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Dear Ash et All :On the Creation of Universe and Cosmology as applicable to Astr

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Hope you are doing well. This is Amit again, had posted under a

different name prior but that account did not seem to work and had to

create a new id.


I have been following the lessons for a while and again I see many

in-consistencies with the system. My intention is not to refute or

accept the system but purely to learn it and see it practicality and

in the process provide my thoughts in opinions (after all the

astrology forum is a free form for discussion). Some of my doubts have

cropped up again with the usual, 11th house points vs 12th house

points and the actual condition of the charts (again this is only

treating the chart with KAS)as opposed to mixing parashra or k.p etc.


On another note, perhaps I can take the liberty to explain again on

why this happens and hopefully you concur with my points and facts.

After all astrology will make more meaning if we understand it from

all angles. You are a computer scientist (a man of science) yourself

and perhaps this description will make sense and will take a purely

scientific approach to it:


I am sure you are familiar at least on the basic level with Einstein's

relativity and the other theory called Quantum Mechanics. During the

creation of the universe at the point of big bang it is widely

believed that there were four fundamental forces in the universe:

Gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear. It is also

now very well accepted that relativity explains Gravity very elegantly

and that the theory has been tested to the point of calculations

pertaning to perhilion of mercury (closest pass to the sun) with

accuracy. On the other hand Quantum mechanics has done well in

unifying the other three forces of the electromagnetic and nuclear

nature. BUT a BIG TWIST comes into the picture.


Realivity claims that events (spacetime continum is 4D) are all

associated together and there is no concept of past and future or

present and in simple terms the destiney is already written and

nothing can change it, so given the right set of laws one can predict

the course of life and the cosmos (relativistic conditions on

cosmology)to a complete accurate picture based on fundametal field

equations of einstein. Again Einstein spent much of his life finding a

Unified theory that would unify electromagnetics with gravity BUT FAILED.


On the other hand QUANTUM MECHANICS claims that nothing in life is

predictable infact everything is a probability. And QM explains atoms

etc the world of sub atomic very well (this would include the brain)

the body etc, after all brain is essential a complex neural network

working on neurotransmitters signals which are electrical in nature.

So it is quite justified that QM is applicable to us as well since we

are made of atoms, eletrons etc. But the problem you run into with QM

is that nothing is certain and that everything is described as a

probablity wave function of something called the scrhorodingers

equation. I would want you to refer to the thought experiment termed

" Schroender's Cat " which is hard for me to explain on this fourm but I

am sure you will take the initiative of reading it, in short every

observation made my an reference observer will change the course of

this obervation directly or indirectly depending on the observation

being made. Simply put, there is too much random ness existent in this

universe to be able to describe anything in any accruancy, especially

when it comes to life or the atomic scale.


Now applying the above theories to describe astrology, many of the

General predictions we make about the past or even the future at times

happen to come true, yet there are many more predictions we made that

do not come true at all. Because we are juggling between certainity

and chaos and that is not the fault or positive aspect of anyone

astrological system but rather the law of nature (God if you may call

it). You have claimed in your past emails that KAS is very accurate

however on my sincere application of these principles I have found it

smiliar to any other system because the rate of predicition does not

change much as compared to prashara or k.p or jaimini for that matter.


It is however a different story if we only look at the positive aspect

and not realise the shortcomings of any system. My approach is to look

at the short comings of this system simply because it might help

improve the system in some other way (again thats not job). My sole

intention for this posting has been to again reiterate on a scientific

ground the limitations of astrology and that of human mind and that no

matter how hard we try we will be bound by many contraints. You might

claim that KAS predictions have come true, but I have applied basic

principles of many charts some of which have yielded results but again

some of them have not yielded the correct results (this I see with an

open mind) leading me to believe and again affirm with the view that

astrology has limitations on what can be predicted. Any when we are

bound by such limitations then ethically we should take a more

cautious approach in predicting in the first place and perhaps a more

understanding, less materialistic (making money out of astrology)

attitude in researching things. This would also involve being open to

genuine thoughts weather pro or against any system in the betterment

of knowledge.


To end it Einstein once said " God does not play dice with the

Universe " on seeing Quatum Mechanics back in the 30s he was

diasspointed with QM because he felt there was no free will and that

there was no such thing as probablity. A famous Quautum Theorist (I

will let you figure out who) responded by saying " Not only does God

play dice with Us, He also puts it in places where we cannot find it " .


:) I hope you see this message not as a threat to your system but

rather as an open ended question to ponder on keeping aside

ego,predjuice or any other negative emotions.


regards and Best


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Dear Amit / Vishy (?),


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and All the more reason

we should get back to KAS J


Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of astroquery12

Wednesday September 12, 2007

7:11 PM



Dear Ash et All :On the Creation of Universe and

Cosmology as applicable to Astr







Hope you are doing well. This is Amit again, had posted under a

different name prior but that account did not seem to work and had to

create a new id.


I have been following the lessons for a while and again I see many

in-consistencies with the system. My intention is not to refute or

accept the system but purely to learn it and see it practicality and

in the process provide my thoughts in opinions (after all the

astrology forum is a free form for discussion). Some of my doubts have

cropped up again with the usual, 11th house points vs 12th house

points and the actual condition of the charts (again this is only

treating the chart with KAS)as opposed to mixing parashra or k.p etc.


On another note, perhaps I can take the liberty to explain again on

why this happens and hopefully you concur with my points and facts.

After all astrology will make more meaning if we understand it from

all angles. You are a computer scientist (a man of science) yourself

and perhaps this description will make sense and will take a purely

scientific approach to it:


I am sure you are familiar at least on the basic level with Einstein's

relativity and the other theory called Quantum Mechanics. During the

creation of the universe at the point of big bang it is widely

believed that there were four fundamental forces in the universe:

Gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear. It is also

now very well accepted that relativity explains Gravity very elegantly

and that the theory has been tested to the point of calculations

pertaning to perhilion of mercury (closest pass to the sun) with

accuracy. On the other hand Quantum mechanics has done well in

unifying the other three forces of the electromagnetic and nuclear

nature. BUT a BIG TWIST comes into the picture.


Realivity claims that events (spacetime continum is 4D) are all

associated together and there is no concept of past and future or

present and in simple terms the destiney is already written and

nothing can change it, so given the right set of laws one can predict

the course of life and the cosmos (relativistic conditions on

cosmology)to a complete accurate picture based on fundametal field

equations of einstein. Again Einstein spent much of his life finding a

Unified theory that would unify electromagnetics with gravity BUT FAILED.


On the other hand QUANTUM MECHANICS claims that nothing in life is

predictable infact everything is a probability. And QM explains atoms

etc the world of sub atomic very well (this would include the brain)

the body etc, after all brain is essential a complex neural network

working on neurotransmitters signals which are electrical in nature.

So it is quite justified that QM is applicable to us as well since we

are made of atoms, eletrons etc. But the problem you run into with QM

is that nothing is certain and that everything is described as a

probablity wave function of something called the scrhorodingers

equation. I would want you to refer to the thought experiment termed

" Schroender's Cat " which is hard for me to explain on this fourm

but I

am sure you will take the initiative of reading it, in short every

observation made my an reference observer will change the course of

this obervation directly or indirectly depending on the observation

being made. Simply put, there is too much random ness existent in this

universe to be able to describe anything in any accruancy, especially

when it comes to life or the atomic scale.


Now applying the above theories to describe astrology, many of the

General predictions we make about the past or even the future at times

happen to come true, yet there are many more predictions we made that

do not come true at all. Because we are juggling between certainity

and chaos and that is not the fault or positive aspect of anyone

astrological system but rather the law of nature (God if you may call

it). You have claimed in your past emails that KAS is very accurate

however on my sincere application of these principles I have found it

smiliar to any other system because the rate of predicition does not

change much as compared to prashara or k.p or jaimini for that matter.


It is however a different story if we only look at the positive aspect

and not realise the shortcomings of any system. My approach is to look

at the short comings of this system simply because it might help

improve the system in some other way (again thats not job). My sole

intention for this posting has been to again reiterate on a scientific

ground the limitations of astrology and that of human mind and that no

matter how hard we try we will be bound by many contraints. You might

claim that KAS predictions have come true, but I have applied basic

principles of many charts some of which have yielded results but again

some of them have not yielded the correct results (this I see with an

open mind) leading me to believe and again affirm with the view that

astrology has limitations on what can be predicted. Any when we are

bound by such limitations then ethically we should take a more

cautious approach in predicting in the first place and perhaps a more

understanding, less materialistic (making money out of astrology)

attitude in researching things. This would also involve being open to

genuine thoughts weather pro or against any system in the betterment

of knowledge.


To end it Einstein once said " God does not play dice with the

Universe " on seeing Quatum Mechanics back in the 30s he was

diasspointed with QM because he felt there was no free will and that

there was no such thing as probablity. A famous Quautum Theorist (I

will let you figure out who) responded by saying " Not only does God

play dice with Us, He also puts it in places where we cannot find it " .


:) I hope you see this message not as a threat to your system but

rather as an open ended question to ponder on keeping aside

ego,predjuice or any other negative emotions.


regards and Best


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Amit, Read GITA.You will surely get all your answers. As you say, all systems work with less perfection or have some limitations, So more like that you wanna say even then this science click.Any of these systems requires a NEWTON or a EINSTEIN to explore it. Best of luck Anup astroquery12 <astroquery12 wrote: Hi, Hope you are doing well. This is Amit again, had posted under adifferent name prior but that account did not seem to work and had tocreate a new id. I have been following the lessons for a while and again I see manyin-consistencies with the system. My intention is not to refute oraccept the system but purely to learn it and see it practicality andin the process provide my thoughts in opinions (after all theastrology forum is a free form for discussion). Some of my doubts havecropped up again with the usual, 11th house points vs 12th housepoints and the actual condition of the charts (again this is onlytreating the chart with KAS)as opposed to mixing parashra or k.p etc. On another note, perhaps I can take the liberty to explain again onwhy this happens and hopefully you concur with my points and facts.After all

astrology will make more meaning if we understand it fromall angles. You are a computer scientist (a man of science) yourselfand perhaps this description will make sense and will take a purelyscientific approach to it: I am sure you are familiar at least on the basic level with Einstein'srelativity and the other theory called Quantum Mechanics. During thecreation of the universe at the point of big bang it is widelybelieved that there were four fundamental forces in the universe:Gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear. It is alsonow very well accepted that relativity explains Gravity very elegantlyand that the theory has been tested to the point of calculationspertaning to perhilion of mercury (closest pass to the sun) withaccuracy. On the other hand Quantum mechanics has done well inunifying the other three forces of the electromagnetic and nuclearnature. BUT a BIG TWIST comes into the picture.

Realivity claims that events (spacetime continum is 4D) are allassociated together and there is no concept of past and future orpresent and in simple terms the destiney is already written andnothing can change it, so given the right set of laws one can predictthe course of life and the cosmos (relativistic conditions oncosmology)to a complete accurate picture based on fundametal fieldequations of einstein. Again Einstein spent much of his life finding aUnified theory that would unify electromagnetics with gravity BUT FAILED. On the other hand QUANTUM MECHANICS claims that nothing in life ispredictable infact everything is a probability. And QM explains atomsetc the world of sub atomic very well (this would include the brain)the body etc, after all brain is essential a complex neural networkworking on neurotransmitters signals which are electrical in nature. So it is quite justified that QM is applicable to us

as well since weare made of atoms, eletrons etc. But the problem you run into with QMis that nothing is certain and that everything is described as aprobablity wave function of something called the scrhorodingersequation. I would want you to refer to the thought experiment termed"Schroender's Cat" which is hard for me to explain on this fourm but Iam sure you will take the initiative of reading it, in short everyobservation made my an reference observer will change the course ofthis obervation directly or indirectly depending on the observationbeing made. Simply put, there is too much random ness existent in thisuniverse to be able to describe anything in any accruancy, especiallywhen it comes to life or the atomic scale. Now applying the above theories to describe astrology, many of theGeneral predictions we make about the past or even the future at timeshappen to come true, yet there are many more

predictions we made thatdo not come true at all. Because we are juggling between certainityand chaos and that is not the fault or positive aspect of anyoneastrological system but rather the law of nature (God if you may callit). You have claimed in your past emails that KAS is very accuratehowever on my sincere application of these principles I have found itsmiliar to any other system because the rate of predicition does notchange much as compared to prashara or k.p or jaimini for that matter. It is however a different story if we only look at the positive aspectand not realise the shortcomings of any system. My approach is to lookat the short comings of this system simply because it might helpimprove the system in some other way (again thats not job). My soleintention for this posting has been to again reiterate on a scientificground the limitations of astrology and that of human mind and that nomatter how hard

we try we will be bound by many contraints. You mightclaim that KAS predictions have come true, but I have applied basicprinciples of many charts some of which have yielded results but againsome of them have not yielded the correct results (this I see with anopen mind) leading me to believe and again affirm with the view thatastrology has limitations on what can be predicted. Any when we arebound by such limitations then ethically we should take a morecautious approach in predicting in the first place and perhaps a moreunderstanding, less materialistic (making money out of astrology)attitude in researching things. This would also involve being open togenuine thoughts weather pro or against any system in the bettermentof knowledge. To end it Einstein once said "God does not play dice with theUniverse" on seeing Quatum Mechanics back in the 30s he wasdiasspointed with QM because he felt there was no free will and

thatthere was no such thing as probablity. A famous Quautum Theorist (Iwill let you figure out who) responded by saying "Not only does Godplay dice with Us, He also puts it in places where we cannot find it". :) I hope you see this message not as a threat to your system butrather as an open ended question to ponder on keeping asideego,predjuice or any other negative emotions. regards and BestAmit

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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