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Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid

Tue, 14 Sep 2004 16:07:51 -0500

astrologygandtimingsevents <astrologyandtimingsevents >

9/14 Sun into Virgo - Month at A Glance....




Starlight Unlimited

(641) 472-0000

Fairfield, Iowa 52556









Dear Friends:


The following is a look ahead of the up-coming Month of the Sun moving into the Sign Virgo.


This happens, of course, every year, but....this year has some unique other qualities which are worth going into.


First of all I'd like to talk about Virgo.


Virgo is one of the 12 'essences' or 'qualities' of the 12 Constellations or Signs of the Zodiac.


Therefore, this is one of the fundamental 'energies' of our 'lives' that's very important for us to know about.


Virgo is about 'perfection'.


It's about striving for more and more.


As a result, when 'Virgo' is 'happening', either in our charts, or the transits, we'll feel a kind of 'dissatisfaction', because Virgo yearns for something more.


Virgo is also about 'discriminating'.


In other words, if we're now, yearning for more, and yet, when we look into our lives and we don't see the concrete examples of 'that' more and more...

then, we feel dissatisfied,...or even a little irritable.


Virgo is therefore, also, the sign about 'criticism'.


Because Virgo, yearns, even if we're enjoying a quite nice half-full, cup; we'll still be apt to feel 'flat' about that....and wish for more.


Every year, the Sun, and consequently all the other planets, at some point or another, move through Virgo, too.


Sun in Virgo is a very fascinating 'flavor of Consciousness', because our Sun's represent the deepest parts of our 'Individualitys' or 'Personalitys'.


When someone has the Sun in Virgo in their charts, their deep, 'soul-like' quality of 'I', or 'Self' yearns for that mysterious something...that, alone will satisfy.


As a result many Sun in Virgo people are highly 'aware' or 'perceptive' because they have this very discriminative 'air' about them.


What's going on inside however, is they're looking for that something more, ... even, perfection, though they might not even, be able to describe it that way.


When I ask Sun in Virgo people if they have these, 'Virgo', qualities, ,,, their eyes get all big, and they say, resoundingly, ... 'yes!'....


So, the Month of the Sun moving through Virgo, is the time of the year, where we get a chance to contemplate how we're doing.


Are we living up to the purpose, and Cosmic reasons why we came.


If we are, we might feel some deep satisfaction, this month.


However if we're 'not', then, we may feel some of that unconscious kind of dissatisfaction.


Therefore, think about the bigger picture, this Month.


Let your heart and mind, reflect, contemplate, deep, life issues and purposes.


If you know your chart, this is a perfect time of the year, to reflect upon that unique message that only our Charts has the ability to help us see.


People often ask me about 'dharma', in Chart Readings, and I used to then, go into the classic description of their 10th Houses, and 10th House Lords.... but...

lately I've begun to realize...


our truest 'dharma' or 'life purpose', is...to literally understand and live, each and every aspect of our Charts.....


If we learn this, there will result the deepest kind of Satisfaction, imaginable...


If we ignore even one or two of the different qualities or configurations, then, we'll feel it, we'll feel something is missing.


This year, Sun is blessed by a unique, 12 year cycle of Jupiter, also moving through Virgo at the same time.


Those who are born with this configuration have a deep 'Spirituality' that is unique to Jupiter being in the same house as any of the 'important' planets like the Sun, Moon or even Mercury.


The Month of Virgo, this year started out with Jupiter moving into Virgo on August 27th...


This itself, reflects a very different 'quality' then Jupiter's recent transit through Leo.


This 'year' of Jupiter/Virgo, especially because Virgo represents a sign, that's opposite to one of the Signs where Jupiter is especially strong; ie. Jupiter in Pisces..

then, this too, is supposed to be a secondary, 'good' and 'strong' transit for Jupiter!


The positives are an awareness and striving for 'perfection', which only a strong 'Spirituality' can truely fulfill.


The negatives are, that Jupiter/Virgo, will get lost in being 'skeptical' or 'critical' or 'dissatisfied' because of that 'Virgonness'.


So, let this Jupiter, 'sense' be a yearning for the deeper, transcendental, glory, which will automatically, fulfill the goals of Virgo.


Also, this Month, the Sun moves into Virgo on September 16th as it usually does each year.


This then, will be quickly followed by the Moon, due to the tail end of the New Moon, and then even, Mars, since Mars and Sun, presently are running very close, together.


The 'gist' then, is that there's going to be a lot of extra, Virgo energy flying around over these next few weeks.


On September 17th, even Mars moves into Virgo.


Though for the next few days it might not be 'too much' because all the Planets are only in the 'infant' stage or early degrees of Virgo.


However, pay attention, to how you feel, and how others are feeling.


If you encounter, feelings of extra, self-criticism or skepticism, even pessimism, or criticalness from others, then this will be why.


The irony of these kinds of Virgo times, is that Virgo is not satisfied, because we're all 'looking for love in all the wrong places'..... Know that song!


So, let your hearts and mind, float to deeper levels of contemplation.


Let yourself meditate more, contemplate the deeper spiritual purposes of your lives, and let that be an innate 'focus' of this month...


Even, bringing 'that' deeper, into every wave and fabric of concrete, practical, relative life.....


will represent a deep 'fulfillment' of the Virgo sense.


Transits to be aware of:


Sun moving through Virgo, will seem 'tame' in comparison to the simultaneous, Mars quality, moving through Virgo.


Mars is intensity, and aggressiveness, 'in'....

so whatever 'sign' Mars is in, reflects the quality of that Mars, for that time.


Mars in Virgo, is especially unforgiving during it's Virgo transit.


Mars', uniquely, negative side is that it tends to 'blame' others for ...'my' stuff.


As a result, Mars/Virgo times, can be consumed by...'he did this', or 'she did this', or 'they!!!!, all, did that!'


It's interesting that this Mars in Virgo time, is coming in the US, at a time, at the end of a fairly 'nasty' Presidential Race.


This next month, unfortunately will be dominated by a lot of 'mud slinging'....


'He did this....vs.... but He!,...did that'....


A higher way of utilizing this Mars time, is to use the 'intensity' of Mars/Virgo, to drive yourself, to motivate yourself,...for more and more...

of your own.... pursuit of deep goals...


Instead of blaming, let the higher form of Mars come out, where Mars, 'fights for Righteousness'...


Not 'fighting' others, but fighting or struggling against one's own 'ignorances'.....


We all have sides to us, that bind us, limit us, and seem to undermine our very lives.


These qualities, are called 'the malefics' in Jyotish.


Where we have our Malefics, is where we have our illusions, delusions, compulsions, and problems.


Learning how to transform our Malefics, into their opposite, 'Benefic' Status...

is a great focus of this 'tenacious' Mars/Virgo,...time...


Drive yourself towards balance, patience, freedom and transformation of any malefic area.... but do it with 'love'....


One side issue, is right now, both Jupiter and Mars are soooo close to the Sun, that they're called being 'combust'....


This means the very important qualities or significations of 'those combust' planets, will be overshadowed by the too close, proximity....of the Sun....


Therefore, during this 'combust' time, allow yourself to more actively, flow through the natures of the combust planets, and that will help.


Other qualities during this next Month:


Next 2 weeks of Sun in Virgo, will also coincide with the Waxing Moon, so enjoy a strong, outwardness during this time.


On the 26th of September, all 3 .... Sun, Mars & Jupiter will still be very close.


Sun...6 degrees, Virgo....

Jupiter 5th degree....and

Mars ....4th degree....


So, watch especially,....the quality of fighting,...(Mars) for one's opinions, points of view, or what you definitely feel is right!


There'll be some individuals born during this time, who'll develop into supreme 'fighters' for their religious or spiritual inclinations, but their intense, persuasiveness, will be challenged by Mars' more malefic status and the natural combust quality of this time...


On September 25th.... Mercury, the only Planet that really loves being in Virgo,....

moves into it's Exalted Status in Virgo...


So, utilize this time to 'appreciate',...through fine, Mercury/Virgo, discrimination,... the blessings of this time,...but...


without,....being focused on the negatives of Virgo...


Unfortunately, many of those who are born with several planets in Virgo, even if Mercury, too often find themselves consumed with self-criticalness....

which is so harmful....even of oneself...


Enjoy the fine, intellectual 'claritys of mind' that are very possible during this Mercury/Virgo period....


just don't buy into the negatives....



On September 28th.... Moon moves into Pisces, which being opposite to the Sun in Virgo, means this will be the full-Moon of the Month...


Enjoy this fullness of perfection....Moon in Pisces, appreciates the need for transcendental insight into the search for perfection....and all that Virgo, gives us the 'mastery' of the details which can be a nice complement to the transcendental Pisces!


On the 28th...


Sun = 12th degree of Virgo...

Mars = 7:40 degrees V

Jupiter = 6:52 degrees....and

Mercury = 6:34 degrees....


Lotttttsssss of Virgo....


Try and enjoy just the best part....


Mercury....and even Mercury with Jupiter gives a great insightful, possibility into spiritual matters...


Mars represents a time to strive for accomplishing 'spiritual matters'...

(or fighting),....but not...

a good time to fight!


If you know what I mean....



On September 29th...


Mars & Mercury will both be at the same 8th degree of Virgo on this day...


Don't let your anger get the best of your 'thoughts' or judgements on this day...



On October 5th, .... Next Moon Quarter; 1/2 Full of the Waning Moon...


means the activities, finally, of the last 3 weeks are beginning to slow down...


Good time, to take a break, and rejuvenate....recuperate....rest....


On the 5th of October......


Sun = 19th degree of Virgo...

Mars = 12:13 degrees V

Jupiter = 8:23 degrees....and

Mercury = 19:05 degrees....


Mars has finally moved far enough away from Jupiter that the typical 'negatives' of too close of a Mars, will begun to be felt...


However, you'll notice, that Mercury and Sun are now, at the exact same degrees, which is the height of a combust, 'Mercury'...


Don't make any important decisions on this day!


On October 13th.... Next..... New Moon....


This year, Sun, Moon, Mars, & Jupiter are all in Virgo!


Wow...will that be an intense day!


On the 13th of October......


Sun = 27th degree of Virgo...

Moon = 27th degree, too...

Mars = 17:35 degrees V

Jupiter = 10:08 degrees...


All this previous....'Virgoness' will be exacerbated by the fact that the Moon, is completely 'small', ...and the emotional, feeling level will be very sensitive to the harshness of being too critical...


So, lighten up.... contemplate the true Spiritual nature of Life, during this and the entire Month...and the goal of Virgo will be fulfilled...

without the condemning quality of 'relative' Virgo focus.



Oh, yes, one final observation...


Even though Jupiter is finally moving farther and faster away from Saturn's glance,

still it's present transit through Cancer...

mean's it's still influencing Virgo, and Jupiter due to it's 3rd House aspect...


This means....patience...is still the key...


Later in the year, even in January when Saturn temporarily goes Retrograde and even moves back into Gemini for a time,...that'll represent quite a nice break of this Sani....glance...


Otherwise, Jupiter continues it's onward march, which for the next 6 years....means uninterrupted Jupiter bliss, expansion,...and success!




On October 16th,.... Sun move's into Libra....


that's another story...

and another Month At A Glance....!





Jai Guru!




Mark Kincaid




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