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effects n results when 8th lord placed in 8th house

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Dear Jagmeet ji

and Group,


Dear Jagmeet ji,

thank you for calling me and pointing this out to me. As requested, I am posting this mail in

KAS group.


Dear Group, 8th lord in 8th house,

verse was quoted from MeenaRaja Hora

Book and also BPHS.


In this mail, how this is approached by KAS and with our laws

and upchay theory.


When we use KAS, all these things are used unknowingly and in

great detail.


The more one delves into the detail of KAS and KAS theory,

many such laws that are given in Classic texts can be solved.


Hope this helps the KAS Enthusiasts.



Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca





Ash's Corner [kas]

Wednesday August 5, 2009

12:45 AM


' '


Re: effects n results when 8th lord placed in 8th





Dear Group,


8th house is the KARAK sthan for 1st

house. Natural 8th lord

is Mars. Lord of Scorpio in

Kalpurush chart. Therefore the

status of 8th house will have its say on the 1st house

which is Lagna.


8th house is 6th house from 3rd

and 10th from 11th house. It is 11th from 10th

and 3rd from 6th.

Therefore its upchay from these house and it will help grow the

significance of these house. That

is the basic definition of upchay sthan.


Now, As per the text given by Sreenadh ji Meenaraja Hora says

that the native will be business man.

It is quite logical to derive that a person with a strong individuality

needs his space and freedom to make his own decisions. Doing a job, where in he might not get

full freedom, might eventually quite and might want to do his own or “business”.


Regarding hard working, 8th house is upchay for 3rd

house. 3rd house is that

of parakram. It is also 11th

from 10th house which is the house of success of authority (11th

from 10th).


Now, if say 8th house is Libra or Aries, then Ve or

Ma in own house would also rule the 3rd house. Therefore the 3rd lord would

also be placed in 8th house, therefore Mool karak for Lagna is in 8th

house of individuality as well. If

8th house is Pisces or Virgo, and that would also make 5th

house lord same. Therefore 5th

lord would come in 8th house and 5th house is a Trine

therefore it is upchay for 12th house and also eager for 8th

house matters being upchay. Like

that you can study for each lagna.


Meenaraja Hora also says that the native will be

handsome. 8th house is

Karak for 1st and a person with a powerful Mangal (natural 8th

lord) and also 1st lord or Functional 8th lord in the 8th

house will make a person handsome or with a good personality.


Regarding Spend thrift, I would like to say that any planet

in 8th house will have its aspect on 2nd house for

sure. A planet in own house will

have its aspect with equal power but with a malefic drisit on 7th. Guru, Mangal and Shani will have 3 more

aspects. However, all planets will

have a 7th aspect and that will be malefic. Therefore it will not give the result of

2nd house i.e. accumulation of wealth. However, 8th house is upchay

for 11th, so it will give income or it will increase the

significance of 11th house as its 10th house from 11th

or powerful upchay. So if a person

is getting income but is not accumulating wealth, then he might be spending it J, making him a

spend thrift. He also talks of a

FAMILY of spend thrifts, again 2nd

house is that of kutumb as well.

Here again this is general, and exception would be if Sa rules 7th

and 8th house or if the same planet rules 11th and 2nd

etc etc.


That said, the above is a VERY GENERAL approach and it

corroborate what Meenaraja Hora states.


Regarding Parasara’s commentary, he talks of one becoming

a Thief, so maybe a person with weak 8th house might have a weak

character, and at the same time its eager to give parakram and also income, so

maybe that might lead to cheating others taking the NON HARD WORKING ROUTE and

try to make quick income and using his parakram by cheating others. So again upchay of 3rd, 11th

and weak individuality comes into play.

Applying Psychology here.


A weak 8th house (many planets weak for 8th

house as per ashtakvarg) will increase longevity as strong planets can give

death. Therefore if you FOCUS on 8th

house as being weak and many planets being weak for 8th house

results, then what Parasara is saying is more in line??



My 2 cents.


Cheers !!!







On Behalf Of Sreenadh

Tuesday August 4, 2009 4:33





Re: effects n results when 8th lord placed in 8th








Dear All,

This is a good subject for discussion. Going by the classics -

1) As per Meenaraja Hora

Nithanapatau nidhanagate vyavasayi vyadhi varjito neeruk

Kitava kalakalita vapuH kitavakule jayate manujaH

(Meenaraja Hora)

[if 8th lord is placed in 8th house itself then, he would be a businessman (or

hard working?), healthy, peaceful individual and will have a handsome body. But

he he would also be a spend thrift who took birth in a family of spend thrifts]

8th is the house of survival (up ajeevana - the essential earning

for bread and butter). Thus clearly 8th lord in 8th house makes the it an

important house and imparts the self same character to the native - i.e. it

makes him a hardworking individual. Health, peace of mind, good body etc

all follows that.


2) As per Parasara

Ashtamese ashtamaste tu deerkhayushmanjanjase bhavet

Balaheene tu madhyayuH stenascha gurunindakaH

(Parasara Hora)

[if 8th lord is placed in 8th house then the native will have good longevity.

But if that 8th lord in 8th is weak (due to combustion etc) then the nat ive

will only have moderate longevity. Further if 8th lord in 8th house is weak

then, the native may become a thief or one who blames his guru]

8th lord in 8th amplifying the significance of 8th house is natural -

that is why the statement, 8th lord in 8th will increase longevity. But

it should also be noted that hard work and suffering are also signified by 8th

house - 8th lord in 8th house increases hard work and suffering as well

along with longevity.

Further result derivations following the same track of interpretation

would be much informative. It will also interesting to learn to identify

- suicide, accident death, and murder - based on the strength of 8th house and

8th lord. I invite further discussion on these.

Love and regards,










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