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RE : Nodes and Antardasha

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Dear François,

The answer to Ash to my question will help you :


Infact if you check Donna's website she has taken great pains to demonstrate the exact same question that you have asked as a KAS Visual with graphic and a live chart to demonstrate the phenemon.


Visit Donna's site and go to KAS Visuals section and the question you pose is answered there.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!

AshXavier <murerx wrote:


Dear Ash,

In your practice, for a sub of R or Kethu, it works better when you choose the Lord of the the nakshatra (where is R or K) or when you choose the L of the sign where is the N? Or is it 50/50?

Is is clear this time?

I read all the lessons but I need to read again and to study deeper, I will and I do.

Thank you for your patience!





-----Message d'origine-----De : De la part de François CarrièreEnvoyé : lundi 12 décembre 2005 12:11À : Objet : Nodes and AntardashaHello everyone,I am reading the french lessons and try to understand how antardasha play in few events in my life. I find KAS incredible. However, when it comes to the lunar nodes, I don't see how to delineate them in their proper antardasha. I have probably search the wrong keywords in the archives. Can someone shed some on this?Also, does the moolatrikona house lord has more effect, as house "D" or "E" in its own antardasha?Example, my birthchart:10 february 1963, 3h52 AM, Time Zone: 5h west, Montreal, 73w34, 45n31. Ascendant: 1°Sag16'; Moon: 18°Leo30'* 24 May 1975: My mother dies; I am under Sun antardasha, which rules 9th house: it is Lord "E" for 4th house (mother);Around 1978-1980, I got two major surgeries to my back, one year from another. I can not remember the exact dates, but KAS seems to work correctly here also: Saturn (Lord "D" to 6th) and Mercury (Lord "D" to 1st) antardasha.* 29 january 1989: I begin my actual job; I am under Ketu antardasha. I can not use Ashtakavarga to delineate this dasha, although Ketu aspects 6th and 10th of employment. How should I delineate such a dasha under KAS?* 6 march 2004: my father dies: Saturn antardasha, which is Lord "E" to 9th house ("B").It seems I will have to download Krushna's orginal english lessons, do I? ;-)Can someone direct me toward the proper lesson, though (the English ones, if possible)?-- With my best regards,François

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