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why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?

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Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members


In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many principles

of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some questions.These are

basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.


why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in

Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a scientist

ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?

why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of

Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?


with best wishes



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Dear Hussein ji,



Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.


If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here guruji's

mail where you can find the further answers.




"Dear Students,


We have studied Karak and Root Karak of all the houses. The result giving capacity of any planet/house depends upon the status of karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of Karak. This portion we will study later.

Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

Sun is karak for authority to the individual (10th house) hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .

Mars represents Fire, action, Daring, and all these are connected to 10th house (Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in Makar.

Jupiter is lord of 9th house, which denotes Purva sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of all these is that the person should be get good family happiness, and house of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th house (Cancer).

Venus which gives all types of pleasure, and 12th house denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th house (Meena)

Mercury denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra Pujyate. Sixth house denotes the social status of the person So Mercury is treated as Uccha in Virgo.

Now Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also denotes Success. It is a saying that behind every successful man there is woman. Astrologically we can say Deep roots of the success of every successful man are in 7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha in 7th house (Libra) .


Now we have already studied that the opposite sign is enemy house so opposite signs of uccha are known as neecch stan.


The effect of the sign of the planet is only on the quantity and the quantity of the result. For Finding the timing event Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we have to find the date of marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will be the marriage life. It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation or otherwise.

Now considering the natural chart above we say Planets are Uccha in those particular signs. The same houses gives functional Uccha house for the planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th, Saturn in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes same way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad.

Venus and Jupiter are karak for each other. So when they are situated in one house (Sign) gives much better result. In 2nd house makes the person to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have faith in God, and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man (Brahmin)

Krushna 16th Oct 2008.








--- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein <ahahosien wrote:

Hussein <ahahosien why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley? Date: Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM

Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and membersIn these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?with best wishesHussein

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Dear Hussein ji,



This we can judge from kalpursha chart and why one is given priority to others.

We have to grasp the basic theory behind every planet before we understand

why such and such planets been assigned lordship from first to twelfth house.


Why Mars is lord of aries?


Mars stands for vital force and energy in a human life. As first house represented

by MARS as ruler for sign aries this ascendant is pivotal point in a horoscope

stands for ‘PURUSHA’ (in kal pursha chart) which is to represent the energy and

begining life force in a human being..When first house represents PURUSHA SHAKTI or vital force and 7th house stands for PRAKRITI and is for dissipation of same energy



As Mars being 1st house lord in kaalpurusha horoscope and is exalted in 10th house

the house of our actions and activities in life, of profession and status (karma kshetra).

from 10th house of Capricorn mars aspects Jupiter which is exalted in 4th house cancer sign and Jupiter in kaalpurusha horoscope is lord of 9th house the house of dharma .



Thus mars aspecting Jupiter the dharmadhipati gives us a clue that life’s actions

are worth if these are the righteous ones and well intentioned. Further from 10th house mars aspects 1st house aries giving man the zest ,desire and force to perform his

actions in life.

Furthermore mars placed in 10th house in Capricorn aspects 5th house indicating that knowledge and wisdom have to be there in every action to make it a worth while effort.

The 5th is house of purva punya or sanchit karmas of previous birth and our actions of

this birth have to do a lot with that of our previous birth as this time we will have to

pay the balance account of our past karmas through our actions.


All these factors make mars an extremely vital planet in human life span as it will

decide the course of present life and the quality and content of our actions.


Therefore it can be rightly surmised that strength of mars has to be watched carefully

in the horoscope to make judgements about a person in totality of his/her actions.


First of all mars if well placed and well aspected in a horoscope gives the native the genuine energy and drive and passion to do something in life which is accentuated further

if mars is also linked with the lagna,lagna lord and moon, or moon sign lord which form

the base of any horoscope.



Mars linked positively with these prime factors can give a native much of inner vitality

and force an personalized effort to rise in life.The stronger and benefic position of mars

in a horoscope the finer the life’s activities will be and status shall be improved considerably .


Thus we can conclude,well disposed mars pulls wishes and ambitions to it’s apogee, where as an ill disposed mars can make one a criminal too.


For rest of the planets we can also go deep to learn their relative lordships and

logic.This was something which convinced me for Mars and makes sense.













--- On Thu, 29/4/10, Anup.M <dalh_1 wrote:

Anup.M <dalh_1Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley? Date: Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 8:14 PM






Dear Hussein ji,



Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.


If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here guruji's

mail where you can find the further answers.




"Dear Students,


We have studied Karak and Root Karak of all the houses. The result giving capacity of any planet/house depends upon the status of karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of Karak. This portion we will study later.

Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

Sun is karak for authority to the individual (10th house) hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .

Mars represents Fire, action, Daring, and all these are connected to 10th house (Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in Makar.

Jupiter is lord of 9th house, which denotes Purva sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of all these is that the person should be get good family happiness, and house of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th house (Cancer).

Venus which gives all types of pleasure, and 12th house denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th house (Meena)

Mercury denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra Pujyate. Sixth house denotes the social status of the person So Mercury is treated as Uccha in Virgo.

Now Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also denotes Success. It is a saying that behind every successful man there is woman. Astrologically we can say Deep roots of the success of every successful man are in 7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha in 7th house (Libra) .


Now we have already studied that the opposite sign is enemy house so opposite signs of uccha are known as neecch stan.


The effect of the sign of the planet is only on the quantity and the quantity of the result. For Finding the timing event Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we have to find the date of marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will be the marriage life. It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation or otherwise.

Now considering the natural chart above we say Planets are Uccha in those particular signs. The same houses gives functional Uccha house for the planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th, Saturn in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes same way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad.

Venus and Jupiter are karak for each other. So when they are situated in one house (Sign) gives much better result. In 2nd house makes the person to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have faith in God, and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man (Brahmin)

Krushna 16th Oct 2008.








--- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein <ahahosien > wrote:

Hussein <ahahosien >[astrologyandtiming events] why not MIT,Stanford, berkeley?astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.comThursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM

Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and membersIn these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?with best wishesHussein

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Dear Anup ji,


WOW..... Thank you for this EXCELLENT post. 




Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of Anup.M

Thursday April 29, 2010

11:50 AM




why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?












Hussein ji,










we can judge from kalpursha chart and why one is given

priority to others.




have to grasp the basic theory behind every planet before we understand




such and such planets been assigned lordship from first to twelfth








Mars is lord of aries?







stands for vital force and energy in a human life. As first

house represented




MARS as ruler for sign aries this ascendant is pivotal point in a





for ‘PURUSHA’ (in kal pursha chart) which is to represent the energy and




life force in a human being.


When first house represents PURUSHA SHAKTI or vital force and 7th house


for PRAKRITI and is for dissipation of same energy










Mars being 1st house lord in kaalpurusha horoscope and is exalted in 10th





house of our actions and activities in life, of profession and status (karma





10th house of Capricorn mars aspects Jupiter which is exalted in 4th house

cancer sign and Jupiter in kaalpurusha horoscope is lord of 9th house the

house of dharma .










mars aspecting Jupiter the dharmadhipati gives us a clue that life’s





worth if these are the righteous ones and well intentioned. Further from 10th

house mars aspects 1st house aries giving man the zest ,desire and force to

perform his




in life.




Furthermore mars placed in

10th house in Capricorn aspects 5th house indicating that knowledge and

wisdom have to be there in every action to make it a worth while





5th is house of purva punya or sanchit karmas of previous birth and our

actions of




birth have to do a lot with that of our previous birth as this time we will

have to




the balance account of our past karmas through our actions.







All these factors make mars

an extremely vital planet in human life span as it will




the course of present life and the quality and content of our actions.







Therefore it can be rightly

surmised that strength of mars has to be watched carefully




the horoscope to make judgements about a person in totality of his/her actions.







First of all mars if well

placed and well aspected in a horoscope gives the native the genuine energy

and drive and passion to do something in life which is accentuated further




mars is also linked with the lagna,lagna lord and moon, or moon sign lord

which form




base of any horoscope.










linked positively with these prime factors can give a native much of inner





force an personalized effort to rise in life.The stronger and benefic

position of mars




a horoscope the finer the life’s activities will be and status shall be

improved considerably .







we can conclude,well disposed mars pulls wishes and ambitions to it’s apogee,

where as an ill disposed mars can make one a criminal too.







rest of the planets we can also go deep to learn their relative

lordships and




was something which convinced me for Mars and makes sense.









































--- On Thu, 29/4/10, Anup.M <dalh_1





Anup.M <dalh_1

Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?


Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 8:14 PM









Dear Hussein ji,









Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.






If i am not deviating from your origional question let me

paste here guruji's



mail where you can find the further answers.












" Dear Students,






We have

studied Karak and Root Karak of all the houses. The result giving capacity

of any planet/house depends upon the status of karak ,Root Karak and

navmansha lord of Karak. This portion we will study





Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will consider

natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house which

denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house

which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart)

There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.



Sun is

karak for authority to the individual (10th house) hence it is uccha in

lagna (Arises) .




represents Fire, action, Daring, and all these are connected to 10th house

(Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in Makar.



Jupiter is

lord of 9th house, which denotes Purva sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and

Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of all these is that the person should

be get good family happiness, and house of family happiness is 4th house.

So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th house (Cancer).



Venus which

gives all types of pleasure, and 12th house denotes Moksha, which means

pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th house (Meena)




denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra Pujyate. Sixth house denotes the

social status of the person So Mercury is treated as Uccha in Virgo.




Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also denotes Success. It is a

saying that behind every successful man there is woman. Astrologically we

can say Deep roots of the success of every successful man are in

7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha in 7th house

(Libra) .






Now we have

already studied that the opposite sign is enemy house so opposite

signs of uccha are known as neecch stan.






The effect

of the sign of the planet is only on the quantity and the quantity of the

result. For Finding the timing event Directly this function is not

involved. Suppose we have to find the date of marriage, at that time we do

not go in deep how will be the marriage life. It may be happy, or unhappy

or may result in separation or otherwise.






considering the natural chart above we say Planets are Uccha in those

particular signs. The same houses gives functional Uccha house for the

planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same

way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th,

Saturn in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not

good. Yes same way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad.




and Jupiter are karak for each other. So when they are situated in one

house (Sign) gives much better result. In 2nd house makes the person

to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have faith in God,

and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man






Krushna 16th Oct 2008.



























--- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein <ahahosien >





Hussein <ahahosien >

[astrologyandtiming events] why not MIT,Stanford, berkeley?

astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com

Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM





Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members


In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many

principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some

questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.


why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in

Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a

scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?

why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of

Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?


with best wishes


















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Guest guest

Dear Anup jiMy questions are these: Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.Why do we consider Mo as 4th lord in Kalpursha?Why we don't consider say Me as Cancer's lord?Why the nature of Cancer is watery?What is the philosophy of houses ?why Asc is the eastrern point ?Why do we consider Aries as the first sign in Kalpursha,why we don't consider say Taurus as the first sign in Kalpurhsa?Why 8th house of each is is its Karaka?Dear Anup ji,Astrology is very interesting and helpful science,it will be very good to know its roots.Best wishesHussein-------- , "Anup.M" <dalh_1 wrote:>> > Dear Hussein ji,>  >  > Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.>  > If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here guruji's > mail where you can find the further answers.>  >  >  > "Dear Students,>  >         We have studied Karak and Root Karak of all the houses. The result giving capacity of any planet/house depends upon the status of karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of Karak.  This portion we will study later.  >         Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart).  Moon is lord of 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha. >         Sun is karak for authority to the individual (10th house) hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .>         Mars represents Fire, action, Daring, and all these are connected to 10th house (Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in Makar. >         Jupiter is lord of 9th house, which denotes Purva sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of all these is that the person should be get good family happiness, and house of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th house (Cancer). >         Venus which gives all types of pleasure, and 12th house denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th house (Meena) >         Mercury denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra Pujyate. Sixth house denotes the social status of the person So Mercury is treated as Uccha in Virgo.>         Now Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also denotes Success. It is a saying that behind every successful man there is woman. Astrologically we can say Deep roots of the success of every successful man are in 7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha in 7th house (Libra) .>  >         Now we have already studied that the opposite sign is enemy house so opposite signs of uccha are known as neecch stan. >  >         The effect of the sign of the planet is only on the quantity and the quantity of the result. For Finding the timing event Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we have to find the date of marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will be the marriage life. It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation or otherwise. >           >          Now considering the natural chart above we say Planets are Uccha in those particular signs. The same houses gives functional Uccha house for the planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th, Saturn in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes same way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad. >          Venus and Jupiter are karak for each other. So when they are situated in one house (Sign) gives much better result. In 2nd house makes the person to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have faith in God, and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man (Brahmin)  >           > Krushna 16th Oct 2008.>        >  >  > Regards> Anup>  >  >  > > --- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein ahahosien wrote:> > > Hussein ahahosien why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?> > Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM> > >  > > > > > Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members> > In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.> > why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?> why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?> > with best wishes> > Hussein>

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Dear Hussein ji,


Just read my mail.  I

had explained that to you.


10th house is the highest point in the chart so

KARAKATWA IS GIVEN TO SUN and that is 5th house.  So Leo gets lordship of Sun.


After Sun comes Mercury in solar system.  So 11th house KARAKATWA IS GIVEN




house lordship which is Libra gets its lord as Venus.


So like that.  You are

asking the same thing without digesting the email.


Take some time and relax and take a pen and paper and try to

draw what I have told you.  You will get





Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of Hussein

Thursday April 29, 2010 1:30





Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?







Dear Anup



My questions are these:



Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will

consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house

which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house

which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart) There

for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

Why do we consider Mo as 4th

lord in Kalpursha?Why we don't consider say Me as Cancer's lord?Why the nature

of Cancer is watery?


What is the philosophy of houses ?why Asc is the eastrern point ?


Why do we consider Aries as the first sign in Kalpursha,why we don't consider

say Taurus as the first sign in Kalpurhsa?

Why 8th house of each is is its Karaka?


Dear Anup

ji,Astrology is very interesting and helpful science,it will be very good to

know its roots.



Best wishes











, " Anup.M "

<dalh_1 wrote:



> Dear Hussein ji,

> Â

> Â

> Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.

> Â

> If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here


> mail where you can find the further answers.

> Â

> Â

> Â

> " Dear Students,

> Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â We have studied

Karak and Root Karak of all the houses. The result giving capacity of any

planet/house depends upon the status of karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of

Karak.  This portion we will study later. Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Similarly Planets

are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will consider natural chart

(Kal purush chart). Â Moon is lord of 4th house which denotes family

happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house which denotes

family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart) There for Moon in

Taurus is treated as Uccha.

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sun is karak for

authority to the individual (10th house) hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mars represents

Fire, action, Daring, and all these are connected to 10th house (Makar) and

hence Mars is treated as Uccha in Makar.Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Jupiter is lord

of 9th house, which denotes Purva sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj

(forefather) . The main aim of all these is that the person should be get good

family happiness, and house of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is

treated as Uccha in 4th house (Cancer).Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus which gives

all types of pleasure, and 12th house denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So

Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th house (Meena)Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mercury denotes

brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra Pujyate. Sixth house denotes the social status

of the person So Mercury is treated as Uccha in Virgo.

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â NowÂ

Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also denotes Success. It is a

saying that behind every successful man there is woman. Astrologically we can

say Deep roots of the success of every successful man are in 7th

house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha in 7th house (Libra)


> Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Now we have

already studied that the opposite sign is enemy house so opposite signs

of uccha are known as neecch stan.Â

> Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The effect of the

sign of the planet is only on the quantity and the quantity of the result. For

Finding the timing event Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we

have to find the date of marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will

be the marriage life. It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation

or otherwise.Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Now

considering the natural chart above we say Planets are Uccha in those

particular signs. The same houses gives functional Uccha house for the

planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same

way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th, Saturn

in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes same

way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad.Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus and

Jupiter are karak for each other. So when they are situated in one house

(Sign)Â gives much better result. In 2nd house makes the person to respect

Sur and Gur. That means such person will have faith in God, and

respects his teachers, his parents, learned man (Brahmin) Â

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> Krushna 16th Oct 2008.

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> Â

> Â

> Regards

> Anup

> Â

> Â

> Â


> --- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein ahahosien wrote:



> Hussein ahahosien

> why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?


> Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM



> Â





> Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members


> In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many

principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some questions.These

are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.


> why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in

Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a scientist

ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?

> why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of

Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?


> with best wishes


> Hussein


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Guest guest

Dear Ash ji


I think I couldn't tell you what really I mean.

Let ask a general question,

1-why do we consider Asc as the first point?I mean why do we consider the

eastern point as the beginning point of all houses?why not western point?


2-Why 8th house of every house is its karaka?


Best wishes








, " Ash's Corner " <kas



> Dear Hussein ji,


> Just read my mail. I had explained that to you.


> 10th house is the highest point in the chart so KARAKATWA IS GIVEN TO SUN

> and that is 5th house. So Leo gets lordship of Sun.


> After Sun comes Mercury in solar system. So 11th house KARAKATWA IS GIVEN



> 12th house KARAKTWA IS THEN GIVEN TO VENUS so 7th house lordship which is

> Libra gets its lord as Venus.


> So like that. You are asking the same thing without digesting the email.


> Take some time and relax and take a pen and paper and try to draw what I

> have told you. You will get it.



> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca/> http://www.ashtro.ca



> On Behalf Of Hussein

> Thursday April 29, 2010 1:30 PM


> Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?



> Dear Anup ji


> My questions are these:



> Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will

> consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house which

> denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house

> which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart)

> There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

> Why do we consider Mo as 4th lord in Kalpursha?Why we don't consider say Me

> as Cancer's lord?Why the nature of Cancer is watery?


> What is the philosophy of houses ?why Asc is the eastrern point ?


> Why do we consider Aries as the first sign in Kalpursha,why we don't

> consider say Taurus as the first sign in Kalpurhsa?

> Why 8th house of each is is its Karaka?


> Dear Anup ji,Astrology is very interesting and helpful science,it will be

> very good to know its roots.



> Best wishes



> Hussein


> ----------

> ----------






> , " Anup.M " <dalh_1@>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Hussein ji,

> > Â

> > Â

> > Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.

> > Â

> > If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here

> guruji's

> > mail where you can find the further answers.

> > Â

> > Â

> > Â

> > " Dear Students,

> > Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â We have studied Karak and Root Karak of all the houses.

> The result giving capacity of any planet/house depends upon the status of

> karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of Karak. Â This portion we will study

> later. Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some

> signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Â Moon is lord of

> 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better

> in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in

> natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sun is karak for authority to the individual (10th house)

> hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mars represents Fire, action, Daring, and all these are

> connected to 10th house (Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in

> Makar.Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Jupiter is lord of 9th house, which denotes Purva

> sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of

> all these is that the person should be get good family happiness, and house

> of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th

> house (Cancer).Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus which gives all types of pleasure, and 12th house

> denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th

> house (Meena)Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mercury denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra Pujyate.

> Sixth house denotes the social status of the person So Mercury is treated as

> Uccha in Virgo.

> >         Now Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also denotes

> Success. It is a saying that behind every successful man there is woman.

> Astrologically we can say Deep roots of the success of every successful

> man are in 7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha in

> 7th house (Libra) .

> > Â

> >         Now we have already studied that the opposite sign is

> enemy house so opposite signs of uccha are known as neecch stan.Â

> > Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The effect of the sign of the planet is only on the

> quantity and the quantity of the result. For Finding the timing event

> Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we have to find the date of

> marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will be the marriage life.

> It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation or otherwise.Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Now considering the natural chart above we say Planets

> are Uccha in those particular signs. The same houses gives functional Uccha

> house for the planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same

> way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th, Saturn

> in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes same

> way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad.Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus and Jupiter are karak for each other. So when they

> are situated in one house (Sign)Â gives much better result. In 2nd house

> makes the person to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have

> faith in God, and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man

> (Brahmin)Â Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > Krushna 16th Oct 2008.

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > Â

> > Â

> > Regards

> > Anup

> > Â

> > Â

> > Â

> >

> > --- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein ahahosien@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hussein ahahosien@

> > why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?

> >

> > Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members

> >

> > In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many

> principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some

> questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.

> >

> > why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in

> Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a

> scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?

> > why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of

> Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?

> >

> > with best wishes

> >

> > Hussein

> >


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Guest guest

Dear Hussein ji,


Leave it for now.  Come

back to this after some months.  You will

get it.   Not to worry.



Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of Hussein

Thursday April 29, 2010 2:28





Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?







Dear Ash ji


I think I couldn't tell you what really I mean.

Let ask a general question,

1-why do we consider Asc as the first point?I mean why do we consider the

eastern point as the beginning point of all houses?why not western point?


2-Why 8th house of every house is its karaka?


Best wishes








" Ash's Corner " <kas wrote:


> Dear Hussein ji,


> Just read my mail. I had explained that to you.


> 10th house is the highest point in the chart so KARAKATWA IS GIVEN TO SUN

> and that is 5th house. So Leo gets lordship of Sun.


> After Sun comes Mercury in solar system. So 11th house KARAKATWA IS GIVEN



> 12th house KARAKTWA IS THEN GIVEN TO VENUS so 7th house lordship which is

> Libra gets its lord as Venus.


> So like that. You are asking the same thing without digesting the email.


> Take some time and relax and take a pen and paper and try to draw what I

> have told you. You will get it.



> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca/>





On Behalf Of Hussein

> Thursday April 29, 2010 1:30 PM


> Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?



> Dear Anup ji


> My questions are these:



> Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will

> consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house which

> denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house

> which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart)

> There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

> Why do we consider Mo as 4th lord in Kalpursha?Why we don't consider say


> as Cancer's lord?Why the nature of Cancer is watery?


> What is the philosophy of houses ?why Asc is the eastrern point ?


> Why do we consider Aries as the first sign in Kalpursha,why we don't

> consider say Taurus as the first sign in Kalpurhsa?

> Why 8th house of each is is its Karaka?


> Dear Anup ji,Astrology is very interesting and helpful science,it will be

> very good to know its roots.



> Best wishes



> Hussein


> -------------------------

> ----------






> ,

" Anup.M " <dalh_1@>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Hussein ji,

> > Â

> > Â

> > Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.

> > Â

> > If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here

> guruji's

> > mail where you can find the further answers.

> > Â

> > Â

> > Â

> > " Dear Students,

> > Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â We have studied Karak and Root Karak of all the houses.

> The result giving capacity of any planet/house depends upon the status of

> karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of Karak. Â This portion we will


> later. Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in


> signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Â Moon is lord


> 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much


> in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in

> natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sun is karak for authority to the individual (10th


> hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mars represents Fire, action, Daring, and all these


> connected to 10th house (Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in

> Makar.Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Jupiter is lord of 9th house, which denotes Purva

> sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of

> all these is that the person should be get good family happiness, and


> of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th

> house (Cancer).Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus which gives all types of pleasure, and 12th


> denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th

> house (Meena)Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mercury denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra


> Sixth house denotes the social status of the person So Mercury is treated


> Uccha in Virgo.

> >         Now Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also


> Success. It is a saying that behind every successful man there is woman.

> Astrologically we can say Deep roots of the success of every successful

> man are in 7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha


> 7th house (Libra) .

> > Â

> >         Now we have already studied that the opposite sign


> enemy house so opposite signs of uccha are known as neecch stan.Â

> > Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The effect of the sign of the planet is only on the

> quantity and the quantity of the result. For Finding the timing event

> Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we have to find the date


> marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will be the marriage life.

> It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation or otherwise.Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Now considering the natural chart above we say


> are Uccha in those particular signs. The same houses gives functional


> house for the planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same

> way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th, Saturn

> in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes same

> way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad.Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus and Jupiter are karak for each other. So when


> are situated in one house (Sign)Â gives much better result. In 2nd house

> makes the person to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have

> faith in God, and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man

> (Brahmin)Â Â

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > Krushna 16th Oct 2008.

> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > Â

> > Â

> > Regards

> > Anup

> > Â

> > Â

> > Â

> >

> > --- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein ahahosien@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hussein ahahosien@

> > why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?

> >

> > Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members

> >

> > In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many

> principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some

> questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.

> >

> > why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate


> Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a

> scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?

> > why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not

classes of

> Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?

> >

> > with best wishes

> >

> > Hussein

> >


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Guest guest

Dear Hussein,

       Why counting starts from 1,2,3,4...........100. Why not from 50 or 100.



On 4/29/10, Hussein <ahahosien wrote:





Dear Ash jiI think I couldn't tell you what really I mean.Let ask a general question,1-why do we consider Asc as the first point?I mean why do we consider the eastern point as the beginning point of all houses?why not western point?

2-Why 8th house of every house is its karaka?Best wishesHussein------------------------- , " Ash's Corner " <kas wrote:

>> Dear Hussein ji,> > Just read my mail. I had explained that to you.> > 10th house is the highest point in the chart so KARAKATWA IS GIVEN TO SUN> and that is 5th house. So Leo gets lordship of Sun.

> > After Sun comes Mercury in solar system. So 11th house KARAKATWA IS GIVEN> TO MERCURY.> > 12th house KARAKTWA IS THEN GIVEN TO VENUS so 7th house lordship which is> Libra gets its lord as Venus.

> > So like that. You are asking the same thing without digesting the email.> > Take some time and relax and take a pen and paper and try to draw what I> have told you. You will get it.

> > > Cheers !!!> Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca/> http://www.ashtro.ca > >

> On Behalf Of Hussein> Thursday April 29, 2010 1:30 PM

> > Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?

> > > Dear Anup ji> > My questions are these:> > > Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will> consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house which

> denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house> which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart)> There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.> Why do we consider Mo as 4th lord in Kalpursha?Why we don't consider say Me

> as Cancer's lord?Why the nature of Cancer is watery?> > What is the philosophy of houses ?why Asc is the eastrern point ?> > Why do we consider Aries as the first sign in Kalpursha,why we don't

> consider say Taurus as the first sign in Kalpurhsa?> Why 8th house of each is is its Karaka?> > Dear Anup ji,Astrology is very interesting and helpful science,it will be> very good to know its roots.

> > > Best wishes> > > Hussein> > -------------------------> ----------> > >

> > > , " Anup.M " <dalh_1@>

> wrote:> >> > > > Dear Hussein ji,> >  > >  > > Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.> >  > > If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here

> guruji's > > mail where you can find the further answers.> > Â > > Â > > Â > > " Dear Students,> > Â > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â We have studied Karak and Root Karak of all the houses.

> The result giving capacity of any planet/house depends upon the status of> karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of Karak.  This portion we will study> later.  > >         Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some

> signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Â Moon is lord of> 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better> in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in

> natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha. > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sun is karak for authority to the individual (10th house)> hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mars represents Fire, action, Daring, and all these are

> connected to 10th house (Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in> Makar. > >         Jupiter is lord of 9th house, which denotes Purva> sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of

> all these is that the person should be get good family happiness, and house> of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th> house (Cancer). > >         Venus which gives all types of pleasure, and 12th house

> denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in 12th> house (Meena)Â > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mercury denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra Pujyate.> Sixth house denotes the social status of the person So Mercury is treated as

> Uccha in Virgo.> >         Now Saturn lord of 10th house. this house also denotes> Success. It is a saying that behind every successful man there is woman.> Astrologically we can say Deep roots of the success of every successful

> man are in 7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha in> 7th house (Libra) .> >  > >         Now we have already studied that the opposite sign is> enemy house so opposite signs of uccha are known as neecch stan.Â

> > Â > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The effect of the sign of the planet is only on the> quantity and the quantity of the result. For Finding the timing event> Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we have to find the date of

> marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will be the marriage life.> It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation or otherwise. > >           > >          Now considering the natural chart above we say Planets

> are Uccha in those particular signs. The same houses gives functional Uccha> house for the planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result. Same> way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th, Saturn

> in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes same> way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad. > >          Venus and Jupiter are karak for each other. So when they

> are situated in one house (Sign) gives much better result. In 2nd house> makes the person to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have> faith in God, and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man

> (Brahmin)Â Â > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â > > Krushna 16th Oct 2008.> > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â > > Â > > Â > > Regards> > Anup> > Â > > Â

> > Â > > > > --- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein ahahosien@ wrote:> > > > > > Hussein ahahosien@> > why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?

> > > > Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM

> > > > > > Â > > > > > > > > > > Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members> > > > In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many

> principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some> questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.> > > > why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in

> Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a> scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?> > why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes of

> Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?> > > > with best wishes> > > > Hussein> >>

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Dear Guru ji


Counting from 1 to 100 is just a custom, 1,2,3,, are just numbers,without

meaning,but when we give them meaning we should explain the reason.yes,we can

say 1st house is 12H,or 5H,...,but the just important thing is keeping its

meaning,means when we say 1st house 12th,we should keep in mind that it is

self,ok now why 12H(=1st house) is the self?why it is eastern point in the

zodiac?why we consider the meaning of each house relative to it?why 5th from

12h(=1st) which is 4th(=5th from 1 st) is for children?why it is not for father?


My aim for asking these questions is to see if it is possible for us to know the

roots of astrology ?

All of us know astrology is a powerful science for helping the others.It will be

so good if we know its roots better(though if we don't know its roots it will

not decrease its value).



Best wishes












, krushana Jugal <krushana



> Dear Hussein,

> Why counting starts from 1,2,3,4...........100. Why not from 50 or

> 100.

> krushana




> On 4/29/10, Hussein <ahahosien wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Ash ji

> >

> > I think I couldn't tell you what really I mean.

> > Let ask a general question,

> > 1-why do we consider Asc as the first point?I mean why do we consider the

> > eastern point as the beginning point of all houses?why not western point?

> >

> > 2-Why 8th house of every house is its karaka?

> >

> > Best wishes

> >

> > Hussein

> >

> > -------------------------

> >

> >

> > --- In



> > " Ash's Corner@ " <kas@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Hussein ji,

> > >

> > > Just read my mail. I had explained that to you.

> > >

> > > 10th house is the highest point in the chart so KARAKATWA IS GIVEN TO SUN

> > > and that is 5th house. So Leo gets lordship of Sun.

> > >

> > > After Sun comes Mercury in solar system. So 11th house KARAKATWA IS GIVEN


> > >

> > > 12th house KARAKTWA IS THEN GIVEN TO VENUS so 7th house lordship which is

> > > Libra gets its lord as Venus.

> > >

> > > So like that. You are asking the same thing without digesting the email.

> > >

> > > Take some time and relax and take a pen and paper and try to draw what I

> > > have told you. You will get it.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cheers !!!

> > > Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca/> http://www.ashtro.ca

> >

> > >

> > >



> > >

[ <%40yaho\


> > On Behalf Of Hussein

> > > Thursday April 29, 2010 1:30 PM

> > > To:



> > > Re: why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Anup ji

> > >

> > > My questions are these:

> > >

> > >

> > > Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech in some signs. We will

> > > consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Moon is lord of 4th house

> > which

> > > denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much better in the house

> > > which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in natural chart)

> > > There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

> > > Why do we consider Mo as 4th lord in Kalpursha?Why we don't consider say

> > Me

> > > as Cancer's lord?Why the nature of Cancer is watery?

> > >

> > > What is the philosophy of houses ?why Asc is the eastrern point ?

> > >

> > > Why do we consider Aries as the first sign in Kalpursha,why we don't

> > > consider say Taurus as the first sign in Kalpurhsa?

> > > Why 8th house of each is is its Karaka?

> > >

> > > Dear Anup ji,Astrology is very interesting and helpful science,it will be

> > > very good to know its roots.

> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes

> > >

> > >

> > > Hussein

> > >

> > > -------------------------

> > > ----------

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- In



> > " Anup.M " <dalh_1@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Hussein ji,

> > > > Â

> > > > Â

> > > > Ash ji has already given the reasons for your doubts.

> > > > Â

> > > > If i am not deviating from your origional question let me paste here

> > > guruji's

> > > > mail where you can find the further answers.

> > > > Â

> > > > Â

> > > > Â

> > > > " Dear Students,

> > > > Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â We have studied Karak and Root Karak of all the


> > > The result giving capacity of any planet/house depends upon the status of

> > > karak ,Root Karak and navmansha lord of Karak. Â This portion we will

> > study

> > > later. Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Similarly Planets are treated as Uccha or neech

in some

> > > signs. We will consider natural chart (Kal purush chart). Â Moon is lord

> > of

> > > 4th house which denotes family happiness. Obviously it will feel much

> > better

> > > in the house which denotes family. 2nd house denotes family (Taurus in

> > > natural chart) There for Moon in Taurus is treated as Uccha.

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sun is karak for authority to the individual


> > house)

> > > hence it is uccha in lagna (Arises) .

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mars represents Fire, action, Daring, and all

these are

> > > connected to 10th house (Makar) and hence Mars is treated as Uccha in

> > > Makar.Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Jupiter is lord of 9th house, which denotes


> > > sanchit, Father, Teacher (Guru) and Purvaj (forefather) . The main aim of

> > > all these is that the person should be get good family happiness, and

> > house

> > > of family happiness is 4th house. So Jupiter is treated as Uccha in 4th

> > > house (Cancer).Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus which gives all types of pleasure, and

12th house

> > > denotes Moksha, which means pleasure. So Venus is treated as Uccha in

> > 12th

> > > house (Meena)Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mercury denotes brilliancy, and Vidvan sarvratra

> > Pujyate.

> > > Sixth house denotes the social status of the person So Mercury is treated

> > as

> > > Uccha in Virgo.

> > > >         Now Saturn lord of 10th house. this house


> > denotes

> > > Success. It is a saying that behind every successful man there is woman.

> > > Astrologically we can say Deep roots of the success of every


> > > man are in 7th house. Yes for the same reason Saturn is said to be uccha

> > in

> > > 7th house (Libra) .

> > > > Â

> > > >         Now we have already studied that the opposite

sign is

> > > enemy house so opposite signs of uccha are known as neecch stan.Â

> > > > Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The effect of the sign of the planet is only on


> > > quantity and the quantity of the result. For Finding the timing event

> > > Directly this function is not involved. Suppose we have to find the date

> > of

> > > marriage, at that time we do not go in deep how will be the marriage

> > life.

> > > It may be happy, or unhappy or may result in separation or otherwise.Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Now considering the natural chart above we


> > Planets

> > > are Uccha in those particular signs. The same houses gives functional

> > Uccha

> > > house for the planets. Jupiter in 4th, 2nd, house gives good result.

> > Same

> > > way Mars in 10th house, Venus in 12th, Moon in 2nd or 4th, or 9th,

> > Saturn

> > > in 7th house gives good result. Excess in any thing is not good. Yes

> > same

> > > way Venus in 12th if goes beyond limit may be bad.Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Venus and Jupiter are karak for each other.

So when

> > they

> > > are situated in one house (Sign)Â gives much better result. In 2nd house

> > > makes the person to respect Sur and Gur. That means such person will have

> > > faith in God, and respects his teachers, his parents, learned man

> > > (Brahmin)Â Â

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > > > Krushna 16th Oct 2008.

> > > > Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

> > > > Â

> > > > Â

> > > > Regards

> > > > Anup

> > > > Â

> > > > Â

> > > > Â

> > > >

> > > > --- On Thu, 29/4/10, Hussein ahahosien@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hussein ahahosien@

> > > > why not MIT,Stanford,berkeley?

> > > > To:



> > > > Thursday, 29 April, 2010, 6:28 PM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Â

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Guru ji,Ash ji ,Anup ji and members

> > > >

> > > > In these days I see Ash ji is giving good logical reasons for many

> > > principles of Astrology.Let use this opportunity and ask some

> > > questions.These are basics,it's our due to know the answers of them.

> > > >

> > > > why Ma is Aries lord?Why Cancer has watery nature?why Sa debilitate in

> > > Aries?what are the scientific bases of these?what will we answer if a

> > > scientist ask these and wants the logical and not mysterious answer?

> > > > why su has just 7th aspect and Sa has 3,7,10? why there are not classes

> > of

> > > Astrology in MIT ,Stanford,Berkeley?

> > > >

> > > > with best wishes

> > > >

> > > > Hussein

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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