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Discussions on Rahu & Ketu

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Dear members,


Greetings from http://www.cyberastro.com/


A spiritual celebration brings a fine spirit of devotion in the air.

There is a certain mood which becomes more and more intense as

the hour approaches. Temples throng with devotees and it is during

these times one feels that the definition given by the Puranic

dictionary about a place for pilgrimage is so apt. The definition

says " any place where footfalls are many and uncountable is a

place of pilgrimage.' A temple during any spiritual celebration

becomes a place of pilgrimage.


The Sikh community has the concept of humility as one of the

highest source of prayer. In their place of worship which is a

Gurudwara, we often find the rich and the poor alike, cleaning the

premises or shoes of other devotees. Ultimately the devotion is to

the Great one and it is only heartfelt when the mind is without ego.


There is great power in devotion and in every religion this is upheld.




I will continue with the 9th house matters in my next Mail,

presently let us consider Rahu and Ketu and their recent change of

transit. But before I do this, I feel, from the tenor of the mails we

recieve in cyberastro, that many of you have problems in comprehension of

houses and their lordships. I feel that a little time devoted to this

subject once again will aid our newer members to relate to the

discussions in a better manner. For this, I will rely on some

explanations provided in an earlier article:


Basic Guidance


In Sanskrit, the term used for each house is " bhava " ; meaning the

field of action. It is a division of the 360 degree zodiac cycle into 12

equal parts, each of 30 degrees. Moving in an anti-clockwise

manner, the houses are numbered from 1 to 12 (normally

represented in roman numerals).


House Numbers 1,4, 7 & 10 are called " Kendras " or Angular

houses. The planets situated at these angular points tend to be

strong & active. House numbers 1, 5 & 9 are terms as " trikona " or

Trine houses. Each house has a " ruler " ; this depends on the zodiac

sign that is allocated to the house. Just as each house represents a

particular " field " of activity, the ruler of a particular house represents

the " lord " of that field. Given below is a list of the house

significations attached to each house:


House# Signification

------ ---------

1 Self, body, general prosperity, well bring

2 Livelihood, speech

3 Power, motivation, interests, friends, brother

4 Happiness, home, prosperity, mother

5 Creativity, intelligence, romance, children

6 Disease, enmity

7 Partnership, marriage

8 Death, destruction, longevity, research

9 Fortune, grace, father

10 Skill, achievement, success

11 Gains, aspirations, impulses

12 Losses & Expenses, sorrow, liberation/detachment


This system allows us to translate house nomenclature into

meaningful terms.



The Nodes of Moon


Let us now focus on the two nodes of the planet Moon, namely,

Rahu and Ketu.


The point where Moon crosses the elliptic while moving from

southern direction to the Northern direction is known as Rahu and

the point on the converse path on the North-South axis is called

Ketu. The nodes are thus two points 180 degree apart, and this is

the reason why they are always opposite each other.


However just because they are opposite each other does not mean

that they are opposite in nature also; they may give very similar

effects or even very diverse ones. In Vedic Astrology, they are

planets that chart our past karmic journey. While one maps the

past, the other takes the clue and initiates tendencies in to the

mortal as per karmic requirements.


Rahu and Ketu are difficult planets and they require a keen

observation and study in everyone's life. They are known as our

karmic planets and are best handled with adequate dollops of care.

The appearance of Rahu, according to myth, is one without a body.

So Rahu is only a head and whatever is fed to Rahu cannot be

assimilated in the body. Hence, Rahu creates insatiable desire for

more.. and more.


Ketu is the severed body of Rahu. So Ketu is one who has no

head. The significance with Ketu is one of delay and all matters

related to the unknown. A face provides an identity and Ketu is

faceless. It will not be difficult to relate to basic traits triggered by

Ketu in the light of this basic information.


The transit of these two karmic planets have changed in February

2005. I have elaborated the broad effects of these transit changes,

in the Vedic Sky article of February and the current month. These

are broad outlines - so to provide our members with a fine tuned

analysis of the effects of these planets, with a custom view of each

horoscope, we will release a few interesting new reports in the next

few days. Watch out for our announcement.


Read more on astrology at http://www.cyberastro.com/articles/


With Regards,


CyberAstro Astrologers


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