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Blessings, gratitude and poll results

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Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group -


I would like to say something here in regard to blessings and gratitude.


First of all, I am grateful to the very few of you who took the time out of

your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that Anup

had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even thinking about doing this in

the first place. It truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the main point

at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list really is. It is

sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the time

to give their opinion. It shows us how truly few of you out there are even paying attention

at all, much less doing anything about it.


Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

GIVE this information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, people

as a whole do not really appreciate this gift because in their minds, it has to be

worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact of human nature today, that if we

give it away for free, then for some reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

handful of people on this list who have managed to take the torch and run with it, knowing what

a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached other than the

sincere desire to learn. The poll that was just run reflects this point quite well indeed.

It also shows that true knowledge is like water that finds its own level. It will only flow to those

people who truly seek to learn it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make any sense which is

how it should be.


When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

that it wouldn't get buried with no one else to pass the knowledge onto. His "blessings" became

not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who have contributed their talents

and their time in order to make this list and this system work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent in

order to make something succeed We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

and for that I am grateful. We still have so much more to learn about this system which still hasn't been

fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.


For now, things will remain "free" on my website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

things to your heart's content if you haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware

that things are going to change in such a way as to reflect the true worth of the knowledge

that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by doing so, it will weed out those of

you who sincerely have a desire to learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

no reason to even be here in the first place.


Thanks for listening -









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Dear Donna ji, and Group.Sorry for interfering in this matter,How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.. Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?In the Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS learning.Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the others?Knowledge is different from money, knowledge

doesn't come free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.KAS is of our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be charged, let this be free.Knowledge will flourish if it is free of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for advancement.Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money into it. Tarakaram.G.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 wrote:DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 8:21 AM



Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group -


I would like to say something here in regard to blessings and gratitude.


First of all, I am grateful to the very few of you who took the time out of

your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that Anup

had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even thinking about doing this in

the first place. It truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the main point

at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list really is. It is

sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the time

to give their opinion. It shows us how truly few of you out there are even paying attention

at all, much less doing anything about it.


Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

GIVE this information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, people

as a whole do not really appreciate this gift because in their minds, it has to be

worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact of human nature today, that if we

give it away for free, then for some reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

handful of people on this list who have managed to take the torch and run with it, knowing what

a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached other than the

sincere desire to learn. The poll that was just run reflects this point quite well indeed.

It also shows that true knowledge is like water that finds its own level. It will only flow to those

people who truly seek to learn it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make any sense which is

how it should be.


When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

that it wouldn't get buried with no one else to pass the knowledge onto. His "blessings" became

not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who have contributed their talents

and their time in order to make this list and this system work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent in

order to make something succeed We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

and for that I am grateful. We still have so much more to learn about this system which still hasn't been

fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.


For now, things will remain "free" on my website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

things to your heart's content if you haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware

that things are going to change in such a way as to reflect the true worth of the knowledge

that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by doing so, it will weed out those of

you who sincerely have a desire to learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

no reason to even be here in the first place.


Thanks for listening -










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Dear Tarakram -


Thanks for your feedback. I agree with you that knowledge is universal in the sense

that it is there for the asking much like a huge ocean of information that we as

individuals have the choice of diving in as often as we choose to in order to search

for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We are all teachers in that regard,

because as we learn something and pass that information forward to someone else.

we become that person's "teacher" if only for a moment in time. That person, in turn,

has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass it forward to someone else and

become THEIR teacher and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a

dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true worth

and go forward to either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all

of us take when we teach something to others. We can only hope that it reaches

the right people, the ones who will understand its value and do it justice in return.


And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept free, unfortunately the people

who provide those services do not share the same beliefs. It takes money to run a

website and as much as we would love to continue to give it out for free, the costs

for maintaining the website also continues This is what Krushnaji was referring to.

He feels that in spite of the fact that this knowledge has been going out free of charge

all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been paying the tab for the rest of

the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's all. As far as he's concerned, as well as

Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and principle.


As an analogy, if everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a while,

everyone would just assume that you were going to pay the check from that point on. They

would just take it for granted and no longer think about it when they went out to dinner with

you. If you suddenly then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that

make you the bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please pay

a little each towards the bill out of respect and fairness, would that all of a sudden make you

cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few years now

and everyone just assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken

for granted. That's why it was very interesting to see what the results of this poll were. ;))















Dear Donna ji, and Group.Sorry for interfering in this matter,How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?In the Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS learning.Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the others?Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.KAS is of our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be charged, let this be free.Knowledge will flourish if it is free of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for advancement.Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money into it. Tarakaram.G.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net> wrote:

DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net> Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 8:21 AM




Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group -


I would like to say something here in regard to blessings and gratitude.


First of all, I am grateful to the very few of you who took the time out of

your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that Anup

had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even thinking about doing this in

the first place. It truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the main point

at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list really is. It is

sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the time

to give their opinion. It shows us how truly few of you out there are even paying attention

at all, much less doing anything about it.


Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

GIVE this information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, people

as a whole do not really appreciate this gift because in their minds, it has to be

worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact of human nature today, that if we

give it away for free, then for some reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

handful of people on this list who have managed to take the torch and run with it, knowing what

a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached other than the

sincere desire to learn. The poll that was just run reflects this point quite well indeed.

It also shows that true knowledge is like water that finds its own level. It will only flow to those

people who truly seek to learn it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make any sense which is

how it should be.


When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

that it wouldn't get buried with no one else to pass the knowledge onto. His "blessings" became

not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who have contributed their talents

and their time in order to make this list and this system work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent in

order to make something succeed We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

and for that I am grateful. We still have so much more to learn about this system which still hasn't been

fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.


For now, things will remain "free" on my website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

things to your heart's content if you haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware

that things are going to change in such a way as to reflect the true worth of the knowledge

that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by doing so, it will weed out those of

you who sincerely have a desire to learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

no reason to even be here in the first place.


Thanks for listening -










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Tarakram ji,


Last I heard was that Harvard, Stanford, Yale, MIT, IIM's and D School of

Business (Not sure but you can confirm) were all charging money and the

professors were being paid a salary.


I also think all the students were paying a set fees and not token amounts and

they had to pay for their text books and reference materials.


They also have to do and submit their assignments and put in effort to learn.


I do not think that the education and knowledge was transmitted Freely?


Tucker who had many students, I beleive all of them paid for their seat and paid

for the material they used like books, pens, pencils.


I also beleive that Tucker had to pay his bills as well and I doubt that the

students got a FREE ride from the university? Maybe you can confirm?


I think u get the point I am making?


It would be commendable if all the people who DID not want to pay a token, would

simply host sites, spend their time to create nice grapihcs and make nice write

ups, and put up solved charts using KAS, from their own pockets, as a RESPECT to

the knowledge gained from GURU JI, I think it would be great.


Anyone offering to deciate their time, energy, money, effort FREE of cost to

share their learnings of KAS?, if so kindly send message to the list.




Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca



<tarakaram_g wrote:


> Dear Donna ji, and Group.


> Sorry for interfering in this matter,


> How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how he changed our everyday

lives? How many of us know the technology we are using and the comfort and

luxury from technology is just due to him. Does this mean that we are insulting

him or the knowledge?


> In the Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the

group mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get enough

time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS learning.


> Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many students infact hundreds or

more than a thousand, but how many of them advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its

only John Nash, who made significant contributions to Maths and Economics, why

not the others?


> Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come free, it itself

needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.


> KAS is of our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its

the effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be

charged, let this be free.


> Knowledge will flourish if it is free of restrictions, around 30-40 people

voted so for, so KAS got more number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for



> Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money into it.


> Tarakaram.G.


> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 wrote:


> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12

> Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results


> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 8:21 AM















Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group

> -


> I would like to say something here in regard to

> blessings and gratitude.


> First of all, I am grateful to the very

> few of you who took the time out of

> your lives to simply

> click a button and make a choice on this poll that Anup

> had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even

> thinking about doing this in

> the first place. It truly has served

> its purpose in more ways than just the main point

> at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list really

is. It is


> sad indeed when out

> of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the time

> to give their opinion. It shows us how truly

> few of you out there are even paying attention


> at all, much less doing anything about

> it.


> Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's

> point about the fact that if you just

> GIVE this

> information away for free like we've been doing for all these years,

> people

> as a whole do not really appreciate this gift

> because in their minds, it has to be

> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact

> of human nature today, that if we

> give it away for free, then for some

> reason, it HAS to be worthless There

> are only a small

> handful of people on

> this list who have managed to take the torch and

> run with it, knowing what

> a rare gift of

> knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached other than

> the 

> sincere desire to learn. The poll that was

> just run reflects this point quite well

> indeed.

> It also shows that true knowledge is like water

> that finds its own level. It will only flow to those

> people who truly seek to learn it. As for

> the others, this stuff just won't make any sense which

> is

> how it should be.


> When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only

> concern was how to get the system out there

> so

> that it wouldn't get buried with no one else

> to pass the knowledge onto. His

> " blessings "  became

> not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who have

contributed their talents


> and their time in order to make this list and this system work. Krushnaji was


> 'blessing' and we

> became his. It

> became all about sharing and giving

> of ourselves with deliberate intent in

> order to make something succeed We've

> MORE than accomplished this task over the years

> and for that I am grateful. We still have so much

> more to learn about this system which still

> hasn't been

> fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.



> For now, things will remain " free " on my website,

> so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

> things to your heart's content if you haven't done

> so already. But in the very near future,

> please  be aware

> that things are

> going to change in such a way as to reflect the

> true worth of the knowledge

> that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by doing

> so, it will weed out those of

> you who sincerely have a desire to learn and

> advance in this system as opposed to those of you

> who have

> no reason to even be here in the first

> place.


> Thanks for listening -

> Donna





























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Dear Donnaji,Thanks for the reply.Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host

that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.Thanking you.Tarakaram.G.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 wrote:DQuinn12 <DQuinn12Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM



Dear Tarakram -


Thanks for your feedback. I agree with you that knowledge is universal in the sense

that it is there for the asking much like a huge ocean of information that we as

individuals have the choice of diving in as often as we choose to in order to search

for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We are all teachers in that regard,

because as we learn something and pass that information forward to someone else.

we become that person's "teacher" if only for a moment in time. That person, in turn,

has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass it forward to someone else and

become THEIR teacher and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a

dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true worth

and go forward to either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all

of us take when we teach something to others. We can only hope that it reaches

the right people, the ones who will understand its value and do it justice in return.


And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept free, unfortunately the people

who provide those services do not share the same beliefs. It takes money to run a

website and as much as we would love to continue to give it out for free, the costs

for maintaining the website also continues This is what Krushnaji was referring to.

He feels that in spite of the fact that this knowledge has been going out free of charge

all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been paying the tab for the rest of

the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's all. As far as he's concerned, as well as

Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and principle.


As an analogy, if everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a while,

everyone would just assume that you were going to pay the check from that point on. They

would just take it for granted and no longer think about it when they went out to dinner with

you. If you suddenly then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that

make you the bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please pay

a little each towards the bill out of respect and fairness, would that all of a sudden make you

cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few years now

and everyone just assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken

for granted. That's why it was very interesting to see what the results of this poll were. ;))















Dear Donna ji, and Group.Sorry for interfering in this matter,How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?In the Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS learning.Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the others?Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.KAS is of our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be charged, let this be free.Knowledge will flourish if it is free of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for advancement.Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money into it. Tarakaram.G.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net> wrote:

DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net>[astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comMonday, 29 June, 2009, 8:21 AM




Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group -


I would like to say something here in regard to blessings and gratitude.


First of all, I am grateful to the very few of you who took the time out of

your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that Anup

had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even thinking about doing this in

the first place. It truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the main point

at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list really is. It is

sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the time

to give their opinion. It shows us how truly few of you out there are even paying attention

at all, much less doing anything about it.


Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

GIVE this information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, people

as a whole do not really appreciate this gift because in their minds, it has to be

worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact of human nature today, that if we

give it away for free, then for some reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

handful of people on this list who have managed to take the torch and run with it, knowing what

a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached other than the

sincere desire to learn. The poll that was just run reflects this point quite well indeed.

It also shows that true knowledge is like water that finds its own level. It will only flow to those

people who truly seek to learn it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make any sense which is

how it should be.


When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

that it wouldn't get buried with no one else to pass the knowledge onto. His "blessings" became

not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who have contributed their talents

and their time in order to make this list and this system work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent in

order to make something succeed We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

and for that I am grateful. We still have so much more to learn about this system which still hasn't been

fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.


For now, things will remain "free" on my website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

things to your heart's content if you haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware

that things are going to change in such a way as to reflect the true worth of the knowledge

that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by doing so, it will weed out those of

you who sincerely have a desire to learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

no reason to even be here in the first place.


Thanks for listening -










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Dear Tarakaram ji


Very sorry to read your mail …You knw sir “CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME “……but only in the case wen we ourselves are giving something in charity. Sorry to say that but tell me areYou learning astrology from ur childhood free of cost??somethng u must hv paid to ur guru as GURUDAKSHINA or no?


Charity is for the betterment of next generation…


If she is helping you in any form. this is not contributory on her part that long life she has to oblige everybody in this form .if rest of people are inactive that doesn’t mean that they are not taking interest in KAS?? …ARE YOU LEARNING ASTROLOGY FREE OF COST FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF YOUR LIFE??THEN I THINK YOU MUST HAVE PURCHASED ALL THE SOFTWARES AND BOOKS FREE OF COST..(Or somebody must have given you in charity??)Am I right ??



I knw I am much younger to u for any kind of advice but tell me how many good schools are there that are providing education free of cost? I myself belongs to education line and I alwas look for better prospects just because of the reason that when we are giving our 100%then we expect better salaries too


..Nobody is here for charity.And nobody is asking money from you .But if one is obliging us today for our better tomorrow that doesn’t mean that we have to take undue advantage of that .I agree knowledge should be imparted to everybody free of cost but don’t you think that some “Gurudakshina†should be given to guru too. because without it I think no knowledge is complete..


Don’t go by the polls that how many of them have voted?? Think yourself? Are you justified what u have said??? Please give it one thought again ..


I think you are new to the group…and that’s why asking for free. You have no idea how much efforts DONNA JI has put into for all these lessons..that we all are learning and enjoying..Grow up Tarakaram ji.. STOP LOOKING FOR THE THINGS THAT ARE AVAILABLE FOR FREE.IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME KNOWLEDGE YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT..


THINK AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








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Dear Ash,Dschool charges Rs. 225 as tuition fees and if you are not in position to pay that fees, they refund the fees along with Rs. 400 stipend every month. (this inturn nominal again).Then again Harvard, Stand, MIT, if you get into those, they will pay for your living expenses also (Frens of mine even get 4500USD every month as stipend). If you are unable to buy books, they even offer like free text book services, libraries, ..Yes, I already said that, knowledge needs lot effort in my first reply itself. And the suggestions you made, that is exactly my point. You just charge a person if he needs his chart analyzed directly. Or else let him learn KAS. As far as I can, I can dedicate time to the group except in Sep, Nov this year, since exam time. Remaining time, I will dedicated some time to the group. Right now I

am spending some time for learning KAS, later I can spend time in analyzing charts.And if you want to do graphics or programing or site designing, I am available from today itself. ( This wont count into KAS :D, I love programming).Tarakaram.G--- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:ashsam73 <kas Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:25 PM


Tarakram ji,


Last I heard was that Harvard, Stanford, Yale, MIT, IIM's and D School of Business (Not sure but you can confirm) were all charging money and the professors were being paid a salary.


I also think all the students were paying a set fees and not token amounts and they had to pay for their text books and reference materials.


They also have to do and submit their assignments and put in effort to learn.


I do not think that the education and knowledge was transmitted Freely?


Tucker who had many students, I beleive all of them paid for their seat and paid for the material they used like books, pens, pencils.


I also beleive that Tucker had to pay his bills as well and I doubt that the students got a FREE ride from the university? Maybe you can confirm?


I think u get the point I am making?


It would be commendable if all the people who DID not want to pay a token, would simply host sites, spend their time to create nice grapihcs and make nice write ups, and put up solved charts using KAS, from their own pockets, as a RESPECT to the knowledge gained from GURU JI, I think it would be great.


Anyone offering to deciate their time, energy, money, effort FREE of cost to share their learnings of KAS?, if so kindly send message to the list.




Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca


astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Donna ji, and Group.


> Sorry for interfering in this matter,


> How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.. Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?


> In the Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS learning.


> Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the others?


> Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.


> KAS is of our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be charged, let this be free.


> Knowledge will flourish if it is free of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for advancement.


> Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money into it.


> Tarakaram.G.


> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .> wrote:


> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .>

> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results

> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 8:21 AM





















> Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group

> -


> I would like to say something here in regard to

> blessings and gratitude.


> First of all, I am grateful to the very

> few of you who took the time out of

> your lives to simply

> click a button and make a choice on this poll that Anup

> had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even

> thinking about doing this in

> the first place. It truly has served

> its purpose in more ways than just the main point

> at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list really is. It is


> sad indeed when out

> of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the time

> to give their opinion. It shows us how truly

> few of you out there are even paying attention


> at all, much less doing anything about

> it.


> Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's

> point about the fact that if you just

> GIVE this

> information away for free like we've been doing for all these years,

> people

> as a whole do not really appreciate this gift

> because in their minds, it has to be

> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact

> of human nature today, that if we

> give it away for free, then for some

> reason, it HAS to be worthless There

> are only a small

> handful of people on

> this list who have managed to take the torch and

> run with it, knowing what

> a rare gift of

> knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached other than

> the

> sincere desire to learn. The poll that was

> just run reflects this point quite well

> indeed.

> It also shows that true knowledge is like water

> that finds its own level. It will only flow to those

> people who truly seek to learn it. As for

> the others, this stuff just won't make any sense which

> is

> how it should be.


> When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only

> concern was how to get the system out there

> so

> that it wouldn't get buried with no one else

> to pass the knowledge onto. His

> "blessings" became

> not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who have contributed their talents


> and their time in order to make this list and this system work. Krushnaji was our

> 'blessing' and we

> became his. It

> became all about sharing and giving

> of ourselves with deliberate intent in

> order to make something succeed We've

> MORE than accomplished this task over the years

> and for that I am grateful. We still have so much

> more to learn about this system which still

> hasn't been

> fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.



> For now, things will remain "free" on my website,

> so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

> things to your heart's content if you haven't done

> so already. But in the very near future,

> please be aware

> that things are

> going to change in such a way as to reflect the

> true worth of the knowledge

> that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by doing

> so, it will weed out those of

> you who sincerely have a desire to learn and

> advance in this system as opposed to those of you

> who have

> no reason to even be here in the first

> place.


> Thanks for listening -

> Donna



































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Dear Tarakram -


I think you're missing the point here It's really not about specific dollar amounts

at all or how much it costs me to run my website in order for you to have free knowledge

of this system. I was just using that as an example to make a point. It's really about the

intrinsic value of respect. It's about the principle of everything being in balance in life..

This is what Krushnaji was referring to when he spoke of blessings and the sense of giving

back in gratitude, that's all. It's the gratitude and the sense of appreciation that keeps the

wheel of knowledge moving on. This isn't something that can be forced on you or anyone.

We certainly can't DEMAND that a person be a giver. It has to come from within to be of

any satisfaction or worth to anyone. For those of you whose basic nature is to give back,

believe me it shines thu in everything you say or do and no further explanantion is needed.

For those of you who have no clue as to what I'm talking about, then anything else I say

will never be enough.


I do appreciate your kind offer of taking over my website for me, but that isn't necessary. ;))

What you CAN do is put all of your efforts into learning this system as diligently as you

can and becoming one of those students who stand out amongst all the others with your

understanding of the system and your ability to pass this knowledge on to others in the

most positive of ways.















Dear Donnaji,Thanks for the reply.Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.Thanking you.Tarakaram.G.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net> wrote:

DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net>Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM




Dear Tarakram -


Thanks for your feedback. I agree with you that knowledge is universal in the sense

that it is there for the asking much like a huge ocean of information that we as

individuals have the choice of diving in as often as we choose to in order to search

for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We are all teachers in that regard,

because as we learn something and pass that information forward to someone else.

we become that person's "teacher" if only for a moment in time. That person, in turn,

has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass it forward to someone else and

become THEIR teacher and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a

dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true worth

and go forward to either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all

of us take when we teach something to others. We can only hope that it reaches

the right people, the ones who will understand its value and do it justice in return.


And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept free, unfortunately the people

who provide those services do not share the same beliefs. It takes money to run a

website and as much as we would love to continue to give it out for free, the costs

for maintaining the website also continues This is what Krushnaji was referring to.

He feels that in spite of the fact that this knowledge has been going out free of charge

all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been paying the tab for the rest of

the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's all. As far as he's concerned, as well as

Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and principle.


As an analogy, if everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a while,

everyone would just assume that you were going to pay the check from that point on. They

would just take it for granted and no longer think about it when they went out to dinner with

you. If you suddenly then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that

make you the bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please pay

a little each towards the bill out of respect and fairness, would that all of a sudden make you

cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few years now

and everyone just assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken

for granted. That's why it was very interesting to see what the results of this poll were. ;))















Dear Donna ji, and Group.Sorry for interfering in this matter,How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?In the Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS learning.Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the others?Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.KAS is of our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be charged, let this be free.Knowledge will flourish if it is free of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for advancement.Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money into it. Tarakaram.G.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net> wrote:

DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net>[astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comMonday, 29 June, 2009, 8:21 AM




Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group -


I would like to say something here in regard to blessings and gratitude.


First of all, I am grateful to the very few of you who took the time out of

your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that Anup

had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even thinking about doing this in

the first place. It truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the main point

at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list really is. It is

sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the time

to give their opinion. It shows us how truly few of you out there are even paying attention

at all, much less doing anything about it.


Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

GIVE this information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, people

as a whole do not really appreciate this gift because in their minds, it has to be

worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact of human nature today, that if we

give it away for free, then for some reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

handful of people on this list who have managed to take the torch and run with it, knowing what

a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached other than the

sincere desire to learn. The poll that was just run reflects this point quite well indeed.

It also shows that true knowledge is like water that finds its own level. It will only flow to those

people who truly seek to learn it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make any sense which is

how it should be.


When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

that it wouldn't get buried with no one else to pass the knowledge onto. His "blessings" became

not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who have contributed their talents

and their time in order to make this list and this system work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent in

order to make something succeed We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

and for that I am grateful. We still have so much more to learn about this system which still hasn't been

fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.


For now, things will remain "free" on my website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

things to your heart's content if you haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware

that things are going to change in such a way as to reflect the true worth of the knowledge

that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by doing so, it will weed out those of

you who sincerely have a desire to learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

no reason to even be here in the first place.


Thanks for listening -










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Dear Tarakram ji,


You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the



The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid.

That shows the dedication.


The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU

DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU.


Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10

cents or whatever one can afford.


If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can

afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE



It really pains me to see such mails.


I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and

experience, but I feel very sad ................


C'est la vie.





<tarakaram_g wrote:


> Dear Donnaji,


> Thanks for the reply.


> Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor

Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have,

he replied me, " Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in

my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we

take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding

Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But

these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that

wisdom for living. "


> This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira,

he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD).  And we are sharing that knowledge.


> I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you

host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can

bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for



> And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for

developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into

Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.


> And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we

secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.


> Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the

website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far.

We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.


> Thanking you.


> Tarakaram.G.



> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 wrote:


> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12

> Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll



> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM















Dear Tarakram -


> Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that

> knowledge is universal in the sense

> that it is there for the asking much like a huge

> ocean of information that we as

> individuals have the choice of diving in as often

> as we choose to in order to search

> for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We

> are all teachers in that regard,

> because as we learn something and pass that

> information forward to someone else.

> we become that person's " teacher " if only for a

> moment in time. That person, in turn,

> has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass

> it forward to someone else and

> become THEIR teacher

> and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a

> dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true

> worth 

> and go forward to

> either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all

> of us take when we teach something to others. We

> can only hope that it reaches

> the right people, the ones who will understand its

> value and do it justice in return.


> And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept

> free, unfortunately the people

> who provide those services do not share the same

> beliefs. It takes money to run a

> website and as much as we would love to continue to

> give it out for free, the costs

> for maintaining the website also continues This is

> what Krushnaji was referring to.

> He feels that in spite of the fact that this

> knowledge has been going out free of charge

> all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been

> paying the tab for the rest of

> the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's

> all. As far as he's concerned, as well as

> Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and

> principle.


> As an analogy, if

> everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a

> while,

> everyone would just assume that you were going to

> pay the check from that point on. They

> would just take it for granted and no longer think

> about it when they went out to dinner with

> you. If you suddenly

> then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that


> make you the

> bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please

> pay

> a little each towards the bill out of respect and

> fairness, would that all of a sudden make you

> cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite

a few

> years now

> and everyone just

> assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken


> for granted. That's

> why it was very interesting to see what the

> results of this poll were. ;))


> Donna







Dear Donna ji, and Group.


> Sorry for interfering in

> this matter,


> How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how

> he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we


> using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.

> Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?


> In the

> Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the


> mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get

> enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS

> learning.


> Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many

> students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them

> advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant

> contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the

> others?


> Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come

> free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.


> KAS is of

> our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its


> effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be

> charged, let this be free.


> Knowledge will flourish if it is free

> of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more

> number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for

> advancement.


> Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money

> into it.


> Tarakaram.G.


> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12

> <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net> wrote:




> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12 (AT) optonline (DOT) net>

> Subject:

> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll

> results

> To:

> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> Monday, 29

> June, 2009, 8:21 AM






> Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group

> -


> I would like to say something here in

> regard to blessings and gratitude.


> First of all, I am grateful

> to the very few of you who took the time out of

> your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll


> Anup

> had created. I also am grateful to Anup

> for even thinking about doing this in

> the first place. It

> truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the

> main point

> at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this


> really is. It is

> sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the

> time

> to give their opinion. It shows us how

> truly few of you out there are even

> paying attention

> at all, much less doing anything about

> it.


> Therefore, I can really understand

> Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

> GIVE this

> information away for free like we've been doing for all these years,

> people

> as a whole do not really appreciate this

> gift because in their minds, it has to be

> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a

> sad fact of human nature today, that if we


> give it away for free, then for some

> reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

> handful of

> people on this list who have managed to

> take the torch and run with it, knowing what

> a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings

> attached other than the 

> sincere desire to learn. The poll

> that was just run reflects this point

> quite well indeed.

> It also shows that true knowledge is like

> water that finds its own level. It will only flow to

> those

> people who truly seek to learn

> it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make

> any sense which is

> how it should be.


> When we first started this list,

> Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

> that it wouldn't get buried with no

> one else to pass the knowledge onto.

> His " blessings "  became

> not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and

> many others along the way, who have

> contributed their talents

> and their time in order to

> make this list and this system

> work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

> became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with

deliberate intent

> in

> order to make something succeed

> We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

> and for that I am grateful. We still have

> so much more to learn about this system

> which still hasn't been

> fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.



> For now, things will remain " free " on my

> website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

> things to your heart's content if you

> haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please  be


> that things are going to change

> in such a way as to reflect the true

> worth of the knowledge

> that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by

> doing so, it will weed out those

> of

> you who sincerely have a desire to

> learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

> no reason to even be here in the first

> place.


> Thanks for listening -

> Donna











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Dear Ash and Donna,Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that.Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that). But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not

primary position.And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam. How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after certain days shifting to this group like that. The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view.I made my views, and

I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:ashsam73 <kas Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM


Dear Tarakram ji,


You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.


The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.


The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU.


Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10 cents or whatever one can afford.


If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.


It really pains me to see such mails.


I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............ ....


C'est la vie.




astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Donnaji,


> Thanks for the reply.


> Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."


> This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.


> I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.


> And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.


> And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.


> Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.


> Thanking you.


> Tarakaram.G.



> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .> wrote:


> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .>

> Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results

> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM





















> Dear Tarakram -


> Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that

> knowledge is universal in the sense

> that it is there for the asking much like a huge

> ocean of information that we as

> individuals have the choice of diving in as often

> as we choose to in order to search

> for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We

> are all teachers in that regard,

> because as we learn something and pass that

> information forward to someone else.

> we become that person's "teacher" if only for a

> moment in time. That person, in turn,

> has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass

> it forward to someone else and

> become THEIR teacher

> and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a

> dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true

> worth

> and go forward to

> either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all

> of us take when we teach something to others. We

> can only hope that it reaches

> the right people, the ones who will understand its

> value and do it justice in return.


> And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept

> free, unfortunately the people

> who provide those services do not share the same

> beliefs. It takes money to run a

> website and as much as we would love to continue to

> give it out for free, the costs

> for maintaining the website also continues This is

> what Krushnaji was referring to.

> He feels that in spite of the fact that this

> knowledge has been going out free of charge

> all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been

> paying the tab for the rest of

> the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's

> all. As far as he's concerned, as well as

> Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and

> principle.


> As an analogy, if

> everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a

> while,

> everyone would just assume that you were going to

> pay the check from that point on. They

> would just take it for granted and no longer think

> about it when they went out to dinner with

> you. If you suddenly

> then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that


> make you the

> bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please

> pay

> a little each towards the bill out of respect and

> fairness, would that all of a sudden make you

> cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few

> years now

> and everyone just

> assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken


> for granted. That's

> why it was very interesting to see what the

> results of this poll were. ;))


> Donna













> Dear Donna ji, and Group.


> Sorry for interfering in

> this matter,


> How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how

> he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are

> using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.

> Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?


> In the

> Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group

> mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get

> enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS

> learning.


> Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many

> students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them

> advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant

> contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the

> others?


> Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come

> free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.


> KAS is of

> our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the

> effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be

> charged, let this be free.


> Knowledge will flourish if it is free

> of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more

> number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for

> advancement.


> Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money

> into it.


> Tarakaram.G.


> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12

> <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:




> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>


> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll

> results


> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> Monday, 29

> June, 2009, 8:21 AM






> Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group

> -


> I would like to say something here in

> regard to blessings and gratitude..


> First of all, I am grateful

> to the very few of you who took the time out of

> your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that

> Anup

> had created. I also am grateful to Anup

> for even thinking about doing this in

> the first place. It

> truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the

> main point

> at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list

> really is. It is

> sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the

> time

> to give their opinion. It shows us how

> truly few of you out there are even

> paying attention

> at all, much less doing anything about

> it.


> Therefore, I can really understand

> Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

> GIVE this

> information away for free like we've been doing for all these years,

> people

> as a whole do not really appreciate this

> gift because in their minds, it has to be

> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a

> sad fact of human nature today, that if we


> give it away for free, then for some

> reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

> handful of

> people on this list who have managed to

> take the torch and run with it, knowing what

> a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings

> attached other than the

> sincere desire to learn. The poll

> that was just run reflects this point

> quite well indeed.

> It also shows that true knowledge is like

> water that finds its own level. It will only flow to

> those

> people who truly seek to learn

> it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make

> any sense which is

> how it should be.


> When we first started this list,

> Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

> that it wouldn't get buried with no

> one else to pass the knowledge onto.

> His "blessings" became

> not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and

> many others along the way, who have

> contributed their talents

> and their time in order to

> make this list and this system

> work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

> became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent

> in

> order to make something succeed

> We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

> and for that I am grateful. We still have

> so much more to learn about this system

> which still hasn't been

> fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.



> For now, things will remain "free" on my

> website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

> things to your heart's content if you

> haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware

> that things are going to change

> in such a way as to reflect the true

> worth of the knowledge

> that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by

> doing so, it will weed out those

> of

> you who sincerely have a desire to

> learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

> no reason to even be here in the first

> place.


> Thanks for listening -

> Donna











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Don't worry, be happy! :)






-original message-

Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll



29/06/2009 11:27 pm


Dear Ash and Donna,


Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..

Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina

should come from heart, after learning.


And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know

doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I

strongly opposing that.


Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do

research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous

respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait

for that).


But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they

want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more

burden on you if you this is not primary position.


And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of

you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot

from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce

some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam.


How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so

if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to

the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives,

like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after

certain days shifting to this group like that.


The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more

or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and

knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..


I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use

in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your

student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.



PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for

people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you

implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this

position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.



--- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:


ashsam73 <kas

Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results


Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM


















Dear Tarakram ji,




You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the





The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid.

That shows the dedication.




The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU

DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU.




Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10

cents or whatever one can afford.




If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can

afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE





It really pains me to see such mails.




I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and

experience, but I feel very sad ............ ....




C'est la vie.








astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com,

<tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:




> Dear Donnaji,




> Thanks for the reply.




> Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor

Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have,

he replied me, " Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in

my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we

take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding

Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But

these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that

wisdom for living. "




> This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira,

he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.




> I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you

host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can

bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for





> And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for

developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into

Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.




> And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we

secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.




> Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the

website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far.

We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.




> Thanking you.




> Tarakaram.G.






> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .> wrote:




> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .>


> Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll



> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM










































> Dear Tarakram -




> Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that


> knowledge is universal in the sense


> that it is there for the asking much like a huge


> ocean of information that we as


> individuals have the choice of diving in as often


> as we choose to in order to search


> for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We


> are all teachers in that regard,


> because as we learn something and pass that


> information forward to someone else.


> we become that person's " teacher " if only for a


> moment in time. That person, in turn,


> has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass


> it forward to someone else and


> become THEIR teacher


> and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a


> dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true


> worth


> and go forward to


> either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all


> of us take when we teach something to others. We


> can only hope that it reaches


> the right people, the ones who will understand its


> value and do it justice in return.




> And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept


> free, unfortunately the people


> who provide those services do not share the same


> beliefs. It takes money to run a


> website and as much as we would love to continue to


> give it out for free, the costs


> for maintaining the website also continues This is


> what Krushnaji was referring to.


> He feels that in spite of the fact that this


> knowledge has been going out free of charge


> all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been


> paying the tab for the rest of


> the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's


> all. As far as he's concerned, as well as


> Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and


> principle.




> As an analogy, if


> everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a


> while,


> everyone would just assume that you were going to


> pay the check from that point on. They


> would just take it for granted and no longer think


> about it when they went out to dinner with


> you. If you suddenly


> then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that




> make you the


> bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please


> pay


> a little each towards the bill out of respect and


> fairness, would that all of a sudden make you


> cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite

a few


> years now


> and everyone just


> assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken




> for granted. That's


> why it was very interesting to see what the


> results of this poll were. ;))




> Donna


























> Dear Donna ji, and Group.




> Sorry for interfering in


> this matter,




> How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how


> he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we



> using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.


> Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?




> In the


> Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the



> mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get


> enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS


> learning.




> Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many


> students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them


> advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant


> contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the


> others?




> Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come


> free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.




> KAS is of


> our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its



> effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be


> charged, let this be free.




> Knowledge will flourish if it is free


> of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more


> number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for


> advancement.




> Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money


> into it.




> Tarakaram.G.




> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12


> <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:








> DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>


> Subject:


> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll


> results


> To:


> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> Monday, 29


> June, 2009, 8:21 AM












> Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group


> -




> I would like to say something here in


> regard to blessings and gratitude.




> First of all, I am grateful


> to the very few of you who took the time out of


> your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll



> Anup


> had created. I also am grateful to Anup


> for even thinking about doing this in


> the first place. It


> truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the


> main point


> at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this



> really is. It is


> sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the


> time


> to give their opinion. It shows us how


> truly few of you out there are even


> paying attention


> at all, much less doing anything about


> it.




> Therefore, I can really understand


> Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just


> GIVE this


> information away for free like we've been doing for all these years,


> people


> as a whole do not really appreciate this


> gift because in their minds, it has to be


> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a


> sad fact of human nature today, that if we




> give it away for free, then for some


> reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small


> handful of


> people on this list who have managed to


> take the torch and run with it, knowing what


> a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings


> attached other than the


> sincere desire to learn. The poll


> that was just run reflects this point


> quite well indeed.


> It also shows that true knowledge is like


> water that finds its own level. It will only flow to


> those


> people who truly seek to learn


> it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make


> any sense which is


> how it should be.




> When we first started this list,


> Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so


> that it wouldn't get buried with no


> one else to pass the knowledge onto.


> His " blessings " became


> not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and


> many others along the way, who have


> contributed their talents


> and their time in order to


> make this list and this system


> work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we


> became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with

deliberate intent


> in


> order to make something succeed


> We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years


> and for that I am grateful. We still have


> so much more to learn about this system


> which still hasn't been


> fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.






> For now, things will remain " free " on my


> website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download


> things to your heart's content if you


> haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be



> that things are going to change


> in such a way as to reflect the true


> worth of the knowledge


> that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by


> doing so, it will weed out those


> of


> you who sincerely have a desire to


> learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have


> no reason to even be here in the first


> place.




> Thanks for listening -


> Donna






















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Dear Tarakaram ji,



Noway,I hope you really learnt astrology with such notion and a

dedicated heart which i can feel from your write ups.



Look all the mails you have sent here though these have been approved

with absolute clear intention but do give me a link which offer free

access such ancient knowledge though "ONLY" polling was suggested

or desired.You were not prompted to deposit any initials funds or any

charity while becoming a member of this group.



Donna ji is maintaining this group for the last many years on her

own without making us realise what she is doing for the learners

and for the coming generations in the future.


So this is not obligatory on her part to maintain this for free ONLY.

This may be taken as THANKS as a token if one feels.


Please observe this in good sense though we do not want you to

accept this undesirably against your "FREE VOTE"





--- On Mon, 29/6/09, wrote:

Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 11:14 PM







Dear Ash and Donna,Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that.Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that). But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you,

maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam. How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after certain days shifting to this group like that. The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view.I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing

duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:

ashsam73 <kas[astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comMonday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM



Dear Tarakram ji,You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU. Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10 cents or whatever one can afford.If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.It really pains me to see such mails.I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............ ....C'est la vie.Ashastrologyandtiminge

vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Donnaji,> > Thanks for the reply.> > Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."> > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.> > I saw your website, I don't kow how much

you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.> > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.> > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.> > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.> > Thanking you.> > Tarakaram.G.> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .>

wrote:> > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .>> Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram -> > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that > knowledge is universal in the sense> that it is there for the asking much like a huge > ocean of information that we as > individuals have the choice of diving in as often > as we choose to in order to search> for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We > are all teachers in that regard,> because as we learn something and pass that >

information forward to someone else.> we become that person's "teacher" if only for a > moment in time. That person, in turn,> has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass > it forward to someone else and > become THEIR teacher > and so on and so forth.. A little knowledge can also be a > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true > worth > and go forward to > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all> of us take when we teach something to others. We > can only hope that it reaches > the right people, the ones who will understand its > value and do it justice in return.> > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept > free, unfortunately the people> who provide those services do not share the same > beliefs. It takes money to run a

> website and as much as we would love to continue to > give it out for free, the costs> for maintaining the website also continues This is > what Krushnaji was referring to.> He feels that in spite of the fact that this > knowledge has been going out free of charge> all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been > paying the tab for the rest of> the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and > principle. > > As an analogy, if > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a > while,> everyone would just assume that you were going to > pay the check from that point on. They> would just take it for granted and no longer think > about it when they went out to dinner with> you. If you suddenly

> then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that > > make you the > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please > pay> a little each towards the bill out of respect and > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few > years now > and everyone just > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken > > for granted. That's > why it was very interesting to see what the > results of this poll were. ;))> > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.> > Sorry for interfering in > this matter,> >

How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. > Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?> > In the > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS > learning.> > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the > others?> > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come > free, it itself needs lot

of effort to gain knowledge.> > KAS is of > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be > charged, let this be free.> > Knowledge will flourish if it is free > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for > advancement.> > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money > into it. > > Tarakaram.G.> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:> > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>> > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll > results> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, 29 >

June, 2009, 8:21 AM> > > > > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group > -> > I would like to say something here in > regard to blessings and gratitude.. > > First of all, I am grateful > to the very few of you who took the time out of > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that > Anup> had created. I also am grateful to Anup > for even thinking about doing this in> the first place. It > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the > main point > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list > really is. It is > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the > time > to give their opinion. It shows us how > truly few of you out there are even >

paying attention > at all, much less doing anything about > it.> > Therefore, I can really understand > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just> GIVE this > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, > people> as a whole do not really appreciate this > gift because in their minds, it has to be> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a > sad fact of human nature today, that if we > > give it away for free, then for some > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small > handful of > people on this list who have managed to > take the torch and run with it, knowing what > a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings > attached other than the > sincere desire to learn. The poll > that

was just run reflects this point > quite well indeed.> It also shows that true knowledge is like > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to > those> people who truly seek to learn > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make > any sense which is> how it should be. > > When we first started this list, > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so > that it wouldn't get buried with no > one else to pass the knowledge onto. > His "blessings" became > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and > many others along the way, who have > contributed their talents > and their time in order to > make this list and this system > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we > became his. It became all about sharing and giving

of ourselves with deliberate intent > in > order to make something succeed > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years> and for that I am grateful. We still have > so much more to learn about this system > which still hasn't been > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet. > > > For now, things will remain "free" on my > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download > things to your heart's content if you > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware > that things are going to change > in such a way as to reflect the true > worth of the knowledge > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by > doing so, it will weed out those > of > you who sincerely have a desire to > learn and

advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have > no reason to even be here in the first > place.> > Thanks for listening -> Donna> > > > > > > > > > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in.local. />


Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.


ICC World Twenty20 England '09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

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Dear Tarakaram jiThere are few questions I need to ask you regarding your comments of giving knowledge freely.1.

I think you are an Indian. Dronacharya taught all the Pandavas and the

Kauravas but refused to teach Eklavya. Later when he came to know that

Eklavya considers him as his Guru, he asked for Eklavya's thumb.

Eklavya without any hesitation cut the thumb off and gave it.

2. You would have seen people praying the Bull/Ox/Cow/Buffaloes. Why?

Is it because they help us in fields and give us milk that we feel

obliged to do these puja that too for one day?3.

Why do we pray snakes on Naag Panchami, rivers like Ganga etc, trees,

mountains, fire and if you notice every day we do puja for some or the

other beings (living/non-living)?

4. Why do we do puja for wells, earthen pots, water? Why do we do the Vaastu Shaanti?5. Why do we pay our gratitudes to these living and non living beings?6. Do we think that if we dont pray to the earthen pot/ water then the earthen pot will refuse to give cold cool water?

7. Why do we perform Govardhan Puja?8. Snakes keep our fields free from rats, Is that the reason for praying them?9. In our houses we put Rangoli (a design made by Rice powder) and decorate with flowers. Why?

10. Does our culture teach us only to say " Thanks " for showing our gratitude?

11. Why do we have Guru Poornima? A person helps us in giving us

knowledge, makes us happy, and is it fair on our part to just say a

fleeting Thanks and forget about it?12.

Here Paying to Download is not for money but for showing our

Gratitude...Have you ever been to a Birthday party or somebody's

Marriage? Have you given them a gift/present? Is it because you think

you have to pay them for the food you are going to eat?

13. You have mentioned in your mail of all the institutes, Harvard,

Stand, MIT all pay stipends to their students. I dont think they give

all their students stipends and dont charge a penny from any of their

students. If that was the case they would have gone bankrupt by now.

And even if they do, which I very much doubt, they have sponsors. Who

are the group sponsors?

14. Lastly, as you have compared KAS to the likes of Harvard, MIT,

Stand, etc, dont you think one needs to register their details with

photograph and submit them in the institute while joining? I dont think

you have given any such details in the group while joining. If ever the

group starts a KAS institute in the future, I am sure with sponsors

like you, none of the students will be able to enjoy the likes of

stipends Harvard, Stand, MIT ians enjoy.


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Dear Tarakaram ji,I have been for reading past few messages about

how you have been strongly comparing the prestigious institutes with

our Prestigious KAS. " " Dschool charges Rs. 225 as tuition fees and if you are not in position

to pay that fees, they refund the fees along with Rs. 400 stipend every

month. (this inturn nominal again). Then again Harvard, Stand,

MIT, if you get into those, they will pay for your living expenses also

(Frens of mine even get 4500USD every month as stipend). If you are

unable to buy books, they even offer like free text book services,

libraries, .. " Your

friends I am happy to learn have been getting stipends and scholarship

from these institutes. But arent your friends very good in studies and

deserve to get the scholarship. Here every one is not deserving

candidates for such scholarship. Have you thought on those lines?

Yes, I already said that, knowledge needs lot effort in my first reply itself. Knowledge

needs indeed lot of effort, no doubt in that. But I think you forgot

about that when you posted a chart and started asking random questions

without even reading the lessons which Donnaji has explained in such

detail that you would not have had been asking those questions if you

had seriously gone through them. Here I am not even considering your

not reading up the archives which itself is loaded with treasures of

KAS knowledge.


the suggestions you made, that is exactly my point. You just charge a

person if he needs his chart analyzed directly. Or else let him learn


I dont think it is the group's duty to ask somebody to pay for the

astrological consultations. The group is not here for

commercialisation. If anyone needs his/her astrological consultation

done can go to a good astrologer in his neighbourhood and pay. This

group was started as a learning group and it is clearly mentioned in

the Home Page.

As far as I can, I can dedicate time to the group except

in Sep, Nov this year, since exam time. Remaining time, I will

dedicated some time to the group. Right now I

am spending some time for learning KAS, later I can spend time in

analyzing charts.I dont know whether you are working or are just a student.Since you are going to sit for an exam :            ** Are you writing the exam freely?           

** Is the course for which you are writing the exam offered to you free

of charge with free books thrown in as a reward for joining the course?


if you want to do graphics or programing or site designing, I am

available from today itself. ( This wont count into KAS :D, I love


start a project from start and build it up is not an easy task. And you

know it being a programmer your self. And to jump in now with the self

confidence and 100% vigour you are showing is not very difficult for

any one. But just imagine the difficulties and obstacles Guruji,

Donnaji, Ashji, Manuji, and others must have gone through for bringing

us the lessons, software, site, etc.Its all because they wanted the

students like us to learn KAS better and without any difficulty. They

have been doing a superb work. A special thanks to Guruji, Donnaji,

Ashji, Manuji. Their work are highly commendable.

If you read up the archives you will find that all doubts have been

asked by many students, answered by Guruji, Ashji and many times by

other senior members. It is just that the effort of reading up all the

messages from the start is a hardwork and needs burning midnight oil.

But instead we feel the spoon feeding by the senior members much

better, thinking why should we spend so much time in reading the

archives and the lessons.


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Dear Tarakram ji,


Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the list

is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that how

many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.


I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably

am), he had told me


" Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand

people with half baked knowledge "


Those words have stuck with me in my mind.


If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn

KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by

which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular

chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine

the magnitude of that...............


Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you

will come to a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard,

without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time,

after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over

the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or

is good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more

tough and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the

difficult times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it

comes. Its like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain,

which by no means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain

or once u climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail

a few times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard

work will eventually get u there. This is life.


In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.


I hope the passion you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of KAS

and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given your

Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.



I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above



In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd

and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your

10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life.

Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say.


What is 10th house then?


10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH OF



Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT




Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so that

the society will say that " THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S FATHER " . :-).


That will be his true wealth.



Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






<tarakaram_g wrote:


> Dear Ash and Donna,


> Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..

> Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina

should come from heart, after learning.


> And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know

doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I

strongly opposing that.


> Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to

do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases

tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them

(actually we wait for that).


> But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like

they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases

more burden on you if you this is not primary position.


> And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf

of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot

from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce

some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam.


> How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active,

so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to

the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives,

like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after

certain days shifting to this group like that.


> The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more

or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and

knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..


> I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use

in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your

student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.



> PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare

for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude

you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to

this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.



> --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:


> ashsam73 <kas

> Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results


> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM












Dear Tarakram ji,




> You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is





> The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and

solid. That shows the dedication.




> The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU

DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU.




> Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10

cents or whatever one can afford.




> If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one

can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE





> It really pains me to see such mails.




> I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and

experience, but I feel very sad ............ ....




> C'est la vie.




> Ash




> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com,

<tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > Dear Donnaji,


> >


> > Thanks for the reply.


> >


> > Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor

Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have,

he replied me, " Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in

my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we

take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding

Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But

these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that

wisdom for living. "


> >


> > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira,

he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD).  And we are sharing that knowledge.


> >


> > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if

you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can

bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for



> >


> > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for

developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into

Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.


> >


> > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if

we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.


> >


> > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host

the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so

far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.


> >


> > Thanking you.


> >


> > Tarakaram.G.


> >


> >


> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:


> >


> > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>


> > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll



> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Tarakram -


> >  


> > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that


> > knowledge is universal in the sense


> > that it is there for the asking much like a huge


> > ocean of information that we as


> > individuals have the choice of diving in as often


> > as we choose to in order to search


> > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We


> > are all teachers in that regard,


> > because as we learn something and pass that


> > information forward to someone else.


> > we become that person's " teacher " if only for a


> > moment in time. That person, in turn,


> > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass


> > it forward to someone else and


> > become THEIR teacher


> > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a


> > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its



> > worth 


> > and go forward to


> > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all


> > of us take when we teach something to others. We


> > can only hope that it reaches


> > the right people, the ones who will understand its


> > value and do it justice in return.


> >  


> > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept


> > free, unfortunately the people


> > who provide those services do not share the same


> > beliefs. It takes money to run a


> > website and as much as we would love to continue to


> > give it out for free, the costs


> > for maintaining the website also continues This is


> > what Krushnaji was referring to.


> > He feels that in spite of the fact that this


> > knowledge has been going out free of charge


> > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been


> > paying the tab for the rest of


> > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's


> > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as


> > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and


> > principle.


> >  


> > As an analogy, if


> > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a


> > while,


> > everyone would just assume that you were going to


> > pay the check from that point on. They


> > would just take it for granted and no longer think


> > about it when they went out to dinner with


> > you. If you suddenly


> > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that


> >


> > make you the


> > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please


> > pay


> > a little each towards the bill out of respect and


> > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you


> > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for

quite a few


> > years now


> > and everyone just


> > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken


> >


> > for granted. That's


> > why it was very interesting to see what the


> > results of this poll were. ;))


> >  


> > Donna


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Donna ji, and Group.


> >


> > Sorry for interfering in


> > this matter,


> >


> > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how


> > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we



> > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.


> > Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?


> >


> > In the


> > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the



> > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get


> > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS


> > learning.


> >


> > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many


> > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of



> > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made



> > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the


> > others?


> >


> > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come


> > free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.


> >


> > KAS is of


> > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its



> > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never



> > charged, let this be free.


> >


> > Knowledge will flourish if it is free


> > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more


> > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for


> > advancement.


> >


> > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money


> > into it.


> >


> > Tarakaram.G.


> >


> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12


> > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:


> >


> >


> >


> > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>


> > Subject:


> > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll


> > results


> > To:


> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> > Monday, 29


> > June, 2009, 8:21 AM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group


> > -


> >  


> > I would like to say something here in


> > regard to blessings and gratitude.


> >  


> > First of all, I am grateful


> > to the very few of you who took the time out of


> > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll



> > Anup


> > had created. I also am grateful to Anup


> > for even thinking about doing this in


> > the first place. It


> > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the


> > main point


> > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this



> > really is. It is


> > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take



> > time


> > to give their opinion. It shows us how


> > truly few of you out there are even


> > paying attention


> > at all, much less doing anything about


> > it.


> >  


> > Therefore, I can really understand


> > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just


> > GIVE this


> > information away for free like we've been doing for all these



> > people


> > as a whole do not really appreciate this


> > gift because in their minds, it has to be


> > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a


> > sad fact of human nature today, that if we


> >


> > give it away for free, then for some


> > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small


> > handful of


> > people on this list who have managed to


> > take the torch and run with it, knowing what


> > a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings


> > attached other than the 


> > sincere desire to learn. The poll


> > that was just run reflects this point


> > quite well indeed.


> > It also shows that true knowledge is like


> > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to


> > those


> > people who truly seek to learn


> > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make


> > any sense which is


> > how it should be.


> >  


> > When we first started this list,


> > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so


> > that it wouldn't get buried with no


> > one else to pass the knowledge onto.


> > His " blessings "  became


> > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and


> > many others along the way, who have


> > contributed their talents


> > and their time in order to


> > make this list and this system


> > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we


> > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves

with deliberate intent


> > in


> > order to make something succeed


> > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years


> > and for that I am grateful. We still have


> > so much more to learn about this system


> > which still hasn't been


> > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.


> >


> >  


> > For now, things will remain " free " on my


> > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download


> > things to your heart's content if you


> > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please  be



> > that things are going to change


> > in such a way as to reflect the true


> > worth of the knowledge


> > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by


> > doing so, it will weed out those


> > of


> > you who sincerely have a desire to


> > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who



> > no reason to even be here in the first


> > place.


> >  


> > Thanks for listening -


> > Donna


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more..


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Looking for local information? Find it on Local

http://in..local. /


> >
























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Dear Tarakram,

                  " Tarak " means pilot " Sukanu man " one who leads. But from all your write up it seems that you have only 30 theeths in your mouth. In lagna you have more points.Your father is a rich and successful man. You are unmarried. Still you are not earning , and not got stability in life, and no blessings. Thinking high and not able to do any thing.











On 6/30/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:






Dear Tarakram ji,Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the list is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that how many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.

I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably am), he had told me " Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand people with half baked knowledge "

Those words have stuck with me in my mind.If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine the magnitude of that...............

Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you will come to a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard, without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time, after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or is good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more tough and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the difficult times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it comes. Its like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain, which by no means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain or once u climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail a few times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard work will eventually get u there. This is life.

In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.I hope the passion you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of KAS and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given your Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.

I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above point.In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your 10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life. Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say.

What is 10th house then?10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH OF YOUR GURU/FATHER.Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT AND THAT is the TRUE WEALTH.

Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so that the society will say that " THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S FATHER " . :-).That will be his true wealth.

Cheers !!!Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca--- In , wrote:

>> Dear Ash and Donna,> > Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..> Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.

> > And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.> > Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that).

> > But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.

> > And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam.

> > How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after certain days shifting to this group like that.

> > The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..

> > I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.

> > > PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.

> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:> > ashsam73 <kas > Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results>

> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram ji,

> > > > You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.> > > > The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.

> > > > The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU. > > > > Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10 cents or whatever one can afford.

> > > > If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.

> > > > It really pains me to see such mails.> > > > I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............ ....

> > > > C'est la vie.> > > > Ash> > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:

> > >> > > Dear Donnaji,> > > > > > Thanks for the reply.> > > > > > Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, " Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living. "

> > > > > > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD).  And we are sharing that knowledge.> > >

> > > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.

> > > > > > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.

> > > > > > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.> > > > > > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.

> > > > > > Thanking you.> > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > > > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:

> > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>> > > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> > > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram -> > >  > > > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that > > > knowledge is universal in the sense

> > > that it is there for the asking much like a huge > > > ocean of information that we as > > > individuals have the choice of diving in as often > > > as we choose to in order to search

> > > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We > > > are all teachers in that regard,> > > because as we learn something and pass that > > > information forward to someone else.

> > > we become that person's " teacher " if only for a > > > moment in time. That person, in turn,> > > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass >

> > it forward to someone else and > > > become THEIR teacher > > > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a > > > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true

> > > worth > > > and go forward to > > > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all> > > of us take when we teach something to others. We

> > > can only hope that it reaches > > > the right people, the ones who will understand its > > > value and do it justice in return.> > >  > > > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept

> > > free, unfortunately the people> > > who provide those services do not share the same > > > beliefs. It takes money to run a > > > website and as much as we would love to continue to

> > > give it out for free, the costs> > > for maintaining the website also continues This is > > > what Krushnaji was referring to.> > > He feels that in spite of the fact that this

> > > knowledge has been going out free of charge> > > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been > > > paying the tab for the rest of> > > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's

> > > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as > > > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and > > > principle. > > >  > > > As an analogy, if

> > > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a > > > while,> > > everyone would just assume that you were going to > > > pay the check from that point on. They

> > > would just take it for granted and no longer think > > > about it when they went out to dinner with> > > you. If you suddenly > > > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that

> > > > > > make you the > > > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please > > > pay> > > a little each towards the bill out of respect and

> > > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you > > > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few > > > years now >

> > and everyone just > > > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken > > > > > > for granted. That's > > > why it was very interesting to see what the

> > > results of this poll were. ;))> > >  > > > Donna> > >  > > >  > > >  > > >  > > >  

> > >  > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.> > >

> > > Sorry for interfering in > > > this matter,> > > > > > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how > > > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are

> > > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. > > > Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?> > > > > > In the

> > > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group > > > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get > > > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS

> > > learning.> > > > > > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many > > > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them

> > > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant > > > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the > > > others?> > > >

> > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come > > > free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.> > > > > > KAS is of > > > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the

> > > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be > > > charged, let this be free.> > > > > > Knowledge will flourish if it is free

> > > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more > > > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for > > > advancement.> > >

> > > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money > > > into it. > > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12

> > > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:> > > > > > > > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>> > >

> > > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll > > > results> > > > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> > > Monday, 29 > > > June, 2009, 8:21 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group

> > > -> > >  > > > I would like to say something here in > > > regard to blessings and gratitude. > > >  > > > First of all, I am grateful

> > > to the very few of you who took the time out of > > > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that > > > Anup> > > had created. I also am grateful to Anup

> > > for even thinking about doing this in> > > the first place. It > > > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the > > > main point >

> > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list > > > really is. It is > > > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the >

> > time > > > to give their opinion. It shows us how > > > truly few of you out there are even > > > paying attention > > > at all, much less doing anything about

> > > it.> > >  > > > Therefore, I can really understand > > > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just> > > GIVE this >

> > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, > > > people> > > as a whole do not really appreciate this > > > gift because in their minds, it has to be

> > > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a > > > sad fact of human nature today, that if we > > > > > > give it away for free, then for some >

> > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small > > > handful of > > > people on this list who have managed to > > > take the torch and run with it, knowing what

> > > a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings > > > attached other than the > > > sincere desire to learn. The poll > > > that was just run reflects this point

> > > quite well indeed.> > > It also shows that true knowledge is like > > > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to > > > those> > > people who truly seek to learn

> > > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make > > > any sense which is> > > how it should be. > > >  > > > When we first started this list,

> > > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so > > > that it wouldn't get buried with no > > > one else to pass the knowledge onto. >

> > His " blessings "  became > > > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and > > > many others along the way, who have > > > contributed their talents >

> > and their time in order to > > > make this list and this system > > > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we > > > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent

> > > in > > > order to make something succeed > > > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years> > > and for that I am grateful. We still have

> > > so much more to learn about this system > > > which still hasn't been > > > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet. > > > > > >  

> > > For now, things will remain " free " on my > > > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download > > > things to your heart's content if you

> > > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please  be aware > > > that things are going to change > > > in such a way as to reflect the true >

> > worth of the knowledge > > > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by > > > doing so, it will weed out those > > > of > > > you who sincerely have a desire to

> > > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have > > > no reason to even be here in the first > > > place.> > >  > > > Thanks for listening -

> > > Donna> > >  > > >  > > >  > > >  > > >  > > >  > > >  > > > >

> > > > > > > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.. > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in..local. /

> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > See the Web & #39;s breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. http://in.buzz./


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Dear Krushana,My Birth year is 1988, I yet to get marriage age and earning time. Might be next year, if I want to join my father.I can't understand meaning of 30teeth, if you mean physically I got 32. And if you say in some other context, I can't get you.And regarding other things, some are right others are wrong.Tarakaram.G.--- On Tue, 30/6/09, krushana Jugal <krushana wrote:krushana Jugal <krushanaRe: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 11:39 AM


Dear Tarakram,

"Tarak" means pilot "Sukanu man" one who leads. But from all your write up it seems that you have only 30 theeths in your mouth. In lagna you have more points.Your father is a rich and successful man. You are unmarried. Still you are not earning , and not got stability in life, and no blessings. Thinking high and not able to do any thing.









On 6/30/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:






Dear Tarakram ji,Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the list is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that how many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.

I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably am), he had told me "Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand people with half baked knowledge"

Those words have stuck with me in my mind.If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine the magnitude of that........ .......

Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you will come to a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard, without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time, after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or is good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more tough and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the difficult times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it comes. Its like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain, which by no means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain or once u climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail a few times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard work will eventually get u there.

This is life.

In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.I hope the passion you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of KAS and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given your Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.

I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above point.In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your 10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life. Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say.

What is 10th house then?10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH OF YOUR GURU/FATHER.Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT AND THAT is the TRUE WEALTH.

Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so that the society will say that "THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S FATHER". :-).That will be his true wealth.

Cheers !!!Ash -> http://www.ashtro. caastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:

>> Dear Ash and Donna,> > Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..> Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.

> > And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.> > Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that).

> > But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.

> > And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam.

> > How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after certain days shifting to this group like that.

> > The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..

> > I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.

> > > PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.

> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:> > ashsam73 <kas > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram ji,

> > > > You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.> > > > The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.

> > > > The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU. > > > > Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10 cents or whatever one can afford.

> > > > If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.

> > > > It really pains me to see such mails.> > > > I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............. ....

> > > > C'est la vie.> > > > Ash> > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:

> > >> > > Dear Donnaji,> > > > > > Thanks for the reply.> > > > > > Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."

> > > > > > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.> > >

> > > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.

> > > > > > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.

> > > > > > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.> > > > > > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.

> > > > > > Thanking you.> > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > > > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:

> > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>> > > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> > > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram -> > > > > > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that > > > knowledge is universal in the sense

> > > that it is there for the asking much like a huge > > > ocean of information that we as > > > individuals have the choice of diving in as often > > > as we choose to in order to search

> > > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We > > > are all teachers in that regard,> > > because as we learn something and pass that > > > information forward to someone else.

> > > we become that person's "teacher" if only for a > > > moment in time. That person, in turn,> > > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass >

> > it forward to someone else and > > > become THEIR teacher > > > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a > > > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true

> > > worth > > > and go forward to > > > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all> > > of us take when we teach something to others. We

> > > can only hope that it reaches > > > the right people, the ones who will understand its > > > value and do it justice in return.> > > > > > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept

> > > free, unfortunately the people> > > who provide those services do not share the same > > > beliefs. It takes money to run a > > > website and as much as we would love to continue to

> > > give it out for free, the costs> > > for maintaining the website also continues This is > > > what Krushnaji was referring to.> > > He feels that in spite of the fact that this

> > > knowledge has been going out free of charge> > > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been > > > paying the tab for the rest of> > > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's

> > > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as > > > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and > > > principle. > > > > > > As an analogy, if

> > > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a > > > while,> > > everyone would just assume that you were going to > > > pay the check from that point on. They

> > > would just take it for granted and no longer think > > > about it when they went out to dinner with> > > you. If you suddenly > > > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that

> > > > > > make you the > > > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please > > > pay> > > a little each towards the bill out of respect and

> > > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you > > > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few > > > years now >

> > and everyone just > > > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken > > > > > > for granted. That's > > > why it was very interesting to see what the

> > > results of this poll were. ;))> > > > > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.> > >

> > > Sorry for interfering in > > > this matter,> > > > > > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how > > > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are

> > > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. > > > Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?> > > > > > In the

> > > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group > > > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get > > > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS

> > > learning.> > > > > > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many > > > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them

> > > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant > > > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the > > > others?> > > >

> > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come > > > free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.> > > > > > KAS is of > > > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the

> > > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be > > > charged, let this be free.> > > > > > Knowledge will flourish if it is free

> > > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more > > > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for > > > advancement.> > >

> > > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money > > > into it. > > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12

> > > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:> > > > > > > > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>> > >

> > > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll > > > results> > > > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> > > Monday, 29 > > > June, 2009, 8:21 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group

> > > -> > > > > > I would like to say something here in > > > regard to blessings and gratitude. > > > > > > First of all, I am grateful

> > > to the very few of you who took the time out of > > > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that > > > Anup> > > had created. I also am grateful to Anup

> > > for even thinking about doing this in> > > the first place. It > > > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the > > > main point >

> > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list > > > really is. It is > > > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the >

> > time > > > to give their opinion. It shows us how > > > truly few of you out there are even > > > paying attention > > > at all, much less doing anything about

> > > it.> > > > > > Therefore, I can really understand > > > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just> > > GIVE this >

> > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, > > > people> > > as a whole do not really appreciate this > > > gift because in their minds, it has to be

> > > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a > > > sad fact of human nature today, that if we > > > > > > give it away for free, then for some >

> > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small > > > handful of > > > people on this list who have managed to > > > take the torch and run with it, knowing what

> > > a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings > > > attached other than the > > > sincere desire to learn. The poll > > > that was just run reflects this point

> > > quite well indeed.> > > It also shows that true knowledge is like > > > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to > > > those> > > people who truly seek to learn

> > > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make > > > any sense which is> > > how it should be. > > > > > > When we first started this list,

> > > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so > > > that it wouldn't get buried with no > > > one else to pass the knowledge onto. >

> > His "blessings" became > > > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and > > > many others along the way, who have > > > contributed their talents >

> > and their time in order to > > > make this list and this system > > > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we > > > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent

> > > in > > > order to make something succeed > > > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years> > > and for that I am grateful. We still have

> > > so much more to learn about this system > > > which still hasn't been > > > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet. > > > > > >

> > > For now, things will remain "free" on my > > > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download > > > things to your heart's content if you

> > > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware > > > that things are going to change > > > in such a way as to reflect the true >

> > worth of the knowledge > > > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by > > > doing so, it will weed out those > > > of > > > you who sincerely have a desire to

> > > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have > > > no reason to even be here in the first > > > place.> > > > > > Thanks for listening -

> > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.. > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in..local. /

> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > See the Web & #39;s breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. http://in.buzz. /





See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz.

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Dear Guruji & Donnaji


First of all my apologies for not taking the polls as I am yet to catch

up with the mails, having been out of sync for quite some time.


While I can understand and appreciate the anger and frustration

expressed by both of you at the insensitivities or the irresponsivities

of majority of the members on the list, I can assure you that there is

yet another sub-class of members who remain silent for varying reasons.

I have always been a silent student of my class be it in school,

college, university or IITK. Silently grasping the knowledge so

magnanimously imparted by my teachers. Being silent did not in anyway

made me less reverent to my teachers then or now.


With regards


K C Dwivedi


, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12



> Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group -


> I would like to say something here in regard to blessings and



> First of all, I am grateful to the very few of you who took the time

out of

> your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll

that Anup

> had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even thinking about doing

this in

> the first place. It truly has served its purpose in more ways than

just the main point

> at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list

really is. It is

> sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the


> to give their opinion. It shows us how truly few of you out there are

even paying attention

> at all, much less doing anything about it.


> Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's point about the fact

that if you just

> GIVE this information away for free like we've been doing for all

these years, people

> as a whole do not really appreciate this gift because in their minds,

it has to be

> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact of human nature

today, that if we

> give it away for free, then for some reason, it HAS to be worthless.

There are only a small

> handful of people on this list who have managed to take the torch and

run with it, knowing what

> a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings attached

other than the

> sincere desire to learn. The poll that was just run reflects this

point quite well indeed.

> It also shows that true knowledge is like water that finds its own

level. It will only flow to those

> people who truly seek to learn it. As for the others, this stuff just

won't make any sense which is

> how it should be.


> When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only concern was how to

get the system out there so

> that it wouldn't get buried with no one else to pass the knowledge

onto. His " blessings " became

> not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, who

have contributed their talents

> and their time in order to make this list and this system work.

Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

> became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with

deliberate intent in

> order to make something succeed. We've MORE than accomplished this

task over the years

> and for that I am grateful. We still have so much more to learn about

this system which still hasn't been

> fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.


> For now, things will remain " free " on my website, so please enjoy the

basic KAS lessons and download

> things to your heart's content if you haven't done so already. But in

the very near future, please be aware

> that things are going to change in such a way as to reflect the true

worth of the knowledge

> that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by

doing so, it will weed out those of

> you who sincerely have a desire to learn and advance in this system as

opposed to those of you who have

> no reason to even be here in the first place.


> Thanks for listening -

> Donna


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Dear K C Dwivedi.


Believe me, I am not angry at all! ;)) I'm sure there were lots of members who just got caught up in their everyday lives and have other priorities at this time. It happens to all of us. The point I was trying to bring out is very similar to what Ash and Krushnaji said. That although there are MANY on this list who have d for whatever reasons there might be, there are only a handful of students here who will truly understand it or will continue on with their studies, that's all. And that's what's really important. Like Krushnaji said, he'd rather have a handful of people that truly understand and practice this system than have thousands of people who just don't get it. It's like putting a magnifying glass in the sunshine. If you shine the glass just anywhere,nothing happens, but if you focus the magnifying glass just right on a very small section of the right material, the sparks will fly! That's what we're aiming for.


And as far as the poll is concerned, it has served its purpose, but thanks anyway for your apology and your explanation. Your thoughts are in the right place.









Tuesday, June 30, 2009 6:02 AM

Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results



Dear Guruji & DonnajiFirst of all my apologies for not taking the polls as I am yet to catchup with the mails, having been out of sync for quite some time.While I can understand and appreciate the anger and frustrationexpressed by both of you at the insensitivities or the irresponsivitiesof majority of the members on the list, I can assure you that there isyet another sub-class of members who remain silent for varying reasons.I have always been a silent student of my class be it in school,college, university or IITK. Silently grasping the knowledge somagnanimously imparted by my teachers. Being silent did not in anywaymade me less reverent to my teachers then or now.With regardsK C Dwivedi , DQuinn12 <DQuinn12wrote:>> Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group ->> I would like to say something here in regard to blessings andgratitude.>> First of all, I am grateful to the very few of you who took the timeout of> your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this pollthat Anup> had created. I also am grateful to Anup for even thinking about doingthis in> the first place. It truly has served its purpose in more ways thanjust the main point> at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this listreally is. It is> sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take thetime> to give their opinion. It shows us how truly few of you out there areeven paying attention> at all, much less doing anything about it.>> Therefore, I can really understand Krushnaji's point about the factthat if you just> GIVE this information away for free like we've been doing for allthese years, people> as a whole do not really appreciate this gift because in their minds,it has to be> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a sad fact of human naturetoday, that if we> give it away for free, then for some reason, it HAS to be worthless.There are only a small> handful of people on this list who have managed to take the torch andrun with it, knowing what> a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings attachedother than the> sincere desire to learn. The poll that was just run reflects thispoint quite well indeed.> It also shows that true knowledge is like water that finds its ownlevel. It will only flow to those> people who truly seek to learn it. As for the others, this stuff justwon't make any sense which is> how it should be.>> When we first started this list, Krushnaji's only concern was how toget the system out there so> that it wouldn't get buried with no one else to pass the knowledgeonto. His "blessings" became> not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and many others along the way, whohave contributed their talents> and their time in order to make this list and this system work.Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we> became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves withdeliberate intent in> order to make something succeed. We've MORE than accomplished thistask over the years> and for that I am grateful. We still have so much more to learn aboutthis system which still hasn't been> fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.>> For now, things will remain "free" on my website, so please enjoy thebasic KAS lessons and download> things to your heart's content if you haven't done so already. But inthe very near future, please be aware> that things are going to change in such a way as to reflect the trueworth of the knowledge> that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and bydoing so, it will weed out those of> you who sincerely have a desire to learn and advance in this system asopposed to those of you who have> no reason to even be here in the first place.>> Thanks for listening -> Donna>

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measure yr teeth.





<tarakaram_g wrote:


> Dear Krushana,


> My Birth year is 1988, I yet to get marriage age and earning time. Might be

next year, if I want to join my father.

> I can't understand meaning of 30teeth, if you mean physically I got 32. And if

you say in some other context, I can't get you.


> And regarding other things, some are right others are wrong.


> Tarakaram.G.






> --- On Tue, 30/6/09, krushana Jugal <krushana wrote:


> krushana Jugal <krushana

> Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll



> Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 11:39 AM












Dear Tarakram,

>                   " Tarak " means pilot " Sukanu man " one who leads. But from all

your write up it seems that you have only 30 theeths in your mouth. In lagna you

have more points.Your father is a rich and successful man. You are unmarried.

Still you are not earning , and not got stability in life, and no blessings.

Thinking high and not able to do any thing.



> Blessings 

> krushna









> On 6/30/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:


Dear Tarakram ji,


> Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the

list is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that

how many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.



> I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably

am), he had told me


> " Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand

people with half baked knowledge "



> Those words have stuck with me in my mind.


> If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn

KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by

which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular

chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine

the magnitude of that........ .......



> Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you

will come to a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard,

without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time,

after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over

the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or is

good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more tough

and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the difficult

times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it comes. Its

like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain, which by no

means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain or once u

climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail a few

times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard work

will eventually get u there. This

> is life.



> In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.


> I hope the passion you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of

KAS and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given

your Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.



> I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above



> In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd

and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your

10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life.

Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say.



> What is 10th house then?


> 10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH



> Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT




> Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so

that the society will say that " THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S FATHER " . :-).


> That will be his true wealth.



> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca


> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com,

<tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> >

> > Dear Ash and Donna,

> >

> > Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like


> > Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina

should come from heart, after learning.


> >

> > And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know

doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I

strongly opposing that.

> >

> > Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to

do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases

tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them

(actually we wait for that).


> >

> > But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like

they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases

more burden on you if you this is not primary position.


> >

> > And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on

behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are

taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I

can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha



> >

> > How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active,

so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to

the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives,

like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after

certain days shifting to this group like that.


> >

> > The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10

more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money

and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..


> >

> > I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further

use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as

your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.


> >

> >

> > PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare

for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude

you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to

this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.


> >

> >

> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas@> wrote:

> >

> > ashsam73 <kas@>


> > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll


> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Tarakram ji,


> >

> >

> >

> > You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is


> >

> >

> >

> > The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and

solid. That shows the dedication.


> >

> >

> >

> > The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU

DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU.

> >

> >

> >

> > Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10

cents or whatever one can afford.


> >

> >

> >

> > If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one

can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE



> >

> >

> >

> > It really pains me to see such mails.

> >

> >

> >

> > I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and

experience, but I feel very sad ............ ....


> >

> >

> >

> > C'est la vie.

> >

> >

> >

> > Ash

> >

> >

> >

> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com,

<tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Donnaji,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Thanks for the reply.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor

Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have,

he replied me, " Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in

my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we

take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding

Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But

these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that

wisdom for living. "


> >

> > >

> >

> > > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know

Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD).  And we are sharing that


> >

> > >


> >

> > > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if

you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can

bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for



> >

> > >

> >

> > > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for

developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into

Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.


> >

> > >

> >

> > > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so,

if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host

the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so

far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.


> >

> > >

> >

> > > Thanking you.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Tarakaram.G.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:


> >

> > >

> >

> > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>

> >

> > > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll


> >

> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> >

> > > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >


> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >


> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Tarakram -

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that

> >

> > > knowledge is universal in the sense


> >

> > > that it is there for the asking much like a huge

> >

> > > ocean of information that we as

> >

> > > individuals have the choice of diving in as often

> >

> > > as we choose to in order to search


> >

> > > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We

> >

> > > are all teachers in that regard,

> >

> > > because as we learn something and pass that

> >

> > > information forward to someone else.


> >

> > > we become that person's " teacher " if only for a

> >

> > > moment in time. That person, in turn,

> >

> > > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass

> >


> > > it forward to someone else and

> >

> > > become THEIR teacher

> >

> > > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a

> >

> > > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its



> >

> > > worth 

> >

> > > and go forward to

> >

> > > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all

> >

> > > of us take when we teach something to others. We


> >

> > > can only hope that it reaches

> >

> > > the right people, the ones who will understand its

> >

> > > value and do it justice in return.

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept


> >

> > > free, unfortunately the people

> >

> > > who provide those services do not share the same

> >

> > > beliefs. It takes money to run a

> >

> > > website and as much as we would love to continue to


> >

> > > give it out for free, the costs

> >

> > > for maintaining the website also continues This is

> >

> > > what Krushnaji was referring to.

> >

> > > He feels that in spite of the fact that this


> >

> > > knowledge has been going out free of charge

> >

> > > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been

> >

> > > paying the tab for the rest of

> >

> > > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's


> >

> > > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as

> >

> > > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and

> >

> > > principle.

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > As an analogy, if


> >

> > > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a

> >

> > > while,

> >

> > > everyone would just assume that you were going to

> >

> > > pay the check from that point on. They


> >

> > > would just take it for granted and no longer think

> >

> > > about it when they went out to dinner with

> >

> > > you. If you suddenly

> >

> > > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that


> >

> > >

> >

> > > make you the

> >

> > > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please

> >

> > > pay

> >

> > > a little each towards the bill out of respect and


> >

> > > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you

> >

> > > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for

quite a few

> >

> > > years now

> >


> > > and everyone just

> >

> > > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken

> >

> > >

> >

> > > for granted. That's

> >

> > > why it was very interesting to see what the


> >

> > > results of this poll were. ;))

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > Donna

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  


> >

> > >  

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.

> >

> > >


> >

> > > Sorry for interfering in

> >

> > > this matter,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how

> >

> > > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are


> >

> > > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.

> >

> > > Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In the


> >

> > > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group

> >

> > > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get

> >

> > > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS


> >

> > > learning.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many

> >

> > > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them


> >

> > > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant

> >

> > > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the

> >

> > > others?

> >

> > >

> >


> > > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come

> >

> > > free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > KAS is of

> >

> > > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the


> >

> > > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be

> >

> > > charged, let this be free.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Knowledge will flourish if it is free


> >

> > > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more

> >

> > > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for

> >

> > > advancement.

> >

> > >


> >

> > > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money

> >

> > > into it.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Tarakaram.G.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12


> >

> > > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>

> >

> > > Subject:


> >

> > > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll

> >

> > > results

> >

> > > To:

> >

> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> >

> > > Monday, 29

> >

> > > June, 2009, 8:21 AM

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group


> >

> > > -

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > I would like to say something here in

> >

> > > regard to blessings and gratitude.

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > First of all, I am grateful


> >

> > > to the very few of you who took the time out of

> >

> > > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that

> >

> > > Anup

> >

> > > had created. I also am grateful to Anup


> >

> > > for even thinking about doing this in

> >

> > > the first place. It

> >

> > > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the

> >

> > > main point

> >


> > > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list

> >

> > > really is. It is

> >

> > > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the

> >


> > > time

> >

> > > to give their opinion. It shows us how

> >

> > > truly few of you out there are even

> >

> > > paying attention

> >

> > > at all, much less doing anything about


> >

> > > it.

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > Therefore, I can really understand

> >

> > > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

> >

> > > GIVE this

> >


> > > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years,

> >

> > > people

> >

> > > as a whole do not really appreciate this

> >

> > > gift because in their minds, it has to be


> >

> > > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a

> >

> > > sad fact of human nature today, that if we

> >

> > >

> >

> > > give it away for free, then for some

> >


> > > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

> >

> > > handful of

> >

> > > people on this list who have managed to

> >

> > > take the torch and run with it, knowing what


> >

> > > a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings

> >

> > > attached other than the 

> >

> > > sincere desire to learn. The poll

> >

> > > that was just run reflects this point


> >

> > > quite well indeed.

> >

> > > It also shows that true knowledge is like

> >

> > > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to

> >

> > > those

> >

> > > people who truly seek to learn


> >

> > > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make

> >

> > > any sense which is

> >

> > > how it should be.

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > When we first started this list,


> >

> > > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

> >

> > > that it wouldn't get buried with no

> >

> > > one else to pass the knowledge onto.

> >


> > > His " blessings "  became

> >

> > > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and

> >

> > > many others along the way, who have

> >

> > > contributed their talents

> >


> > > and their time in order to

> >

> > > make this list and this system

> >

> > > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

> >

> > > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with

deliberate intent


> >

> > > in

> >

> > > order to make something succeed

> >

> > > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

> >

> > > and for that I am grateful. We still have


> >

> > > so much more to learn about this system

> >

> > > which still hasn't been

> >

> > > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >  


> >

> > > For now, things will remain " free " on my

> >

> > > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

> >

> > > things to your heart's content if you


> >

> > > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please  be aware

> >

> > > that things are going to change

> >

> > > in such a way as to reflect the true

> >


> > > worth of the knowledge

> >

> > > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by

> >

> > > doing so, it will weed out those

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > you who sincerely have a desire to


> >

> > > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

> >

> > > no reason to even be here in the first

> >

> > > place.

> >

> > >  

> >

> > > Thanks for listening -


> >

> > > Donna

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >  

> >

> > >

> >


> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more...

> >

> > >

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> > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in..local..



> >

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> > See the Web & #39;s breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out

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> >


























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Dear Krishnaji,> I can't understand meaning of 30teeth, if you mean physically I got 32. I already did that, I counted and I got 32, and I added that in reply.Is there any thing related like, I would like to read about that theory too. Could you please forward me if you dont mind.Thanks for the reply.Tarakaram.G.--- On Tue, 30/6/09, Jugal Kalani <krushana wrote:Jugal Kalani <krushana Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 7:25 PM


measure yr teeth.



astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Krushana,


> My Birth year is 1988, I yet to get marriage age and earning time. Might be next year, if I want to join my father.

> I can't understand meaning of 30teeth, if you mean physically I got 32. And if you say in some other context, I can't get you.


> And regarding other things, some are right others are wrong.


> Tarakaram.G.






> --- On Tue, 30/6/09, krushana Jugal <krushana .> wrote:


> krushana Jugal <krushana@.. .>

> Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results

> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

> Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 11:39 AM


















> Dear Tarakram,

> "Tarak" means pilot "Sukanu man" one who leads. But from all your write up it seems that you have only 30 theeths in your mouth. In lagna you have more points.Your father is a rich and successful man. You are unmarried. Still you are not earning , and not got stability in life, and no blessings. Thinking high and not able to do any thing.



> Blessings

> krushna









> On 6/30/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:








> Dear Tarakram ji,


> Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the list is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that how many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.



> I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably am), he had told me


> "Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand people with half baked knowledge"



> Those words have stuck with me in my mind.


> If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine the magnitude of that......... .......



> Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you will come to a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard, without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time, after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or is good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more tough and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the difficult times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it comes. Its like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain, which by no means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain or once u climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail a few times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard work will eventually get u there.


> is life.



> In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.


> I hope the passion you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of KAS and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given your Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.



> I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above point.


> In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your 10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life. Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say.



> What is 10th house then?


> 10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH OF YOUR GURU/FATHER.


> Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT AND THAT is the TRUE WEALTH.



> Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so that the society will say that "THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S FATHER". :-).


> That will be his true wealth.



> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca


> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> >

> > Dear Ash and Donna,

> >

> > Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..

> > Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.


> >

> > And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.

> >

> > Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that).


> >

> > But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.


> >

> > And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam.


> >

> > How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after certain days shifting to this group like that.


> >

> > The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..


> >

> > I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.


> >

> >

> > PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.


> >

> >

> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas@> wrote:

> >

> > ashsam73 <kas@>


> > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results

> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Tarakram ji,


> >

> >

> >

> > You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.

> >

> >

> >

> > The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.


> >

> >

> >

> > The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU.

> >

> >

> >

> > Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10 cents or whatever one can afford.


> >

> >

> >

> > If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.


> >

> >

> >

> > It really pains me to see such mails.

> >

> >

> >

> > I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............. ....


> >

> >

> >

> > C'est la vie.

> >

> >

> >

> > Ash

> >

> >

> >

> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:


> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Donnaji,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Thanks for the reply.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."


> >

> > >

> >

> > > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.

> >

> > >


> >

> > > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.


> >

> > >

> >

> > > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.


> >

> > >

> >

> > > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.


> >

> > >

> >

> > > Thanking you.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Tarakaram.G.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:


> >

> > >

> >

> > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>

> >

> > > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results

> >

> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> >

> > > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >


> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >


> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Tarakram -

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Thanks for your feedback... I agree with you that

> >

> > > knowledge is universal in the sense


> >

> > > that it is there for the asking much like a huge

> >

> > > ocean of information that we as

> >

> > > individuals have the choice of diving in as often

> >

> > > as we choose to in order to search


> >

> > > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We

> >

> > > are all teachers in that regard,

> >

> > > because as we learn something and pass that

> >

> > > information forward to someone else.


> >

> > > we become that person's "teacher" if only for a

> >

> > > moment in time. That person, in turn,

> >

> > > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass

> >


> > > it forward to someone else and

> >

> > > become THEIR teacher

> >

> > > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a

> >

> > > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true


> >

> > > worth

> >

> > > and go forward to

> >

> > > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all

> >

> > > of us take when we teach something to others. We


> >

> > > can only hope that it reaches

> >

> > > the right people, the ones who will understand its

> >

> > > value and do it justice in return.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept


> >

> > > free, unfortunately the people

> >

> > > who provide those services do not share the same

> >

> > > beliefs. It takes money to run a

> >

> > > website and as much as we would love to continue to


> >

> > > give it out for free, the costs

> >

> > > for maintaining the website also continues This is

> >

> > > what Krushnaji was referring to.

> >

> > > He feels that in spite of the fact that this


> >

> > > knowledge has been going out free of charge

> >

> > > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been

> >

> > > paying the tab for the rest of

> >

> > > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's


> >

> > > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as

> >

> > > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and

> >

> > > principle.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > As an analogy, if


> >

> > > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a

> >

> > > while,

> >

> > > everyone would just assume that you were going to

> >

> > > pay the check from that point on. They


> >

> > > would just take it for granted and no longer think

> >

> > > about it when they went out to dinner with

> >

> > > you. If you suddenly

> >

> > > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that


> >

> > >

> >

> > > make you the

> >

> > > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please

> >

> > > pay

> >

> > > a little each towards the bill out of respect and


> >

> > > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you

> >

> > > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few

> >

> > > years now

> >


> > > and everyone just

> >

> > > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken

> >

> > >

> >

> > > for granted. That's

> >

> > > why it was very interesting to see what the


> >

> > > results of this poll were. ;))

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Donna

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >


> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.

> >

> > >


> >

> > > Sorry for interfering in

> >

> > > this matter,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how

> >

> > > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are


> >

> > > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him.

> >

> > > Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In the


> >

> > > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group

> >

> > > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get

> >

> > > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS


> >

> > > learning.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many

> >

> > > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them


> >

> > > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant

> >

> > > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the

> >

> > > others?

> >

> > >

> >


> > > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come

> >

> > > free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > KAS is of

> >

> > > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the


> >

> > > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be

> >

> > > charged, let this be free.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Knowledge will flourish if it is free


> >

> > > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more

> >

> > > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for

> >

> > > advancement.

> >

> > >


> >

> > > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money

> >

> > > into it.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Tarakaram.G.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12


> >

> > > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>

> >

> > >


> >

> > > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll

> >

> > > results

> >

> > >

> >

> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com


> >

> > > Monday, 29

> >

> > > June, 2009, 8:21 AM

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group


> >

> > > -

> >

> > >

> >

> > > I would like to say something here in

> >

> > > regard to blessings and gratitude.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > First of all, I am grateful


> >

> > > to the very few of you who took the time out of

> >

> > > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that

> >

> > > Anup

> >

> > > had created. I also am grateful to Anup


> >

> > > for even thinking about doing this in

> >

> > > the first place. It

> >

> > > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the

> >

> > > main point

> >


> > > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list

> >

> > > really is. It is

> >

> > > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the

> >


> > > time

> >

> > > to give their opinion. It shows us how

> >

> > > truly few of you out there are even

> >

> > > paying attention

> >

> > > at all, much less doing anything about


> >

> > > it.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Therefore, I can really understand

> >

> > > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just

> >

> > > GIVE this

> >


> > > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years,

> >

> > > people

> >

> > > as a whole do not really appreciate this

> >

> > > gift because in their minds, it has to be


> >

> > > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a

> >

> > > sad fact of human nature today, that if we

> >

> > >

> >

> > > give it away for free, then for some

> >


> > > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small

> >

> > > handful of

> >

> > > people on this list who have managed to

> >

> > > take the torch and run with it, knowing what


> >

> > > a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings

> >

> > > attached other than the

> >

> > > sincere desire to learn. The poll

> >

> > > that was just run reflects this point


> >

> > > quite well indeed.

> >

> > > It also shows that true knowledge is like

> >

> > > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to

> >

> > > those

> >

> > > people who truly seek to learn


> >

> > > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make

> >

> > > any sense which is

> >

> > > how it should be.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > When we first started this list,


> >

> > > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so

> >

> > > that it wouldn't get buried with no

> >

> > > one else to pass the knowledge onto.

> >


> > > His "blessings" became

> >

> > > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and

> >

> > > many others along the way, who have

> >

> > > contributed their talents

> >


> > > and their time in order to

> >

> > > make this list and this system

> >

> > > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we

> >

> > > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent


> >

> > > in

> >

> > > order to make something succeed

> >

> > > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years

> >

> > > and for that I am grateful. We still have


> >

> > > so much more to learn about this system

> >

> > > which still hasn't been

> >

> > > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >


> >

> > > For now, things will remain "free" on my

> >

> > > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download

> >

> > > things to your heart's content if you


> >

> > > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware

> >

> > > that things are going to change

> >

> > > in such a way as to reflect the true

> >


> > > worth of the knowledge

> >

> > > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by

> >

> > > doing so, it will weed out those

> >

> > > of

> >

> > > you who sincerely have a desire to


> >

> > > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have

> >

> > > no reason to even be here in the first

> >

> > > place.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Thanks for listening -


> >

> > > Donna

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >


> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more...

> >

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> >

> > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in..local. . /


> >

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> >

> > See the Web & #39;s breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. http://in.buzz. /


> >
































> See the Web & #39;s breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. http://in.buzz. /





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Dear Tarakaram,



Guru ji has written you have no blessings and you are proving this.

Simply refering a person like guruji by name,who is three times

of age that you are in and that too without inserting any respectful




You can learn KAS and you are always welcome but if

you have any doubt in your mind there is a gentle and polite way

to ask.Whoever is devoted will surely get admiration for the work

of this "Society"



Think over it.







--- On Tue, 30/6/09, wrote:

Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 12:27 PM







Dear Krushana,My Birth year is 1988, I yet to get marriage age and earning time. Might be next year, if I want to join my father.I can't understand meaning of 30teeth, if you mean physically I got 32. And if you say in some other context, I can't get you.And regarding other things, some are right others are wrong.Tarakaram.G.--- On Tue, 30/6/09, krushana Jugal <krushana (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

krushana Jugal <krushana (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comTuesday, 30 June, 2009, 11:39 AM




Dear Tarakram,

"Tarak" means pilot "Sukanu man" one who leads. But from all your write up it seems that you have only 30 theeths in your mouth. In lagna you have more points.Your father is a rich and successful man. You are unmarried. Still you are not earning , and not got stability in life, and no blessings. Thinking high and not able to do any thing.









On 6/30/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:





Dear Tarakram ji,Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the list is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that how many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably am), he had told me "Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand people with half baked knowledge"Those words have stuck with me in my mind.If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine the magnitude of that........ .......Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you will come to

a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard, without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time, after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or is good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more tough and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the difficult times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it comes. Its like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain, which by no means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain or once u climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail a few times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard work will eventually get u there. This is life.In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.I hope the passion

you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of KAS and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given your Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above point.In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your 10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life. Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say. What is 10th house then?10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH OF YOUR GURU/FATHER.Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT AND THAT is the TRUE WEALTH.Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so that the society will say that "THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S

FATHER". :-).That will be his true wealth.Cheers !!!Ash -> http://www.ashtro. caastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Ash and Donna,> > Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..> Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.> > And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.> > Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous

respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that). > > But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.> > And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam. > > How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary

group after certain days shifting to this group like that. > > The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..> > I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.> > > PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:> >

ashsam73 <kas

> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram ji,> > > > You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.> > > > The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.> > > > The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU. > > > > Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10

cents or whatever one can afford.> > > > If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.> > > > It really pains me to see such mails.> > > > I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............ . ....> > > > C'est la vie.> > > > Ash> > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Donnaji,> > > > > > Thanks for the reply.> > > > > > Let me

tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."> > > > > > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.> > > > > > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can

bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.> > > > > > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.> > > > > > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.> > > > > > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.> > > > > > Thanking you.> > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > >

> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:> > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>> > > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> > > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram -> > >

> > > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that > > > knowledge is universal in the sense> > > that it is there for the asking much like a huge > > > ocean of information that we as > > > individuals have the choice of diving in as often > > > as we choose to in order to search> > > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We > > > are all teachers in that regard,> > > because as we learn something and pass that > > > information forward to someone else.> > > we become that person's "teacher" if only for a > > > moment in time. That person, in turn,> > > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass > > > it forward to someone else and > > > become THEIR teacher >

> > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a > > > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true > > > worth > > > and go forward to > > > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all> > > of us take when we teach something to others. We > > > can only hope that it reaches > > > the right people, the ones who will understand its > > > value and do it justice in return.> > > > > > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept > > > free, unfortunately the people> > > who provide those services do not share the same > > > beliefs. It takes money to run a > > > website and as much as we would love to continue to >

> > give it out for free, the costs> > > for maintaining the website also continues This is > > > what Krushnaji was referring to.> > > He feels that in spite of the fact that this > > > knowledge has been going out free of charge> > > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been > > > paying the tab for the rest of> > > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's > > > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as > > > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and > > > principle. > > > > > > As an analogy, if > > > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a > > > while,> > > everyone would just assume that you were going to > > > pay the

check from that point on. They> > > would just take it for granted and no longer think > > > about it when they went out to dinner with> > > you. If you suddenly > > > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that > > > > > > make you the > > > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please > > > pay> > > a little each towards the bill out of respect and > > > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you > > > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few > > > years now > > > and everyone just > > > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken > > > > > > for

granted. That's > > > why it was very interesting to see what the > > > results of this poll were. ;))> > > > > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.> > > > > > Sorry for interfering in > > > this matter,> > > > > > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how > > > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are > > > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. > >

> Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?> > > > > > In the > > > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group > > > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get > > > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS > > > learning.> > > > > > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many > > > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them > > > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant > > > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the > > > others?> > > > > > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come > > > free, it itself needs lot of

effort to gain knowledge.> > > > > > KAS is of > > > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the > > > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be > > > charged, let this be free.> > > > > > Knowledge will flourish if it is free > > > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more > > > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for > > > advancement.> > > > > > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money > > > into it. > > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 > > > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:> > > > >

> > > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>> > > > > > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll > > > results> > > > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> > > Monday, 29 > > > June, 2009, 8:21 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group > > > -> > > > > > I would like to say something here in > > > regard to blessings and gratitude. > > > > > > First of all, I am grateful > > > to the very few of you who

took the time out of > > > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that > > > Anup> > > had created. I also am grateful to Anup > > > for even thinking about doing this in> > > the first place. It > > > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the > > > main point > > > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list > > > really is. It is > > > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the > > > time > > > to give their opinion. It shows us how > > > truly few of you out there are even > > > paying attention > > > at all, much less doing anything about > > > it.> > >

> > > Therefore, I can really understand > > > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just> > > GIVE this > > > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, > > > people> > > as a whole do not really appreciate this > > > gift because in their minds, it has to be> > > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a > > > sad fact of human nature today, that if we > > > > > > give it away for free, then for some > > > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small > > > handful of > > > people on this list who have managed to > > > take the torch and run with it, knowing what > > > a rare gift of knowledge

they've been handed with no strings > > > attached other than the > > > sincere desire to learn. The poll > > > that was just run reflects this point > > > quite well indeed.> > > It also shows that true knowledge is like > > > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to > > > those> > > people who truly seek to learn > > > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make > > > any sense which is> > > how it should be. > > > > > > When we first started this list, > > > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so > > > that it wouldn't get buried with no > > > one else to pass the knowledge onto.

> > > His "blessings" became > > > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and > > > many others along the way, who have > > > contributed their talents > > > and their time in order to > > > make this list and this system > > > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we > > > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent > > > in > > > order to make something succeed > > > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years> > > and for that I am grateful. We still have > > > so much more to learn about this system > > > which still hasn't been > > > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet. > > > > > >

> > > For now, things will remain "free" on my > > > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download > > > things to your heart's content if you > > > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware > > > that things are going to change > > > in such a way as to reflect the true > > > worth of the knowledge > > > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by > > > doing so, it will weed out those > > > of > > > you who sincerely have a desire to > > > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have > > > no reason to even be here in the first > > > place.> > > > >

> Thanks for listening -> > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in..local. /> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > See the Web & #39;s breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. http://in.buzz. />




See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz.


See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz.

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Dear Anup ji,Thanks for showing me my mistake.Respect do comes from heart. Missing ji, doesn't mean I am strong headed.Such words are prohibited in college, even we refer Prof. Ramesh Tendulkar as Dear Ramesh. Even in conversations we directly address them. Thats what they want, even our Profs. they too feel that, words dont have any value, respect should come from heart.But I am trying to include that words, but some how that missed, dont take that in negative. Tarakaram.--- On Tue, 30/6/09, Anup. M <dalh_1 wrote:Anup. M <dalh_1Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsTo:

Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 8:27 PM


Dear Tarakaram,



Guru ji has written you have no blessings and you are proving this.

Simply refering a person like guruji by name,who is three times

of age that you are in and that too without inserting any respectful




You can learn KAS and you are always welcome but if

you have any doubt in your mind there is a gentle and polite way

to ask.Whoever is devoted will surely get admiration for the work

of this "Society"



Think over it.







--- On Tue, 30/6/09, <tarakaram_g@ .co. in> wrote:

<tarakaram_g@ ..co. in>Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comTuesday, 30 June, 2009, 12:27 PM







Dear Krushana,My Birth year is 1988, I yet to get marriage age and earning time. Might be next year, if I want to join my father.I can't understand meaning of 30teeth, if you mean physically I got 32. And if you say in some other context, I can't get you.And regarding other things, some are right others are wrong.Tarakaram.G.--- On Tue, 30/6/09, krushana Jugal <krushana (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

krushana Jugal <krushana (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comTuesday, 30 June, 2009, 11:39 AM




Dear Tarakram,

"Tarak" means pilot "Sukanu man" one who leads. But from all your write up it seems that you have only 30 theeths in your mouth. In lagna you have more points.Your father is a rich and successful man. You are unmarried. Still you are not earning , and not got stability in life, and no blessings. Thinking high and not able to do any thing.









On 6/30/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:





Dear Tarakram ji,Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the list is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that how many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably am), he had told me "Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand people with half baked knowledge"Those words have stuck with me in my mind.If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine the magnitude of that........ .......Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you will come to

a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard, without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time, after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or is good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more tough and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the difficult times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it comes. Its like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain, which by no means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain or once u climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail a few times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard work will eventually get u there. This is life.In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.I hope the passion

you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of KAS and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given your Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above point.In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your 10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life. Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say. What is 10th house then?10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH OF YOUR GURU/FATHER.Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT AND THAT is the TRUE WEALTH.Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so that the society will say that "THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S

FATHER". :-).That will be his true wealth.Cheers !!!Ash -> http://www.ashtro. caastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Ash and Donna,> > Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..> Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.> > And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.> > Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases


respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that). > > But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.> > And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam. > > How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary

group after certain days shifting to this group like that. > > The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..> > I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.> > > PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:> >

ashsam73 <kas

> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram ji,> > > > You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.> > > > The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.> > > > The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU. > > > > Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa

or 10

cents or whatever one can afford.> > > > If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.> > > > It really pains me to see such mails.> > > > I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............ . ....> > > > C'est la vie.> > > > Ash> > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Donnaji,> > > > > > Thanks for the reply.> > > > > > Let


tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."> > > > > > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.> > > > > > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can

bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.> > > > > > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.> > > > > > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.> > > > > > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.> > > > > > Thanking you.> > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > >

> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:> > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>> > > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> > > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram -> > >

> > > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that > > > knowledge is universal in the sense> > > that it is there for the asking much like a huge > > > ocean of information that we as > > > individuals have the choice of diving in as often > > > as we choose to in order to search> > > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We > > > are all teachers in that regard,> > > because as we learn something and pass that > > > information forward to someone else.> > > we become that person's "teacher" if only for a > > > moment in time. That person, in turn,> > > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass > > > it forward to someone else and > > > become THEIR teacher >

> > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a > > > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true > > > worth > > > and go forward to > > > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all> > > of us take when we teach something to others. We > > > can only hope that it reaches > > > the right people, the ones who will understand its > > > value and do it justice in return.> > > > > > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept > > > free, unfortunately the people> > > who provide those services do not share the same > > > beliefs. It takes money to run a > > > website and as much as we would love to continue to >

> > give it out for free, the costs> > > for maintaining the website also continues This is > > > what Krushnaji was referring to.> > > He feels that in spite of the fact that this > > > knowledge has been going out free of charge> > > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been > > > paying the tab for the rest of> > > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's > > > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as > > > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and > > > principle. > > > > > > As an analogy, if > > > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a > > > while,> > > everyone would just assume that you were going to > > > pay the

check from that point on. They> > > would just take it for granted and no longer think > > > about it when they went out to dinner with> > > you. If you suddenly > > > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that > > > > > > make you the > > > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please > > > pay> > > a little each towards the bill out of respect and > > > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you > > > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few > > > years now > > > and everyone just > > > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken > > > > > > for

granted. That's > > > why it was very interesting to see what the > > > results of this poll were. ;))> > > > > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.> > > > > > Sorry for interfering in > > > this matter,> > > > > > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how > > > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are > > > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. > >

> Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?> > > > > > In the > > > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group > > > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get > > > enough time to learn KAS.. So they might discontinued from KAS > > > learning.> > > > > > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many > > > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them > > > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant > > > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the > > > others?> > > > > > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come > > > free, it itself needs lot of

effort to gain knowledge.> > > > > > KAS is of > > > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the > > > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be > > > charged, let this be free.> > > > > > Knowledge will flourish if it is free > > > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more > > > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for > > > advancement.> > > > > > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money > > > into it. > > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 > > > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:> > > > >

> > > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>> > > > > > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll > > > results> > > > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> > > Monday, 29 > > > June, 2009, 8:21 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group > > > -> > > > > > I would like to say something here in > > > regard to blessings and gratitude. > > > > > > First of all, I am grateful > > > to the very few of you who

took the time out of > > > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that > > > Anup> > > had created. I also am grateful to Anup > > > for even thinking about doing this in> > > the first place. It > > > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the > > > main point > > > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list > > > really is. It is > > > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the > > > time > > > to give their opinion. It shows us how > > > truly few of you out there are even > > > paying attention > > > at all, much less doing anything about > > > it.> > >

> > > Therefore, I can really understand > > > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just> > > GIVE this > > > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, > > > people> > > as a whole do not really appreciate this > > > gift because in their minds, it has to be> > > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a > > > sad fact of human nature today, that if we > > > > > > give it away for free, then for some > > > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small > > > handful of > > > people on this list who have managed to > > > take the torch and run with it, knowing what > > > a rare gift of knowledge

they've been handed with no strings > > > attached other than the > > > sincere desire to learn. The poll > > > that was just run reflects this point > > > quite well indeed.> > > It also shows that true knowledge is like > > > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to > > > those> > > people who truly seek to learn > > > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make > > > any sense which is> > > how it should be. > > > > > > When we first started this list, > > > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so > > > that it wouldn't get buried with no > > > one else to pass the knowledge onto.

> > > His "blessings" became > > > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and > > > many others along the way, who have > > > contributed their talents > > > and their time in order to > > > make this list and this system > > > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we > > > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent > > > in > > > order to make something succeed > > > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years> > > and for that I am grateful. We still have > > > so much more to learn about this system > > > which still hasn't been > > > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet. > > > > > >

> > > For now, things will remain "free" on my > > > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download > > > things to your heart's content if you > > > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware > > > that things are going to change > > > in such a way as to reflect the true > > > worth of the knowledge > > > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by > > > doing so, it will weed out those > > > of > > > you who sincerely have a desire to > > > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have > > > no reason to even be here in the first > > > place.> > > > >

> Thanks for listening -> > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in..local. /> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > See the Web & #39;s breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. http://in.buzz. />




See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz.


See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz.


Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.

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Dear Tarakaram,



It depends but please check your all mails before that.



If any person respect his father or a father like person from heart

(which everybody does) this does not mean he should call his father

by name.Sorry I dont think so and it should be not.



This might be different experience for you over here but this

is imperative.Anyway lets close this thread now and learn KAS

with concrete approach.









--- On Tue, 30/6/09, wrote:

Re: Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 8:41 PM







Dear Anup ji,Thanks for showing me my mistake.Respect do comes from heart. Missing ji, doesn't mean I am strong headed.Such words are prohibited in college, even we refer Prof. Ramesh Tendulkar as Dear Ramesh. Even in conversations we directly address them. Thats what they want, even our Profs. they too feel that, words dont have any value, respect should come from heart.But I am trying to include that words, but some how that missed, dont take that in negative. Tarakaram.--- On Tue, 30/6/09, Anup. M <dalh_1 > wrote:

Anup. M <dalh_1 >Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comTuesday, 30 June, 2009, 8:27 PM








Dear Tarakaram,



Guru ji has written you have no blessings and you are proving this.

Simply refering a person like guruji by name,who is three times

of age that you are in and that too without inserting any respectful




You can learn KAS and you are always welcome but if

you have any doubt in your mind there is a gentle and polite way

to ask.Whoever is devoted will surely get admiration for the work

of this "Society"



Think over it.







--- On Tue, 30/6/09, <tarakaram_g@ .co. in> wrote:

<tarakaram_g@ ..co. in>Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comTuesday, 30 June, 2009, 12:27 PM







Dear Krushana,My Birth year is 1988, I yet to get marriage age and earning time. Might be next year, if I want to join my father.I can't understand meaning of 30teeth, if you mean physically I got 32. And if you say in some other context, I can't get you.And regarding other things, some are right others are wrong.Tarakaram.G.--- On Tue, 30/6/09, krushana Jugal <krushana (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

krushana Jugal <krushana (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll resultsastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comTuesday, 30 June, 2009, 11:39 AM




Dear Tarakram,

"Tarak" means pilot "Sukanu man" one who leads. But from all your write up it seems that you have only 30 theeths in your mouth. In lagna you have more points.Your father is a rich and successful man. You are unmarried. Still you are not earning , and not got stability in life, and no blessings. Thinking high and not able to do any thing.









On 6/30/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:





Dear Tarakram ji,Do not get caught up in the NUMBERS game. It does not matter how large the list is or to how many persons are contributing. What is more important is that how many persons are understanding KAS in DEPTH.I remember Guru ji's words to me, when I was a rookie with KAS (and I probably am), he had told me "Ash I would rather have a few students learn FULL KAS, rather than a thousand people with half baked knowledge"Those words have stuck with me in my mind.If you will study the mails closely, the main thing that is expected to learn KAS is dedication, commitment and zest for knowledge of this divine shastra by which means you can help HUMANITY. It is beyond you, me or any one particular chart. It is a tool where in you can bring hope in someones life. Just imagine the magnitude of that........ .......Studying one's chart is a natural instinct, but after u study KAS in deep, you will come to

a realise that the only thing in your hands is to work hard, without expectation, and always give whatever you do your 100% all the time, after realizing that you will never need your birth chart as u will rise over the dualities. No RED or GREEN or GOOD OR BAD etc. Everything will be good or is good for you in the long run. Even the difficult times will make u more tough and one can get a sense of satisfaction that one has roughed out the difficult times and one can have more appreciation of the good times when it comes. Its like walking across the desert, or climbing up a steep mountain, which by no means is a cake walk, but once u are up on the top of the mountain or once u climb it, there would be sense of accomplishment. Yes, you might fail a few times to reach the top but persistance, perseverance, commitment and hard work will eventually get u there. This is life.In any case, everyone might be knowing all this.I hope the passion

you have, you can utilize it well and learn the depths of KAS and pass it on to the next generation. If you do that, you will have given your Guru ji, the best GURU DAKSHNIA.I shall tell u something from KAS which I hope you will undrestand the above point.In your chart, your 9th house is the house of your father, Guru, elders. 3rd and 7th house are House E and D, i.e Mother and Wife. They are upcahy for your 10th house. They help support u, and they always will help you grow in life. Behind the success of every man there is a woman as they say. What is 10th house then?10th house is the 2nd house from 9th house i.e. the DHAN STHAN or the WEALTH OF YOUR GURU/FATHER.Any Guru / Father, will want to see thir son or student SUCCEED IN LIFE. THAT AND THAT is the TRUE WEALTH.Say for example your father would want u to get all the success in life, so that the society will say that "THIS GENTLEMAN IS TARAKRAM'S

FATHER". :-).That will be his true wealth.Cheers !!!Ash -> http://www.ashtro. caastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Ash and Donna,> > Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that..> Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.> > And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.> > Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share. This again increases tremendous

respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that). > > But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.> > And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam. > > How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary

group after certain days shifting to this group like that. > > The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view..> > I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.> > > PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:> >

ashsam73 <kas

> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram ji,> > > > You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.> > > > The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.> > > > The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU. > > > > Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10

cents or whatever one can afford.> > > > If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.> > > > It really pains me to see such mails.> > > > I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............ . ....> > > > C'est la vie.> > > > Ash> > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Donnaji,> > > > > > Thanks for the reply.> > > > > > Let me

tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."> > > > > > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.> > > > > > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can

bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.> > > > > > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.> > > > > > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.> > > > > > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.> > > > > > Thanking you.> > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > >

> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .> wrote:> > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@ .>> > > Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> > > Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram -> > >

> > > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that > > > knowledge is universal in the sense> > > that it is there for the asking much like a huge > > > ocean of information that we as > > > individuals have the choice of diving in as often > > > as we choose to in order to search> > > for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We > > > are all teachers in that regard,> > > because as we learn something and pass that > > > information forward to someone else.> > > we become that person's "teacher" if only for a > > > moment in time. That person, in turn,> > > has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass > > > it forward to someone else and > > > become THEIR teacher >

> > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a > > > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true > > > worth > > > and go forward to > > > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all> > > of us take when we teach something to others. We > > > can only hope that it reaches > > > the right people, the ones who will understand its > > > value and do it justice in return.> > > > > > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept > > > free, unfortunately the people> > > who provide those services do not share the same > > > beliefs. It takes money to run a > > > website and as much as we would love to continue to >

> > give it out for free, the costs> > > for maintaining the website also continues This is > > > what Krushnaji was referring to.> > > He feels that in spite of the fact that this > > > knowledge has been going out free of charge> > > all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been > > > paying the tab for the rest of> > > the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's > > > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as > > > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and > > > principle. > > > > > > As an analogy, if > > > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a > > > while,> > > everyone would just assume that you were going to > > > pay the

check from that point on. They> > > would just take it for granted and no longer think > > > about it when they went out to dinner with> > > you. If you suddenly > > > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that > > > > > > make you the > > > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please > > > pay> > > a little each towards the bill out of respect and > > > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you > > > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few > > > years now > > > and everyone just > > > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken > > > > > > for

granted. That's > > > why it was very interesting to see what the > > > results of this poll were. ;))> > > > > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.> > > > > > Sorry for interfering in > > > this matter,> > > > > > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how > > > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are > > > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. > >

> Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?> > > > > > In the > > > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group > > > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get > > > enough time to learn KAS.. So they might discontinued from KAS > > > learning.> > > > > > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many > > > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them > > > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant > > > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the > > > others?> > > > > > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come > > > free, it itself needs lot of

effort to gain knowledge.> > > > > > KAS is of > > > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the > > > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be > > > charged, let this be free.> > > > > > Knowledge will flourish if it is free > > > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more > > > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for > > > advancement.> > > > > > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money > > > into it. > > > > > > Tarakaram.G.> > > > > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 > > > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:> > > > >

> > > > > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>> > > > > > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll > > > results> > > > > > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> > > Monday, 29 > > > June, 2009, 8:21 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group > > > -> > > > > > I would like to say something here in > > > regard to blessings and gratitude. > > > > > > First of all, I am grateful > > > to the very few of you who

took the time out of > > > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that > > > Anup> > > had created. I also am grateful to Anup > > > for even thinking about doing this in> > > the first place. It > > > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the > > > main point > > > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list > > > really is. It is > > > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the > > > time > > > to give their opinion. It shows us how > > > truly few of you out there are even > > > paying attention > > > at all, much less doing anything about > > > it.> > >

> > > Therefore, I can really understand > > > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just> > > GIVE this > > > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, > > > people> > > as a whole do not really appreciate this > > > gift because in their minds, it has to be> > > worth as much as they paid for it. It's a > > > sad fact of human nature today, that if we > > > > > > give it away for free, then for some > > > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small > > > handful of > > > people on this list who have managed to > > > take the torch and run with it, knowing what > > > a rare gift of knowledge

they've been handed with no strings > > > attached other than the > > > sincere desire to learn. The poll > > > that was just run reflects this point > > > quite well indeed.> > > It also shows that true knowledge is like > > > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to > > > those> > > people who truly seek to learn > > > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make > > > any sense which is> > > how it should be. > > > > > > When we first started this list, > > > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so > > > that it wouldn't get buried with no > > > one else to pass the knowledge onto.

> > > His "blessings" became > > > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and > > > many others along the way, who have > > > contributed their talents > > > and their time in order to > > > make this list and this system > > > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we > > > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent > > > in > > > order to make something succeed > > > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years> > > and for that I am grateful. We still have > > > so much more to learn about this system > > > which still hasn't been > > > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet. > > > > > >

> > > For now, things will remain "free" on my > > > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download > > > things to your heart's content if you > > > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware > > > that things are going to change > > > in such a way as to reflect the true > > > worth of the knowledge > > > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by > > > doing so, it will weed out those > > > of > > > you who sincerely have a desire to > > > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have > > > no reason to even be here in the first > > > place.> > > > >

> Thanks for listening -> > > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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