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Please help me to rectify my mother's birth time

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Dear members,


knowing my interest for astrology, my mother is urging me for some advices to

help her to take good decisions for some worries.

Unhappily, she does not know her birth time with enough accuracy, so I have

tried to time it precisely thanks to KAS. I think this could be a good exercise

for everyone who wants to improve his knowledge of the system.



She was born on 1948, July 21st in Hagetmau, France (43N38, 0W35).

TIME ZONE is 1:00 East of GMT.

Birth time must be between 7:30pm and 9:30pm.

Ayanamsa at this date is 22°14'36''


RELEVANT EVENTS (preliminary list : if you need more dates, i will provide


1971-jan-01 : got married

1973-nov-24 : birth of first child (daughter)

1976-dec-16 : birth of son


november 1997: uterus operation

end of august 1998 : moving to french west indies following husband promotion

2000-apr-20 : death of husband


Here is the procedure I have tried to follow (this is what Krushna stated in

message n°523) :


1- fix the ascendant. We can have two ascendants rising in the given interval

of time: Sagittarius and Capricorn. Considering the overall nature of the

person, I would say Capricorn and then try to confirm it. I know there were many

disputes with husband and mother, so I looked at the relation between lord of

1ST and lord of 7TH. With Capricorn ascending, it is Moon and Saturn which are

in 6:8, it indicates disputes. For the mother, we must consider 4TH house whose

lord is Mars. 4TH lord and Lagna lord are again 6:8 which shows disputes with

her mother. So Capricorn seems to fit.

2- find the degree ascending.

2.1- First we have to find out the powerful planet(s). Saturn is powerful

because Jupiter is situated in the 4th place from it. Saturn has 2 bindus and

less points than Jupiter. Mercury is powerful as well. It has 8 bindus in its

ashtakavarg but it is lord of 6TH situated in 6TH so 8 bindus can be considered

as VERY MALEFIC for the place it is in : 8 - 8 = 0 AV. It is powerful because

Mars is in the 4th place from it with more points. So SATURN and MERCURY are


2.2- Then we have to find out what are the degrees of the zodiac which are

related to the powerful planets. Unhappily THERE IS NOT any degree ruled by the

pair Saturn/Mercury (not a single pair sign/constellation)... Rahu and Ketu

represent Mars and Venus so they cannot replace nor Saturn nor Venus to choose


2.3- Identify the days where the events generally happen. The instances of

life generally happens when the Sun transits the sign or constellation of the

powerful planets. The degrees transited during these days is probably the

degree ascending. I did not manage to find out this period in the year.


Maybe I should try differently ...


Many thanks for your comments


















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Dear Thierry,


In my limited time I will make an attempt.


First with 19:30 time.


Planet Degrees Nakshatra Lord Navamsa As 19 Sg 17 P.Asadha Ve Vi Su 6

Cn 37 Pushya Sa Le Mo 14 Cp 1 Sravana Mo Ta Ma 10 Vi 25 Hasta Mo Ar

Me 17 Ge 16 Ardra Ra Pi JuR 27 Sc 50 Jyestha Me Pi Ve 2 Ge 58

Mrigashira Ma Li Sa 0 Le 20 Makha Ke Ar Ra 17 Ar 51 Bharani Ve Vi Ke

17 Li 51 Swati Ra Pi


1.2 1 0.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 Hse SAV Su Mo Ma

Me Ju Ve Sa 1 21 5 9 10 17 15 17 23 2 21 10 17 8 23 11 19 16 3 30 11

25 14 16 15 13 24 4 32 15 12 8 14 22 13 27 5 34 8 19 14 19 12 15 15 6

31 7 18 11 6 14 15 33 7 29 9 22 13 15 19 12 31 8 21 7 10 13 11 20 14

31 9 24 7 15 9 5 12 19 25 10 29 5 13 11 25 15 12 30 11 36 15 26 10 15

20 14 45 12 29 15 16 16 16 13 13 24




1) There is no delay in this chart for marriage with Sagittarius lagna.

I do not know what the age of marriage was in France back in those days,

but say If I take 21 years as average age then delay is over in 3rd

sector of Shani. The first powrful antra after that is that of Mercury.

Mercury has good power for 5th, 12th and 7th. So marriage can take

place in Mercury antra and in 1st sector which it Did. Sun's transit

over next 2 most powerful are Sa-Mo. That falls from 23rd jan thru 05th

Feb. Marriage took place on 1st Jan 1971.


2) Birth of Daughter - Conception in feb 1973 that falls in


Ketu 1973-Jan-11 1974-Jan-29


Ketu is SD to Ma and Ve. Ketu is more like Mars and Mars is weak for

11th house. Concption might have taken place in Mercury antra and not

Ketu. So there might be a slight diff in time as u can consider 13

days tolleration so Jan 11th + 13 days = Jan 24th. Conception might be

in Feb so the time might be off slightly. But in the ball park.


3) Birth of Son - Conception in March 1976


In Rahu / Venus. Venus can give conception as its strong for 11th.


With this lagna i.e Sagittarius what becomes critical is that either the

child births might be cesearean or your mother might have had abortion?


Rahu is in 5th and Mars is in the 10th house aspecting 5th. Rahu is

in 5th and aspecting 11th house and Mars is aspecting Venus in navamsa.

So here definitely there seems to be either abortion or cesearean birth.


What are the facts?


4) Nov 1997 - Uterus operation.


Falls in Sa MD and Sa antra


Operation is 7th house. Sa is controlling Guru. Guru is LoD for 7th.

Sa is 2nd lord and 3rd lord. Sa is karak for 7th so Sa/Sa might give

operation. Sa is also LoD for 6th so it may give good recovery too.

Sa is also 2nd lord so it will give worries too.


5) August 98 - Move to French west Indies.


Falls in Sa/Sa.


Sa has good power for all 12 houses and its also 2nd lord so it should

give good happiness for all houses. Also MD had changed so it should

hearld a turning point in life and focus too. Sa/Sa starts at date

given below.


Saturn 1996-Jul-12 1999-Jul-16


6) Death of Husband - 20th April 2000


Falls in Sa/Me.


Me has the highest power for 2nd house (8th from 7th). As per KAS,

death can happen in the highest points. Ofcouse Me is LoE for 2nd and

in House E with 7 bindus. Sun's transit on 20th april was in Mars sign

and nak of Ketu. Ketu is in House D for 2nd as B but Mars has 8 points

for 2nd. Before that was Ju-Me i.e. sun's transit over ju sign and

nak of me and Ju is SD to Sa and Sa has 16 points and Me has highest

points 23. But directly Mars has less power for 2nd.


For quality of marriage might be rocky. Lagna, Sun and Moon and 7th's

are all in 6:8 with 6th lord in 7th. However most points are high for

7th except for Sun and its antra is short. So the couple might stay

together but may not get along. Ofcourse u can overlap the charts of

husband over wife and find the relation between ra and sa of male and ma

of female and ma and ve of male and female and sun and moon of male and

female. So that can be confirmed.


Now making a future prediction based on time 19:30.


Next antra is that of Sun. It has weak power for all houses except 4th

, 11th and 12th. I don't know if your mother is working as yet, she

might conceplate retirment or some issues with her health or some

operation. The antra after that is that of moon and moon is in 2nd

house again and in MD of 2nd lord so again some worries will be there.

But good for 11th, income and if health issues are there in Sun antra

then she will recover well in Mo.


You can try the same with Capricorn lagna and verify each event.


Hope that gives u a start,


Cheers !!!




, Thierry Chevallier

<thierry_x_c wrote:


> Dear members,


> knowing my interest for astrology, my mother is urging me for some

advices to help her to take good decisions for some worries.

> Unhappily, she does not know her birth time with enough accuracy, so I

have tried to time it precisely thanks to KAS. I think this could be a

good exercise for everyone who wants to improve his knowledge of the




> She was born on 1948, July 21st in Hagetmau, France (43N38, 0W35).

> TIME ZONE is 1:00 East of GMT.

> Birth time must be between 7:30pm and 9:30pm.

> Ayanamsa at this date is 22?14'36''


> RELEVANT EVENTS (preliminary list : if you need more dates, i will

provide more):

> 1971-jan-01 : got married

> 1973-nov-24 : birth of first child (daughter)

> 1976-dec-16 : birth of son

> ....

> november 1997: uterus operation

> end of august 1998 : moving to french west indies following husband


> 2000-apr-20 : death of husband


> Here is the procedure I have tried to follow (this is what Krushna

stated in message n?523) :


> 1- fix the ascendant. We can have two ascendants rising in the given

interval of time: Sagittarius and Capricorn. Considering the overall

nature of the person, I would say Capricorn and then try to confirm it.

I know there were many disputes with husband and mother, so I looked at

the relation between lord of 1ST and lord of 7TH. With Capricorn

ascending, it is Moon and Saturn which are in 6:8, it indicates

disputes. For the mother, we must consider 4TH house whose lord is Mars.

4TH lord and Lagna lord are again 6:8 which shows disputes with her

mother. So Capricorn seems to fit.

> 2- find the degree ascending.

> 2.1- First we have to find out the powerful planet(s). Saturn is

powerful because Jupiter is situated in the 4th place from it. Saturn

has 2 bindus and less points than Jupiter. Mercury is powerful as well.

It has 8 bindus in its ashtakavarg but it is lord of 6TH situated in 6TH

so 8 bindus can be considered as VERY MALEFIC for the place it is in : 8

- 8 = 0 AV. It is powerful because Mars is in the 4th place from it with

more points. So SATURN and MERCURY are powerful.

> 2.2- Then we have to find out what are the degrees of the zodiac which

are related to the powerful planets. Unhappily THERE IS NOT any degree

ruled by the pair Saturn/Mercury (not a single pair

sign/constellation)... Rahu and Ketu represent Mars and Venus so they

cannot replace nor Saturn nor Venus to choose constellation.

> 2.3- Identify the days where the events generally happen. The

instances of life generally happens when the Sun transits the sign or

constellation of the powerful planets. The degrees transited during

these days is probably the degree ascending. I did not manage to find

out this period in the year.


> Maybe I should try differently ...


> Many thanks for your comments


> Regards,


> Thierry








> Nouveau : t鬩phonez moins cher avec Messenger ! D飯uvez

les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et

l'international.T鬩chargez la version beta.



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Dear Ash


First of all, I must thank you for the time you generously gave to answer my

request. I do appreciate it very much.


Concerning your attempt with a sagittarius ascendant :


1) yes at that time in France for a woman, 21 y.o. average seems to be in


I wonder why you select 5th and 12th as well as 7th for marriage timing. Maybe

it is because of western cultural behaviors nowadays ? Anyway, concerning the

part of France where my parents come from, in the end 60s begin 70s it was still

very " traditional " so I think this event can be observed only with 7th. But

maybe I am wrong.


2) what is the relevant house in timing the birth from a female chart : 5th or

11th, or both ? I am wondering because considering Capricorn ascending, at first

sight we still would find conception in Ketu sub, and Ketu being as Mars, and

Mars being lord of 12th from 5th and very weak for 5th would deny conception in

Ketu antra... But different things starting from 11th as house B.


3) Concerning birth of son my answer is no, there were no cesaerian nor

abortion at birth, I have asked confirmation.

So maybe we should definitely go for a Capricorn lagna instead ?


Now I am trying to do the calculations for every event with a Capricorn lagna,

but as I am new to KAS, it is quite long for me to deal with all the issues I

get, try to retrieve the relevant information from lessons and previous

messages, etc. But I will post the results I get in the next few days, so

hopefully I will get your precious advices and comments about them.


Hereafter I am giving some more events that may be useful :

2001-jan-22: bought a flat - first estate investment ever -

2000-dec-18: flat booking before purchase

1984-sept-10: following dispute husband leaves home .. back in mid-1987


many thanks















ashsam73 <ashsam73 a écrit :


Dear Thierry,


In my limited time I will make an attempt.


First with 19:30 time.


Planet Degrees Nakshatra Lord Navamsa As 19 Sg 17 P.Asadha Ve Vi Su 6

Cn 37 Pushya Sa Le Mo 14 Cp 1 Sravana Mo Ta Ma 10 Vi 25 Hasta Mo Ar

Me 17 Ge 16 Ardra Ra Pi JuR 27 Sc 50 Jyestha Me Pi Ve 2 Ge 58

Mrigashira Ma Li Sa 0 Le 20 Makha Ke Ar Ra 17 Ar 51 Bharani Ve Vi Ke

17 Li 51 Swati Ra Pi


1.2 1 0.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 Hse SAV Su Mo Ma

Me Ju Ve Sa 1 21 5 9 10 17 15 17 23 2 21 10 17 8 23 11 19 16 3 30 11

25 14 16 15 13 24 4 32 15 12 8 14 22 13 27 5 34 8 19 14 19 12 15 15 6

31 7 18 11 6 14 15 33 7 29 9 22 13 15 19 12 31 8 21 7 10 13 11 20 14

31 9 24 7 15 9 5 12 19 25 10 29 5 13 11 25 15 12 30 11 36 15 26 10 15

20 14 45 12 29 15 16 16 16 13 13 24




1) There is no delay in this chart for marriage with Sagittarius lagna.

I do not know what the age of marriage was in France back in those days,

but say If I take 21 years as average age then delay is over in 3rd

sector of Shani. The first powrful antra after that is that of Mercury.

Mercury has good power for 5th, 12th and 7th. So marriage can take

place in Mercury antra and in 1st sector which it Did. Sun's transit

over next 2 most powerful are Sa-Mo. That falls from 23rd jan thru 05th

Feb. Marriage took place on 1st Jan 1971.


2) Birth of Daughter - Conception in feb 1973 that falls in


Ketu 1973-Jan-11 1974-Jan-29


Ketu is SD to Ma and Ve. Ketu is more like Mars and Mars is weak for

11th house. Concption might have taken place in Mercury antra and not

Ketu. So there might be a slight diff in time as u can consider 13

days tolleration so Jan 11th + 13 days = Jan 24th. Conception might be

in Feb so the time might be off slightly. But in the ball park.


3) Birth of Son - Conception in March 1976


In Rahu / Venus. Venus can give conception as its strong for 11th.


With this lagna i.e Sagittarius what becomes critical is that either the

child births might be cesearean or your mother might have had abortion?


Rahu is in 5th and Mars is in the 10th house aspecting 5th. Rahu is

in 5th and aspecting 11th house and Mars is aspecting Venus in navamsa.

So here definitely there seems to be either abortion or cesearean birth.


What are the facts?


4) Nov 1997 - Uterus operation.


Falls in Sa MD and Sa antra


Operation is 7th house. Sa is controlling Guru. Guru is LoD for 7th.

Sa is 2nd lord and 3rd lord. Sa is karak for 7th so Sa/Sa might give

operation. Sa is also LoD for 6th so it may give good recovery too.

Sa is also 2nd lord so it will give worries too.


5) August 98 - Move to French west Indies.


Falls in Sa/Sa.


Sa has good power for all 12 houses and its also 2nd lord so it should

give good happiness for all houses. Also MD had changed so it should

hearld a turning point in life and focus too. Sa/Sa starts at date

given below.


Saturn 1996-Jul-12 1999-Jul-16


6) Death of Husband - 20th April 2000


Falls in Sa/Me.


Me has the highest power for 2nd house (8th from 7th). As per KAS,

death can happen in the highest points. Ofcouse Me is LoE for 2nd and

in House E with 7 bindus. Sun's transit on 20th april was in Mars sign

and nak of Ketu. Ketu is in House D for 2nd as B but Mars has 8 points

for 2nd. Before that was Ju-Me i.e. sun's transit over ju sign and

nak of me and Ju is SD to Sa and Sa has 16 points and Me has highest

points 23. But directly Mars has less power for 2nd.


For quality of marriage might be rocky. Lagna, Sun and Moon and 7th's

are all in 6:8 with 6th lord in 7th. However most points are high for

7th except for Sun and its antra is short. So the couple might stay

together but may not get along. Ofcourse u can overlap the charts of

husband over wife and find the relation between ra and sa of male and ma

of female and ma and ve of male and female and sun and moon of male and

female. So that can be confirmed.


Now making a future prediction based on time 19:30.


Next antra is that of Sun. It has weak power for all houses except 4th

, 11th and 12th. I don't know if your mother is working as yet, she

might conceplate retirment or some issues with her health or some

operation. The antra after that is that of moon and moon is in 2nd

house again and in MD of 2nd lord so again some worries will be there.

But good for 11th, income and if health issues are there in Sun antra

then she will recover well in Mo.


You can try the same with Capricorn lagna and verify each event.


Hope that gives u a start,


Cheers !!!




, Thierry Chevallier

<thierry_x_c wrote:


> Dear members,


> knowing my interest for astrology, my mother is urging me for some

advices to help her to take good decisions for some worries.

> Unhappily, she does not know her birth time with enough accuracy, so I

have tried to time it precisely thanks to KAS. I think this could be a

good exercise for everyone who wants to improve his knowledge of the




> She was born on 1948, July 21st in Hagetmau, France (43N38, 0W35).

> TIME ZONE is 1:00 East of GMT.

> Birth time must be between 7:30pm and 9:30pm.

> Ayanamsa at this date is 22?14'36''


> RELEVANT EVENTS (preliminary list : if you need more dates, i will

provide more):

> 1971-jan-01 : got married

> 1973-nov-24 : birth of first child (daughter)

> 1976-dec-16 : birth of son

> ....

> november 1997: uterus operation

> end of august 1998 : moving to french west indies following husband


> 2000-apr-20 : death of husband


> Here is the procedure I have tried to follow (this is what Krushna

stated in message n?523) :


> 1- fix the ascendant. We can have two ascendants rising in the given

interval of time: Sagittarius and Capricorn. Considering the overall

nature of the person, I would say Capricorn and then try to confirm it.

I know there were many disputes with husband and mother, so I looked at

the relation between lord of 1ST and lord of 7TH. With Capricorn

ascending, it is Moon and Saturn which are in 6:8, it indicates

disputes. For the mother, we must consider 4TH house whose lord is Mars.

4TH lord and Lagna lord are again 6:8 which shows disputes with her

mother. So Capricorn seems to fit.

> 2- find the degree ascending.

> 2.1- First we have to find out the powerful planet(s). Saturn is

powerful because Jupiter is situated in the 4th place from it. Saturn

has 2 bindus and less points than Jupiter. Mercury is powerful as well.

It has 8 bindus in its ashtakavarg but it is lord of 6TH situated in 6TH

so 8 bindus can be considered as VERY MALEFIC for the place it is in : 8

- 8 = 0 AV. It is powerful because Mars is in the 4th place from it with

more points. So SATURN and MERCURY are powerful.

> 2.2- Then we have to find out what are the degrees of the zodiac which

are related to the powerful planets. Unhappily THERE IS NOT any degree

ruled by the pair Saturn/Mercury (not a single pair

sign/constellation)... Rahu and Ketu represent Mars and Venus so they

cannot replace nor Saturn nor Venus to choose constellation.

> 2.3- Identify the days where the events generally happen. The

instances of life generally happens when the Sun transits the sign or

constellation of the powerful planets. The degrees transited during

these days is probably the degree ascending. I did not manage to find

out this period in the year.


> Maybe I should try differently ...


> Many thanks for your comments


> Regards,


> Thierry








> Nouveau : t鬩phonez moins cher avec Messenger ! D飯uvez

les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et

l'international.T鬩chargez la version beta.



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