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Horoscope of Sigmund Freud

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Recently, a magazine in Astrology has analysed the horoscope of

Sigmund Frued, who has given psycho analysis and such revolutionary

concepts like Id and Oedipus complex to the world.

In his chart, the Ascendant was rising in the cusp of Scorpio with

Mercury and Mars aspecting it from the 7th house.

The author of the column has analysed the chart mainly taking Libra

as the ascendant in view that the Lagna was falling in cusp. However,

I observe that we can well explain the professional life of the great

native even by taking Scorpio as the ascendant.


The birth details of Freud are as below:

Sigmund Freud


6th May, 1856 at 18.30 at Frieberg(germany)-49N38 , 18E09; Balance :

6 years 6 years 2 months 20 days of Mars dasa at birth



Scorpio is a sign of Animal instinct , indicating the Mooladhara

chakra, ie the baser feelings. Freud has not only worked greatly on

the aspect of base feelings, but also his acts of childhood bring

such base feelings sharply into focus, indicating the effect of

Scopio as an ascendant. He was finding security in tagging onto his

mother's skirt amore than what was normal for kids of his age and

once, he has urinated in his parents's room to lodge his resentment

against his father.

..I expected that Mercury and Moon will be in conjunction , as Moon

indicates Mind and Mercury, analysis. The same conjunction is indeed

there but it is not connected to the 10th house or Lord, which would

have happened if the ascendant were to be Libra. Yet, The 10th Lord

is in 6th indicating his profession as a doctor, planked by this

conjunction on one side and by Jupiter (indicating research) on the

other. Great name is indicated by the Sun being in exaltation and

in conjunction with Venus, it is connected with some sexual feelings

and with Rahu, a revolutionary in his profession. Interestingly,

Sun is found in Scorpio in Navamsa.

Truly, Freud had more interest in research than in practising as a

physician that he had delayed completion of his degree by three

years. This is supported by Saturn being in 8th house, which

indicates that the native would be interested in investigations


The effect of Scorpio as a mooladhara sign is so great on Freud that

he refuted all attempts to connect or interpret his contributions

either metaphysically or spiritually.

His reactions were always sharp- a trait that Mercury has given him-

whenever his disciples have brought up such discussions.

Ketu always creates vairagya in the native of the bhava he is

residing in and here, Ketu being in 12th house, has developed an

aversion for spirituality.

However, his disciples, including Carl Jung, did divert most of his

teachings into the metaphysical realm. I have tried to see the 5th

Lord/house connected with 8th House which is not found. On the other

hand, such deceptions also are indicated by Rahu being in 11th(as in

the cases of Osho Rajaneesh, NTR and Swamy Jayendra Saraswati)



Hope the members of the group, especially those members who read the

article in the mag discuss the chart more.


Kishore patnaik

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