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Dear Ash, In our earlier correspondence, you had cautioned about seeing.environment also. I try as follows. Please correct. For ready reference, my DOB 7 Sept 1938, TOB 08:56:16 AM, POB Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India 18N7,

83E26. Lagna Libra,; Venus and Rahu in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Jupiter Retro in Aquarius; Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries; Mercury, Mars & Sun in Leo. Mercury Main Dasa and Venus Sub Dasa is from 13 October 2003 to 13 August 2006. I see 3rd house for Short Trip (the LoE is Venus Sub Period Lord SPL and the LoD is Mercury Main Period Lord MPL), the 4th house for Happinesss (the LoD is Venus SPL and LoE is Mercury MPL) and 11th house (?) for Reunion ( the LoD is Venus SPL and the LoE is Saturn SD to Venus). In the WS, Venus has 12 points for 3rd house, for 4th house 17 points and 10 points for 11th house. I went with my wife to attend the Reunion Meet of our 50-year back old engineering college mates to Vishakhapatnam City (about

600 KM from my present Hyderabad City) from 18 to 23 January 2005. The Meet is primarily to keep in touch with each other once a year, with remembrances, entertainment, sight-seeing, enjoyment etc. We locked our house and the Servant-couple tenent in our servant quarter looked after the security and safety of our independent house. At that time, Sun is transiting in Capricorn in Saturn Sign and Sun Star, Saturn being SD to Venus Sub Period Lord and Sun is SD to Mercury Main Period Lord. And Jupiter + Saturn =10 and SAV > 196 giving good Environment. We stayed in our Sister’s (3rd house) house there and had no problems in the trip. Again, to attend similar Meet from 19 to 22 January 2006 in Vijayawada city (about 300 KM from Hyderabad city), I reserved the railway tickets and hotel. Now the earlier servants vacated the quarter and

another one promised to look after the security of the house. But at the last minute they did not turn up. Since it is risky to leave the independent house locked without anybody in the premises since there have been even day- time thefts/ burglary in the area, I cancelled my tickets and hotel reservation and did not attend the Reunion Meet this year. Now also Sun transit is in Capricorn in Saturn sign and Sun star, linking Saturn as SD to Venus SPL and Sun as SD to Mercury MPL. I checked the Environment. Jupiter+ Saturn=7, SAV <196, Mars is transiting over 0 point in Aries, which is not congenial for the event. Since Aries is 7th house which is 2nd to the 6th house ( tenents ?), probably the main problem of worry is from the tenents. Probably, if we had gone we might have faced some problems at home or there. I feel after transiting Mars leaves Aries on 1 Febraury 2006, we may get some tenents in the servant quarter, who would take care of the security of our house when we may have to go out of station, say to USA to our son’s place in March 2006, clearing this Mars over 0 point and with SAV >196, though still Jupiter+Saturn=7. Please let me know how far I am correct in my analysis, whether I am wise in dropping this Reunion programme now, when we would get another servants tenents, whether wise to go to USA in 2006, say in March 2006, when Environment is not good in Venus Sub Period before August 2006 or go later in Sun Sub Period when Jupiter transits in Scorpio with Jupiter + Saturn=11 and SAV >196 when Environment is good, say 11 November 2006. I feel that KAS would give good clues to select a suitable favorable timing for a future event , say travel to USA. Your experienced answer would give better understanding of KAS. Sorry to intrude into your precious time. Please Reply at your convenience. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu"Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)International Consultant & Researcher- AstrologyFormer Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,Phone: +91-040-24530210Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayaduWeb: http://www.rayuduastrology.com

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Dear Rayadu, Your analysis is on track. Only one thing I wanted to point out and maybe I might have in my analysis of Ma over 0 points and causing you irritations that the area of worries might be coming in 7th house and 12th house i.e .the house that Mars is Karak for. So Aries is your 7th house and that is A of Karak for 12th and it also rules your 2nd house so 2nd house is Karak for 7th house. Now 7th house can be dincharya and it is also linked to travel and 12th is also that of pleasures and long joureys. So here your trip to say a distant place (relatively speaking) and disruptions to your day to day activity or dincharya got disrupted. Also Mars rules 1st and 8th house in natural or kalpursh chart. So it holds karaktwa for

6th and 1st house. So again u can say that your worries are related to 6th so it can be servants or say enemies or health etc and 1st can be to do with yourself. Again you are running Venus antra and that has -2 points in 7th house and -2 in 12th house so here these things might get enhanced or say due to Mars over 0 points are again re-enforcing worries coming from 12th house and for 7th house and the antra swami or lord is also having less power in these 2 houses. In the year before this when u visited, Sa and Ju were more than 8 and daliy points more than 196 means more support from all planets. Hope that helps, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash, In our earlier correspondence, you had cautioned about seeing.environment also. I try

as follows. Please correct. For ready reference, my DOB 7 Sept 1938, TOB 08:56:16 AM, POB Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India 18N7, 83E26. Lagna Libra,; Venus and Rahu in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Jupiter Retro in Aquarius; Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries; Mercury, Mars & Sun in Leo. Mercury Main Dasa and Venus Sub Dasa is from 13 October 2003 to 13 August 2006. I see 3rd house for Short Trip (the LoE is Venus Sub Period Lord SPL and the LoD is Mercury Main Period Lord MPL), the 4th house for Happinesss (the LoD is Venus SPL and LoE is Mercury MPL) and 11th house (?) for Reunion ( the LoD is Venus SPL and the LoE is Saturn SD to Venus). In

the WS, Venus has 12 points for 3rd house, for 4th house 17 points and 10 points for 11th house. I went with my wife to attend the Reunion Meet of our 50-year back old engineering college mates to Vishakhapatnam City (about 600 KM from my present Hyderabad City) from 18 to 23 January 2005. The Meet is primarily to keep in touch with each other once a year, with remembrances, entertainment, sight-seeing, enjoyment etc. We locked our house and the Servant-couple tenent in our servant quarter looked after the security and safety of our independent house. At that time, Sun is transiting in Capricorn in Saturn Sign and Sun Star, Saturn being SD to Venus Sub Period Lord and Sun is SD to Mercury Main Period Lord. And Jupiter + Saturn =10 and SAV > 196 giving good Environment. We stayed in our Sister?s (3rd house) house there and had no problems in the trip. Again, to attend similar Meet from 19 to 22 January 2006 in Vijayawada city (about 300 KM from Hyderabad city), I reserved the railway tickets and hotel. Now the earlier servants vacated the quarter and another one promised to look after the security of the house. But at the last minute they did not turn up. Since it is risky to leave the independent house locked without anybody in the premises since there have been even day- time thefts/ burglary in the area, I cancelled my tickets and hotel reservation and did not attend the Reunion Meet this year. Now also Sun transit is in Capricorn in Saturn sign and Sun star, linking Saturn as SD to Venus SPL and Sun as SD to Mercury MPL. I checked the Environment. Jupiter+ Saturn=7, SAV <196, Mars is transiting over 0 point in Aries, which is not congenial for the event. Since Aries is

7th house which is 2nd to the 6th house ( tenents ?), probably the main problem of worry is from the tenents. Probably, if we had gone we might have faced some problems at home or there. I feel after transiting Mars leaves Aries on 1 Febraury 2006, we may get some tenents in the servant quarter, who would take care of the security of our house when we may have to go out of station, say to USA to our son?s place in March 2006, clearing this Mars over 0 point and with SAV >196, though still Jupiter+Saturn=7. Please let me know how far I am correct in my analysis, whether I am wise in dropping this Reunion programme now, when we would get another

servants tenents, whether wise to go to USA in 2006, say in March 2006, when Environment is not good in Venus Sub Period before August 2006 or go later in Sun Sub Period when Jupiter transits in Scorpio with Jupiter + Saturn=11 and SAV >196 when Environment is good, say 11 November 2006. I feel that KAS would give good clues to select a suitable favorable timing for a future event , say travel to USA. Your experienced answer would give better understanding of KAS. Sorry to intrude into your precious time. Please Reply at your convenience. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu"Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)International Consultant & Researcher- AstrologyFormer Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,Phone: +91-040-24530210Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayaduWeb: http://www.rayuduastrology.com Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars.

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Dear Pemmaraju,I am higlighting a portion from the old post that I had mentioned about Ma going over 0 points. I am highlighting the portion in RED./message/9447Quote Below.Dear Pemmaraju,Brilliant !!!! This was a brilliant analysis using KAS. You have also gone in one layer deeper and have seen daily points which reflects very well your mood during each time of travel along with Sa and Ju points. One other thing I wanted to point out is the status of planet. When sun transitted sag, cap, aqu and pisces there was no travel here you can check the Multiplicatoin factor and you can notice that 6th and 5th lords are in parivartan. All your other planets have high multiplicaton factor. The status of Guru is also spoilt being in libra in navamsa and its in 12th from 6th house and also its in "black hole" 6th house so again its showing something. So in such cases suns transit might not give favourable results. But whats intersteing to note that most of your travels have happend when Sun transitted either sign or nakshtra of Venus. Venus is very powerful for 4th house. Yes, I think you know this already but I just want to emphasise that Ma tr over 0 points and Sa and Ju < 8 can show difficulties but final say is of antra. Transits only show the journey. So say you are travelling from Mumbai to Toronto hypthetically and say for example the arilines may bump u off a flight for being oversold and they may compensate u on the next flight say that leaves within a few hours but get u a seat business class and access to their executive lounge so you journey will go nicely. So here Sa and Ju might be more than 8 so YOU WILL REACH YOUR DESTINATION (WS POINTS) with ease. Other case is that you got yourself a seat on business class and then the airlines bump u off and do not offer any compensation, then they stick u right at the end by the toilets and the dont even bother serving your special ordered meal and stick u with something that u dont like just making your 20 hour joureny seem like an eternity and add to that the flight has to make emergency landing due to some whether etc.. so your journey takes 30 hours instead of 20. So YOU WILL REACH YOUR DESTINATION (WS points) but if Sa and Ju are say < 8 then it will be a bumpy ride. Now if u add to that say Mars or Sa over 0 points then that addess just more woes to your Journey but NOT the final destination. So u will reach your final destination it just might get delayed or more obstructions etc. So if u take your journey when Mars is transitting over 0 points then in your case Mars is karak for 12th and 7th house showing pleasurs and dincharya or day to day routines and its natural karak for 6th hosue and 1st house so more "worries" from these areas i.e. in your journey. Hence I say, timing is from WS only and transits, daily points etc show your jouerney and reflection how smooth or bumpy your ride will be to your final destination. Cheers !!!Ash , "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu> wrote:>> Dear Ash,> > In our earlier correspondence, you had cautioned about seeing.environment also.> > I try as follows. Please correct.> > For ready reference, my DOB 7 Sept 1938, TOB 08:56:16 AM, POB Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India 18N7, 83E26. Lagna Libra,; Venus and Rahu in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Jupiter Retro in Aquarius; Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries; Mercury, Mars & Sun in Leo. Mercury Main Dasa and Venus Sub Dasa is from 13 October 2003 to 13 August 2006.> > I see 3rd house for Short Trip (the LoE is Venus Sub Period Lord SPL and the LoD is Mercury Main Period Lord MPL), the 4th house for Happinesss (the LoD is Venus SPL and LoE is Mercury MPL) and 11th house (?) for Reunion ( the LoD is Venus SPL and the LoE is Saturn SD to Venus). In the WS, Venus has 12 points for 3rd house, for 4th house 17 points and 10 points for 11th house. I went with my wife to attend the Reunion Meet of our 50-year back old engineering college mates to Vishakhapatnam City (about 600 KM from my present Hyderabad City) from 18 to 23 January 2005. The Meet is primarily to keep in touch with each other once a year, with remembrances, entertainment, sight-seeing, enjoyment etc. We locked our house and the Servant-couple tenent in our servant quarter looked after the security and safety of our independent house. At that time, Sun is transiting in Capricorn in Saturn Sign and Sun Star, Saturn being SD to Venus Sub Period Lord and Sun is SD to Mercury Main Period> Lord. And Jupiter + Saturn =10 and SAV > 196 giving good Environment. We stayed in our Sister's (3rd house) house there and had no problems in the trip.> > Again, to attend similar Meet from 19 to 22 January 2006 in Vijayawada city (about 300 KM from Hyderabad city), I reserved the railway tickets and hotel. Now the earlier servants vacated the quarter and another one promised to look after the security of the house. But at the last minute they did not turn up. Since it is risky to leave the independent house locked without anybody in the premises since there have been even day- time thefts/ burglary in the area, I cancelled my tickets and hotel reservation and did not attend the Reunion Meet this year. Now also Sun transit is in Capricorn in Saturn sign and Sun star, linking Saturn as SD to Venus SPL and Sun as SD to Mercury MPL. I checked the Environment. Jupiter+ Saturn=7, SAV <196, Mars is transiting over 0 point in Aries, which is not congenial for the event. Since Aries is 7th house which is 2nd to the 6th house ( tenents ?), probably the main problem of worry is from the tenents. Probably, if we had gone we might have faced> some problems at home or there.> > I feel after transiting Mars leaves Aries on 1 Febraury 2006, we may get some tenents in the servant quarter, who would take care of the security of our house when we may have to go out of station, say to USA to our son's place in March 2006, clearing this Mars over 0 point and with SAV >196, though still Jupiter+Saturn=7. > > Please let me know how far I am correct in my analysis, whether I am wise in dropping this Reunion programme now, when we would get another servants tenents, whether wise to go to USA in 2006, say in March 2006, when Environment is not good in Venus Sub Period before August 2006 or go later in Sun Sub Period when Jupiter transits in Scorpio with Jupiter + Saturn=11 and SAV >196 when Environment is good, say 11 November 2006. > > I feel that KAS would give good clues to select a suitable favorable timing for a future event , say travel to USA.> > Your experienced answer would give better understanding of KAS.> > Sorry to intrude into your precious time.> > Please Reply at your convenience.> > Blessings> > Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu> > > > "Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"> PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)> International Consultant & Researcher- Astrology> Former Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India> 67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,> Phone: +91-040-24530210> Email: pvrrayudu@h...: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu@r...; rayadu@s...> Web: http://www.rayuduastrology.com> > > Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars.>

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Thanks Ash for your ready replyBlessings Pemmaraju V.R. RayuduAsh <ashsam73 wrote: Dear Rayadu, Your analysis is on track. Only one thing I wanted to point out and maybe I might have in my analysis of Ma over 0 points and causing you irritations that the area of worries might be coming in 7th house and 12th house i.e .the house that Mars is Karak for. So Aries is your 7th house and that is A of Karak for 12th and it also rules your 2nd house so 2nd house is Karak for 7th house. Now 7th house can be dincharya and it is also linked to travel and 12th is also that of pleasures and long joureys. So here your trip to say a distant place (relatively speaking) and

disruptions to your day to day activity or dincharya got disrupted. Also Mars rules 1st and 8th house in natural or kalpursh chart. So it holds karaktwa for 6th and 1st house. So again u can say that your worries are related to 6th so it can be servants or say enemies or health etc and 1st can be to do with yourself. Again you are running Venus antra and that has -2 points in 7th house and -2 in 12th house so here these things might get enhanced or say due to Mars over 0 points are again re-enforcing worries coming from 12th house and for 7th house and the antra swami or lord is also having less power in these 2 houses. In the year

before this when u visited, Sa and Ju were more than 8 and daliy points more than 196 means more support from all planets. Hope that helps, Cheers !!! Ash "Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu" <pvrrayudu wrote: Dear Ash, In our earlier correspondence, you had cautioned about seeing.environment also. I try as follows. Please correct. For ready reference, my DOB 7 Sept 1938, TOB 08:56:16 AM, POB Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India 18N7, 83E26. Lagna Libra,; Venus and Rahu in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Jupiter Retro in Aquarius; Saturn Retro in Pisces, Ketu in Aries; Mercury, Mars & Sun in Leo. Mercury Main Dasa and Venus Sub Dasa is from 13 October 2003 to 13 August 2006. I see 3rd house for Short Trip (the LoE is

Venus Sub Period Lord SPL and the LoD is Mercury Main Period Lord MPL), the 4th house for Happinesss (the LoD is Venus SPL and LoE is Mercury MPL) and 11th house (?) for Reunion ( the LoD is Venus SPL and the LoE is Saturn SD to Venus). In the WS, Venus has 12 points for 3rd house, for 4th house 17 points and 10 points for 11th house. I went with my wife to attend the Reunion Meet of our 50-year back old engineering college mates to Vishakhapatnam City (about 600 KM from my present Hyderabad City) from 18 to 23 January 2005. The Meet is primarily to keep in touch with each other once a year, with remembrances, entertainment, sight-seeing, enjoyment etc. We locked our house and the Servant-couple tenent in our servant quarter looked after the security and safety of our independent house. At that time, Sun is transiting in Capricorn in Saturn Sign and Sun Star, Saturn being SD to

Venus Sub Period Lord and Sun is SD to Mercury Main Period Lord. And Jupiter + Saturn =10 and SAV > 196 giving good Environment. We stayed in our Sister?s (3rd house) house there and had no problems in the trip. Again, to attend similar Meet from 19 to 22 January 2006 in Vijayawada city (about 300 KM from Hyderabad city), I reserved the railway tickets and hotel. Now the earlier servants vacated the quarter and another one promised to look after the security of the house. But at the last minute they did not turn up. Since it is risky to leave the independent house locked without anybody in the premises since there have been even day- time thefts/ burglary in the area, I cancelled my tickets and hotel reservation and did not attend the Reunion Meet this year. Now also Sun transit is in Capricorn in Saturn sign and Sun star, linking Saturn as

SD to Venus SPL and Sun as SD to Mercury MPL. I checked the Environment. Jupiter+ Saturn=7, SAV <196, Mars is transiting over 0 point in Aries, which is not congenial for the event. Since Aries is 7th house which is 2nd to the 6th house ( tenents ?), probably the main problem of worry is from the tenents. Probably, if we had gone we might have faced some problems at home or there. I feel after transiting Mars leaves Aries on 1 Febraury 2006, we may get some tenents in the servant quarter, who would take care of the security of our house when we may have to go out of station, say to USA to our son?s place in March 2006, clearing this Mars over 0 point and with SAV >196, though still Jupiter+Saturn=7. Please let me know how far I am correct in my analysis, whether I am wise in dropping this Reunion programme now, when we would get another servants tenents, whether wise to go to USA in 2006, say in March 2006, when Environment is not good in Venus Sub Period before August 2006 or go later in Sun Sub Period when Jupiter transits in Scorpio with Jupiter + Saturn=11 and SAV >196 when Environment is good, say 11 November 2006. I feel that KAS would give good clues to select a suitable favorable timing for a future event , say travel to USA. Your experienced answer would give better

understanding of KAS. Sorry to intrude into your precious time. Please Reply at your convenience. Blessings Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu"Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)International Consultant & Researcher- AstrologyFormer Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,Phone:

+91-040-24530210Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayaduWeb: http://www.rayuduastrology.com Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. PhotosGot holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. "Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu"PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)International Consultant & Researcher- AstrologyFormer Dy.Director, Defence R & D

Laboratory.,Govt. of India67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,Phone: +91-040-24530210Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayaduWeb: http://www.rayuduastrology.com

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