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Hi Rameshji and Nikleshji,


You words are well taken. In-fact as I said I enjoy learning the

system provided I know I am making a headway. There are many doubts in

my mind which are not clarified by reading the lessons or the archives

the information is overwhelming on the net for any subject you might take.


In similar analogy it could be compared to going into a classroom and

the professor giving all the notes in the world to us and telling us

to read them and prepare for an exam but not indulding in the material

himself such a manner of knoweldge sharing would comprimse only a

theortical base on the part of the student however the student will

fail to grasp the practical aspect.


While I do agree there the KAS system tends to be confusing (not

because its hard) but simply because it is different from the basic

tenents of parashari system (like aspects, malefic, benefic) and for

an individual like me I need constant feedback in real time to my

questions rather than getting bomarded by question on top of my

questions or being referred to reading the lessons again and again.


Again rameshji I must admit that your analysis of my chart taught me

more about KAS then me reading the lessons over the past one week on

what LOD, LOE does while it might sound ironical thats the way I learn



I appreciate the knowledge the senior members have had and I am sure

everyone learns well to whatever he or she feels inclined and sees a

ratioale in learning and all I am trying to do is build a rationale

and motivation to push this rationale in helping me achieve mastery

over this system.


Simply put this rationale can only be build if I am able to predict

anything correctly (in terms of timing events thats what is claimed by

KAS system) say even in my past. I will not deny if its correct and it

would give be a rationale in assessing the system well from my viewpoint.


Also another thing, in one of the lessons I was reading, it was

mentioned that K.P founder Krishnamurthi ji might have changed his

opinion and theory about his system provided he had knoweldge of KAS

system. In-fact I have used cuspal sublords with K.P and accurately

predicting 7/10 cases well in twins just because even K.P theory is

very accurate provided we know what we are looking for and perhaps

same goes with KAS in timing events no system is superior or low

because as humans we might never be able to achieve 100% accuracy and

thats what we base our precision on in the astrology world. :)



Again was not looking for a free prediction as some of the senior

members might have thought (while I have logicl I sense many things

with intution and can sense well as to what some folks might be

feeling:)) I have had many prediction done of my chart through various

people who have taken the time (and during my learning years in

parashara, kp, jaimini).


The only draw back I stumbled across in learning KAS was not that I

did not find KAS complex or over my ablities to learn but not many

folks were willing to answer my questions thinking that I was trying

to get away with a free prediction. :) which again was not the case.



Rameshji and Nikleshji, thanks for your words, my msn is




I use it frequently please feel free to add me perhaps we can share

information and knoweldge, and I can in my most humble knoweldge share

some rules on timiing event accuratly using parashara, and K.P

sublords which you folks might find interesting and informative :) and

will let you to judge the accuracy in timing events. Again if you feel

mutually inclined and I would in all honesty like to see both of your

charts and help delinate things :) again if you dont mind. Will hope

to hear from anyone and everyone who might enjoy a real time chat and

brainstroming ideas even on KAS ;) I build on knoweldge very fast once

I have the strong foundational base and I need your assistance in

doing that.


regards and Best


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