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Main lord MD and its effects - For Ash

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Dear Ash,

As you requested I jumped and dwelled further into the notes and not

to my suprise ;) I found the following




and the file that talks about the effects of the MD lord. I cut and

paste here for your persual.



" 1. We always talk about sub periods. What about the effects of the

main period?


If you study the chapter on Vimsottari Dasa (Lesson 9), you will find

that it is clearly mentioned that there is no effect of the main

lord. I think that I have given the original Sanskrit Sloka in my

write up about this. There, it is clearly mentioned that if the sub

lord is favorable (antardasa) and the main lord is unfavorable

(Mahadasa), the result will be favorable.


Similarly, if the main lord is favorable and the sub lord is

unfavorable, then the result will be unfavorable.


Some people follow the sub-sub periods also. There is no write up

about this in ancient books; therefore it has been added afterwards.

These things may happen due to following the wrong track of thinking,

which has been followed by some people, and even research scholars.

So if we go for the result oriented system, we get the results only

if we follow the sub period. "




So if I understand it correctly the MD after all has not much say in

the prediction making process :) and perhaps I am not wrong after all

in assuming that the sub lords are the major contributing factor.


Well in my own studies with the prashara system I do feel the major

MD has much to say. I have seen many charts where people running rahu

dasa when jumped to jupiter dasa had a relaxed outlook to life and

more peace of mind.


For instance in my case ever since I have been running rahu dasa the

last part of this dasa has been very stressful and strain ful. It did

not matter which sub lord came into play. The bottom line as I saw it

was rahu placed in 4th house (house of peace) gave too much stress

all throughout its operation. The sub lords had the requierd effects

and fine tuned certain factors but MD dictated what major issues the

person delt with in that period.


In my case peace and satification was most important and affected. It

is said that a person with mere finances and education can also be

happy provided he knows how to seek peace and contemptment. Rahu in

its MD has prevented me from that.




So I hope you have a look into what Ive stated based on the notes and

provide good guidance rather than turning back to notes again :) I

hope to undertsand this sytem and have been puttnig my effort I would

sincerely apperciate as that you help me out as a senior more

informed member of this system.




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Dear Amit,

Right, very good. This means that for timing of event, is from antra

of planet and MD has no say.


Now, please find out, what does MD signify.


Also do another thing, do a search in the archives for the key word of

" Turning Point " and read up the exchanges, and all of it.


You have 4 sectors of Sa in your chart, it shows you are a brilliant



But then again, you must read all the lessons and not jump from one to

the other and in that way you will loose the meaning.


Leave your chart. Do not focus on your chart for now.


Also, Manu has asked you some questions, answer those please.


Manu is a senior KAS astrologer, his question are very deep, please

spend time to answer and think on those.


Keep your chart aside, I do not want to talk on that, especially when

you are learning KAS.


I have already told you why you are facing a tough time from past few

year, but the impact of my words is not understood by you, so leave

your chart for now and try to focus on the lessons.



I hope you understand,

Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


, " planck12 "

<planck12 wrote:


> Dear Ash,

> As you requested I jumped and dwelled further into the notes and not

> to my suprise ;) I found the following


> FAQ/


> and the file that talks about the effects of the MD lord. I cut and

> paste here for your persual.



> " 1. We always talk about sub periods. What about the effects of the

> main period?


> If you study the chapter on Vimsottari Dasa (Lesson 9), you will find

> that it is clearly mentioned that there is no effect of the main

> lord. I think that I have given the original Sanskrit Sloka in my

> write up about this. There, it is clearly mentioned that if the sub

> lord is favorable (antardasa) and the main lord is unfavorable

> (Mahadasa), the result will be favorable.


> Similarly, if the main lord is favorable and the sub lord is

> unfavorable, then the result will be unfavorable.


> Some people follow the sub-sub periods also. There is no write up

> about this in ancient books; therefore it has been added afterwards.

> These things may happen due to following the wrong track of thinking,

> which has been followed by some people, and even research scholars.

> So if we go for the result oriented system, we get the results only

> if we follow the sub period. "




> So if I understand it correctly the MD after all has not much say in

> the prediction making process :) and perhaps I am not wrong after all

> in assuming that the sub lords are the major contributing factor.


> Well in my own studies with the prashara system I do feel the major

> MD has much to say. I have seen many charts where people running rahu

> dasa when jumped to jupiter dasa had a relaxed outlook to life and

> more peace of mind.


> For instance in my case ever since I have been running rahu dasa the

> last part of this dasa has been very stressful and strain ful. It did

> not matter which sub lord came into play. The bottom line as I saw it

> was rahu placed in 4th house (house of peace) gave too much stress

> all throughout its operation. The sub lords had the requierd effects

> and fine tuned certain factors but MD dictated what major issues the

> person delt with in that period.


> In my case peace and satification was most important and affected. It

> is said that a person with mere finances and education can also be

> happy provided he knows how to seek peace and contemptment. Rahu in

> its MD has prevented me from that.


> :)


> So I hope you have a look into what Ive stated based on the notes and

> provide good guidance rather than turning back to notes again :) I

> hope to undertsand this sytem and have been puttnig my effort I would

> sincerely apperciate as that you help me out as a senior more

> informed member of this system.


> Regards

> Amit


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Dear Amit,

Go back in archives and also read all the exchanges around this mail.






You will being to understand the depth of KAS.


Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73 wrote:


> Dear Amit,

> Right, very good. This means that for timing of event, is from antra

> of planet and MD has no say.


> Now, please find out, what does MD signify.


> Also do another thing, do a search in the archives for the key word of

> " Turning Point " and read up the exchanges, and all of it.


> You have 4 sectors of Sa in your chart, it shows you are a brilliant

> person.


> But then again, you must read all the lessons and not jump from one to

> the other and in that way you will loose the meaning.


> Leave your chart. Do not focus on your chart for now.


> Also, Manu has asked you some questions, answer those please.


> Manu is a senior KAS astrologer, his question are very deep, please

> spend time to answer and think on those.


> Keep your chart aside, I do not want to talk on that, especially when

> you are learning KAS.


> I have already told you why you are facing a tough time from past few

> year, but the impact of my words is not understood by you, so leave

> your chart for now and try to focus on the lessons.



> I hope you understand,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


> , " planck12 "

> <planck12@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Ash,

> > As you requested I jumped and dwelled further into the notes and not

> > to my suprise ;) I found the following

> >

> > FAQ/

> >

> > and the file that talks about the effects of the MD lord. I cut and

> > paste here for your persual.

> >

> >

> > " 1. We always talk about sub periods. What about the effects of the

> > main period?

> >

> > If you study the chapter on Vimsottari Dasa (Lesson 9), you will find

> > that it is clearly mentioned that there is no effect of the main

> > lord. I think that I have given the original Sanskrit Sloka in my

> > write up about this. There, it is clearly mentioned that if the sub

> > lord is favorable (antardasa) and the main lord is unfavorable

> > (Mahadasa), the result will be favorable.

> >

> > Similarly, if the main lord is favorable and the sub lord is

> > unfavorable, then the result will be unfavorable.

> >

> > Some people follow the sub-sub periods also. There is no write up

> > about this in ancient books; therefore it has been added afterwards.

> > These things may happen due to following the wrong track of thinking,

> > which has been followed by some people, and even research scholars.

> > So if we go for the result oriented system, we get the results only

> > if we follow the sub period. "

> >

> >

> >

> > So if I understand it correctly the MD after all has not much say in

> > the prediction making process :) and perhaps I am not wrong after all

> > in assuming that the sub lords are the major contributing factor.

> >

> > Well in my own studies with the prashara system I do feel the major

> > MD has much to say. I have seen many charts where people running rahu

> > dasa when jumped to jupiter dasa had a relaxed outlook to life and

> > more peace of mind.

> >

> > For instance in my case ever since I have been running rahu dasa the

> > last part of this dasa has been very stressful and strain ful. It did

> > not matter which sub lord came into play. The bottom line as I saw it

> > was rahu placed in 4th house (house of peace) gave too much stress

> > all throughout its operation. The sub lords had the requierd effects

> > and fine tuned certain factors but MD dictated what major issues the

> > person delt with in that period.

> >

> > In my case peace and satification was most important and affected. It

> > is said that a person with mere finances and education can also be

> > happy provided he knows how to seek peace and contemptment. Rahu in

> > its MD has prevented me from that.

> >

> > :)

> >

> > So I hope you have a look into what Ive stated based on the notes and

> > provide good guidance rather than turning back to notes again :) I

> > hope to undertsand this sytem and have been puttnig my effort I would

> > sincerely apperciate as that you help me out as a senior more

> > informed member of this system.

> >

> > Regards

> > Amit

> >


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Dear Ash,

Thanks for the comments on brilliancy and they are much apprecaite. I

am just a normal person with an average intelligence nothing out of

the odinary.


I am going to move away from KAS all together for the time being. Not

because of personal reasons but after having read much of the

literature I feel that the system is too mathematical and the rules

seems to contradit each other and that confuses me much without

leaving room for intutional reasoning.


I am sure the system has its own merits but feel that I am able to if

not precisely but most accurately time events using transits and the

prashara systems.



Once again I do fail to understand using the KAS system as to how can

all of my Rahu MD years inspite of the changing antras have been

trouble some in all respects (I might have agreed that on one count

say finances, but in my case its been finances, marriage, education,

career) pretty much everything that makes me. So right there I find a

logical contradition to the events.


However using Prashara I still see a resonsble connection, as in

operating Rahu MD being one factor, running my Saade sati prior and

then having ketu in my 10th house giving me disatisfaction with my

career. Infact ketu represents electrical things and inspite of me

having pursed my education in mech/chemical I am working as an

electrical engineer something I have no background in so I am really

taken much in the prashara and the jaimini system.


I do appreciate your guidance however after having learned prarshara

and jaimin by starting it from my own chart simply because I have a

first hand experience of life as I live it, infact no astrologer would

know my life as I have known it hence I could only convience myself of

the system once I can rationalize it to myself.


I am sure there are many folks whose charts I could read and I am

assuming that 50% of the time the KAS will work accurately and 50% it

might not, however the true worth of astrological perdictions comes

with a nice blend of intution and scientific basis. I have been able

to easily develop the intutional framework with parashara since I was

convinced of what the people said about my chart and if not precise

atleast to a great accuracy many of the things unfolded and I got

interested in learning the system from a very young age and have done



I am sure perhaps using KAS system you might have been able to tell

that I learn well when someone explains me things practically than

tellin me to turn to books. I apprecaite Rameshji's help and infact

the few things he has mentioned have given me a good framework in

understanding how the LOD and LOE work which I was not able to

understand for the past one week by reading the leasons, since at

places it said LOD deliever results egarly and at other places it said

if it aspects A,B,C then it does not and yet at some other places it

said if it aspect only A,B and that C is not given much consideration

:) which absolutely confused me, but with Rameshji's analysis of my

chart I was able to figure out that at times very strongly

significator planet might provide results inspite of its aspects to

the sig houses and C might not be that important after all...


Neways to make long story short I appreciate the time everyone has

given to my chart inclding yourself and wish you well



Cheers :)




, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73 wrote:


> Dear Amit,

> Right, very good. This means that for timing of event, is from antra

> of planet and MD has no say.


> Now, please find out, what does MD signify.


> Also do another thing, do a search in the archives for the key word of

> " Turning Point " and read up the exchanges, and all of it.


> You have 4 sectors of Sa in your chart, it shows you are a brilliant

> person.


> But then again, you must read all the lessons and not jump from one to

> the other and in that way you will loose the meaning.


> Leave your chart. Do not focus on your chart for now.


> Also, Manu has asked you some questions, answer those please.


> Manu is a senior KAS astrologer, his question are very deep, please

> spend time to answer and think on those.


> Keep your chart aside, I do not want to talk on that, especially when

> you are learning KAS.


> I have already told you why you are facing a tough time from past few

> year, but the impact of my words is not understood by you, so leave

> your chart for now and try to focus on the lessons.



> I hope you understand,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


> , " planck12 "

> <planck12@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Ash,

> > As you requested I jumped and dwelled further into the notes and not

> > to my suprise ;) I found the following

> >

> > FAQ/

> >

> > and the file that talks about the effects of the MD lord. I cut and

> > paste here for your persual.

> >

> >

> > " 1. We always talk about sub periods. What about the effects of the

> > main period?

> >

> > If you study the chapter on Vimsottari Dasa (Lesson 9), you will find

> > that it is clearly mentioned that there is no effect of the main

> > lord. I think that I have given the original Sanskrit Sloka in my

> > write up about this. There, it is clearly mentioned that if the sub

> > lord is favorable (antardasa) and the main lord is unfavorable

> > (Mahadasa), the result will be favorable.

> >

> > Similarly, if the main lord is favorable and the sub lord is

> > unfavorable, then the result will be unfavorable.

> >

> > Some people follow the sub-sub periods also. There is no write up

> > about this in ancient books; therefore it has been added afterwards.

> > These things may happen due to following the wrong track of thinking,

> > which has been followed by some people, and even research scholars.

> > So if we go for the result oriented system, we get the results only

> > if we follow the sub period. "

> >

> >

> >

> > So if I understand it correctly the MD after all has not much say in

> > the prediction making process :) and perhaps I am not wrong after all

> > in assuming that the sub lords are the major contributing factor.

> >

> > Well in my own studies with the prashara system I do feel the major

> > MD has much to say. I have seen many charts where people running rahu

> > dasa when jumped to jupiter dasa had a relaxed outlook to life and

> > more peace of mind.

> >

> > For instance in my case ever since I have been running rahu dasa the

> > last part of this dasa has been very stressful and strain ful. It did

> > not matter which sub lord came into play. The bottom line as I saw it

> > was rahu placed in 4th house (house of peace) gave too much stress

> > all throughout its operation. The sub lords had the requierd effects

> > and fine tuned certain factors but MD dictated what major issues the

> > person delt with in that period.

> >

> > In my case peace and satification was most important and affected. It

> > is said that a person with mere finances and education can also be

> > happy provided he knows how to seek peace and contemptment. Rahu in

> > its MD has prevented me from that.

> >

> > :)

> >

> > So I hope you have a look into what Ive stated based on the notes and

> > provide good guidance rather than turning back to notes again :) I

> > hope to undertsand this sytem and have been puttnig my effort I would

> > sincerely apperciate as that you help me out as a senior more

> > informed member of this system.

> >

> > Regards

> > Amit

> >


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Hello Amit,


I am taking this letter of yours as addressed to all the members and

not ony to Ash.


I agree that there must be many who are finding themselves in the same boat as

you are in context to KAS Learnings. I believe I am also at similar status. But

still I have not moved away from KAS inspite of my inability to participate in

the discussion analysis at this stage.


I also have basic knowledge of vedic astrology and practice it. I am also an

Engineer like you ( Chemical engineer). Believe me that the KAS system is most

appropriate when it comes to timming the event.


The timming of a future event is an extremely difficult thing by any standards

and if by KAS we can afford to get somewhere near it, the system needs to be

learnt at all cost by the astrologers.


It is like a modern state of the art engineering machine( or tool) which is

diffucult to operate initially but would give best results if put into regular



You may refrain from discussing on the forum but I would request you not to

leave it but keep reading the lessons and the discussions.

This is applicable to all those who have learnt other systems of astrology but

are finding KAS difficult.



Nikhlesh Mathur


On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 planck12 wrote :

>Dear Ash,

>Thanks for the comments on brilliancy and they are much apprecaite. I

>am just a normal person with an average intelligence nothing out of

>the odinary.


>I am going to move away from KAS all together for the time being. Not

>because of personal reasons but after having read much of the

>literature I feel that the system is too mathematical and the rules

>seems to contradit each other and that confuses me much without

>leaving room for intutional reasoning.


>I am sure the system has its own merits but feel that I am able to if

>not precisely but most accurately time events using transits and the

>prashara systems.



>Once again I do fail to understand using the KAS system as to how can

>all of my Rahu MD years inspite of the changing antras have been

>trouble some in all respects (I might have agreed that on one count

>say finances, but in my case its been finances, marriage, education,

>career) pretty much everything that makes me. So right there I find a

>logical contradition to the events.


>However using Prashara I still see a resonsble connection, as in

>operating Rahu MD being one factor, running my Saade sati prior and

>then having ketu in my 10th house giving me disatisfaction with my

>career. Infact ketu represents electrical things and inspite of me

>having pursed my education in mech/chemical I am working as an

>electrical engineer something I have no background in so I am really

>taken much in the prashara and the jaimini system.


>I do appreciate your guidance however after having learned prarshara

>and jaimin by starting it from my own chart simply because I have a

>first hand experience of life as I live it, infact no astrologer would

>know my life as I have known it hence I could only convience myself of

>the system once I can rationalize it to myself.


>I am sure there are many folks whose charts I could read and I am

>assuming that 50% of the time the KAS will work accurately and 50% it

>might not, however the true worth of astrological perdictions comes

>with a nice blend of intution and scientific basis. I have been able

>to easily develop the intutional framework with parashara since I was

>convinced of what the people said about my chart and if not precise

>atleast to a great accuracy many of the things unfolded and I got

>interested in learning the system from a very young age and have done



>I am sure perhaps using KAS system you might have been able to tell

>that I learn well when someone explains me things practically than

>tellin me to turn to books. I apprecaite Rameshji's help and infact

>the few things he has mentioned have given me a good framework in

>understanding how the LOD and LOE work which I was not able to

>understand for the past one week by reading the leasons, since at

>places it said LOD deliever results egarly and at other places it said

>if it aspects A,B,C then it does not and yet at some other places it

>said if it aspect only A,B and that C is not given much consideration

>:) which absolutely confused me, but with Rameshji's analysis of my

>chart I was able to figure out that at times very strongly

>significator planet might provide results inspite of its aspects to

>the sig houses and C might not be that important after all...


>Neways to make long story short I appreciate the time everyone has

>given to my chart inclding yourself and wish you well



>Cheers :)






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Hello Amit,

It is not good.Please do not get disheartened. I never expected you

leaving me alone in the classroom.I took up your chart finding that

you are interested learning KAS and both of us may learn while

discussing any issue.

You might have faced similar obstacle while learning vedic astrology

at one time.Now you are master in vedic astrology on the contrary I

just confuse in vedic while timing the event according to Parashari

or Jaimini system.

On the other hand when one apply KAS strictly applying KAY and KAS

rules one will be amazed to see that how accurately one time the


In the begining you may confuse because you might have mixed up

Parashari with KAS. When you are applying KAS then follow strictly

KAS based rules.

To understand this rule you have to go through the lessons and

archives from this site.I think I have spoken enough.Rest all depend

upon your decision.Thanks and regards.

Ramesh Mishra

, " planck12 "

<planck12 wrote:


> Dear Ash,

> Thanks for the comments on brilliancy and they are much apprecaite.


> am just a normal person with an average intelligence nothing out of

> the odinary.


> I am going to move away from KAS all together for the time being.


> because of personal reasons but after having read much of the

> literature I feel that the system is too mathematical and the rules

> seems to contradit each other and that confuses me much without

> leaving room for intutional reasoning.


> I am sure the system has its own merits but feel that I am able to


> not precisely but most accurately time events using transits and the

> prashara systems.



> Once again I do fail to understand using the KAS system as to how


> all of my Rahu MD years inspite of the changing antras have been

> trouble some in all respects (I might have agreed that on one count

> say finances, but in my case its been finances, marriage, education,

> career) pretty much everything that makes me. So right there I find


> logical contradition to the events.


> However using Prashara I still see a resonsble connection, as in

> operating Rahu MD being one factor, running my Saade sati prior and

> then having ketu in my 10th house giving me disatisfaction with my

> career. Infact ketu represents electrical things and inspite of me

> having pursed my education in mech/chemical I am working as an

> electrical engineer something I have no background in so I am really

> taken much in the prashara and the jaimini system.


> I do appreciate your guidance however after having learned prarshara

> and jaimin by starting it from my own chart simply because I have a

> first hand experience of life as I live it, infact no astrologer


> know my life as I have known it hence I could only convience myself


> the system once I can rationalize it to myself.


> I am sure there are many folks whose charts I could read and I am

> assuming that 50% of the time the KAS will work accurately and 50%


> might not, however the true worth of astrological perdictions comes

> with a nice blend of intution and scientific basis. I have been able

> to easily develop the intutional framework with parashara since I


> convinced of what the people said about my chart and if not precise

> atleast to a great accuracy many of the things unfolded and I got

> interested in learning the system from a very young age and have


> well.


> I am sure perhaps using KAS system you might have been able to tell

> that I learn well when someone explains me things practically than

> tellin me to turn to books. I apprecaite Rameshji's help and infact

> the few things he has mentioned have given me a good framework in

> understanding how the LOD and LOE work which I was not able to

> understand for the past one week by reading the leasons, since at

> places it said LOD deliever results egarly and at other places it


> if it aspects A,B,C then it does not and yet at some other places it

> said if it aspect only A,B and that C is not given much


> :) which absolutely confused me, but with Rameshji's analysis of my

> chart I was able to figure out that at times very strongly

> significator planet might provide results inspite of its aspects to

> the sig houses and C might not be that important after all...


> Neways to make long story short I appreciate the time everyone has

> given to my chart inclding yourself and wish you well



> Cheers :)

> Amit



> , " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Amit,

> > Right, very good. This means that for timing of event, is from


> > of planet and MD has no say.

> >

> > Now, please find out, what does MD signify.

> >

> > Also do another thing, do a search in the archives for the key

word of

> > " Turning Point " and read up the exchanges, and all of it.

> >

> > You have 4 sectors of Sa in your chart, it shows you are a


> > person.

> >

> > But then again, you must read all the lessons and not jump from

one to

> > the other and in that way you will loose the meaning.

> >

> > Leave your chart. Do not focus on your chart for now.

> >

> > Also, Manu has asked you some questions, answer those please.

> >

> > Manu is a senior KAS astrologer, his question are very deep,


> > spend time to answer and think on those.

> >

> > Keep your chart aside, I do not want to talk on that, especially


> > you are learning KAS.

> >

> > I have already told you why you are facing a tough time from past


> > year, but the impact of my words is not understood by you, so


> > your chart for now and try to focus on the lessons.

> >

> >

> > I hope you understand,

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca

> >

> > , " planck12 "

> > <planck12@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Ash,

> > > As you requested I jumped and dwelled further into the notes

and not

> > > to my suprise ;) I found the following

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > and the file that talks about the effects of the MD lord. I cut


> > > paste here for your persual.

> > >

> > >

> > > " 1. We always talk about sub periods. What about the effects of


> > > main period?

> > >

> > > If you study the chapter on Vimsottari Dasa (Lesson 9), you

will find

> > > that it is clearly mentioned that there is no effect of the


> > > lord. I think that I have given the original Sanskrit Sloka in


> > > write up about this. There, it is clearly mentioned that if the


> > > lord is favorable (antardasa) and the main lord is unfavorable

> > > (Mahadasa), the result will be favorable.

> > >

> > > Similarly, if the main lord is favorable and the sub lord is

> > > unfavorable, then the result will be unfavorable.

> > >

> > > Some people follow the sub-sub periods also. There is no write


> > > about this in ancient books; therefore it has been added


> > > These things may happen due to following the wrong track of


> > > which has been followed by some people, and even research


> > > So if we go for the result oriented system, we get the results


> > > if we follow the sub period. "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So if I understand it correctly the MD after all has not much

say in

> > > the prediction making process :) and perhaps I am not wrong

after all

> > > in assuming that the sub lords are the major contributing


> > >

> > > Well in my own studies with the prashara system I do feel the


> > > MD has much to say. I have seen many charts where people

running rahu

> > > dasa when jumped to jupiter dasa had a relaxed outlook to life


> > > more peace of mind.

> > >

> > > For instance in my case ever since I have been running rahu

dasa the

> > > last part of this dasa has been very stressful and strain ful.

It did

> > > not matter which sub lord came into play. The bottom line as I

saw it

> > > was rahu placed in 4th house (house of peace) gave too much


> > > all throughout its operation. The sub lords had the requierd


> > > and fine tuned certain factors but MD dictated what major

issues the

> > > person delt with in that period.

> > >

> > > In my case peace and satification was most important and

affected. It

> > > is said that a person with mere finances and education can also


> > > happy provided he knows how to seek peace and contemptment.

Rahu in

> > > its MD has prevented me from that.

> > >

> > > :)

> > >

> > > So I hope you have a look into what Ive stated based on the

notes and

> > > provide good guidance rather than turning back to notes

again :) I

> > > hope to undertsand this sytem and have been puttnig my effort I


> > > sincerely apperciate as that you help me out as a senior more

> > > informed member of this system.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Amit

> > >

> >


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