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Mars as sixth lord in 11th house in scorpio lagna

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Dear Ved,

How are you getting Sc lagna when TOB is 8:30 AM. The lagna of the native is

in between junction of two rasis.

When I adjusted the time to 8:35 AM, I got Sc lagna and the chart matched with

the marriage of native and the birth of child.

But the birth of child is not in line properly.

Which Ayanamsa are you taking ? Please take only KAY.

With TOB as 08:30 AM I am getting asc. 29 Li 35. With the increase in time by

5 minutes the asc is 0 Sc 39.

The whole pic. of chart changes.

So it will be better if you confirm the TOB first or give some more events.

According to Sc lagna the native is passing through Ra antara in Ju main from

06 Oct 2006 till 28 Feb 2009.

Here MD lord Ju is strong in all houses in WS. Ju is 2nd and 5th lord of chart

and occupies 12th house.Therefore 2nd and 5th house result is enhanced

Ju is SD to Su and Su is 10th lord , also occupy 12th house so the result of

10th house also is enhanced.

The negative point is that these two planets receive aspect of Sa from 6th

house.Sa is 3rd and 4th lord. So the 3rd and 4th house is spoiled.

Antara lord Ra is SD to Sa and Sa is weak in all houses in WS except for 6th


In 6th house also Sa has only 12 points so it can give results both sides.

I think these are the reasons for debt facing by the native.

Senior members may correct me or may specify the reasons broadly.

Thanks and regards.

Ramesh Mishra

Thanks and regards.

Ramesh Mishra


vedvyasmishra <vedvyasmishra wrote:

dear ash,

when going through archieve i found a msg no.3827 by u in which u

wrote about mars placed in 11th house as sixth lord in scorpio lagna.

recently i got a chart having same conditions,scorpio lagna,mars

placed in 11th house with mercury.both mars and mercury have 4-4

points.saturn is placed in sixth house (in aries) with 4 points.his

dbce points r in increasing order both by lagna san and moon.native

is under a huge debt.and he has three zeroes in his SAV.now i am

unable to understand how this mars will act?will he be able to repay

his debts or not?

i'm giving his birth details and major life events for u'r


i hope that u ,krushna ji and all other senior members will consider

it.Your reply will help me to understand the role of mars and of

three zeroes in SAV.




major evets:

lost his younger brother on 16th oct 1990,

married on 23 june 2003

first child on 16/04/2005










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Dear Ramesh ji

thanks for the prompt reply,and sorry for the typo , birth time is

actually 8.40 am ,it was my mistake in writing the time.

i've casted the chart in kas ws.

his saturn is weak for all the houses. by rashi it is debiliated and

also by being in sixth.

sixth lord is in 11th with its lord.both having equal points.mars is

aspecting the sixth(his own house).

jupiter is in libra(bad for marriage).

jupiter is in sight of saturn and also one of the lumanaries sun is

in saturn's sight.

there are three zeroes in SAV.

i think all these make the chart weak,especially for marriage and it

is confirmed by the fact that marriage is very late,in 33rd year.

5th house has sight of sixth lord(mars)so it is bad.

his wife faced a miscarriage in first pregnancy.

i see all these according to kas is in line.

but what about his debts?

I forgot to mension that he got a second child on 21 may 2006

i need ur and all other senior members guidance regarding his debts.



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Dear Ved,

Spend some time going through the archives, as all this and such

charts have been solved. I do understand that this is a tough

activity, but then the effort will not be in vain.


You have asked about debt. Check this persons 11th vs 12 points in

the past 3 antra and also check in the upcoming next antra. I think

all answers will be clear.


Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


, " vedvyasmishra "

<vedvyasmishra wrote:


> Dear Ramesh ji

> thanks for the prompt reply,and sorry for the typo , birth time is

> actually 8.40 am ,it was my mistake in writing the time.

> i've casted the chart in kas ws.

> his saturn is weak for all the houses. by rashi it is debiliated and

> also by being in sixth.

> sixth lord is in 11th with its lord.both having equal points.mars is

> aspecting the sixth(his own house).

> jupiter is in libra(bad for marriage).

> jupiter is in sight of saturn and also one of the lumanaries sun is

> in saturn's sight.

> there are three zeroes in SAV.

> i think all these make the chart weak,especially for marriage and it

> is confirmed by the fact that marriage is very late,in 33rd year.

> 5th house has sight of sixth lord(mars)so it is bad.

> his wife faced a miscarriage in first pregnancy.

> i see all these according to kas is in line.

> but what about his debts?

> I forgot to mension that he got a second child on 21 may 2006

> i need ur and all other senior members guidance regarding his debts.

> thanx

> ved


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dear ash,

thanx to reply but sorry to say that due to my lack of knowledge

i'm unable to understand what do u really mean when u say to " check

11th vs 12 points in the past 3 antra and also in the upcoming next

antra " regarding his debts.

his ponts for 11th and 12th are increasing by asc.,sun and,moon.

and also plz guide me about the presence of three zeroes.cause i cant

understand that whether they will create a delay only in the field of

marriage or they are bad for all the three house in which they appear.

Your reply will help me in understanding the system.



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Dear Ved,

May I try to make you understand ? Ot os very simple. As you know ashtakvarga

ia mainly based upon digital points. If any planets get more points say more

than 4 bindus in BAV or say more than 28 points in SAV ,we say that planet is

powerful. So intensity of power for any planet depeend upon its total bindus or


You also know that 11th house is house for income and 12th house is that of


Now assume your 12th house is having more power than 11th then what will

happen and vice versa.

You asked about previous antara and forthcoming antara.

Now see in your worksheet the power of planets of your previous antaras which

has passed away in 11th house and in 12th house. Which house has more power than

another under the particular antara planet.

Similarly the planet of forthcoming antaras.

Now about zeros in the SAV chart. If any planet gets zero in any house then

the planet in that house is malefic and gives adverse result.

More zero means more planets will give adverse result for that particular

house where they reside.

So during transit that particular planet will not help if it has zero in the

natal chart.

So zeros are not only for marriage but it is for all events.

If I am wrong anywhere Ash may correct me.

If you read the lessons again and again it will clear to you.

Thanks and regards.

Ramesh Mishra


vedvyasmishra <vedvyasmishra wrote:

dear ash,

thanx to reply but sorry to say that due to my lack of knowledge

i'm unable to understand what do u really mean when u say to " check

11th vs 12 points in the past 3 antra and also in the upcoming next

antra " regarding his debts.

his ponts for 11th and 12th are increasing by asc.,sun and,moon.

and also plz guide me about the presence of three zeroes.cause i cant

understand that whether they will create a delay only in the field of

marriage or they are bad for all the three house in which they appear.

Your reply will help me in understanding the system.










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Dear ramesh ji,

thanx again to reply,U'r answer is very helpful to me,now i,m getting

an idea about the Zeroes in chart but sir unfortunately i'm again

unable to understand the part in which u say:

> " Now see in your worksheet the power of planets of your previous

antaras which has passed away in 11th house and in 12th house. Which

house has more power than another under the particular antara planet.

> Similarly the planet of forthcoming antaras. "

Actually when ash replied, i could not understand this part

" You have asked about debt. Check this persons 11th vs 12 points in

the past 3 antra and also check in the upcoming next antra. I think

all answers will be clear. "

Now I want to know that how the ponts of 11 vs 12 can be

checked in the past anatras.If i was guided to check his 11 vs 12

points then simply i would go to the summary page of worksheet and

will see the 11th and 12 point but i was told to check his points in

past anatras.Now this is confusing to me.As till now I'm not familiar

with this technique of checking points in antaras. so plz guide me in

an easy and in beginners language about this.

Sir i've few more Questions I'm putting them below with the hope

that u will give me guidance about these:

1:regarding marriage if there is no delay of saturn and there is one

zero in sav then how much delay it will create?

2:In above if there is 2 or 3 zeroes then how much delay?

3: Say if there r three Zeroes and a full saturn delay then How much


4:and lastly the most important question:after selecting the sub

period planet and selecting the proper sector for marriage or any

other event how should we narrown down the period using the PDF table.

Sir i'm asking too much in a single mail but i hope that u'll

help me being a senior ,learned ,efficient and humble member of the




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