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Job change analysis

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Job change related analysis

Dear KAS Forum Members,

I am producing my analysis of a native 22.05.1959, 22:40 hrs, India, 26.N.55, 75.E.55 for matters related to job changes (not transfers but job changes).

The past changes have been tried to be analyzed by KAS laws and then the next change date is derived by KAS.

Interested KAS users can take it as an exercise and at the same time verify the analysis done by me.

The KAS Law: For changing the job sub-period lord must be connected to 6th house treating it as B.


For B=6, then A=1st house (Sa with 4 points), B=6th house (Su with 4 points), C=10th house (Rahu behaving like Me).


The 6th lord Ve in 7th house belonging to Me.

The 6th house has Su. It is seen by Mo & Ju and also by Rahu (behaving more like Me).

Therefore Planets related to 6th house are Su, Mo, Ju, Ve & Me



Date of Job changes in career / MD/AD/Sector/Remarks

(1)Nov 1983 /Me/Sa/3/Sa is in Nks of Ve which is lord of 6th house.


(2)Nov 1986/Ke/Mo/3/Mo( 5 points) is aspecting 6th house.


(3)Mar 1989/Ke/Ju/3/Ju (4 points) is aspecting 6th house.


(4)Sept 1991/Ve/Ve/1/Ve is the lord of 6th house.


(5)Jan 1994/Ve/Ve/3/Ve is the lord of 6th house.


(6)Feb 1997/Ve/Mo/3/Mo ( 5 points) is aspecting 6th house.


When Next ?

Probably in MD of Ve AD of Me. sector 3 and Forecasted during 20th June to 15th July 2009, as per KAS. Reasons given below in analysis.


There were no other job changes in native’s life.

Please note ;

1. There are 2 zeros in the chart which means delay. This could be the reason of most job changes (except one) getting delayed to the 3rd sector.


2. The one change which occurred in the 1st sector itself was of Ve AD. This Ve is LoE for 6th house. So it was eager to give the result. All other changes occurred in 3rd sector.


Queries with my attempts to answer them:


Q1. Sa is LoD for 6th house. Therefore it gave one job change in its AD (Nov 83 in MD of Me). But why Sa did not give the change in the period Feb 1990 to June 1990 (3rd sector) in Ke MD and then why again not during May 2006 to June 2007 (3rd sector) in Ve MD? Is it something to do with the MD (change occurred in MD of Me but not in MD’s of Ke & Ve).


Attempted answer: MD shows the Karaktwa. Here the change occurred in MD of Me but not in MD’s of Ke & r Ve because Me is the Karak for 10th house (house related to profession). Me is placed in the 5th house which is 8th from the 10th house and it has high (6) BAV points.


About Ve it is clear that Ve does not have the Karaktwa for job related matters in this chart, more so when the profession of native is engineering & management.


But Ke will behave more like Me here. It gave 2 job changes in its MD period of 7 years. The question remains as to why it did not give the change in its MD when AD was of Sa.

I am not able to derive answer for this through KAS.


Q2: Why the job changes did not occur in the AD of Ju during May 2003 to April 2004 when the AD of Ju had given the change in the MD of Ke (Mar 1989).


Attempted answer: AD of Ju gave the change in Ke MD but not in Ve MD because Ke behaved like Me (Ke is in Nakshatra of Me) which is Karak for 10th house (profession). Ve is not a karak for house related to job changes (6th, 10th & 1st ie A,B,C for B=6)


This indicates that if AD is related to 6th house then it will give the job change only if the prevailing MD has Karaktwa for houses related to job changes.


I would like experienced KAS users to throw light on this thought. Is it correct?



Q3: Why the native never was satisfied with the jobs he did at various places. Why there was a certain amount of deficiency observed with lesser returns inspite of giving more than 100% & also rated highly useful by the employers.


Attempted Answer: For B=6, A=1st house & C=10th house. The 10th lord is Me which is in Bharni Nakshatra (Nks). This is the Nks of Ve which is 6th lord. By the virtue of being the 6th lord it diminishes the quality of the events governed by the 10th house (such as authority, satisfaction in job, monetary returns, and facilities from employer etc).


Here Me will facilitate the time factor because Me is 8th from 10th and has 6 BAV bindus. But being in the Nks of 6th lord it might tend to diminish the quality aspect.



Q4 : When can the native expect the next job change?


Attempted answer: The native is passing through the MD-AD combine of Ve-Me. Here Me being 8th from 10th house & with 6 BAV points (in karak house) will tend to give job change. The 2nd sector of Me is going on. The aspect of Sa on house C & lord of B plus Ju aspect on house B (6th house) will tend to delay to the 3rd sector. There are 2 zeros in the SAV chart. So more delay is expected (probably to 3rd sector).


So next job change (the native is very eager for the same since more than 5 years) is likely to occur during May 2009 to Apl 2010.


For narrowing down the dates, we need to bring the 1st house into picture (8th from 6th).

Sa & Ve ( & Ju also) are strong significators of 6th house (high points). The AD is of Me.


So now we try to observe the combination of Sa, Ve & Me in relation to the 1st house alongwith the transit of Sun. Remember Sa & Ve are also LoD & LoE for B=6.


Sa will be in the Nks of Ve from Feb 09 to July 09 & aspects Ju which aspects Su in transit. In Jun 09-July 09 Su will be in Gemini (house of Me) and Nks of Rahu (behaving as Me) and later in Nks of Ju.


So the next job change is forecasted during 20th June 2009 to 15th July 2009, as per KAS.


May I request the KAS users to ;

a) Attempt to solve the query through their own analysis

b) Discuss the facets where I have gone out of track in my analysis.


I am sorry for the length of the mail, but unfortunately by habit I tend to write all details all the time.



Nikhlesh Mathur

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Nikhlesh ji,



wanted to add 2 more points.



add the transit of Sa and Ju to your analysis. You can get the idea of environment.



in this chart is 6th lord and also 11th lord which is

LoE. So Venus is eager, not because

its 6th lord but because its LoE.



law is that 6th house is the KARAK for 11th i.e. income

so we say service. So 6th

house will become karak for start of 11th

house. The status of 6th

house will control the quality of 11th house i.e. if one gets a very

high status job then his income will be also very nice or say in commensurate.



for Sag lagna, 11th lord is Ve and 3rd

lord is Sa so both are eager to give the result.



note that with the time you have given, the lagna is vargottam.





Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of nikhlesh mathur

Saturday September 13, 2008

1:10 AM



Re: Re:

Job change analysis








Job change related analysis

Dear KAS Forum Members,


am producing my analysis of a native 22.05.1959, 22:40 hrs, India, 26.N.55,

75.E.55 for matters related to job changes (not transfers but job changes).

The past changes have been tried to be analyzed by KAS laws and then the next

change date is derived by KAS.

Interested KAS users can take it as an exercise and at the same time verify the

analysis done by me.

The KAS Law: For changing the job sub-period lord must be connected to 6th

house treating it as B.


For B=6, then A=1st house (Sa with 4 points), B=6th house (Su with 4 points),

C=10th house (Rahu behaving like Me).


The 6th lord Ve in 7th house belonging to Me.

The 6th house has Su. It is seen by Mo & Ju and also by Rahu (behaving more

like Me).

Therefore Planets related to 6th house are Su, Mo, Ju, Ve & Me



Date of Job changes in career / MD/AD/Sector/Remarks

(1)Nov 1983 /Me/Sa/3/Sa is in Nks of Ve which is lord of 6th house.


(2)Nov 1986/Ke/Mo/3/Mo( 5 points) is aspecting 6th house.


(3)Mar 1989/Ke/Ju/3/Ju (4 points) is aspecting 6th house.


(4)Sept 1991/Ve/Ve/1/Ve is the lord of 6th house.


(5)Jan 1994/Ve/Ve/3/Ve is the lord of 6th house.


(6)Feb 1997/Ve/Mo/3/Mo ( 5 points) is aspecting 6th house.


When Next ?

Probably in MD of Ve AD of Me. sector 3 and Forecasted during 20th June to 15th

July 2009, as per KAS. Reasons given below in analysis.


There were no other job changes in native’s life.

Please note ;

1. There are 2 zeros in the chart which means delay. This

could be the reason of most job changes (except one) getting delayed to the 3rd



2. The one change which occurred in the 1st sector itself

was of Ve AD. This Ve is LoE for 6th house. So it was eager to give the result.

All other changes occurred in 3rd sector.


Queries with my attempts to answer them:


Q1. Sa is LoD for 6th house. Therefore it gave one job change in its AD (Nov 83

in MD of Me). But why Sa did not give the change in the period Feb 1990 to June

1990 (3rd sector) in Ke MD and then why again not during May 2006 to June 2007

(3rd sector) in Ve MD? Is it something to do with the MD (change occurred in MD

of Me but not in MD’s of Ke & Ve).


Attempted answer: MD shows the Karaktwa. Here the change occurred in MD of Me

but not in MD’s of Ke & r Ve because Me is the Karak for 10th house

(house related to profession). Me is placed in the 5th house which is 8th from

the 10th house and it has high (6) BAV points.


About Ve it is clear that Ve does not have the Karaktwa for job related matters

in this chart, more so when the profession of native is engineering & management.


But Ke will behave more like Me here. It gave 2 job changes in its MD period of

7 years. The question remains as to why it did not give the change in its MD

when AD was of Sa.

I am not able to derive answer for this through KAS.


Q2: Why the job changes did not occur in the AD of Ju during May 2003 to April

2004 when the AD of Ju had given the change in the MD of Ke (Mar 1989).


Attempted answer: AD of Ju gave the change in Ke MD but not in Ve MD

because Ke behaved like Me (Ke is in Nakshatra of Me) which is Karak for 10th

house (profession). Ve is not a karak for house related to job changes (6th,

10th & 1st ie A,B,C for B=6)


This indicates that if AD is related to 6th house then it will give the job

change only if the prevailing MD has Karaktwa for houses related to job



I would like experienced KAS users to throw light on this thought. Is it




Q3: Why the native never was satisfied with the jobs he did at various places.

Why there was a certain amount of deficiency observed with lesser returns

inspite of giving more than 100% & also rated highly useful by the



Attempted Answer: For B=6, A=1st house & C=10th house. The 10th lord is Me

which is in Bharni Nakshatra (Nks). This is the Nks of Ve which is 6th lord. By

the virtue of being the 6th lord it diminishes the quality of the events

governed by the 10th house (such as authority, satisfaction in job, monetary

returns, and facilities from employer etc).


Here Me will facilitate the time factor because Me is 8th from 10th and has 6

BAV bindus. But being in the Nks of 6th lord it might tend to diminish the

quality aspect.



Q4 : When can the native expect the next job change?


Attempted answer: The native is passing through the MD-AD combine of Ve-Me.

Here Me being 8th from 10th house & with 6 BAV points (in karak house) will

tend to give job change. The 2nd sector of Me is going on. The aspect of Sa on

house C & lord of B plus Ju aspect on house B (6th house) will tend to

delay to the 3rd sector. There are 2 zeros in the SAV chart. So more delay is

expected (probably to 3rd sector).


So next job change (the native is very eager for the same since more than 5

years) is likely to occur during May 2009 to Apl 2010.


For narrowing down the dates, we need to bring the 1st house into picture (8th

from 6th).

Sa & Ve ( & Ju also) are strong significators of 6th house (high

points). The AD is of Me.


So now we try to observe the combination of Sa, Ve & Me in relation to the

1st house alongwith the transit of Sun. Remember Sa & Ve are also LoD &

LoE for B=6.


Sa will be in the Nks of Ve from Feb 09 to July 09 & aspects Ju which

aspects Su in transit. In Jun 09-July 09 Su will be in Gemini (house of Me) and

Nks of Rahu (behaving as Me) and later in Nks of Ju.


So the next job change is forecasted during 20th June 2009 to 15th July 2009,

as per KAS.


May I request the KAS users to ;

a) Attempt to solve the query through their own analysis

b) Discuss the facets where I have gone out of track in my



I am sorry for the length of the mail, but unfortunately by habit I tend to

write all details all the time.



Nikhlesh Mathur






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Nikhlesh ji,



also note one more thing, Ve and Sa are Lod and LoE and Mo is in 11th house in navamsa

and its with less points in WS.



here the “reason” for leaving one job for a another job can also be

studied. In Sa antra, its also 2nd

lord so again that might denote something or some worry too at the same time

its LoD for 6th.



Ke/Ju the reason might be more income or he might be

offered more salary.



if you can find out the reason for changing jobs that also might shed light.



you can read the antra with the sa and ju points in parallel and along with the reason (quality).




Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca





On Behalf Of Ash's


Saturday September 13, 2008

12:28 PM



RE: Re:

Job change analysis








Dear Nikhlesh ji,


I wanted to add 2 more points.


Also add the transit of Sa and Ju to your analysis. You can

get the idea of environment.


Venus in this chart is 6th lord and also 11th

lord which is LoE. So Venus is eager, not because its 6th lord

but because its LoE.


Our law is that 6th house is the KARAK for 11th

i.e. income so we say service. So 6th house will become karak for start of 11th house. The status

of 6th house will control the quality of 11th house i.e.

if one gets a very high status job then his income will be also very nice or

say in commensurate.


So for Sag lagna, 11th lord is Ve

and 3rd lord is Sa so both are eager to give the result.


Also note that with the time you have given, the lagna is vargottam.





Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of nikhlesh mathur

Saturday September 13, 2008

1:10 AM


Re: Re:

Job change analysis








Job change related analysis

Dear KAS Forum Members,


am producing my analysis of a native 22.05.1959, 22:40 hrs, India, 26.N.55,

75.E.55 for matters related to job changes (not transfers but job changes).

The past changes have been tried to be analyzed by KAS laws and then the next

change date is derived by KAS.

Interested KAS users can take it as an exercise and at the same time verify the

analysis done by me.

The KAS Law: For changing the job sub-period lord must be connected to 6th

house treating it as B.


For B=6, then A=1st house (Sa with 4 points), B=6th house (Su with 4 points),

C=10th house (Rahu behaving like Me).


The 6th lord Ve in 7th house belonging to Me.

The 6th house has Su. It is seen by Mo & Ju and also by Rahu (behaving more

like Me).

Therefore Planets related to 6th house are Su, Mo, Ju, Ve & Me



Date of Job changes in career / MD/AD/Sector/Remarks

(1)Nov 1983 /Me/Sa/3/Sa is in Nks of Ve which is lord of 6th house.


(2)Nov 1986/Ke/Mo/3/Mo( 5 points) is aspecting 6th house.


(3)Mar 1989/Ke/Ju/3/Ju (4 points) is aspecting 6th house.


(4)Sept 1991/Ve/Ve/1/Ve is the lord of 6th house.


(5)Jan 1994/Ve/Ve/3/Ve is the lord of 6th house.


(6)Feb 1997/Ve/Mo/3/Mo ( 5 points) is aspecting 6th house.


When Next ?

Probably in MD of Ve AD of Me. sector 3 and Forecasted during 20th June to 15th

July 2009, as per KAS. Reasons given below in analysis.


There were no other job changes in native’s life.

Please note ;

1. There are 2 zeros in the chart which means delay. This

could be the reason of most job changes (except one) getting delayed to the 3rd



2. The one change which occurred in the 1st sector itself

was of Ve AD. This Ve is LoE for 6th house. So it was eager to give the result.

All other changes occurred in 3rd sector.


Queries with my attempts to answer them:


Q1. Sa is LoD for 6th house. Therefore it gave one job change in its AD (Nov 83

in MD of Me). But why Sa did not give the change in the period Feb 1990 to June

1990 (3rd sector) in Ke MD and then why again not during May 2006 to June 2007

(3rd sector) in Ve MD? Is it something to do with the MD (change occurred in MD

of Me but not in MD’s of Ke & Ve).


Attempted answer: MD shows the Karaktwa. Here the change occurred in MD of Me

but not in MD’s of Ke & r Ve because Me is the Karak for 10th house (house

related to profession). Me is placed in the 5th house which is 8th from the

10th house and it has high (6) BAV points.


About Ve it is clear that Ve does not have the Karaktwa for job related matters

in this chart, more so when the profession of native is engineering &



But Ke will behave more like Me here. It gave 2 job changes in its MD period of

7 years. The question remains as to why it did not give the change in its MD

when AD was of Sa.

I am not able to derive answer for this through KAS.


Q2: Why the job changes did not occur in the AD of Ju during May 2003 to April

2004 when the AD of Ju had given the change in the MD of Ke (Mar 1989).


Attempted answer: AD of Ju gave the change in Ke MD but not in Ve MD

because Ke behaved like Me (Ke is in Nakshatra of Me) which is Karak for 10th

house (profession). Ve is not a karak for house related to job changes (6th,

10th & 1st ie A,B,C for B=6)


This indicates that if AD is related to 6th house then it will give the job

change only if the prevailing MD has Karaktwa for houses related to job



I would like experienced KAS users to throw light on this thought. Is it




Q3: Why the native never was satisfied with the jobs he did at various places.

Why there was a certain amount of deficiency observed with lesser returns

inspite of giving more than 100% & also rated highly useful by the



Attempted Answer: For B=6, A=1st house & C=10th house. The 10th lord is Me

which is in Bharni Nakshatra (Nks). This is the Nks of Ve which is 6th lord. By

the virtue of being the 6th lord it diminishes the quality of the events

governed by the 10th house (such as authority, satisfaction in job, monetary returns,

and facilities from employer etc).


Here Me will facilitate the time factor because Me is 8th from 10th and has 6

BAV bindus. But being in the Nks of 6th lord it might tend to diminish the

quality aspect.



Q4 : When can the native expect the next job change?


Attempted answer: The native is passing through the MD-AD combine of Ve-Me.

Here Me being 8th from 10th house & with 6 BAV points (in karak house) will

tend to give job change. The 2nd sector of Me is going on. The aspect of Sa on

house C & lord of B plus Ju aspect on house B (6th house) will tend to

delay to the 3rd sector. There are 2 zeros in the SAV chart. So more delay is

expected (probably to 3rd sector).


So next job change (the native is very eager for the same since more than 5

years) is likely to occur during May 2009 to Apl 2010.


For narrowing down the dates, we need to bring the 1st house into picture (8th

from 6th).

Sa & Ve ( & Ju also) are strong significators of 6th house (high

points). The AD is of Me.


So now we try to observe the combination of Sa, Ve & Me in relation to the

1st house alongwith the transit of Sun. Remember Sa & Ve are also LoD &

LoE for B=6.


Sa will be in the Nks of Ve from Feb 09 to July 09 & aspects Ju which

aspects Su in transit. In Jun 09-July 09 Su will be in Gemini (house of Me) and

Nks of Rahu (behaving as Me) and later in Nks of Ju.


So the next job change is forecasted during 20th June 2009 to 15th July 2009,

as per KAS.


May I request the KAS users to ;

a) Attempt to solve the query through their own analysis

b) Discuss the facets where I have gone out of track in my



I am sorry for the length of the mail, but unfortunately by habit I tend to

write all details all the time.



Nikhlesh Mathur






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Sub: Analysis of Job changes of native 22.05.1959, 22:40 hrs, India, 26.N.55, 75.E.55


Hello Mr. Ash & all other Members,


I did what you said in your two mails in context to the subject matter. I gathered the details & linked them to the then prevailing Sa+Ju points.


It resulted in the following analysis;



Job duration/Job changed on/MD/AD/Sector/Sa+Ju points/Reason of change:


a) Apl 82 to Nov 1983/Nov 1983/Me/Sa/3/7/Native wanted to leave the city as he had to live with a close relative which he did not want to at that time. Also his salary was low & with that he could not afford to marry his girlfriend.


b)Nov 83 to Nov 86/Nov 1986/Ke/Mo/3/10 (but Sa alert)/The organization was not running in profit & the native who was then married & about to have his first child, thought his career would never move upwards here.


c)Nov 86 to Mar 89/Mar 1989/Ke/Ju/3/11/Here the reason was better money and more specified responsibility at job.


d)Mar 89 to Sep 91/Sept 1991/Ve/Ve/1/7/Due to problems with the management in the job joined in Mar 1989


e)Oct 91 to Jan 94/Jan 1994/Ve/Ve/3/7/Organization not working in profit + better position offered + good jump in salary.


f)Jan 94 to Jan 97/Feb 1997/Ve/Mo/3/9/Due to problems with the new management who took over (company joined in Jan 1994 but was taken over by someone else). Native asked to leave.


One very interesting aspect in the career was that in whichever job this native left (or asked to leave) after having a fight with the company owners (job joined in Mar 1989 & job joined in Jan 1994), those companies got totally closed down in few years time (2 to 4 years from the time of his leaving) and have never re-started even till date. Definitely 'Food for thought' but I would consider it as a coincidence only at present.


Validation of Ash ji's observation:


Mr. Ash, your observation that the salary must be commensurate with status (designation or responsibility at job) is true. This is elucidated from the fact that;


“Designation in new job joined in Feb 1997 was lower than the one in which this native was already having from Jan 1994 to Jan 1997 job duration. It so happened that the salary offered in new job in Feb 1997 was also lower than what this native was already getting in the previous job. But still the native joined it (at lower salary) as he did not have job from Oct 1996 to Jan 1997 " .


Ash ji you are again right that Ke/Ju change (in Mar 1989) was due to lucrative salary.


Some other observations (interesting facts in relation to Quality) :


i) Both jobs joined in the antra of Ve mostly remained troublesome to this native.


ii) Both jobs joined in Mo antra (Nov 1986 & Feb 1997) gave job satisfaction to this native and some degree of recognition / acceptance by subordinates / popularity to this native at place of work.


iii) Both jobs changed in Mo antra did not give higher starting salary, which mostly is a norm when you switch jobs in private sector. Mo is in 11th house of Navansh kundali, it is in the raashi of Ve which in turn is 6th lord, plus Mo has fewer points in WS (Mo has < 12 bindus for 6th house). I am able to see some relevance of this in the income (salary offered).


iv) Job changed in Sa antra (here Sa is in the Nks of Ve) was also not pleasant ( irritations, less recognition).


v) Job changed in the Ju antra gave highs in recognition & popularity mostly, but turned into problem immediately at a point of time (a month before leaving). Actually the hidden problem was the company did not want to release this native who was then hell bent on leaving the job as he openly disliked some policies of the company.


v) Jobs joined in period when Ju+Sa was more than 8 gave more salary increases during the job tenure. The only debatable issue is the change in Ve AD in Jan 1994 which also gave good raises eventhough it was joined when Sa+Ju was only 7


vi) Job joined in Feb 1997 when Sa+Ju was 9 and antra was of Mo, gave very good raises intermittently in the last 11 years.


My questions:

a) I want to know how KAS explains the strength of Vargottam lagan (both Navansh & main chart having the same ascendant). How does the chart becomes good (or stronger) by the virtue of it having Vargottam lagan. To which aspects of life does a Vargottam lagan gives benefits to? May I know if it is explained in some chapter of the downloaded material?


b) I also want to know the areas where I either got de-railed while doing the job change analysis & where I went over-board to relate the relevance’s.


Thanks to Mr. Ash for checking the analysis. I request the other members also to throw some light on the subject matter.



Nikhlesh Mathur



On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 Ash's Corner wrote :

>Dear Nikhlesh ji,


>Yes, also note one more thing, Ve and Sa are Lod and LoE and Mo is in 11th

>house in navamsa and its with less points in WS.


>Yes, here the " reason " for leaving one job for a another job can also be

>studied. In Sa antra, its also 2nd lord so again that might denote

>something or some worry too at the same time its LoD for 6th.


>In Ke/Ju the reason might be more income or he might be offered more salary.


>So if you can find out the reason for changing jobs that also might shed



>So you can read the antra with the sa and ju points in parallel and along

>with the reason (quality).



>Cheers !!!

>Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca/> http://www.ashtro.ca



> On Behalf Of Ash's


>Saturday September 13, 2008 12:28 PM


>RE: Re: Job change analysis


>Dear Nikhlesh ji,


>I wanted to add 2 more points.


>Also add the transit of Sa and Ju to your analysis. You can get the idea of



>Venus in this chart is 6th lord and also 11th lord which is LoE. So Venus

>is eager, not because its 6th lord but because its LoE.


>Our law is that 6th house is the KARAK for 11th i.e. income so we say

>service. So 6th house will become karak for start of 11th house. The

>status of 6th house will control the quality of 11th house i.e. if one gets

>a very high status job then his income will be also very nice or say in



>So for Sag lagna, 11th lord is Ve and 3rd lord is Sa so both are eager to

>give the result.


>Also note that with the time you have given, the lagna is vargottam.




>Cheers !!!

>Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca/> http://www.ashtro.ca


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