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Analysis for marriage#2

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Dear Ramesh -


I didn't get a chance to finish up the last post before I accidentally clicked the SEND button and off it went! So please re-read. And Ash, please correct where necessary if I misinterpreted anything. . .thanks.





Please accept my compliments. You are really a great personality. I am fully convinced with your readings. A lot of thanks to you for your devotion in respect of my chart. Everybody irrespective of age group or knowledge is always learning something new. It is your humble kindness that you portrait yourself as still a student in spite of acquiring a deep knowledge at least in this field. I really pay you compliments from the core of my heart..


Thank you for your compliments, but believe me when I say that I'm just a student like you are, I DO mean this and say it not out of a sense of humbleness but because it's just true. I'm learning just like you are here. Yes, I may have a website with all the information and yes, I may have put out a worksheet with the help of other students like myself, but applying this information is a totally different concept then just seeing it in front of you. It takes time and practice and doing charts over and over again. .. all sorts of charts. This is time that would take away from my programming, so I'm really as rusty as I say I am. .. believe me. This is one of the reasons why I hesitate to jump in and try to help people with their charts, when I feel just as much of a beginner sometimes as they do. My speciality comes in when I'm able to take a more complicated concept and break it down it's most basic components with preferable a visual to go with it, so that other students like myself can grasp it alot more easier than with ten paragraphs of information and explanations.


I would like to clarify few points laiid down in the lesson no # 22. I would like to draw your attention on point no 18 in respect of sight on planets on houses A B and C The sight of planets on these houses as it is mentioned , there is no doubt but what will happen if any planet occupy these houses ? These planet is considered or not. As in the case of my chart Mercury with 6 bindus occupy house C , should I deduct this 6 points from the total points in Row 9.If I do not deduct then it comes out to total 20 points as per the worksheet of KAS2005.That is why it was not tallying with your worked out worksheet.


I will re-enter the birth data here for those who haven't tried this chart and wish to do so;


Chart by Ramesh

May 6, 1976

10:34 AM

Tezpur, India





ASC: 17 CAN 11


From what know (and Ash please correct me if I'm wrong here), because Mercury occupies the C house, it doesn't count as "having sight on a house" because it is IN that house, so you don't deduct the 6 points in this case. Sort of like pointing a gun and trying to hit a target. You would line up the sight of the gun on your target, but not on yourself. Anyway, that would be my understanding of it.


When you check up the chart there is a delay of full period of 27.5 years as it is mentioned by you in the lessons.This delay period is over now and the native is still unmarried and there seem to be no chance of settlement in the near future also. What I mean to say that delay is caused by the aspect of Saturn on Venus the karaka of marriage.Here as per this system the karaka for marriage is Sun because it is 8th lord from House B. This Sun also is aspected by Saturn.and he is debilitated in D 9. Of course according to Lesson # 2 Sun has nothing to do with its debilitation but it has acquired only 4 bindus in its BAV and 6 natal bindus.

Sun is in the nak. of Venus.Is it a positive point ?

Now at present the native is running with Ketu MD and Rahu Antara. Rahu is SD to Venus and Jup Venus has acquired total 53 bindus whereas Jup is with 25 bindus, so venus took precedence over Jup.What does it mean ?


OK, I will have to backtrack here for a moment. I had a long discussion with Ash on this matter and the fact that Venus has 53 pts to Jupiter's 25 points in the SUMMARY Sheet, has to do with the overall effects of the antra period only.


Let's go back to your Ketu and Rahu for a moment. We know that both Rahu and Ketu cannot of themselves give the result because they aren't considered legitimate planets as such. So we have to get a Samdharmi to take its place. Yesterday Ash drilled this into my head over and over again.


RULE #1:

Rahu and Ketu will only be Samdharmi to its SIGN LORD and NAKSHATRA LORD - never to planets that they are in the same house with. So this means for example that even though your Jupiter, Sun and Venus are all residing in the same house with your Ketu, none of those planets can become Samdharmi to Ketu for that particular reason alone. Since Ketu resides in the sign of Aries, it becomes SD to MARS. Then we look to see where Ketu resides in its Nakshatra and find that its Nakshatra Lord is VENUS. Ok, now we know that Ketu is SD to MARS and VENUS.


STEP #2:

Next click on the Ashtarkakavarga Power link on the chart page. This will take you to the SUMMARY page on the worksheet. Look at the top most chart to to find out the power of each of these planets, MARS and VENUS. We know that Ketu resides in the 10th house here, so this is the house that we're interested in, in the SAV chart at the top of the Summary page. If you look at Column M, it will reflect the 10th house planets. We're interested to know how many bindus Mars contributes to the 10th house for its strength here as compared to Venus's contribution for the 10th. If we look at Cell M9, we see that Mars contributes 3 bindus of its total strength to this house. If we look at Venus's contribution (Cell M12), we can see that there are only 2 bindus here. Therefore, MARS wins out as the stronger of the two and Ketu becomes Samdharmi to MARS over Venus.


STEP #3;

Let's try Rahu now. Rahu resides in the 4th house of LIBRA in the chart. The house ruler is VENUS, so Rahu becomes SD to VENUS. We then check the plaecement of Rahu's nakshatra to see that JUPITER is the ruler there. So VENUS and JUPITER are the two planets to consider, so which one is the stronger?



Again click on the Ashtakavaraga Power link on the chart page and look to where the 4th house (this is where Rahu resides) is on the top chart. If you look to Column G, you will see that all the planets in this column are contributing their points to the 4th house in particular. We are only interested in JUPITER and VENUS here. If you check Cell G11 in the SUMMARY sheet, you will see that Jupiter contributes 5 bindus to house 4, while VENUS (Cell G12) only contributes 4. Therefore JUPITER becomes the stronger of the two, and Rahu becomes Samdharmi to Jupiter, not Venus.


In order to clear up a possible confusion point here that I was also making earlier - When comparing 2 possible SD planets for their bindu strengths, do NOT refer to the planets NATAL Bindu placements on the same chart page, like I was mistakenly doing. Instead click on the ASKTAKAVARGA POWER link to take you to the Summary WS at the top, where you can reference the bindus for the house where either RAHU/KETU reside. Once you find the house column, then go down the column to the particular planets involved and compare the pts against each other for their individual bindus for that house. Whichever planet has the higher bindu strength for Rahu or Ketu's house, then that planet will be the stronger of the two.


Antara is running of Rahu Rahu is eager to give results of house B because it is in house D. Most probably it may give the result in its third sector because of delay factor. Then what is the role of Venus and Jup. Venus is simply LoD and Loc and Jup is lord of 12th house from house B and that of 9th house.


The results of Rahu/Rahu would be tied into the planet JUPITER now, since Rahu sub period becomes SD to Jupiter and not Venus. You would then go to the SUMMARY sheet and click in the planet JUPITER in Cell B17 to see where all the instances of JUPITER sub would come up in the chart placements. In this chart, you would see that JU would pop up in either D or E houses when the B focus goes to the 1st, 4th, 9th and 12th houses and events would revolve around these house issues for this time period. Now since the Rahu sub is in effect from Nov 14, 2004 - Dec 2, 2005, when the next sub period of Jupiter comes into the picture, from Dec 2, 2005 - Nov 8, 2006, these same issues involving these house focuses will continue.




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