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Krushna system-Foreign country travels

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Dear Permmaraju,


The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus

and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have

resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu,

Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.


Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what

is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new

place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are

foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is

visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state

languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe

holidays are different etc.


Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning

opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD.


With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It

also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is

LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here

its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in

4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus

antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th

house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus

antar dasha on the whole?


Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of

happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too.


On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure

or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you



9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country

for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more

permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered.

12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long



We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your

question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a

happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At

the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu

antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely

showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u

may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.


If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve,

11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more

expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the

end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra

also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power.


With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then

definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall

with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For

11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet

and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th

house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment.

Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth

that u have accumulated in Venus antra.


I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's

prior to Ju which may be considred " foreign " and by " foreign " I do

not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and

language might be considered foreign?


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!





, " pvrrayudu "

<pvrrayudu> wrote:


> Dear Donna,

> As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign

> travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my

> analysis and guide and reply.

> Blessings

> Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu


> Dear Donna,

> Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.

> As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other

> event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which


> long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to

> Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me

> further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if


> can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for


> event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent

> software.


> I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:

> 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.

> 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.

> 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find

> samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main

> period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where


> is situated.

> 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in


> and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event


> generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the


> karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The

> event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for


> D & E.

> 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The

> sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own


> position or 4th /8th from its situation.

> 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi


> give result of the event.

> 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result


> well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of

> dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.

> 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural

> karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka

> from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as

> lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being


> lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the

> Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those

> houses.

> 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come

> forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced


> the samdharmi planets.

> 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial

> event.

> 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of


> of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa


> lord has no effect here.

> 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and


> result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.

> 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The


> will apply to all planets.

> 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act


> the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house


> only through their lord and planets located there if they receive

> more than 4 points.

> 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein

> deposited.

> 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful


> and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets.

> Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing


> 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house

> give subperiod planet results.

> 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less

> points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and


> death))

> 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the

> constellation and the sign of powerful planet.

> 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D


> E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through


> planets.

> 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of


> B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it


> disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it

> therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.

> 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of


> or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more


> ( >4).

> 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th

> house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or


> samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death


> then by some other reason.

> 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the


> andreason for dath.

> 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars

> and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses


> are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.

> 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place

> from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in


> star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)

> 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but

> death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and

> possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi


> have 12 points.

> 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead


> for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give

> result but troublesome.

> 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for

> 1st and 9th houses.


> For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of

> birth 8:56:16 AM

> ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in


> website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India

> Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East.

> Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter

> retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,;

> Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada.

> Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in

> Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in


> Jupiter & Sun in Libra


> My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows:

> 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus)

> 27 October to 11th November 2004-

> Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)

> 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)

> 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)

> October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)

> April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)

> April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)

> September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)

> June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)


> From the worksheets


> For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19,


> 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13

> For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12,

> Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.


> The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and


> D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The


> period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord.


> For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars,

> Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more


> 12 points for the foreign travel events.,


> For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are


> considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter

> with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.


> Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during


> foreign travels.


> I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main

> period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the


> period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period


> Mercury.


> Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from


> oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again

> before August 2006?.


> Please send copies of any replies from any expert.


> Once again sorry for disturbing you.

> Blessings


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Dear Ash, Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS. You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife’s health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem

in Venus Sub Dasa. As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then. I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness. My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006

or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems. I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Permmaraju,The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state languages are different, food and culture is

different, even maybe holidays are different etc. Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus antar dasha on the whole?Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure or even relocating to another

country is different as I am sure you know.9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long journeys. We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or

less than 12. So more expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth that u have accumulated in Venus antra.I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do not mean overseas but to a place where culture,

food, people and language might be considered foreign?Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "pvrrayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Donna,> As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > analysis and guide and reply. > Blessings> Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > Dear Donna,> Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which represent > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if one > can understand the system correctly to fix

up the subperiod for any > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > software.> > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where it > is situated.> 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in force > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event would > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the functional > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for house > D & E.>

5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own house > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi will > give result of the event.> 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result as > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being 8th > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those

> houses.> 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced by > the samdharmi planets.> 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > event.> 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of one > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa period > lord has no effect here.> 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and the > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The same > will apply to all planets.> 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act in > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house act > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive

> more than 4 points.> 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > deposited.> 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful planets > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing event.> 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > give subperiod planet results.> 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and 8th > death))> 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D & > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through powerful > planets.> 21.Significator of 8th

hose maximum points will give results of house > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it is > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of 5th > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more bndus > ( >4).> 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or its > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death rathen > then by some other reason.> 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the karaka > andreason for dath.> 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses ruling

> are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in same > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi should > have 12 points.> 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead generally > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > result but troublesome.> 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > 1st and 9th houses. > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > birth 8:56:16 AM > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my

article in my > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in Cancer; > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> October-November 2002- Australia and New

Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > From the worksheets> > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, Mars > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and in > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The main > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more than > 12 points for the foreign travel events., >

> For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are not > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during those > foreign travels.> > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the main > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period of > Mercury. > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from 13 > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > before August 2006?.> > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> Blessings>

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Dear Premmaraju,

Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for

health. MD shows karaktwa.

For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is

placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for


You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits

over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate

power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.

Thanking you,

Cheers !!!




, " Pemmaraju V.R.

Rayudu " <pvrrayudu> wrote:


> Dear Ash,


> Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would

be helpful for better understanding of KAS.


> You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of

pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of

bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is

generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in

Venus Sub Dasa.


> As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave

lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly

due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure

trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.


> I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign

country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period,

which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.

> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second

week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to

USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he

says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in

Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying (

happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years).

Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for

the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be

transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb

2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to

analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would

materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give

a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing

when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and

worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for

> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for

VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health



> I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn

more and more of KAS from your analysis.


> Blessings


> Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu



> ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:

> Dear Permmaraju,


> The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus

> and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have

> resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu,

> Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.


> Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand


> is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a


> place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are

> foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is

> visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state

> languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe

> holidays are different etc.


> Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning

> opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD.


> With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It

> also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It


> LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So


> its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in

> 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus

> antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th

> house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in


> antar dasha on the whole?


> Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of

> happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too.


> On a general note, travellign to place for working and for


> or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure


> know.


> 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another


> for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more

> permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is


> 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long

> journeys.


> We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your

> question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of


> happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At

> the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and


> antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is


> showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u

> may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.


> If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to


> 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So


> expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the

> end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra

> also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power.


> With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then

> definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall

> with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For

> 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all


> and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th

> house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment.

> Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth

> that u have accumulated in Venus antra.


> I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's

> prior to Ju which may be considred " foreign " and by " foreign " I do

> not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and

> language might be considered foreign?


> Thanking you,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash




> , " pvrrayudu "

> <pvrrayudu> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Donna,

> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign

> > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check


> > analysis and guide and reply.

> > Blessings

> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu

> >

> > Dear Donna,

> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.

> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other

> > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which

> represent

> > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to

> > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me

> > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if

> one

> > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for

> any

> > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent

> > software.

> >

> > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:

> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.

> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.

> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find

> > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main

> > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house


> it

> > is situated.

> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in

> force

> > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event

> would

> > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the

> functional

> > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka.


> > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for

> house

> > D & E.

> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated.


> > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own

> house

> > position or 4th /8th from its situation.

> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi

> will

> > give result of the event.

> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the


> as

> > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort


> > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.

> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house.


> > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional


> > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as

> > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being

> 8th

> > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the

> > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from


> > houses.

> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come

> > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be


> by

> > the samdharmi planets.

> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial

> > event.

> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of

> one

> > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa

> period

> > lord has no effect here.

> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points


> the

> > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.

> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The

> same

> > will apply to all planets.

> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act

> in

> > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any


> act

> > only through their lord and planets located there if they


> > more than 4 points.

> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord


> > deposited.

> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful

> planets

> > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets.

> > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing

> event.

> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a


> > give subperiod planet results.

> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has


> > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life


> 8th

> > death))

> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the

> > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.

> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of


> &

> > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through

> powerful

> > planets.

> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of

> house

> > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C


> is

> > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and


> > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.

> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord


> 5th

> > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more

> bndus

> > ( >4).

> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and


> > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or

> its

> > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death

> rathen

> > then by some other reason.

> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the

> karaka

> > andreason for dath.

> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun;


> > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses

> ruling

> > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.

> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th


> > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in

> same

> > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)

> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but

> > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and

> > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi

> should

> > have 12 points.

> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead

> generally

> > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give

> > result but troublesome.

> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except


> > 1st and 9th houses.

> >

> > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time


> > birth 8:56:16 AM

> > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article


> my

> > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state,


> > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East.

> > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter

> > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,;

> > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada.

> > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in

> > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in

> Cancer;

> > Jupiter & Sun in Libra

> >

> > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows:

> > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa


> > 27 October to 11th November 2004-

> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)

> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)

> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)

> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)

> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)

> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)

> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)

> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)

> >

> > From the worksheets

> >

> > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19,

> Mars

> > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13

> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc


> > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.

> >

> > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and

> in

> > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The

> main

> > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord.

> >

> > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie.


> > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more

> than

> > 12 points for the foreign travel events.,

> >

> > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus


> not

> > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet


> > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.

> >

> > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during

> those

> > foreign travels.

> >

> > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main

> > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the

> main

> > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period

> of

> > Mercury.

> >

> > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running


> 13

> > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again

> > before August 2006?.

> >

> > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.

> >

> > Once again sorry for disturbing you.

> > Blessings

> >

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Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of

each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure

trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April

2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th

house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows

less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for

9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall.

In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food,

people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me >

> further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house

for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart

Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more

points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house

> > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the

subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in >

same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India >

> Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury-

Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are

connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected

again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Premmaraju, Say if Ve antra is running then you would generally leave Venus and take the next 2 highest power planets for suns transit. Say if u were in Me antra and assume Me = 20 points and Ju = 18 and Ve = 19 and others are lesser then event will / may happen in Me antra and when Sun transits sign and nak of Ju and Ve. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX

house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash--- In

, "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.>

> I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would

materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which

have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but

it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is

considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than

income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?>

> Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel

if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and

then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal

lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in

subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in

sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period

of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest

level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. >

> Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)>

> April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for

the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please

send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Pemmaraju, Just one question. You mentioned that your wifes health is delicate. By any chance is she suffering or is the root cause of all her ailmetns very high Blood Pressure? I will appreciate your answer as it will help me in my studies. Thanking you, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the

current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,>

> Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto

August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen

before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your

question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th

house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12

house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in

Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" >

<pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with

your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > >

D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from

those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all

planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and >

8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and

12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and

> > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > >

Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA (

Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > >

considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >>

> > > > > >

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Dear ASsh, My wife does not have blood pressure problems.She gets exhausted if physically strained, will have allergy when exposed to dust , colds etc with blocking of nose and she takes some allergy tablets then.. Otherwise she is generally alright woihout any major health problems or hospitalisation so far. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu Ash <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Pemmaraju, Just one question. You mentioned that your wifes health is delicate. By any chance is she suffering or is the root cause of all her ailmetns very high Blood Pressure? I will appreciate your answer as it will help me in my studies. Thanking you, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra

MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in

Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and

grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your

analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different,

even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a

general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in

Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might

have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As

suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its

sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly

give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for

beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All

good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results

of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars

> > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th

houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus)

> > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in

> > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun,

Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Ash, My wife does not have blood pressure problems.She gets exhausted if physically strained, will have allergy when exposed to dust , colds etc with blocking of nose and she takes some allergy tablets then.. Otherwise she is generally alright woihout any major health problems or hospitalisation so far. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu Ash <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Pemmaraju, Just one question. You mentioned that your wifes health is delicate. By any chance is she suffering or is the root cause of all her ailmetns very high Blood Pressure? I will appreciate your answer as it will help me in my studies. Thanking

you, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows

karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and

so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying (

happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS

from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is

different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > >

On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in

Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might

have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As

suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its

sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly

give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for

beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All

good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results

of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars

> > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th

houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus)

> > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in

> > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun,

Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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.. Dear Ash, Thank you for your reply. Even if we take Sun transit in the star of Sub peiod lord, there will be three positions each almost 4months away.For example, if we take Venus subperiod, Sun transit inAries or Leo or Sagittarius in Venus star would come into play. If we take other next highest two planets to Venus, almost all twelve months of Sun transit would come into play. There must be some rule to select the sign and star of Suntransit so that the 13 day limit as given in the lessons can be applied. Howto fix both signand star of Sun transit with respect to the main period and sub period lord? Almost allmy foreign country travels happened in Sun transit in the star of the sub period lord. For example, in Mercury main and Venus Sub period, I travelled to Egypt from 4 to 11 may 2005 when Sun transited in Ariesin Mars sign and Venus Star and also

travelled to Hongkok,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo from 27 Oct to 11 Nov 2004 again in Mercurymain and Venus Sub when Sun tansitted this time in Libra in Venus sign and Rahu star, Rahu being Samdarmi to Venus. Following this logic, I must travel again to Foreign country during May 2006 when Sun transits on Venus Star when the Venus Subperiod still exists till August 2006.Will I go again on foreign tour before Aug 2006? Mars and Mercury are next two planets with high points afterVenus. Please study this carefully from your experience and give your guidance so that a suitable Sun transit and Subpeiod can be selected. I once again appreciate your interest and effort in clarifying the doubts. Blessings Pemmarau V.R. Rayudu Dear

Premmaraju, Say if Ve antra is running then you would generally leave Venus and take the next 2 highest power planets for suns transit. Say if u were in Me antra and assume Me = 20 points and Ju = 18 and Ve = 19 and others are lesser then event will / may happen in Me antra and when Sun transits sign and nak of Ju and Ve. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels),

how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash ,

"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I

may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be

able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the

antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here

> its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are

also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house)

has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > >

> , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the

subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event

could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is

the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more

points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > >

points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > (

>4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results

only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter

> > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> >

September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII

house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > >

Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Pemmaraju, Thank you very much for your feedback. It is indeed very helpful to learn from the same. Much appreciated. Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear ASsh, My wife does not have blood pressure problems.She gets exhausted if physically strained, will have allergy when exposed to dust , colds etc with blocking of nose and she takes some allergy tablets then.. Otherwise she is generally alright woihout any major health problems or hospitalisation so far. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu Ash <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Pemmaraju, Just one question. You mentioned that your wifes health is delicate. By any chance is she suffering or is the root cause of all her ailmetns very high Blood Pressure? I will appreciate your answer as it will help me in my studies. Thanking you, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable

transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu"

<pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign

country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better

understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu,

> Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing

something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long

> journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good

power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > ---

In , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for

> any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also

take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural

karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always

malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house

and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23.

8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death

possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius,

Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland (

Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon,

Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing

you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Pemmaraju, As you requested me to think over this mail of yours and give u a reply I have tried to do so. I am just a student so I will try my best to explain whatever little bit I have learnt and tried on many many charts. If you observe your first travel dates to Egypt it was 4th may 2005 thru 11th may 2005. You were in Venus AD and Me MD and similarly your south east asia trip was longer but from 27th oct thru 11th November 2004. Now both these trips were in Venus antra and in Me Mahadasha. Now Mercury Mahadasha will reprsent karaktwa for 4th house, 11th, 8th house, 5th house and 2nd house. 2nd house is family, 5th is children, 11th is income, 4th is knowledge, home etc so all these things will be represented in the Mahadasha of Mercury or lets say that all antras in Mercury Mahadasha will have flavour of these houses. Now Venus antra has given u travel in the past and also in Mercury Md. Say in Ju antra and Ve antar u might have traveled more w.r.t. work and for authorty as Ju is Karak for Authority so this period Venus 1973-Apr-02 1975-Dec-02 Now in Mercury antar its giving more for happiness and family, children etc is more of your focus in Mercury MD. Also your focus will be knowledge i.e. 4th house and say property home and happiness. Again we say 4th house, 12th and 8th are moksh trikon. So maybe u will have begun seeking truth or knowledge or your mind might be around such things in Mercury Mahadasha. 4th is also happiness, vehiceles home etc. Now focussing on Venus antra in Me MD, you can see the power of Venus for all 12 house and u get an idea on how your life will unfold in Venus antra and that too from all 12 house. Now Venus is showing less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th. Venus is

LoD for 11th so its eager to give timing but less happiness from 11th house matters. 2nd can be wealth also, 5th is children, 7th is dincharya and happiness from spouse or even travels, 12th is expenses. 5th house is happiness from children and Mercury Mahadasha is making u think about 5th and 2nd house matters being Karak for the same. Now since 1997 your only child and your grand children have been away from you. So that started in Sa/Ju antara, but your focus might be different in Sa Md. Sa is karak for 10th house, 4th, 3rd, 9th house so you might be more focussed towards these things. Ju has good power for 5th house but its showing more expeneses than income. Then Mercury MD started and you might have

begun missing your child more in this MD. Since it started you can see that happiness from 5th hosue is less. Me/Me has 0 points in 5th house, Ketu is SD to Ju and Ve so again Venus has less power for 5th house, now u are running Venus antra so again its showing 5 points for 5th house at the same time its having 2 points in 2nd house. Next period is that of Sun so its showing less power for 5th again and then come moon period its good for 5th house so more happiness in Moon antra w.r.t. children. I think you have asked this w.r.t. your sons chart in another mail. So that u can co-relate with your sons chart and in his Venus antra which is about the same time is having less power in 6th house showing some changes in job front which very well could indicate coming back to home land but I shall keep that aside for now. Now coming back to your travels to Egypt

and South east asia, I will first say that you might have had more challenges with the Egypt travel than South east asia. I am just seeing suns transit over 4th house points here. During egypt the pdf running was Ma-Ve i.e. suns transit. Mars is weak for 4th house however its very strong SD to Mercury as its conjoining Me in Rasi, its conjoining Me in navmsa and also its in sign of merrcury in navmsa too. Now mercury is also LoE for 4th house so here Mars is trying to give, so it will not give a long journey like u had when u travelled to say south east asia and also at the same time u might have have to adjust more with say climate or food or say missing fligths etc. But u must have really enjoyed the south east asia tour more as pdf running was Ve-Ra. Ve is LoD for 4th and Ra is also in House D for 4th so both are very eager to give result i.e. timing. The power of Venus and Ra (SD to

Ve) is good so better happiness from the event. Also keep an eye out which I have not discussed in my past mails with you was the Shani and Guru points as per WS. When u travelled to Egypt and also to South east asia Sa and Ju = 10 points. Wheareas now Sa and Ju are 7 points and at the same time while mars is transitting Aries its transitting over your 0 points so its showing more stress w.r..t your 7th and 12th house matters, 6th and 1st house too. These things show the environmenet. So when u travelled in the past it was Venus antra but Sa and Ju = 10 and now its Ve antra and Sa and Ju = 7. So the environment has changed.. Earlier things were very much in your favour and now its different. So we must also keep that in mind. So even if u travel

now you might face some obstacles or resistance or maybe let me say this that u might have to put up with a lot more to travel now when sa and ju = 7. Also the time that Mars is in aries the aggrivation will be much more and all unnecessary tentions and worries. The transit of Shani and Guru is also important to keep in mind but this is not for timing but for environment. Even when Sa and Ju points are less than 8 then there might be some trouble is making ends meet or say u want to sell stocks but the price might be not good and making things or decision making a more difficult task etc. Such things can be checked quite easily too if u follow this and check more difficult time in past you might observe this. Also if planets are linked to 2nd lord or Samdhami to it so it might show more periods of worries. With respect to your question, I would say, yes u might get to travel in the periods but it will be with more stress or lets say the environment will not be the same as u experienced when u travelled to Egypt and South east asia. You are an exprienced astrologer and you can check such things with many charts and share your experience that you have with KAS after application on many many charts. It will be good to hear coming from such experienced astrologers. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: . Dear Ash, Thank you for your reply. Even if we take Sun transit in the star of Sub peiod lord, there will be three positions each almost 4months away.For example, if we take Venus subperiod, Sun transit inAries or Leo or Sagittarius in Venus star would come into play. If we take other next highest two planets to Venus, almost all twelve months of Sun transit would come into play. There must be some rule to select the sign and star of Suntransit so that the 13 day limit as given in the lessons can be applied. Howto fix both signand star of Sun transit with respect to the main period and sub period lord? Almost allmy foreign country travels happened in Sun transit in the star of the sub period lord. For example, in Mercury main and Venus Sub period, I travelled to Egypt from 4 to 11 may 2005 when Sun transited in Ariesin Mars sign and Venus Star and also travelled to Hongkok,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo from 27 Oct to 11 Nov 2004 again in Mercurymain and Venus Sub when Sun tansitted this time in Libra in Venus sign and Rahu star, Rahu being Samdarmi to Venus. Following this logic, I must travel again to Foreign country during May 2006 when Sun transits on Venus Star when the Venus Subperiod still exists till August 2006.Will I go again on foreign tour before Aug 2006? Mars and Mercury are next two planets with high points afterVenus. Please study this carefully from your experience and give your guidance so that a suitable Sun transit and Subpeiod can be selected. I once again appreciate

your interest and effort in clarifying the doubts. Blessings Pemmarau V.R. Rayudu Dear Premmaraju, Say if Ve antra is running then you would generally leave Venus and take the next 2 highest power planets for suns transit. Say if u were in Me antra and assume Me = 20 points and Ju = 18 and Ve = 19 and others are lesser then event will / may happen in Me antra and when Sun transits sign and nak of Ju and Ve. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu"

<pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority.

You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas

also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As

per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> >

> ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity

if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you >

know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is

SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had

travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent

> > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will

be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses

A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong

planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets.

> > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give

deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each

other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > (

rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th

September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII

lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > >

> > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Thank you for your detailed explanation. I missed the point of environment factor, since I am a beginner of KAS. BlessingsPemmarajuAsh <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Pemmaraju, As you requested me to think over this mail of yours and give u a reply I have tried to do so. I am just a student so I will try my best to explain whatever little bit I have learnt and tried on many many charts. If you observe your first travel dates to Egypt it was 4th may 2005 thru 11th may 2005. You were in Venus AD and Me MD and similarly your south east asia trip was longer but from 27th oct thru 11th November 2004. Now both these trips were in Venus antra and in Me Mahadasha. Now Mercury Mahadasha will reprsent karaktwa for 4th house, 11th, 8th house, 5th house and 2nd house. 2nd house is family, 5th is children, 11th is income, 4th is knowledge, home etc so all these things will be represented in the Mahadasha of Mercury or lets say that all antras in Mercury Mahadasha will have flavour of these houses. Now Venus antra has given u travel in the past and also in Mercury Md. Say in Ju antra and Ve antar u might have traveled more w.r.t. work and for authorty as Ju is Karak for Authority so this period Venus 1973-Apr-02 1975-Dec-02 Now in Mercury antar its giving more for happiness and family, children etc is more of your focus in Mercury MD. Also your focus will be knowledge i.e. 4th house and say property home and happiness. Again we say 4th house, 12th and 8th are moksh trikon. So maybe u will have begun seeking truth or knowledge or your mind might be around such things in Mercury Mahadasha. 4th is also happiness, vehiceles home etc. Now focussing on Venus antra in Me MD, you can see the power of Venus for all 12 house and u get an idea on how your life will unfold in Venus antra and that too from all 12 house. Now Venus is showing less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th. Venus is LoD for 11th so its eager to give timing but less happiness from 11th house matters. 2nd can be wealth also, 5th is children, 7th is dincharya and happiness from spouse or even travels, 12th is expenses. 5th house is happiness from children and Mercury Mahadasha is making u think about 5th and 2nd house matters being Karak for the same. Now since 1997 your only child and your grand children have been away from you. So that started in Sa/Ju antara, but your focus might be different in

Sa Md. Sa is karak for 10th house, 4th, 3rd, 9th house so you might be more focussed towards these things. Ju has good power for 5th house but its showing more expeneses than income. Then Mercury MD started and you might have begun missing your child more in this MD. Since it started you can see that happiness from 5th hosue is less. Me/Me has 0 points in 5th house, Ketu is SD to Ju and Ve so again Venus has less power for 5th house, now u are running Venus antra so again its showing 5 points for 5th house at the same time its having 2 points in 2nd house. Next period is that of Sun so its showing less power for 5th again and then come moon period its good for 5th house so more happiness in Moon antra w.r.t. children. I think you have asked this w.r.t. your sons chart in another mail. So that u can co-relate with your sons chart and in his Venus

antra which is about the same time is having less power in 6th house showing some changes in job front which very well could indicate coming back to home land but I shall keep that aside for now. Now coming back to your travels to Egypt and South east asia, I will first say that you might have had more challenges with the Egypt travel than South east asia. I am just seeing suns transit over 4th house points here. During egypt the pdf running was Ma-Ve i.e. suns transit. Mars is weak for 4th house however its very strong SD to Mercury as its conjoining Me in Rasi, its conjoining Me in navmsa and also its in sign of merrcury in navmsa too. Now mercury is also LoE for 4th house so here Mars is trying to give, so it will not give a long journey like u had when u travelled to say south east asia and also at the same time u might have have to adjust more

with say climate or food or say missing fligths etc. But u must have really enjoyed the south east asia tour more as pdf running was Ve-Ra. Ve is LoD for 4th and Ra is also in House D for 4th so both are very eager to give result i.e. timing. The power of Venus and Ra (SD to Ve) is good so better happiness from the event. Also keep an eye out which I have not discussed in my past mails with you was the Shani and Guru points as per WS. When u travelled to Egypt and also to South east asia Sa and Ju = 10 points. Wheareas now Sa and Ju are 7 points and at the same time while mars is transitting Aries its transitting over your 0 points so its showing more stress w.r..t your 7th and 12th house matters, 6th and 1st house too. These things

show the environmenet. So when u travelled in the past it was Venus antra but Sa and Ju = 10 and now its Ve antra and Sa and Ju = 7. So the environment has changed.. Earlier things were very much in your favour and now its different. So we must also keep that in mind. So even if u travel now you might face some obstacles or resistance or maybe let me say this that u might have to put up with a lot more to travel now when sa and ju = 7. Also the time that Mars is in aries the aggrivation will be much more and all unnecessary tentions and worries. The transit of Shani and Guru is also important to keep in mind but this is not for timing but for environment. Even when Sa and Ju points are less than 8 then there might be some trouble is making ends meet or say u want to sell stocks but the price might be not good and making things or

decision making a more difficult task etc. Such things can be checked quite easily too if u follow this and check more difficult time in past you might observe this. Also if planets are linked to 2nd lord or Samdhami to it so it might show more periods of worries. With respect to your question, I would say, yes u might get to travel in the periods but it will be with more stress or lets say the environment will not be the same as u experienced when u travelled to Egypt and South east asia. You are an exprienced astrologer and you can check such things with many charts and share your experience that you have with KAS after application on many many charts. It will be good to hear coming from such experienced astrologers. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: . Dear Ash, Thank you for your reply. Even if we take Sun transit in the star of Sub peiod lord, there will be three positions each almost 4months away.For example, if we take Venus subperiod, Sun transit inAries or Leo or Sagittarius in Venus star would come into play. If we take other next highest two planets to Venus, almost all

twelve months of Sun transit would come into play. There must be some rule to select the sign and star of Suntransit so that the 13 day limit as given in the lessons can be applied. Howto fix both signand star of Sun transit with respect to the main period and sub period lord? Almost allmy foreign country travels happened in Sun transit in the star of the sub period lord. For example, in Mercury main and Venus Sub period, I travelled to Egypt from 4 to 11 may 2005 when Sun transited in Ariesin Mars sign and Venus Star and also travelled to Hongkok,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo from 27 Oct to 11 Nov 2004 again in Mercurymain and Venus Sub when Sun tansitted this time in Libra in Venus sign and Rahu star, Rahu being Samdarmi to Venus. Following this logic, I must travel again to Foreign country during May 2006 when Sun transits on Venus Star when the Venus Subperiod still exists till August 2006.Will I go again on foreign tour

before Aug 2006? Mars and Mercury are next two planets with high points afterVenus. Please study this carefully from your experience and give your guidance so that a suitable Sun transit and Subpeiod can be selected. I once again appreciate your interest and effort in clarifying the doubts. Blessings Pemmarau V.R. Rayudu Dear Premmaraju, Say if Ve antra is running then you would generally leave Venus and take the next 2 highest power planets for suns transit. Say if u were in Me antra and assume Me = 20 points and Ju = 18 and Ve = 19 and others are lesser then event will / may happen in Me antra and when Sun

transits sign and nak of Ju and Ve. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness,

Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may

come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health

problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say

a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?>

> Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu

> antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has

less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > >

Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have

lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses

A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event.

Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more

than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with

these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as

it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give

> > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > >

> My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, >

> Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> >

> > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Ash, After you explanations, I understand that the event may/will happen even if the environment is not helpful ( Jup+Sat <8,Mars/Sat over 0 point) but with some problems/troubles. You also suggested about considering next two strong planets to subperiod lord Venus for Sun transit for my long distance travels ( 9th house). In lesson 27, it is given “Fix up subperiod for any event. Next Sun transit in the constellation and sign of powerful planet”. I tried it again as follows, still as a beginner of KAS. I might have mixed up my understanding of the Sun transit over subperiod lord and main period lord. Please check & advise. Mercury main period and Venus sub period is from 13 Oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006. All planets for 9th house are strong (>12) in the order of Sat,Jup,Ven,Mars,Merc,Moon,Sun. Venus & Sat;Ven & Rah; Merc,Mars,Sun are Samdharmis. On 19 Nov 2003, I travelled back from Boston ( USA) to Mumbai to Hyderabad ( India) when Sun trasitted in Scorpio in Mars sign and Sat star. Here Mars sign matches with Main period lord Mercury as Samdharmi and also stronger next to sub period lord Venus.star. Sat is connected to subperiod lord Venus as samdharmi.Mars & Sat over 0 point is clear.SAV 197 (> 196)points. Jup+Sat 12 points.There was no tension in this trip. On 27th Oct 2004, I

traveled from Hyderabad to Mumbai to Colombo to Hongkong when Sun trasitted in Libra Venus sign and Rahu star, both connected to subperiod lord Venus only and not to main period lord Mercury.The SAV is 166 .Jup+Sat10.Transit Mars & Sat clear over 0 point.Suddenlythere was heavy rain with flooded roads and traffic jams when started from house giving lot of tension to reach Hyderabad airport in time almost scared of missing the flight. Ofcourse there was lot of strain due to long flights. On 11 Nov 2004 I returned from Kolalampur to Colombo to Mumbai to Hyderabad when Sun transitted in Libra Venus house but in Jupiter star.Venus is sub period lord. But Jupiter is not connected to main period lord Mercury or subperiod lord Venus directly though aspecting them, but stronger then Venus. SAV 181. Jup+Sat 10points.Transit Mars & Sat clear over0 point. There was lot of strain due to long journey only and there was no tension. On 4 May 2005, I traveled from Hyderabad to Mumbai to Cairo when Sun trasitted in Aries in Mars sign and Venus star. Mars is next stronger to sub period lordVenus and also samdharmi to main period lord Mercury. SAV is 182, Jup+Sat 10 points, Transit Mars & Sat clesr over 0 point.There was no tension except strain due to long journey. On 10 May 2005, I traveled back from Cairo to Mumbai to Hyderabad when Sun transitted in Aries n Mars sign and Venus star. Mars is connected to main period lord as samdharmi and also as next stri\onger to subperiod lord Venus. SAV 180, Jup+Sat 10,Transit Mars & Sat clear over 0 point. This trip was very strenuous with delayed flight at Cairo, staying in hotel in night there,missing the connecting flight at Mumbai and getting it next day with two sleepless nights. I did not have any long distance travels when Sun transitted in Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius and Pisces though the signs and stars in them are connected to main and

subperiodlords of Merc & Venus from 14 Dec 2004 to 14 April 2005. I do not know why. Therefore I could not find any rule to fix up the Sun transit in a particular sign and/or star to match my long distance foreign travels.As such, though the Merc-Venus period is upto to 13 Aug 2006,I am unable to fix up any suitable Sun transit for any further long distance travel before Aug 2006. Though I traveled in 2004 when Sun transitted in Venus sign Libra and Rahu star 27Oct 2004 and 11 Nov 2004, I did not travel during the same time in

2005 though the same main and sub period is running.This may be because of SAV 190 & 182, Jup+Sat7,transit Mars over 0 point. Since I travelled on 4 May 2005 and 10 May 2005, I may expect another travel on 4 May 2006 or 10 May 2006. On 4 May 2006 SAV 188, Jup+Sat 7, transit Mars clear over 0 point. On 10 May 2006 SAV 184, Jup+Sat 7, Tansit Mars clear over 0 point. But this travel may have some tensions.Please advise whether to take up this trip in May 2006.to Boston,USA to my son’s place. My son is coming to Hyderabad during his official tour on 13 Jan 2006 and leaving on 15 Jan 2006 to Boston, USA. He wanted us to come with him to USA. But on 15 Jan 2006, SAV 193, Jup+Sat 7, Transit Mars over 0 point. And Sun transits in Capricorn in Saturn sign and Sun star on 15 Jan 2006. Saturn is samdharmi to Venus sub period lord and Sun is samdharmi to main period lord Mercury, but not connected to Venus subperiod lord. There can be some problems in this trip.I do not know whether this trip materializes since earlier in 2004 or in 2005 in this period I did not travel. Please advise whether to take up this trip on 15 Jan 2006 or later in May 2006 and which is preferable. I feel May 2006 would be better if at

all it happens. Unless it is possible to fix up the transit of Sun in definite sign and star, the occurrence of any event cannot be narrowed down to 13 day level. I will try to check some other past & future events in my chart and some other charts also in due course for fixing the main & subperiod and Sun transit. Since you had analysed many charts with KAS, please study my above analysis and advise any discrepancies in my understanding of KAS. Please reply at your convenience. Once again congrats to you for patiently answering the doubts and to Donna for the excellant software. Blessings to you and all those in the group. Pemmaraju V.R. RayuduAsh <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Pemmaraju, As you requested me to think over this mail of yours and give u a reply I have tried to do so. I am just a student so I will try my best to explain whatever little bit I have learnt and tried on many many charts. If you observe your first travel dates to Egypt it was 4th may 2005 thru 11th may 2005. You were in Venus AD and Me MD and similarly your south east asia trip was longer but from 27th oct thru 11th November 2004. Now both these trips were in Venus antra and in Me Mahadasha. Now Mercury Mahadasha will reprsent karaktwa for 4th house, 11th, 8th house,

5th house and 2nd house. 2nd house is family, 5th is children, 11th is income, 4th is knowledge, home etc so all these things will be represented in the Mahadasha of Mercury or lets say that all antras in Mercury Mahadasha will have flavour of these houses. Now Venus antra has given u travel in the past and also in Mercury Md. Say in Ju antra and Ve antar u might have traveled more w.r.t. work and for authorty as Ju is Karak for Authority so this period Venus 1973-Apr-02 1975-Dec-02 Now in Mercury antar its giving more for happiness and family, children etc is more of your focus in Mercury MD. Also your focus will be knowledge i.e. 4th house and say property home and happiness. Again we say 4th house, 12th and 8th are moksh trikon. So maybe u will have begun seeking truth or knowledge or your mind might be around such things in Mercury Mahadasha. 4th is also happiness, vehiceles home etc. Now focussing on Venus antra in Me MD, you can see the power of Venus for all 12 house and u get an idea on how your life will unfold in Venus antra and that too from all 12 house. Now Venus is showing less

power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th. Venus is LoD for 11th so its eager to give timing but less happiness from 11th house matters. 2nd can be wealth also, 5th is children, 7th is dincharya and happiness from spouse or even travels, 12th is expenses. 5th house is happiness from children and Mercury Mahadasha is making u think about 5th and 2nd house matters being Karak for the same. Now since 1997 your only child and your grand children have been away from you. So that started in Sa/Ju antara, but your focus might be different in Sa Md. Sa is karak for 10th house, 4th, 3rd, 9th house so you might be more focussed towards these things. Ju has good power for 5th house but its showing more expeneses than income. Then Mercury MD started and you might have begun missing your child more in this MD. Since it started you can see that happiness from 5th hosue is less. Me/Me has 0 points in 5th house, Ketu is SD to Ju and Ve so again Venus has less power for 5th house, now u are running Venus antra so again its showing 5 points for 5th house at the same time its having 2 points in 2nd house. Next period is that of Sun so its showing less power for 5th again and then come moon period its good for 5th house so more happiness in Moon antra w.r.t. children. I think you have asked this w.r.t. your sons chart in another mail. So that u can co-relate with your sons chart and in his Venus antra which is about the same time is having less power in 6th house showing some changes in job front which very well could indicate coming back to home land but I shall keep that aside for now. Now coming back to your travels to Egypt and South east asia, I will first say that you might have had more challenges with the Egypt travel than South east asia. I am just seeing suns transit over 4th house points here. During egypt the pdf running was Ma-Ve i.e. suns transit. Mars is weak for 4th house however its very strong SD to Mercury as its conjoining Me in Rasi, its conjoining Me in navmsa and also its in sign of merrcury in navmsa too. Now mercury is also LoE for 4th house so here Mars is trying to give, so it will not give a long journey like u had when u travelled to say south east asia and also at the same time u might have have to adjust more with say climate or food or say missing fligths etc. But u must have really enjoyed the south east asia tour more as pdf running was Ve-Ra. Ve is LoD for 4th and Ra is also in House D for 4th so both are very eager to give

result i.e. timing. The power of Venus and Ra (SD to Ve) is good so better happiness from the event. Also keep an eye out which I have not discussed in my past mails with you was the Shani and Guru points as per WS. When u travelled to Egypt and also to South east asia Sa and Ju = 10 points. Wheareas now Sa and Ju are 7 points and at the same time while mars is transitting Aries its transitting over your 0 points so its showing more stress w.r..t your 7th and 12th house matters, 6th and 1st house too. These things show the environmenet. So when u travelled in the past it was Venus antra but Sa and Ju = 10 and now its Ve antra and Sa and Ju = 7. So the environment has changed.. Earlier things were very much in your favour and now its

different. So we must also keep that in mind. So even if u travel now you might face some obstacles or resistance or maybe let me say this that u might have to put up with a lot more to travel now when sa and ju = 7. Also the time that Mars is in aries the aggrivation will be much more and all unnecessary tentions and worries. The transit of Shani and Guru is also important to keep in mind but this is not for timing but for environment. Even when Sa and Ju points are less than 8 then there might be some trouble is making ends meet or say u want to sell stocks but the price might be not good and making things or decision making a more difficult task etc. Such things can be checked quite easily too if u follow this and check more difficult time in past you might observe this. Also if planets are linked to 2nd lord or Samdhami to it so it

might show more periods of worries. With respect to your question, I would say, yes u might get to travel in the periods but it will be with more stress or lets say the environment will not be the same as u experienced when u travelled to Egypt and South east asia. You are an exprienced astrologer and you can check such things with many charts and share your experience that you have with KAS after application on many many charts. It will be good to hear coming from such experienced astrologers. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: . Dear Ash, Thank you for your reply. Even if we take Sun transit in the star of Sub peiod lord, there will be three positions each almost 4months away.For example, if we take Venus subperiod, Sun transit inAries or Leo or Sagittarius in Venus star would come into play. If we take other next highest two planets to Venus, almost all twelve months of Sun transit would come into play. There must be some rule to select the sign and star of Suntransit so that the 13 day limit as given in the lessons can be applied. Howto fix both signand star of Sun transit with respect to the

main period and sub period lord? Almost allmy foreign country travels happened in Sun transit in the star of the sub period lord. For example, in Mercury main and Venus Sub period, I travelled to Egypt from 4 to 11 may 2005 when Sun transited in Ariesin Mars sign and Venus Star and also travelled to Hongkok,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo from 27 Oct to 11 Nov 2004 again in Mercurymain and Venus Sub when Sun tansitted this time in Libra in Venus sign and Rahu star, Rahu being Samdarmi to Venus. Following this logic, I must travel again to Foreign country during May 2006 when Sun transits on Venus Star when the Venus Subperiod still exists till August 2006.Will I go again on foreign tour before Aug 2006? Mars and Mercury are next two planets with high points afterVenus. Please study this carefully from your experience and give your guidance so that a suitable Sun transit and Subpeiod can be selected.

I once again appreciate your interest and effort in clarifying the doubts. Blessings Pemmarau V.R. Rayudu Dear Premmaraju, Say if Ve antra is running then you would generally leave Venus and take the next 2 highest power planets for suns transit. Say if u were in Me antra and assume Me = 20 points and Ju = 18 and Ve = 19 and others are lesser then event will / may happen in Me antra and when Sun transits sign and nak of Ju and Ve. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with

7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> >

As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he

would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju

V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I

would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another

country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you

also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.>

> I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from

9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main

period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of

> > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of

> one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D &

E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is

> > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are

,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of >

> birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus

dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord

Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of

> > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Pemmaraju, Brilliant !!!! This was a brilliant analysis using KAS. You have also gone in one layer deeper and have seen daily points which reflects very well your mood during each time of travel along with Sa and Ju points. One other thing I wanted to point out is the status of planet. When sun transitted sag, cap, aqu and pisces there was no travel here you can check the Multiplicatoin factor and you can notice that 6th and 5th lords are in parivartan. All your other planets have high multiplicaton factor. The status of Guru is also spoilt being in libra in navamsa and its in 12th from 6th house and also its in "black hole" 6th house so again its showing something. So in such cases suns transit might not give favourable results. But whats intersteing to note that most of your travels have happend when Sun transitted either sign or nakshtra of Venus. Venus is very powerful for 4th house. Yes, I think you know this already but I just want to emphasise that Ma tr over 0 points and Sa and Ju < 8 can show difficulties but final say is of antra. Transits only show the journey. So say you are travelling from Mumbai to Toronto hypthetically and say for example the arilines may bump u off a flight for being oversold and they may compensate u on the next flight say that leaves within a few hours but get u a seat business class and access to their executive lounge so you journey will go nicely. So here Sa and Ju might be more than 8 so YOU WILL REACH YOUR DESTINATION (WS POINTS) with

ease. Other case is that you got yourself a seat on business class and then the airlines bump u off and do not offer any compensation, then they stick u right at the end by the toilets and the dont even bother serving your special ordered meal and stick u with something that u dont like just making your 20 hour joureny seem like an eternity and add to that the flight has to make emergency landing due to some whether etc.. so your journey takes 30 hours instead of 20. So YOU WILL REACH YOUR DESTINATION (WS points) but if Sa and Ju are say < 8 then it will be a bumpy ride. Now if u add to that say Mars or Sa over 0 points then that addess just more woes to your Journey but NOT the final destination. So u will reach your final destination it just might get delayed or more obstructions etc.

So if u take your journey when Mars is transitting over 0 points then in your case Mars is karak for 12th and 7th house showing pleasurs and dincharya or day to day routines and its natural karak for 6th hosue and 1st house so more "worries" from these areas i.e. in your journey. Hence I say, timing is from WS only and transits, daily points etc show your jouerney and reflection how smooth or bumpy your ride will be to your final destination. Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear

Ash, After you explanations, I understand that the event may/will happen even if the environment is not helpful ( Jup+Sat <8,Mars/Sat over 0 point) but with some problems/troubles. You also suggested about considering next two strong planets to subperiod lord Venus for Sun transit for my long distance travels ( 9th house). In lesson 27, it is given “Fix up subperiod for any event. Next Sun transit in the constellation and sign of powerful planet”. I tried it again as follows, still as a beginner of KAS. I might have mixed up my understanding of the Sun transit over subperiod lord and main period lord. Please check & advise. Mercury main period and Venus sub period is from 13 Oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006. All planets for 9th house are strong (>12) in the order of Sat,Jup,Ven,Mars,Merc,Moon,Sun. Venus & Sat;Ven & Rah; Merc,Mars,Sun are Samdharmis. On 19 Nov 2003, I travelled back from Boston ( USA) to Mumbai to Hyderabad ( India) when Sun trasitted in Scorpio in Mars sign and Sat star. Here Mars sign matches with Main period lord Mercury as Samdharmi and also stronger next to sub period lord Venus.star. Sat is connected to subperiod lord Venus as samdharmi.Mars & Sat over 0 point is clear.SAV 197 (> 196)points. Jup+Sat 12 points.There was no tension in this trip. On 27th Oct 2004, I traveled from Hyderabad to Mumbai to Colombo to Hongkong when Sun trasitted in Libra Venus sign

and Rahu star, both connected to subperiod lord Venus only and not to main period lord Mercury.The SAV is 166 .Jup+Sat10.Transit Mars & Sat clear over 0 point.Suddenlythere was heavy rain with flooded roads and traffic jams when started from house giving lot of tension to reach Hyderabad airport in time almost scared of missing the flight. Ofcourse there was lot of strain due to long flights. On 11 Nov 2004 I returned from Kolalampur to Colombo to Mumbai to Hyderabad when Sun transitted in Libra Venus house but in Jupiter star.Venus is sub period lord. But Jupiter is not connected to main period lord Mercury or subperiod

lord Venus directly though aspecting them, but stronger then Venus. SAV 181. Jup+Sat 10points.Transit Mars & Sat clear over0 point. There was lot of strain due to long journey only and there was no tension. On 4 May 2005, I traveled from Hyderabad to Mumbai to Cairo when Sun trasitted in Aries in Mars sign and Venus star. Mars is next stronger to sub period lordVenus and also samdharmi to main period lord Mercury. SAV is 182, Jup+Sat 10 points, Transit Mars & Sat clesr over 0 point.There was no tension except strain due to long journey. On 10 May 2005, I traveled back from Cairo to Mumbai to Hyderabad when Sun transitted in Aries n Mars sign and Venus star. Mars is connected to main period lord as samdharmi and also as next stri\onger to subperiod lord Venus. SAV 180, Jup+Sat 10,Transit Mars & Sat clear over 0 point. This trip was very strenuous with delayed flight at Cairo, staying in hotel in night there,missing the connecting flight at Mumbai and getting it next day with two sleepless nights. I did not have any long distance travels when Sun transitted in Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius and Pisces though the signs and stars in them are connected to main and subperiodlords of Merc & Venus from 14 Dec 2004 to 14 April 2005. I do not know

why. Therefore I could not find any rule to fix up the Sun transit in a particular sign and/or star to match my long distance foreign travels.As such, though the Merc-Venus period is upto to 13 Aug 2006,I am unable to fix up any suitable Sun transit for any further long distance travel before Aug 2006. Though I traveled in 2004 when Sun transitted in Venus sign Libra and Rahu star 27Oct 2004 and 11 Nov 2004, I did not travel during the same time in 2005 though the same main and sub period

is running.This may be because of SAV 190 & 182, Jup+Sat7,transit Mars over 0 point. Since I travelled on 4 May 2005 and 10 May 2005, I may expect another travel on 4 May 2006 or 10 May 2006. On 4 May 2006 SAV 188, Jup+Sat 7, transit Mars clear over 0 point. On 10 May 2006 SAV 184, Jup+Sat 7, Tansit Mars clear over 0 point. But this travel may have some tensions.Please advise whether to take up this trip in May 2006.to Boston,USA to my son’s place. My son is coming to Hyderabad during his official tour on 13 Jan 2006 and leaving on 15 Jan 2006 to Boston, USA. He wanted us to come with him to USA. But on 15 Jan 2006, SAV 193, Jup+Sat 7, Transit Mars over 0 point. And Sun transits in Capricorn in Saturn sign and Sun star on 15 Jan 2006. Saturn is samdharmi to Venus sub period lord and Sun is samdharmi to main period lord Mercury, but not connected to Venus subperiod lord. There can be some problems in this trip.I do not know whether this trip materializes since earlier in 2004 or in 2005 in this period I did not travel. Please advise whether to take up this trip on 15 Jan 2006 or later in May 2006 and which is preferable. I feel May 2006 would be better if at all it happens. Unless it is possible to fix up the transit of Sun in definite sign and star, the occurrence of any event cannot be narrowed down to 13 day level. I will try to check some other past & future events in my chart and some other charts also in due course for fixing the main & subperiod and Sun transit. Since you had analysed many charts with KAS, please study my above analysis and advise any discrepancies in my understanding of KAS. Please reply at your convenience. Once again congrats to you for patiently answering the doubts and to Donna for the excellant software. Blessings to you and all those in the group. Pemmaraju V.R. RayuduAsh <ashsam73 wrote: Dear

Pemmaraju, As you requested me to think over this mail of yours and give u a reply I have tried to do so. I am just a student so I will try my best to explain whatever little bit I have learnt and tried on many many charts. If you observe your first travel dates to Egypt it was 4th may 2005 thru 11th may 2005. You were in Venus AD and Me MD and similarly your south east asia trip was longer but from 27th oct thru 11th November 2004. Now both these trips were in Venus antra and in Me Mahadasha. Now Mercury Mahadasha will reprsent karaktwa for 4th house, 11th, 8th house, 5th house and 2nd house. 2nd house is family, 5th is children, 11th is income, 4th is knowledge, home etc so all these things will be represented in the Mahadasha of Mercury or lets say that all antras in Mercury Mahadasha will have flavour of these houses. Now Venus antra has given u travel in the past and also in Mercury Md. Say in Ju antra and Ve antar u might have traveled more w.r.t. work and for authorty as Ju is Karak for Authority so this period Venus 1973-Apr-02 1975-Dec-02 Now in Mercury antar its giving more for happiness and family, children etc is more of your focus in Mercury MD. Also your focus will be knowledge i.e. 4th house and say property home and happiness. Again we say 4th house, 12th and 8th are moksh trikon. So maybe u will have begun seeking truth or knowledge or your mind might be around such things in Mercury Mahadasha. 4th is also happiness, vehiceles home etc. Now focussing on Venus antra in Me MD, you can see the power of Venus for all 12 house and u get an idea on how your life will unfold in Venus antra and that too from all 12 house. Now Venus is showing less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th. Venus is LoD for 11th so its eager to give timing but less

happiness from 11th house matters. 2nd can be wealth also, 5th is children, 7th is dincharya and happiness from spouse or even travels, 12th is expenses. 5th house is happiness from children and Mercury Mahadasha is making u think about 5th and 2nd house matters being Karak for the same. Now since 1997 your only child and your grand children have been away from you. So that started in Sa/Ju antara, but your focus might be different in Sa Md. Sa is karak for 10th house, 4th, 3rd, 9th house so you might be more focussed towards these things. Ju has good power for 5th house but its showing more expeneses than income. Then Mercury MD started and you might have begun missing your child more in this MD. Since

it started you can see that happiness from 5th hosue is less. Me/Me has 0 points in 5th house, Ketu is SD to Ju and Ve so again Venus has less power for 5th house, now u are running Venus antra so again its showing 5 points for 5th house at the same time its having 2 points in 2nd house. Next period is that of Sun so its showing less power for 5th again and then come moon period its good for 5th house so more happiness in Moon antra w.r.t. children. I think you have asked this w.r.t. your sons chart in another mail. So that u can co-relate with your sons chart and in his Venus antra which is about the same time is having less power in 6th house showing some changes in job front which very well could indicate coming back to home land but I shall keep that aside for now. Now coming back to your travels to Egypt and South east asia, I will first say that you might

have had more challenges with the Egypt travel than South east asia. I am just seeing suns transit over 4th house points here. During egypt the pdf running was Ma-Ve i.e. suns transit. Mars is weak for 4th house however its very strong SD to Mercury as its conjoining Me in Rasi, its conjoining Me in navmsa and also its in sign of merrcury in navmsa too. Now mercury is also LoE for 4th house so here Mars is trying to give, so it will not give a long journey like u had when u travelled to say south east asia and also at the same time u might have have to adjust more with say climate or food or say missing fligths etc. But u must have really enjoyed the south east asia tour more as pdf running was Ve-Ra. Ve is LoD for 4th and Ra is also in House D for 4th so both are very eager to give result i.e. timing. The power of Venus and Ra (SD to Ve) is good so better happiness from the

event. Also keep an eye out which I have not discussed in my past mails with you was the Shani and Guru points as per WS. When u travelled to Egypt and also to South east asia Sa and Ju = 10 points. Wheareas now Sa and Ju are 7 points and at the same time while mars is transitting Aries its transitting over your 0 points so its showing more stress w.r..t your 7th and 12th house matters, 6th and 1st house too. These things show the environmenet. So when u travelled in the past it was Venus antra but Sa and Ju = 10 and now its Ve antra and Sa and Ju = 7. So the environment has changed.. Earlier things were very much in your favour and now its different. So we must also keep that in mind. So even if u travel now you might face some obstacles or resistance

or maybe let me say this that u might have to put up with a lot more to travel now when sa and ju = 7. Also the time that Mars is in aries the aggrivation will be much more and all unnecessary tentions and worries. The transit of Shani and Guru is also important to keep in mind but this is not for timing but for environment. Even when Sa and Ju points are less than 8 then there might be some trouble is making ends meet or say u want to sell stocks but the price might be not good and making things or decision making a more difficult task etc. Such things can be checked quite easily too if u follow this and check more difficult time in past you might observe this. Also if planets are linked to 2nd lord or Samdhami to it so it might show more periods of worries. With respect to

your question, I would say, yes u might get to travel in the periods but it will be with more stress or lets say the environment will not be the same as u experienced when u travelled to Egypt and South east asia. You are an exprienced astrologer and you can check such things with many charts and share your experience that you have with KAS after application on many many charts. It will be good to hear coming from such experienced astrologers. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash

"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: . Dear Ash, Thank you for your reply. Even if we take Sun transit in the star of Sub peiod lord, there will be three positions each almost 4months away.For example, if we take Venus subperiod, Sun transit inAries or Leo or Sagittarius in Venus star would come into play. If we take other next highest two planets to Venus, almost all twelve months of Sun transit would come into play. There must be some rule to select the sign and star of Suntransit so that the 13 day limit as given in the lessons can be applied. Howto fix both signand star of Sun transit with respect to the main period and sub period lord? Almost allmy foreign country travels happened in Sun transit in

the star of the sub period lord. For example, in Mercury main and Venus Sub period, I travelled to Egypt from 4 to 11 may 2005 when Sun transited in Ariesin Mars sign and Venus Star and also travelled to Hongkok,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo from 27 Oct to 11 Nov 2004 again in Mercurymain and Venus Sub when Sun tansitted this time in Libra in Venus sign and Rahu star, Rahu being Samdarmi to Venus. Following this logic, I must travel again to Foreign country during May 2006 when Sun transits on Venus Star when the Venus Subperiod still exists till August 2006.Will I go again on foreign tour before Aug 2006? Mars and Mercury are next two planets with high points afterVenus. Please study this carefully from your experience and give your guidance so that a suitable Sun transit and Subpeiod can be selected. I once again appreciate your interest and effort in clarifying the doubts. Blessings Pemmarau V.R. Rayudu Dear Premmaraju, Say if Ve antra is running then you would generally leave Venus and take the next 2 highest power planets for suns transit. Say if u were in Me antra and assume Me = 20 points and Ju = 18 and Ve = 19 and others are lesser then event will / may happen in Me antra and when Sun transits sign and nak of Ju and Ve. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels), how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based

on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official

& professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star

in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,>

> The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2

points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here > its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country

> for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more

> expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house) has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do

> not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > > > , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/

Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event

> would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that

house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect

here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.>

> 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > > points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic

results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > ( >4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > >

from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website),

Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter > > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)>

> October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> > September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu

ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > >

oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > > Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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Dear Ash, Thank you for appreciating my analysis as a beginner of KAS. Yes, now I used the Multiplication factor and got points as folows: 9th house: Sat Jup Ven Mars Merc Moon Sun Original WS 22 19 19 18 17 15 13Multiplication Factor 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 Net WS points 22 19

26.6 21.6 20.4 18 18.2 4th house: Jup Ven Moon Merc Sat Mars Sun Original WS 18 17 16 13 13 3 2 Muptiplication factor 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.2

1.0 1.2 1.4 Net WS points 18 23.8 19.2 15.6 13 3.6 2.8 So Venus is most powerful in both 9th and 4th house WS points. The next highest planets to Venus in 9th are Mars and Merc and in 4th Moon and Merc.The events of foreign travels happened in the transit of Sun in Venus sign & star ( Libra)and Mars sign & Venus star(Aries) which matches with 9th house WS. If we take 4th house WS, it does not fit since I did not travel in Moon or Mercury star of Sun transit..Where have we to take next highest planets to Venus in 9th or 4th houses ? Also I remember to have read in some lesson that if a planet is 12th lord to a

house it is to be discarded to give result even it is strong. Here in 9th house Venus is strongest but it is the 12th lord ( lord of Taurus) to 9th house of Gemini for my Libra lagna.Have we to take the 9th house WS or 4th hose WS? I will come back to you for any more doubts after I learn a little more of KAS with your explanations. Blessings Pemmaraju Ash <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Pemmaraju, Brilliant !!!! This was a brilliant analysis using KAS. You have also gone in one layer deeper and have seen daily points which reflects very well your mood during each time of travel along with Sa and Ju points. One other thing I wanted to point out is the status of planet. When sun transitted sag, cap, aqu and pisces there was no travel here you can check the Multiplicatoin factor and you can notice that 6th and 5th lords are in parivartan. All your other planets have high multiplicaton factor. The status of Guru is also spoilt being in libra in navamsa and its in 12th from 6th house and also its in "black hole" 6th house so again its showing something. So in such cases suns transit might not give favourable results. But whats intersteing to note that most of your travels have happend when Sun transitted either sign or nakshtra of Venus. Venus is very powerful for 4th house. Yes, I think you know this already but I just want to

emphasise that Ma tr over 0 points and Sa and Ju < 8 can show difficulties but final say is of antra. Transits only show the journey. So say you are travelling from Mumbai to Toronto hypthetically and say for example the arilines may bump u off a flight for being oversold and they may compensate u on the next flight say that leaves within a few hours but get u a seat business class and access to their executive lounge so you journey will go nicely. So here Sa and Ju might be more than 8 so YOU WILL REACH YOUR DESTINATION (WS POINTS) with ease. Other case is that you got yourself a seat on business class and then the airlines bump u off and do not offer any compensation, then they stick u right at the end by the toilets and the dont even bother serving your special

ordered meal and stick u with something that u dont like just making your 20 hour joureny seem like an eternity and add to that the flight has to make emergency landing due to some whether etc.. so your journey takes 30 hours instead of 20. So YOU WILL REACH YOUR DESTINATION (WS points) but if Sa and Ju are say < 8 then it will be a bumpy ride. Now if u add to that say Mars or Sa over 0 points then that addess just more woes to your Journey but NOT the final destination. So u will reach your final destination it just might get delayed or more obstructions etc. So if u take your journey when Mars is transitting over 0 points then in your case Mars is karak for 12th and 7th house showing pleasurs and dincharya or day to day routines and its natural karak for 6th hosue and 1st house so more

"worries" from these areas i.e. in your journey. Hence I say, timing is from WS only and transits, daily points etc show your jouerney and reflection how smooth or bumpy your ride will be to your final destination. Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash, After you

explanations, I understand that the event may/will happen even if the environment is not helpful ( Jup+Sat <8,Mars/Sat over 0 point) but with some problems/troubles. You also suggested about considering next two strong planets to subperiod lord Venus for Sun transit for my long distance travels ( 9th house). In lesson 27, it is given “Fix up subperiod for any event. Next Sun transit in the constellation and sign of powerful planet”. I tried it again as follows, still as a beginner of KAS. I might have mixed up my understanding of the Sun transit over subperiod lord and main period lord. Please check & advise. Mercury main period and Venus sub period is from 13 Oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006. All planets for 9th house are strong (>12) in the order of Sat,Jup,Ven,Mars,Merc,Moon,Sun. Venus & Sat;Ven & Rah; Merc,Mars,Sun are Samdharmis. On 19 Nov 2003, I travelled back from Boston ( USA) to Mumbai to Hyderabad ( India) when Sun trasitted in Scorpio in Mars sign and Sat star. Here Mars sign matches with Main period lord Mercury as Samdharmi and also stronger next to sub period lord Venus.star. Sat is connected to subperiod lord Venus as samdharmi.Mars & Sat over 0 point is clear.SAV 197 (> 196)points. Jup+Sat 12 points.There was no tension in this trip. On 27th Oct 2004, I traveled from Hyderabad to Mumbai to Colombo to Hongkong when Sun trasitted in Libra Venus sign and Rahu star, both connected to subperiod lord Venus only and not to main period lord Mercury.The SAV is 166 .Jup+Sat10.Transit Mars & Sat clear over 0 point.Suddenlythere was heavy rain with flooded roads and traffic jams when started from house giving lot of tension

to reach Hyderabad airport in time almost scared of missing the flight. Ofcourse there was lot of strain due to long flights. On 11 Nov 2004 I returned from Kolalampur to Colombo to Mumbai to Hyderabad when Sun transitted in Libra Venus house but in Jupiter star.Venus is sub period lord. But Jupiter is not connected to main period lord Mercury or subperiod lord Venus directly though aspecting them, but stronger then Venus. SAV 181. Jup+Sat 10points.Transit Mars & Sat clear over0 point. There was lot of strain due to long journey only and there was no tension. On 4 May 2005, I traveled from Hyderabad to Mumbai to Cairo when Sun trasitted in Aries in Mars sign and Venus star. Mars is next stronger to sub period lordVenus and also samdharmi to main period lord Mercury. SAV is 182, Jup+Sat 10 points, Transit Mars & Sat clesr over 0 point.There was no tension except strain due to long journey. On 10 May 2005, I traveled back from Cairo to Mumbai to Hyderabad when Sun transitted in Aries n Mars sign and Venus star. Mars is connected to main period lord as samdharmi and also as next stri\onger to subperiod lord Venus. SAV 180, Jup+Sat 10,Transit Mars & Sat clear over 0 point.

This trip was very strenuous with delayed flight at Cairo, staying in hotel in night there,missing the connecting flight at Mumbai and getting it next day with two sleepless nights. I did not have any long distance travels when Sun transitted in Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius and Pisces though the signs and stars in them are connected to main and subperiodlords of Merc & Venus from 14 Dec 2004 to 14 April 2005. I do not know why. Therefore I could not find any rule to fix up the Sun transit in a particular sign and/or star to

match my long distance foreign travels.As such, though the Merc-Venus period is upto to 13 Aug 2006,I am unable to fix up any suitable Sun transit for any further long distance travel before Aug 2006. Though I traveled in 2004 when Sun transitted in Venus sign Libra and Rahu star 27Oct 2004 and 11 Nov 2004, I did not travel during the same time in 2005 though the same main and sub period is running.This may be because of SAV 190 & 182, Jup+Sat7,transit Mars over 0 point. Since I

travelled on 4 May 2005 and 10 May 2005, I may expect another travel on 4 May 2006 or 10 May 2006. On 4 May 2006 SAV 188, Jup+Sat 7, transit Mars clear over 0 point. On 10 May 2006 SAV 184, Jup+Sat 7, Tansit Mars clear over 0 point. But this travel may have some tensions.Please advise whether to take up this trip in May 2006.to Boston,USA to my son’s place. My son is coming to Hyderabad during his official tour on 13 Jan 2006 and leaving on 15 Jan 2006 to Boston, USA. He wanted us to come with him to USA. But on 15 Jan 2006, SAV 193, Jup+Sat 7, Transit

Mars over 0 point. And Sun transits in Capricorn in Saturn sign and Sun star on 15 Jan 2006. Saturn is samdharmi to Venus sub period lord and Sun is samdharmi to main period lord Mercury, but not connected to Venus subperiod lord. There can be some problems in this trip.I do not know whether this trip materializes since earlier in 2004 or in 2005 in this period I did not travel. Please advise whether to take up this trip on 15 Jan 2006 or later in May 2006 and which is preferable. I feel May 2006 would be better if at all it happens. Unless it is possible to fix up the transit of Sun in definite sign and star, the occurrence of any event cannot be narrowed down to 13 day level. I will try to check some other past & future events in my chart and some other charts also in due course for fixing the main & subperiod and Sun transit. Since you had analysed many charts with KAS, please study my above analysis and advise any discrepancies in my understanding of KAS. Please reply at your convenience. Once again

congrats to you for patiently answering the doubts and to Donna for the excellant software. Blessings to you and all those in the group. Pemmaraju V.R. RayuduAsh <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Pemmaraju, As you requested me to think over this mail of yours and give u a reply I have tried to do so. I am just a student so I will try my best to explain whatever little bit I have learnt and tried on many many charts. If you observe your first travel dates to Egypt it was 4th may 2005 thru 11th may 2005. You were in Venus AD and Me MD and similarly your south east asia trip was longer but from 27th oct thru 11th November 2004. Now both these trips were in Venus antra and in Me Mahadasha. Now Mercury Mahadasha will reprsent karaktwa for 4th house, 11th, 8th house, 5th house and 2nd house. 2nd house is family, 5th is children, 11th is income, 4th is knowledge, home etc so all these things will be represented in the Mahadasha of Mercury or lets say that all antras in Mercury Mahadasha will have flavour of these houses. Now Venus antra has given u travel in the past and also in Mercury Md. Say in Ju antra and Ve antar u might have traveled more w.r.t. work and for authorty as Ju is Karak for Authority so this period Venus 1973-Apr-02 1975-Dec-02 Now in Mercury antar its giving more for happiness and family, children etc is more of your focus in Mercury MD.

Also your focus will be knowledge i.e. 4th house and say property home and happiness. Again we say 4th house, 12th and 8th are moksh trikon. So maybe u will have begun seeking truth or knowledge or your mind might be around such things in Mercury Mahadasha. 4th is also happiness, vehiceles home etc. Now focussing on Venus antra in Me MD, you can see the power of Venus for all 12 house and u get an idea on how your life will unfold in Venus antra and that too from all 12 house. Now Venus is showing less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th. Venus is LoD for 11th so its eager to give timing but less happiness from 11th house matters. 2nd can be wealth also, 5th is children, 7th is dincharya and happiness from spouse or even travels, 12th is expenses. 5th house is happiness

from children and Mercury Mahadasha is making u think about 5th and 2nd house matters being Karak for the same. Now since 1997 your only child and your grand children have been away from you. So that started in Sa/Ju antara, but your focus might be different in Sa Md. Sa is karak for 10th house, 4th, 3rd, 9th house so you might be more focussed towards these things. Ju has good power for 5th house but its showing more expeneses than income. Then Mercury MD started and you might have begun missing your child more in this MD. Since it started you can see that happiness from 5th hosue is less. Me/Me has 0 points in 5th house, Ketu is SD to Ju and Ve so again Venus has less power for 5th house, now u are running Venus antra so again its showing 5 points for 5th house at the same time

its having 2 points in 2nd house. Next period is that of Sun so its showing less power for 5th again and then come moon period its good for 5th house so more happiness in Moon antra w.r.t. children. I think you have asked this w.r.t. your sons chart in another mail. So that u can co-relate with your sons chart and in his Venus antra which is about the same time is having less power in 6th house showing some changes in job front which very well could indicate coming back to home land but I shall keep that aside for now. Now coming back to your travels to Egypt and South east asia, I will first say that you might have had more challenges with the Egypt travel than South east asia. I am just seeing suns transit over 4th house points here. During egypt the pdf running was Ma-Ve i.e. suns transit. Mars is weak for 4th house however its very strong SD

to Mercury as its conjoining Me in Rasi, its conjoining Me in navmsa and also its in sign of merrcury in navmsa too. Now mercury is also LoE for 4th house so here Mars is trying to give, so it will not give a long journey like u had when u travelled to say south east asia and also at the same time u might have have to adjust more with say climate or food or say missing fligths etc. But u must have really enjoyed the south east asia tour more as pdf running was Ve-Ra. Ve is LoD for 4th and Ra is also in House D for 4th so both are very eager to give result i.e. timing. The power of Venus and Ra (SD to Ve) is good so better happiness from the event. Also keep an eye out which I have not discussed in my past mails with you was the Shani and Guru points as per WS. When u travelled to Egypt and also to South east asia Sa and Ju = 10 points. Wheareas now Sa and Ju are 7 points and at the same time while mars is transitting Aries its transitting over your 0 points so its showing more stress w.r..t your 7th and 12th house matters, 6th and 1st house too. These things show the environmenet. So when u travelled in the past it was Venus antra but Sa and Ju = 10 and now its Ve antra and Sa and Ju = 7. So the environment has changed.. Earlier things were very much in your favour and now its different. So we must also keep that in mind. So even if u travel now you might face some obstacles or resistance or maybe let me say this that u might have to put up with a lot more to travel now when sa and ju = 7. Also the time that Mars is in aries the aggrivation will be much more and all unnecessary tentions and worries. The transit of Shani and Guru is also important to keep in mind but this is not for timing but for environment. Even when Sa and Ju points are less than 8 then there might be some trouble is making ends meet or say u want to sell stocks but the price might be not good and making things or decision making a more difficult task etc. Such things can be checked quite easily too if u follow this and check more difficult time in past you might observe this. Also if planets are linked to 2nd lord or Samdhami to it so it might show more periods of worries. With respect to your question, I would say, yes u might get to travel in the periods but it will be with more stress or lets say the environment will not be the same as u experienced when u travelled to Egypt and South east asia. You are an exprienced astrologer and you can check such things with many charts and share your experience that you have with KAS after application on many many charts. It will be good to hear coming from such experienced astrologers. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: . Dear Ash, Thank you for your reply. Even if we take Sun transit in the star of Sub peiod lord, there will be three positions each almost 4months away.For example, if we take Venus subperiod, Sun transit inAries or Leo or Sagittarius in Venus star would come into play. If we take other next highest two planets to Venus, almost all twelve months of Sun transit would come into play. There must be some rule to select the sign and star of Suntransit so that the 13 day limit as given in the lessons can be applied. Howto fix both signand star of Sun transit with respect to the main period and sub period lord? Almost allmy foreign country travels happened in Sun transit in the star of the sub period lord. For example, in Mercury main and Venus Sub period, I travelled to Egypt from 4 to 11 may 2005 when Sun transited in Ariesin Mars sign and Venus Star and also travelled to

Hongkok,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo from 27 Oct to 11 Nov 2004 again in Mercurymain and Venus Sub when Sun tansitted this time in Libra in Venus sign and Rahu star, Rahu being Samdarmi to Venus. Following this logic, I must travel again to Foreign country during May 2006 when Sun transits on Venus Star when the Venus Subperiod still exists till August 2006.Will I go again on foreign tour before Aug 2006? Mars and Mercury are next two planets with high points afterVenus. Please study this carefully from your experience and give your guidance so that a suitable Sun transit and Subpeiod can be selected. I once again appreciate your interest and effort in clarifying the doubts. Blessings Pemmarau V.R. Rayudu Dear

Premmaraju, Say if Ve antra is running then you would generally leave Venus and take the next 2 highest power planets for suns transit. Say if u were in Me antra and assume Me = 20 points and Ju = 18 and Ve = 19 and others are lesser then event will / may happen in Me antra and when Sun transits sign and nak of Ju and Ve. I hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash,, Thank you for your reply. When all the planets are strong ( > 12 points) for IX house ( long distance travels),

how to choose the suitable transit of Sun for IX house result? Should we select the transit of Sun in the sign/ star of the current main period lord Mercury or sub period lord Venus? Blessings Pemmaraju ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Premmaraju,Just one thing I wanted to point out that we use 6th house for health. MD shows karaktwa.For your travels in Ju MD and Ra MD (Ra is SD to Ve and Ju), Ju is placed in 5th house with 7 bindus so its having karktwa for Authority. You are also correct, the events are triggered when sun transits over strong significators based on WS. The WS is giving accurate power of each planet for all 12 houses and in no unclear terms.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash ,

"Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, which would be helpful for better understanding of KAS.> > You are right that most of my Foreign Countries Travels were of pleasure tours giving Overall Happiness, Expenditure ( withdrawal of bank deposits), Some travel discomforts etc. My wife's health is generally delicate and so far there is no major health problem in Venus Sub Dasa.> > As you want to know, my Rahu and Jupiter Maha Dasas also gave lot of short & long journeys to almost all places in India, mostly due to my official & professional duties and sometimes as pleasure trips also, but I never had any Foreign Countries Trips then.> > I understand from your analysis that I

may have another foreign country trip or some other long journey in Mercury-Venus period, which is upto August 2006, which gives Happiness.> My only son who is in USA would be coming to India in the second week end of January 2006 and he wants to take us (me & my wife) to USA along with him or since it would be very cold there nowadays he says we may come in February or later to avoid severe Summer in Hyderabad in India and stay in USA for about six months enjoying ( happiness)with grandson (13 years) and grand daughter (4 years). Once we decide our programme, he says he would send the money for the journey to USA. As per Transits (KAS lessons), Sun would be transiting in Saturn sign Moon Star in Jan 2006 and Rahu star in Feb 2006 and Mars sign and Venus star in April 2006. I am unable to analyse as per KAS whether this USA trip before August 2006 would materialize and if so when. I am sure that you would be

able to give a better understanding about this possible future USA trip analyzing when it can happen before August 2006 or whether it is wise and worth to do this trip at all because of less points for Venus for> houses II, V, VII, XI, XII and also because of more points for VIII compared to less points for III which may give some health problems.> > I will be anxiously waiting for your reply so that I can learn more and more of KAS from your analysis.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > ashsam73 <ashsam73> wrote:> Dear Permmaraju,> > The planets that have given u happiness which is 4th house. Venus > and Rahu are both in lagna. Most of your travels which have > resulted in happiness is clearly seen in the

antra of Venus, Rahu, > Moon and Guru i.e. points in 4th house.> > Now, w.r.t your question on foreign, I would like to understand what > is foreign? Does it only include overeas journey or it can be a new > place or as we say u have visited a place where teh people are > foreign or food is foreign etc. Say a pesron from Bombay is > visiting say Chennai, then the language is foreign i.e. state > languages are different, food and culture is different, even maybe > holidays are different etc. > > Now, I would be greatful and I would take it as a learning > opportunity if you can comment of your travels in Guru MD. > > With respect to Venus, it has -2 points in 12th and 7th house. It > also shows less power in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. It is > LoD for 11th but it has less power i.e of 11 points in WS. So here

> its showing something. Its showing good happiness, i.e points in > 4th house. Even if u travelled, you may have to adjust. In Venus > antardasha its also showing some problems with respect to 7th > house. I do not know how has been the health of your wife in Venus > antar dasha on the whole?> > Rahu is in House D for 4th house so its eager to give result of > happiness and same with Venus and Mercury too. > > On a general note, travellign to place for working and for pleasure > or even relocating to another country is different as I am sure you > know.> > 9th house is 12th from 10th. So maybe one moves to another country > for authority. 4th house is karak sthan for 9th. For more > permenant location 12th from 4th house or 3rd house is considered. > 12th house and 7th house being B and A are

also linked to long > journeys. > > We are studying effects of all 12 house as per KAS. So your > question on travels with your wife which I am assuming is more of a > happiness related event then 4th house is definitely showing. At > the same time even hudles of travel is being shown in Venus and Rahu > antra too. But overall 4th house points are high and is definitely > showing enjoyment during the antra of Ve, Ra, Mo and in Jupiter u > may get but quality might not be that great or say more challenges.> > If you also notice in Venus antra and so also Rahu who is SD to Ve, > 11th and 12th house points are in the RED or less than 12. So more > expenditure but not more than income overall. In Ju antar by the > end of Ju, you will have more expenses than income. In Moon antra > also good savings and also happiness (4th house)

has good power. > > With regards to your question on happiness in Venus antra, then > definitely you will have happiness i.e. 4th house result overall > with less happiness from 2nd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12th house. For > 11th house Ve is LoD but its not having more support from all planet > and hence it has less points so in short u will get timing of 11th > house but less happiness from the event or say more adjustment. > Even u might have to sell some of your investments or some wealth > that u have accumulated in Venus antra.> > I would be curious to know if you had travles in Ju MD and MD's > prior to Ju which may be considred "foreign" and by "foreign" I do > not mean overseas but to a place where culture, food, people and > language might be considered foreign?> > Thanking you,> Cheers !!!> Ash > > >

> , "pvrrayudu" > <pvrrayudu> wrote:> >> > Dear Donna,> > As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign > > travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my > > analysis and guide and reply. > > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu> > > > Dear Donna,> > Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.> > As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other > > event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which > represent > > long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to > > Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me > > further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if > one > > can understand the system correctly to fix up the

subperiod for > any > > event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent > > software.> > > > I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:> > 1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.> > 2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.> > 3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find > > samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main > > period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where > it > > is situated.> > 4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in > force > > and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event > would > > generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the > functional > > karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The > > event

could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for > house > > D & E.> > 5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The > > sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own > house > > position or 4th /8th from its situation.> > 6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi > will > > give result of the event.> > 7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result > as > > well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of > > dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.> > 8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural > > karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka > > from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as > > lagna, Venus is

the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being > 8th > > lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the > > Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those > > houses.> > 9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come > > forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced > by > > the samdharmi planets.> > 10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial > > event.> > 11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of > one > > of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa > period > > lord has no effect here.> > 12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and > the > > result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.> > 13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more

points is always malefic.The > same > > will apply to all planets.> > 14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act > in > > the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house > act > > only through their lord and planets located there if they receive > > more than 4 points.> > 15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein > > deposited.> > 16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful > planets > > and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets. > > Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing > event.> > 17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house > > give subperiod planet results.> > 18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less > >

points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and > 8th > > death))> > 19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the > > constellation and the sign of powerful planet.> > 20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D > & > > E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through > powerful > > planets.> > 21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of > house > > B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it > is > > disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it > > therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.> > 22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of > 5th > > or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more > bndus > > (

>4).> > 23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th > > house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or > its > > samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death > rathen > > then by some other reason.> > 24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the > karaka > > andreason for dath.> > 25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars > > and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses > ruling > > are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.> > 26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place > > from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in > same > > star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)> > 27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results

only but > > death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and > > possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi > should > > have 12 points.> > 28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead > generally > > for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give > > result but troublesome.> > 29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for > > 1st and 9th houses. > > > > For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of > > birth 8:56:16 AM > > ( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in > my > > website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India > > Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East. > > Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter

> > retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,; > > Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada. > > Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in > > Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in > Cancer; > > Jupiter & Sun in Libra> > > > My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows: > > 4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus) > > 27 October to 11th November 2004-> > Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)> > 24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)> > 9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)> > October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)> > April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)> > April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)> >

September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)> > June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)> > > > From the worksheets> > > > For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, > Mars > > 18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13> > For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12, > > Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.> > > > The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and > in > > D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The > main > > period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord. > > > > For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars, > > Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more > than > > 12 points for the foreign travel events., > > > > For the XII

house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are > not > > considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter > > with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.> > > > Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during > those > > foreign travels.> > > > I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main > > period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the > main > > period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period > of > > Mercury. > > > > Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from > 13 > > oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again > > before August 2006?.> > > > Please send copies of any replies from any expert.> > > >

Once again sorry for disturbing you.> > Blessings> >> > > > > > >

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