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: Blessings, gratitude and poll results

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Dear Tarakram -


I'm sure you meant well. No harm intended.













Dear Ash and Donna,Sorry for writing like that in my previous mails, I shouldn't did like that.Actually my intention was something else, as said by Ash, the Guru Dakshina should come from heart, after learning.And regarding Site hosting Donna ji, I mean sharing responsibility, you know doing work for you with respect is great feeling, I am through this thats why I strongly opposing that.Profs do help us in all ways, like I said earlier, and in case if we want to do research they allocate funds from their share This again increases tremendous respect towards them, and we readily accept any work from them (actually we wait for that). But if learners pay for the files, actually they demand more from you, like they want you to teach, clear their doubts like that, so this again increases more burden on you if you this is not primary position.And regarding web hosting, I mean hosting for you, maintaining site on behalf of you is like a great opportunity for people like us, since we are taking alot from you, and we can't give that back to you in any sense. So if I can reduce some burden to you or do some work for you, I feel like, Maha Prasadam. How many people are active, lot of new members but very very few are active, so if you charge that might go down to even less, so if you want make changes to the present system, I suggest you to run a trail run like giving alternatives, like wait time of 30-40 days, or primary membership in some primary group after certain days shifting to this group like that. The token of Dakshina for such precious knowledge should like teaching 10 more or similar might be better instead of money. I feel personally that money and knowledge should be kept very distant, this my my very personal view.I made my views, and I hope every one understood that, there is no further use in continuing duscussion from my side, I am out of this discussion. But as your student I will obey your decision with my heart and brain.PS. In one of archives, Krushna ji replied to one lady, that it is very rare for people to thank him after that prediction came true. Similary the attitude you implied Ash is very embarassing for me, may teachers helped me to come to this position, after your mail they are apearing before my eyes.--- On Mon, 29/6/09, ashsam73 <kas wrote:

ashsam73 <kas Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 10:49 PM



Dear Tarakram ji,You are missing the point. The point is NOT what it costs, but the point is the ATTITUDE.The Brahamins, vision was clear and his attitude was correct and firm and solid. That shows the dedication.The duty of every Student is to give ADAR or respect to his GURU and GURU DAKSHNIA was in the old days asked by THE GURU. Even in temples one goes, even a poor person, he might put in 10 paisa or 10 cents or whatever one can afford.If one goes to do a reading, one takes fruits, or some money or whatever one can afford or some TOKEN as dakshina if the person cannot afford. IT IS THE ATTITUDE and THE ATTITUDE TO SHOW GRATITUDE to your GURU.It really pains me to see such mails.I feel for Donna ji and Guru ji. I am far younger to them in age and experience, but I feel very sad ............ ....C'est la vie.Ashastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, <tarakaram_g@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Donnaji,> > Thanks for the reply.> > Let me tell you one thing. I met a friend of mine at Delhi, who is poor Bramhim, I asked him why you are so poor despite of knowledge (vedas) you have, he replied me, "Tarak, I am poor, my father, my grand father every one I know in my linage are poor. But its duty of every Bramhin to safe guard Vedas, if we take up some work for living, we might endager primary duty of safe guarding Vedas, so its restricted and we are just supposed to beg and eat that food. But these days begging is no more treated as profession, we are forced to sell that wisdom for living."> > This is how that ancient knowledge came to our hands, you know Varahamihira, he existed in 78BC (or some say 500AD). And we are sharing that knowledge.> > I saw your website, I don't kow how much you are paying fo hosting, but if you host that in India, the cost might come down to 35USD, or even less, we can bring that to 15USD, or even we can move to secondary domains, which come for free.> > And again, I am also programmer, I can appreciate the work you did for developing KAS Excel sheet, programming those high mathematical formulas into Macro needs high dedication, commitment, time, patience what not.> > And again in this digital age we can't promise information security, so, if we secure info, any time, it might appear in Rapidshare.> > Instead we can share the expenses volutarily, like if you want I can host the website for you. Or like that as you developed the group and every thing so far. We can continue, I joined the group and I will do what ever I can.> > Thanking you.> > Tarakaram.G.> > > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .> wrote:> > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@.. .>> Re: [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll results> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, 29 June, 2009, 9:00 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Tarakram -> > Thanks for your feedback.. I agree with you that > knowledge is universal in the sense> that it is there for the asking much like a huge > ocean of information that we as > individuals have the choice of diving in as often > as we choose to in order to search> for whatever treasures lie beneath its surface. We > are all teachers in that regard,> because as we learn something and pass that > information forward to someone else.> we become that person's "teacher" if only for a > moment in time. That person, in turn,> has the opportunity to do likewise and again pass > it forward to someone else and > become THEIR teacher > and so on and so forth. A little knowledge can also be a > dangerous thing if the wrong types of people access it, misunderstand its true > worth > and go forward to > either use or teach to others wrongly. This is the chance that all> of us take when we teach something to others. We > can only hope that it reaches > the right people, the ones who will understand its > value and do it justice in return.> > And as much as the knowledge itself should be kept > free, unfortunately the people> who provide those services do not share the same > beliefs. It takes money to run a > website and as much as we would love to continue to > give it out for free, the costs> for maintaining the website also continues This is > what Krushnaji was referring to.> He feels that in spite of the fact that this > knowledge has been going out free of charge> all these years, SOMEONE (meaning me) has been > paying the tab for the rest of> the group and he doesn't think it's fair, that's > all. As far as he's concerned, as well as > Anup and Ash, it becomes a matter of balance and > principle. > > As an analogy, if > everytime you went out to dinner and you paid the check, after a > while,> everyone would just assume that you were going to > pay the check from that point on. They> would just take it for granted and no longer think > about it when they went out to dinner with> you. If you suddenly > then decided to let someone else pay the check for a while, would that > > make you the > bad guy? If you asked the people that were dining with you to please > pay> a little each towards the bill out of respect and > fairness, would that all of a sudden make you > cheap? The point here is that we've been doing things a certain way for quite a few > years now > and everyone just > assumes that it pays for itself as we go along and too much has been taken > > for granted. That's > why it was very interesting to see what the > results of this poll were. ;))> > Donna> > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Donna ji, and Group.> > Sorry for interfering in > this matter,> > How many of us know Lebniz? How many of us know how > he changed our everyday lives? How many of us know the technology we are > using and the comfort and luxury from technology is just due to him. > Does this mean that we are insulting him or the knowledge?> > In the > Economic sense, every one has their own priorities, joining in the group > mainly because of analyzing their own chart. And they might not get > enough time to learn KAS. So they might discontinued from KAS > learning.> > Tucker a professor at Princeton Univ, he had many > students infact hundreds or more than a thousand, but how many of them > advanced knowledge of Maths?? Its only John Nash, who made significant > contributions to Maths and Economics, why not the > others?> > Knowledge is different from money, knowledge doesn't come > free, it itself needs lot of effort to gain knowledge.> > KAS is of > our interest (I hope so), its not this group who invented that, its the > effort of many people and we are enjoying it, teaching should never be > charged, let this be free.> > Knowledge will flourish if it is free > of restrictions, around 30-40 people voted so for, so KAS got more > number of followers to Tucker, so more chance for > advancement.> > Let KAS flourish, please dont interefere the money > into it. > > Tarakaram.G.> > --- On Mon, 29/6/09, DQuinn12 > <DQuinn12@optonline . net> wrote:> > > > DQuinn12 <DQuinn12@optonline . net>> > [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Blessings, gratitude and poll > results> > astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Monday, 29 > June, 2009, 8:21 AM> > > > > > Dear Krushnaji, Ash, Anup and Group > -> > I would like to say something here in > regard to blessings and gratitude. > > First of all, I am grateful > to the very few of you who took the time out of > your lives to simply click a button and make a choice on this poll that > Anup> had created. I also am grateful to Anup > for even thinking about doing this in> the first place. It > truly has served its purpose in more ways than just the > main point > at issue here. For instance it has shown us how truly small this list > really is. It is > sad indeed when out of 1500+ members, only a handful could take the > time > to give their opinion. It shows us how > truly few of you out there are even > paying attention > at all, much less doing anything about > it.> > Therefore, I can really understand > Krushnaji's point about the fact that if you just> GIVE this > information away for free like we've been doing for all these years, > people> as a whole do not really appreciate this > gift because in their minds, it has to be> worth as much as they paid for it. It's a > sad fact of human nature today, that if we > > give it away for free, then for some > reason, it HAS to be worthless There are only a small > handful of > people on this list who have managed to > take the torch and run with it, knowing what > a rare gift of knowledge they've been handed with no strings > attached other than the > sincere desire to learn. The poll > that was just run reflects this point > quite well indeed.> It also shows that true knowledge is like > water that finds its own level. It will only flow to > those> people who truly seek to learn > it. As for the others, this stuff just won't make > any sense which is> how it should be. > > When we first started this list, > Krushnaji's only concern was how to get the system out there so > that it wouldn't get buried with no > one else to pass the knowledge onto. > His "blessings" became > not only me, but Ash, Manu, Anup and > many others along the way, who have > contributed their talents > and their time in order to > make this list and this system > work. Krushnaji was our 'blessing' and we > became his. It became all about sharing and giving of ourselves with deliberate intent > in > order to make something succeed > We've MORE than accomplished this task over the years> and for that I am grateful. We still have > so much more to learn about this system > which still hasn't been > fully revealed in its entirety as of yet. > > > For now, things will remain "free" on my > website, so please enjoy the basic KAS lessons and download > things to your heart's content if you > haven't done so already. But in the very near future, please be aware > that things are going to change > in such a way as to reflect the true > worth of the knowledge > that you are so graciously being handed for free right now and by > doing so, it will weed out those > of > you who sincerely have a desire to > learn and advance in this system as opposed to those of you who have > no reason to even be here in the first > place.> > Thanks for listening -> Donna> > > > > > > > > > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for local information? Find it on Local http://in.local. />


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