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Digest Number 1707

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dear ash and others on this list


i would like to give birth details of a person here with reference to a likely

outcome of an event whose results are expected to be announced on 31st march

2006, a couple of weeks from now.


by doing this exercise i will also learn how to time an event with this

technique followed by the group.


these are the birth details of the person


29th May 1952

12pm (noon)

secunderabad, andhra pradesh, india (78 E 30 and 17 N 20) 5.30 E of GMT


i now look at the sav which totals 28 for cancer. and bav for planets are:

sun 4

moon 7

mars 4

merc 4

jup 3

venus 4

sat 2


its highest points for the moon posited in its own house cancer. but its also

the 12L in the 12H, lagna being simha.

some important events in her life


she has been a very bright student all through getting gold medals and topping

the state exams in pre-degree, degree and post degree.

marriage on 26th feb 1980

daughter born on 13 dec 1983

son born on 6th june 1986

husband has a history of heart problems

in govt service since the past 16 years

gets the best manager award consistently for the past 5 years without a break!

she won one just yesterday for year 2006!

in january this year the entire office is on bid. employees have also bid for

running the show on their own. there are other outside contenders for that


out of academic interest, using this system, i would like to test the outcome

of this specific event and see how it works.



what will the outcome be for her:

* will this person and her group win the bid and keep thier jobs

* will she have to move out to another department in the same city where she

lives now

* will she have to move out of the city on a new assignment in a new



as i have just started on this system i will appreciate guidance from people

who are more knowledgeable. it will be a good learning experience for me with

this event which result will be known in the next fortnight in any case.

i hope i have the good guidance from members of this group.


thanks and best wishes











Jiyo cricket on India cricket

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Dear Mahaluxmi,


If you want my opinion then one should have an organized approach to

understanding the technique and the first step in that direction would be to

start to download the lessons and start going through them. That u can get from

http://krushna.sageasita.com website of Donna.


Then take known charts whos birth time u are confident off and start to apply

what the technique to those charts and see if the events are matching. say you

have taken this chart and u know that this person is married on 26th Feb 1980.

Can you study the delay for this marraige using KAS and then using WS and

studying things like Ve in krittika etc can u narrow the event to the proper



Next event u gave is birth of child then is it matching as per Worksheet

(KAS2005 program).


Slowly slowly get confidence in the technique.


Then take charts ofcouse whose birth time u are confident off and say u dont

knwo the event of marriage or timing of it and u can find out. Take such a

chart where u go and time a marraige blindly. Then find out the real facts and

see if u are coming close. If not, we can solve such charts where finder thigns

can come up.


All this maybe a long process and a tedious one I may add, but it will be very

rewarding in the end.


Just for example in this chart u have given that this native received awards

and happiness during recent times. With a cursiory glance u can see that as per

Krushnas Ayanamsa she is running Guru antra. As per the Worksheet Guru has got

the hightest power for all 12 house.


Even u can say confidently (if the birth time is right) that she might have

more expenses than income during this antra and that can be due to purchase of

some assets like a home or car. i.e. since


Jupiter 2005-Feb-14 2006-Jun-16



Now you have also said that for past 5 years shes had good success with

authority. Now just study the antra for past years and see their powr for 10th



Rahu antra before that is in 7th house so its eager to give result for 10th

house as B. Guru has highest power for 12th. Its getting power form Moon who

is in 12th house with 7 bindus. So Guru controsl this moon and becomes strong

due to virtue of that. In Mo and Guru antra she will experience good results.



All this is the technique. She might have more of a spending trend.


Here DBCE (3:6:10:11) points from Sun are in rising trend. Again that is

showing something.



For learning KAS, my suggestion would be first to understand the technique

that u can get from the lessons and say in this case the marriage happened on


marriage on 26th feb 1980

daughter born on 13 dec 1983

son born on 6th june 1986

husband has a history of heart problems

Good success in Career in recent times.



Once well grounded in the technique u can solve blind charts.


So see if u can time these above events using KAS.


Take it one step at a time,


Hope that helps,


Cheers !!!



mahaluxmi iyer <astromahaluxmi wrote:

dear ash and others on this list


i would like to give birth details of a person here with reference to a likely

outcome of an event whose results are expected to be announced on 31st march

2006, a couple of weeks from now.


by doing this exercise i will also learn how to time an event with this

technique followed by the group.


these are the birth details of the person


29th May 1952

12pm (noon)

secunderabad, andhra pradesh, india (78 E 30 and 17 N 20) 5.30 E of GMT


i now look at the sav which totals 28 for cancer. and bav for planets are:

sun 4

moon 7

mars 4

merc 4

jup 3

venus 4

sat 2


its highest points for the moon posited in its own house cancer. but its also

the 12L in the 12H, lagna being simha.

some important events in her life


she has been a very bright student all through getting gold medals and topping

the state exams in pre-degree, degree and post degree.

marriage on 26th feb 1980

daughter born on 13 dec 1983

son born on 6th june 1986

husband has a history of heart problems

in govt service since the past 16 years

gets the best manager award consistently for the past 5 years without a break!

she won one just yesterday for year 2006!

in january this year the entire office is on bid. employees have also bid for

running the show on their own. there are other outside contenders for that


out of academic interest, using this system, i would like to test the outcome of

this specific event and see how it works.



what will the outcome be for her:

* will this person and her group win the bid and keep thier jobs

* will she have to move out to another department in the same city where she

lives now

* will she have to move out of the city on a new assignment in a new department.


as i have just started on this system i will appreciate guidance from people who

are more knowledgeable. it will be a good learning experience for me with this

event which result will be known in the next fortnight in any case.

i hope i have the good guidance from members of this group.


thanks and best wishes











Jiyo cricket on India cricket

Messenger Mobile Stay in touch with your buddies all the time.



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Dear Ash, Manoshi, Bala and list members,

I took this chart for my own learning purpose. The Asc I got is 11 Le 42. He

has given the events also. First I checked up the authenticity of birth time

blindly.In this chart Sun is weak with 11 points in 7th house but he got married

in Sun antara.Thus may we assume that his birth time is correct.If it is correct

I may proceed further. Of course Jup is strong in all houses and native is going

through Jup antar in his Mo MD.

Mo is karak for 5th house of recognition and occupies karaksthaan.Mo and Jup

both are strong for 5th house.Antar lord Jup is karak for 10th house of status

and authoity and Jup is strong for 10th house but Mo is weak with 10 points for

10th house.

Here if birth time is correct then AD lord Jup signifies 3H of communication

and effort, 8H of research work, 11H of gain and 12H of foreign land. Jup is

very strong with >30 points for all these houses.Therefore Jup will give best

results pertaining to these houses.

It is assumed that this native may get recognition or be awarded for her

research work in IT or communication field in foreign land. What is your opinion

Sir/ Madam.? Please guide me and show me the right path with your necessary

correction and guidance.Thanks and regards.

Ramesh Mishra


Ash <ashsam73 wrote:

Dear Mahaluxmi,


If you want my opinion then one should have an organized approach to

understanding the technique and the first step in that direction would be to

start to download the lessons and start going through them. That u can get from

http://krushna.sageasita.com website of Donna.


Then take known charts whos birth time u are confident off and start to apply

what the technique to those charts and see if the events are matching. say you

have taken this chart and u know that this person is married on 26th Feb 1980.

Can you study the delay for this marraige using KAS and then using WS and

studying things like Ve in krittika etc can u narrow the event to the proper



Next event u gave is birth of child then is it matching as per Worksheet

(KAS2005 program).


Slowly slowly get confidence in the technique.


Then take charts ofcouse whose birth time u are confident off and say u dont

knwo the event of marriage or timing of it and u can find out. Take such a

chart where u go and time a marraige blindly. Then find out the real facts and

see if u are coming close. If not, we can solve such charts where finder thigns

can come up.


All this maybe a long process and a tedious one I may add, but it will be very

rewarding in the end.


Just for example in this chart u have given that this native received awards

and happiness during recent times. With a cursiory glance u can see that as per

Krushnas Ayanamsa she is running Guru antra. As per the Worksheet Guru has got

the hightest power for all 12 house.


Even u can say confidently (if the birth time is right) that she might have

more expenses than income during this antra and that can be due to purchase of

some assets like a home or car. i.e. since


Jupiter 2005-Feb-14 2006-Jun-16



Now you have also said that for past 5 years shes had good success with

authority. Now just study the antra for past years and see their powr for 10th



Rahu antra before that is in 7th house so its eager to give result for 10th

house as B. Guru has highest power for 12th. Its getting power form Moon who

is in 12th house with 7 bindus. So Guru controsl this moon and becomes strong

due to virtue of that. In Mo and Guru antra she will experience good results.



All this is the technique. She might have more of a spending trend.


Here DBCE (3:6:10:11) points from Sun are in rising trend. Again that is

showing something.



For learning KAS, my suggestion would be first to understand the technique

that u can get from the lessons and say in this case the marriage happened on


marriage on 26th feb 1980

daughter born on 13 dec 1983

son born on 6th june 1986

husband has a history of heart problems

Good success in Career in recent times.



Once well grounded in the technique u can solve blind charts.


So see if u can time these above events using KAS.


Take it one step at a time,


Hope that helps,


Cheers !!!



mahaluxmi iyer <astromahaluxmi wrote:

dear ash and others on this list


i would like to give birth details of a person here with reference to a likely

outcome of an event whose results are expected to be announced on 31st march

2006, a couple of weeks from now.


by doing this exercise i will also learn how to time an event with this

technique followed by the group.


these are the birth details of the person


29th May 1952

12pm (noon)

secunderabad, andhra pradesh, india (78 E 30 and 17 N 20) 5.30 E of GMT


i now look at the sav which totals 28 for cancer. and bav for planets are:

sun 4

moon 7

mars 4

merc 4

jup 3

venus 4

sat 2


its highest points for the moon posited in its own house cancer. but its also

the 12L in the 12H, lagna being simha.

some important events in her life


she has been a very bright student all through getting gold medals and topping

the state exams in pre-degree, degree and post degree.

marriage on 26th feb 1980

daughter born on 13 dec 1983

son born on 6th june 1986

husband has a history of heart problems

in govt service since the past 16 years

gets the best manager award consistently for the past 5 years without a break!

she won one just yesterday for year 2006!

in january this year the entire office is on bid. employees have also bid for

running the show on their own. there are other outside contenders for that


out of academic interest, using this system, i would like to test the outcome of

this specific event and see how it works.



what will the outcome be for her:

* will this person and her group win the bid and keep thier jobs

* will she have to move out to another department in the same city where she

lives now

* will she have to move out of the city on a new assignment in a new department.


as i have just started on this system i will appreciate guidance from people who

are more knowledgeable. it will be a good learning experience for me with this

event which result will be known in the next fortnight in any case.

i hope i have the good guidance from members of this group.


thanks and best wishes











Jiyo cricket on India cricket

Messenger Mobile Stay in touch with your buddies all the time.



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