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Event in 6th lord SD planets.

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Sub: Events in AD of high points planets SD to 6th lord.


Dear Satish ji,


Let me take the opportunity to answer your queries and in this process check if my learning are on the right track.


The 6th house and the 6th lord are like a villain in the scheme of the things in the life of all of us.


# Now one of your questions is what will happen if the marriage is performed in the AD of the 6th lord when it has 12 or more than 12 points in the chart.


If that is so, then we should first check the BAV points of the 6th lord in the SAV chart. We all know that these points range from zero to 8.


If the points of the 6th lord are more than 4 then it means it aspects the houses with malefic sight. The malefic sight of the 6th lord will reduce the results of the aspected houses.


We then assume each of the aspected houses as house B and apply the usual theories of KAS and try to derive the related effects.


Then we try to ascertain the overall effect of all those aspected houses taken as B in context to the event. The results promised by the malefically aspected houses (by 6th lord) will NOT take place (here it can be both quality as well as time related).


For the event of marriage we then try to evaluate harmony in relationships, happiness in marriage, children, marriage longevity, any possibilities of separation etc in relation to the then prevailing AD’s and of course taking into account the ‘Blessings’ in the chart unless the aspected house is LoD or LoE).


The native can be denied of the result of the malefically aspected house even when he carries on smoothly in marital relationship.


Now we hold on for a minute here and recall that except for Sun & Moon, all other planets are lords of two houses.


Sun & Moon do NOT act like 6th lords.


The other planets simultaneous to being 6th lord, are also lords of some other house. So they have to give the result of that 'other house' as well.

So while doing an ‘Appraisal’ of the chart for a particular event, this ‘other house’ results should also be taken into account by us.


For example of in Sg Ascendant Venus (here 6th lord) is placed in 7th house with 5 points then it is going to give some problems after marriage (6th lord in 7th house). But at the same time it is Ve is lord of the Upachaya Bhav 11th house also and should give some benefit in increase in earnings to the native after marriage.


Marriage in the AD of 6th lord with high points (or low points with benefic sights on other houses) is bound to cause some problem which in overall perspective need not be always too serious ( here the nature of the native's concerned come into picture).


So it is not necessary that it surfaces out for obvious information to all. It can be a closely guarded secret between the couple or their most near one’s.

For example unless specifically told, one can never know if the child in a family is biological reproduction by that same couple. But technically speaking this must have been a problem with that couple for some years after marriage.


# Now let us come to the other question of yours. What happens if the marriage is performed in the AD of a high power planet which is SD to the 6th lord?


First check if that planet is placed in house D or E for the said event. Planets in houses D & E are said to facilitate the event from timing point of view.


If the marriage happens in the AD of planets in D or E or in the AD of LoD or LoE then it will certainly dampen the quality of the event (marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.


Being SD to the event causing planet, the lord of 6th house will NOT prevent the occurrence of the event (ie. the timing issue) but will definitely hamper or reduce the quality aspects of the event (marriage).

Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.


Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planet in house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of that event is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to remember this law.


If such is the case we must immediately look for future problems in the chart related to that event or after the event (separation, child, harmonious relationship, health issues related to marital life or may be even other issues such as financial condition after marriage etc).


The future AD‘s play a big role in the evaluation such issues for timing.


All calculations apart, it must not be forgotten that marriage specially is a bond between two families and not merely between two persons. So more than two people are involved on most occasions before marriage, and certainly so after marriage.


In my opinion, therefore, the effect (charts) of other people should also count as far as marriage is concerned. This is my personal view, not exactly related to your queries.


But I hope my answers to your queries are in line with the KAS laws.


Nikhlesh Mathur




On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 SPK wrote :

>Dear Ash,


>What would hppen hypothetically if the marriage is perfromed in anatara of a planet which may have

>12 or more points but is samadharmi( Lets say conjunct) to 6th lord? Would some of the 6th lord characteritics

>get trasferred to this planet? Or since it has >= 12 points samadharmi to 6th lord blemis is already taken care of and blemish is



>What happens if the 6th lord gets >=12 points and marriage is perfromed in his anatara.






>P.S. I have been busy and will try to catch up with all the emails nd lessons soon.





> " Ash's Corner " <kas


>Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:09:20 AM

>RE: RE: Re: Divorce case study



>Dear Nikhlesh ji,


>No, that is an error in the program and I thought I had taken it off. The SAV and points should not change, so please do not go by that portion. Guru ji had corrected me.


>That is only for display purpose to rotate the chart to see it from Su and Mo. But due to the way the program was designed it recalculated the SAV which should not happen and I haven’t had a chance to get to that and correct it.


>Try to understand the theory, which is that when an event takes place in low power, so it means there is something or some issue there. So when a high power planet comes or LoD or LoE they try to do good and try to clean up that and try to flush that out.


>Now if there was a marriage in low points and if there are signs of divorce, then when a high power planet comes, which wants to do good, for the native, then it will try to break that so that the native is free from such issues.


>That is why sometimes high power planet breaks the marriage when performed in 6th lord or in low power planet.


>Now here we are talking of a “separation” and not a “divorce” as a divorce is a legal and there might be man made delays due to back log in courts etc etc.


>2 people might be living in the same house but might be living separate lives. So here, again, one must keep many factors in mind, religious beliefs and society, blessings etc etc to come to final conclusion.


>Cheers !!!

>Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca


> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com [astrologyan dtimingevents] On Behalf Of nikhlesh mathur

>Saturday October 18, 2008 2:51 AM

>astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

>Re: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study


> 18.10.08


>Dear Ash ji,


> Does it means that the marital problems / disagreements must have started when the AD of high power planet came after marriage in low power planet.


>And that if this happened then final walk-out and the official divorce event DID NOT WAIT for the AD of another high power plant as there are other clear indications for divorce.


>Now, one thing I wanted to ask here.

>Is this something related to Ve having zero points in Taurus sign (4th from Ascendent) from both the Sun & Moon chart of this native (from Asc it is not zero).


>Sa is placed in Taurus in the natal chart. It was once explained by you that Sa & Ma are mischevious students of a class and when they come they create problem for the weakest candidate in that class.


>Venus is weakest in Taurus from Sun & Mon chart (but not from Asc).

>Sa is placed in Taurus in natal chart. The lord of Taurus is Ve. This Ve is also NK for marriage.


>So Sa might be having a permenent bad effect on Ve which led to consistent problems during marriage before the breakup and then ultimate divorce in court after a show down.


>Can we judge from such an angle?



>Nikhlesh Mathur




>On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca wrote :

> >Dear Anup ji and Nikhlesh ji,

> >

> >When marriage is in low points then problems will start once the points go high. So problems / disagreements might have started in high power planets antras and that might eventually lead to a divorce or not depending on the full chart.

> >

> >

> >Cheers !!!

> >Ash -> <http://www.ashtro. ca/> http://www.ashtro. ca







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Dear Nikhlesh ji,


Thanks for the nice explanation. Wnated to know whether in the points calculation table, whether points contributed by 6th lord or rather 12th lord from B are taken into account or are not added?







nikhlesh mathur <nikhleshmathur Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 3:11:54 AMRe: Event in 6th lord SD planets.



20.10.08Sub: Events in AD of high points planets SD to 6th lord.Dear Satish ji, Let me take the opportunity to answer your queries and in this process check if my learning are on the right track.The 6th house and the 6th lord are like a villain in the scheme of the things in the life of all of us.# Now one of your questions is what will happen if the marriage is performed in the AD of the 6th lord when it has 12 or more than 12 points in the chart.If that is so, then we should first check the BAV points of the 6th lord in the SAV chart. We all know that these points range from zero to 8.If the points of the 6th lord are more than 4 then it means it aspects the houses with malefic sight. The malefic sight of the 6th lord will reduce the results of the aspected houses.We then assume each of the aspected houses as house B and apply

the usual theories of KAS and try to derive the related effects.Then we try to ascertain the overall effect of all those aspected houses taken as B in context to the event. The results promised by the malefically aspected houses (by 6th lord) will NOT take place (here it can be both quality as well as time related).For the event of marriage we then try to evaluate harmony in relationships, happiness in marriage, children, marriage longevity, any possibilities of separation etc in relation to the then prevailing AD’s and of course taking into account the ‘Blessings’ in the chart unless the aspected house is LoD or LoE).The native can be denied of the result of the malefically aspected house even when he carries on smoothly in marital relationship.Now we hold on for a minute here and recall that except for Sun & Moon, all other planets are lords of two houses. Sun & Moon do NOT act like 6th

lords.The other planets simultaneous to being 6th lord, are also lords of some other house. So they have to give the result of that 'other house' as well. So while doing an ‘Appraisal’ of the chart for a particular event, this ‘other house’ results should also be taken into account by us.For example of in Sg Ascendant Venus (here 6th lord) is placed in 7th house with 5 points then it is going to give some problems after marriage (6th lord in 7th house). But at the same time it is Ve is lord of the Upachaya Bhav 11th house also and should give some benefit in increase in earnings to the native after marriage. Marriage in the AD of 6th lord with high points (or low points with benefic sights on other houses) is bound to cause some problem which in overall perspective need not be always too serious ( here the nature of the native's concerned come into picture). So it is not necessary that it surfaces out for

obvious information to all. It can be a closely guarded secret between the couple or their most near one’s. For example unless specifically told, one can never know if the child in a family is biological reproduction by that same couple. But technically speaking this must have been a problem with that couple for some years after marriage. # Now let us come to the other question of yours. What happens if the marriage is performed in the AD of a high power planet which is SD to the 6th lord?First check if that planet is placed in house D or E for the said event. Planets in houses D & E are said to facilitate the event from timing point of view. If the marriage happens in the AD of planets in D or E or in the AD of LoD or LoE then it will certainly dampen the quality of the event (marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.Being SD to the event

causing planet, the lord of 6th house will NOT prevent the occurrence of the event (ie. the timing issue) but will definitely hamper or reduce the quality aspects of the event (marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planet in house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of that event is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to remember this law.If such is the case we must immediately look for future problems in the chart related to that event or after the event (separation, child, harmonious relationship, health issues related to marital life or may be even other issues such as financial condition after marriage etc).The future AD‘s play a big role in the evaluation such issues for timing. All calculations apart, it must not be forgotten that marriage

specially is a bond between two families and not merely between two persons. So more than two people are involved on most occasions before marriage, and certainly so after marriage. In my opinion, therefore, the effect (charts) of other people should also count as far as marriage is concerned. This is my personal view, not exactly related to your queries. But I hope my answers to your queries are in line with the KAS laws. Regards,Nikhlesh MathurOn Sat, 18 Oct 2008 SPK wrote :>Dear Ash,>>What would hppen hypothetically if the marriage is perfromed in anatara of a planet which may have>12 or more points but is samadharmi( Lets say conjunct) to 6th lord? Would some of the 6th lord characteritics>get trasferred to this planet? Or since it has >= 12 points samadharmi to 6th lord blemis is already taken care of and blemish is>eradicated?>>What happens

if the 6th lord gets >=12 points and marriage is perfromed in his anatara.>>Thanks>>Satish>>P.S. I have been busy and will try to catch up with all the emails nd lessons soon.>>>>> "Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca" <kas>astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com>Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:09:20 AM>RE: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study>>>Dear Nikhlesh ji,>>No, that is an error in the program and I thought I had taken it off. The SAV and points should not change, so please do not go by that portion. Guru ji had corrected me.>>That is only for display purpose to rotate the chart to see it from Su and Mo. But due to the way the program was designed it recalculated the

SAV which should not happen and I haven’t had a chance to get to that and correct it.>>Try to understand the theory, which is that when an event takes place in low power, so it means there is something or some issue there. So when a high power planet comes or LoD or LoE they try to do good and try to clean up that and try to flush that out.>>Now if there was a marriage in low points and if there are signs of divorce, then when a high power planet comes, which wants to do good, for the native, then it will try to break that so that the native is free from such issues.>>That is why sometimes high power planet breaks the marriage when performed in 6th lord or in low power planet.>>Now here we are talking of a “separation” and not a “divorce” as a divorce is a legal and there might be man made delays due to back log in courts etc etc.>>2 people might be living in the same

house but might be living separate lives. So here, again, one must keep many factors in mind, religious beliefs and society, blessings etc etc to come to final conclusion.>>Cheers !!!>Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca>> astrologyandti minge vents@ s.com [astrologyan dtimingevents] On Behalf Of nikhlesh mathur>Saturday October 18, 2008 2:51 AM>astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com>Re: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study>> 18.10.08>>Dear Ash ji,>> Does it means that the marital problems / disagreements must have started when the AD of high power planet came after marriage in low power planet.>>And that if this happened then final walk-out and the official divorce event DID NOT WAIT for the AD of another high power

plant as there are other clear indications for divorce.>>Now, one thing I wanted to ask here.>Is this something related to Ve having zero points in Taurus sign (4th from Ascendent) from both the Sun & Moon chart of this native (from Asc it is not zero).>>Sa is placed in Taurus in the natal chart. It was once explained by you that Sa & Ma are mischevious students of a class and when they come they create problem for the weakest candidate in that class.>>Venus is weakest in Taurus from Sun & Mon chart (but not from Asc).>Sa is placed in Taurus in natal chart. The lord of Taurus is Ve. This Ve is also NK for marriage.>>So Sa might be having a permenent bad effect on Ve which led to consistent problems during marriage before the breakup and then ultimate divorce in court after a show down.>>Can we judge from such an angle?>>Regards,>Nikhlesh

Mathur>>>>On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca wrote :> >Dear Anup ji and Nikhlesh ji,> >> >When marriage is in low points then problems will start once the points go high. So problems / disagreements might have started in high power planets antras and that might eventually lead to a divorce or not depending on the full chart.> >> >> >Cheers !!!> >Ash -> <http://www.ashtro. ca/> http://www.ashtro. ca>>>____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __>>>http://mail.

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Dear Satish ji,


Kindly check H1 to H12 in the WS calculation in the Program. I think

you will be able to figure that out about 6th lord.


Regarding 12th from B, we do add the points, except for 6th lord which

becomes 12th from B for 7th house.


Just take some time to go though the calculation of WS in the Program

itself all these things will get clear.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca




<aquaris_rising wrote:


> Dear Nikhlesh ji,


> Thanks for the nice explanation. Wnated to know whether in the

points calculation table, whether points contributed by 6th lord or

rather 12th lord from B are taken into account or are not added?


> Thanks


> Satish





> nikhlesh mathur <nikhleshmathur


> Monday, October 20, 2008 3:11:54 AM

> Re: Event in 6th lord SD planets.




> 20.10.08


> Sub: Events in AD of high points planets SD to 6th lord.


> Dear Satish ji,


>               Let me take the opportunity to answer your queries and

in this process check if my learning are on the right track.


> The 6th house and the 6th lord are like a villain in the scheme of

the things in the life of all of us.


> # Now one of your questions is what will happen if the marriage is

performed in the AD of the 6th lord when it has 12 or more than 12

points in the chart.


> If that is so, then we should first check the BAV points of the 6th

lord in the SAV chart. We all know that these points range from zero to 8.


> If the points of the 6th lord are more than 4 then it means it

aspects the houses with malefic sight. The malefic sight of the 6th

lord will reduce the results of the aspected houses.


> We then assume each of the aspected houses as house B and apply the

usual theories of KAS and try to derive the related effects.


> Then we try to ascertain the overall effect of all those aspected

houses taken as B in context to the event. The results promised by the

malefically aspected houses (by 6th lord) will NOT take place (here it

can be both quality as well as time related).


> For the event of marriage we then try to evaluate harmony in

relationships, happiness in marriage, children, marriage longevity,

any possibilities of separation etc in relation to the then prevailing

AD's and of course taking into account the `Blessings' in the chart

unless the aspected house is LoD or LoE).


> The native can be denied of the result of the malefically aspected

house even when he carries on smoothly in marital relationship.


> Now we hold on for a minute here and recall that except for Sun &

Moon, all other planets are lords of two houses.


> Sun & Moon do NOT act like 6th lords.


> The other planets simultaneous to being 6th lord, are also lords of

some other house. So they have to give the result of that 'other

house' as well.

> So while doing an `Appraisal' of the chart for a particular event,

this `other house' results should also be taken into account by us.


> For example of in Sg Ascendant Venus (here 6th lord) is placed in

7th house with 5 points then it is going to give some problems after

marriage (6th lord in 7th house). But at the same time it is Ve is

lord of the Upachaya Bhav 11th house also and should give some benefit

in increase in earnings to the native after marriage.


> Marriage in the AD of 6th lord with high points (or low points with

benefic sights on other houses) is bound to cause some problem which

in overall perspective need not be always too serious ( here the

nature of the native's concerned come into picture).


> So it is not necessary that it surfaces out for obvious information

to all. It can be a closely guarded secret between the couple or their

most near one's.

> For example unless specifically told, one can never know if the

child in a family is biological reproduction by that same couple. But

technically speaking this must have been a problem with that couple

for some years after marriage.


> # Now let us come to the other question of yours. What happens if

the marriage is performed in the AD of a high power planet which is SD

to the 6th lord?


> First check if that planet is placed in house D or E for the said

event. Planets in houses D & E are said to facilitate the event from

timing point of view.


> If the marriage happens in the AD of planets in D or E or in the AD

of LoD or LoE then it will certainly dampen the quality of the event

(marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should

affect the quality in some way or the other.


> Being SD to the event causing planet, the lord of 6th house will NOT

prevent the occurrence of the event (ie. the timing issue) but will

definitely hamper or reduce the quality aspects of the event (marriage).

> Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the

quality in some way or the other.


> Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planet

in house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of that

event is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to remember

this law.


> If such is the case we must immediately look for future problems in

the chart related to that event or after the event (separation, child,

harmonious relationship, health issues related to marital life or may

be even other issues such as financial condition after marriage etc).


> The future AD`s play a big role in the evaluation such issues for



> All calculations apart, it must not be forgotten that marriage

specially is a bond between two families and not merely between two

persons. So more than two people are involved on most occasions before

marriage, and certainly so after marriage.


> In my opinion, therefore, the effect (charts) of other people should

also count as far as marriage is concerned. This is my personal view,

not exactly related to your queries.


> But I hope my answers to your queries are in line with the KAS laws.


> Regards,

> Nikhlesh Mathur




> On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 SPK wrote :

> >Dear Ash,

> >

> >What would hppen hypothetically if the marriage is perfromed in

anatara of a planet which may have

> >12 or more points but is samadharmi( Lets say conjunct) to 6th

lord? Would some of the 6th lord characteritics

> >get trasferred to this planet? Or since it has >= 12 points

samadharmi to 6th lord blemis is already taken care of and blemish is

> >eradicated?

> >

> >What happens if the 6th lord gets >=12 points and marriage is

perfromed in his anatara.

> >

> >Thanks

> >

> >Satish

> >

> >P.S. I have been busy and will try to catch up with all the emails

nd lessons soon.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca " <kas

> >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> >Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:09:20 AM

> >RE: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study

> >

> >

> >Dear Nikhlesh ji,

> >

> >No, that is an error in the program and I thought I had taken it

off.  The SAV and points should not change, so please do not go by

that portion.  Guru ji had corrected me.

> >

> >That is only for display purpose to rotate the chart to see it from

Su and Mo.  But due to the way the program was designed it

recalculated the SAV which should not happen and I haven't had a

chance to get to that and correct it.

> >

> >Try to understand the theory, which is that when an event takes

place in low power, so it means there is something or some issue

there.  So when a high power planet comes or LoD or LoE they try to do

good and try to clean up that and try to flush that out.

> >

> >Now if there was a marriage in low points and if there are signs of

divorce, then when a high power planet comes, which wants to do good,

for the native, then it will try to break that so that the native is

free from such issues.

> >

> >That is why sometimes high power planet breaks the marriage when

performed in 6th lord or in low power planet.

> >

> >Now here we are talking of a " separation " and not a " divorce " as a

divorce is a legal and there might be man made delays due to back log

in courts etc etc.

> >

> >2 people might be living in the same house but might be living

separate lives.  So here, again, one must keep many factors in mind,

religious beliefs and society, blessings etc etc to come to final


> >

> >Cheers !!!

> >Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca

> >

> > astrologyandti minge vents@ s.com

[astrologyan dtimingevents] On Behalf Of

nikhlesh mathur

> >Saturday October 18, 2008 2:51 AM

> >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> >Re: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study

> >

> >  18.10.08

> >

> >Dear Ash ji,

> >

> >            Does it means that the marital problems / disagreements

must have started when the AD of high power planet came after marriage

in low power planet.

> >

> >And that if this happened then final walk-out and the official

divorce event DID NOT WAIT for the AD of another high power plant as

there are other clear indications for divorce.

> >

> >Now, one thing I wanted to ask here.

> >Is this something related to Ve having zero points in Taurus sign

(4th from Ascendent) from both the Sun & Moon chart of this native

(from Asc it is not zero).

> >

> >Sa is placed in Taurus in the natal chart. It was once explained by

you that Sa & Ma are mischevious students of a class and when they

come they create problem for the weakest candidate in that class.

> >

> >Venus is weakest in Taurus from Sun & Mon chart (but not from Asc).

> >Sa is placed in Taurus in natal chart. The lord of Taurus is Ve.

This Ve is also NK for marriage.

> >

> >So Sa might be having a permenent bad effect on Ve which led to

consistent problems during marriage before the breakup and then

ultimate divorce in court after a show down.

> >

> >Can we judge from such an angle?

> >

> >Regards,

> >Nikhlesh Mathur

> >

> >

> >

> >On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca wrote :

> > >Dear Anup ji and Nikhlesh ji,

> > >

> > >When marriage is in low points then problems will start once the

points go high.  So problems / disagreements might have started in

high power planets antras and that might eventually lead to a divorce

or not depending on the full chart.

> > >

> > >

> > >Cheers !!!

> > >Ash ->  <http://www.ashtro. ca/> http://www.ashtro. ca

> >

> >

> >____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >

> >Tired of spam?  Mail has the best spam protection around

> >http://mail.


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Dear Ash,


Thanks. I was refering to the word document in kas_pravin. It was not clear whether points contributed by 6th lord were taken or not? I was not sure whether this lesson was from before the WS was modified. I will go through the calculation as you have suggested.


Thanks for your help





ashsam73 <kas Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:31:08 PM Re: Event in 6th lord SD planets.


Dear Satish ji,Kindly check H1 to H12 in the WS calculation in the Program. I thinkyou will be able to figure that out about 6th lord.Regarding 12th from B, we do add the points, except for 6th lord whichbecomes 12th from B for 7th house.Just take some time to go though the calculation of WS in the Programitself all these things will get clear.Hope that helps,Cheers !!!Ash -> http://www.ashtro. caastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, SPK<aquaris_rising@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Nikhlesh ji,> > Thanks for the nice explanation. Wnated to know whether in thepoints calculation table, whether points contributed by 6th lord

orrather 12th lord from B are taken into account or are not added?> > Thanks> > Satish> > > > > nikhlesh mathur <nikhleshmathur@ ...>> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, October 20, 2008 3:11:54 AM> Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Event in 6th lord SD planets.> > > > 20.10.08> > Sub: Events in AD of high points planets SD to 6th lord.> > Dear Satish ji,> > Let me take the opportunity to answer your queries andin this process check if my learning are on the right track.> > The 6th house and

the 6th lord are like a villain in the scheme ofthe things in the life of all of us.> > # Now one of your questions is what will happen if the marriage isperformed in the AD of the 6th lord when it has 12 or more than 12points in the chart.> > If that is so, then we should first check the BAV points of the 6thlord in the SAV chart. We all know that these points range from zero to 8.> > If the points of the 6th lord are more than 4 then it means itaspects the houses with malefic sight. The malefic sight of the 6thlord will reduce the results of the aspected houses.> > We then assume each of the aspected houses as house B and apply theusual theories of KAS and try to derive the related effects.> > Then we try to ascertain the overall effect of all those aspectedhouses taken as B in context to the event. The results promised by themalefically aspected

houses (by 6th lord) will NOT take place (here itcan be both quality as well as time related).> > For the event of marriage we then try to evaluate harmony inrelationships, happiness in marriage, children, marriage longevity,any possibilities of separation etc in relation to the then prevailingAD's and of course taking into account the `Blessings' in the chartunless the aspected house is LoD or LoE).> > The native can be denied of the result of the malefically aspectedhouse even when he carries on smoothly in marital relationship.> > Now we hold on for a minute here and recall that except for Sun & Moon, all other planets are lords of two houses. > > Sun & Moon do NOT act like 6th lords.> > The other planets simultaneous to being 6th lord, are also lords ofsome other house. So they have to give the result of that 'otherhouse' as well.

> So while doing an `Appraisal' of the chart for a particular event,this `other house' results should also be taken into account by us.> > For example of in Sg Ascendant Venus (here 6th lord) is placed in7th house with 5 points then it is going to give some problems aftermarriage (6th lord in 7th house). But at the same time it is Ve islord of the Upachaya Bhav 11th house also and should give some benefitin increase in earnings to the native after marriage. > > Marriage in the AD of 6th lord with high points (or low points withbenefic sights on other houses) is bound to cause some problem whichin overall perspective need not be always too serious ( here thenature of the native's concerned come into picture). > > So it is not necessary that it surfaces out for obvious informationto all. It can be a closely guarded secret between the couple or theirmost near one's.

> For example unless specifically told, one can never know if thechild in a family is biological reproduction by that same couple. Buttechnically speaking this must have been a problem with that couplefor some years after marriage. > > # Now let us come to the other question of yours. What happens ifthe marriage is performed in the AD of a high power planet which is SDto the 6th lord?> > First check if that planet is placed in house D or E for the saidevent. Planets in houses D & E are said to facilitate the event fromtiming point of view. > > If the marriage happens in the AD of planets in D or E or in the ADof LoD or LoE then it will certainly dampen the quality of the event(marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it shouldaffect the quality in some way or the other.> > Being SD to the event causing planet, the lord of 6th house

will NOTprevent the occurrence of the event (ie. the timing issue) but willdefinitely hamper or reduce the quality aspects of the event (marriage). > Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect thequality in some way or the other.> > Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planetin house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of thatevent is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to rememberthis law.> > If such is the case we must immediately look for future problems inthe chart related to that event or after the event (separation, child,harmonious relationship, health issues related to marital life or maybe even other issues such as financial condition after marriage etc).> > The future AD`s play a big role in the evaluation such issues fortiming. > > All calculations apart, it must

not be forgotten that marriagespecially is a bond between two families and not merely between twopersons. So more than two people are involved on most occasions beforemarriage, and certainly so after marriage. > > In my opinion, therefore, the effect (charts) of other people shouldalso count as far as marriage is concerned. This is my personal view,not exactly related to your queries. > > But I hope my answers to your queries are in line with the KAS laws.> > Regards,> Nikhlesh Mathur> > > > On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 SPK wrote :> >Dear Ash,> >> >What would hppen hypothetically if the marriage is perfromed inanatara of a planet which may have> >12 or more points but is samadharmi( Lets say conjunct) to 6thlord? Would some of the 6th lord characteritics> >get trasferred to this planet? Or since it has

>= 12 pointssamadharmi to 6th lord blemis is already taken care of and blemish is> >eradicated?> >> >What happens if the 6th lord gets >=12 points and marriage isperfromed in his anatara.> >> >Thanks> >> >Satish> >> >P.S. I have been busy and will try to catch up with all the emailsnd lessons soon.> >> >> >> >> > "Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca" <kas> >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> >Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:09:20 AM> >RE: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study> >> >> >Dear Nikhlesh ji,> >> >No, that is an error in the program and I thought I had taken itoff. The SAV and points

should not change, so please do not go bythat portion. Guru ji had corrected me.> >> >That is only for display purpose to rotate the chart to see it fromSu and Mo. But due to the way the program was designed itrecalculated the SAV which should not happen and I haven't had achance to get to that and correct it.> >> >Try to understand the theory, which is that when an event takesplace in low power, so it means there is something or some issuethere. So when a high power planet comes or LoD or LoE they try to dogood and try to clean up that and try to flush that out.> >> >Now if there was a marriage in low points and if there are signs ofdivorce, then when a high power planet comes, which wants to do good,for the native, then it will try to break that so that the native isfree from such issues.> >> >That is why sometimes

high power planet breaks the marriage whenperformed in 6th lord or in low power planet.> >> >Now here we are talking of a "separation" and not a "divorce" as adivorce is a legal and there might be man made delays due to back login courts etc etc.> >> >2 people might be living in the same house but might be livingseparate lives. So here, again, one must keep many factors in mind,religious beliefs and society, blessings etc etc to come to finalconclusion.> >> >Cheers !!!> >Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca> >> > astrologyandti minge vents@ s.com[astrologyan dtimingevents] On Behalf Ofnikhlesh mathur> >Saturday October 18, 2008 2:51 AM> >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> >Re:

RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study> >> > 18.10.08> >> >Dear Ash ji,> >> > Does it means that the marital problems / disagreementsmust have started when the AD of high power planet came after marriagein low power planet.> >> >And that if this happened then final walk-out and the officialdivorce event DID NOT WAIT for the AD of another high power plant asthere are other clear indications for divorce.> >> >Now, one thing I wanted to ask here.> >Is this something related to Ve having zero points in Taurus sign(4th from Ascendent) from both the Sun & Moon chart of this native(from Asc it is not zero).> >> >Sa is placed in Taurus in the natal chart. It was once explained byyou that Sa & Ma are mischevious students of a class and

when theycome they create problem for the weakest candidate in that class.> >> >Venus is weakest in Taurus from Sun & Mon chart (but not from Asc).> >Sa is placed in Taurus in natal chart. The lord of Taurus is Ve.This Ve is also NK for marriage.> >> >So Sa might be having a permenent bad effect on Ve which led toconsistent problems during marriage before the breakup and thenultimate divorce in court after a show down.> >> >Can we judge from such an angle?> >> >Regards,> >Nikhlesh Mathur> >> >> >> >On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca wrote :> > >Dear Anup ji and Nikhlesh ji,> > >> > >When marriage is in low points then problems will start once thepoints go high. So problems / disagreements might have started inhigh power planets antras

and that might eventually lead to a divorceor not depending on the full chart.> > >> > >> > >Cheers !!!> > >Ash -> <http://www.ashtro. ca/> http://www.ashtro. ca> >> >> >___________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> >> >> >http://mail. >

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Dear Nikhleshji,


You had mentioned


"Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planet in house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of that event is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to remember this law."


This is very interesting. Do you have reference message # for this tidbit or any place guruji had mentioned this. I would like to go to that message and read more or any example horoscope discussed.


Thanks for your help





nikhlesh mathur <nikhleshmathur Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 3:11:54 AMRe: Event in 6th lord SD planets.



20.10.08Sub: Events in AD of high points planets SD to 6th lord.Dear Satish ji, Let me take the opportunity to answer your queries and in this process check if my learning are on the right track.The 6th house and the 6th lord are like a villain in the scheme of the things in the life of all of us.# Now one of your questions is what will happen if the marriage is performed in the AD of the 6th lord when it has 12 or more than 12 points in the chart.If that is so, then we should first check the BAV points of the 6th lord in the SAV chart. We all know that these points range from zero to 8.If the points of the 6th lord are more than 4 then it means it aspects the houses with malefic sight. The malefic sight of the 6th lord will reduce the results of the aspected houses.We then assume each of the aspected houses as house B and apply

the usual theories of KAS and try to derive the related effects.Then we try to ascertain the overall effect of all those aspected houses taken as B in context to the event. The results promised by the malefically aspected houses (by 6th lord) will NOT take place (here it can be both quality as well as time related).For the event of marriage we then try to evaluate harmony in relationships, happiness in marriage, children, marriage longevity, any possibilities of separation etc in relation to the then prevailing AD’s and of course taking into account the ‘Blessings’ in the chart unless the aspected house is LoD or LoE).The native can be denied of the result of the malefically aspected house even when he carries on smoothly in marital relationship.Now we hold on for a minute here and recall that except for Sun & Moon, all other planets are lords of two houses. Sun & Moon do NOT act like 6th

lords.The other planets simultaneous to being 6th lord, are also lords of some other house. So they have to give the result of that 'other house' as well. So while doing an ‘Appraisal’ of the chart for a particular event, this ‘other house’ results should also be taken into account by us.For example of in Sg Ascendant Venus (here 6th lord) is placed in 7th house with 5 points then it is going to give some problems after marriage (6th lord in 7th house). But at the same time it is Ve is lord of the Upachaya Bhav 11th house also and should give some benefit in increase in earnings to the native after marriage. Marriage in the AD of 6th lord with high points (or low points with benefic sights on other houses) is bound to cause some problem which in overall perspective need not be always too serious ( here the nature of the native's concerned come into picture). So it is not necessary that it surfaces out for

obvious information to all. It can be a closely guarded secret between the couple or their most near one’s. For example unless specifically told, one can never know if the child in a family is biological reproduction by that same couple. But technically speaking this must have been a problem with that couple for some years after marriage. # Now let us come to the other question of yours. What happens if the marriage is performed in the AD of a high power planet which is SD to the 6th lord?First check if that planet is placed in house D or E for the said event. Planets in houses D & E are said to facilitate the event from timing point of view. If the marriage happens in the AD of planets in D or E or in the AD of LoD or LoE then it will certainly dampen the quality of the event (marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.Being SD to the event

causing planet, the lord of 6th house will NOT prevent the occurrence of the event (ie. the timing issue) but will definitely hamper or reduce the quality aspects of the event (marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planet in house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of that event is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to remember this law.If such is the case we must immediately look for future problems in the chart related to that event or after the event (separation, child, harmonious relationship, health issues related to marital life or may be even other issues such as financial condition after marriage etc).The future AD‘s play a big role in the evaluation such issues for timing. All calculations apart, it must not be forgotten that marriage

specially is a bond between two families and not merely between two persons. So more than two people are involved on most occasions before marriage, and certainly so after marriage. In my opinion, therefore, the effect (charts) of other people should also count as far as marriage is concerned. This is my personal view, not exactly related to your queries. But I hope my answers to your queries are in line with the KAS laws. Regards,Nikhlesh MathurOn Sat, 18 Oct 2008 SPK wrote :>Dear Ash,>>What would hppen hypothetically if the marriage is perfromed in anatara of a planet which may have>12 or more points but is samadharmi( Lets say conjunct) to 6th lord? Would some of the 6th lord characteritics>get trasferred to this planet? Or since it has >= 12 points samadharmi to 6th lord blemis is already taken care of and blemish is>eradicated?>>What happens

if the 6th lord gets >=12 points and marriage is perfromed in his anatara.>>Thanks>>Satish>>P.S. I have been busy and will try to catch up with all the emails nd lessons soon.>>>>> "Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca" <kas>astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com>Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:09:20 AM>RE: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study>>>Dear Nikhlesh ji,>>No, that is an error in the program and I thought I had taken it off. The SAV and points should not change, so please do not go by that portion. Guru ji had corrected me.>>That is only for display purpose to rotate the chart to see it from Su and Mo. But due to the way the program was designed it recalculated the

SAV which should not happen and I haven’t had a chance to get to that and correct it.>>Try to understand the theory, which is that when an event takes place in low power, so it means there is something or some issue there. So when a high power planet comes or LoD or LoE they try to do good and try to clean up that and try to flush that out.>>Now if there was a marriage in low points and if there are signs of divorce, then when a high power planet comes, which wants to do good, for the native, then it will try to break that so that the native is free from such issues.>>That is why sometimes high power planet breaks the marriage when performed in 6th lord or in low power planet.>>Now here we are talking of a “separation” and not a “divorce” as a divorce is a legal and there might be man made delays due to back log in courts etc etc.>>2 people might be living in the same

house but might be living separate lives. So here, again, one must keep many factors in mind, religious beliefs and society, blessings etc etc to come to final conclusion.>>Cheers !!!>Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca>> astrologyandti minge vents@ s.com [astrologyan dtimingevents] On Behalf Of nikhlesh mathur>Saturday October 18, 2008 2:51 AM>astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com>Re: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study>> 18.10.08>>Dear Ash ji,>> Does it means that the marital problems / disagreements must have started when the AD of high power planet came after marriage in low power planet.>>And that if this happened then final walk-out and the official divorce event DID NOT WAIT for the AD of another high power

plant as there are other clear indications for divorce.>>Now, one thing I wanted to ask here.>Is this something related to Ve having zero points in Taurus sign (4th from Ascendent) from both the Sun & Moon chart of this native (from Asc it is not zero).>>Sa is placed in Taurus in the natal chart. It was once explained by you that Sa & Ma are mischevious students of a class and when they come they create problem for the weakest candidate in that class.>>Venus is weakest in Taurus from Sun & Mon chart (but not from Asc).>Sa is placed in Taurus in natal chart. The lord of Taurus is Ve. This Ve is also NK for marriage.>>So Sa might be having a permenent bad effect on Ve which led to consistent problems during marriage before the breakup and then ultimate divorce in court after a show down.>>Can we judge from such an angle?>>Regards,>Nikhlesh

Mathur>>>>On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca wrote :> >Dear Anup ji and Nikhlesh ji,> >> >When marriage is in low points then problems will start once the points go high. So problems / disagreements might have started in high power planets antras and that might eventually lead to a divorce or not depending on the full chart.> >> >> >Cheers !!!> >Ash -> <http://www.ashtro. ca/> http://www.ashtro. ca>>>____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __>>>http://mail.

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Dear Satish ji,


This law is mentioned in Lesson 19, page 2 of 3. This lesson consists of a Blind chart analysis.



Nikhlesh Mathur



On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 SPK wrote :

>Dear Nikhleshji,


>You had mentioned


> " Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planet in house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of that event is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to remember this law. "


>This is very interesting. Do you have reference message # for this tidbit or any place guruji had mentioned this. I would like to go to that message and read more or any example horoscope discussed.


>Thanks for your help



nikhlesh mathur <nikhleshmathur


>Monday, October 20, 2008 3:11:54 AM

>Re: Event in 6th lord SD planets.






>Sub: Events in AD of high points planets SD to 6th lord.


>Dear Satish ji,


> Let me take the opportunity to answer your queries and in this process check if my learning are on the right track.


>The 6th house and the 6th lord are like a villain in the scheme of the things in the life of all of us.


># Now one of your questions is what will happen if the marriage is performed in the AD of the 6th lord when it has 12 or more than 12 points in the chart.


>If that is so, then we should first check the BAV points of the 6th lord in the SAV chart. We all know that these points range from zero to 8.


>If the points of the 6th lord are more than 4 then it means it aspects the houses with malefic sight. The malefic sight of the 6th lord will reduce the results of the aspected houses.


>We then assume each of the aspected houses as house B and apply the usual theories of KAS and try to derive the related effects.


>Then we try to ascertain the overall effect of all those aspected houses taken as B in context to the event. The results promised by the malefically aspected houses (by 6th lord) will NOT take place (here it can be both quality as well as time related).


>For the event of marriage we then try to evaluate harmony in relationships, happiness in marriage, children, marriage longevity, any possibilities of separation etc in relation to the then prevailing AD’s and of course taking into account the ‘Blessings’ in the chart unless the aspected house is LoD or LoE).


>The native can be denied of the result of the malefically aspected house even when he carries on smoothly in marital relationship.


>Now we hold on for a minute here and recall that except for Sun & Moon, all other planets are lords of two houses.


>Sun & Moon do NOT act like 6th lords.


>The other planets simultaneous to being 6th lord, are also lords of some other house. So they have to give the result of that 'other house' as well.

>So while doing an ‘Appraisal’ of the chart for a particular event, this ‘other house’ results should also be taken into account by us.


>For example of in Sg Ascendant Venus (here 6th lord) is placed in 7th house with 5 points then it is going to give some problems after marriage (6th lord in 7th house). But at the same time it is Ve is lord of the Upachaya Bhav 11th house also and should give some benefit in increase in earnings to the native after marriage.


>Marriage in the AD of 6th lord with high points (or low points with benefic sights on other houses) is bound to cause some problem which in overall perspective need not be always too serious ( here the nature of the native's concerned come into picture).


>So it is not necessary that it surfaces out for obvious information to all. It can be a closely guarded secret between the couple or their most near one’s.

>For example unless specifically told, one can never know if the child in a family is biological reproduction by that same couple. But technically speaking this must have been a problem with that couple for some years after marriage.


># Now let us come to the other question of yours. What happens if the marriage is performed in the AD of a high power planet which is SD to the 6th lord?


>First check if that planet is placed in house D or E for the said event. Planets in houses D & E are said to facilitate the event from timing point of view.


>If the marriage happens in the AD of planets in D or E or in the AD of LoD or LoE then it will certainly dampen the quality of the event (marriage). Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.


>Being SD to the event causing planet, the lord of 6th house will NOT prevent the occurrence of the event (ie. the timing issue) but will definitely hamper or reduce the quality aspects of the event (marriage).

>Here the 6th lord will not affect the time but it should affect the quality in some way or the other.


>Another law says that if the event is performed in the AD of planet in house A or LoA which is SD to the 6th lord then the result of that event is completely spoiled ( quality aspect). We need to remember this law.


>If such is the case we must immediately look for future problems in the chart related to that event or after the event (separation, child, harmonious relationship, health issues related to marital life or may be even other issues such as financial condition after marriage etc).


>The future AD‘s play a big role in the evaluation such issues for timing.


>All calculations apart, it must not be forgotten that marriage specially is a bond between two families and not merely between two persons. So more than two people are involved on most occasions before marriage, and certainly so after marriage.


>In my opinion, therefore, the effect (charts) of other people should also count as far as marriage is concerned. This is my personal view, not exactly related to your queries.


>But I hope my answers to your queries are in line with the KAS laws.



>Nikhlesh Mathur




>On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 SPK wrote :

> >Dear Ash,

> >

> >What would hppen hypothetically if the marriage is perfromed in anatara of a planet which may have

> >12 or more points but is samadharmi( Lets say conjunct) to 6th lord? Would some of the 6th lord characteritics

> >get trasferred to this planet? Or since it has >= 12 points samadharmi to 6th lord blemis is already taken care of and blemish is

> >eradicated?

> >

> >What happens if the 6th lord gets >=12 points and marriage is perfromed in his anatara.

> >

> >Thanks

> >

> >Satish

> >

> >P.S. I have been busy and will try to catch up with all the emails nd lessons soon.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca " <kas

> >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> >Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:09:20 AM

> >RE: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study

> >

> >

> >Dear Nikhlesh ji,

> >

> >No, that is an error in the program and I thought I had taken it off. The SAV and points should not change, so please do not go by that portion. Guru ji had corrected me.

> >

> >That is only for display purpose to rotate the chart to see it from Su and Mo. But due to the way the program was designed it recalculated the SAV which should not happen and I haven’t had a chance to get to that and correct it.

> >

> >Try to understand the theory, which is that when an event takes place in low power, so it means there is something or some issue there. So when a high power planet comes or LoD or LoE they try to do good and try to clean up that and try to flush that out.

> >

> >Now if there was a marriage in low points and if there are signs of divorce, then when a high power planet comes, which wants to do good, for the native, then it will try to break that so that the native is free from such issues.

> >

> >That is why sometimes high power planet breaks the marriage when performed in 6th lord or in low power planet.

> >

> >Now here we are talking of a “separation” and not a “divorce” as a divorce is a legal and there might be man made delays due to back log in courts etc etc.

> >

> >2 people might be living in the same house but might be living separate lives. So here, again, one must keep many factors in mind, religious beliefs and society, blessings etc etc to come to final conclusion.

> >

> >Cheers !!!

> >Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca

> >

> > astrologyandti minge vents@ s.com [astrologyan dtimingevents] On Behalf Of nikhlesh mathur

> >Saturday October 18, 2008 2:51 AM

> >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> >Re: RE: Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Divorce case study

> >

> > 18.10.08

> >

> >Dear Ash ji,

> >

> > Does it means that the marital problems / disagreements must have started when the AD of high power planet came after marriage in low power planet.

> >

> >And that if this happened then final walk-out and the official divorce event DID NOT WAIT for the AD of another high power plant as there are other clear indications for divorce.

> >

> >Now, one thing I wanted to ask here.

> >Is this something related to Ve having zero points in Taurus sign (4th from Ascendent) from both the Sun & Moon chart of this native (from Asc it is not zero).

> >

> >Sa is placed in Taurus in the natal chart. It was once explained by you that Sa & Ma are mischevious students of a class and when they come they create problem for the weakest candidate in that class.

> >

> >Venus is weakest in Taurus from Sun & Mon chart (but not from Asc).

> >Sa is placed in Taurus in natal chart. The lord of Taurus is Ve. This Ve is also NK for marriage.

> >

> >So Sa might be having a permenent bad effect on Ve which led to consistent problems during marriage before the breakup and then ultimate divorce in court after a show down.

> >

> >Can we judge from such an angle?

> >

> >Regards,

> >Nikhlesh Mathur

> >

> >

> >

> >On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 Ash's Corner (AT) ashtro (DOT) ca wrote :

> > >Dear Anup ji and Nikhlesh ji,

> > >

> > >When marriage is in low points then problems will start once the points go high. So problems / disagreements might have started in high power planets antras and that might eventually lead to a divorce or not depending on the full chart.

> > >

> > >

> > >Cheers !!!

> > >Ash -> <http://www.ashtro. ca/> http://www.ashtro. ca

> >

> >

> >____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >

> >

> >http://mail.







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