this all important....meeting!


But, Nature seems to have other plans....


We drive into work, but we're nursing a huge headache now, and so we've gotten the clue, we need to slow down....


No one, yelled to us... 'slow down, you're going too fast'.. Though our cohort at work might say to us...'Ah...Mars has you in his grip today!'


The truth, however, is that Nature, or Mars,....is always trying to help us and when we begin to listen better, we can begin to 'hear' these Natural, nature feedback's more easily and especially more early.


We could have heard Mars' response, the very first time, we banged our elbow, or slipped rushing down the stairs,...


But, Nature allows us to do whatever we want. This is the special, unbounded, dignity of life, and God...to not interfere, with our wills, what we would like to do...


However, there is one drawback! We can do what we want, however, we're going to be held accountable, for the consequences of our actions... and that's how Nature involves itself with us, and even teaches us....about right and wrong...and going in this or that...direction...


Jyotish, perhaps, because it comes from the Guru, is able to save us years of struggling and experimentation.


Instead of just doing anything, and waiting to see how Nature responds,

Jyotish....declares, these Planets in your chart are very healthy and balanced, hence we'll call them Benefic!


When you're in these modes, ie. a Jupiter in it's Own Sign,....flavor, you'll get good results!


However, you also have Malefics, and these represent those areas in which you were already born, out of tune with...and if you don't do anything new.... these 'mistaken' areas of thinking, feeling and acting...will lead to this and that challenges and problems!


However, Ved also teaches us what we can do ...to literally 'avoid the dangers on the Horizon'.


Learning how to neutralize and transform any of our Malefics means...we are literally, changing our futures!


We're born to try and do this anyway. And it may come to us, after our 15th...accident, that...'wow, I've got to slow down!'


Though, our Jyotish could help us way in the beginning......


Maybe even 1 or 2 times, is enough to convince us that we need to change!


And our Jyotish is there to help facilitate those transformations!



Let's all then, aspire to understand this great and precious Aspect of Transformative Jyotish, and through this.... achieve the real goals of our lives! without struggle, sufferings...and griefs!




Jai Guru








Mark Kincaid






> " Samina Malik " <saminamalik50


> Fri, 02 Apr 2004 15:43:58 +0000




> Thank you Donna Quinn,I have visited the site and will download

> tomorrow,since the server is very slow at this time.


> To tell you the truth I was unaware about this site of GURU.


> Rgds



>> Donna Quinn <DQuinn12




>> Fri, 02 Apr 2004 08:40:03 -0500


>> Dear Samina -


>> Tgoing to the website and downloading worksheet v5.5 from the KAS

>> Worksheets

>> and Files section.


>> http://krushna.sageasita.com


>> Donna



>> -

>> " Samina Malik " <saminamalik50


>> Friday, April 02, 2004 12:00 AM




>>> Dear Margarita;


>>> I used D 4.09 Worksheet.


>>> Rgds



>>>> margarita lettens <dmlettens




>>>> Thu, 01 Apr 2004 20:17:18 +0200


>>>> Hello Samina,

>>>> I checked the chart with 2 different WS's. I don't know which one you

>>>> used.

>>>> Sanjay's WS, latest version does not add the points from the Sun to

>> Mars

>>>> and calculates them correctly.

>>>> The other WS adds these points for house 4,5,9 and 12. This should not

>>>> be so and you are right.


>>>> I will also try to find out about the points of Jupiter, where those 8

>>>> points (instead of 5) come from. They show up in both WS's.

>>>> Best regards

>>>> Margarita





>>>> saminamalik50 wrote:


>>>>> Dear List Members;


>>>>> When I put data for the subject born 18 Nov 1979 2.30 am Kasur

>>>>> Pakistan,I observe a few errors in automated computation.


>>>>> For the convenience of members I am giving the detail below:

>>>>> LAGNA: Pisces.

>>>>> Su,Me and Ve in the 9th house.

>>>>> Ma and Ju in the 6th house.

>>>>> Sa in the 7th house.

>>>>> Mo in the 8th house.








>>>>> ____________



>>>>> We see that SU,Me and VE are in the 4th place from Ma which has 4

>>>>> bindus,as such in column 5 should not add up points from the planets

>>>>> placed 4th from itself. THIS IS PERFECTLY CORRECT IN MASTER SHEET

>>>>> WHERE HOUSE B IS 1,2,3,6,7,8,10,11 but in master sheets with house

>>>>> 4,5,9,12 it adds up the points.



>>>>> ____________



>>>>> When We look at the master sheets with HOUSE B as 1 and 9, in column

>>>>> 8b instead of adding 5 points for ju it adds up 8{which is the

>>>>> strength of JU}


>>>>> Clarification will be highly appreciated.



>>>>> RGds






>>> ---------

>> -----

>>>>> *

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