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Death Analysis

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Dear Ash, Sometime back, when I was corresponding with Donna about the Death Analysis of my horoscope, you replied that you were not well experienced in this aspect and Krushnaji replied that one should not predict death for a living person. So now I take up

the death analysis of a person already died. I did not collect the death date because I want to arrive at the possible main period and sub period dasa for the event from KAS and also because if I know the date it may be generally possible to fit in the main & sub period for the death event. IN WHICH MAIN AND SUB PERIOD DID HE DIE? The person’s birth details are as follows: Date of birth: 26 May 1940; Time of birth 13:07 hrs; Place of birth Kakinada, A.P. state, India Lat 16N56, Long 82E13 Leo lagna; Rah in Virgo; Moon in Capricorn; Ket in Pisces; Jup & Sat in Aries; Sun & Merc inTaurus; Mars & Ven in Gemini In Navamsa, Sagittarius lagna; Mars & Ket in Aquarius; Ven in Pises; Sun & Moon in Aries; Merc in Gemini; Jup in Cancer; Sat & Rah in Leo. Rahu is in Merc sign and Mars star. Ketu is in Jup sign and Merc star. Starting Maha Dasa at birth is Moon upto 14 Sept 1948. The next Mahadasas are Mars, Rahu, Jup and Sat till now. In SAV, Sun 4, Moon3, Merc3, Jup4, Ven3, Sat3 and Sat has got Zero point in 12th.The 8th

house (death) has got 35 points and 3rd house (life) has got 29 points in SAV (8th > 3rd). My analysis: As a beginner and with limited understanding/misunderstanding of KAS, I give below my analysis. The focus is on 8th house (B lord Jup). Then A is 3rd, C is 12th, D is 5th, and E is 1st. The lords of B, A, C, D,

E are Jup, Ven, Moon, Jup and Sun. The lord of FK (A) isVen, the lord of NK is Merc; Lord of 12th to B is Sat. The Worksheet for 8th: Original: Moon27, Jup18, Sun17, Merc14, Mars13, Ven12, Sat8 Multiplication factor are: Moon1, Jup1.2, Sun0.5, Merc 1.2,Mars). 5,Ven1.2, Sat0.4 Net points: Moon27, Jup21, Sun8.5,

Merc16.8, Mars6.5, Ven14, Sat4 Similarly the Net points for 3rd house: Moon29, Jup22.8, Ven18.2, Sat8, Mars7, Merc16.8, Sun6.5 Functional Samdarshis: Jup, Sat; Sun, Merc; Mars, Ven Natural SDs: Sat, Ven; Moon, Sun, Mars The Main Period Lord (MPL) rules the events, which will be in force and for which the sub period lords will give results. The event would generally be limited to the house for which the MPL is the functional karaka and then for the houses for which it is natural karaka. The event could also take place for which the MPL is karaka for house D & E. Accordingly here, the possible MPLs are Ven (FK), Merc (NK), and Karaka for D (5th) is 12th lord Moon, karaka for E (1st) is8th lord Jup. There are no main periods of Ven and Merc. But Sat & Mars are SD to Ven. Rahu is in Merc NK house and Mars star. Jup is karaka of E. Thus all the main periods of Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jup and Sat are somehow or other connected to the 8th house. All the planets are powerful in 8th Net WS (>12) except Sun (8.5), Merc (6.5), Sat (4). Samdarmi planets generally act for benefic results only, but Death is possible in the sub of powerful sugnificators of 8th house and possible in the period of samdharmi planets. Generally Samdharmi should have 12 points. Thus the powerful sub periods of Moon, Jup, Merc ( & Rahu being in Merc house), Ven may be responsible for 8th house result. Sat aspecting A may delay the event and may enhance the event also as Lord of 12th to 8th house. Also Jup aspecting A, D, E may not delay

the event. May be the transit of Saturn in 12th Cancer with 0 point , now or about 30 years back may give this death EVENT in Jup or Sat period.. From the above, I could not fix up any specific main period and sub period for the event of death, since all planets are somehow or other are getting connected to death. It is possible I might have done some mistakes also in the analysis. Therefore I request you or any other expert of KAS or preferably Shri Krushnaji himself to analyse this chart and fix up the possible main and sub period for death of this person, so that I can understand KAS better. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu . "Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)International Consultant & Researcher- AstrologyFormer Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,Phone: +91-040-24530210Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayaduWeb: http://www.rayuduastrology.comDo You ?

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Dear Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu, Lesson 27 says " Only the event of Death happens in the sub of a planet having less points for 3rd house and more points for 8th house as 3rd is for life and 8th for death". Then if you look at the chart that would be Sun (13 for 3rd house) and Moon(27 for 8th). Sun is SD to Me in Rasi and to Moon in Navamsa. Sun is LoE for B=8th. Hope that gives you some

clue.. Regards Bala

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Thank you Bala, So we take Sun as the sub period planet. Then in which Main period planet? BlessingsPemmaraju V.R.Rayudubala sosale <bsosale wrote: Dear Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu, Lesson 27 says " Only the event of Death happens in the sub of a planet having less points for 3rd house and more points for 8th house as 3rd is for life and 8th for death". Then if you look at the chart that would be Sun (13 for 3rd house) and Moon(27 for 8th). Sun is SD to Me in Rasi and to Moon in Navamsa. Sun is LoE for B=8th. Hope that gives you some clue.. Regards Bala "Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)International Consultant & Researcher- AstrologyFormer Dy.Director, Defence R & D

Laboratory.,Govt. of India67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,Phone: +91-040-24530210Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayaduWeb: http://www.rayuduastrology.comDo You ?

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