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RE: Krushns'a Research Data

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Dear Krushna,

Ash, Donna, and KASvites,


Krushna, thanks

for your response (and help) and for narrowing down the criteria parameters for

this research. Ash, and Donna – thanks for volunteering your help with

this project too.


Please allow me

a few more weeks to finish this lengthy logging task, as it is time-consuming

and I am working on it in between meeting other obligations and

responsibilities. As soon as I complete logging the data of these 490 remaining

charts, I will then go over this data with the ‘new and revised’

criteria that you (Krushna) added below, and I will add those charts (that meet

with this additional criteria) to the other 332 charts (that formerly met with

the original problematic marriage/relationship criteria.)


Then as soon as

I complete that ‘final elimination task’ that is relevant to the

490 charts I am working with, I will THEN

enlist HELP for WS (worksheet)

analysis of the charts that remain. I don’t want to enlist help from

anyone until this data is in numerical order, logged, and double checked, because

to pre-maturely enlist help before I’ve done what I need to do could

ultimately result in confusion and/or careless mistakes - resulting in flawed



That should do

it, and we should THEN have some

final break down figures and stats for the 7th house and KAS. J



All the












krushna jugalkalani


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

12:23 PM




Re: Krushns'a Biography /and Research data



Dear Sandy,



I came to know from Margarita, that you were having some health problem, but

seeing your mail, I am happy that you feeling well.



Just I have also seen the site, Photos and the write up done by Donna. Really

she have done a very nice job, and put her heart in that.






For relationship/marital problems we should check

following things along with what you have pointed out.

1) Difference between Sun and Ve more then 43 Degrees and aspected by Saturn, (

one of the luminary must also be under aspect of Saturn)



2) Jupiter in Ascendant with more points.



3) Ju as sixth lord, aspecting 2nd and 7th lord



4) Sixth lord in 4th house with more points.



5) Lord of 1st and 7th house in 2:12 or 6:8 relations.



6) Ju in Libra sign or navmansha



7) If Ve is with in 3 degrees from Sun gives no

interest in marital relations



8) Ve in Sun's nakshtra reduces the quality of Venus.



If at least 2/ 3 combinations are present, marital life is a problem.



Following combinations are powerful to create problem

in marital relationship.



9) Ve in Krittica, Aradra, or Mul ( & Jestha)




10) 7th lord in sixth and under aspect of Sa or Ma.







the remaining charts are having above combinations, those should be added to

332 charts.




other charts where none of above combinations are presents, but are having

dispute, We should check for pts in Ws for 7th house if married and for living

to gather only with out marriage points for 5th and 12th must be low.



This is a

big task, and requires very much labor.



I hope Ash,

Margarita, will also help in this project. I am also ready to help you. Send me

some datas, give only sr. numbers so no identifications will be there. For

birth place give only long. Lat.



Really it will be

a good job, and practical test of the laws.



Thanks for the







Sandy Crowther

<sandy wrote:




Dear Krushna and Donna,


You did a very nice job Doc, and Krushna, thanks for sharing your

life and photos with us.


For those interested, I haven’t forgotten Krushna’s

ongoing Research request on marriage/relationship issues. (I have had a few

health scares recently that have slowed me down a bit, but only temporarily and

I am going strong again just like the energizer bunny J). So in essence, in my spare time I am very slowly working on

compiling the list of data for the remaining 490 charts (out of the 1042 charts

I previously submitted relationship statistics on) who have/had

relationship/marital problems, but do not

have Jupiter in Libra, or Venus in Krittika, Ardra, or Mula .


So this work is relevant to the former research that was requested

and initiated by Ash, and then further requested by Krushna to break down and

substantiate on – to eventually correlate with KAS Worksheet points. So

the list of charts I am currently working on putting together is basically for

looking specifically to see if

the planets show fewer points for the 7th house, and/or if there is

a link between the points in the KAS Worksheet and the date in which the

marital or relationship problems arose. These individual charts are all from

the USA (that are involved in this research from my database) – to include

clients, family, friends, interesting charts I picked up along the way, and

public figures. The, charts, public figures, clients, family, and friends that

I have in my database for whom I have or had permission to share their data, I

can make available to the list for anyone who wishes to assist in this research

– however – the other data I will either have to work on myself, or

enlist the confidence of a few discreet senior members, because I will not

publicly post anyone’s data for whom I have no permission.


The main problem I am having is in my not knowing - in all cases

– exactly when the marriage took place, or having referenced notes and

the knowledge stating when the problems began in the relationship/marriage, or

divorce proceedings were initiated. But I am also going through my hard copies

of these charts in my old file cabinets in the garage from the 70’s and

80’s to see if I have ‘hand scratched’ any further notes than

may have been recorded by me, prior to my computer days, and in some cases this

effort has panned out – but certainly not to the extent that I would

like. L (That is why I say to the younger

astrologers on the list – keep good notes and save yourself some grief

down the road!)


So this is a BIG job – but I wanted you to know that I am plugging

away at it and trying to gather relevant notes in the cases where I am able to

gather the “definite specifics” other than to simply say

“divorced” or “never married”, or “unfaithful or

unfaithful spouse”. Of these characteristics (that all these individuals

have had relationship problems) I am already certain – it’s just

the dates of which for many I cannot, with absolute certainty, recall. Perhaps

the research efforts will show a strong pattern – and perhaps they

won’t for these problematic relationship probabilities. In any

event, we won’t know until and unless an honest effort is expended by a

few of us to find out. But the most important aspect of this job is acquiring

good, clean data to work with – so I am doing my best to accurately

provide that – otherwise the research is senseless and flawed, and time

is wasted. So bear with me…J


Krushna - In closing, I respectfully request you to very tightly

define the parameters for this research, for exactly what you would like done

by virtue of analysis of the KAS Worksheet, so that for the charts I am able to

post publicly to the list, we are all certain that we are all on the same page,

and the research doesn’t become flawed. And what about the charts for

which I have no exact dates or recollection of when the

marriage/divorce/relationship problems began…what to do with those

charts? Will the WS parameters be researched in the same way? Or should these

charts perhaps be substituted by charts from other list members database who

has recollection of the specifics? (It would just make the research more date

specific). I’m just not certain how you want to handle the charts that

HAVE relationship problems, but for which I have no known date as to when these

marriages or relationship problems occurred. A big job getting bigger? J… Thanks!


All the












Donna Quinn


Saturday, April 03, 2004

11:15 PM




Re: Krushns'a Biography now on website!




Group -






I have

uploaded a new section to the website called Krushna's Biography.

It tells of his life and shows photos of him in younger days, wedding photos,

family pics, and current ones, etc. . .




those of your who are interested, please visit the site at:

























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