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Snakes alive!

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Hi all,


Now here's a slightly odd one...


We had a great time in Scotland; it was good to get away from the

pressures. Anyway, there was a market we went to and one of the stalls

was selling carved wooden pens in the shape of various animals. Things

being what they are I bought one in the shape of a snake, which my

wife unpacked and put aside last night. Maybe it was that which

conditioned her dreams but she woke this morning having dreamt that a

giant snake had eaten our cats and dogs! She knows nothing of K so it

is perhaps just a co-incidence, but a strange one for all that.


best wishes all,


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In a message dated 6/24/2006 11:22:48 PM GMT Standard Time,

mgball2001 writes:


Maybe it was that which

conditioned her dreams but she woke this morning having dreamt that a

giant snake had eaten our cats and dogs! She knows nothing of K so it

is perhaps just a co-incidence, but a strange one for all that.






Mike - someone told me on a dream forum that as the awakening begins to

become more prevalant, that more and more people will dream of snakes -

symbolizing the kundalini awakening. I know I have talked to several people

who have.

I only had that one that I can remember.


Being raised Catholic - I struggle with this snake symbol, as we talked

about before. My childhood belief equated the snake with fear and the

" devil. " You know - the " Garden of Eden " story. As an adult, my beliefs have

changed and are very much in line with your beliefs - that there is one

" power, "

which is more like a spectrum of relativity. And I now see the snake as

symbolic only.


It has been an adjustment for me to begin to see the snake as a symbol

of " awakening " or " life force, " as I now know is common in the medical field.

This new view is in opposition to my childhood core belief of the snake

being a negative symbol. So, I still resist praying to a snake (shakti?)

goddess. When I pray for awakening, I pray to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. I have


that I pray for the feminine goddess awakening, but only if it is in line

with Holy Spirit. You can see my confusion. I am still trying to resolve this

conflict in my mind. I do this by now seeing the snake as a possible

" positive " symbol. But, I still resist praying to one. I cannot bring myself


do it. But I understand that many people do not have that strong religious

conditioning background that I have, and do not make these associations. This

is something that I personally have to work through.













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Hi Deb,


>>>It has been an adjustment for me to begin to see the snake as a

symbol of " awakening " or " life force, " as I now know is common in

the medical field.<<<


Since long before hearing of K (or at any knowing something about

it) I have been had a curious attraction to the caduceus symbol that

medical people wear here. I also found a couple of live snakes out

walking last year - the first time I have seen them in the wild.


>>>So, I still resist praying to a snake (shakti?) goddess. When I

pray for awakening, I pray to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. I have said

that I pray for the feminine goddess awakening, but only if it is

in line with Holy Spirit<<<


Mmm, I tend to cover my bases that way too. It's largely a matter of

habit I suppose. I view it as a sort of carrier-wave; a framework

that gives a structure to a line of thought in prayer. Since

religious upbringing at home and instruction in schools all but died

in Britain 35 years ago (I don't know what its like in the US) we

may well be the last generation to habitually think in these terms.

I wonder if people without this conditioning will feel freer or just

aimless and adrift?


In any case, for me prayer is not the talking to a third-party God

that it would once have been. It has become more a way of

instructing the sub-conscious and conditioning the field of

probability (alone or – more powerfully – as a collective) it the

direction of the desired outcome. Seeding that the outcome be in

line with the Holy Spirit of `let thy will be done' helps detach our

egoistic will from it.


Best wishes,


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In a message dated 6/25/2006 6:11:30 PM GMT Standard Time,

mgball2001 writes:



religious upbringing at home and instruction in schools all but died

in Britain 35 years ago (I don't know what its like in the US) we

may well be the last generation to habitually think in these terms.

I wonder if people without this conditioning will feel freer or just

aimless and adrift?







I'm sure they do, Mike! I'm sure that in much of the US religious

instructions is being replaced by a different type of spiritual thinking, but

here on

the Mississippi Coast - it is still going strong. We have many religious

fanatics, many people who have rebelled against it, and many who are religious,

but with more noble intentions. But very few people who think like we do,

exactly! I do have one co-worker who does and he is the only person I know

(around here) who has ever even heard of the things we talk about.


For myself, I have let go of a lot of dogma, especially the guilt/fear

eternal damnation thing. On the other hand, my background taught me a great

deal about faith, which I have found to get results. But I have learned to

channel that faith into an Intelligence, as you say, not a 3rd person, but

more of a holographic view, as we talked about before. Consciousness.


We certainly do have similar backgrounds, have taken a very similar

path, and have both changed our views and reached the same conclusions! I am

looking forward with enthusiasm to where this " tryptyche " journey will take

us! I think it is great how compatible we are. really knew what he was

doing! Amazing.









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