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Krushna system-Foreign country travels

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Dear Donna,

As desired by you I am sending the following mail about Foreign

travels to the.Hope some expert would study, check my

analysis and guide and reply.


Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu


Dear Donna,

Thank you and Krushnaji for immediate reply.

As suggested by Krushnaji, I herewith attempt to study the other

event of my foreign travels from 9th and 12th houses, which represent

long distance travels from Lesson4. Please forward the same to

Krushnaji/ Ash/ any other expert to check the same and guide me

further so that I can use this system more effectively.I feel if one

can understand the system correctly to fix up the subperiod for any

event, one can time the event effectively with your excellent



I follow some of the rules from your lessons as given below:

1.Cast the birth chart.Find Dasa and sub.

2.Find main period lord and subperiod lord on event date.

3.Which houses have lordship of mahadasa lord.Also find

samdharmi.Results generally linked with the karaka of the main

period lord or its sadharmi.It can also represent the house where it

is situated.

4.The main period lord ( MPL) rules the events which will be in force

and for which the sibperiod lords will give results. The event would

generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the functional

karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The

event could also take place for which the MPL is the karaka for house

D & E.

5.The house the sub lord rules and house where it is situated. The

sub lord generally gives the results of 4th or 8th from its own house

position or 4th /8th from its situation.

6.If any planet aspects houses A, B, or C , then its samdharmi will

give result of the event.

7.List all houses for which sub lord can possibly give the result as

well as karaka related for main lord by using House B as a sort of

dial to interpret Houses A,B,C,D,E from different view point.

8.8th lord from any house is the karaka from that house. Natural

karaka is from natural chart Aries as lagna and functional karaka

from the natal lagna.For example For natural chart with Aries as

lagna, Venus is the natural karaka for 7th and 12th houses being 8th

lord from those houses. For Natal Libra lagna, Venus is the

Functional karaka for 1st and 6th houses being 8th lord from those


9.Planets aspecting the significant houses A, B, C will not come

forward to give result for the event. Such planet can be replaced by

the samdharmi planets.

10.Any planet below 12 points are not considered for beneficial


11.The timing of the event should always be in the subperiod of one

of the strong planets in the strength worksheets and mahadasa period

lord has no effect here.

12. The timing can be judged by planets receiving more points and the

result can be experienced in subperiod of such planets.

13.Any aspect of Jupiter with more points is always malefic.The same

will apply to all planets.

14.Main Upachaya houses 6th and 10th from any house directly act in

the outcome.Secondary Upachaya houses 3rd and 11th from any house act

only through their lord and planets located there if they receive

more than 4 points.

15. Rahu in house represents sign lord and the star lord wherein


16.All good and powerful results in sub periods of powerful planets

and in the sub of lord of D & E and samdharmi to those planets.

Mahadasa lord seemed to be the least factor concerned in timing event.

17.Planets having highest points in 3/6/10/11 houses from a house

give subperiod planet results.

18.Death in sub of a planet having more points or planet has less

points for 3rd house and more pojnts for 8th house ( 3rd life and 8th


19.Fix the subperiod for any event.Next Sun transit in the

constellation and the sign of powerful planet.

20.About 60% of time, result of an event in subperiod of lord of D &

E or is connected with these lords and remaining 40% through powerful


21.Significator of 8th hose maximum points will give results of house

B ( 8th).If Saturn in 6th out of Dusthanas aspects houses A,B,C it is

disqualified to give deqath unless Saturn is lord of D or E and it

therefore means Saturn gives benefic results.

22.Death in strongest significator of 8th or in the subvpeiord of 5th

or 1st lord or in sub period of planets in 5th or 1st with more bndus

( >4).

23. 8th house indicates death, 3rh ouse reason for dealth and 12th

house type of death. So if death occurs in 3rd lord mahadasa or its

samadharmi , then it might be indicated of more natural death rathen

then by some other reason.

24.Mahadasa is important at the time of death as it shows the karaka

andreason for dath.

25.Natural Samdharmi planets: 1)Venus and Saturn, Mars & Sun; Mars

and Moon, Not when opposite ot each other.2) when their houses ruling

are ,naturally, 4 houses away from each other.

26. Functional samdharmis: 1) One planet less points in 10th place

from another planet.2)two planets in same sign 3)two planets in same

star 4)two planerts in same navamsa ( lowest level)

27.samdharmi planets generally asct for benefic results only but

death possible in sub of powerful significator of 8th house and

possible in subperiod of samdharmi planet. Generally samdharmi should

have 12 points.

28.Jupiter losses good qualities and acts malefic instead generally

for marriage. If Jupiter is samdharmi to any planet it may give

result but troublesome.

29. If 6th or 12 th lord , it will not act as samdharmi except for

1st and 9th houses.


For ready reference, my date of birth is 7 September 1938, time of

birth 8:56:16 AM

( rectified as per Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhanta as per my article in my

website), Place of birth Vizianagaram, Andhra Praddsh state, India

Latitude 18 :07 North, Longitude 83:26 East.

Libra lagna; Venus and Rahu in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Jupiter

retro in Aquarius, Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries,;

Mercury,Mars and Sun in Leo. Moon star Shravana 4th pada.

Navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Ven & Ketu in Sagitarius; Saturn in

Aquarius, Mercury & Mars in Taurus; Rahu in Gemini; Moon in Cancer;

Jupiter & Sun in Libra


My foreign travels along with my wife are as follows:

4th to 11th May 2005: Egypt ( Mahadasa Mercury and subdasa Venus)

27 October to 11th November 2004-

Hongkong,Bangkok,Malaysia,Singapore,Colombo ( Mercury-Venus dasa)

24 August to 9 th September 2003- Europe ( Mercury- Ketu)

9 Sept to 9 November 2003- USA (Mercury-Venus)

October-November 2002- Australia and New Zealand ( Mercury- Ketu)

April –July 1998- USA ( Saturn- Jupiter)

April-May 1995- Himalayas and Nepal ( Saturn-Rahu)

September-December 1995- Holland ( Saturn-Rahu)

June-August 1992- USA ( Saturn-Moon)


From the worksheets


For IX house, the planets strengths are Sat 22, Jup 19, Ven 19, Mars

18, Merc 17, Moon 15, Sun 13

For XII house, the planets strengths are Jup 23, Sat 18, Merc 12,

Moon 10, sun 6, Mars 0, Venus 2.


The main period lord Saturn is Functional karaka of IX house and in

D and lord of E for XII house though aspecting XII house.. The main

period lord Mercury is the IX ( D) and XII lord.


For the IX house, the subperiod planets Jup, Ven, Ketu ie. Mars,

Ketu being in Aries, Moon are connected with D, E, A. with more than

12 points for the foreign travel events.,


For the XII house, the subperiod planets Moon, Sun,Mars,Venus are not

considered being less than 12 points. The subperiod planet Jupiter

with more than 12 points is in E for the foreign travel event.


Sun also almost transits in the sub period planets stars during those

foreign travels.


I do not know why there were no foreign travels in Jupiter main

period and in the sub periods of Saturn, Mercury,Sun, Marsin the main

period of Saturn and in the Mercury subperiod in the main period of



Presently Mercury main period and Venus sub period is running from 13

oct 2003 to 13 Aug 2006 and can foreign travel be expected again

before August 2006?.


Please send copies of any replies from any expert.


Once again sorry for disturbing you.


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