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Couple Marriage Analysis--Sri Rayadu/Ash

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Thanx Ash.


Dear Sri Rayadu,


Just a few things to add:


Sir, you have said that Rahu is more like Jupiter than mercury due

to WS points, I would like to suggest humbly that the approach is

not really correct. Rahu acts more like Jupiter according to the

samadharmi rule. If you could please check the SD rules ( lessons or

http://krushna.sageasita.com/ visuals).


Also, in this particular case the strong planet (7th hoise) from WS

with high points gave marriage but in some cases, marriage can take

place in low points too.





, " Pemmaraju V.R.

Rayudu " <pvrrayudu wrote:


> Dear Ash,

> Thanks. So I feel I am slowly understanding the methodology.

> To your question, I think I saw her around April 1963 in Pune in

her Aunt's house when I was working in Pune at that time and her

Aunt proposed for marriage. I then got transferred to Hyderabad

Laboratory in June 1963 and told my parents. My father, who was then

in a big position as Congress general secretary and Member of

Legislative council, hesitated since she lost her mother, father

discorded the children and stayed abroad in his spiritual pursuits

and his whereabouts were not known then,and she was with her uncle

and my father was concerned who would conduct the marriage . But

later , I think around August/September 1963, her uncle, then

Superintendant of Cancer Hospital, came and talked to my father and

promised to conduct the marriage honourably. Since both of us are

from the same caste and sect, there was no other problem. I asked my

wife and she remembers that the marriage date is decided in Feb 1964

after the delivery of my sister-in-law around Dec 1963.

> So there is a delay of about an year between seeing her and the

actual marriage.

> Hope this will help you to explain some more points.

> Bleeisangs

> Pemmaraju


> Ash <ashsam73 wrote:

> Dear Pemmaraju,


> Yes, your analysis is in line. Except in your chart there is

delay due to Guru. Just refer to Manoshis previous email.


> So delay of say about 24 years. After that first powerful antra

running is that of Moon. Moon has 16 points in 7th and highest

points in 5th house.


> Moon is also LoE for 5th house for you and at the same time its

in House D with 6 bindus.


> You had your marriage in Moon and also your conception of your

child in Moon antra itself just after marriage.


> So both events are in line.


> Similarly in your wifes chart (your analysis is in line),

marriage took place in Rahu AD. Rahu is SD to Ju and Mercury. Ju

is LoE for 11th house (conception). MD is in Mars MD and Mars is

SD to Moon who is situated in 12th house with 5 bindus thereby

acting as Karak.


> In your chart 4th feb is powerful as that time pdf of Sa-Mo is

running. Sa = 17 and Mo = 16 points. Again another thing to keep

in mind is that marriage might take place in proper mahurat.


> Yes, one question. When was your marriage finalised between

your and your wifes parents?


> Cheers !!!

> Ash


> " Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu " <pvrrayudu wrote:

> Dear Ash and Manoshi,


> Following your marriage analysis of a chart in your earlier mail

for the subject ?Fixing MPL & SPL for marriage, I herewith attempt

the marriage analysis of our couple. Please correct for any mistakes

and guide further with more details so that I can learn the

methodology still better. I have chosen our couple since in both the

charts the marriage date should match. I think that I have fairly

come closer in my understanding of the subject.


> My wife?s ( Mrs.Pemmaraju Bharati) chart: DoB 8 Dec 1944, ToB 2

AM ( war time), PoB Vishakhapatnam, AP state, India Lat 17N42,Long


> Rasi: Virgo lagan; Jup in Virgo; Mars, Sun in Scorpio; Venus in

Capricorn; Saturn, Rahu in Gemini; Moon in Leo.

> Navamsha: Pisces lagna; Sat in Pisces; Rahu in Gemini; Merc in

Leo; Moon Mars in Scorpio; Ketu in Sagittarius; Sun Jup Ven in



> My chart: DoB 7 Sept 1938, ToB 08:56:16; PoB Vizianagaram, AP

state; India Lat 18N06, Long 80E30

> Rasi: Libra lagna, Ven Rahu in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Jup

Retro in Aquarius; Sat retro in Pisces; Merc Mars Sun in Leo

> Navamsha: Sagittarius lagna; Venus Ketu in Sagittarius; Saturn

in Aquarius; Merc Mars Rahu in Gemini; Moon in Cancer; Jup Sun in



> Date of Marriage: 22 Feb 1964

> Analysis of my wife?s chart:


> 7th house WS points: Moon 18, Jup 16, Sun 14, Sat 13, Merc 12,

Ven 10, Mars 6

> In Rasi, Sat aspects B (7th house), LoB, LoC; does not aspect A,

C, LoA

> In Navamsha, Sat aspects B, does not aspect A, C, LoA, LoB, LoC

> Saturn has got 1 point in 7th and as 6th lord Saturn aspects 7th


> So Saturn does not give any major delay and may give some slight

delay due to aspect to B , LoB & LoC

> In Rasi, Jupiter aspects B, does not aspect A, C, LoA, LoC

> In Navamsha, Jupiter aspects LoB, does not aspect A, B, C, LoA,


> So Jupiter does not give any major delay and may give some

slight delay due to aspect to B, LoB

> Taking legal marriage age of completion of 18 years as in India,

which is upto 8 Dec 1962 and since Moon maha dasa is upto 19 Sep

1962, Moon maha dasa is not considered though Moon has got more

points in WS for 7th house.

> Next subdasa in Mars maha dasa upto 15 Feb 63 is not considered

since Mars has got less points of 6 in WS of 7th house.

> Next sub dasa is Rahu who is SD to Mercury (sign lord) and

Jupiter (star lord). Jupiter is stronger (16 points) in WS for 7th

than Mercury (12 points). Jupiter is 7th lord and Old. So Rahu

subdasa is taken from 15 Feb 63 to 5 March 64.

> Since in Navamsha Jupiter is with Sun 6th lord, and aspects LoB,

the third sector from 29 Oct 63 to 5 March 64 is taken.

> During this period, Sun transit in Libra (Venus sign) and

Scorpio (Mars sign) are not taken since Venus and Mars have got less

points in WS for 7th house. Sun transit in Sagittarius Jupiter sign

though favourable, but since the stars Ketu (Sun star), Venus (less

points), Sun (6th lord in Navamsha) are not favorable, is not taken.

Sun tin Capricorn in Saturn sign though favorable being the next

strongest to Jupiter, the stars therein of Sun (6th lord in

Navamsha), Moon (in 6th in Rasi) and Mars (less points in WS for

7th) are not favorable and hence not taken. The next Sun transit in

Aquarius in Saturn sign is favorable being the next strongest to

Jupiter, but the star of Mars therein is not favorable due to less

points in WS for 7th house and the next star of Rahu is favorable

being the sub dasa lord and hence selected. This transit of Sun in

Aquarius is from 20 Feb to 4 March. and the marriage date of 22 Feb

falls within this period.


> Lagna lord (Mercury) and 7th lord from lagna (Jupiter) are in

4:10 position, Moon sign lord (Sun) and 7th lord from Moon (Saturn)

are in 6:8 position and Sun sign lord (Mars) and 7th lord from Sun

(Venus) are in 3:11 position. Venus has less points for 7th. So in

general there can be some minor problems in marital relationship.


> On 22 Feb 64 the SAV is 188 points and Jupiter+Saturn=6, which

indicates not a very favorable environment giving lot of strain to

her since she has to travel to a different place for marriage and go

through long drawn rituals for the whole day. .


> Analysis of my chart:


> My chart was already analysed by you earlier. Unfortunately I

lost it being deleted by mistake and that is why I missed the

methodology of marriage analysis.


> I follow a similar approach as above and give it briefly without

going into details.


> There is no delay due to Saturn. There is some delay due to

Jupiter and due to Mars having zero points in 7th.house.


> So taking the legal age of 21 years, the Venus sub dasa in Rahu

maha dasa at that time is not taken since Venus has less points in

WS for 7th house. The next Sun sub dasa is also not taken since

> Sun also has got less points. The next sub dasa of Moon from 1

Nov 62 to 2 May 64 is taken since Moon has got more points and is in


> Since there is delay, the third sector from 1 Nov 63 to 2 May 64

is taken.

> Sun transit in Aquarius Saturn sign and Rahu star is taken from

20 Feb to 4 March, since Saturn is stronger in 7th and Rahu is the

maha dasa lord and the marriage day of 22 Feb falls within this


> Lagna lord & 7th lord are in 3:11, Moon lord and 7th lord in

3:11 and Sun lord and 7th lord in 6:8and Venus & Mars have less

points for 7th. So there can be some minor problems in marital


> The SAV on marriage day is 194 points and Jup+Sat=6 and so the

environment is not very favorable giving lot of strain since I also

have to come from outstation work place for marriage and withstand

time-consumed rituals from early morning to night.


> I am not sure of my Delay and Sun transit analysis and please

throw more light on the same.


> We had only one son born on 25 Nov 1964, who is presently in USA

with his wife and children. On the whole our nearly 40-year-old

marital life is satisfactory without any major problems, except for

the usual small family and health problems.


> If you want any more details for birth time rectification or for

any other purpose for better analysis and explanation, please ask me.


> Sorry to intrude into your precious time.


> Please reply at your convenience.


> Blessings


> Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu




> " Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu "

> PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)

> International Consultant & Researcher- Astrology

> Former Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India

> 67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,

> Phone: +91-040-24530210

> Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayadu

> Web: http://www.rayuduastrology.com


> Relax. Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!









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Thank you Manoshi.


I have seen Rahu/Ketu in FAQ Krushna. It says, in the house where Rahu is

situated, see the points in the SAV for the sign lord and star lord in the same

house and take whichever is more.Here Rahu is in 10th. The sign lord Mercury

and star lord Jupiter in the same house have got 4 and 6 points respectively. So

take Jupiter as a more SD to Rahu.


In reply to my earlier mail " Fixing MPL & SPL for marriage " , Ash has taken the

star lord Mars when both the sign lord Mercury & star lord Mars have got the

same points of 4 in the Gemini Lagna. I do not know, probably when both have

same points, we have to select the star lord..


You may further elucidate.




Premmaraju V.R.Rayudu


Manoshi Chatterjee <khallopapa wrote:

Thanx Ash.


Dear Sri Rayadu,


Just a few things to add:


Sir, you have said that Rahu is more like Jupiter than mercury due

to WS points, I would like to suggest humbly that the approach is

not really correct. Rahu acts more like Jupiter according to the

samadharmi rule. If you could please check the SD rules ( lessons or

http://krushna.sageasita.com/ visuals).


Also, in this particular case the strong planet (7th hoise) from WS

with high points gave marriage but in some cases, marriage can take

place in low points too.





, " Pemmaraju V.R.

Rayudu " <pvrrayudu wrote:


> Dear Ash,

> Thanks. So I feel I am slowly understanding the methodology.

> To your question, I think I saw her around April 1963 in Pune in

her Aunt's house when I was working in Pune at that time and her

Aunt proposed for marriage. I then got transferred to Hyderabad

Laboratory in June 1963 and told my parents. My father, who was then

in a big position as Congress general secretary and Member of

Legislative council, hesitated since she lost her mother, father

discorded the children and stayed abroad in his spiritual pursuits

and his whereabouts were not known then,and she was with her uncle

and my father was concerned who would conduct the marriage . But

later , I think around August/September 1963, her uncle, then

Superintendant of Cancer Hospital, came and talked to my father and

promised to conduct the marriage honourably. Since both of us are

from the same caste and sect, there was no other problem. I asked my

wife and she remembers that the marriage date is decided in Feb 1964

after the delivery of my sister-in-law around Dec 1963.

> So there is a delay of about an year between seeing her and the

actual marriage.

> Hope this will help you to explain some more points.

> Bleeisangs

> Pemmaraju


> Ash <ashsam73 wrote:

> Dear Pemmaraju,


> Yes, your analysis is in line. Except in your chart there is

delay due to Guru. Just refer to Manoshis previous email.


> So delay of say about 24 years. After that first powerful antra

running is that of Moon. Moon has 16 points in 7th and highest

points in 5th house.


> Moon is also LoE for 5th house for you and at the same time its

in House D with 6 bindus.


> You had your marriage in Moon and also your conception of your

child in Moon antra itself just after marriage.


> So both events are in line.


> Similarly in your wifes chart (your analysis is in line),

marriage took place in Rahu AD. Rahu is SD to Ju and Mercury. Ju

is LoE for 11th house (conception). MD is in Mars MD and Mars is

SD to Moon who is situated in 12th house with 5 bindus thereby

acting as Karak.


> In your chart 4th feb is powerful as that time pdf of Sa-Mo is

running. Sa = 17 and Mo = 16 points. Again another thing to keep

in mind is that marriage might take place in proper mahurat.


> Yes, one question. When was your marriage finalised between

your and your wifes parents?


> Cheers !!!

> Ash


> " Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu " <pvrrayudu wrote:

> Dear Ash and Manoshi,


> Following your marriage analysis of a chart in your earlier mail

for the subject ?Fixing MPL & SPL for marriage, I herewith attempt

the marriage analysis of our couple. Please correct for any mistakes

and guide further with more details so that I can learn the

methodology still better. I have chosen our couple since in both the

charts the marriage date should match. I think that I have fairly

come closer in my understanding of the subject.


> My wife?s ( Mrs.Pemmaraju Bharati) chart: DoB 8 Dec 1944, ToB 2

AM ( war time), PoB Vishakhapatnam, AP state, India Lat 17N42,Long


> Rasi: Virgo lagan; Jup in Virgo; Mars, Sun in Scorpio; Venus in

Capricorn; Saturn, Rahu in Gemini; Moon in Leo.

> Navamsha: Pisces lagna; Sat in Pisces; Rahu in Gemini; Merc in

Leo; Moon Mars in Scorpio; Ketu in Sagittarius; Sun Jup Ven in



> My chart: DoB 7 Sept 1938, ToB 08:56:16; PoB Vizianagaram, AP

state; India Lat 18N06, Long 80E30

> Rasi: Libra lagna, Ven Rahu in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Jup

Retro in Aquarius; Sat retro in Pisces; Merc Mars Sun in Leo

> Navamsha: Sagittarius lagna; Venus Ketu in Sagittarius; Saturn

in Aquarius; Merc Mars Rahu in Gemini; Moon in Cancer; Jup Sun in



> Date of Marriage: 22 Feb 1964

> Analysis of my wife?s chart:


> 7th house WS points: Moon 18, Jup 16, Sun 14, Sat 13, Merc 12,

Ven 10, Mars 6

> In Rasi, Sat aspects B (7th house), LoB, LoC; does not aspect A,

C, LoA

> In Navamsha, Sat aspects B, does not aspect A, C, LoA, LoB, LoC

> Saturn has got 1 point in 7th and as 6th lord Saturn aspects 7th


> So Saturn does not give any major delay and may give some slight

delay due to aspect to B , LoB & LoC

> In Rasi, Jupiter aspects B, does not aspect A, C, LoA, LoC

> In Navamsha, Jupiter aspects LoB, does not aspect A, B, C, LoA,


> So Jupiter does not give any major delay and may give some

slight delay due to aspect to B, LoB

> Taking legal marriage age of completion of 18 years as in India,

which is upto 8 Dec 1962 and since Moon maha dasa is upto 19 Sep

1962, Moon maha dasa is not considered though Moon has got more

points in WS for 7th house.

> Next subdasa in Mars maha dasa upto 15 Feb 63 is not considered

since Mars has got less points of 6 in WS of 7th house.

> Next sub dasa is Rahu who is SD to Mercury (sign lord) and

Jupiter (star lord). Jupiter is stronger (16 points) in WS for 7th

than Mercury (12 points). Jupiter is 7th lord and Old. So Rahu

subdasa is taken from 15 Feb 63 to 5 March 64.

> Since in Navamsha Jupiter is with Sun 6th lord, and aspects LoB,

the third sector from 29 Oct 63 to 5 March 64 is taken.

> During this period, Sun transit in Libra (Venus sign) and

Scorpio (Mars sign) are not taken since Venus and Mars have got less

points in WS for 7th house. Sun transit in Sagittarius Jupiter sign

though favourable, but since the stars Ketu (Sun star), Venus (less

points), Sun (6th lord in Navamsha) are not favorable, is not taken.

Sun tin Capricorn in Saturn sign though favorable being the next

strongest to Jupiter, the stars therein of Sun (6th lord in

Navamsha), Moon (in 6th in Rasi) and Mars (less points in WS for

7th) are not favorable and hence not taken. The next Sun transit in

Aquarius in Saturn sign is favorable being the next strongest to

Jupiter, but the star of Mars therein is not favorable due to less

points in WS for 7th house and the next star of Rahu is favorable

being the sub dasa lord and hence selected. This transit of Sun in

Aquarius is from 20 Feb to 4 March. and the marriage date of 22 Feb

falls within this period.


> Lagna lord (Mercury) and 7th lord from lagna (Jupiter) are in

4:10 position, Moon sign lord (Sun) and 7th lord from Moon (Saturn)

are in 6:8 position and Sun sign lord (Mars) and 7th lord from Sun

(Venus) are in 3:11 position. Venus has less points for 7th. So in

general there can be some minor problems in marital relationship.


> On 22 Feb 64 the SAV is 188 points and Jupiter+Saturn=6, which

indicates not a very favorable environment giving lot of strain to

her since she has to travel to a different place for marriage and go

through long drawn rituals for the whole day. .


> Analysis of my chart:


> My chart was already analysed by you earlier. Unfortunately I

lost it being deleted by mistake and that is why I missed the

methodology of marriage analysis.


> I follow a similar approach as above and give it briefly without

going into details.


> There is no delay due to Saturn. There is some delay due to

Jupiter and due to Mars having zero points in 7th.house.


> So taking the legal age of 21 years, the Venus sub dasa in Rahu

maha dasa at that time is not taken since Venus has less points in

WS for 7th house. The next Sun sub dasa is also not taken since

> Sun also has got less points. The next sub dasa of Moon from 1

Nov 62 to 2 May 64 is taken since Moon has got more points and is in


> Since there is delay, the third sector from 1 Nov 63 to 2 May 64

is taken.

> Sun transit in Aquarius Saturn sign and Rahu star is taken from

20 Feb to 4 March, since Saturn is stronger in 7th and Rahu is the

maha dasa lord and the marriage day of 22 Feb falls within this


> Lagna lord & 7th lord are in 3:11, Moon lord and 7th lord in

3:11 and Sun lord and 7th lord in 6:8and Venus & Mars have less

points for 7th. So there can be some minor problems in marital


> The SAV on marriage day is 194 points and Jup+Sat=6 and so the

environment is not very favorable giving lot of strain since I also

have to come from outstation work place for marriage and withstand

time-consumed rituals from early morning to night.


> I am not sure of my Delay and Sun transit analysis and please

throw more light on the same.


> We had only one son born on 25 Nov 1964, who is presently in USA

with his wife and children. On the whole our nearly 40-year-old

marital life is satisfactory without any major problems, except for

the usual small family and health problems.


> If you want any more details for birth time rectification or for

any other purpose for better analysis and explanation, please ask me.


> Sorry to intrude into your precious time.


> Please reply at your convenience.


> Blessings


> Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu




> " Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu "

> PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management & French)

> International Consultant & Researcher- Astrology

> Former Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India

> 67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,

> Phone: +91-040-24530210

> Email: pvrrayudu: pvrrayudu; pvrrayudu; rayadu

> Web: http://www.rayuduastrology.com


> Relax. Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!









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Dear Rayudu,


In reply to my earlier mail " Fixing MPL & SPL for marriage " , Ash has taken

the star lord Mars when both the sign lord Mercury & star lord Mars have got

the same points of 4 in the Gemini Lagna. I do not know, probably when both have

same points, we have to select the star lord..


when they are same, you have to take the malefic one.. it is in one of the



Hope this helps






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Dear Rayudu,


Sorry correction..


It has to be the natural malefic one.


Comparing Mars and Mercury, Mars is the more natural malefic.










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Got it, Thanks Bala.


Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu


bala sosale <bsosale wrote:

Dear Rayudu,


Sorry correction..


It has to be the natural malefic one.


Comparing Mars and Mercury, Mars is the more natural malefic.










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