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the Pune workshop of KASIA

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dear list, pranams to krushnaji first. back from a pleasant trip to pune after attending the KASIA workshop on the 17th feb. the programme started well and ended well. krushnaji personally made sure every one had breakfast even before the workshop could start. the speakers were arranged in such a way that all the four of them got a chance in rotation pre-lunch and post lunch which made it more interesting without making it a monotonous one with the same speaker for a long session. though i wished krushnaji would have held the mike a while longer than he did but what he spoke gave rare insights into the deep analysis and thoughts which have gone into the system. he spoke with depth as only a person who has worked hard at the system for years together. in all he had shared his pearls of wisdom so freely. only time was

not on our side as it was a one day workshop. he was narrating how it is that for planets look at other planets forming this yog and that. eg sun is looking at saturn, saturn in turn looking at venus by aspect, moon looking at jupiter, etc, etc forming yogas galore but not giving anyone any concrete or consistent results from such combinations, aspects, 'looking'. i thought and laughed to myself thinking while the venus looks at saturn and saturn looks at jup and jup looks at sun and moon in the chart the poor querist continues to keep looking at the astrologer for a solution to his problems!! krushnaji rightly points out that his system has taken the best from the vedic astrology, also taken the strengths each planet was deriving from other planets in the chart due to placements and position. adding and at times subtracting postivie

numerical points to come to a conclusion about the actual strength of each and every planet, not due to its being in neecha or uccha sthaan nor its association with general or even functional benefics but only thro the support each gets from the other. in substance this is the most important basis on which this system works. as in real life we derive all our strength from our immediate family members or close ones or friends in making our life a success, some members motivate us to do better even if we have failed miserably in something. others demotivate us further to send into deep pits of depression. these are the ups and downs of life. so also the planets derive strength from each other to either support or not to support giving the positive and the negative results we get thro our lives. this is the connection i could make after attending this workshop. i would also have been happy

had he been able to tell us what happened to the other horoscope tested on krushnaji by the australian who got his marriage date prediction from him accurately and wanted to believe that krushnaji might have 'somehow' known about his marriage date from 'somewhere'. he wanted to test him through another horoscope whose identity was kept a secret. i am dying to know the outcome as he could not continue with what happened to the second horoscope of the australian as he went on to discuss some other thing after a member from the audience had a doubt. i take this opportunity to thank krushnaji for thinking of holding such a useful workshop. though i have not had the chance to take up serious study about the system for the past two years for one reason or the other, i am trying to do that from now on. and interacting with members of KASIA was of great help as it was all on a one to one

basis. i had come from chennai for this conference. but what was more amazing was that mr.raj had come all the way from toronto just to attend this workshop seemed to me to be the highlight. i am eagerly waiting for a workshop on transits and nadi for timing events as they both are my ever green and favourite topics. nadi and transits do give good results and there is no doubt about it. yet timing to about a week or two of the event happening will really be the crowning glory. deepakji covered the basics of KAS system in the beginning and set the stage for things to come. ash spoke very well about the steps involved in arriving at the timing of the event in question, be it marriage or any other. he was right in stressing the strength of KAS which seeks to make the basic calculations one and the same for all those who

use this system. so the results also will not vary and should be consistent for anyone using this system unlike in other systems where the analysis of individuals most of the time vary even though the combinations in the chart are the same therefore the predictions also do have a chance of varying from one astrologer to the other with the same vedic astrology principles. this reminds me of the observation i made while my husband and myself were executing some contract work for the taj madras flight kitchen in chennai. i would observe that each meal was carefully prepared with exact weights and using only certain ingredients at a certain temperature. the dishes were of consistent quality and taste. day in and day out the standards would be strictly followed religiously using the rules and the methods of preparing any of the 1000s of dishes made each day at the food factory which would service many

airlines' meals across the globe. this concept is to basically standardise proceedures and any trained person will never have a chance of making a mess of any dish at all. it did strike me that this indeed is what is being attempted by krushnaji for so long. it is his passion and total dedication that he devotes so much time to this despite being busy with his own business commitments. ash was also mentioning how he would spend large sums of his own money to discuss, analyse, prepare the methodology with them and get the information translated into standards to time events. i salute the selflessness of this great soul who is doing such a lot for this system. no money, no words, no gesture can equal his dedication and sincerity in what he has done. today if we are able to attend this wonderful workshop and listen to krushnaji and others speak on this its his effort thro and thro with the vidya that his

own guru had passed on to him but krushnaji has been hard pressed to fill the gaps which were lost as his guru's notes got lost forever making his struggle even more harder. also no less would have been the contribution of mrs.krushnaji in all this. seeing her made me feel she's a very gentle and soft spoken person. but for her sahyog, i am sure, we would not have got all this much from krushnaji. manu did a very good job of explaining and taking forward the system in his very low profile and underplayed way. he did very well too in explaining clearly his area of the topic. the arrangements were well taken care of by manu whom we all interacted with for the hotel arrangements, etc. he was patient and guided us well with prompt replies and useful tips about hotel bookings and things. it struck me that ramakrishna

paramhansa's greatness would never have come out in the open but for his famous and dedicted sishya swami vivekananda. i see not one but two eager disciples trying to make this a success - ash and manu. ash was also mentioning how donna without whose inputs and total involvement since its inception has made this group a success today. thanks donna. we not only remembered you but also missed you there. being the first workshop which i have set foot to attend in astrology it was a very pleasant experience for me which i shall never forget in a long time. thanks to all of you for making this a success. affly mahalakshmi p.s. sorry for the long mail but i could not stop expressing myself!

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Dear Mahalakshmiji,


Enjoyed reading your experience. You took me back to Pune! :)

Thank you for your kind words.


And I can’t help repeat but I loved the color! :)

Thank you for your blessings.


Best Regards,









On Behalf Of mahaluxmi


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 12:55 PM


the Pune workshop of KASIA





dear list,



pranams to krushnaji first.



back from a pleasant trip to pune after attending the KASIA

workshop on the 17th feb.






the programme started well and ended well.






krushnaji personally made sure every one had breakfast even

before the workshop could start.



the speakers were arranged in such a way that all the four

of them got a chance in rotation pre-lunch and post lunch which made it more

interesting without making it a monotonous one with the same speaker for a long







though i wished krushnaji would have held the mike a while

longer than he did but what he spoke gave rare insights into the deep analysis

and thoughts which have gone into the system. he spoke with depth as

only a person who has worked hard at the system for years together.

in all he had shared his pearls of wisdom so freely. only time was not on our

side as it was a one day workshop.






he was narrating how it is that for planets look at other

planets forming this yog and that. eg sun is looking at saturn, saturn in

turn looking at venus by aspect, moon looking at jupiter, etc, etc forming

yogas galore but not giving anyone any concrete or consistent results from

such combinations, aspects, 'looking'.






i thought and laughed to myself thinking while the venus

looks at saturn and saturn looks at jup and jup looks at sun and moon in

the chart the poor querist continues to keep looking at the astrologer for

a solution to his problems!!






krushnaji rightly points out that his system has taken the

best from the vedic astrology, also taken the strengths each planet was

deriving from other planets in the chart due to placements and position.

adding and at times subtracting postivie numerical points to come to a

conclusion about the actual strength of each and every planet, not due to

its being in neecha or uccha sthaan nor its association with general

or even functional benefics but only thro the support each gets from the other.

in substance this is the most important basis on which this system works.

as in real life we derive all our strength from our immediate family members or

close ones or friends in making our life a success, some members motivate us to

do better even if we have failed miserably in something. others

demotivate us further to send into deep pits of depression. these are the

ups and downs of life. so also the planets derive strength from each other

to either support or not to support giving the positive and the negative

results we get thro our lives. this is the connection i could make after

attending this workshop.





i would also have been happy had he been able to tell

us what happened to the other horoscope tested on krushnaji by the

australian who got his marriage date prediction from him accurately

and wanted to believe that krushnaji might have 'somehow' known about his

marriage date from 'somewhere'.



he wanted to test him through another horoscope whose

identity was kept a secret. i am dying to know the outcome as he could not

continue with what happened to the second horoscope of the australian as he

went on to discuss some other thing after a member from the audience had a







i take this opportunity to thank krushnaji for thinking of

holding such a useful workshop. though i have not had the chance to take

up serious study about the system for the past two years for one reason or

the other, i am trying to do that from now on. and interacting

with members of KASIA was of great help as it was all on a one to one basis.



i had come from chennai for this conference. but what

was more amazing was that mr.raj had come all the way from toronto just to

attend this workshop seemed to me to be the highlight.






i am eagerly waiting for a workshop on transits and nadi for

timing events as they both are my ever green and favourite topics. nadi

and transits do give good results and there is no doubt about it. yet timing to

about a week or two of the event happening will really be the crowning glory.






deepakji covered the basics of KAS system in the beginning

and set the stage for things to come.






ash spoke very well about the steps involved in arriving at

the timing of the event in question, be it marriage or any other. he was

right in stressing the strength of KAS which seeks to make the basic

calculations one and the same for all those who use this system. so the

results also will not vary and should be consistent for anyone using this

system unlike in other systems where the analysis of individuals most of the

time vary even though the combinations in the chart are the same therefore the

predictions also do have a chance of varying from one astrologer to the other

with the same vedic astrology principles.






this reminds me of the observation i made while my husband

and myself were executing some contract work for the taj madras flight

kitchen in chennai. i would observe that each meal was carefully prepared

with exact weights and using only certain ingredients at a certain temperature. the

dishes were of consistent quality and taste. day in and day out the

standards would be strictly followed religiously using the rules and the

methods of preparing any of the 1000s of dishes made each day at the food

factory which would service many airlines' meals across the globe.



this concept is to basically standardise proceedures and any

trained person will never have a chance of making a mess of any dish at

all. it did strike me that this indeed is what is being attempted by

krushnaji for so long. it is his passion and total dedication that he

devotes so much time to this despite being busy with his own business

commitments. ash was also mentioning how he would spend large sums of his own

money to discuss, analyse, prepare the methodology with them and get the

information translated into standards to time events.



i salute the selflessness of this great soul who is doing

such a lot for this system. no money, no words, no gesture can equal his

dedication and sincerity in what he has done. today if we are able to

attend this wonderful workshop and listen to krushnaji and others speak on this

its his effort thro and thro with the vidya that his own guru had passed on to

him but krushnaji has been hard pressed to fill the gaps which were

lost as his guru's notes got lost forever making his struggle even more harder.



also no less would have been the contribution

of mrs.krushnaji in all this. seeing her made me feel she's a very

gentle and soft spoken person. but for her sahyog, i am sure,

we would not have got all this much from krushnaji.






manu did a very good job of explaining and taking forward

the system in his very low profile and underplayed way. he did very

well too in explaining clearly his area of the topic.






the arrangements were well taken care of by manu whom we all

interacted with for the hotel arrangements, etc. he was patient and

guided us well with prompt replies and useful tips about hotel bookings and







it struck me that ramakrishna paramhansa's greatness would

never have come out in the open but for his famous and dedicted sishya swami

vivekananda. i see not one but two eager disciples trying to make this a

success - ash and manu. ash was also mentioning how donna without whose

inputs and total involvement since its inception has made this group a success

today. thanks donna. we not only remembered you but also missed you







being the first workshop which i have set foot to attend in

astrology it was a very pleasant experience for me which i shall never forget

in a long time.






thanks to all of you for making this a success.












p.s. sorry for the long mail but i could not stop expressing






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