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[Off topic] Will she marry her boy friend?

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Dear Guru Rayudu,


I understand we dwell in Guru Krushna Jugalkalini list and techniques, and I

am very proud and honored to read all members delineations and explanations

(which I find many times hard to understand -and which remind me to read

Margarita French more regularly the translations of the KAS lessons-).


KAY is now my reference ayanamsha (I once though Babylonian ayanamsha was

the right one, with alpherg in polar longitude), since I have understood its

deep historical basis (as it is stated in the Surya Siddhanta, I now

believe -polar position of Spica, even with some difference: but it is

Traditional, we can not deny it, even if it is rejected by the many



However, given your profound experience and mastery in Traditional jyotish

(such as Parashara), I would be glad to read your understandings of these

charts. (If it against the rules of the list to use different methods than

Krushna's techniques - which I will fully understand and agree with, would

you mind to write to me off list some your main analysis to these charts?)


I have the unmerited privilege to study under the guidance of Mrs La Motte

Saint Pierre since few days (she already guided me in few charts, and I am

deeply grateful to her for this privilege), who has learned from a guru who

studied in India, and is very generous of herself. She guided me toward B.V.

Raman writings, believing it is the best beginning and thorough books.


She doesn't know of yours' yet. But she has the highest respect for any

people who follows or respects Guru Raman teachings. So I feel confident

with your traditional delineations. I offered her Kala software from Ernst

Wilhelm, since she is diabetic and need to rest her sick eyes (we know

diabete has consequences on sight - she had already lost temporily her sight

once, as my mother did, before she died). So, this, make me believe these

wowen are the most wonderful ladies one can meet and take example on. We,

living beings, may find in our path in their deep will to survive.


So, I am proud to read her writings, whatever she writes, as a jyotishi or

as a deep and wonderful sensible human being, as I was to wear clothes my

mother made. So much strength is found in these people!


As some people did here, I feel I now begin to learn the true meaning of

life: giving freely and totally ourself to our fellow human being friends. I

wish Jyotish will be a part of the Divine Creation I will use to be a useful

part of mankind, at some point.


(I have the unmerited chance to have a long lasting job -which make me

independant, and with a legacy from my father, secured for my retirement-).


But I deeply need the guidance of the people who have mastered the Divine

Art and wish to give their mastered wisdom to the humankind. I wish I could

be some (little) part of this future (life was so generous to me in some



More than a vocation (even with a Lutheran understanding -a calling from

God-), Jyotishy is the gift we receive from God and provide graciously (as

He does daily in our life) our fellows. A profound responsibility is then

required. The humankind may receives his call from our understandings of the

Heavens. We then must humiliate ourself before God (as Luther once said) and

rise our fellow men to the highest level one can reach.


I feel so unprepared before such an achievement, I wish one would guide me.


Guru Krushna's teachings are also deep rooted in Tradition (can we have any

doubt about that?), when one understands the meanings of astrological

symbolism, but it sometimes appears more difficult to grasp. It has proven

to be very efficiant every time, however, even with the most simple

application of KAS.


It is sad Guru Krushna couldn't gather all the teachings of his former guru.

It is a lost for our Divine science. But given what he provided us, we also

must make sure it will be promoted with more " traditional " teachings, making

KAS a basic technique of Jyotish, as it must be.



Waiting for your deep understanding of usual Traditonal Teaching,

May you receive my best regards,

François Carrière


Friday, July 14, 2006 10:29 PM [GMT+1=CET],

Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu <pvrrayudu écrivit:


> Dear Ramesh, (Ash, Gita & others)

> Thank you very much for sparing your time and excellent analysis.

> From your analysis I understand that their marriage may not happen

> since the timings are entirely different and too far.

> Saturn being retrograde, in girl's chart, may force the event

> superceding the Jupiter delay, two zeros etc ( please see below copy

> of Ash's mail). Also Saturn has 16 points in WS for 7th and is SD to

> Venus who has 17 points and LoD and who may push Saturn to give

> result. AD Saturn would give the result of 4th house from its

> placement, which is the 7th house. As such, the timing may not go

> upto ADKetu and AD Saturn may give the marriage. If so, then the

> timing for both may fall nearer. Hope you have seen Gita's mail and

> Gita overlapped the charts and said that there is lot of attraction

> between them, she promised to analyze the charts also for timing and

> let us see what she says. They may not listen to elders also due to

> the position of 1st & 9th lords. I may be wrong in my understanding.

> I am not claiming that this marriage would happen. We are just

> discussing or rather exchanging our knowledge or ignorance. After all

> we are learning and we should not bother if we make

> mistakes in our understanding. Shri Krushnaji, Ash or somebody who

> knows better would help us. Also the marriage may be fixed earlier

> though the actual marriage may take place later due to the Muhurthas

> problem.

> In boy's chart also the marriage may be fixed in AD Sun being in D

> & having highest points of 21 in WS for 7th, though actually may

> happen later.

> Please muse over these points at your leisure.

> Blessings

> Pemmaraju VR Rayudu

> 15 July 2006



> ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002 wrote: Dear Ash

> , Gita, Rayudu Sir and list members,

> Love affair and love marriage is two different things. It is not

> necessary that every affairs lead to marriage. According to lesson

> 14, houses 2,5 and 10 must associate with houses 4 and 12 and these

> indications are present in both the charts. But the affair will lead

> to marriage we should check up the involvement of 6th lord and aspect

> of Mar, Sat on Ve also. If Ve is aspected by Mar and/or Sat, the

> affair may lead to marriage but there is extra marital relationship

> also. On the basis of lesson let us examine both the charts.


> Girl chart- In her chart Sixth lord is Jup in his own house and

> aspects malefically 10th house, 12th house/ lord and 2nd house/ lord

> . This Jup is spoiled due libra navamsa and aspects 7th lord too.

> Both the luminaries are aspected by Sat. This combination may lead to

> heartbreakning love affair..


> Her marriage date- There is no delay by Sa but delay is present due

> to Jup. Jup is in Libra. There is two zero in SAV chart. Four planets

> are below 12 points for 7th house in WS. According to me her marriage

> is expected during Ke antara sometime between May/ 2010 to Jul/2010.

> Ke is SD to Sa and Sa is powerful and posited in house D.


> Now let us examine the chart of her boy friend. His chart also shows

> love affairs. But the difference is that his Ve is aspected by Sa ,

> Ra and Ma. It means he may have more relationship with opp.sex.His Ma

> is malefic in 7th house and exchanged the house between 4th and 7th

> house.There is more chance of break in marriage.The native is manglik

> whereas girl is non-manglik. His 6th lord is Me who is in 10th place

> from Ju ( 6th lord of girl friend ). Both the planets have equal

> value of 5 bindus. In his chart also Ju aspects 10th house, 12th

> house and 2nd house with malefic sight. Jup aspects 5th house in

> navamsa also.

> His SAV point in lagna is 35 with respect to 21 in 7th house.

> His marriage is indicated in Nov/ 2006 in Ma antara. There is no zero

> in SAV chart.

> Conclusion

> Based on the above facts I came to the conclusion that this girl is

> interested marrying this boy but the boy may not marry her. He might

> have more relationship with others also.

> Thanks and regards.

> Ramesh Mishra


> kaslearner <kaslearner wrote: I would be very helpful for

> our learning if you could post the birth

> details.


> Thanks

> Gita


> , " sgupta2269 "

> <sgupta2269 wrote:


>> Funny you found this message. I was thinking about this case just

>> today!


>> The couple in this old conversation did not get together. Since

>> then, the woman has married her boyfriend and now has a child with

>> him.


>> SG


>> , " ashsam73 "

>> <ashsam73@> wrote:


>>> Dear Pemmaraju and Gita,


>>> Maybe you guys have read this post but if not .. it will help.



> /message/1700


>>> Cheers !!!

>>> Ash



>>> , " kaslearner "

>>> <kaslearner@> wrote:


>>>> Rayaduji,


>>>> I dont have the charts on hand. I will look at it later. May

> be a

>>>> typo in point 5. I can't say whether marriage will happen or not

>>>> with certainity. May be we can time marriage for both individually

> and

>>>> match to see if it is around the same date.


>>>> When such strong combinations exist,the couple will be

> strongly

>>>> attracted to each other. So it might be difficult for the parents

>>>> to convince the girl to marry someone else unless otherwise by

> force

>>>> (like the previous chart you discussed). Also even if they get

>>>> separated, there is a strong chance that they will get back

>>> together.

>>>> This is my understanding from discussions with Ash.


>>>> There are also some other combinations like Jupiter in Libra in

>>>> both charts, etc. for compatibility analysis (followed by KAS) but

> not

>>>> listed anywhere. We could list all the points for

> compatability

>>>> analysis in a seperate post/lesson for future reference.



>>>> Regards

>>>> -Gita


>>>> , " Pemmaraju

> V.R.

>>>> Rayudu " <pvrrayudu@> wrote:


>>>>> Thanks Gita for sparing your time. I have yet to grasp this..

>>>>> I suppose in lagna over lagna rasi , No 5. is Moon ( male) and

>>>>> Sun ( female) aspect each other. Am I wrong? So the compatibility

>>>>> is OK, but marriage may or may not

>>> happen.

>>>> How to check whether this marriage would happen or not as per KAS

>>>> and if happens when.?

>>>>> Blessings

>>>>> Pemmaraju VR Rayudu

>>>>> 13 July 2006



>>>>> kaslearner <kaslearner@> wrote: Dear Rayaduji and

>> group,


>>>>> Here's the compatibility analysis of this couple:


>>>>> Lagna over Lagna - Rasi Chart:


>>>>> 1) Rahu (male) conjoins Venus (female)

>>>>> 2) Rahu (male) aspects Mars (female)

>>>>> 3) Saturn (male) aspects Mars (female)

>>>>> 4) Mars (female) conjoins Venus (male)

>>>>> 5) Moon (female) and Sun (male) aspect each other (This is to

>>>>> check close friendship)


>>>>> Lagna over Lagna - Navamsa Chart:


>>>>> 1) Saturn (male) aspects Mars (female)

>>>>> 2) Rahu (male) aspects Venus (female)

>>>>> 3) Mars (female) conjoins Venus (male)

>>>>> 4) Mars (male) conjoins Venus (female)


>>>>> Sign over Sign - Rasi Chart:


>>>>> 1) Rahu (male) aspect Venus (female)

>>>>> 2) Mars (female) aspect Venus (male)

>>>>> 3) Sun - Moon are conjoined


>>>>> Sign over Sign - Navamsa Chart:


>>>>> 1) Rahu (male) aspects Male (female)


>>>>> Looking at the strong combinations above, I would say it be best

>>>>> if the two marry each other (ofcourse given that the birth data

> is

>>>>> accurate).


>>>>> I have not looked at timing and other factors like nature of

>>> venus,

>>>>> jupiter, etc. I will wait for others to analyse and give their

>>>>> views.


>>>>> Regards

>>>>> Gita


>>>>> , " Pemmaraju

>> V.R.

>>>>> Rayudu " <pvrrayudu@> wrote:


>>>>>> Will she marry her boy friend?


>>>>>> Dear Ash, Ramesh, Gita, Bala and other list members,


>>>>>> Girl: DoB 21 April 1984, 11:30 hrs, PoB Guntur, AP, India 16N10,

>>>>>> 80E27 Boy friend: DoB 7 May 1978, 00:15 hrs, PoB Vijayawada, AP,

>>>>>> India 16N31, 80E37


>>>>>> The girl's lagna comes to Cancer 1 deg 45'. The father

> says

>>> the

>>>>> time is correct. So I have taken Cancer lagna only.



>>>>>> The girl is doing her M.S, in USA. The boy is working in


>>> as

>>>>> Computer engineer.

>>>>>> The girl has one elder brother and younger sister. Her

> father

>>> is

>>>>> very rich business man with high political influences and

> high

>>>>> status. The boy's family is of low status. She wants to marry him.

>>>>> Obviously the parents do not like it and they want to get

> her

>>>>> married into a high status family. I do not know any more

>>> details

>>>>> about the boy and the girl.


>>>>>> In girl chart, I think there is Jupiter delay upto 18 Nov

>>> 2007.

>>>>> She runs Moon MD- Saturn AD from 14 Dec 2006 to 14 July 2008.

>>>>> There are two zeros in SAV for Mars in 9th & Saturn in 12th.

>>>>> Saturn has 16 points in WS for 7th & SD to Venus who has 17

>>>>> points &

> LoD.

>>> 1st

>>>> &

>>>>> 9th lords are in 1:1 in Rasi & in 2:12 in navamsa, not in 5:9. The

>>>>> lords of Lagna, Moon, Sun and their 7th lords are in 3:11, 5:9,

>>>>> 5:9 in Rasi and 6:8, 4:10, & 4:10 in navamsa. Jupiter is in Libra

>>>>> in navamsa.


>>>>>> In boy's chart, I think there is Jupiter delay. Jupiter is

> in

>>>>> Saturn sign in navamsa. No zeros in SAV. He runs Moon MD- Sun AD

>>>>> from 11 April 2004 to 10 Oct 2006 and afterwards Mars MD- Mars AD

>>>>> upto 7 March 2007. Sun has 21 points in WS for 7th, Mars has

> 20

>>>>> points & LoD. 1st & 9th lords are in 6:8 in Rasi and 2:12 in

>>>>> navamsa. The lords of lagna, Moon, Sun are in 5:9, 3:11, 3:11 in

>>>>> Rashi and in 1:7, 3:11, 1:7 in navamsa.


>>>>>> The girl's Mars and the boy's Venus aspect each other. The

>>>>> girl's Saturn aspects the boy's Mars.


>>>>>> I really do not know how to check whether she would marry

> her

>>>>> boy friend as per KAS. I could not come to any conclusion

>>> whether

>>>>> the girl would marry her boy friend, if so when, or forget about

>>>>> him and listen to her parents and marry their choice.


>>>>>> I request you to please spare your precious time and tell

>>>>> whether she would marry her boy friend and if so when.


>>>>>> Blessings


>>>>>> Pemmaraju VR Rayudu


>>>>>> 12 July 2006



>>>>>> " Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu "

>>>>>> PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management &

> French)

>>>>>> International Consultant & Researcher- Astrology

>>>>>> Former Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India

>>>>>> 67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,

>>>>>> Phone: +91-040-24530210 & Mobile 9347844971

>>>>>> Email: pvrrayudu@: pvrrayudu@; pvrrayudu@

>>>>>> Web: http://www.rayuduastrology.com




>>>>>> Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail Beta.



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Guest guest

Thank you Francois for your mail.

I am not a teacher. I am a researcher. Please be patient and learn the

fundamentals of vedic astrology thoroughly and later the KAS also. I am sure

where there is a will there is a way. These are Divine Sciences and the secrets

are not known so easily.It would take a life time or even next life to

understand what it is this life and what are these cosmic secrets..One should

have a principled ,disciplined & righteous life pattern with " Sattvic " nature

not running after material pleasures and desires.Ofcourse this desire to go

after Astrology is not considered as " Rajasik ( restless) or " Tamasik (

aggresive or dull)nature as this is Vedanga ,the end part of Vedas and itself

Divine as we think of Grahas ( planets) daily while studying horoscopes since

Grahas are the lowest part of the Divine Cosmic Hierachy and the Three

Trinities, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Maheswara are the highest, as per

our Hindu System.Sorry if this is too much for your inderstanding.

Anyway, may I know who are you male/female, where are you and what is your



Pemmaraju VR Rayudu





FRANCOIS CARRIERE <shaula001 wrote:

Dear Guru Rayudu,


I understand we dwell in Guru Krushna Jugalkalini list and techniques, and I

am very proud and honored to read all members delineations and explanations

(which I find many times hard to understand -and which remind me to read

Margarita French more regularly the translations of the KAS lessons-).


KAY is now my reference ayanamsha (I once though Babylonian ayanamsha was

the right one, with alpherg in polar longitude), since I have understood its

deep historical basis (as it is stated in the Surya Siddhanta, I now

believe -polar position of Spica, even with some difference: but it is

Traditional, we can not deny it, even if it is rejected by the many



However, given your profound experience and mastery in Traditional jyotish

(such as Parashara), I would be glad to read your understandings of these

charts. (If it against the rules of the list to use different methods than

Krushna's techniques - which I will fully understand and agree with, would

you mind to write to me off list some your main analysis to these charts?)


I have the unmerited privilege to study under the guidance of Mrs La Motte

Saint Pierre since few days (she already guided me in few charts, and I am

deeply grateful to her for this privilege), who has learned from a guru who

studied in India, and is very generous of herself. She guided me toward B.V.

Raman writings, believing it is the best beginning and thorough books.


She doesn't know of yours' yet. But she has the highest respect for any

people who follows or respects Guru Raman teachings. So I feel confident

with your traditional delineations. I offered her Kala software from Ernst

Wilhelm, since she is diabetic and need to rest her sick eyes (we know

diabete has consequences on sight - she had already lost temporily her sight

once, as my mother did, before she died). So, this, make me believe these

wowen are the most wonderful ladies one can meet and take example on. We,

living beings, may find in our path in their deep will to survive.


So, I am proud to read her writings, whatever she writes, as a jyotishi or

as a deep and wonderful sensible human being, as I was to wear clothes my

mother made. So much strength is found in these people!


As some people did here, I feel I now begin to learn the true meaning of

life: giving freely and totally ourself to our fellow human being friends. I

wish Jyotish will be a part of the Divine Creation I will use to be a useful

part of mankind, at some point.


(I have the unmerited chance to have a long lasting job -which make me

independant, and with a legacy from my father, secured for my retirement-).


But I deeply need the guidance of the people who have mastered the Divine

Art and wish to give their mastered wisdom to the humankind. I wish I could

be some (little) part of this future (life was so generous to me in some



More than a vocation (even with a Lutheran understanding -a calling from

God-), Jyotishy is the gift we receive from God and provide graciously (as

He does daily in our life) our fellows. A profound responsibility is then

required. The humankind may receives his call from our understandings of the

Heavens. We then must humiliate ourself before God (as Luther once said) and

rise our fellow men to the highest level one can reach.


I feel so unprepared before such an achievement, I wish one would guide me.


Guru Krushna's teachings are also deep rooted in Tradition (can we have any

doubt about that?), when one understands the meanings of astrological

symbolism, but it sometimes appears more difficult to grasp. It has proven

to be very efficiant every time, however, even with the most simple

application of KAS.


It is sad Guru Krushna couldn't gather all the teachings of his former guru.

It is a lost for our Divine science. But given what he provided us, we also

must make sure it will be promoted with more " traditional " teachings, making

KAS a basic technique of Jyotish, as it must be.



Waiting for your deep understanding of usual Traditonal Teaching,

May you receive my best regards,

François Carrière


Friday, July 14, 2006 10:29 PM [GMT+1=CET],

Pemmaraju V.R. Rayudu <pvrrayudu écrivit:


> Dear Ramesh, (Ash, Gita & others)

> Thank you very much for sparing your time and excellent analysis.

> From your analysis I understand that their marriage may not happen

> since the timings are entirely different and too far.

> Saturn being retrograde, in girl's chart, may force the event

> superceding the Jupiter delay, two zeros etc ( please see below copy

> of Ash's mail). Also Saturn has 16 points in WS for 7th and is SD to

> Venus who has 17 points and LoD and who may push Saturn to give

> result. AD Saturn would give the result of 4th house from its

> placement, which is the 7th house. As such, the timing may not go

> upto ADKetu and AD Saturn may give the marriage. If so, then the

> timing for both may fall nearer. Hope you have seen Gita's mail and

> Gita overlapped the charts and said that there is lot of attraction

> between them, she promised to analyze the charts also for timing and

> let us see what she says. They may not listen to elders also due to

> the position of 1st & 9th lords. I may be wrong in my understanding.

> I am not claiming that this marriage would happen. We are just

> discussing or rather exchanging our knowledge or ignorance. After all

> we are learning and we should not bother if we make

> mistakes in our understanding. Shri Krushnaji, Ash or somebody who

> knows better would help us. Also the marriage may be fixed earlier

> though the actual marriage may take place later due to the Muhurthas

> problem.

> In boy's chart also the marriage may be fixed in AD Sun being in D

> & having highest points of 21 in WS for 7th, though actually may

> happen later.

> Please muse over these points at your leisure.

> Blessings

> Pemmaraju VR Rayudu

> 15 July 2006



> ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002 wrote: Dear Ash

> , Gita, Rayudu Sir and list members,

> Love affair and love marriage is two different things. It is not

> necessary that every affairs lead to marriage. According to lesson

> 14, houses 2,5 and 10 must associate with houses 4 and 12 and these

> indications are present in both the charts. But the affair will lead

> to marriage we should check up the involvement of 6th lord and aspect

> of Mar, Sat on Ve also. If Ve is aspected by Mar and/or Sat, the

> affair may lead to marriage but there is extra marital relationship

> also. On the basis of lesson let us examine both the charts.


> Girl chart- In her chart Sixth lord is Jup in his own house and

> aspects malefically 10th house, 12th house/ lord and 2nd house/ lord

> . This Jup is spoiled due libra navamsa and aspects 7th lord too.

> Both the luminaries are aspected by Sat. This combination may lead to

> heartbreakning love affair..


> Her marriage date- There is no delay by Sa but delay is present due

> to Jup. Jup is in Libra. There is two zero in SAV chart. Four planets

> are below 12 points for 7th house in WS. According to me her marriage

> is expected during Ke antara sometime between May/ 2010 to Jul/2010.

> Ke is SD to Sa and Sa is powerful and posited in house D.


> Now let us examine the chart of her boy friend. His chart also shows

> love affairs. But the difference is that his Ve is aspected by Sa ,

> Ra and Ma. It means he may have more relationship with opp.sex.His Ma

> is malefic in 7th house and exchanged the house between 4th and 7th

> house.There is more chance of break in marriage.The native is manglik

> whereas girl is non-manglik. His 6th lord is Me who is in 10th place

> from Ju ( 6th lord of girl friend ). Both the planets have equal

> value of 5 bindus. In his chart also Ju aspects 10th house, 12th

> house and 2nd house with malefic sight. Jup aspects 5th house in

> navamsa also.

> His SAV point in lagna is 35 with respect to 21 in 7th house.

> His marriage is indicated in Nov/ 2006 in Ma antara. There is no zero

> in SAV chart.

> Conclusion

> Based on the above facts I came to the conclusion that this girl is

> interested marrying this boy but the boy may not marry her. He might

> have more relationship with others also.

> Thanks and regards.

> Ramesh Mishra


> kaslearner <kaslearner wrote: I would be very helpful for

> our learning if you could post the birth

> details.


> Thanks

> Gita


> , " sgupta2269 "

> <sgupta2269 wrote:


>> Funny you found this message. I was thinking about this case just

>> today!


>> The couple in this old conversation did not get together. Since

>> then, the woman has married her boyfriend and now has a child with

>> him.


>> SG


>> , " ashsam73 "

>> <ashsam73@> wrote:


>>> Dear Pemmaraju and Gita,


>>> Maybe you guys have read this post but if not .. it will help.



> /message/1700


>>> Cheers !!!

>>> Ash



>>> , " kaslearner "

>>> <kaslearner@> wrote:


>>>> Rayaduji,


>>>> I dont have the charts on hand. I will look at it later. May

> be a

>>>> typo in point 5. I can't say whether marriage will happen or not

>>>> with certainity. May be we can time marriage for both individually

> and

>>>> match to see if it is around the same date.


>>>> When such strong combinations exist,the couple will be

> strongly

>>>> attracted to each other. So it might be difficult for the parents

>>>> to convince the girl to marry someone else unless otherwise by

> force

>>>> (like the previous chart you discussed). Also even if they get

>>>> separated, there is a strong chance that they will get back

>>> together.

>>>> This is my understanding from discussions with Ash.


>>>> There are also some other combinations like Jupiter in Libra in

>>>> both charts, etc. for compatibility analysis (followed by KAS) but

> not

>>>> listed anywhere. We could list all the points for

> compatability

>>>> analysis in a seperate post/lesson for future reference.



>>>> Regards

>>>> -Gita


>>>> , " Pemmaraju

> V.R.

>>>> Rayudu " <pvrrayudu@> wrote:


>>>>> Thanks Gita for sparing your time. I have yet to grasp this..

>>>>> I suppose in lagna over lagna rasi , No 5. is Moon ( male) and

>>>>> Sun ( female) aspect each other. Am I wrong? So the compatibility

>>>>> is OK, but marriage may or may not

>>> happen.

>>>> How to check whether this marriage would happen or not as per KAS

>>>> and if happens when.?

>>>>> Blessings

>>>>> Pemmaraju VR Rayudu

>>>>> 13 July 2006



>>>>> kaslearner <kaslearner@> wrote: Dear Rayaduji and

>> group,


>>>>> Here's the compatibility analysis of this couple:


>>>>> Lagna over Lagna - Rasi Chart:


>>>>> 1) Rahu (male) conjoins Venus (female)

>>>>> 2) Rahu (male) aspects Mars (female)

>>>>> 3) Saturn (male) aspects Mars (female)

>>>>> 4) Mars (female) conjoins Venus (male)

>>>>> 5) Moon (female) and Sun (male) aspect each other (This is to

>>>>> check close friendship)


>>>>> Lagna over Lagna - Navamsa Chart:


>>>>> 1) Saturn (male) aspects Mars (female)

>>>>> 2) Rahu (male) aspects Venus (female)

>>>>> 3) Mars (female) conjoins Venus (male)

>>>>> 4) Mars (male) conjoins Venus (female)


>>>>> Sign over Sign - Rasi Chart:


>>>>> 1) Rahu (male) aspect Venus (female)

>>>>> 2) Mars (female) aspect Venus (male)

>>>>> 3) Sun - Moon are conjoined


>>>>> Sign over Sign - Navamsa Chart:


>>>>> 1) Rahu (male) aspects Male (female)


>>>>> Looking at the strong combinations above, I would say it be best

>>>>> if the two marry each other (ofcourse given that the birth data

> is

>>>>> accurate).


>>>>> I have not looked at timing and other factors like nature of

>>> venus,

>>>>> jupiter, etc. I will wait for others to analyse and give their

>>>>> views.


>>>>> Regards

>>>>> Gita


>>>>> , " Pemmaraju

>> V.R.

>>>>> Rayudu " <pvrrayudu@> wrote:


>>>>>> Will she marry her boy friend?


>>>>>> Dear Ash, Ramesh, Gita, Bala and other list members,


>>>>>> Girl: DoB 21 April 1984, 11:30 hrs, PoB Guntur, AP, India 16N10,

>>>>>> 80E27 Boy friend: DoB 7 May 1978, 00:15 hrs, PoB Vijayawada, AP,

>>>>>> India 16N31, 80E37


>>>>>> The girl's lagna comes to Cancer 1 deg 45'. The father

> says

>>> the

>>>>> time is correct. So I have taken Cancer lagna only.



>>>>>> The girl is doing her M.S, in USA. The boy is working in


>>> as

>>>>> Computer engineer.

>>>>>> The girl has one elder brother and younger sister. Her

> father

>>> is

>>>>> very rich business man with high political influences and

> high

>>>>> status. The boy's family is of low status. She wants to marry him.

>>>>> Obviously the parents do not like it and they want to get

> her

>>>>> married into a high status family. I do not know any more

>>> details

>>>>> about the boy and the girl.


>>>>>> In girl chart, I think there is Jupiter delay upto 18 Nov

>>> 2007.

>>>>> She runs Moon MD- Saturn AD from 14 Dec 2006 to 14 July 2008.

>>>>> There are two zeros in SAV for Mars in 9th & Saturn in 12th.

>>>>> Saturn has 16 points in WS for 7th & SD to Venus who has 17

>>>>> points &

> LoD.

>>> 1st

>>>> &

>>>>> 9th lords are in 1:1 in Rasi & in 2:12 in navamsa, not in 5:9. The

>>>>> lords of Lagna, Moon, Sun and their 7th lords are in 3:11, 5:9,

>>>>> 5:9 in Rasi and 6:8, 4:10, & 4:10 in navamsa. Jupiter is in Libra

>>>>> in navamsa.


>>>>>> In boy's chart, I think there is Jupiter delay. Jupiter is

> in

>>>>> Saturn sign in navamsa. No zeros in SAV. He runs Moon MD- Sun AD

>>>>> from 11 April 2004 to 10 Oct 2006 and afterwards Mars MD- Mars AD

>>>>> upto 7 March 2007. Sun has 21 points in WS for 7th, Mars has

> 20

>>>>> points & LoD. 1st & 9th lords are in 6:8 in Rasi and 2:12 in

>>>>> navamsa. The lords of lagna, Moon, Sun are in 5:9, 3:11, 3:11 in

>>>>> Rashi and in 1:7, 3:11, 1:7 in navamsa.


>>>>>> The girl's Mars and the boy's Venus aspect each other. The

>>>>> girl's Saturn aspects the boy's Mars.


>>>>>> I really do not know how to check whether she would marry

> her

>>>>> boy friend as per KAS. I could not come to any conclusion

>>> whether

>>>>> the girl would marry her boy friend, if so when, or forget about

>>>>> him and listen to her parents and marry their choice.


>>>>>> I request you to please spare your precious time and tell

>>>>> whether she would marry her boy friend and if so when.


>>>>>> Blessings


>>>>>> Pemmaraju VR Rayudu


>>>>>> 12 July 2006



>>>>>> " Daivagnaratna & Jyotish Aradhakulu "

>>>>>> PEMMARAJU V.R. RAYUDU B.E.,M.Tech., Dip.(Management &

> French)

>>>>>> International Consultant & Researcher- Astrology

>>>>>> Former Dy.Director, Defence R & D Laboratory.,Govt. of India

>>>>>> 67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500059,A.P. India,

>>>>>> Phone: +91-040-24530210 & Mobile 9347844971

>>>>>> Email: pvrrayudu@: pvrrayudu@; pvrrayudu@

>>>>>> Web: http://www.rayuduastrology.com




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