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Rahu & Ketu - Enigma - Solved by KAS

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Dear Group,


Rahu and Ketu are a sort of

enigma and a lot of people get confused to understand how these graha’s will manifest in ones life. There is a lot of mythology around it. Some people dread these 2 grahas.


Now the big questions beacons on

How would the results of Rahu and Ketu manifest in a chart of a native.


KAS gives us a clear

understanding of the same.


There are two different contexts

that we judge Ra and Ke on in KAS. One is the Quality and other is for

Timing of Event.


Now, in standard VA, I think

everyone must have heard that Ra with Mo afflicts moon. Ra with Guru causes a chandal yog. Ra with Mangal

makes Mangal more eccentric and so on and so

forth. Now these are judged for

Quality of Planet and how Ra and Ke affect them.


Now on the same note, you will

NEVER find any yog in ANY book which says that if a

planet is with Ra or Ke then it SPOILS RA OR KE.


This means that Ra and Ke might change the quality of a planet but its not the



This also means and clearly

denotes that there can be no SAV for Ra and Ketu. Anyone who considers the SAV of Ra and Ke, have not understood the basic meaning of SAV.


Now, all the above discussion is

on how Ra and Ke change the quality of a planet and

that all has to do with QUALITY and NOT TIMING OF EVENT.


Again, I have said this in the

past and I am re-iterating this point again is that Quality and Timing of Event

are 2 different and distinct topics.


Now, that we have addressed

Quality, we shall talk on TIMING OF EVENTS and how Ra and Ke

shall act.



How does one consider Rahu and Ketu?


At the outset I would first

request people to refer to Visual 1 on Donna’s

website to get a good understanding.






Rahu and Ketu are shadowy grahas and they are not physical planets like Su, Mo, Ma,

Me, Ju, Ve and Sa.


Therefore Rahu and Ketu

REPRESENT the Sign lord and Nakshatra lord.


The next logical question that

comes to mind then does Ra and Ke represent both

lords 50%/50%?


The answer to that is NO, NOT



That will VARY from Chart to

Chart and it will depend on the Sarvashtakavarga of SAV chart.


You can refer to Visual One to

get a good understanding of the same.


Let us Assume that Rahu is in

the sign of Guru and Nakshatra of Venus.

So as per the law of KAS it will REPRESENT the sign lord which is

Jupiter and the nakshatra lord who is Venus.


Now lets take Native A and in

his chart, in Sagittarius sign (sign of guru and nak

of Ve) Guru has 6 bindus and Venus has 3 bindus. In this case, Rahu will REPRESENT GURU

MORE and Venus LESS and to be EXACT in the Ratio of 6:3 or it will be 67% like

Jupiter and 33% like Venus.


However it is possible that in

Native B’s chart, in Sag (sign of Guru and nak

of Ve), due to particular planetary positions, Venus now might have 6 bindus and Guru

might have 3 bindus. So for Native

B, Ra will represent Venus more than Guru and it will represent Venus 67% and

Guru 33%.


So, this will change from chart

to chart. Now, what happens if both

Guru and Venus say have 5 bindus each ?

In that case, it will represent each planet 50%.


The total result of How Ra or Ke will will depend on the power

of the planet in the Worksheet row 17.

So say if Ra represents Guru more, then it will ACT as per the Power of

Guru in the WS.


We also have a law that Ra and Ke if they are placed in House D or E will become very

eager to deliver the event. In most

cases Ra and Ke represent 2 or 3 planets and those 2

or 3 planets are LoD or LoE for some other houses as well. So in that case, they will also become

eager to give the result of those house.

So the periods of Ra and Ke can become quite challenging



This no system gives in numerical format and KAS gives that. So it becomes easy to decode on how Ra

and Ke will give results in their antra.


Ra and Ke

when placed in the House also become KARAK (as they represent the sign lord)

for some house as well. Let

us assume Ra is placed in 2nd house. Therefore Ra will become KARAK for 7th

house as it is in KARAK sthan for 7th as B. Ra will be in House D for 5th

and House E for 9th as well.

So it will be eager to give the timing of 5th and 9th

and it will also become KARAK for 7th house. Yes, here Ra will also represent the nakshatra

lord and that too must be factored in.




So, in KAS, we study Ra and Ke from ALL 8 angles.



Next question that people ask,

what about Samdharmi? Does Ra and Ke become samdharmi to the planets they conjoin or if they are

in the same sign or nakshatra in Rasi?



The answer to that is NO. Ra and Ke do

not become samdharmi to the planets they conjoin in RASI.


However, they DO BECOME

SAMDHARMI to the planet they CONJOIN IN NAVAMSA and to the Navamsa depositer.

These laws are from the lessons for Navamsa.


So let us assume that Ra

conjoins Mercury and Moon and Guru in Rasi and in Navamsa Ra is with Sa in the navamsa

of Scorpio.


So here Ra will represent the

sign and nakshatra lord just as explained above and here I am using the word REPRESENTS

and then Ra will be Samdharmi to Shani and Mangal

(navamsa depositor of mars) in navamsa.


So as far as timing of event

goes, Ra will represent the sign and nakshatra lord, and in some case, let us

assume that sa or ma aspects ABC house then Sa or Ma

cannot give the result, so in that case Ra being samdharmi to Sa or Ma can step

in for them.


But please be very clear, that

Ra will NOT BECOME SAMDHARMI TO MO, ME when they conjoin in Rasi.


This law has been mixed up in

the vedic texts that are there as this distinction

has not been made clear or it has got mixed up over due course of centuries or millennia. This has been kept in tact in KAS and

has clarified this law for all.


Therefore, for a person who

follows KAS and gets the power of planets for all 12 house using the Worksheet

(KAS program), for them it becomes very clear on who Ra and Ke

will represent and how they will manifest for all 12 house of the chart. Who Ra and Ke

will become samdharmi to and for which planets they can step in and furnish the

timing of event.


Rahu and Ketu at times might

represent 3 planets even i.e. in some case if the nakshatra is Ketu or Rahu and

they represent 2 other planets.

Please refer to Visual one as given above for further clarification.


As per KAS, Ra and Ke have 2nd, 5th, 9th and

7th aspect. For Timing

of Event these aspects are Not used.

They are used for quality.


Some schools do not consider any

aspect of Ra or Ke and some consider 5, 7 and 9th

aspect only. There is a lot of mystery

around these facts as to whether to consider the aspects of Ra or Ke.


KAS addresses these issue as

well, if one studies the laws in depth.


For Timing of Event, we do not consider

any aspect. So on one had those who

say that Ra and Ke’s aspect are not taken then

yes, for Timing of Event DIRECTLY they are NOT considered. However, for QUALITY they are.


If Ra aspects Moon or Conjoins

Moon it AFFLICTS moon. What that

means is that here one took the fact that Ra conjoined Moon or ASPECTED IT and

here it also means we consider both Rasi and Navamsa.


So, if a persons mind is spoilt


then such a person might be a “chand mara” or a person with some mentally challenged

individual or some problem with his or her mind or a person might get fits / epilepsy

etc etc depending on the severity.


So here, for Quality one does

consider the aspect. Even for Child

birth, there are laws in KAS were we check If Ra and Ma aspect House B for conception

or we say that choosing the time of conception that period must not be

afflicted by Ra and Ma. So for such

things we do check the aspect of Ra along with the other planets.


Also for chart matching we

overlap charts and check if Ra and Sa of Male aspect Ma of female and if Ra and

Sa of Female aspect Ve of male. So again here we take Rahu.


So all such differences that I

have seen so many Jyotish argue about endlessly are all ADDRESSED and with clarity

in KAS and those using KAS automatically are using all these things and might

be oblivious to such facts.


Without KAS, I can imagine how

complex it might become for those following VA to decipher what results will Ra

and Ke give in their antra or MD.


This mail has already become big

but I hope it goes a long way to bring light to those who are perpetually struggling

with the understanding on how Ra and Ke will act.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


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Dear Ashji:Thank you for taking time in explaining all the complexities. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.Sincerely,Vijay--- On Sun, 7/19/09, Ash's Corner <kas wrote:Ash's Corner <kas Rahu & Ketu - Enigma - Solved by KAS Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 4:57 AM





Dear Group, Rahu and Ketu are a sort of

enigma and a lot of people get confused to understand how these graha’s will manifest in ones life. There is a lot of mythology around it. Some people dread these 2 grahas. Now the big questions beacons on

How would the results of Rahu and Ketu manifest in a chart of a native. KAS gives us a clear

understanding of the same. There are two different contexts

that we judge Ra and Ke on in KAS. One is the Quality and other is for

Timing of Event. Now, in standard VA, I think

everyone must have heard that Ra with Mo afflicts moon. Ra with Guru causes a chandal yog. Ra with Mangal

makes Mangal more eccentric and so on and so

forth. Now these are judged for

Quality of Planet and how Ra and Ke affect them. Now on the same note, you will

NEVER find any yog in ANY book which says that if a

planet is with Ra or Ke then it SPOILS RA OR KE. This means that Ra and Ke might change the quality of a planet but its not the

reverse. This also means and clearly

denotes that there can be no SAV for Ra and Ketu. Anyone who considers the SAV of Ra and Ke, have not understood the basic meaning of SAV. Now, all the above discussion is

on how Ra and Ke change the quality of a planet and

that all has to do with QUALITY and NOT TIMING OF EVENT. Again, I have said this in the

past and I am re-iterating this point again is that Quality and Timing of Event

are 2 different and distinct topics. Now, that we have addressed

Quality, we shall talk on TIMING OF EVENTS and how Ra and Ke

shall act. How does one consider Rahu and Ketu? At the outset I would first

request people to refer to Visual 1 on Donna’s

website to get a good understanding.

http://krushna. sageasita. com/kas_visuals. htm#VISUAL% 20ONE Rahu and Ketu are shadowy grahas and they are not physical planets like Su, Mo, Ma,

Me, Ju, Ve and Sa. Therefore Rahu and Ketu

REPRESENT the Sign lord and Nakshatra lord. The next logical question that

comes to mind then does Ra and Ke represent both

lords 50%/50%? The answer to that is NO, NOT

NECESSARILY. That will VARY from Chart to

Chart and it will depend on the Sarvashtakavarga of SAV chart. You can refer to Visual One to

get a good understanding of the same. Let us Assume that Rahu is in

the sign of Guru and Nakshatra of Venus.

So as per the law of KAS it will REPRESENT the sign lord which is

Jupiter and the nakshatra lord who is Venus. Now lets take Native A and in

his chart, in Sagittarius sign (sign of guru and nak

of Ve) Guru has 6 bindus and Venus has 3 bindus. In this case, Rahu will REPRESENT GURU

MORE and Venus LESS and to be EXACT in the Ratio of 6:3 or it will be 67% like

Jupiter and 33% like Venus. However it is possible that in

Native B’s chart, in Sag (sign of Guru and nak

of Ve), due to particular planetary positions, Venus now might have 6 bindus and Guru

might have 3 bindus. So for Native

B, Ra will represent Venus more than Guru and it will represent Venus 67% and

Guru 33%. So, this will change from chart

to chart. Now, what happens if both

Guru and Venus say have 5 bindus each ?

In that case, it will represent each planet 50%. The total result of How Ra or Ke will will depend on the power

of the planet in the Worksheet row 17.

So say if Ra represents Guru more, then it will ACT as per the Power of

Guru in the WS. We also have a law that Ra and Ke if they are placed in House D or E will become very

eager to deliver the event. In most

cases Ra and Ke represent 2 or 3 planets and those 2

or 3 planets are LoD or LoE for some other houses as well. So in that case, they will also become

eager to give the result of those house.

So the periods of Ra and Ke can become quite challenging



This no system gives in numerical format and KAS gives that. So it becomes easy to decode on how Ra

and Ke will give results in their antra. Ra and Ke

when placed in the House also become KARAK (as they represent the sign lord)

for some house as well. Let

us assume Ra is placed in 2nd house. Therefore Ra will become KARAK for 7th

house as it is in KARAK sthan for 7th as B. Ra will be in House D for 5th

and House E for 9th as well.

So it will be eager to give the timing of 5th and 9th

and it will also become KARAK for 7th house. Yes, here Ra will also represent the nakshatra

lord and that too must be factored in.

So, in KAS, we study Ra and Ke from ALL 8 angles. Next question that people ask,

what about Samdharmi? Does Ra and Ke become samdharmi to the planets they conjoin or if they are

in the same sign or nakshatra in Rasi?

The answer to that is NO. Ra and Ke do

not become samdharmi to the planets they conjoin in RASI. However, they DO BECOME

SAMDHARMI to the planet they CONJOIN IN NAVAMSA and to the Navamsa depositer.

These laws are from the lessons for Navamsa. So let us assume that Ra

conjoins Mercury and Moon and Guru in Rasi and in Navamsa Ra is with Sa in the navamsa

of Scorpio. So here Ra will represent the

sign and nakshatra lord just as explained above and here I am using the word REPRESENTS

and then Ra will be Samdharmi to Shani and Mangal

(navamsa depositor of mars) in navamsa. So as far as timing of event

goes, Ra will represent the sign and nakshatra lord, and in some case, let us

assume that sa or ma aspects ABC house then Sa or Ma

cannot give the result, so in that case Ra being samdharmi to Sa or Ma can step

in for them. But please be very clear, that

Ra will NOT BECOME SAMDHARMI TO MO, ME when they conjoin in Rasi. This law has been mixed up in

the vedic texts that are there as this distinction

has not been made clear or it has got mixed up over due course of centuries or millennia. This has been kept in tact in KAS and

has clarified this law for all. Therefore, for a person who

follows KAS and gets the power of planets for all 12 house using the Worksheet

(KAS program), for them it becomes very clear on who Ra and Ke

will represent and how they will manifest for all 12 house of the chart. Who Ra and Ke

will become samdharmi to and for which planets they can step in and furnish the

timing of event. Rahu and Ketu at times might

represent 3 planets even i.e. in some case if the nakshatra is Ketu or Rahu and

they represent 2 other planets.

Please refer to Visual one as given above for further clarification. As per KAS, Ra and Ke have 2nd, 5th, 9th and

7th aspect. For Timing

of Event these aspects are Not used.

They are used for quality. Some schools do not consider any

aspect of Ra or Ke and some consider 5, 7 and 9th

aspect only. There is a lot of mystery

around these facts as to whether to consider the aspects of Ra or Ke. KAS addresses these issue as

well, if one studies the laws in depth. For Timing of Event, we do not consider

any aspect. So on one had those who

say that Ra and Ke’s aspect are not taken then

yes, for Timing of Event DIRECTLY they are NOT considered. However, for QUALITY they are. If Ra aspects Moon or Conjoins

Moon it AFFLICTS moon. What that

means is that here one took the fact that Ra conjoined Moon or ASPECTED IT and

here it also means we consider both Rasi and Navamsa. So, if a persons mind is spoilt


then such a person might be a “chand mara†or a person with some mentally challenged

individual or some problem with his or her mind or a person might get fits / epilepsy

etc etc depending on the severity. So here, for Quality one does

consider the aspect. Even for Child

birth, there are laws in KAS were we check If Ra and Ma aspect House B for conception

or we say that choosing the time of conception that period must not be

afflicted by Ra and Ma. So for such

things we do check the aspect of Ra along with the other planets. Also for chart matching we

overlap charts and check if Ra and Sa of Male aspect Ma of female and if Ra and

Sa of Female aspect Ve of male. So again here we take Rahu. So all such differences that I

have seen so many Jyotish argue about endlessly are all ADDRESSED and with clarity

in KAS and those using KAS automatically are using all these things and might

be oblivious to such facts. Without KAS, I can imagine how

complex it might become for those following VA to decipher what results will Ra

and Ke give in their antra or MD. This mail has already become big

but I hope it goes a long way to bring light to those who are perpetually struggling

with the understanding on how Ra and Ke will act. Hope that helps, Cheers !!! Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca

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Ash, You are really good.

Thanks & Regards,

Raj --- On Sun, 7/19/09, Ash's Corner <kas wrote:

Ash's Corner <kas Rahu & Ketu - Enigma - Solved by KAS Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 10:27 AM



Dear Group,


Rahu and Ketu are a sort of enigma and a lot of people get confused to understand how these graha’s will manifest in ones life. There is a lot of mythology around it. Some people dread these 2 grahas.


Now the big questions beacons on How would the results of Rahu and Ketu manifest in a chart of a native.


KAS gives us a clear understanding of the same.


There are two different contexts that we judge Ra and Ke on in KAS. One is the Quality and other is for Timing of Event.


Now, in standard VA, I think everyone must have heard that Ra with Mo afflicts moon. Ra with Guru causes a chandal yog. Ra with Mangal makes Mangal more eccentric and so on and so forth. Now these are judged for Quality of Planet and how Ra and Ke affect them.


Now on the same note, you will NEVER find any yog in ANY book which says that if a planet is with Ra or Ke then it SPOILS RA OR KE.


This means that Ra and Ke might change the quality of a planet but its not the reverse.


This also means and clearly denotes that there can be no SAV for Ra and Ketu. Anyone who considers the SAV of Ra and Ke, have not understood the basic meaning of SAV.


Now, all the above discussion is on how Ra and Ke change the quality of a planet and that all has to do with QUALITY and NOT TIMING OF EVENT.


Again, I have said this in the past and I am re-iterating this point again is that Quality and Timing of Event are 2 different and distinct topics.


Now, that we have addressed Quality, we shall talk on TIMING OF EVENTS and how Ra and Ke shall act.



How does one consider Rahu and Ketu?


At the outset I would first request people to refer to Visual 1 on Donna’s website to get a good understanding.


http://krushna. sageasita. com/kas_visuals. htm#VISUAL% 20ONE



Rahu and Ketu are shadowy grahas and they are not physical planets like Su, Mo, Ma, Me, Ju, Ve and Sa.


Therefore Rahu and Ketu REPRESENT the Sign lord and Nakshatra lord.


The next logical question that comes to mind then does Ra and Ke represent both lords 50%/50%?


The answer to that is NO, NOT NECESSARILY.


That will VARY from Chart to Chart and it will depend on the Sarvashtakavarga of SAV chart.


You can refer to Visual One to get a good understanding of the same.


Let us Assume that Rahu is in the sign of Guru and Nakshatra of Venus. So as per the law of KAS it will REPRESENT the sign lord which is Jupiter and the nakshatra lord who is Venus.


Now lets take Native A and in his chart, in Sagittarius sign (sign of guru and nak of Ve) Guru has 6 bindus and Venus has 3 bindus. In this case, Rahu will REPRESENT GURU MORE and Venus LESS and to be EXACT in the Ratio of 6:3 or it will be 67% like Jupiter and 33% like Venus.


However it is possible that in Native B’s chart, in Sag (sign of Guru and nak of Ve), due to particular planetary positions, Venus now might have 6 bindus and Guru might have 3 bindus. So for Native B, Ra will represent Venus more than Guru and it will represent Venus 67% and Guru 33%.


So, this will change from chart to chart. Now, what happens if both Guru and Venus say have 5 bindus each ? In that case, it will represent each planet 50%.


The total result of How Ra or Ke will will depend on the power of the planet in the Worksheet row 17. So say if Ra represents Guru more, then it will ACT as per the Power of Guru in the WS.


We also have a law that Ra and Ke if they are placed in House D or E will become very eager to deliver the event. In most cases Ra and Ke represent 2 or 3 planets and those 2 or 3 planets are LoD or LoE for some other houses as well. So in that case, they will also become eager to give the result of those house. So the periods of Ra and Ke can become quite challenging to decipher IF AND I REPEATE IF ONE DOES NOT HAVE THE WS AND THE POWER OF THE PLANET IT REPRESENTS IN ALL 12 HOUSE. This no system gives in numerical format and KAS gives that. So it becomes easy to decode on how Ra and Ke will give results in their antra.


Ra and Ke when placed in the House also become KARAK (as they represent the sign lord) for some house as well. Let us assume Ra is placed in 2nd house. Therefore Ra will become KARAK for 7th house as it is in KARAK sthan for 7th as B. Ra will be in House D for 5th and House E for 9th as well. So it will be eager to give the timing of 5th and 9th and it will also become KARAK for 7th house. Yes, here Ra will also represent the nakshatra lord and that too must be factored in.



So, in KAS, we study Ra and Ke from ALL 8 angles.



Next question that people ask, what about Samdharmi? Does Ra and Ke become samdharmi to the planets they conjoin or if they are in the same sign or nakshatra in Rasi?


The answer to that is NO. Ra and Ke do not become samdharmi to the planets they conjoin in RASI.


However, they DO BECOME SAMDHARMI to the planet they CONJOIN IN NAVAMSA and to the Navamsa depositer. These laws are from the lessons for Navamsa.


So let us assume that Ra conjoins Mercury and Moon and Guru in Rasi and in Navamsa Ra is with Sa in the navamsa of Scorpio.


So here Ra will represent the sign and nakshatra lord just as explained above and here I am using the word REPRESENTS and then Ra will be Samdharmi to Shani and Mangal (navamsa depositor of mars) in navamsa.


So as far as timing of event goes, Ra will represent the sign and nakshatra lord, and in some case, let us assume that sa or ma aspects ABC house then Sa or Ma cannot give the result, so in that case Ra being samdharmi to Sa or Ma can step in for them.


But please be very clear, that Ra will NOT BECOME SAMDHARMI TO MO, ME when they conjoin in Rasi.


This law has been mixed up in the vedic texts that are there as this distinction has not been made clear or it has got mixed up over due course of centuries or millennia. This has been kept in tact in KAS and has clarified this law for all.


Therefore, for a person who follows KAS and gets the power of planets for all 12 house using the Worksheet (KAS program), for them it becomes very clear on who Ra and Ke will represent and how they will manifest for all 12 house of the chart. Who Ra and Ke will become samdharmi to and for which planets they can step in and furnish the timing of event.


Rahu and Ketu at times might represent 3 planets even i.e. in some case if the nakshatra is Ketu or Rahu and they represent 2 other planets. Please refer to Visual one as given above for further clarification.


As per KAS, Ra and Ke have 2nd, 5th, 9th and 7th aspect. For Timing of Event these aspects are Not used. They are used for quality.


Some schools do not consider any aspect of Ra or Ke and some consider 5, 7 and 9th aspect only. There is a lot of mystery around these facts as to whether to consider the aspects of Ra or Ke.


KAS addresses these issue as well, if one studies the laws in depth.


For Timing of Event, we do not consider any aspect. So on one had those who say that Ra and Ke’s aspect are not taken then yes, for Timing of Event DIRECTLY they are NOT considered. However, for QUALITY they are.


If Ra aspects Moon or Conjoins Moon it AFFLICTS moon. What that means is that here one took the fact that Ra conjoined Moon or ASPECTED IT and here it also means we consider both Rasi and Navamsa.


So, if a persons mind is spoilt or afflicted very bad AND IF OTHER LAWS EXISIT TO POINT SOME MENTAL CONDITION then such a person might be a “chand mara†or a person with some mentally challenged individual or some problem with his or her mind or a person might get fits / epilepsy etc etc depending on the severity.


So here, for Quality one does consider the aspect. Even for Child birth, there are laws in KAS were we check If Ra and Ma aspect House B for conception or we say that choosing the time of conception that period must not be afflicted by Ra and Ma. So for such things we do check the aspect of Ra along with the other planets.


Also for chart matching we overlap charts and check if Ra and Sa of Male aspect Ma of female and if Ra and Sa of Female aspect Ve of male. So again here we take Rahu.


So all such differences that I have seen so many Jyotish argue about endlessly are all ADDRESSED and with clarity in KAS and those using KAS automatically are using all these things and might be oblivious to such facts.


Without KAS, I can imagine how complex it might become for those following VA to decipher what results will Ra and Ke give in their antra or MD.


This mail has already become big but I hope it goes a long way to bring light to those who are perpetually struggling with the understanding on how Ra and Ke will act.


Hope that helps,

Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca


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