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please predict about the marriage help -more datas

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Dear Ash and harjeet, When we can get such chart? Harjeet,plz send this chart if possible.We sld study such things and share too. Regards Anup Ash <kas wrote: Dear Harjeet, Keep this in mind. Remind me when u come across such a chart then we can study this phenomena. Cheers !!! Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca On Behalf Of harjeet bakshiFriday September 28, 2007 12:45 PM Subject: Re: please predict about the marriage help -more datas Dear Ashji,you have already stated that if antra of lord of 12th from B is goingon and its having high points for B then event would occur but wouldbe problematic..if event occurs in the antra of D or E... but is having less points inworksheet for house B.how would the result be ? i guess it would be not a happy event/result

too...please give your expertise.thanks/regardsharjeet , "Ash" <kas wrote:>> Hello Boys,> > Take another example. A person loosing job that he or she held for long> time in LoD or LoE antra. That time one feels very bad when the event> happens, then after some time the person gets a better job with more> authority and $ and that time, that same event that he or shethought was> bad turns out a blessing in disguise.> > > > Manu is right about death. It happens in highest points. Now thesepoints> are points and its doing its job. How "We Feel" about the event andhow we> classify the event that is different. > > > > As per KAS and if u would have noticed in so many charts that

deathhappens> in highest points. Now if it's a close person to us or a family member,> then we will ofcourse feel very sad but that is "how we feel towards the> event". As far as KAS goes, and for timing of event, it happenedin the> highest power planet. We define an event happening in highest power as> Good. > > > > Similarly, marriage, if it happens in lowest points then "we feelthat the> event is good" and then when high power planet comes then it willbreak the> marriage and "we feel that this event is bad" as it might be causinga lot> of grief to all parties and families concerned, but then the pointsare high> or its LoD or LoE antra then ?> > > > Now, when such a thing is happening and if strong pdf is running for7th and> at the same time the points are going higher and higher say up andmore than> 230

then, the force will be more, but then in our minds if we have> classified it "bad event" then one will even feel more depressedwhen such> things happen as the power of daily points is more so its force ismore and> its going against what the person wants i.e. to save the marriage,so here,> one is trying to swim against the tide and the tide is gettingstronger and> stronger (daily points).> > > > Now at that point in time, if u ask such a person or if some aperson see> the daily points, he might be puzzled as to why is he or she feeling so> depressed or sad and more so if the points are going higher and higher.> > > > So as far as KAS is concerned and the points, then it means that the> marriage happened in lowest power planet means its not good so whenLoD or> LoE come or high power planet then it will try to do "Good" byflushing

out> the bad and that is w.r.t points AND NOT HOW WE FEEL ABOUT IT. > > > > Just see Sandy's chart that Donna wrote about, the daily points were in> rising order, so it was good, and that made Sandy take the rightdecisions.> So if the points are in rising trend then the person might take proper> decision and in Sandy case it saved her husbands life. > > > > So u have to try to read these points w.r.t KAS and keep personalfeeling> separate. > > > > For people who have lost job in LoD or LoE or high points andparticularly> when the points go very high then it means that the job they werecurrently> in or lets say one of the things it COULD MEAN is that that job wassort of> a dead end job and the promise of a high pay and authority and stability> could not be achieve as per the promise of the chart so the

personlooses> the job. Now if the person has been in that job for long time andif he is> called and told that his services are no longer required, and if he is a> dedicated worker then ofcourse he or she will feel bad and that isbased on> the natural nature of a person, but then he will find another jobwhich will> have much better scope of progress and maybe higher pay and authority> (depending on the WS and status etc), and then in retro after yearsif he or> she looks back then they will view that event in a different light.> > > > Cheers !!!> > Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca> http://www.ashtro.ca> > > > > On Behalf Of Anup. M> Friday September 28, 2007 9:00 AM> > RE: Re: please predict about the> marriage help -more datas> > > > Dear Manu,> > > > Thankyou for your views/comments here.> > I hope you will be regularly help us to learn more with your experience.> > > > Regards> > Anup> > > > > > > > Manu V Batura <astro.manu wrote:> > Dear Anup,> > My comments are inline.> > Thanks & Regards,> > Manu> > _____ >

> > On Behalf Of Anup. M> Thursday, September 27, 2007 8:45 PM> > RE: Re: please predict about the> marriage help -more datas> > Dear Manu,> > Good..atleast we can laugh at this too:)> > But i am still eager to know why daily points rises to alarmingheights(i> will use this word)> > when a person's heart is broken.I have observed in few charts.> > Manu: This is interesting observation. I have not yet observed sokeenly,> however, the way I

would reason is to consider what happens duringdeath.> When a person dies, he is free from life and it's associatedsufferings. He> is free from all bonds and ties. Now, if you ask a living personwhether he> wants to die, in most cases the answer will be 'no'. Life although with> sufferings is still something that the person wants. Here too when aperson> heart is broken, he may be in an accepting state, in a way he isfree from> the bonds that would have resulted were it the case that the eventwas the> other way round.> > 1] My friend didnt get the due promotion though he wasdeserving,intelligent> > and was very much sure about getting thru the exams.He neededonly 3> extra marks to > > for this to qualify.His daily points were variable from215-235 during> this month.Even this is showing till Nov2007.This was his third

attempt> since last 3 years.> > He himself said after this failure that he is relieved now and donot feel> anything bad about this now unlike past two attempts.Now is alwaysremain> cheerful in office.> > Manu: How a person feels is totally based on his personality.Someone may> get all tensed up upon knowing about his failure or can accept itlike your> friend did (albeit with a pinch of salt). I guess you will see adifference> in daily points between first case and second case although theevent would> be the same. > > 2] In one of the chart, engagement was broken but the daily points were> showing > > 217-225> > > > Yes, i do agree that this engagement may be against wishessometime and a> person> > may not be happy getting married and so on.Many aspects sld beconsidered> for

this also.> > But we have to learn more yet:)> > Manu: Absolutely.> > Regards> > Anup> > > > Manu V Batura <astro.manu wrote:> > Dear Anup,> > You are correct in what you have stated. Just to answer your queryregarding> how can a person be relieved if his engagement breaks, I wouldassume all> should be relieved since they have been saved from getting caught in> marriage. ;)> > On a serious note, there can be many reasons. How can we be sure that> engagement will bring only joy? What if the person really did notwant to> get married and was forced to do so. There could be so many scenarios.> > Hope this helps.> > Thanks & Regards,> > Manu> > _____ > > size=2 width="100%" align=center tabIndex=-1> > >

> On Behalf Of Anup. M> Wednesday, September 26, 2007 5:46 AM> > RE: Re: please predict about the> marriage help -more datas> > Dear Manu,> > Nice to have a mail from you in this forum after a> long time.> > Well, you are right that daily points do not effect the event.> > But this reflects state of mind of the native, support from all planets> > including Sat and Jup,in transit.> > Now if , say, the low points show that a person may be busy when

Satand Jup> > are supporting and give sufficient 8 points in aggregate(more ofequal 4+4we> say, better)> > Somewhere in archives this is written by Guruji that 20% effect oftransit> is liable giving event.> > As in prior query about engagement, where Mars transit over zeropoint zone> of Moon> > and such event happened.> > More than 196 may reflect a person is enjoying with frds, goodday,feeling> relieved> > of stress and worries etc as we all know.> > If we say taking this event, like engagement ,it is memorable andjoyful day> for a> > male/female in most parts of the world,no matter,its first, second or > > third times,like in euprope. > > But if this engagement is broken,how a native can feel relieved fromthis> joy?> > The person may not be in a mood

to celebrate this, i think !!> > So i think less than 196 points sld be there in daily points as such.> > Rather,it cld be a sad day for him/her, as on days, state of mind sld> reflect this too> > in transit, mostly by moon.I may be wrong but only for death eventwe take> such> > rule as native is relieved from this material world and free fromtension> and worries> > after abononing physical body .> > This death like event happened once in a total life.> > But if we take engagement, this can be at a person's will or consent to> make or break up> > this event unlike death where a person never wants to die ever onhis will> or as destined.> > I shall be awaiting your point of view including all members on thistopic> of daily points.> > Regards> > Anup> >

> > Manu V Batura <astro.manu wrote:> > Dear Anup,> > Can you please elaborate further on your line of thought since I have a> slightly different viewpoint.> > As per my viewpoint, daily points do not effect events. For example, low> points may make the native quite busy with work. Breaking ofengagement may> have relieved the native from the tensions and that could also very well> match with daily points being high.> > The effect of sa + ju is again considered not from event perspective but> more from that state of mind through which a native has to go through.> > Unless we know the real reasons of break in engagement and it'seffect on> the native (good or bad), the daily points and sa+ju points may mislead.> > To check the event WS would be deciding factor. Daily points andsa+ju will> help us

understand the environment in which the event took place andit's> effect on the native.> > Ofcourse I may be wrong in my understanding. I still need to look at the> chart in detail.> > Thanks & Regards,> > Manu> > _____ > > > On Behalf Of Anup. M> Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2:26 AM> > Re: Re: please predict about the> marriage help -more datas> > Dear Group,> > As written by Venkat,engagement broken in august>

month2004.Sun was transiting cancer sign, which has zero point in 1st> house,and 6,8,8,11 points respectively in 3rd,4th,5th,6th houses.> > Also 6,3,9 points in 8th,9th,12th houses.> > So this cld be 1st august -16th august2004.> > Transit contradicts this as daily points are too good and trasitspoints are> 8 in aggregate> > by Sat and Jup.> > Regards> > Anup> > > > Tammy Wood <tamtamger wrote:> > Hi All,> > Thanks for the analysis,> > The engagement cancelled in August 2004. I dont remember the date. > > She got graduated in December 1991 First. Second Graduation 1996April./May.> > Irrespective of Virgo/Libra lagna, Will she get married or notplease help> us to know.> > Thanks> > Venkat> > harjeet

bakshi <harjeet_bakshi wrote:> > Dear Rajesh,> date of engagement and date of breaking of marriage is important to> study to..> anyway it might have happened in the antra of rahu too that precides> jupiter which is samdhari to saturn which is lord of 6th in case of> virgo asc.> thanks/regards> harjeet> > <%40> , Raj Rajesh> <astro_raj9@> wrote:> >> > Dear Anup/Harjeet/Ash and all the members,> > Please correct me , wherever I am wrong. I will highly appreciate> that.> > > > I am going as per the feedback of Mr. Venkat( All the querist> should write month too with years, when giving passed events).> > First

I will take VIRGO Lagna> > 1) Graduation - year 1991 ( Ketu - Jupiter) here 5th as B, Jup> can not give result here because it has low points here for 5th.> > If the graduation I take after 1991 Nov , the dasha is Ketu- sat ,> even then Sat can not give result because of low points and also> cannot be SD to Ven.> > Yes asper Anup, If it is after dec 1992, then Mer can give graduation.> > Mr. Venkat can comment if he wants to add something here, because> its imp for us.> > > > 2) Ordinary Jobs : Ven - Ma/Ra/Ju from 2000 - 2005, this is> exactly in line, because Ma is LOD, Jup in D house with 5 points and> Ra is SD Moon(LOE)> > > > 3) Good Jov Ven/Sat -- I would say Good money in sat> > 4) Marriage cancelled -- Ven/Ju - Jup is for sure a candidate to> give marriage , why it broke ?> > Ash we need your help here ?> >

> > If I take Libra Lagna,> > 1) Graduation - 1991 - Ketu/Jup -- Jup is perfect here, In house D> with 6 points( Match 100 %)> > 2) Ordinary Jobs : ven - Ra / Jup/ Sat ( match 100%)> > Most of the planets are giving jobs here. Getting a job is not a> problem, All planets for 6th are high.> > 3) Good Job : Ven/Sat : Sat has 27 points, highest for 10th also> the FK , so good job, Oh yes, Gains out of the hard work are less> comparativily.> > 4) Marriage got cancelled in 2004 : Ven/Jup : This makes sense> with Libra Lagna because Jup is 6th lord and spoiling LOA & NK. But I> am not sure is this enough for cancelling marriage.> > > > Ash and other member , PLS HELP.> > > > Best Regards,> > Rajesh> > > > > > "Anup. M" <dalh_1@> wrote:> > Dear Group,> > > > The

below events inline sld be taken as Virgo Lagna.> > Sorry i didnt mention in my mail.> > > > Regards> > Anup> > > > "Anup. M" <dalh_1@> wrote:> > Dear Group,> > > > As Venkat has given few events of past, few of these> which goes > > inline like Graduation in Mercury antra in 1991 (if it is after> 1991),good Money in Saturn antra in the end of 2006-2007,broken> engagement in 2004 in Jup antra where Jup is weak in 3rd,4th, 5th> houses etc.Few small jobs may be in Venus, Mars antras can beconsidered.> > As the native did many jobs in different intervals,so these can be> taken as temporary basis,> > and cant be viewed from 6th hosue as house B.> > 7th house shows most of the planets in good strength except Mars> and with 30 pts.> > So this indicates 7th house is not a weak house.>

> But 5th house shows 4 planets below 12pts, indicating a weak 5th> hosue.> > > > So now with which lagna to go with?> > Libra or Virgo?> > > > So more and more events are required with dates for further> validating lagna.> > Like in past in one of the query,two lagna went parallel with> fewer events. > > > > Taking libra lagna few events does not match here.> > Hoping Ramesh, Harjeet and all wld continue further as i am> still awake all nite long> > for some reasons.> > > > > > Regards> > Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tammy Wood <tamtamger@> wrote:> > Hello All,> > Thanks for the analysis. I am not sure whether she belongs to> virgo ascendant or Libra

ascendant. Here are some of the things.> > > > 1) she got graduated in 1991( first)> > 2) from 1992 and 1993 are black years with no improbvement in life> > 3) 1996 - 1999 - small job> > 4) 2000 - 2005 - Ordinalry job > > 5) end of 2006 to 2007 - Job is ok ,she made good money but she is> facing lot of problems at work place .> > 6) 2004 Marriage cancelled on the day of engagement(love) > > 7) She does not spend money and she is not a lavisher> > 9) she gets angry and nervous when she is irritated a lot.In> general she ls ordinary person.> > > > Please let me know if these datas are ok for you.> > > > Thanks> > Venkat> > harjeet bakshi <harjeet_bakshi@> wrote:> > Dear Ramesh/Venkat/Ashji,> > also expenditure would be more for virgo asc. > > specially in venus antra there

should be some purchase of car or house> > ? venus gets strong for all houses. so venus antra would be happening> > antra for the native.> > thanks/regards> > harjeet> > > > > <%40> , "harjeet bakshi"> > <harjeet_bakshi@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Rajesh,> > > according to virgo asc. the points rise in DBCE from asc. so the> > > native might be in high post.> > > saturn associates with ABCDE either by sight on house or lord or in> > > navamsa. saturn is 6th lord. this might be the reason for denial.> > > Ashji can guide on this.> > > thanks/regards> > > harjeet> > > > <%40> , Raj Rajesh> > > <astro_raj9@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Harjeet/Anup/Ramesh/Venkat/Ash,> > > > > > > > Thank You for your input here. According to Harjeet Virgo Lagna is> > > eually displaying all the delays etc. One thing is sure fromboth the> > > lagnas , that there is no denyl. > > > > I think we should check some of the passed events, as rightly> > > suggested by Mr. Harjit and others.> > > > So Mr. Venkat pls list down some of the passed evnts like> > > Graduation year, First Job, Line of profession, Any romance /> > > Heartbreak, Level of expenses( too high/ or less) in general,

Any> > > tragedy in the family, Is the native very confident, aggresive ,> > > outspoken or mild character/ Mr. nice. > > > > Is native look younger than her age etc> > > > And If the we take virgo Lagna , the native is going through Ven/> > > Sat dasha from oct 2006 to Dec 2009.> > > > During this period , Has she started making more money as compare> > > to other periods, is she sleeping less, general sukha is less , and> > > suddenly stopped spending money too much.> > > > > > > > Or If we take Libra Lagna> > > > During the period of Aug 2006 onwards, Has there been any increase> > > in the authority and responsibility. And if yes then she is notmaking> > > that comparable money , i.e., more effort and less money and more> > > expense. > > > > >

> > > Thanks & Best Regards,> > > > Rajesh> > > > > > > > > > > > harjeet bakshi <harjeet_bakshi@> wrote:> > > > Dear Rajesh/Anup/Ramesh/Ashji/Venkat,> > > > > > > > i think virgo asc. is more appropriate.> > > > delay by both saturn and jupiter here... even though the delay> period> > > > is over.> > > > lagna lord and 9th lord in 2:12 in both rasi and navamsa.. so no> > > > blessings from father or guru.> > > > > > > > points are pretty decent for most of planets for 7th and 12thhouse.> > > > also 5 planets having association with 2nd house or 2nd lord... > > > > > > > > 6th lord saturn aspecting all A,B,C,D and E houses or their lords.> > > > moon is the only

planet thats not associated with saturn.> > > > lagna and moon sign lord and 7th lord from there are 2:12.> > > > sun and venus sign lord and 7th from there are in 1:4.> > > > mars sign lord and 7th from there are 6:8.> > > > so event of marriage is unlikely.. but isnt ruled out.> > > > current antra of saturn might give result being lord of 6th house.> > > > > > > > is the native confident, stubborn and at good post ?> > > > does she like to live lavishly and has more expense ?> > > > > > > > antra of venus seems to be very favourable for 5th,7th and 12th> > > > house... during 1993 dec to 1997 apr.> > > > if any feedback on that particular time?> > > > > > > > thanks/regards> > > > harjeet> > > > > > > >

> <%40> , Tammy Wood> > > > <tamtamger@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hello All,> > > > > I am venkat repling to all the conversation.> > > > > 1) She is not married until now so there is no point in talking> > > > about divorce > > > > > 2) her Marriage went upt o engegemnt and cancelled in 2004due to> > > > misunderstanding.> > > > > > > > > > Will she get married ? if so how would be her life > > > > > > > > > > Thanks a lot for all your help> > > > > Venkat> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> "Anup. M" <dalh_1@> wrote:> > > > > Dear Rajesh,> > > > > > > > > > I want to add few more points here.> > > > > Taking Libra lagna....> > > > > Jupitor in 2nd house as 6th lord is bad for family, family will> > > > break up.> > > > > there is Jup delay.> > > > > Moon ,LOC, in 6th house and 6th lord Jup aspect Moon.> > > > > Saturn aspect on Venus enhances negative qualities of Venus,> > > > > Points in 7th house in summary are 21, means lower than 28pts.> > > > > Venus in two sectors of lagna plus Jup in three sectors ofSun and> > > > Moon shows> > > > > native is more of venusian qualities and hypocrite too in social> > life.> > > > > > > > > > Regards> > >

> > Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Raj Rajesh <astro_raj9@> wrote:> > > > > Hello Venkat, Ash and Other List members,> > > > > Pls correct me where ever I am wrong because I am just learning> > > > this sysytem.> > > > > Venkat, How confident are you for the time of Birth? because 5> > > > min before there is a virgo Lagna and at 5.05 AM there is thisLibra> > > > Lagna.> > > > > I think , the Lagna is Libra due to the following reasons.> > > > > 1) Sat aspect LOA and LOB> > > > > 2) Sat aspect NK , Ven and FK , Mars> > > > > 3) There is zero given by sat in 5th house> > > > > 4) 6th lord Jup is spoiling Ven in both Rashi and Navamsha>

> > > > 7) FK Mars is with 6th lord in Navamsha> > > > > > > > > > so both Karkas are spoiled. > > > > > Now all the planets , other than Moon has good points in WS.> > > > > Now the question is , Are the above reasons are enough to delay> > > > the marriage that much ?> > > > > Now the native is going through dasha of ven/Sat fromsept,2006 to> > > > Nov 2009.> > > > > Sat is aspecting Hose A but it is LOD and has 19 points , so it> > > > can give marriage.> > > > > Since it is LOD so native should get married in the first sector> > > > itself but if not then definately in second sector, that isoct 2007> > > > to Nov 2008.> > > > > > > > > > Now the another question is why the native did not getmarried

in> > > > Rahu dasha from 2001 to 2004. Pls help here ?> > > > > > > > > > If I take virgo Lagna, situation is not that bad as the Libra> > > > Lagna. Yes in this Sat, 6th lord is spoiling NK and FK Ven butthere> > > > are no zeros there.> > > > > > > > > > Pls suggest.> > > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > > > > > > > Rajesh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tammy Wood <tamtamger@> wrote:> > > > > Hello Gurujis,> > > > > Please look into the horoscope and tell me when will the below> > > > person get married. > > > > > > > > > > Date of Birth: november - 1 -1971 > > > >

> TIme of Birth : 5-05 A.M> > > > > Place of Birth: Cuddalore ,India> > > > > Does this native has a good maried life. Please throw somelights> > > > as we are in depressed mood due to her. she has done lot of> remedies.> > > > Will she get a good life partner.> > > > > > > > > > Thanks> > > > > Venkat> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, wehave> > > > it. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers

from> > > > someone who knows.> > > > > Answers - Check it out. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Building a website is a piece of cake. > > > > > Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Travelling to a new city? Search for ATMs in that city. Click> here.> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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Dear Harjeet, As we must had read many mails where Ash raised his doubts initially about such combinations.If a native is married in antra having low points in WS, Such results are expected in antra of planet having highest points or LoD +Loe possibly In this chart also, native was married in moon antra with 10pts and separated in Sat antra having 21pts, i wld say equal status of Lod Or Loe. But beside this,we sld also look for status of karka of house D and House E. Regards Anup harjeet bakshi <harjeet_bakshi wrote: Dear Anup,its given in the previous message below.thanks/regardsharjeet , "harjeet bakshi"<harjeet_bakshi wrote:>> Dear Ashji,> you have seen this chart before but giving it again.> DOB: 6th nov 1981.> time : 2:45 am.> place : 28:36 N / 77:12 E.> female.> married on 11th dec 2001. antra of moon, loE but with less than 12> points for 7th house.> seperated on 22nd july 2005. antra of saturn, lord of 6th/7th but with> highest points for 7th

house.. infact all houses.> thanks/regards> harjeet> > , "Ash" <kas@> wrote:> >> > Dear Harjeet,> > > > Keep this in mind. Remind me when u come across such a chart then> we can> > study this phenomena. > > > > > > > > Cheers !!!> > > > Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca> http://www.ashtro.ca> > > > > > > > > > On Behalf Of

harjeet> > bakshi> > Friday September 28, 2007 12:45 PM> > > > Re: please predict about the> marriage> > help -more datas> > > > > > > > Dear Ashji,> > you have already stated that if antra of lord of 12th from B is going> > on and its having high points for B then event would occur but would> > be problematic..> > if event occurs in the antra of D or E... but is having less points in> > worksheet for house B.> > how would the result be ? > > i guess it would be not a happy event/result too...> > please give your expertise.> > thanks/regards> > harjeet> > > > > > <%40> , "Ash" <kas@>> wrote:> > >> > > Hello Boys,> > > > > > Take another example. A person loosing job that he or she held for> long> > > time in LoD or LoE antra. That time one feels very bad when theevent> > > happens, then after some time the person gets a better job with more> > > authority and $ and that time, that same event that he or she> > thought was> > > bad turns out a blessing in disguise.> > > > > > > > > > > > Manu is right about death. It happens in highest points. Now these> > points> > > are points and its doing its job. How "We Feel" about the event

and> > how we> > > classify the event that is different. > > > > > > > > > > > > As per KAS and if u would have noticed in so many charts that death> > happens> > > in highest points. Now if it's a close person to us or a family> member,> > > then we will ofcourse feel very sad but that is "how we feel> towards the> > > event". As far as KAS goes, and for timing of event, it happened> > in the> > > highest power planet. We define an event happening in highestpower as> > > Good. > > > > > > > > > > > > Similarly, marriage, if it happens in lowest points then "we feel> > that the> > > event is good" and then when high power planet comes then it will> > break the> > > marriage and "we feel that this event

is bad" as it might be causing> > a lot> > > of grief to all parties and families concerned, but then the points> > are high> > > or its LoD or LoE antra then ?> > > > > > > > > > > > Now, when such a thing is happening and if strong pdf is running for> > 7th and> > > at the same time the points are going higher and higher say up and> > more than> > > 230 then, the force will be more, but then in our minds if we have> > > classified it "bad event" then one will even feel more depressed> > when such> > > things happen as the power of daily points is more so its force is> > more and> > > its going against what the person wants i.e. to save the marriage,> > so here,> > > one is trying to swim against the tide and the tide is getting> > stronger

and> > > stronger (daily points).> > > > > > > > > > > > Now at that point in time, if u ask such a person or if some a> > person see> > > the daily points, he might be puzzled as to why is he or she> feeling so> > > depressed or sad and more so if the points are going higher and> higher.> > > > > > > > > > > > So as far as KAS is concerned and the points, then it means that the> > > marriage happened in lowest power planet means its not good so when> > LoD or> > > LoE come or high power planet then it will try to do "Good" by> > flushing out> > > the bad and that is w.r.t points AND NOT HOW WE FEEL ABOUT IT. > > > > > > > > > > > > Just see Sandy's chart that Donna wrote about, the daily

points> were in> > > rising order, so it was good, and that made Sandy take the right> > decisions.> > > So if the points are in rising trend then the person might takeproper> > > decision and in Sandy case it saved her husbands life. > > > > > > > > > > > > So u have to try to read these points w.r.t KAS and keep personal> > feeling> > > separate. > > > > > > > > > > > > For people who have lost job in LoD or LoE or high points and> > particularly> > > when the points go very high then it means that the job they were> > currently> > > in or lets say one of the things it COULD MEAN is that that job was> > sort of> > > a dead end job and the promise of a high pay and authority and> stability> > > could

not be achieve as per the promise of the chart so the person> > looses> > > the job. Now if the person has been in that job for long time and> > if he is> > > called and told that his services are no longer required, and if> he is a> > > dedicated worker then ofcourse he or she will feel bad and that is> > based on> > > the natural nature of a person, but then he will find another job> > which will> > > have much better scope of progress and maybe higher pay andauthority> > > (depending on the WS and status etc), and then in retro after years> > if he or> > > she looks back then they will view that event in a different light.> > > > > > > > > > > > Cheers !!!> > > > > > Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca> http://www.ashtro.ca> > > > > > > > > > > > > > <%40> > > > [ > > <%40> ] On Behalf Of> Anup. M> > > Friday September 28, 2007 9:00 AM> > > > > <%40> > > > RE:

Re: please predict about the> > > marriage help -more datas> > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Manu,> > > > > > > > > > > > Thankyou for your views/comments here.> > > > > > I hope you will be regularly help us to learn more with your> experience.> > > > > > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Manu V Batura <astro.manu@> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Anup,> > > > > > My comments are inline.> > > > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > > > Manu> > > > >

> _____ > > > > > > > > <%40> > > > [ > > <%40> ] On Behalf Of> Anup. M> > > Thursday, September 27, 2007 8:45 PM> > > > > <%40> > > > RE: Re: please predict about the> > > marriage help -more datas> > > > > > Dear

Manu,> > > > > > Good..atleast we can laugh at this too:)> > > > > > But i am still eager to know why daily points rises to alarming> > heights(i> > > will use this word)> > > > > > when a person's heart is broken.I have observed in few charts.> > > > > > Manu: This is interesting observation. I have not yet observed so> > keenly,> > > however, the way I would reason is to consider what happens during> > death.> > > When a person dies, he is free from life and it's associated> > sufferings. He> > > is free from all bonds and ties. Now, if you ask a living person> > whether he> > > wants to die, in most cases the answer will be 'no'. Life although> with> > > sufferings is still something that the person wants. Here too when a> >

person> > > heart is broken, he may be in an accepting state, in a way he is> > free from> > > the bonds that would have resulted were it the case that the event> > was the> > > other way round.> > > > > > 1] My friend didnt get the due promotion though he was> > deserving,intelligent> > > > > > and was very much sure about getting thru the exams.He needed> > only 3> > > extra marks to > > > > > > for this to qualify.His daily points were variable from> > 215-235 during> > > this month.Even this is showing till Nov2007.This was his third> attempt> > > since last 3 years.> > > > > > He himself said after this failure that he is relieved now and do> > not feel> > > anything bad about this now unlike past two

attempts.Now is always> > remain> > > cheerful in office.> > > > > > Manu: How a person feels is totally based on his personality.> > Someone may> > > get all tensed up upon knowing about his failure or can accept it> > like your> > > friend did (albeit with a pinch of salt). I guess you will see a> > difference> > > in daily points between first case and second case although the> > event would> > > be the same. > > > > > > 2] In one of the chart, engagement was broken but the daily points> were> > > showing > > > > > > 217-225> > > > > > > > > > > > Yes, i do agree that this engagement may be against wishes> > sometime and a> > > person> > > > > > may not be happy

getting married and so on.Many aspects sld be> > considered> > > for this also.> > > > > > But we have to learn more yet:)> > > > > > Manu: Absolutely.> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > Manu V Batura <astro.manu@> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Anup,> > > > > > You are correct in what you have stated. Just to answer your query> > regarding> > > how can a person be relieved if his engagement breaks, I would> > assume all> > > should be relieved since they have been saved from getting caught in> > > marriage. ;)> > > > > > On a serious note, there can be many reasons. How can we be surethat> > > engagement will bring only

joy? What if the person really did not> > want to> > > get married and was forced to do so. There could be so manyscenarios.> > > > > > Hope this helps.> > > > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > > > Manu> > > > > > _____ > > > > > > size=2 width="100%" align=center tabIndex=-1> > > > > > > > > <%40> > > > [ > > <%40> ] On Behalf Of> Anup. M> > > Wednesday, September

26, 2007 5:46 AM> > > > > <%40> > > > RE: Re: please predict about the> > > marriage help -more datas> > > > > > Dear Manu,> > > > > > Nice to have a mail from you in this forum after a> > > long time.> > > > > > Well, you are right that daily points do not effect the event.> > > > > > But this reflects state of mind of the native, support from all> planets> > > > > > including Sat and Jup,in transit.> > > > > > Now if , say, the low points show that a person may be busy when Sat> > and Jup> > > >

> > are supporting and give sufficient 8 points in aggregate(more of> > equal 4+4we> > > say, better)> > > > > > Somewhere in archives this is written by Guruji that 20% effect of> > transit> > > is liable giving event.> > > > > > As in prior query about engagement, where Mars transit over zero> > point zone> > > of Moon> > > > > > and such event happened.> > > > > > More than 196 may reflect a person is enjoying with frds, good> > day,feeling> > > relieved> > > > > > of stress and worries etc as we all know.> > > > > > If we say taking this event, like engagement ,it is memorable and> > joyful day> > > for a> > > > > > male/female in most parts of the world,no matter,its

first,second or > > > > > > third times,like in euprope. > > > > > > But if this engagement is broken,how a native can feel relieved from> > this> > > joy?> > > > > > The person may not be in a mood to celebrate this, i think !!> > > > > > So i think less than 196 points sld be there in daily points assuch.> > > > > > Rather,it cld be a sad day for him/her, as on days, state ofmind sld> > > reflect this too> > > > > > in transit, mostly by moon.I may be wrong but only for death event> > we take> > > such> > > > > > rule as native is relieved from this material world and free from> > tension> > > and worries> > > > > > after abononing physical body .> > > >

> > This death like event happened once in a total life.> > > > > > But if we take engagement, this can be at a person's will or> consent to> > > make or break up> > > > > > this event unlike death where a person never wants to die ever on> > his will> > > or as destined.> > > > > > I shall be awaiting your point of view including all members on this> > topic> > > of daily points.> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > Manu V Batura <astro.manu@> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Anup,> > > > > > Can you please elaborate further on your line of thought since I> have a> > > slightly different viewpoint.> > > > >

> As per my viewpoint, daily points do not effect events. For> example, low> > > points may make the native quite busy with work. Breaking of> > engagement may> > > have relieved the native from the tensions and that could also> very well> > > match with daily points being high.> > > > > > The effect of sa + ju is again considered not from event> perspective but> > > more from that state of mind through which a native has to gothrough.> > > > > > Unless we know the real reasons of break in engagement and it's> > effect on> > > the native (good or bad), the daily points and sa+ju points may> mislead.> > > > > > To check the event WS would be deciding factor. Daily points and> > sa+ju will> > > help us understand the environment in which the event took place

and> > it's> > > effect on the native.> > > > > > Ofcourse I may be wrong in my understanding. I still need to look> at the> > > chart in detail.> > > > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > > > Manu> > > > > > _____ > > > > > > > > <%40> > > > [ > > <%40> ] On Behalf Of> Anup. M> > > Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2:26 AM> > > > > <%40> > > > Re: Re: please predict about the> > > marriage help -more datas> > > > > > Dear Group,> > > > > > As written by Venkat,engagement broken in august> > > month2004.Sun was transiting cancer sign, which has zero pointin 1st> > > house,and 6,8,8,11 points respectively in 3rd,4th,5th,6th houses.> > > > > > Also 6,3,9 points in 8th,9th,12th houses.> > > > > > So this cld be 1st august -16th august2004.> > > > > > Transit contradicts this as daily points are too good and trasits> > points are> > > 8 in aggregate> > >

> > > by Sat and Jup.> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > Tammy Wood <tamtamger@> wrote:> > > > > > Hi All,> > > > > > Thanks for the analysis,> > > > > > The engagement cancelled in August 2004. I dont remember the date. > > > > > > She got graduated in December 1991 First. Second Graduation 1996> > April./May.> > > > > > Irrespective of Virgo/Libra lagna, Will she get married or not> > please help> > > us to know.> > > > > > Thanks> > > > > > Venkat> > > > > > harjeet bakshi <harjeet_bakshi@> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Rajesh,> > > date of

engagement and date of breaking of marriage is important to> > > study to..> > > anyway it might have happened in the antra of rahu too that precides> > > jupiter which is samdhari to saturn which is lord of 6th in case of> > > virgo asc.> > > thanks/regards> > > harjeet> > > > > <%40> > > > <%40> , Raj Rajesh> > > <astro_raj9@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Anup/Harjeet/Ash and all the members,> > > > Please correct me , wherever I am wrong. I will highly appreciate> > > that.> > > > > > > > I

am going as per the feedback of Mr. Venkat( All the querist> > > should write month too with years, when giving passed events).> > > > First I will take VIRGO Lagna> > > > 1) Graduation - year 1991 ( Ketu - Jupiter) here 5th as B, Jup> > > can not give result here because it has low points here for 5th.> > > > If the graduation I take after 1991 Nov , the dasha is Ketu- sat ,> > > even then Sat can not give result because of low points and also> > > cannot be SD to Ven.> > > > Yes asper Anup, If it is after dec 1992, then Mer can give> graduation.> > > > Mr. Venkat can comment if he wants to add something here, because> > > its imp for us.> > > > > > > > 2) Ordinary Jobs : Ven - Ma/Ra/Ju from 2000 - 2005, this is> > > exactly in line, because Ma is LOD, Jup in D house with 5

points and> > > Ra is SD Moon(LOE)> > > > > > > > 3) Good Jov Ven/Sat -- I would say Good money in sat> > > > 4) Marriage cancelled -- Ven/Ju - Jup is for sure a candidate to> > > give marriage , why it broke ?> > > > Ash we need your help here ?> > > > > > > > If I take Libra Lagna,> > > > 1) Graduation - 1991 - Ketu/Jup -- Jup is perfect here, In house D> > > with 6 points( Match 100 %)> > > > 2) Ordinary Jobs : ven - Ra / Jup/ Sat ( match 100%)> > > > Most of the planets are giving jobs here. Getting a job is not a> > > problem, All planets for 6th are high.> > > > 3) Good Job : Ven/Sat : Sat has 27 points, highest for 10th also> > > the FK , so good job, Oh yes, Gains out of the hard work are less> > > comparativily.> > >

> 4) Marriage got cancelled in 2004 : Ven/Jup : This makes sense> > > with Libra Lagna because Jup is 6th lord and spoiling LOA & NK.But I> > > am not sure is this enough for cancelling marriage.> > > > > > > > Ash and other member , PLS HELP.> > > > > > > > Best Regards,> > > > Rajesh> > > > > > > > > > > > "Anup. M" <dalh_1@> wrote:> > > > Dear Group,> > > > > > > > The below events inline sld be taken as Virgo Lagna.> > > > Sorry i didnt mention in my mail.> > > > > > > > Regards> > > > Anup> > > > > > > > "Anup. M" <dalh_1@> wrote:> > > > Dear Group,> > > > > > > > As Venkat has given few events of past,

few of these> > > which goes > > > > inline like Graduation in Mercury antra in 1991 (if it is after> > > 1991),good Money in Saturn antra in the end of 2006-2007,broken> > > engagement in 2004 in Jup antra where Jup is weak in 3rd,4th, 5th> > > houses etc.Few small jobs may be in Venus, Mars antras can be> > considered.> > > > As the native did many jobs in different intervals,so these can be> > > taken as temporary basis,> > > > and cant be viewed from 6th hosue as house B.> > > > 7th house shows most of the planets in good strength except Mars> > > and with 30 pts.> > > > So this indicates 7th house is not a weak house.> > > > But 5th house shows 4 planets below 12pts, indicating a weak 5th> > > hosue.> > > > > > > > So now with which lagna to

go with?> > > > Libra or Virgo?> > > > > > > > So more and more events are required with dates for further> > > validating lagna.> > > > Like in past in one of the query,two lagna went parallel with> > > fewer events. > > > > > > > > Taking libra lagna few events does not match here.> > > > Hoping Ramesh, Harjeet and all wld continue further as i am> > > still awake all nite long> > > > for some reasons.> > > > > > > > > > > > Regards> > > > Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tammy Wood <tamtamger@> wrote:> > > > Hello

All,> > > > Thanks for the analysis. I am not sure whether she belongs to> > > virgo ascendant or Libra ascendant. Here are some of the things.> > > > > > > > 1) she got graduated in 1991( first)> > > > 2) from 1992 and 1993 are black years with no improbvement in life> > > > 3) 1996 - 1999 - small job> > > > 4) 2000 - 2005 - Ordinalry job > > > > 5) end of 2006 to 2007 - Job is ok ,she made good money but she is> > > facing lot of problems at work place .> > > > 6) 2004 Marriage cancelled on the day of engagement(love) > > > > 7) She does not spend money and she is not a lavisher> > > > 9) she gets angry and nervous when she is irritated a lot.In> > > general she ls ordinary person.> > > > > > > > Please let me know if these datas are ok for

you.> > > > > > > > Thanks> > > > Venkat> > > > harjeet bakshi <harjeet_bakshi@> wrote:> > > > Dear Ramesh/Venkat/Ashji,> > > > also expenditure would be more for virgo asc. > > > > specially in venus antra there should be some purchase of car or> house> > > > ? venus gets strong for all houses. so venus antra would be> happening> > > > antra for the native.> > > > thanks/regards> > > > harjeet> > > > > > > > > > <%40> > > > <%40> , "harjeetbakshi"> >

> > <harjeet_bakshi@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Rajesh,> > > > > according to virgo asc. the points rise in DBCE from asc. so the> > > > > native might be in high post.> > > > > saturn associates with ABCDE either by sight on house or lord> or in> > > > > navamsa. saturn is 6th lord. this might be the reason fordenial.> > > > > Ashji can guide on this.> > > > > thanks/regards> > > > > harjeet> > > > > > > <%40> > > > <%40> , Raj Rajesh> > > > >

<astro_raj9@> wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Harjeet/Anup/Ramesh/Venkat/Ash,> > > > > > > > > > > > Thank You for your input here. According to Harjeet Virgo> Lagna is> > > > > eually displaying all the delays etc. One thing is sure from> > both the> > > > > lagnas , that there is no denyl. > > > > > > I think we should check some of the passed events, as rightly> > > > > suggested by Mr. Harjit and others.> > > > > > So Mr. Venkat pls list down some of the passed evnts like> > > > > Graduation year, First Job, Line of profession, Any romance /> > > > > Heartbreak, Level of expenses( too high/ or less) ingeneral, Any> > > > > tragedy in the family, Is the native very confident, aggresive

,> > > > > outspoken or mild character/ Mr. nice. > > > > > > Is native look younger than her age etc> > > > > > And If the we take virgo Lagna , the native is going through> Ven/> > > > > Sat dasha from oct 2006 to Dec 2009.> > > > > > During this period , Has she started making more money as> compare> > > > > to other periods, is she sleeping less, general sukha is less> , and> > > > > suddenly stopped spending money too much.> > > > > > > > > > > > Or If we take Libra Lagna> > > > > > During the period of Aug 2006 onwards, Has there been any> increase> > > > > in the authority and responsibility. And if yes then she is not> > making> > > > > that comparable money , i.e., more effort and less

money andmore> > > > > expense. > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks & Best Regards,> > > > > > Rajesh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > harjeet bakshi <harjeet_bakshi@> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Rajesh/Anup/Ramesh/Ashji/Venkat,> > > > > > > > > > > > i think virgo asc. is more appropriate.> > > > > > delay by both saturn and jupiter here... even though the delay> > > period> > > > > > is over.> > > > > > lagna lord and 9th lord in 2:12 in both rasi and navamsa..so no> > > > > > blessings from father or guru.> > > > > > > > > > > > points are pretty decent for most of planets for 7th and

12th> > house.> > > > > > also 5 planets having association with 2nd house or 2ndlord... > > > > > > > > > > > > 6th lord saturn aspecting all A,B,C,D and E houses or their> lords.> > > > > > moon is the only planet thats not associated with saturn.> > > > > > lagna and moon sign lord and 7th lord from there are 2:12.> > > > > > sun and venus sign lord and 7th from there are in 1:4.> > > > > > mars sign lord and 7th from there are 6:8.> > > > > > so event of marriage is unlikely.. but isnt ruled out.> > > > > > current antra of saturn might give result being lord of 6th> house.> > > > > > > > > > > > is the native confident, stubborn and at good post ?> > > > > > does she like to live

lavishly and has more expense ?> > > > > > > > > > > > antra of venus seems to be very favourable for 5th,7th and12th> > > > > > house... during 1993 dec to 1997 apr.> > > > > > if any feedback on that particular time?> > > > > > > > > > > > thanks/regards> > > > > > harjeet> > > > > > > > > > > > > > <%40> > > > <%40> , Tammy Wood> > > > > > <tamtamger@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Hello All,> > > > >

> > I am venkat repling to all the conversation.> > > > > > > 1) She is not married until now so there is no point in> talking> > > > > > about divorce > > > > > > > 2) her Marriage went upt o engegemnt and cancelled in 2004> > due to> > > > > > misunderstanding.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Will she get married ? if so how would be her life > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks a lot for all your help> > > > > > > Venkat> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > "Anup. M" <dalh_1@> wrote:> > > > > > > Dear Rajesh,> > > > > > > > > > > > > > I want to add few more points here.>

> > > > > > Taking Libra lagna....> > > > > > > Jupitor in 2nd house as 6th lord is bad for family, family> will> > > > > > break up.> > > > > > > there is Jup delay.> > > > > > > Moon ,LOC, in 6th house and 6th lord Jup aspect Moon.> > > > > > > Saturn aspect on Venus enhances negative qualities of Venus,> > > > > > > Points in 7th house in summary are 21, means lower than28pts.> > > > > > > Venus in two sectors of lagna plus Jup in three sectors of> > Sun and> > > > > > Moon shows> > > > > > > native is more of venusian qualities and hypocrite too in> social> > > > life.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > >

Anup> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Raj Rajesh <astro_raj9@> wrote:> > > > > > > Hello Venkat, Ash and Other List members,> > > > > > > Pls correct me where ever I am wrong because I am just> learning> > > > > > this sysytem.> > > > > > > Venkat, How confident are you for the time of Birth?because 5> > > > > > min before there is a virgo Lagna and at 5.05 AM there is this> > Libra> > > > > > Lagna.> > > > > > > I think , the Lagna is Libra due to the following reasons.> > > > > > > 1) Sat aspect LOA and LOB> > > > > > > 2) Sat aspect NK , Ven and FK , Mars> >

> > > > > 3) There is zero given by sat in 5th house> > > > > > > 4) 6th lord Jup is spoiling Ven in both Rashi and Navamsha> > > > > > > 7) FK Mars is with 6th lord in Navamsha> > > > > > > > > > > > > > so both Karkas are spoiled. > > > > > > > Now all the planets , other than Moon has good points in WS.> > > > > > > Now the question is , Are the above reasons are enough to> delay> > > > > > the marriage that much ?> > > > > > > Now the native is going through dasha of ven/Sat from> > sept,2006 to> > > > > > Nov 2009.> > > > > > > Sat is aspecting Hose A but it is LOD and has 19 points ,> so it> > > > > > can give marriage.> > > > > > > Since it

is LOD so native should get married in the first> sector> > > > > > itself but if not then definately in second sector, that is> > oct 2007> > > > > > to Nov 2008.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Now the another question is why the native did not get> > married in> > > > > > Rahu dasha from 2001 to 2004. Pls help here ?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > If I take virgo Lagna, situation is not that bad as theLibra> > > > > > Lagna. Yes in this Sat, 6th lord is spoiling NK and FK Ven but> > there> > > > > > are no zeros there.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Pls suggest.> > > > > > > Thanks & Regards,> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > Rajesh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tammy Wood <tamtamger@> wrote:> > > > > > > Hello Gurujis,> > > > > > > Please look into the horoscope and tell me when will thebelow> > > > > > person get married. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Date of Birth: november - 1 -1971 > > > > > > > TIme of Birth : 5-05 A.M> > > > > > > Place of Birth: Cuddalore ,India> > > > > > > Does this native has a good maried life. Please throw some> > lights> > > > > > as we are in depressed mood due to her. she has done lot of> > > remedies.> > > > > > Will she

get a good life partner.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks> > > > > > > Venkat> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we> > have> > > > > > it. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from> > > > > > someone who knows.> > > > > > > Answers - Check it out. > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Building a website is a piece of cake. > > > > > > > Small Business gives you all the tools to getonline. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Travelling to a new city? Search for ATMs in that city.Click> > > here.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with> > > Autos. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Luggage? GPS? Comic books? > > > > Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search.> > > >> > > > > > _____ > > > > > > Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just> > >> >><http://in.rd./tagline_mail_1/*http:/help./l/in//mail> >

> /mail/tools/tools-08.html/> a click away. > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > Building a website is a piece of cake. > > > Small Business gives you all> > >> >><http://us.rd./evt=48251/*http:/smallbusiness./webhosting/> > > ?p=PASSPORTPLUS> the tools to get online.> > > > > > > > > > > > Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.30/1030 - Release Date:> > 9/25/2007> > > 8:02 AM> > > > > > > > > > > >

Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.30/1030 - Release Date:> > 9/25/2007> > > 8:02 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > Building a website is a piece of cake. > > > Small Business gives you all> > >> >><http://us.rd./evt=48251/*http:/smallbusiness./webhosting/> > > ?p=PASSPORTPLUS> the tools to get online.> > > > > > > > > > > > Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.30/1030 - Release Date:> > 9/25/2007> > > 8:02 AM> > > > > > > > >

> > > Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.33/1034 - Release Date:> > 9/27/2007> > > 5:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make> > >> >><http://us.rd./evt=51200/*http:/autos./index.html;_ylc=X3o> > >> >>DMTFibjNlcHF0BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDYXV0b3MtZHJlYW1jYXI->> > > it a reality with Autos. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database:

269.13.33/1034 - Release Date:> > 9/27/2007> > > 5:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.33/1034 - Release Date:> > 9/27/2007> > > 5:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make> > >> >><http://us.rd./evt=51200/*http:/autos./index.html;_ylc=X3o> > >> >>DMTFibjNlcHF0BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDYXV0b3MtZHJlYW1jYXI->> > > it a

reality with Autos.> > >> >>

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