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Article on 9th house in astrology chart

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Dear Friends,


Greetings from http://www.cyberastro.com?from=groups !


We are an astrology site from india interested in sharing some articles

with you. As a first mail ,Let us start the article on the 9th house. It is a

very auspicious house and can match up to the ascendant in terms of

auspicious result. When the Ascendant is low or afflicted, it is the 9th

house that holds the pilot's power to reach great heights of success.


It is the house of Dharma, " the law of one's nature " ; the ideal of one's

being. Astrologers judge the prime values of the person from this house,

how one fares at temptations of lower kind. It is the house of religion

that also displays our ideals and ethics. This house is also known as the

house of the father and father's fate can be known from this house.


It is held as a very important factor of a horoscope as the condition of

this house also depicts our destiny, luck and grace without which life can

be always a hard and uphill climb. This house can give sudden and

unexpected gains in life. people with certain astrological conditions of

the 9th house win lotteries or speculative deals.


Finally the most important factor of this house is, it gives power, honor

and prestige in life of conventional and beneficial kind. This house is the

subtle connection between the material and the metaphysical. A

successful person is not always a saint yet can be of a nature that abides

by the law of nature and society. It relates to the deeper and more

philosophical side of the mind and when clubbed with a graceful Moon

can bring a rare emotional balance in the person.


One should be well aware of all the matters related to the 9th house as

this knowledge can give the impetus to use the grace in a beneficial way.

It is very easy to waste it in useless indulgences.


When we judge a horoscope and find that there is difficulty in enhancing

planets relating to some other house, we address the 9th house lord and

enhance it with a Gem or Yantra.


The karaka or significator of this house is Jupiter and Sun. in mundane

terms this house is viewed to predict matters related to father and fortune

in general. This house also shows long distance travel, matters pertaining

to foreign land, sudden prosperity, faith and fore sight.


You can discern from the significators, Jupiter and Sun that there is

connection with the inner meaning of life. Sun is the life force the father

while Jupiter is the Guru (teacher) and relates to wisdom.A strong 9th

house and 9th lord can mean happy married life with harmonious spouse

children and wealth. The person can be generous and wise and may do

many good and charitable deeds. The gain is preordained as fortune is

always in favor. Benefic's aspect on the 9th house paves the way to easy

fame and fortune and similarly malefic's aspect makes life full of

struggle for success and recognition. Just as a healthy and strong Sun

gives one's potential the chance to evolve, 9th house lord gives blessings

that the person has earned through the karmic journey. It is difficult for

a person to understand how one can do a good deed as the very thought

that ' I am doing' a great deed is egoistical in nature. So what a person

does naturally and without expectations directly or indirectly earns the

positive points. It is also the house of selflessness and yet the house that

also charts our prime responsibilities in life. A person who has

responsibilities to attend to cannot ignore them and pursue a path (even if

it leads to spirituality) finally brings doom to other lives and his karma is

not positive. This is the reason why this house is connected to father.




Belief in God, irrespective of astrology is common to almost all. What is

the nature of God, whether He/she signifies wealth/health/success etc is

never important at the final moment. When we act in a devotional

manner and perform worship, this act is good enough. As for asking God

for something, which many consider as 'not done', need not be so. If we

are in want and God is our protector our parent 'there are no dos and

don'ts associated. If there is a requirement in our life, and we do not

place it as an appeal before the supreme power only shows that we are

not receptive and open to Him. There is nothing that can be hidden from

him as He/she is 'Sat-cit-ananda', ie eternal Existence- Consciousness-

Bliss. Whether you choose to keep your soul open and inviting is your

prerogative but as such not asking for a favor does not mean that God is

not aware of your need or desire. Nothing can ever be hidden from God,

so let us all be open and inviting. Let there be joy in our heart and we lay

our heart as an open book at God's feet to receive Divine blessing.


The powerful ritual based on the principles of sonic energy generated by

constant chanting and repetition, Sri Rudram Yajna will be held on 27-

Feb-2005 by a group of 12 experienced priests belonging to the Tamil

school of the South Indian Vedic tradition.


The mantras and chants associated with this Yajna have been practiced

and perfected over the years in praise of Lord Shiva, the embodiment of

OM, the root of the existing and the non-existing.


He is the epitome of regeneration; the protector of Jeeva (living beings)

the deity for kali Yuga( current times). Parvati or Durga his consort is

known as the universal mother, Devi, the ruling deity of the planets

Moon, Venus, Saturn & Rahu.Please join in this traditional ceremony

and let your wishes and dreams transform into reality and make this

event a success as well.


Visit the Ceremony Page at to hear the mesmerizing chants of Sri



(Copy this link to your browser in case of any problem).


To enlist for this unique ceremony to be conducted by an experienced

group of 12 priests, follow the links on this page or simply click on the

following link:



(Copy this link to your browser in case of any problem)



With Regards,


CyberAstro Astrologer


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