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All Triads - Lotus or the Rose

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Up the crown Richard. Let the open flower sit like a skin close cap

over the top of your head the center of it being right over the

fontanelle. The the dew that drips will be activated by the higher

chakra for the lower chakras. Also the circulation of light both inner

and outer for you Richard and John R. JE. Do this three times a day

with 12 complete cycles to start. -

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Oh!....You want it off?.......OK........mine is off. The other

persons is still somewhat functional though. But you can disengage it

by allowing the Kundalini to express through it. -

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Ooooooops message got sent before i finished,for some reason my computer has a

will of of its own at times.

So please put the energy back on 'im working at all the safeties.

Also did want to say that about the time the other Triad began to work some

weeks ago i did have the snakes.

One day they came out all over my body,after that i can sometimes see 2 snakes

........one pink mouth the other is blue in the mouth ................not


Also feel the base is broadening at bit,10 days ago my hands were just plain

'HOT; and patients could feel it.

Then things calm down again but my physical energy is way up,and the

fearlessness is still so strong.

I have to be carefull teaching now too as my students are getting ''activated''.

I preeeety sure this is the case because they are writting to me after class and

''say'' they can still feel me like a sending station...............Hmmmmmm not

sure if that's good or bad.

Might finish up being a gardener instead.......................But joking aside

Chris i admire and respect your teaching work and knowledge.....this is a rare

group to belong to.

Someday i will learn how you actually use ''K'' to work change .....but for now

distance and hands on still gets good results.

Will contact the other person see if the restrictor can be removed but she

's tough to talk to and get an answer.

If not i will just have to burn it off with progress won't I.




PS will do some of my work for Sel's husband.............and our Orange County

Girl Lioness.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:17 AM

Re: All Triads - Lotus or the Rose



Oh!....You want it off?.......OK........mine is off. The other

persons is still somewhat functional though. But you can disengage it

by allowing the Kundalini to express through it. -







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Been doing the ''Circle''anyways and it still.............if i do it long enough

turns into the huge bowling ball TaiChi


Saturday, June 24, 2006 7:51 PM

Re: All Triads - Lotus or the Rose



Up the crown Richard. Let the open flower sit like a skin close cap

over the top of your head the center of it being right over the

fontanelle. The the dew that drips will be activated by the higher

chakra for the lower chakras. Also the circulation of light both inner

and outer for you Richard and John R. JE. Do this three times a day

with 12 complete cycles to start. -







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Darn it computer sent it too quick again!

Anyways it becomes a huge rolling TaiChi ball diameter is neck to

base..........then if i keep it going vague snake can be seen.It revolves


Greetings to JE and JR like you i have been busy and reading everyone else's

posts. let the newbies,have there say and wonderfull exchanges.




Saturday, June 24, 2006 7:51 PM

Re: All Triads - Lotus or the Rose



Up the crown Richard. Let the open flower sit like a skin close cap

over the top of your head the center of it being right over the

fontanelle. The the dew that drips will be activated by the higher

chakra for the lower chakras. Also the circulation of light both inner

and outer for you Richard and John R. JE. Do this three times a day

with 12 complete cycles to start. -







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No No you misunderstood......i was wanting the other persons restrictor off.

Not what you are sending.

So put your energy back on.

Point taken tho' as i work at it the restrictor will weaken and go won't it.



Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:17 AM

Re: All Triads - Lotus or the Rose



Oh!....You want it off?.......OK........mine is off. The other

persons is still somewhat functional though. But you can disengage it

by allowing the Kundalini to express through it. -







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Rose meditation :) ML-A


con infinito amore - with endless love :x










Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:32:31 PM

Re: Re: All Triads - Lotus or the Rose



Have already got a Rose growing in my Heart its White and feeds off the lower

Chakras,thro its stem it expresses dew drops which drip back down to base.Or

down the stem.

Its there on and off.

Comments?Up to the crown or try to develop both.


Am also aware of the start of the first sparks for heart chakra and at times can

see ''I Am That I am'' written there. Wrapped up or around with pink!!!

R........... ......... ......... ........


Is the restrictor still fully in place or is it fading yet......... ......i want

it off.



Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Friday, June 23, 2006 5:36 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: All Triads - Lotus or the



Bring your eyes up to the brow of points and see a blossoming Rose or Lotus

where the top of your head would be, the petals neatly aligned by your ears and

bring a shimmering golden light into the rose with the petals opening wide. Feel

the energy in your spine build towards bursting through the flower. Remember to

always balance your emotions as these will color your experience, always turn

towards the loving aspects of who you are. Do this during meditation and in the

preflight Astral or inflight Astral or after flight Astral. Whether you are

having OOBEs or not do this technique-



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sorry I was forwarding some files to Angel as his box is very full and

accidently sent here. Since I am here is my triad still functioning? thanks and

have a nice day! love--Andrea


(you can tell I am at work now) :)


con infinito amore - with endless love :x








Andrea Fetsko <akf7777


Monday, June 26, 2006 8:05:35 AM

Re: Re: All Triads - Lotus or the Rose



Rose meditation :) ML-A


con infinito amore - with endless love :x




richardstuart@ shaw.ca

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:32:31 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: All Triads - Lotus or the



Have already got a Rose growing in my Heart its White and feeds off the lower

Chakras,thro its stem it expresses dew drops which drip back down to base.Or

down the stem.

Its there on and off.

Comments?Up to the crown or try to develop both.


Am also aware of the start of the first sparks for heart chakra and at times can

see ''I Am That I am'' written there. Wrapped up or around with pink!!!

R........... ......... ......... ........


Is the restrictor still fully in place or is it fading yet......... ......i want

it off.



Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Friday, June 23, 2006 5:36 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: All Triads - Lotus or the



Bring your eyes up to the brow of points and see a blossoming Rose or Lotus

where the top of your head would be, the petals neatly aligned by your ears and

bring a shimmering golden light into the rose with the petals opening wide. Feel

the energy in your spine build towards bursting through the flower. Remember to

always balance your emotions as these will color your experience, always turn

towards the loving aspects of who you are. Do this during meditation and in the

preflight Astral or inflight Astral or after flight Astral. Whether you are

having OOBEs or not do this technique-



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