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Thanks ....Another chart of second male native

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Dear Ash, Bala and members

Thanks for your thoughts. I am also still digesting detailed answers

given by Ash. He is right one needs more charts to understand the

KAS system and get answers for real life questions...so here is

another chart of a troubled male native who kept on asking same

questions for last several weeks. My analysis is also pasted below.

Please spare some time, whenever convenient to help hm.


Native lived in USA for 17 years and is currently struggling for

last 10 years in India and now in Singapore for last 5 years(he

hardly worked two years in last 5 years and is currently unemployed

in Singapore) He is under tremendous financial strains and tryng to

send his children to USA, since they are US Citizens and desire to

come back to USA. Please see my analysis below and comment if

anything needs to be corrected as per KAS system and my present

understanding.Please help him by correcting my mistakes, if any and

by providing additional answers to his questions..one of his

questions (repeated) is " Will he get some major money in next 1-2

months from any source? "




September 6th, 1954

Time of Birth 17:40 (PM) IST ( Medical record)

Place of Birth: Patna (Bihar), India

Latitude 25.37N Longitude 85.12E


I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters younger to me. I am the eldest.


I am married, I have 2 children 1 daughter (almost 18yrs and son



He lived in USA from Sep 1977 till Nov 1994(17 years) and moved to

India and lived in India till March 2000.


Since March 2000 till now living in Singapore, Job for only 2 year.


Date of marriage June 30th, 1982


Father passed away Oct 26th, 1987


Mother passed away May 21, 2003


Last job Oct 3rd, 2003 till July 7th, 2004, Currently unemployed.


" To answer your question from 1977 to 1996 I had a very good job

from 1979 till 1989 with BIg fortune 500 companies in US. And then

my own business where I florished and made very good money and then

in Nov 1994 I moved to India for family reasons, and then my down

fall started.


Since 1996 onward I have been just struggling. I moved to singapore

on Mar 2000 till now. I had ajob from June 2000 till March 2001

there after on and off working. Life has been very tough for me



Now my kids are grown up and they both are US citizen that's why I

am looking for job in US or Canada to go there on H1B visa because

my kids cann't sponsor me till they become 21 yrs so I can be with

them. "


My daughter born dec 22, 1986


My son born June 10th, 1988


He has following questions:

I need to know should I look a Job or start a small Export Business.

1. Will I able to do business?

2. Will I success in business?

3. What kind of business possible for me?

4. If Job when will I find a JOB in US. Currently applying for

jobs in US / Canada as Senior Management Position.

5. If move when will move to US / Canada.

Currently I am residing in Singapore and planning to move to US /





Here's my analysis(sent to him sofar):



My First Email to him:

Thanks for sending these dates.. I have been able to verify your

marriage date, Oct3, 2003 and July7, 2004 job gain/job loss dates

using Krushna Ashtakavarga System techniques so far.. However I need

some important job change dates in 1977-1996 range when you were in

USA (job gain and job change both)..the reason being that the strong

significators of service/job gain are also strong significators of

job loss i.e. Jupiter, Moon and Mars..so more data is needed to

understand which planets are real job creators most of the time in

your life...also date of birth of children can make the time of

birth unique/verifiable ...


So far it looks that all events related to Rahu will happen in Rahu

Mahadasa from jan2004 to Jan2022(these dates are off by 6 months

from Lahri ayanmsha dates in KAS system)...Rahu behaves like a

combination of Jupiter and Venus since its in Jupiter's sign

Saggitarius and Poorva Ashadha Nakshatara ruled by Venus..since

Jupiter and Venus are karakas for 2nd , 5th, 6th and 9th house for

Jupiter(2and 11th Lord) and Venus is karaka for 7th, 11th, 12th and

4th houses(being 4th and 9th Lord)..so many events related t so many

houses are involved here.


...So all events that are related to wealth , income creation via

service, children, job loss, fortune will happen during next 18

years as far as jupiter is concerned …as far as venus is concerned

they are income generation, losses, foreign travel, properties and

business…So there can be some business potentially speaking due to

venus but Jupiter controls half the events and it does not support

business here..at the very utmost there can be some income during

Rahu/Venus(2015 to 2018) via business and otherwise its mostly

service especially Rahu/Jupiter which is upcoming period from

22April2006 to !5 sep 2018( I can send you the spreadsheet if you

have 2MB email storage space..just let me know)


….But still more data is needed to understand and verify your chart

as mentioned above…In case you had done some good business during

1977 to 1996 in USA(foreign land) or India, please mention those

dates also…then it will become clear which planets really support

business and which support job etc., …The critical thing is that all

planets in your chart are equally strong(rather say very strong) and

that can both be a plus point for some houses but a minus/negative

point for other houses at the same time…


He kept on asking same questions, so…

My Second Email to him:

Since More Precise dates for several job changes are not available,

so trends are based on October 3, 2003 to 7th July 2004 period and

birth data has been assumed to be correct. This is the basic

assumption here.



October 3, 2003 : Sun was at 16 degrees in Virgo ruled by Mercury.

Its also Poorva-Phalguni Nakshatara ruled by Venus, who is

surprisingly the 5th strongest significator of service, but anyway

it gets the native the job.


Jupiter and Mars are 1st and 3rd strongest significators of job ,

but they are also 1st and 2nd significators of job loss…so job is

now supported more by Moon(2nd strongest significator), Saturn (4th

strongest significator) and Venus (5th strongest significator)….so

Sun's transit through signs and nakshatras of Moon, Saturn and Venus

can potentially lead to job /service gains, provided favourable

anatrdasa is going on at the same time


Also Sun's transit through signs and Nakshataras of Jupiter and Mars

can lead to job gains and/or job loss at any time…the chances of job

loss or job change are much higher than job gain even in favourable

antardasas, whenever such transits of Sun happen.




July 7, 2004: sun passes through 22 degrees Gemini ruled by Mercury

and also in Aardara Naksatra ruled by Rahu…Mercury is 5th Lord of

job loss and enemy of 6th house of service, and also 3rd strongest

significator of job loss…so no surprize Mercury did its job. Mercury

is clearly job loss planet for Aquarius lagna.





For Business :


Strong significators are (Ist to 3rd) : Saturn, Venus and Moon


Enemys of Business are (ist to 3rd): Jupiter, Moon and Mars


So only Saturn and Venus support business…





During entire Rahu mahadasa from 10th August2003 to 10th August 2021

(half events controlled by Jupiter and rest controlled by Venus…

Venus is karaka for 9th house and 2nd house..wealth and fortune…

Jupiter is karaka for business(7th house) and and properties,

vehicles(4th house))….well Jupiter does not support business and

hence its ruled out. ..business events can happen in Venus periods




Rahu/Jupiter from 22April2006 to 15 sep 2008 ...: the firsts

sector from 22nd April2006 to 9th Feb2007 is full of delays for job

search and getting a job …However job can be achieved via very hard

efforts only….The reason being that there is a ZERO due to Saturn in

Capricorn in 12th house and Saturn is the karaka for service house

(6th) and crown house(5th)……Sun's transit through Moon and Venus

signs and nakstaras can help somewhat however ..25th May2006 to 8th

June 2006 (plus minus 13 days), 27th Sept 2006 to 10 Oct 2006

Second Sector of RAHU/JUP: 9th Feb2007 to 28th November 2007: this

period can get you the job.


Currently, Rahu/rahu: delays are again due to Saturn's zero and you

already had a successful firsts ector last year..now you are in

second sector …third sector will get the job from 29May2005 to 22nd

April2006. Sun's transit form 25th May 2005 to 8th June 2005,

20July to 2nd August 2005 can help here(plus minus 13 days)….


Looks like whatever job you get in Rahu/Rahu, i.e., in May-July

2005 you should try to hold it until 2007, when things get better….


My third and final email to him:

1. Well here is the attached summary spreadsheet as per KAS system

for Ashtakavarga(you can get rules and lessons from

astrologytimingevents if interested). Well we are all

learning here and in the same boat…infact I have already given some

answers for your near future periods based on KAS system. Regarding

rest of the questions, well they need more time, efforts and

concentration… one of the reasons being that you have given job

change date etc in term of years where as KAS system requires

precise dates (month, day and year), inorder to differentiate

between complex planets(like your case)..so sufficient data is not

available as per KAS system's requirements. I have no mechanism to

determine the dates when you joined and left different companies in

1979-89 period because there are 27 different charts/year for Sun's

transit and that means 270 different combinations…these dates are

required to find why Jupiter and Mars help to get jobs(if they

really helped in the past?) and why they causes job loss(if they

really causes such losses?)….so your time periods of 1979-1994 will

remain a mystery as far as KAS system is concerned..As far as your

request for period wise predictions are concerned , wel they are

already given by Sage Parasara in BPHS(they are of general nature

only and subject to several combinations)….. Even Parasara requires

exact dates to understand all antardasas and all transits and KAS

system is based on Parasara's teachings plus some advanced

techniques only….SO if some one just mentions the years than that

data is of very little use for ashtkavarga and precison based



2. So whatever was possible with the given data, I have done and

have already mentioned those possible dates, when you can get a job

provided you keep making efforts. Predicting further on similar

guidelines based on incomplete past data will be useless and

embarrassing , so I resisted about Rahu/Mercury and Rahu/Venus

periods…you will soon come to know the truth about these predictions

in May/June/July 2005…if wrong than more research is needed and even

if right, they are valid for next few years only and cannot be used

as a basis for more deeper questions about the future.


3. Second reason is that your question about move to US/Canada

cannot be answered easily by Jyotish since you are already in a

foreign country and you chart verifies that from so many

angles..Basically you are a native of India astrologically and have

traveled across the oceans several times and will travel in future

also during Rahu Mahadasa, since Rahu is linked to all foreign

things…So the emerging answer is that when you have good periods of

time, you can potentially get a good job in

Singapore /USA/Canada/any foreign nation at that time,..so form this

point of view you should not ignore jobs in Singapore also and try

to get US/Canada jobs when you are on a job in Singapore..your

planets support all possibilities in foreign nations, but Saturn

causes huge delays due to a zero in the 12th house of foreign

affairs and is also the karaka for 6th house of service and 5th

house of intelligence, investments, crown and job loss…. So in every

antardasa when you try to get a job, things will be achieved in

second/third part of that antardasa…but you said that you had a

continuous strong career from 1979-89 and so I was interested to get

the precise dates, in order to find out which planets helped during

such a long duration…


Thanks and Regards








, " bsosale "

<bsosale> wrote:


> Dear Rajesh and Ash,


> Thanks for the recent discussions on the chart.


> It was YUM YUM!.

> I am still digesting some of it.


> From the heart

> Bala

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Dear Rajesh,


1) This native moved to States in Ve/Me antra. Me has highest points

for 12th house.


2) The native moved to Singapore in Mars/Me antra. Me is repeating

again. In both cases it has highest points for 3rd house also.


3) Current antra running is that of Rahu/Rahu. Rahu is SD to 2nd

lord. So worries in this antra. Rahu is also in House E for 6th as

B. So good possiblity to get job.


4) Next antra is also of Ju. Again 2nd and 11th lord. So again

there maybe worries.


5) Ju has less points in 10th house. So may give jobs but no

satisfaction from authority or less satisfaction.


6) This chart seems to be of a person who has multiple affairs or

extra maritial relations. Can you confirm this.


Cheers !!!




, " Rajesh M. Kumaria "

<rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:


> Dear Ash, Bala and members

> Thanks for your thoughts. I am also still digesting detailed


> given by Ash. He is right one needs more charts to understand the

> KAS system and get answers for real life questions...so here is

> another chart of a troubled male native who kept on asking same

> questions for last several weeks. My analysis is also pasted below.

> Please spare some time, whenever convenient to help hm.


> Native lived in USA for 17 years and is currently struggling for

> last 10 years in India and now in Singapore for last 5 years(he

> hardly worked two years in last 5 years and is currently unemployed

> in Singapore) He is under tremendous financial strains and tryng to

> send his children to USA, since they are US Citizens and desire to

> come back to USA. Please see my analysis below and comment if

> anything needs to be corrected as per KAS system and my present

> understanding.Please help him by correcting my mistakes, if any and

> by providing additional answers to his questions..one of his

> questions (repeated) is " Will he get some major money in next 1-2

> months from any source? "




> September 6th, 1954

> Time of Birth 17:40 (PM) IST ( Medical record)

> Place of Birth: Patna (Bihar), India

> Latitude 25.37N Longitude 85.12E


> I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters younger to me. I am the eldest.


> I am married, I have 2 children 1 daughter (almost 18yrs and son

> (16yrs).


> He lived in USA from Sep 1977 till Nov 1994(17 years) and moved to

> India and lived in India till March 2000.


> Since March 2000 till now living in Singapore, Job for only 2 year.


> Date of marriage June 30th, 1982


> Father passed away Oct 26th, 1987


> Mother passed away May 21, 2003


> Last job Oct 3rd, 2003 till July 7th, 2004, Currently unemployed.


> " To answer your question from 1977 to 1996 I had a very good job

> from 1979 till 1989 with BIg fortune 500 companies in US. And then

> my own business where I florished and made very good money and then

> in Nov 1994 I moved to India for family reasons, and then my down

> fall started.


> Since 1996 onward I have been just struggling. I moved to singapore

> on Mar 2000 till now. I had ajob from June 2000 till March 2001

> there after on and off working. Life has been very tough for me

> here.


> Now my kids are grown up and they both are US citizen that's why I

> am looking for job in US or Canada to go there on H1B visa because

> my kids cann't sponsor me till they become 21 yrs so I can be with

> them. "


> My daughter born dec 22, 1986


> My son born June 10th, 1988


> He has following questions:

> I need to know should I look a Job or start a small Export Business.

> 1. Will I able to do business?

> 2. Will I success in business?

> 3. What kind of business possible for me?

> 4. If Job when will I find a JOB in US. Currently applying for

> jobs in US / Canada as Senior Management Position.

> 5. If move when will move to US / Canada.

> Currently I am residing in Singapore and planning to move to US /

> Canada.




> Here's my analysis(sent to him sofar):



> My First Email to him:

> Thanks for sending these dates.. I have been able to verify your

> marriage date, Oct3, 2003 and July7, 2004 job gain/job loss dates

> using Krushna Ashtakavarga System techniques so far.. However I


> some important job change dates in 1977-1996 range when you were in

> USA (job gain and job change both)..the reason being that the


> significators of service/job gain are also strong significators of

> job loss i.e. Jupiter, Moon and Mars..so more data is needed to

> understand which planets are real job creators most of the time in

> your life...also date of birth of children can make the time of

> birth unique/verifiable ...


> So far it looks that all events related to Rahu will happen in Rahu

> Mahadasa from jan2004 to Jan2022(these dates are off by 6 months

> from Lahri ayanmsha dates in KAS system)...Rahu behaves like a

> combination of Jupiter and Venus since its in Jupiter's sign

> Saggitarius and Poorva Ashadha Nakshatara ruled by Venus..since

> Jupiter and Venus are karakas for 2nd , 5th, 6th and 9th house for

> Jupiter(2and 11th Lord) and Venus is karaka for 7th, 11th, 12th


> 4th houses(being 4th and 9th Lord)..so many events related t so


> houses are involved here.


> ..So all events that are related to wealth , income creation via

> service, children, job loss, fortune will happen during next 18

> years as far as jupiter is concerned …as far as venus is concerned

> they are income generation, losses, foreign travel, properties and

> business…So there can be some business potentially speaking due to

> venus but Jupiter controls half the events and it does not support

> business here..at the very utmost there can be some income during

> Rahu/Venus(2015 to 2018) via business and otherwise its mostly

> service especially Rahu/Jupiter which is upcoming period from

> 22April2006 to !5 sep 2018( I can send you the spreadsheet if you

> have 2MB email storage space..just let me know)


> ….But still more data is needed to understand and verify your chart

> as mentioned above…In case you had done some good business during

> 1977 to 1996 in USA(foreign land) or India, please mention those

> dates also…then it will become clear which planets really support

> business and which support job etc., …The critical thing is that


> planets in your chart are equally strong(rather say very strong)


> that can both be a plus point for some houses but a minus/negative

> point for other houses at the same time…


> He kept on asking same questions, so…

> My Second Email to him:

> Since More Precise dates for several job changes are not available,

> so trends are based on October 3, 2003 to 7th July 2004 period and

> birth data has been assumed to be correct. This is the basic

> assumption here.



> October 3, 2003 : Sun was at 16 degrees in Virgo ruled by Mercury.

> Its also Poorva-Phalguni Nakshatara ruled by Venus, who is

> surprisingly the 5th strongest significator of service, but anyway

> it gets the native the job.


> Jupiter and Mars are 1st and 3rd strongest significators of job ,

> but they are also 1st and 2nd significators of job loss…so job is

> now supported more by Moon(2nd strongest significator), Saturn


> strongest significator) and Venus (5th strongest significator)….so

> Sun's transit through signs and nakshatras of Moon, Saturn and


> can potentially lead to job /service gains, provided favourable

> anatrdasa is going on at the same time


> Also Sun's transit through signs and Nakshataras of Jupiter and


> can lead to job gains and/or job loss at any time…the chances of


> loss or job change are much higher than job gain even in


> antardasas, whenever such transits of Sun happen.




> July 7, 2004: sun passes through 22 degrees Gemini ruled by Mercury

> and also in Aardara Naksatra ruled by Rahu…Mercury is 5th Lord of

> job loss and enemy of 6th house of service, and also 3rd strongest

> significator of job loss…so no surprize Mercury did its job.


> is clearly job loss planet for Aquarius lagna.





> For Business :


> Strong significators are (Ist to 3rd) : Saturn, Venus and Moon


> Enemys of Business are (ist to 3rd): Jupiter, Moon and Mars


> So only Saturn and Venus support business…

> ______________




> During entire Rahu mahadasa from 10th August2003 to 10th August 2021

> (half events controlled by Jupiter and rest controlled by Venus…

> Venus is karaka for 9th house and 2nd house..wealth and fortune…

> Jupiter is karaka for business(7th house) and and properties,

> vehicles(4th house))….well Jupiter does not support business and

> hence its ruled out. ..business events can happen in Venus periods

> only.



> Rahu/Jupiter from 22April2006 to 15 sep 2008 ...: the firsts

> sector from 22nd April2006 to 9th Feb2007 is full of delays for job

> search and getting a job …However job can be achieved via very hard

> efforts only….The reason being that there is a ZERO due to Saturn


> Capricorn in 12th house and Saturn is the karaka for service house

> (6th) and crown house(5th)……Sun's transit through Moon and Venus

> signs and nakstaras can help somewhat however ..25th May2006 to


> June 2006 (plus minus 13 days), 27th Sept 2006 to 10 Oct 2006

> Second Sector of RAHU/JUP: 9th Feb2007 to 28th November 2007: this

> period can get you the job.


> Currently, Rahu/rahu: delays are again due to Saturn's zero and you

> already had a successful firsts ector last year..now you are in

> second sector …third sector will get the job from 29May2005 to


> April2006. Sun's transit form 25th May 2005 to 8th June 2005,

> 20July to 2nd August 2005 can help here(plus minus 13 days)….


> Looks like whatever job you get in Rahu/Rahu, i.e., in May-July

> 2005 you should try to hold it until 2007, when things get better….


> My third and final email to him:

> 1. Well here is the attached summary spreadsheet as per KAS system

> for Ashtakavarga(you can get rules and lessons from

> astrologytimingevents if interested). Well we are all

> learning here and in the same boat…infact I have already given some

> answers for your near future periods based on KAS system. Regarding

> rest of the questions, well they need more time, efforts and

> concentration… one of the reasons being that you have given job

> change date etc in term of years where as KAS system requires

> precise dates (month, day and year), inorder to differentiate

> between complex planets(like your case)..so sufficient data is not

> available as per KAS system's requirements. I have no mechanism to

> determine the dates when you joined and left different companies in

> 1979-89 period because there are 27 different charts/year for Sun's

> transit and that means 270 different combinations…these dates are

> required to find why Jupiter and Mars help to get jobs(if they

> really helped in the past?) and why they causes job loss(if they

> really causes such losses?)….so your time periods of 1979-1994 will

> remain a mystery as far as KAS system is concerned..As far as your

> request for period wise predictions are concerned , wel they are

> already given by Sage Parasara in BPHS(they are of general nature

> only and subject to several combinations)….. Even Parasara requires

> exact dates to understand all antardasas and all transits and KAS

> system is based on Parasara's teachings plus some advanced

> techniques only….SO if some one just mentions the years than that

> data is of very little use for ashtkavarga and precison based

> questions?


> 2. So whatever was possible with the given data, I have done and

> have already mentioned those possible dates, when you can get a job

> provided you keep making efforts. Predicting further on similar

> guidelines based on incomplete past data will be useless and

> embarrassing , so I resisted about Rahu/Mercury and Rahu/Venus

> periods…you will soon come to know the truth about these


> in May/June/July 2005…if wrong than more research is needed and


> if right, they are valid for next few years only and cannot be used

> as a basis for more deeper questions about the future.


> 3. Second reason is that your question about move to US/Canada

> cannot be answered easily by Jyotish since you are already in a

> foreign country and you chart verifies that from so many

> angles..Basically you are a native of India astrologically and have

> traveled across the oceans several times and will travel in future

> also during Rahu Mahadasa, since Rahu is linked to all foreign

> things…So the emerging answer is that when you have good periods of

> time, you can potentially get a good job in

> Singapore /USA/Canada/any foreign nation at that time,..so form


> point of view you should not ignore jobs in Singapore also and try

> to get US/Canada jobs when you are on a job in Singapore..your

> planets support all possibilities in foreign nations, but Saturn

> causes huge delays due to a zero in the 12th house of foreign

> affairs and is also the karaka for 6th house of service and 5th

> house of intelligence, investments, crown and job loss…. So in


> antardasa when you try to get a job, things will be achieved in

> second/third part of that antardasa…but you said that you had a

> continuous strong career from 1979-89 and so I was interested to


> the precise dates, in order to find out which planets helped during

> such a long duration…


> Thanks and Regards

> Rajesh.

, " bsosale "

> <bsosale> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rajesh and Ash,

> >

> > Thanks for the recent discussions on the chart.

> >

> > It was YUM YUM!.

> > I am still digesting some of it.

> >

> > From the heart

> > Bala

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Dear Rajesh,


Also study Shani + Guru's points. ITs 8 right now with Sa in

Gemini. Once it moves back to Cancer points will become 8. So right

now he might manage this way or that but when its 7 then troubles may

get enhnaced.


You can also time the marriage and birth of children to see if you

can pick up the proper antra and then the sector. Can you please

time the marriage and birth of children using the laws. That will

give u good practice.


For studying finances, study Shani + Guru's points together with

antra to see the environment. Still think deeper what is the meaning

of Shani and Gurus total points.


Cheers !!!



, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73> wrote:


> Dear Rajesh,


> 1) This native moved to States in Ve/Me antra. Me has highest


> for 12th house.


> 2) The native moved to Singapore in Mars/Me antra. Me is repeating

> again. In both cases it has highest points for 3rd house also.


> 3) Current antra running is that of Rahu/Rahu. Rahu is SD to 2nd

> lord. So worries in this antra. Rahu is also in House E for 6th


> B. So good possiblity to get job.


> 4) Next antra is also of Ju. Again 2nd and 11th lord. So again

> there maybe worries.


> 5) Ju has less points in 10th house. So may give jobs but no

> satisfaction from authority or less satisfaction.


> 6) This chart seems to be of a person who has multiple affairs or

> extra maritial relations. Can you confirm this.


> Cheers !!!

> Ash



> , " Rajesh M.

Kumaria "

> <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Ash, Bala and members

> > Thanks for your thoughts. I am also still digesting detailed

> answers

> > given by Ash. He is right one needs more charts to understand the

> > KAS system and get answers for real life questions...so here is

> > another chart of a troubled male native who kept on asking same

> > questions for last several weeks. My analysis is also pasted


> > Please spare some time, whenever convenient to help hm.

> >

> > Native lived in USA for 17 years and is currently struggling for

> > last 10 years in India and now in Singapore for last 5 years(he

> > hardly worked two years in last 5 years and is currently


> > in Singapore) He is under tremendous financial strains and tryng


> > send his children to USA, since they are US Citizens and desire


> > come back to USA. Please see my analysis below and comment if

> > anything needs to be corrected as per KAS system and my present

> > understanding.Please help him by correcting my mistakes, if any


> > by providing additional answers to his questions..one of his

> > questions (repeated) is " Will he get some major money in next 1-2

> > months from any source? "

> >

> >

> >

> > September 6th, 1954

> > Time of Birth 17:40 (PM) IST ( Medical record)

> > Place of Birth: Patna (Bihar), India

> > Latitude 25.37N Longitude 85.12E

> >

> > I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters younger to me. I am the eldest.

> >

> > I am married, I have 2 children 1 daughter (almost 18yrs and son

> > (16yrs).

> >

> > He lived in USA from Sep 1977 till Nov 1994(17 years) and moved


> > India and lived in India till March 2000.

> >

> > Since March 2000 till now living in Singapore, Job for only 2


> >

> > Date of marriage June 30th, 1982

> >

> > Father passed away Oct 26th, 1987

> >

> > Mother passed away May 21, 2003

> >

> > Last job Oct 3rd, 2003 till July 7th, 2004, Currently unemployed.

> >

> > " To answer your question from 1977 to 1996 I had a very good job

> > from 1979 till 1989 with BIg fortune 500 companies in US. And


> > my own business where I florished and made very good money and


> > in Nov 1994 I moved to India for family reasons, and then my down

> > fall started.

> >

> > Since 1996 onward I have been just struggling. I moved to


> > on Mar 2000 till now. I had ajob from June 2000 till March 2001

> > there after on and off working. Life has been very tough for me

> > here.

> >

> > Now my kids are grown up and they both are US citizen that's why


> > am looking for job in US or Canada to go there on H1B visa


> > my kids cann't sponsor me till they become 21 yrs so I can be


> > them. "

> >

> > My daughter born dec 22, 1986

> >

> > My son born June 10th, 1988

> >

> > He has following questions:

> > I need to know should I look a Job or start a small Export


> > 1. Will I able to do business?

> > 2. Will I success in business?

> > 3. What kind of business possible for me?

> > 4. If Job when will I find a JOB in US. Currently applying for

> > jobs in US / Canada as Senior Management Position.

> > 5. If move when will move to US / Canada.

> > Currently I am residing in Singapore and planning to move to

US /

> > Canada.

> >

> >

> >

> > Here's my analysis(sent to him sofar):

> >

> >

> > My First Email to him:

> > Thanks for sending these dates.. I have been able to verify your

> > marriage date, Oct3, 2003 and July7, 2004 job gain/job loss dates

> > using Krushna Ashtakavarga System techniques so far.. However I

> need

> > some important job change dates in 1977-1996 range when you were


> > USA (job gain and job change both)..the reason being that the

> strong

> > significators of service/job gain are also strong significators


> > job loss i.e. Jupiter, Moon and Mars..so more data is needed to

> > understand which planets are real job creators most of the time


> > your life...also date of birth of children can make the time of

> > birth unique/verifiable ...

> >

> > So far it looks that all events related to Rahu will happen in


> > Mahadasa from jan2004 to Jan2022(these dates are off by 6 months

> > from Lahri ayanmsha dates in KAS system)...Rahu behaves like a

> > combination of Jupiter and Venus since its in Jupiter's sign

> > Saggitarius and Poorva Ashadha Nakshatara ruled by Venus..since

> > Jupiter and Venus are karakas for 2nd , 5th, 6th and 9th house


> > Jupiter(2and 11th Lord) and Venus is karaka for 7th, 11th, 12th

> and

> > 4th houses(being 4th and 9th Lord)..so many events related t so

> many

> > houses are involved here.

> >

> > ..So all events that are related to wealth , income creation via

> > service, children, job loss, fortune will happen during next 18

> > years as far as jupiter is concerned …as far as venus is


> > they are income generation, losses, foreign travel, properties


> > business…So there can be some business potentially speaking due


> > venus but Jupiter controls half the events and it does not


> > business here..at the very utmost there can be some income


> > Rahu/Venus(2015 to 2018) via business and otherwise its mostly

> > service especially Rahu/Jupiter which is upcoming period from

> > 22April2006 to !5 sep 2018( I can send you the spreadsheet if


> > have 2MB email storage space..just let me know)

> >

> > ….But still more data is needed to understand and verify your


> > as mentioned above…In case you had done some good business during

> > 1977 to 1996 in USA(foreign land) or India, please mention those

> > dates also…then it will become clear which planets really support

> > business and which support job etc., …The critical thing is that

> all

> > planets in your chart are equally strong(rather say very strong)

> and

> > that can both be a plus point for some houses but a


> > point for other houses at the same time…

> >

> > He kept on asking same questions, so…

> > My Second Email to him:

> > Since More Precise dates for several job changes are not


> > so trends are based on October 3, 2003 to 7th July 2004 period


> > birth data has been assumed to be correct. This is the basic

> > assumption here.

> >

> >

> > October 3, 2003 : Sun was at 16 degrees in Virgo ruled by


> > Its also Poorva-Phalguni Nakshatara ruled by Venus, who is

> > surprisingly the 5th strongest significator of service, but


> > it gets the native the job.

> >

> > Jupiter and Mars are 1st and 3rd strongest significators of job ,

> > but they are also 1st and 2nd significators of job loss…so job is

> > now supported more by Moon(2nd strongest significator), Saturn

> (4th

> > strongest significator) and Venus (5th strongest significator)


> > Sun's transit through signs and nakshatras of Moon, Saturn and

> Venus

> > can potentially lead to job /service gains, provided favourable

> > anatrdasa is going on at the same time

> >

> > Also Sun's transit through signs and Nakshataras of Jupiter and

> Mars

> > can lead to job gains and/or job loss at any time…the chances of

> job

> > loss or job change are much higher than job gain even in

> favourable

> > antardasas, whenever such transits of Sun happen.

> >

> >

> >

> > July 7, 2004: sun passes through 22 degrees Gemini ruled by


> > and also in Aardara Naksatra ruled by Rahu…Mercury is 5th Lord of

> > job loss and enemy of 6th house of service, and also 3rd


> > significator of job loss…so no surprize Mercury did its job.

> Mercury

> > is clearly job loss planet for Aquarius lagna.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For Business :

> >

> > Strong significators are (Ist to 3rd) : Saturn, Venus and Moon

> >

> > Enemys of Business are (ist to 3rd): Jupiter, Moon and Mars

> >

> > So only Saturn and Venus support business…

> > ______________

> >

> >

> >

> > During entire Rahu mahadasa from 10th August2003 to 10th August


> > (half events controlled by Jupiter and rest controlled by Venus…

> > Venus is karaka for 9th house and 2nd house..wealth and fortune…

> > Jupiter is karaka for business(7th house) and and properties,

> > vehicles(4th house))….well Jupiter does not support business and

> > hence its ruled out. ..business events can happen in Venus


> > only.

> >

> >

> > Rahu/Jupiter from 22April2006 to 15 sep 2008 ...: the firsts

> > sector from 22nd April2006 to 9th Feb2007 is full of delays for


> > search and getting a job …However job can be achieved via very


> > efforts only….The reason being that there is a ZERO due to Saturn

> in

> > Capricorn in 12th house and Saturn is the karaka for service house

> > (6th) and crown house(5th)……Sun's transit through Moon and Venus

> > signs and nakstaras can help somewhat however ..25th May2006 to

> 8th

> > June 2006 (plus minus 13 days), 27th Sept 2006 to 10 Oct 2006

> > Second Sector of RAHU/JUP: 9th Feb2007 to 28th November 2007:


> > period can get you the job.

> >

> > Currently, Rahu/rahu: delays are again due to Saturn's zero and


> > already had a successful firsts ector last year..now you are in

> > second sector …third sector will get the job from 29May2005 to

> 22nd

> > April2006. Sun's transit form 25th May 2005 to 8th June 2005,

> > 20July to 2nd August 2005 can help here(plus minus 13 days)….

> >

> > Looks like whatever job you get in Rahu/Rahu, i.e., in May-July

> > 2005 you should try to hold it until 2007, when things get


> >

> > My third and final email to him:

> > 1. Well here is the attached summary spreadsheet as per KAS


> > for Ashtakavarga(you can get rules and lessons from

> > astrologytimingevents if interested). Well we are all

> > learning here and in the same boat…infact I have already given


> > answers for your near future periods based on KAS system.


> > rest of the questions, well they need more time, efforts and

> > concentration… one of the reasons being that you have given job

> > change date etc in term of years where as KAS system requires

> > precise dates (month, day and year), inorder to differentiate

> > between complex planets(like your case)..so sufficient data is


> > available as per KAS system's requirements. I have no mechanism


> > determine the dates when you joined and left different companies


> > 1979-89 period because there are 27 different charts/year for


> > transit and that means 270 different combinations…these dates


> > required to find why Jupiter and Mars help to get jobs(if they

> > really helped in the past?) and why they causes job loss(if they

> > really causes such losses?)….so your time periods of 1979-1994


> > remain a mystery as far as KAS system is concerned..As far as


> > request for period wise predictions are concerned , wel they are

> > already given by Sage Parasara in BPHS(they are of general nature

> > only and subject to several combinations)….. Even Parasara


> > exact dates to understand all antardasas and all transits and KAS

> > system is based on Parasara's teachings plus some advanced

> > techniques only….SO if some one just mentions the years than that

> > data is of very little use for ashtkavarga and precison based

> > questions?

> >

> > 2. So whatever was possible with the given data, I have done and

> > have already mentioned those possible dates, when you can get a


> > provided you keep making efforts. Predicting further on similar

> > guidelines based on incomplete past data will be useless and

> > embarrassing , so I resisted about Rahu/Mercury and Rahu/Venus

> > periods…you will soon come to know the truth about these

> predictions

> > in May/June/July 2005…if wrong than more research is needed and

> even

> > if right, they are valid for next few years only and cannot be


> > as a basis for more deeper questions about the future.

> >

> > 3. Second reason is that your question about move to US/Canada

> > cannot be answered easily by Jyotish since you are already in a

> > foreign country and you chart verifies that from so many

> > angles..Basically you are a native of India astrologically and


> > traveled across the oceans several times and will travel in


> > also during Rahu Mahadasa, since Rahu is linked to all foreign

> > things…So the emerging answer is that when you have good periods


> > time, you can potentially get a good job in

> > Singapore /USA/Canada/any foreign nation at that time,..so form

> this

> > point of view you should not ignore jobs in Singapore also and


> > to get US/Canada jobs when you are on a job in Singapore..your

> > planets support all possibilities in foreign nations, but Saturn

> > causes huge delays due to a zero in the 12th house of foreign

> > affairs and is also the karaka for 6th house of service and 5th

> > house of intelligence, investments, crown and job loss…. So in

> every

> > antardasa when you try to get a job, things will be achieved in

> > second/third part of that antardasa…but you said that you had a

> > continuous strong career from 1979-89 and so I was interested to

> get

> > the precise dates, in order to find out which planets helped


> > such a long duration…

> >

> > Thanks and Regards

> > Rajesh.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " bsosale "

> > <bsosale> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Rajesh and Ash,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the recent discussions on the chart.

> > >

> > > It was YUM YUM!.

> > > I am still digesting some of it.

> > >

> > > From the heart

> > > Bala

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Again a basic question:


Why is second lord associated with worries? I went through lesson 4

and 5 but couldn't find any reference related to this (more worries).





, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73> wrote:

> 3) Current antra running is that of Rahu/Rahu. Rahu is SD to 2nd

> lord. So worries in this antra. Rahu is also in House E for 6th


> 4) Next antra is also of Ju. Again 2nd and 11th lord. So again

> there maybe worries.

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Dear Shashank and List members,


Shashank has asked a very good question.


Krushnaji had given this answer very early in the archives.

Please refer to the following message.




Cheers !!!



, " Anon "

<shashank.deshmukh@m...> wrote:



> Again a basic question:


> Why is second lord associated with worries? I went through lesson 4

> and 5 but couldn't find any reference related to this (more



> thanks

> shashank


> , " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73> wrote:

> > 3) Current antra running is that of Rahu/Rahu. Rahu is SD to 2nd

> > lord. So worries in this antra. Rahu is also in House E for 6th

> as

> > 4) Next antra is also of Ju. Again 2nd and 11th lord. So again

> > there maybe worries.

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Dear Ash,

Here is a suggestion that I would like to place before all the esteemed members.I have observed that in all of the analysis dasa only upto 2nd level is being taken.Here I suggest to take dasa upto 4th level.This will enable us to fine tune our knowledge and analysis.Kindly correct me if I am wrong.



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Dear Jay,


As per KAS the way we are taught to narrow the timing for the event

is like this.


1)Find the proper antar dasha.

2)Divide the anta dasha into 3 equal sectors.

3)Use suns transit (probable date finder) to pin point the event.


It is found that there maybe 13 days difference in the event.



Cheers !!!





, Jay Nahata

<nahata_jay> wrote:


> Dear Ash,


> Here is a suggestion that I would like to place before all the

esteemed members.I have observed that in all of the analysis dasa

only upto 2nd level is being taken.Here I suggest to take dasa upto

4th level.This will enable us to fine tune our knowledge and

analysis.Kindly correct me if I am wrong.


> Regards


> Jay.

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Dear Ash


Thanks for your directions...

Here is my attempt at timing the marriage. 7th house is House B for

marriage and ABCDE house are 2, 7, 11, 4, 12…So marriage can happen

in antardasa of 4th lord or 12th lord or planets occupying 4th/12th

houses. Saturn aspcts 2nd 11th Jupiter in Rashi and 7th Lord Sun in

Navamsha. So there are delays here and marriage will happen in

second sector of Sun Mahdasa but Jupiter aspects Saturn in Navamsha…

(Marriage date is 30th June 1982 and nearest MD is Sun mahadasa)

Here Venus is Natural Karaka of marriage and Jupiter is functional

karaka..strong significators of 7th house are Saturn, Moon and

Venus. So sun's transit through signs or constellations owned by

these strong significators can lead to marriage. Incidentally the

marriage happened in Sun/Rahu period..Rahu behaves as a combination

of Venus and Jupiter(they are karakas here). Venus is also 4th

Lord..Sun was transiting thru Ardara Nakshatara owned by Rahu and in

Gemini sign.


The delays due to Saturn should cause the marriage to happen in

second sector of Sun Mahadasa but Jupiter aspects Saturn in Navamsha

causing it to happen in first sector of Sun Mahadasa. Actually there

are other combinations /antradasas of other Mahadasas during which

marriage can happen. However above given marriage date has been

verified. Hope I am right? So actually marriage can happen in

several different time periods.Is it necessary for karakas to be

linked to Lords of D or E for event to happen?


Also thinking deeper about Saturn and Jupiter transit points and

applying them to various antardasas in my life over last several

years, I found that I was happy when points total was 8 or more,

even when I had very little money and no job, or when I also had a

simple regular job…however there were periods when I had a good job

and money but was very unhappy and pessimistic for years, when the

transit total was less than 8 points. I think this is what you meant

by Saturn and Jupiter total?



, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73> wrote:


> Dear Rajesh,


> Also study Shani + Guru's points. ITs 8 right now with Sa in

> Gemini. Once it moves back to Cancer points will become 8. So


> now he might manage this way or that but when its 7 then troubles


> get enhnaced.


> You can also time the marriage and birth of children to see if


> can pick up the proper antra and then the sector. Can you please

> time the marriage and birth of children using the laws. That will

> give u good practice.


> For studying finances, study Shani + Guru's points together with

> antra to see the environment. Still think deeper what is the


> of Shani and Gurus total points.


> Cheers !!!

> Ash


> , " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rajesh,

> >

> > 1) This native moved to States in Ve/Me antra. Me has highest

> points

> > for 12th house.

> >

> > 2) The native moved to Singapore in Mars/Me antra. Me is


> > again. In both cases it has highest points for 3rd house also.

> >

> > 3) Current antra running is that of Rahu/Rahu. Rahu is SD to


> > lord. So worries in this antra. Rahu is also in House E for


> as

> > B. So good possiblity to get job.

> >

> > 4) Next antra is also of Ju. Again 2nd and 11th lord. So again

> > there maybe worries.

> >

> > 5) Ju has less points in 10th house. So may give jobs but no

> > satisfaction from authority or less satisfaction.

> >

> > 6) This chart seems to be of a person who has multiple affairs


> > extra maritial relations. Can you confirm this.

> >

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash

> >

> >

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Dear Rajesh,

I opened up the first chart that you had sent and analysed the chart in my previous mail. In any case you are on right track. You identified the delay accurately. I will note down my observations.


September 6th, 1954

Time of Birth 17:40 (PM) IST ( Medical record)Place of Birth: Patna (Bihar), IndiaLatitude 25.37N Longitude 85.12E


Marriage Date : 30th June 1982.




1) Sa is aspecting House C. Sa is aspecting Jupiter who is LoC and LoA in navamsa and Sa is also aspecting Sun who is LoB. So all 3 house or their lords are being affected by Shani so there is Full delay due to Shani.


2) Jupiter is aspecting Shani in navamsa. So now here Ju is in nakshatra of Guru itself and its not in house of Sa in Rasi or navamsa not is Jupiter in Libra. So this Jupiter can check the delay caused by Shani.


3) There is 1 zero due to Shani in SAV and Shani has power of 0 in 12th house. 12th house is also House E for marriage.


4) Shani and Venus i.e. Lagna and 9th lords are not in 5:9 in rasi or navama.


5) Other observations. Venus to Sun distance is 46 degrees. Venus is conjoining Saturn. Saturn is aspecting both luminiaries. Most of the points are high for 7th house. Jupiter is not checking this spoilt Venus either in Rasi or Navamsa.


6) Moon is with mars and Rahu and lagna points are 35.


7) lagna / 7th lords are in 3:11, Moon/7th are in 3:11 and Sun/7th is in 3:11.


Timing based on above observations.


a) Degree of Sa is 13Li14. So full delay due to Sa is approx 26.5 years.

b) Full delay of 26.5 is moderated by Jupiter and its a male chart. So approx 23.5 to 24 years

c) There is 1 zero due to Sa in SAV so again approx delay is 10-15%.


So when delay period is over antra of Rahu is running in Sun MD.


Now Rahu is SD to Ju and Ve. Ve is LoE. Both Ju and Ve have high points in WS. Ju is situated in 6th house and is aspecting House A from there. So its SD can step in. Rahu is SD to Ju and also its SD to Ve who is LoD. So eager to give result.


So once u have ascertained the Antra next step is to get the proper 1/3rd sector.


Here there is full delay and its moderated by Ju. Again its SD to LoE and there is 1 zero by Sa. So the event will be pushed to 3rd sector.


After u ascertain the proper 1/3rd sector then u go for suns transit over powerful significators as per WS.

Sun/Rahu/Sector 3








Sector 3




This is a 2 month period and Sa and Moon are strongest and 2nd strongest signficators. Here All periods inside the 3rd sector or from 11th may to 28th august are strong to give result.

There can be difference of 13 days. I would have selected Mo-Sa period.





1st Child's conception : March 1986. Period of Sun/Venus and in 2nd sector.


2nd Childs conception : Sep 1987 : Period of Moon/Mars and in 2nd sector. Mars is LoE with 23 points in WS.



Cheers !!!




"Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000 wrote:

Dear Ash Thanks for your directions...Here is my attempt at timing the marriage. 7th house is House B for marriage and ABCDE house are 2, 7, 11, 4, 12…So marriage can happen in antardasa of 4th lord or 12th lord or planets occupying 4th/12th houses. Saturn aspcts 2nd 11th Jupiter in Rashi and 7th Lord Sun in Navamsha. So there are delays here and marriage will happen in second sector of Sun Mahdasa but Jupiter aspects Saturn in Navamsha…(Marriage date is 30th June 1982 and nearest MD is Sun mahadasa) Here Venus is Natural Karaka of marriage and Jupiter is functional karaka..strong significators of 7th house are Saturn, Moon and Venus. So sun's transit through signs or constellations owned by these strong significators can lead to marriage. Incidentally the marriage happened in Sun/Rahu period..Rahu behaves as a

combination of Venus and Jupiter(they are karakas here). Venus is also 4th Lord..Sun was transiting thru Ardara Nakshatara owned by Rahu and in Gemini sign. The delays due to Saturn should cause the marriage to happen in second sector of Sun Mahadasa but Jupiter aspects Saturn in Navamsha causing it to happen in first sector of Sun Mahadasa. Actually there are other combinations /antradasas of other Mahadasas during which marriage can happen. However above given marriage date has been verified. Hope I am right? So actually marriage can happen in several different time periods.Is it necessary for karakas to be linked to Lords of D or E for event to happen?Also thinking deeper about Saturn and Jupiter transit points and applying them to various antardasas in my life over last several years, I found that I was happy when points total was 8 or more, even when I had very little money and no job, or when I also had a

simple regular job…however there were periods when I had a good job and money but was very unhappy and pessimistic for years, when the transit total was less than 8 points. I think this is what you meant by Saturn and Jupiter total?ThanksRajesh. , "ashsam73" wrote:> > Dear Rajesh,> > Also study Shani + Guru's points. ITs 8 right now with Sa in > Gemini. Once it moves back to Cancer points will become 8. So right > now he might manage this way or that but when its 7 then troubles may > get enhnaced. > > You can also time the marriage and birth of children to see if you > can pick up the proper antra and then the sector. Can you please > time the marriage and birth of children using the laws. That will > give u good practice.> > For studying finances, study Shani + Guru's points

together with > antra to see the environment. Still think deeper what is the meaning > of Shani and Gurus total points.> > Cheers !!!> Ash> > , "ashsam73" > wrote:> > > > Dear Rajesh,> > > > 1) This native moved to States in Ve/Me antra. Me has highest > points > > for 12th house. > > > > 2) The native moved to Singapore in Mars/Me antra. Me is repeating > > again. In both cases it has highest points for 3rd house also. > > > > 3) Current antra running is that of Rahu/Rahu. Rahu is SD to 2nd > > lord. So worries in this antra. Rahu is also in House E for 6th > as > > B. So good possiblity to get job. > > > > 4) Next antra is also of Ju. Again 2nd and 11th lord. So again > > there maybe

worries. > > > > 5) Ju has less points in 10th house. So may give jobs but no > > satisfaction from authority or less satisfaction. > > > > 6) This chart seems to be of a person who has multiple affairs or > > extra maritial relations. Can you confirm this. > > > > Cheers !!!> > Ash> > > >

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Dear Ash,


Just one dumb question?

> a) Degree of Sa is 13Li14. So full delay due to Sa is approx 26.5



Are you muliplying the degree of Sa * 2? = 13.14 * 2 ~26.5??


Thanks for everything.


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Dear Bala,

No. This question is not dumb. I dont think anyone else apart from Manu and Donna asked me this question.


We say that delay of Shani is 27.5 years. Say if Saturn is at 12 degrees in Capricorn and there is full delay caused by Saturn. Then it means that Saturn has already travelled 12 degrees in sign. When Saturn comes to 0 deg Cap after doing full cycle then delay will be over. So total time will be 27.5 years - about 1 year Saturn takes about 2.5 years to travel in 1 sign.


Other way to compute is 330 degrees i.e. When Sa crosses 11 signs so it 330. It has already travelled 12 degrees in Capricorn. So 330 - 12 degrees = 318 degrees. So delay due to Shani will be over when Sa crosses 318 degrees.


That is the reason why I wrote Sa's degree. So Sa was at 13Li14. So 27.5 years - about 13 months. So I mentioned Approx 26.5 years. If one were to compute EXACT then u would take 330 degrees - 13deg14 = 316 deg 46 mins. So delay due to Sa would be over then. i.e 316 deg 46 mins / 12 = 26.46 years or about 26 years and 5 months and 15 days.


Cheers !!!



bsosale <bsosale wrote:

Dear Ash,Just one dumb question? > a) Degree of Sa is 13Li14. So full delay due to Sa is approx 26.5 years.Are you muliplying the degree of Sa * 2? = 13.14 * 2 ~26.5??Thanks for everything.Bala

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Dear Ash,

Thanks for reply.

I am interested in narrowing down even these 13 days time. Secondly 1/3rd of dasa could be as long as 13 months. Thats why i suggested 4th level as it will be in days/weeks. Then if we use transit it could be very precise. In this way we could also rectify TOB by synchronizing dasa with events.

kindly correct me if wrong.

Thanks again.





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Dear Jay,

Venus/Venus would be 13 months. Sun/Sun would be 1.2 months i.e. each sector.

We do use Suns transit to narrow down the event in the proper sector. We also have the WS which gives us the strongest significators. With the aid of that we can narrow down the event even in the 13 months period.

3rd level, 4th level and even lower levels of vimshottari dasha are not used.

Vimshottari dashsa and starting from Moon only is used in KAS.

With respect to timing of events and rectification of chart please refer to message 519 and the series where Krushnaji had rectified charts and you can get a good understanding of KAS.

In the early days of the list, Krushnaji has answered questions w.r.t. lower levels of antardasha and many such questions. It would be a good exercise to go thorugh the initial exchanges from the archives and read the messages. It will answer such questions in clear and concise way.

I hope it answers your questions.

Cheers !!!


Jay Nahata <nahata_jay wrote:


Dear Ash,

Thanks for reply.

I am interested in narrowing down even these 13 days time. Secondly 1/3rd of dasa could be as long as 13 months. Thats why i suggested 4th level as it will be in days/weeks. Then if we use transit it could be very precise. In this way we could also rectify TOB by synchronizing dasa with events.

kindly correct me if wrong.

Thanks again.







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Dear Ash,

Thanks for such a prompt reply.

I'll definitely go through the messages/exchanges told by you. Very soon I hope i'll be back with some new suggestions as this is the best way to learn and refine any science. I hope you'll share the same thought.

Thanks once again ! ! !

Enjoy ! ! !



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