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Some Clarifications on Doubts

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Dear Ash,Please, enlighten me on the follwing doubts,1. In an Antra of a planet ( say VE) How the results will be effected by it's SD ( Say SA)? I mean for LOD or LoE, do we have to consider only Antra of a planet ( say VE) or it's SD ( Sa) may be considered as well.2. How the results will be there i.e. due to Points of VE in WS or Points of SA in WS? who will take the lead?3. Under the DIVISONALs what is the significance of follwing table of A+B+C DIVISIONAL HOUSE TOTALS:ath textboxrect="0,@1,@6,@2" o:connectangles="270,180,90,0" o:connectlocs="@0,0;0,10800;@0,21600;21600,10800" o:connecttype="custom">ath>SAV POINTSA+B+C DIVISIONAL HOUSE TOTALSBindus 3 6 5 6 7 7 4 HseHseSAV PtSuMoMaMeJuVeSaTot133131312151511988222101581212121180Moreover when the Divisonal Char is selected as D1-Rasi Natal Chart, Bindus in Summary Sheet tallys, BUT SAV POINTS IN SUMMARY SHEET for VARIOUS PLANETS IS DIFFERENT TO THOSE IN THE ABOVE TABLE OF DIVISIONALS.Thanks and regardsSanjiva

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Dear Sanjiva, These are loaded questions lol ... ok will try to explain as best as i can... Ok, first I think we should focus at the basics and the basic law. Our law is that If a planet aspects primary significator houses A B or C then the planet itself can't deliver the result but its SD will step in. Now back to basics. What is a Samdharmi? A Samdharmi is made of 2 words Sam = similar and dharmi = duty. So its like 2 planets who are SD (based on lesson) when one is not able to give result then other one will step in for him and help him out.

Now we got 2 types of SD. One set is based on natural chart or Kalpurush chart. Again back to the basics on 4:10 and 5:9. In classics its given that Sa and Ve are Yogakarak for each other. Here we are giving reason that Capricorn and Taurus are 5:9 and Capricorn and Libra are 4:10. 4:10 is boss subordinate relation and 5:9 is harmony. 5:9 signs have same nakshtras too. So say here we take capricorn then Libra is in 10th from Capricorn sign. Means Venus is boss of Saturn and then again Capricorn and Taurus are 5:9 means Sa and Ve are in harmony and they also have same nakshtras. So here Sa can step in for Ve. Now take Aquarius then again Aquarius and Taurus are in 4:10 so Aquarius is Boss place for Taurus. Then Aquarius and Libra are in 5:9 so again in harmony. So here again Ve can step in for Capricorn. So these things are based on Natural charts.

Similarly for Sun and Mars and Moon and mars. Now w.r.t. your question on Venus and Shani here I am unable to answer based on the data u have gien because I do not know how Sa and Ve are placed in the Natal chart. If they are in 1:7 then they become enemies of each other and cease to become Natural Samdharmi. Similarly for Mars and Moon and Mars and Sun. Now Samdharmis will not just step in always. If the main planet itself is capable of giving the result then SD wont give proxy. But say a case comes up where say antra of Saturn is running during the delay period and Saturn is very strong. At that time Saturn cant give result because say Delay of Sa is running for the event of marriage. Then say antra gets over in Ketu antra and then Venus comes next then here Venus will step in for Shani provided conditions are met. Just think over

this. Say for some reason Venus is spoilt then Shani might not step in for Venus for giving good event. So again with your data I am uble to say much from the snapshot. If a NSD is very strong.. say if all things are nice.. means Ve and Sa both are are not spoilt then they will help each other. Say if Sa is weak and Ve is very powerful then it will help Shani too. So it might not let matters get to extreme. Also refer to Krushnaji post to Ramesh on SD. Here planets will also act per their own power and also might give result for SD. So say for Job Sa is weak and Ve is very powerful then Ve might help Sa but the person might not get full happiness in Sa antra. Means here Ve will try to help Sa but here Sa is also giving its own result and Ve is helping... so take an analogy of say a runner is runnign a race and he has sprained it.. say

its Sa and he has weak points, at the same time Venus is his team mate.. and he runs over and gives his shoulder to Sa.. so here Sa got help to finish the race but that does not mean he will run as fast as Venus .. so overall happiness might not be there but he might finish the race... if u get what i mean.... You asked about who will take the lead... The planet whos antra is running that is the planet under focus. For that planet we are checking SD. So say Sa antra is running and Sa has weak poitns then Sa will give result based on his points.. yes if there is a strong SD and Sa is unable to give result then the other planet will help. But again only in case of Natural Samdharmi. Functional samdharmi is different. So Ve and Sa are special and so are Ma and Mo and Sun and Ma. For functioal samdharmi its different. Say Ju and Ve are Funcitional Samdharmi. One is Dev Guru and

other is Asur Guru. When both come together, both got their own egos. Say if Venus is spoilt for some reason say its distance to sun is more than 43 deg but if its with Ju then he will check his behaviour means both will try to act noble... behind the scenens they may do things means Venus will show its nature but it might appear that Venus is noble.... Think over it .. I think you will understand it... Just give it more thought on this concept of Samdharmi and study how the planets or say under what conditions the planets become samdharmi many concepts will get cleared. W.r.t your third question when we cast the worksheet the VERY FIRST thing we do is get the BASIC POWER of the planet. Which means the power of that planet in House A B and C. So take 7th house as B. So A=2nd, B=7th and C=11th. So here we first get the Power of that planet in 2nd, 7th and 11th

house. That is the basic power of the planet. Then to that we see if that planet is the Boss or is bossing over any planet. Means say Sa is in 4th house and say Moon is 7th house of the chart and Sa has 3 bindus in 4th house and Mo has say 6 bindus then Moon will surrender its points to Shani and become its subordinate means a powerful SD to Saturn. So Saturn will take its own power and add to it the power given by Moon (subordinate) and then u will get its power. Means power of Moon is added to the Basic power of Sa. Next we find if Sa is LoD or LoE for the house under focus. if it is then we add 5 pionts and any planet in House D or E with 5 more more bindus. After that Aspects to house and aspects to lords are considered and then after that adjustment for 12th from B and 6th lord is also taken into consideration. After all this we get the pure power of the planet for a house. Everything starts with the Basic power of the planet and then rest are all additioan and subtractions to the basic power. W.r.t D charts, we do not consider aspects in D charts. We only consider the basic power of the planets. Means ashtakvarg is applied to D charts and SAV is cassted means planets in relation to each other and lagna are considered means all yogs related to that. We do not consider 4:10 or aspects or D or E etc means the portion of the WS below basic power in D charts. So if you cast the chart in D charts for Rasi then u will only get basic power i.e A+B+C points for the planet from SAV. Hope this helps, Cheers !!! Ash sanjiva_sharma <sanjiva_sharma wrote: Dear Ash, Please, enlighten me on the follwing doubts, 1. In an Antra of a planet ( say VE) How the results will be effected by it's SD ( Say SA)? I mean for LOD or LoE, do we have to consider only Antra of a planet ( say VE) or it's SD ( Sa) may be considered as well. 2. How the results will be there i.e. due to Points of VE in WS or Points of SA in WS? who will take the lead? 3. Under the DIVISONALs what is the significance of follwing table of A+B+C DIVISIONAL HOUSE TOTALS: ath textboxrect="0,@1,@6,@2" o:connectangles="270,180,90,0" o:connectlocs="@0,0;0,10800;@0,21600;21600,10800" o:connecttype="custom">ath> SAV POINTS A+B+C DIVISIONAL HOUSE TOTALS Bindus 3 6 5 6 7 7 4 Hse Hse SAV Pt Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Tot 1 33 13 13 12 15 15 11 9 88 2 22 10 15 8 12 12 12 11 80 Moreover when the Divisonal Char is selected as D1-Rasi Natal Chart, Bindus in Summary Sheet tallys, BUT SAV POINTS IN SUMMARY SHEET for VARIOUS PLANETS IS DIFFERENT TO THOSE IN THE ABOVE TABLE OF DIVISIONALS. Thanks and regards Sanjiva

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