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Can effects of bad star position be removed?

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The stars or planets are the executives of the cycle of Samskaras,

karmas and their corresponding fruits, which are totally called as

cycle of deeds (karma charka). They are the executives of the

judgments given by the judge (Dharma deva), who follows the

constitution written by God. God never interferes with the executive

function of His own commandments as said in the Gita (Nadatte

kasyachit paapam). Shastras say that one has to undergo the results

of his deeds even after millions of Yugas (Kalpa koti satairapi).

This does not mean that the postponement of simple principle takes

place. The interest is accumulated by way of compounding. Therefore

scholars like to enjoy the results as early as possible. They never

pray God to cancel the judgment, which is impossible. By prayers or

certain rituals or by exhaustive crying before God, only

postponement of the enjoyment of the results along with the interest

takes place. Ignorant people misunderstand this postponement as

canceling. Therefore this fundamental aspect must be realized. When

the priests do certain rituals by taking some dakshina from you,

they are purchasing your punishment through your money. Therefore a

real Vedic scholar will never do the business of a priest because he

knows the whole concept. No real Vedic scholar accepts the dakshina

and even food from anybody, which are called as aparigraha and

vaishwadeva respectively. Sai Baba said that the breads offered by

the householders were theirs sins only. Eating that bread is only

enjoying the sin of others. Thus you find in our ancient tradition

when somebody offers meals in a function to others, others also

offer the same in their functions. The priest is earning his

livelihood by this way but is becoming more and more affected. The

priests are thinking that they are cheating the public but they are

cheating themselves by this way. It is better to do hard work and

earn the livelihood than such business of transfer of sin for money.


But if the whole ritual is transformed into a divine worship of God,

the story is totally different. The grace of God comes there and the

God may be pleased to reduce or remove the sin by enjoying it

Himself through a human form. Here also the justice is not violated.

The father pays the fine for his son. This is the only way of

removing the sin. Either it should be postponed with interest or it

should be sold to a priest or God Himself should enjoy it. In anyway

the result of the deed has to be enjoyed and it can never be

cancelled without enjoyment. But if you conduct the ritual as a

divine worship of God and give dakshina to a deserving devotee, then

the story is different. The devotee does not enjoy your sin. God

comes down in human form and enjoys your sin for the sake of that

devotee. Even in this case the results have to be enjoyed only.

Instead of selling your sin to a priest, it is better to sell your

sin to a devotee. God has the tolerance to enjoy the sin of His

devotee or the sin transferred to His devotee from you. But if you

do the ritual by worshipping God and offering dakshina to the

devotee, without the aim of removing your sins, the result is

tremendous. It is a real sacrifice without any aim of business. God

will undergo all your sins without any account since your sacrifice

is also without any account. Therefore you must remove this

poisonous idea of removing your sins through rituals by offering

dakshina to the priests or devotees. You must be prepared to undergo

the results of your sins and do the rituals with the same sacrifice

without aspiring any fruit. Then God will bless you.


You are trying to remove the problems but the problems are only your

real friends in the spiritual line. The constant existence of

problems will activate you and suppress your egoism creating a

favorable atmosphere for the devotion to God. The happiness will

make you proud and lazy and you will be deviated from the spiritual

line. Therefore scholars like to enjoy the problems, which are the

guiding forces in the spiritual line. Kunti asked for existence of

problems continuously as a boon from Krishna. The real tears will

come in misery only while praying the God. This human life is

obtained as rare chance after a long time of passing through several

lives of animals. Thus the animal nature is concentrated in us and

the constant presence of beating stick is necessary for us to grow

in the right spiritual path. Mere knowledge through words will not

bring realization. From this point also avoiding the enjoyment of

punishments is also not correct for the spiritual progress. The

realized soul invites difficulties for the sake of spiritual

progress. An ignorant soul tries to avoid the difficulties and

invites happiness by praying God. God brings back the results of

good deeds arranged in the future life cycles with reduced value

like a pre-matured deposit. By this the future cycle becomes full of

misery only. Sometimes we find people who are hit with misery from

birth to death. These were the people who pressed God for happiness

and their happiness of previous births was the fruits of good deeds

drawn from the present life cycle. God arranges every human life

with alternating fruits of good and bad deeds like meals with

alternating sweet and hot dishes.


A liberated soul invites both happiness and misery in alternating

way for full entertainment. The happiness derived from such

entertainment is continuous and is called as Ananda. Nanda means

happiness. The letter `A' before Nanda means continuity

(Aasamantaat). The word Sukham denotes happiness, which is always

temporary. It disappears when misery appears. But Ananda is

continuous happiness, if you can enjoy the misery also like a hot

dish. A spiritual aspirant who aims at the grace of God wants to

perform penance, which is a rigorous Saadhana. While doing penance

you create difficulties artificially by litting the fire around you.

This means spiritual aspirant wants continuous misery as the guiding

force. The happiness and richness induce egoism and inertness, which

are obstacles of spiritual Saadhana. You will wonder to hear the

special worship performed by Me sometime back in which I uttered the

Sankalpa which states that I should get severe difficulties and

poverty so that Jnana, Bhakti and Vairagya (spiritual knowledge,

devotion and detachment) will improve in Me. Thus if you are a

realized soul, you will invite difficulties as your spiritual guru.

If you are a liberated soul you will invite both for entertainment.

If you go to a picture, you like to see scenes of both happiness and

misery. When you take meals, you like both sweet and hot dishes.

Then why are you not inviting both misery and happiness in your life

for entertainment? The entire creation created by God for

entertainment is a mixture of day & night, summer & winter, birth &

death, happiness & misery etc. The equality in the entertainment of

both is called as Yoga according to the Gita (samatvam yoga uchyate).


at the lotus feet of shri datta swami



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Dear Surya


Neither you saw " God " nor your " past lives. "


You just read these lines somewhere in a book or internet and now preaching

us. I must have done some sin that i had to read your whole email to understand

your point.


Please before you send these kind of emails to other groups ask yourself these



1) What kind of sin you have done in your past lives that you had to born

again ?

2) Dont you think that its " sin " to preach people without even knowing the



Best Wishes




surya <dattapr2000 wrote:

The stars or planets are the executives of the cycle of Samskaras,

karmas and their corresponding fruits, which are totally called as

cycle of deeds (karma charka). They are the executives of the

judgments given by the judge (Dharma deva), who follows the

constitution written by God. God never interferes with the executive

function of His own commandments as said in the Gita (Nadatte

kasyachit paapam). Shastras say that one has to undergo the results

of his deeds even after millions of Yugas (Kalpa koti satairapi).

This does not mean that the postponement of simple principle takes

place. The interest is accumulated by way of compounding. Therefore

scholars like to enjoy the results as early as possible. They never

pray God to cancel the judgment, which is impossible. By prayers or

certain rituals or by exhaustive crying before God, only

postponement of the enjoyment of the results along with the interest

takes place. Ignorant people misunderstand this postponement as

canceling. Therefore this fundamental aspect must be realized. When

the priests do certain rituals by taking some dakshina from you,

they are purchasing your punishment through your money. Therefore a

real Vedic scholar will never do the business of a priest because he

knows the whole concept. No real Vedic scholar accepts the dakshina

and even food from anybody, which are called as aparigraha and

vaishwadeva respectively. Sai Baba said that the breads offered by

the householders were theirs sins only. Eating that bread is only

enjoying the sin of others. Thus you find in our ancient tradition

when somebody offers meals in a function to others, others also

offer the same in their functions. The priest is earning his

livelihood by this way but is becoming more and more affected. The

priests are thinking that they are cheating the public but they are

cheating themselves by this way. It is better to do hard work and

earn the livelihood than such business of transfer of sin for money.


But if the whole ritual is transformed into a divine worship of God,

the story is totally different. The grace of God comes there and the

God may be pleased to reduce or remove the sin by enjoying it

Himself through a human form. Here also the justice is not violated.

The father pays the fine for his son. This is the only way of

removing the sin. Either it should be postponed with interest or it

should be sold to a priest or God Himself should enjoy it. In anyway

the result of the deed has to be enjoyed and it can never be

cancelled without enjoyment. But if you conduct the ritual as a

divine worship of God and give dakshina to a deserving devotee, then

the story is different. The devotee does not enjoy your sin. God

comes down in human form and enjoys your sin for the sake of that

devotee. Even in this case the results have to be enjoyed only.

Instead of selling your sin to a priest, it is better to sell your

sin to a devotee. God has the tolerance to enjoy the sin of His

devotee or the sin transferred to His devotee from you. But if you

do the ritual by worshipping God and offering dakshina to the

devotee, without the aim of removing your sins, the result is

tremendous. It is a real sacrifice without any aim of business. God

will undergo all your sins without any account since your sacrifice

is also without any account. Therefore you must remove this

poisonous idea of removing your sins through rituals by offering

dakshina to the priests or devotees. You must be prepared to undergo

the results of your sins and do the rituals with the same sacrifice

without aspiring any fruit. Then God will bless you.


You are trying to remove the problems but the problems are only your

real friends in the spiritual line. The constant existence of

problems will activate you and suppress your egoism creating a

favorable atmosphere for the devotion to God. The happiness will

make you proud and lazy and you will be deviated from the spiritual

line. Therefore scholars like to enjoy the problems, which are the

guiding forces in the spiritual line. Kunti asked for existence of

problems continuously as a boon from Krishna. The real tears will

come in misery only while praying the God. This human life is

obtained as rare chance after a long time of passing through several

lives of animals. Thus the animal nature is concentrated in us and

the constant presence of beating stick is necessary for us to grow

in the right spiritual path. Mere knowledge through words will not

bring realization. From this point also avoiding the enjoyment of

punishments is also not correct for the spiritual progress. The

realized soul invites difficulties for the sake of spiritual

progress. An ignorant soul tries to avoid the difficulties and

invites happiness by praying God. God brings back the results of

good deeds arranged in the future life cycles with reduced value

like a pre-matured deposit. By this the future cycle becomes full of

misery only. Sometimes we find people who are hit with misery from

birth to death. These were the people who pressed God for happiness

and their happiness of previous births was the fruits of good deeds

drawn from the present life cycle. God arranges every human life

with alternating fruits of good and bad deeds like meals with

alternating sweet and hot dishes.


A liberated soul invites both happiness and misery in alternating

way for full entertainment. The happiness derived from such

entertainment is continuous and is called as Ananda. Nanda means

happiness. The letter `A' before Nanda means continuity

(Aasamantaat). The word Sukham denotes happiness, which is always

temporary. It disappears when misery appears. But Ananda is

continuous happiness, if you can enjoy the misery also like a hot

dish. A spiritual aspirant who aims at the grace of God wants to

perform penance, which is a rigorous Saadhana. While doing penance

you create difficulties artificially by litting the fire around you.

This means spiritual aspirant wants continuous misery as the guiding

force. The happiness and richness induce egoism and inertness, which

are obstacles of spiritual Saadhana. You will wonder to hear the

special worship performed by Me sometime back in which I uttered the

Sankalpa which states that I should get severe difficulties and

poverty so that Jnana, Bhakti and Vairagya (spiritual knowledge,

devotion and detachment) will improve in Me. Thus if you are a

realized soul, you will invite difficulties as your spiritual guru.

If you are a liberated soul you will invite both for entertainment.

If you go to a picture, you like to see scenes of both happiness and

misery. When you take meals, you like both sweet and hot dishes.

Then why are you not inviting both misery and happiness in your life

for entertainment? The entire creation created by God for

entertainment is a mixture of day & night, summer & winter, birth &

death, happiness & misery etc. The equality in the entertainment of

both is called as Yoga according to the Gita (samatvam yoga uchyate).


at the lotus feet of shri datta swami








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dear friend


i am a disciple of Satguru and this is His preaching. I have not

picked it from internet or any book as you thought. I feel it is a

great opportunity for me to serve my Satguru. First of all, it is

gross mis-interpretation from your side. I am only propagating the

word of my Satguru and not preaching my own knowledge. I felt very

sorry for one thing. you could not understand by the content itself

that it is not normal.


Sankara says that human birth is almost impossible (Jantunaam Nara

Janma Durlabhamidam). Sankara was the incarnation of Siva and so

what He told is authoritative. so human birth is very rare and is

meant for Spiritual Effort to please the Lord and get His complete

grace. but not for firing others.


People say that it is the sin of the previous birth whenever they

are in the trouble. They pose as if they are very pure in this life

from their birth. When a person dies immediately his sons write

letters to others that their father has gone to heaven. Actually

after death, the soul will be enquired in the `Pretaloka' for ten

days and then only he will be sent to hell for his bad deeds and to

heaven for the good deeds and to `Pitruloka' for mixed deeds. If the

soul has straightly gone to heaven, why his sons are donating cow

(Godana), which is meant for crossing the Vaitarini River, which is

before the hell? Infact the soul is not enjoying the results of the

previous deeds.


When the soul leaves this body, it goes to hell and is washed

severely like a cloth. The entire dirt goes but a little dirt

remains in the soul, which is called as Karma Sesha. The Karma Sesha

means again all the qualities of the soul with least intensity. When

the soul comes back to this world these qualities are again grown in

this atmosphere of earth. The soul again goes to hell for severe

wash. Like this the cycle repeats. When the soul comes to this earth

from the hell, it does works according to the Karma Sesha only i.e.,

the previous qualities. In that sense the Karma Sesha is responsible

for all the works on this earth. These works again intensify the

Karma Sesha. Buddhi (Karma Sesha) produces Karma (action) and Karma

intensifies the Buddhi. When the soul comes here there is no result

to be enjoyed in this world.


A thief was severely beaten in the police station and was left. When

the thief comes out of the police station his quality to steal is

very very weak. But within a short time due to the association of

the other thieves in the world he becomes the original thief and is

again beaten in the police station. Therefore when the thief comes

out of the police station there is no punishment that remains with

him. Similarly when the soul is born there is no punishment that

remains with the soul. The only thing that remains with the soul is

the Karma Sesha, which is a very weak quality to steal. This Karma

Sesha is called Sanchita and is also called as the writing of Brahma

on the forehead. This guides the future action of the soul in this

world. The birth of the soul is according to the nature of this

Karma Sesha only, which is called Prarabdha. The actions in this

world produce strength to the Karma Sesha and such strength is

called Aagami. All this is related to the souls and the world, which

is based on the ignorance and the blind attraction of the family

bonds. The Lord has nothing to do with this.


at the lotus feet of shri datta swami





Prathamesn Chawan <upaoakcrest wrote:

> Dear Surya

> Neither you saw " God " nor your " past lives. "

> You just read these lines somewhere in a book or internet and

now preaching us. I must have done some sin that i had to read your

whole email to understand your point.

> Please before you send these kind of emails to other groups ask

yourself these question.

> 1) What kind of sin you have done in your past lives that you

had to born again ?

> 2) Dont you think that its " sin " to preach people without even

knowing the truth.


> Best Wishes

> Jagdish

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Dear Surya, Jagdish and Kumar,

This group is meant for learning KAS.

Lets us not loose the objective of the list.

Cheers !!!


(Wearing my moderator hat).


, " surya "

<dattapr2000 wrote:


> dear friend


> i am a disciple of Satguru and this is His preaching. I have not

> picked it from internet or any book as you thought. I feel it is a

> great opportunity for me to serve my Satguru. First of all, it is

> gross mis-interpretation from your side. I am only propagating the

> word of my Satguru and not preaching my own knowledge. I felt very

> sorry for one thing. you could not understand by the content


> that it is not normal.


> Sankara says that human birth is almost impossible (Jantunaam Nara

> Janma Durlabhamidam). Sankara was the incarnation of Siva and so

> what He told is authoritative. so human birth is very rare and is

> meant for Spiritual Effort to please the Lord and get His complete

> grace. but not for firing others.


> People say that it is the sin of the previous birth whenever they

> are in the trouble. They pose as if they are very pure in this


> from their birth. When a person dies immediately his sons write

> letters to others that their father has gone to heaven. Actually

> after death, the soul will be enquired in the `Pretaloka' for ten

> days and then only he will be sent to hell for his bad deeds and


> heaven for the good deeds and to `Pitruloka' for mixed deeds. If


> soul has straightly gone to heaven, why his sons are donating cow

> (Godana), which is meant for crossing the Vaitarini River, which


> before the hell? Infact the soul is not enjoying the results of


> previous deeds.


> When the soul leaves this body, it goes to hell and is washed

> severely like a cloth. The entire dirt goes but a little dirt

> remains in the soul, which is called as Karma Sesha. The Karma


> means again all the qualities of the soul with least intensity.


> the soul comes back to this world these qualities are again grown


> this atmosphere of earth. The soul again goes to hell for severe

> wash. Like this the cycle repeats. When the soul comes to this


> from the hell, it does works according to the Karma Sesha only


> the previous qualities. In that sense the Karma Sesha is


> for all the works on this earth. These works again intensify the

> Karma Sesha. Buddhi (Karma Sesha) produces Karma (action) and


> intensifies the Buddhi. When the soul comes here there is no


> to be enjoyed in this world.


> A thief was severely beaten in the police station and was left.


> the thief comes out of the police station his quality to steal is

> very very weak. But within a short time due to the association of

> the other thieves in the world he becomes the original thief and


> again beaten in the police station. Therefore when the thief comes

> out of the police station there is no punishment that remains with

> him. Similarly when the soul is born there is no punishment that

> remains with the soul. The only thing that remains with the soul


> the Karma Sesha, which is a very weak quality to steal. This Karma

> Sesha is called Sanchita and is also called as the writing of


> on the forehead. This guides the future action of the soul in this

> world. The birth of the soul is according to the nature of this

> Karma Sesha only, which is called Prarabdha. The actions in this

> world produce strength to the Karma Sesha and such strength is

> called Aagami. All this is related to the souls and the world,


> is based on the ignorance and the blind attraction of the family

> bonds. The Lord has nothing to do with this.


> at the lotus feet of shri datta swami

> surya

> www.universal-spirituality.org



> Prathamesn Chawan <upaoakcrest@> wrote:

> > Dear Surya

> > Neither you saw " God " nor your " past lives. "

> > You just read these lines somewhere in a book or internet and

> now preaching us. I must have done some sin that i had to read


> whole email to understand your point.

> > Please before you send these kind of emails to other groups


> yourself these question.

> > 1) What kind of sin you have done in your past lives that you

> had to born again ?

> > 2) Dont you think that its " sin " to preach people without even

> knowing the truth.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Jagdish


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