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Mahadashsa(Dadhi Sir.)

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Dear Dadhi,


Can u detrmine some events past and some of future from from my Birth Chart??


Also as the subject of Mahadasha ia going , let me the sweet taste of dasha??



Date of Birth:17 June 1982.

Time of Birth:22:36pm

Place of Birth:Bombay , India.



Thanks in advance ,





Dadhi <denis.dumancic wrote:

What is your data JL?


all the best,




Jyotish Learner

Monday, February 20, 2006 12:12 PM

Re: Mahadashsa



Adding to your topic , let me see what flavor i am going thru my Mahadasha.


Experts can u guess.




ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002 wrote:

Thanks Dadhi, the concept of MD is clear to me now. Same concept will be

applied on the chart and practice its utility.Thanks once again.

Ramesh Mishra


Dadhi <denis.dumancic wrote:


Dear Ramesh Mishra,



Sorry to interupt conversation bettween you and Ash



> I could not absorb your expressions in case of MD.I do agree MD is not

> used for timing of event but it has to show its karaktwa. We are using the

> word karaktwa. What is karaktwa first ? Karaktwa means the nature of a

> planet. Am I right? The nature of planet may vary depending upon the house

> rulership and its placement.In KAS we may say it depend upon the points

> receiving in SAV for each house. If it gets >12 points it is strong

> otherwise weak.



This points in Worksheet are important, but not for MD.



> As you gave the example of Mars quoting the Cancer asc. For 10 th house

> he is karak as well as LoB because he is yogkaraka. You said,

> " In MD of Mars the person might have karaktwa of 3rd and 10th. "







Mars will give karakatwa of the 3rd house. In Ash's example, Mars is lord of

10th and 5th (for Cancer lagna). So, think of 10th and 5th houses as houses A.


As per KAS, A controls B....so, you easily come to conclusion that B houses

are Aries and Virgo. Aries is 10th house (B for Sc) and Virgo is 3rd house (B

for Ar).


Similar example is when you asked below how Mars could be karaka for the 6th

house in natural zodiac. Simple. Think of Aries and Scorpio as houses A, and you

may see that Virgo and Aries are in control (B houses), so naturaly, 6th and 1st

house of zodiac. For an easier understanding, see chart below (if you see this

with Outlook or similar program):






| | | | |


| Ve | Ma | Ju | Sa |


| | | | |


| | | | |


| | | | |




| | | |


| | | Sa |


| Me | | |


| | | |


| | | |


|-----------| Rasi |-----------|


| | | |


| | | |


| Su | | Ju |


| | | |


| | | |




| | | | |


| | | | |


| Mo | Me | Ve | Ma |


| | | | |


| | | | |






From this, you can take any house and see karakatwa. One may also remember

this, as it is easy..:) For example, if one takes Aquarius lagna, and one's MD

is Venus, it is obvious that Ve is yogakaraka, but also, it is karakatwa for the

2nd and 9th house (because 2nd and 9th control 5th and 10th).


Regarding other points made by you, I would add that MD could be long period

and many things might happen. Actually, any MD is long. One may get a job,

marry, travel, have an accident, discover something etc etc. It could be a thick

book of life experience.


So, let stay with Mars and Cancer lagna, as per example of Ash. Not any person

with Cancer lagna and MD of Mars will have success and fulfilment of desires,

just because Mars is yogakaraka. However, generaly Mars MD will be connected

with 1,3,6,10 houses as natural and functional karakatwa. So, please read in

lessons all things related to these houses. Then, from Worksheet see if certain

house has some potential or not. I think that words of Ash...



> If MD of Mars is running for Cancer lagna and say there is low power

> for 7th house then husband and wife may live seperate due to intense

> travel and new initiative taken in business by the husband or wife

> or there might be some disputes with business partner or say life

> partner ofcouse these are just examples and full chart must be

> studied..


> But for timing of event 7th house will show some issues. So flavour

> of problems u can identify from MD.



...are very important here.


all the best,





ramesh mishra

Monday, February 20, 2006 9:13 AM

Re: Mahadashsa



Dear Ash, Namaskar,

I could not absorb your expressions in case of MD.I do agree MD is not

used for timing of event but it has to show its karaktwa. We are using the word

karaktwa. What is karaktwa first ? Karaktwa means the nature of a planet. Am I

right? The nature of planet may vary depending upon the house rulership and its

placement.In KAS we may say it depend upon the points receiving in SAV for each

house. If it gets >12 points it is strong otherwise weak. Planet is an animated

body whereas houses or rasis are unanimated.So when we say karaktwa of a planet

means the quality/nature of that planet w.r.t to the house relationship and

house placement, it gives the quantum of result.

As you gave the example of Mars quoting the Cancer asc. For 10 th house he

is karak as well as LoB because he is yogkaraka. You said,

" In MD of Mars the person might have karaktwa of 3rd and 10th. "





Of course if we relate the matter of 10th house then 3rd house is a house

of effort, communication.In this case Mars is the planet who should be

considered.Without effort and work one can not achieve his goal. Kindly clear my

doubt for third house as karakatwa of Mars.

Mars himself is a planet of fight,viguor,energy,soldier,initiative and

effort.If you consider this way then you are correct.When you are correct then

these are the karkatwa of Mars, means the quality/nature of Mars.Now the quantum

of result may depend upon the Sublord and according to the power of sublords or

LoD and LoE for timing the event for house B. " Mars also rules 1st and 8th house

in kalpurush chart so its holding karaktwa for 6th and 1st house.So again SELF

and Job related or health related. "

Here again you referred 6th house holding karkatwa for Mars. Why? What I

could find it out because sixth is B and 1st house is karaka for 6th

house.Therefore karaktwa of Mars revolve round the lagna (individual),3rd

house(his effort),5th house(his dignity),6th house(job),8th house(his

promotion)and 10th house(his status or designation).

I could not understand it thoroughly.Unless we take an example chart and

start analysing an event. Because you quote the example of Mars which is job

related planet.The same planet may show some other karakatwa w.r.t. other

Asc.Thus the role of Mars MD.

Thanks and regards.

Ramesh Mishra


ashsam73 <ashsam73 wrote:

Dear Ramesh and Rayadu,


Mahadasha as per KAS shows the karaktwa. Say if once u cast the

points and u see say a planet has very high power in say 10th house

but in one Madasha he might rise to the level of supervisor but in

some other MD he might rise to the level of manager of country. But

in both case there will be promotion i.e .timing of event.


So Mahadasha is not used directly in timing of event.


Mahadasha shows the karaktwa means that the persons might be around

during that phase in life.


Say Cancer lagna is rising then Mars is lord of 5th and 10th. It is

Yoga Karak means lord of trikona and kendra.


Its is Lord of A and B. In MD of Mars the person might have

karaktwa of 3rd and 10th. Means during that madasha he might have

thoughts around taking initiative and about power and rise in life.

Mars also rules 1st and 8th house in kalpurush chart so its holding

karaktwa for 6th and 1st house. So again SELF and Job related or

health related.


So all of Mars MD his thoughts will be around such things. Now when

mind is around such things then all antras will have flavour of such

things or say touch.


So say in Mars MD and say in antra of Shani or Mercury the person

might get some more authority. In Shani antra in Mars MD he might

take more initiatives for authority. Shani is LoE for 3rd AND its

LoD for 10th and LoE for 2nd (so wealth w.r.t. 10th house) so he may

make more investment in his business or job and in Shani antra again

he will get very good returns also for his initiavite and he will

encash on his authority i.e. LoD for 11th house i.e Sa is LoD for

11th house.


For timing we are not studying Mars MD. We will go into detail of

MD to study the flavour of all antras. In Mars antra will deal more

with matters of career.


I will say Mars MD and its SD's too. If Mars is aspecting 10th, 2nd

or 5th then similar mind set will be experienced in Mars or its SD



Again if u study this keenly we are not using Mars MD for timing of



Say MD of 2nd lord is running then its full MD one person might face

some worries. At the same time say if there are other factors for

accident etc, i.e. low power in 7th house in WS or say LoD or LoE

who's status is spoilt etc then during such time a person might face

more worries w.r.t. accident.


If MD of Mars is running for Cancer lagna and say there is low power

for 7th house then husband and wife may live seperate due to intense

travel and new initiative taken in business by the husband or wife

or there might be some disputes with business partner or say life

partner ofcouse these are just examples and full chart must be



But for timing of event 7th house will show some issues. So flavour

of problems u can identify from MD.


You all talk of death but then death again can be due to many

reasons, it can be due to illness, or it can be due to say lethal

injection or hanging, or say a person dies of heart attack or for

whatever reason. Yes, natural death 8th house matters will be

linked to 3rd house. In any case for whatever the reason, for

timing of event we will focus on House B i.e 8th house and LoD and

LoE and power of planets in the 8th hosue to give timing of death in

antra. The MD will give the reason. If a person dies in MD of 11th

lord then it can be after long illness or say if MD is running is

linked to 2nd and 3rd say if Sa is 2nd and 3rd lord and Ra is SD to

Sa then in Rahu's md a person might die of some accident. Means

here Rahu annd itbeing SD to Sa is showing the reason.

But in all cases death will be in antra of highest points or LoD or

loE or planets in house D or e with more than 4 bindus.


I hope its clear now.


One more thing, please first verify birth time carefully, i.e. say

take 10 events and make sure it matches first. And then proceed to

make any prediction. Assuming a birth time is correct might not

always be right and if the birth time is wrong, no laws will match.


Just you see the chart solved for DP Singh. Also the chart of Queen

given by you. Make sure all other events are matching first. 1 or 2

minutes will change the lagna. In such cases make an effort to find

out all evnets are matching or not. All is not not easy and is very

time consuming however once u have confidence with a system u will

see a trend.


Yes for that u should have faith in the system.


Cheers !!!







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Dear JL,


I do not have enough free time to go deeply into your chart. Hardly have a time

to write on this list...


I could try if some specific thing you are concerned of. I asked for your data

regarding MD subject. As we talked on this list, MD is not strongly connected

with the results, because results are given by AD lords.


Presently you are in MD of Surya, karaka of 1st. Su is posited in the 6th. So,

health/job issues could be significant in this MD. And I would not exclude

possible problems in this connection as well in relationships.


Btw, did you have any problems regarding relationship from 1997 till now? If

you are not married, it could easily happen from 2008-2010.


all the best,





Jyotish Learner

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:50 AM

Re: Mahadashsa(Dadhi Sir.)



Dear Dadhi,


Can u detrmine some events past and some of future from from my Birth



Also as the subject of Mahadasha ia going , let me the sweet taste of




Date of Birth:17 June 1982.

Time of Birth:22:36pm

Place of Birth:Bombay , India.



Thanks in advance ,





Dadhi <denis.dumancic wrote:

What is your data JL?


all the best,






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Dear Dadhi,

I also feel that this person must be careful of sexually transmitted disease.

If he is not careful he might be afflicted with the same.

I think you will understand the reason.

Cheers !!!



Dadhi <denis.dumancic wrote:


Dear JL,


I do not have enough free time to go deeply into your chart. Hardly have a time

to write on this list...


I could try if some specific thing you are concerned of. I asked for your data

regarding MD subject. As we talked on this list, MD is not strongly connected

with the results, because results are given by AD lords.


Presently you are in MD of Surya, karaka of 1st. Su is posited in the 6th. So,

health/job issues could be significant in this MD. And I would not exclude

possible problems in this connection as well in relationships.


Btw, did you have any problems regarding relationship from 1997 till now? If you

are not married, it could easily happen from 2008-2010.


all the best,





Jyotish Learner


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:50 AM

Re: Mahadashsa(Dadhi Sir.)



Dear Dadhi,


Can u detrmine some events past and some of future from from my Birth Chart??


Also as the subject of Mahadasha ia going , let me the sweet taste of dasha??



Date of Birth:17 June 1982.

Time of Birth:22:36pm

Place of Birth:Bombay , India.



Thanks in advance ,





Dadhi wrote:

What is your data JL?


all the best,






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