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This incursion can be a part of your experience only because you invite it.

Yes you are going through a K process all of yu nto your5 specifications, but

many of you are also engaged in other processes and energetic scenarios that can

have a direct affect upon your unfolding. You are already red flagged because

the K is stirring in you and yet you put yourself out there on the menu, so to

speak. There are far more discarnates than incarnates.


This is common and you are by no means alone. Many folks turn their spiritual

searches into social events where this is tried and that is received and so

forth. It is difficult to do this alone I know that for a fact! So this leads me

to an idea called " energetic hygiene. " I have mentioned it here before but only



Be very careful with what is allowed to come into your body(s). I wrote the

" removing spiritual entities ... " piece for all who willy nilly lay down and

allow some " ascended " master to come into their body. Reiki or otherwise. Most

of the time, I repeat, Most of the time this is not the case. The conduit is

well meaning ie the friend or relative bringing these entities in but in many

cases these " Ascended Masters " are anything but. Regardless about how good and

how many tingles you are feeling afterward.


Now I know a few people like Andrea and Sarceto and Hemant and others know

about my reticence with mixing Reiki with Kundalini awakening. Entity incursion

is just one of these concerns. What really isn't understood about Reiki is the

tremendous amount of loving service, prayer, and meditation Dr. Usui engaged in

and that he laid down his life for his enlightenment to unfold. Over twenty

years of working in the slums of Japan. Meditating on Mt Fuji for almost a month

and deciding that if his enlightenment would not come he would just as soon die

right there. HIS enlightenment. Not Jenny Jones or Tommy Smiyth down the street.


I have not heard of another Reiki person who has demonstrated such resolve and

kindness. Though I am sure there are many with those intentions, just lacking

the action and sacrifice, love and desire to serve with the products of that

love, that Dr Usui showed. His Reiki was in fact Kundalini....but never mind.


Most folks are interested in helping. Some for money, some for fame, some for

both, some for a sincere interest in the giving of loving service. If you must

mix these teachings then go with the latter. -









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In a message dated 7/4/2006 4:11:48 AM GMT Standard Time,



You are already red flagged because the K is stirring in you and yet you put

yourself out there on the menu, so to speak. There are far more discarnates

than incarnates.







- could you elaborate on exactly what is the difference between

discarnates and incarnates? I still need to get a dictionary since the storm

and the last time I used a computer dictionary my computer got a virus.


Also - you say that what may appear as an " ascended master " may be

anything but. This is something that puzzles me not just in the astral world,

but also in the physical - how someone can appear to be " good " and then it

turns out to seem like some sort of " trick. " Some people have called me

" gullible, " but I prefer to think of it as " trusting " and " open-minded. " I


gotten myself into some tough relationships because of this.


What do you mean by " allowing " this to happen? Do you mean by

conscious intention of knowing exactly what you are doing, or could it happen

unknowingly, just by being in a vulnerable state of mind? And how is it that


can truly know the difference - between what is truly Divine or simply " appears

to be? "


Another thing that I wonder about is protection. By asking for

protection, are we not also admitting fear of something that we feel we need to


protected from? How does one truly protect one's self? My goal, and I'm sure

I am not alone, is to truly tap into the higher realm of the spectrum of

relativity. Because I can say with all honesty that there have been times in


life when I have been " to hell and back, " I simply want to learn how to

eliminate allowing this into my experience.


It seems to me that putting any kind of focus on negative entities is

" giving them attention " and giving them the acknowledgement that feeds the

belief. I do not deny that there is a negative end of the spectrum of

relativity. But I believe that the best protection is to not allow this belief


our awareness, to not feed it with attention. Or, as Robert Monroe says, to

not " buy into that belief system. " When people start talking about negative

entities taking over us, I begin to feel fear. I believe this is what gives

OBE's a " bad rap " from the fundamentalists, and it almost makes sense. When

people give into this belief, are they not opening themselves up to having

such an experience?


Don't get me wrong, I still ask for protection because I still buy into

the belief that " bad things happen. " But this, I think, is my downfall. I

think that to be truly enlightened, one has a " knowing " of how to eliminate

this fear belief from their awareness, and therefore experience, altogether.

An enlightened being, in my opinion, realizes that they have this choice and

(this is the difference) - knows how to " control " this choice. I would give

anything to gain this " control " of eliminating fearful beliefs from my

awareness and experience for the rest of eternity. Yet, I still battle with


I regret to admit.


These are sincere questions and not meant in a derogatory way. What do

you think?





PS: I thank you also for the scatterfield energy. I think I just missed it

last time, so I am looking forward to it. I will give it my best to get

into that " positive frame of mind " to receive this.










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Hello Deb - Please see below



In a message dated 7/4/2006 4:11:48 AM GMT Standard Time,



YoDeb111222 wrote:u are already red flagged because the K is stirring in

you and yet you put

yourself out there on the menu, so to speak. There are far more discarnates

than incarnates.





Chrism - could you elaborate on exactly what is the difference between

discarnates and incarnates?



@@ Incarnate is a person with a physical body. Discarnate is one without. @@



I still need to get a dictionary since the storm

and the last time I used a computer dictionary my computer got a virus.



Also - you say that what may appear as an " ascended master " may be

anything but. This is something that puzzles me not just in the astral world,

but also in the physical - how someone can appear to be " good " and then it

turns out to seem like some sort of " trick. " Some people have called me

" gullible, " but I prefer to think of it as " trusting " and " open-minded. " I have

gotten myself into some tough relationships because of this.



@@ While we are " here " in this dimension, we are subject to immersion within

the polarities of positive and negative. Good, bad - comfort, pain- dark, light

etc. We are constantly barraged with subliminal and not so subliminal entreaties

and offers and opportunities for pro-active partnership at either extreme or

anywhere between these points of physical expression. Remember we are electrical

bodies housing " supra electrical spirit. "



Part of learning to survive in this environment is to learn how to recognize

aspects of the environment that will hurt you or put you outside the environment

permanently. (Dead)



It is the same inside the levels of spirit that overlap the physical,that are

also determined by the resonance with polarity. As violent as people can be

with the physical expression of violence, folks are far more violent in their

thoughts than in the actions based upon their thoughts.



These thoughts have energy and therefore value too some energetic forms that

reside strictly within the spiritual or " lower astral " regions. These are the

regions that co-exist and over lap the physical dimension.



Most people blow through or completely elevate through this area in the oob or

dreaming state,not all, hence the night mares and other harsh, scary, or

negative phenomena. Depends on where your resonate at that particular moment.

This place, like the physical, feeds on energy. Some of the forms have intellect

and they farm the types of energy that they most enjoy. Fear and sexual energies

are quite popular.



This environment will take advantage of you if it is allowed to do so or if

one dangles bait into this aquarium. Innocence and ignorance can be rewarded

with pain. If a person -in innocence - opens them self to unknowing interaction

with the discarnate forms without knowing or at least asking the right

questions- regarding these forms level of interaction or resonance ie good, bad,

loving, hateful etc. They are - in innocence- allowing, in the case of reiki, a

discarnate of questionable intent to enter their body and by extension other




Discarnate entities can lie. And there is absolutely no good reason for

anyone to invite spiritual entities into ones body for ANY reason. The Goodness

and the high evolved ones don't even offer to come in. They don't need to. Those

gifts will just flow from them. Anyway, so it is very difficult to recognize ,

in our limited state of awareness, the good from the bad when we do not inquire

from a platform of knowledge, but just open to " healing masters " or other such

entity, like the Ouija board being internalized anything or one can come in.

Sometimes good, sometimes not good. @@





What do you mean by " allowing " this to happen? Do you mean by

conscious intention of knowing exactly what you are doing, or could it happen

unknowingly, just by being in a vulnerable state of mind?


@@ Yes @@


And how is it that one

can truly know the difference - between what is truly Divine or simply " appears

to be? "


@@ This can be difficult. I look for love. Love and kindness in thought and

action, with a contract or promise or agreement that this is all that will take

place. Love is an actuator of evolution out of polarity. Isn't better or worse

than any other state of being but it will take a person out and into areas that

resonate with itself - love - is the best to start with. There are other ways

but one must learn to trust what one is experiencing is not their own personal

creation, energy will take the forms of what is given it. @@





Another thing that I wonder about is protection. By asking for

protection, are we not also admitting fear of something that we feel we need to


protected from?


@@ A personal space declaration is not admitting fear. It just means that

" this space is mine and I choose what comes here. " Prudence and discretion and

discernment are also not indicative of fear, they are attitudes of governance.

Of control. Yet they serve as protections by virtue of their function. I do not

advocate fear. I advocate the control of the source and response to fear. Here

is an example:


I was once surfing off the California coastline. At a

place called Deveruax point in Santa Barbara. It was a slow day for the surfable

waves and so I was basically just out there on my board waiting. A beautiful

day. All at once and out of the blue I immediately felt a rush of fear,

suspicion, danger, doom. I started scanning the horizon for Shark fins. I

turned around and saw the people on the cliffs above me, at a distance, waving

at me. I waved back thinking they were tourists. I fought the urge not go in but

the surfing had just lost all of its fun for me and I came in to the beach,

walked up the cliffs where I was met by the folks who had been waving at me.

They told me I was being circled by a huge thing or fish and that they were

waving at me to come in. I thanked them.


Did my fear and suspicion serve me? It probably saved my life. I didn't

panic, but I paid attention to the feelings I was receiving. I used discernment

and acted upon that discernment. Control. This is what I am suggesting. @@



How does one truly protect one's self?


@@ By not allowing fear to control your actions and self awareness. By using

your senses and feelings and putting in structures that support those qualities.

Or not. It is up to you@@



My goal, and I'm sure

I am not alone, is to truly tap into the higher realm of the spectrum of

relativity. Because I can say with all honesty that there have been times in my

life when I have been " to hell and back, " I simply want to learn how to

eliminate allowing this into my experience.


@@ This is fine when you are " Out of Body. " Many people like you and Sam and

Mike can do just that. When the Kundalini changes your body, while you are in

it, this is a different matter and certain protocols are advised. Kundalini

isn't like dreaming and the same rules do and do not apply. This also goes for

most conscious interaction while behind your eyes. You are ascending with the

physical not outside it. There does come a time when absolutely no protection

or discernment or caution or any kind of " control " is needed but not at first.

At first one needs to know ones environment. Is it safe to touch that object? Or

creature? or entity? or whatever? Much the way a child learns whether it is safe

to touch the hot stove. @@


It seems to me that putting any kind of focus on negative entities is

" giving them attention " and giving them the acknowledgment that feeds the

belief. I do not deny that there is a negative end of the spectrum of

relativity. But I believe that the best protection is to not allow this belief


our awareness, to not feed it with attention.


@@ Then you will feed it with inattention. One cannot hide from negativity.

One needs to accept it as a fact of existence " here " and move on. We need it,

negativity, to exist in a body, to have the Kundalini, we do not need to be

controlled by our " Fear " of it though. One doesn't need to focus on it as a

singular existence, but recognition of " what is " can be useful. @@


Or, as Robert Monroe says, to

not " buy into that belief system. " When people start talking about negative

entities taking over us, I begin to feel fear.


@@ Why? Loss of control? Its this miasma of powerlessness that engenders a

response of fear. I am " weak " or " unable " or a victim. Not you Deb. I'm just

stating examples. We are not powerless. We as beings in a body are quite strong

actually one of the reasons for the veil in fact. You are not a victim to

entities or anything else. We are not victims or flotsam on the waves of

destiny without control of where we go. We are very powerful and Kundalini is

one of the first evolutionary powers. Very strong. It will bring you face to

face with your worst fears. This can have a multiplying chain reaction effect.

So I advise some controls. @@



I believe this is what gives

OBE's a " bad rap " from the fundamentalists, and it almost makes sense. When

people give into this belief, are they not opening themselves up to having

such an experience?



@@ Yes they are when they " give in. " @@


Don't get me wrong, I still ask for protection because I still buy into

the belief that " bad things happen. " But this, I think, is my downfall. I

think that to be truly enlightened, one has a " knowing " of how to eliminate

this fear belief from their awareness, and therefore experience, altogether.

An enlightened being, in my opinion, realizes that they have this choice and

(this is the difference) - knows how to " control " this choice.


@@ Control being the operative word here. As one becomes enlightened one can

and does do these things. By getting to the enlightened state one must learn to

commit these controls @@




I would give

anything to gain this " control " of eliminating fearful beliefs from my

awareness and experience for the rest of eternity. Yet, I still battle with


I regret to admit.


@@ You will for a time but as you learn to control fear you will learn to

eliminate the need. @@



@@ Blessings Deb for your great questions. I hope to have answered them in a

way that might clear up how I intendthem. Take these as suggestions only your

choice is yours and my love goes to you and all - chrism




These are sincere questions and not meant in a derogatory way. What do

you think?





PS: I thank you also for the scatterfield energy. I think I just missed it

last time, so I am looking forward to it. I will give it my best to get

into that " positive frame of mind " to receive this.









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Hey - getting back to you on this response, which I found very



You said, " As violent as people can be with the physical expression of

violence, folks are far more violent in their thoughts than in the actions

based upon their thoughts. " - this is such a true statement, I'm sure,

and I have thought of this before, also. This is something that I do

understand. And not only violence, but also fears.


I am glad that you reminded me that these energetic forms reside

strictly within the " lower astral " regions, which co-exist and overlap the


dimension. I knew that, but needed to be reminded. This is something that

confused me about Lisa's experience with the orb. It seemed to me that she

had visited a " higher realm, " based on the beauty that she described. I was

perplexed that an energetic form with less than " higher " intentions would

reside there and try to, or even want to " escape " though the " doors. "


I think of it as though these lower " thought forms " do have vibrational

frequency or energy which would manifest in the fertile thought " soil " that

is receptive, such as a fearful state of mind. I question whether or not

these lower " thought forms " are " intelligent " and purposely trying to " test " or

" challenge " us. Unless they are residue of a physical entity (or incarnate)

that is of a dominant or controlling nature, with this specific intention.

In other words, if someone that we know has a hateful attitude towards us,

then I can see how this could be " picked up on " in a lower astral state, and

manifest itself as a nightmare or fearful astral experience.


But again, I feel that we have to " allow " this to happen. We do this

by giving in to our fears, or perhaps, by lack of self-esteem, feelings of

unworthiness. It bothers me that this could happen in a state of innocence or

ignorance, as you say, but I suppose this could happen when one looks " outside

of one's self " for feelings of love or worthiness.


I suppose it makes sense that discarnate entities of the lower astral

realm would be capable of a lie, if they were previously physical beings with

cruel intentions. But it seems that if this were the case, that they would

be in a state of transition, with strong attachments to the physical world. I

believe that eventually, their consciousness would evolve to a higher state.


I like what you say about love being an actuator of evolution out of

polarity. I like what you say also about choosing what comes into your

" personal space. " And I also liked what John said about the wedding ring


This made sense to me. This, I understood. This brings me back to learning

how to set " boundaries. " Something I have not always been so good at, but am

learning more and more the importance of this in the physical world, so it

would make sense that this would be necessary in the lower realms of the

astral world, as well. I am not always so clear on how to do this,



I like your analogy about learning how to know your environment the

same way a child learns whether it is safe to touch a hot stove. It makes


that one would have to learn the safeties of the lower astral realm, much

the same way.


That is interesting what you say about " not feeding it with attention "

is " feeding it with unattention. " I can understand this because I have

always questioned people who seem to be in denial about the negative things


happen in this physical world. As I said before, I do not deny that we are

quite capable of experiencing the negative end of the spectrum. And I agree

that we do not need to be controlled by our " fear " of it. This is where the

idea of being able to stand back and " witness " and letting go of resistance is

helpful for me.


You ask me why I begin to feel fear when people talk about negative

entities taking over us. You ask if it is " loss of control. " Yes, I would say

that I do have a " loss of control " issue. I have had many " controlling "

people in my life, throughout my life. I believe that it is because of my lack

of self-esteem and vulnerability. There are still limits to what I feel I can



For example, yesterday the eye doctor told me that he saw a weakness in

my retina. I doubt there are many people who would not resist the idea of

the possibility of losing their sight one day. Yet, interestingly enough, my

resistance is not as high as one would think. I am tired of the

responsibilities of the work world and there are many things that I have seen

that I

would just as soon not see, and I am tired of fighting these big battles. So,

somewhere along the line I have gained a higher degree of acceptance and the

state of mind where not much can surprise me anymore, which may be the very

thing that saves my sight. I am ready to give up the fight of resistance.

Whatever happens, happens.


But this brings up an interesting point - when is the giving up of

resistance synonymous with giving up control? In other words, what is the

difference between giving up resistance and allowing one's self to be

controlled by

conditions or people? Makes me wonder if one way of controlling fear is not

by reaching the state of " giving up. " Which in turn, would make one

vulnerable to stronger, more dominant and controlling energies and vibrations.


can see how I have been there and done that in my life. How does one " control "

without resisting?


More questions, I suppose!




PS to Elektra: Thank you for your kind words. I agree with Stephen that

you are a bright light in this world and on this forum.







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It is always a joy to read your posts. They are so well thought out

and reasoned. Have you ever thought about writing a book. Your

thoughts seem to come out in print so flowingly.


How is your brother doing after his operation? It is nice sitting in

the crcle with you and Mike. I don't see Mike as strongly but he

still seems to be there.






, Deb111222





> Hey - getting back to you on this response, which I found


> helpful.


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In a message dated 7/6/2006 2:11:55 PM GMT Standard Time,

dallyup52 writes:


It is always a joy to read your posts. They are so well thought out

and reasoned. Have you ever thought about writing a book. Your

thoughts seem to come out in print so flowingly.


How is your brother doing after his operation? It is nice sitting in

the crcle with you and Mike. I don't see Mike as strongly but he

still seems to be there.






Thank you Sam! Maybe one day I will write a book if I can find the

time and if I can discover something that hasn't been discovered before! Or at

least a new way of looking at things.


My brother seems to be doing pretty good; thank you for asking. Right

now we are just waiting to see if his vision improves with healing or if he

has any more problems. We are very hopeful.


Yes, I am still doing the triad and have been wondering about Mike,

also. I am still including your friend Terry in the triad visualizations. I

seem to be feeling your presence strongly, as well.


Hey Mike! Hope you are still with us.








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Dear all

I wrote this for the group the other week then decided not to send it, I

have now changed my mind as I feel that it should be said.

In due fairness to all I Have used koso sokiasi and kofu energy system

witch is not reiki. I have set it to task in the aroma arrowhead

channels and circuits which, which are some of the channels used in

kindling kinas I have found to both beneficial and healing, from there I

still focus on the traditional kindling aspects to forward the energies.

I have been attuned to be kindling reek master though I do not feel that

I needed it though it was an interesting experience. I do agree with you

Chris about the channeling of the ascended masters, What I have read to

date which is not much, I think it is based more on emotional impulse

than discloser of truth. However before I met chris I did not agree with

shanty pat I have had it done though have always found my own

manipulation of energy has a greater power and effect.


What I have noticed in the past is; there is a lot of would be gurus who

set them selves up as a company trust have a glamorous front page that

gives there sati path for free. Then tho-roughly charge for future

installments help or guidance, by claiming it is needed to support there

organization. I think most religious institution work in this capacity

as people give them selves over to be milked.


However now day's, things seem to be progressively changing; there are

more who seem readily to give freely for freedoms sake, good on you

Chris. I wish you to be able to keep it up. You certainly continue to

open my eyes. Thank you for inviting me back here though I was some what

hesitant it is a really good group.


Offering you cordialy, love and blessings


'Where there is joy, bliss, delight and pleasure of inexpressible

variety, where all wishes are fulfilled, there make me immortal.' Rig

Veda 9th mandala, 113th sukta, 1st mantra




On Behalf Of


Tuesday, 4 July 2006 2:09 PM






This incursion can be a part of your experience only because you invite

it. Yes you are going through a K process all of yu nto your5

specifications, but many of you are also engaged in other processes and

energetic scenarios that can have a direct affect upon your unfolding.

You are already red flagged because the K is stirring in you and yet you

put yourself out there on the menu, so to speak. There are far more

discarnates than incarnates.


This is common and you are by no means alone. Many folks turn their

spiritual searches into social events where this is tried and that is

received and so forth. It is difficult to do this alone I know that for

a fact! So this leads me to an idea called " energetic hygiene. " I have

mentioned it here before but only briefly.


Be very careful with what is allowed to come into your body(s). I wrote

the " removing spiritual entities ... " piece for all who willy nilly lay

down and allow some " ascended " master to come into their body. Reiki or

otherwise. Most of the time, I repeat, Most of the time this is not the

case. The conduit is well meaning ie the friend or relative bringing

these entities in but in many cases these " Ascended Masters " are

anything but. Regardless about how good and how many tingles you are

feeling afterward.


Now I know a few people like Andrea and Sarceto and Hemant and others

know about my reticence with mixing Reiki with Kundalini awakening.

Entity incursion is just one of these concerns. What really isn't

understood about Reiki is the tremendous amount of loving service,

prayer, and meditation Dr. Usui engaged in and that he laid down his

life for his enlightenment to unfold. Over twenty years of working in

the slums of Japan. Meditating on Mt Fuji for almost a month and

deciding that if his enlightenment would not come he would just as soon

die right there. HIS enlightenment. Not Jenny Jones or Tommy Smiyth down

the street.


I have not heard of another Reiki person who has demonstrated such

resolve and kindness. Though I am sure there are many with those

intentions, just lacking the action and sacrifice, love and desire to

serve with the products of that love, that Dr Usui showed. His Reiki was

in fact Kundalini....but never mind.


Most folks are interested in helping. Some for money, some for fame,

some for both, some for a sincere interest in the giving of loving

service. If you must mix these teachings then go with the latter. -







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