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Krushna ayanamsha calculation

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, François Carrière

<shaula001@g...> wrote:


> http://cf.geocities.com/alchocoden/KAY.html



Hello everyone,


I would like to thank Donna who answered a private email regarding

the way to calculate KAY. So I will try to translate what I have

written on my webpage concerning the way to calculate KAY:





by Antonio Revilla, for the source of formula.

Adapted for Krushna's ayanamsha


Here are the reference julian dates (as written in Astrolog32 window,

for instance):


* JD2000 = 2451545, as main reference day.

* JD0: 1854793 (24 february 366)

* JD1 = Day of the needed ayanamasha (a birthdate, for instance).

* T: Centuries of 36525 days. T = (JD0 - JD2000) / 36525 = 16.33817933

* p0: Precession rate for JD0, based on reference year 2000

precession rate.

p0 = 51 " + 0.044 " T = 50.28112011

* u: Difference between JD1 and JD0 in centuries of 36525 days. u =

(JD1 - JD0) / 36525

* Value of accumulated ayanamsha since JD0. Ayanamsa = p0 * 100 * u +

2.052192499 " u*u


This formula is adapted on the basis of year 2000 with its precession

rate (51 " ) and the centuries variation (0.044 " ) as given by Krushna

in the updated lesson 6.


The " constant " (2.052192499 " ) depends on the other datas, i.e., the

yearly and century precession rates. Though, this is why they are

different from other common formulas.


When you have found KAY, enter an offset in your program's ayanamsha

calculation box to get the proper KAY. This has to be done for almost

each chart.


Here are few calculated values calculated with this formula:


1100: (JD 2122833); u=07.61232033; aya=10:39:54.52

1183: (JD 2153149); u=08.16854209; aya=11:26:49.28

1900: (JD 2415021); u=15.33820671; aya=21:33:25.02

1925: (JD 2424152); u=15.58819986; aya=21:54:37.88

1950: (JD 2433283); u=15.83819302; aya=22:15:51.00

1975: (JD 2442414); u=16.08818617; aya=22:37:04.37

2000: (JD 2451545); u=16.33817933; aya=22:58:18.00

2100: (JD 2488070); u=17.33817933; aya=24:23:15.22


Given the data provided by Krushna, it is the closer I can get.


One point that comforts me is that Gayatri Devi Vasudev once wrote me

that Bhaskaracharya has given the Ayanamsa value as 11 degrees for

1183 A.D. (no minutes given). So KAY is a solid ayanamsha.



Best regards,


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