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Timing of Marriage

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Dear Rayadu,Ramesh, Manoshi and all, The steps for find marriage is 1) Study if this chart has marriage promised or not directly or indirectly (based on lesson). 2)Find if the chart has single marraige or multiple marriage (lesson) 3) Find if the event is happy or not (based on lesson) 4) Study the nature/attitude of person 5) Understand Desh/kaal/paatra 6) If there is

marriage then proceed to find delay which can be due to Sa, Ju and other planets and moderations if any. 7) Study the status of all planets carefully (such as Ju in libra, ve to sun distnace, moon in krushnapak or shukapax etc etc) and study 6th lord and its effects too carefully. 6th lord or its SDs might disturb 7th house. Sometimes in SD to 6th lords antra if its powerful might give strong prospects but for some reason or this or that reason it may not get settled. If the chart may show some thigns for multiple partners or relationships then such things might give more relationships or love relationships which may not materialise into marriage. If Ju is with Venus then it might be kept hidden etc so all such things should be studied. Study house A,B,C,D and E carefully

and their lords and their status. Study Karak lord both natural and Functional karaks very carefully. If LoA and House A is disturbed then event B migth get denied in extreme case or might get very delayed in life. 8) Use the KAS laws and WS to help u narrow the timing down to find proper antra. 9) Narrow it further using sectors 10) Finally use the suns transit (pdf part) to come to within 13 days. Again for marriage it might be held in particular mahurat if marriage is in India (in finding Mahurat is a totally different topic where other transits of planets can be seen and proper time selected again this is based on desh/kaal

and might be applicable in India or countries where such traditions are followed). About Sa and Ju points or daily points they are not used for timing of events. They only show the environment. On the marriage day the points daily can be low showing stressful time or even Sa and Ju might be showing less means some other issues might be going on... but these just show the environment and not used for timing. The only transit used for timing is Sun's transit i.e. what i call PDF (using probable date finder) i.e. suns transit over strong power planest as per WS. If I have forgotten any steps, please pardon me but I think this will give some clarity. Cheers !!!Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ramesh, I am also a beginner of KAS. I have not tried experimenting with Marriage aspect so far. So I have not responded to your mail .You have studied this aspect thoroughly and gave your analysis already. The other experienced persons of KAS like Ash, Bala etc may give better explanation. However, I tried the following analysis, which may be wrong & too much and which may be corrected by experts. First fix up the Main Period Lord (MPL). The first preference is Functional Karaka FK. For 7th, the FK is Sun. Sun is with Ketu. So Ketu can be taken as FK and MPL. The earlier Mercury MPL is not FK though LoE. Next fix up Sub period lord in Ketu Main Period. Taking 27 ½ years delay due to Saturn, he period can start only after 6 Nov 2003. The sub periods of Ketu, Venus & Sun fall within this period and so they need be considered. The next sub periods of Moon, Mars and Rahu happened so far till 3 Dec 2005. Then

try to study why marriage not happened in these sub periods. Moon aspects 7th B with more BAV points though 12 points for 7th in WS and so eliminate Moon. Mars has only 10 points in WS and aspects B with more points and so eliminate Mars. Rahu’s SDs are Venus and Jupiter. Venus is connected to A, B, C being with Sun LoA, being natural SD to Saturn LoB, being LoC, though having 53 points in WS and with Jupiter lord of 12th to 7th. And also got only 2 points in BAV .So eliminate Venus. Jupiter aspects A, with Sun LoA and Lord of 12th to 7th, though having 25 points in WS. So eliminate Jupiter. The next Sub period is Saturn from 9 November 2006 to 18 December 2007. Saturn has got 14 points for 7th in WS and though aspects 7th B but with 2 points in BAV benefits 7th. So Saturn may give result in the Second Sector from 22 March 2007 to 5 August

2007. The next Mercury Sub period though having 20 points in WS and LoE is not Karaka and has not given the result in its Main Period. So Mercury is eliminated. Next study the transits of main planets Jupiter and Saturn during this period. Jupiter transits in Scorpio, aspects 7th lord Saturn. Saturn transits over 7th lord Saturn Take Sun transit over MPL Ketu in Aries and over star of Venus SD to Saturn the sub period lord from 28 April 2007 to 10 May 2007. The SAV is greater than 196 from 27 April 2007 to 2 May 2007 with Jupiter+Saturn=7 (almost nearer to required 8 points). The SAV is less than 196 from 3 May 2007 to 10 May 2007. So Select 27 April to 2 May 2007.Then See Moon transit. Moon transits during this period in Leo to Libra. Moon transits in Libra on 1 & 2 May 2007 and Libra is D. So take 1 to 2 May 2007

before the completion of 31 years.. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002 wrote: Respected Manoshi, Namaskar, Thanks for the note. The longitudes of Asc and planets you have shown is fully correct. I wanted to gain something from the comments of Krushna ji, Ash, Bala and Sarva shri Rayudu Ji. I think none of them is happy with me so they did not notice my analysis or my analysis might be so

wrong they do not want to point out the mistakes. However I am thankful to you so at least you took interest in the chart. I have analysed the marriage in Me Antara.But I want to know why marriage could not take place in Rahu antara. Rahu is SD to Jup and Venus. Venus is LoD and has obtained highest 53 points in WS. I may think that jup being lord of 12 house from B may not give marriage but Rahu occupying house D and being in Venusian sign could not show its result. The delay was already over in Rahu antara. Are you able to reason it out ? Thanks and best wishes. Ramesh MishraManoshi Chatterjee <khallopapa wrote: Dear Ramesh,Sorry to pitch in. Is this right what I am getting? Planet Degrees

As 17 Cn 11 Su 23 Ar 10 Mo 10 Cn 37 Ma 1 Cn 42 Me 10 Ta 43 Ju 17 Ar 2 Ve 11 Ar 38

Sa 4 Cn 46 Ra 19 Li 57 Ke 19 Ar 57 Marriage cannot take place in any planet's antra (even if it is a strong significator for marriage) if it aspects house A, B or C but its SD can give marriage. In my opinion Mercury antra will give marriage. all the best.--Manoshimishra <aarceemastro2002> wrote:>> Respected Krushna Ji, Rayudu Ji, Bala and Ash,> Pranaam to you all astrologers,> The chart of this female whose birth detail is as DOB- 06 May 1976, TOB -10:34 am POB -Tezpur (Assam) India,

26 N 38, 92 E 49, TZ -05:30, Asc 17 Cn 11 has been discussed earlier also. That time I was not conversent with KAS. After that I studied the lessons from your site and could grasp little . There is so many impediments also to understand the system unless I discuss the subject with you and thereafter if you guide me and correct me now and then.So I have taken the chart of this unmarried female whom I know very well because she is from my near relatives.> In this chart lagna lord and moon sign lord is Moon and 7th lord from them is Saturn. Moon and Saturn is in lagna but less than 15 deg apart so they may be considered 4:10 relationship and 10+10 points are allotted. From Sun sign lord and 7th therefrom is Mars and Venus. They are also in 4:10 relationship so 10 points more.Therefore only 30 points are obtained which is less than 50. We can say that marriage will be moderate and disputes and difference of

opinion in the marriage.> Venus is in Ashwini nakshtra and its distance from Sun is 11 deg 32 min apart whis is good..Venus is afflicted by nodes, his enemy Sun and by the aspect of Saturn. So this causes much delay. Of course I do not find the denial. Am I correct on this point ? Please comment.> Let us find out the delay. Saturn is LoB and aspecting LoA, House B and LoC.> So all three house or lord of ABC is involved. This indicates full delay of 27.5 years.There is no moderate of delay .On the other hand Saturn aspects Jup and Venus.Since Venus is heavily afflicted the delay is aggrevated.> According to lesson of marriage Moon is the controller of 9th house and of the mind its affliction by RAHU spoils the control over the mind and marriage life.Here in the chart Moon is not afflicted by Rahu but it is afflicted by Mars and Saturn. Though RAHU is in 4th

house from Moon.Shall we consider the affliction of Rahu considering the SD of Moon. Please clear this point.> Native is about 30 years old now.From next 06 May she will be 30+.At present she is running Ketu- Jupiter. Jupiter antara is from 02 Dec 2005 to 08 Nov 2006.> But Jupiter is also L12 from house B. This Jupiter is in 10th house conjoined with Ketu,Venus and Sun.Jupiter has acuired 4 bindus and 25 SAV points in WS for 7th house. Being lord of 12th house it may not give its result.Next comes the antara of Saturn who has acuired 14 points for 7th house. He got 2 bindus in BAV so it has benefic aspect on 7th house. Saturn is neither LoD nor LoE. Therefore Saturn antara is also going waste. Next Mercury antara begins from 18 Dec 2007 to 14 Dec 2008. Mercury is LoE He has attained 20 points in SAV WS for 7th house. Moreover Me obtains 6 bindus in house C .It is powerfull in house C.There is no

malefic or benefic aspect on Me or house C. I may conclude that Mercury may fructify the event of marriage. Again doubt arose that Me is in 12th house from its house of E.So may I assume that the marriage may take place in 3rd sector of Mercury antara ? During that time she may be 32+. May I expect your analysis and comment plus correction over my> approach. I shall be thankfull to you.> Thanks and regards.> Ramesh Mishra> > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.> Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger. "Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)International Consultant & Researcher-

AstrologyFormer Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,Phone: +91-040-24530210Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayaduWeb: http://www.rayuduastrology.com PhotosGot holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.

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